The Crimson Bloods
The Crimson Bloods are the most dreaded pirate clan to ever sail the seven seas, this band of cut-throats has risen from only a single vessel called the Siren to a vast naval fleet that encompasses the entire known world. They have thousands of warships and hundreds of thousands of loyal sailors that all serve under the banner of the Bloods. This clan is recorded to now have the worlds largest standing Navy and can in a blink of an eye choke the life out of any countries port if they so decided. Under the command of English national the Governor, the Bloods have risen to become the threat they are to all of civilised society.
There hasn’t been a sea battle in the last half century or so that the Bloods have not been involved in, these pirates have been throwing their weight around and anyone unlucky enough to be caught in their wake has been crushed under the crushing grasp of the Governor. These pirates never fly the black Jolly Rodger as they only fly the red to signify that they are only looking for blood and they are more then ready to spill as much as needed and they never accept surrender. The only fate an enemy of the Bloods can expect is a quick death, and a journey to Davy Jones locker, if they are lucky they might get a single chance to be absorbed into the Crimson Bloods though life for anyone who is allowed this option is never pleasant for anyone involved.
If they can’t steal the vessel the Bloods are more then willing to send it to the sea floor, and this is something the Crimson Bloods enjoy more then anything is capsizing a ship and turning it into a artificial coral reef and undersea bone yard. These men are all under the watchful eye of their commandant the Governor and he rules the Bloods through might, his men all fear and respect their leader as he has proven time and time again to never waver, and bring them fame and fortune beyond their wildest dreams. This clan started off small and over the years has grown to the size it is today. They started off with simple piracy runs and eventually started engaging smaller navy’s, crushing the will of the poorer countries and absorbing their naval might into the Bloods fleet. This process has garnered the Bloods the largest navy the world has ever seen and they are connected to no nation.
The Governor is a mastermind and shrewd business man with a very analytical mind, he has been weaving a web of deceit for decades and has even stolen the entirety of the Royal Navy with the assistance of a former British Naval Admiral. This is not the movies kids, where the pirates get beaten by the English, no The Governor masterminded a plan of attack through the use of favours and political connections to single handedly crush the Royal Navy and absorb the entirety of the fleet into his own. The poor officers and loyalists to the crown, well they suffered a horrible death of being hung by the neck from the docks, their bodies left to be consumed by the tides and carrion. Those that feared a similar fate or one even worse, laid down their arms and joined the Governor and the Crimson Bloods. Once he had stolen control over the Navy, he proceeded to use his royal blood and his connections in Parliament to offer the services of the Bloods as the nations Naval security for a fee of course. England was left with no choice but to accept the Governors offer and even gave him a honorary title of Commandant of the Royal Navy even though the Royal Navy was officially gone. The once mighty English Navy had been captured by those they once hunted and the Pirates now controlled the waters of England.
The Governor was not done with Great Britain yet and before long the Welsh and the Scottish navy’s would as well feel the pressure of the Governor and his allies in Parliament. Fearing a war with England and dealing with the Pirates who didn’t follow rules of maritime war and could care less about rescuing anyone, these once honourable naval officers all broke one by one and joined the Bloods. During the early days, the Governor needed to keep a very watchful eye over his growing naval fleet to make sure their wouldn’t be a mutiny. He did this through invoking fear into his people and showing anyone who ever dared to cross him, just how cruel he could be. Before long the message was heard loud and clear and the Crimson Bloods fleet was growing as where their access to military grade hardware and with the Naval bases in Great Britain being fully under his control. The Crimson Bloods began operating less like the pirates of history and more like a well oiled military machine that swore no loyalties to anyone other then the Governor.
The Governor is of royal blood and during the crumbling of Parliament he was able to invoke his noble status to gain even further access to the troubling country. He selectively choose who to assist and who to make sure never saw the light of day again, this is how the Governor would come to align himself with the man known as the Lord of War and even when the Lord of War would proclaim himself the King of England, this was all part of the living chess game the Governor was playing inside England. The Governor has had his hands in almost ever major event that has punished the poor country and he even manipulated the Deaths Hand into invading England by having the Queen of Scotland Mary Church assassinated. This he knew would outrage Alexander her husband and cause him to prematurely invade English soil, thus allowing the Governors final plan to come to volition and for him to steal England right out from under the Deaths Hands nose, using the hidden might he had waiting for the Deaths Hand.
Though we are getting ahead of ourselves here, the Deaths Hand and the Crimson Blood have been fighting over territory for many years. The Hand wants full control over a nation they conquer but for the Bloods they are only interested in the shipping lanes and the coastal port towns. This has caused tensions to boil over many times between Deaths Hand Generals and the awaiting fleets of the Crimson Bloods and do to their known tactics being very unfriendly to any officers of the concurred nation. Most of the Admirals would rather risk their chances with the Bloods and hopefully avoiding the noose then the guaranteed crucifixion under the law of the Deaths Hand. The Governor saw this as an opportunity to increase his naval might and began welcoming the naval officers and their fleets into his command under one rule. They swear an oath to serve only Crimson Bloods and serve no one other then their supreme commander the Governor, if they where willing they avoided the gallows or keelhauling. If the mastermind sensed any deception at all he made sure the waters where chummed and the sharks feed.
Though this would cause strife between the two world powers as the Governor was literally stealing the countries navy from Alexander and taking control over the ports and bases. Alexander couldn’t afford to send a steady flow of troops to deal with the Governor and his naval presence was to small to even threaten the Crimson Bloods at sea, so Alexander was forced to accept the Crimson Bloods as an ally long before they offered to help in the invasion of England. Though as the years went by, the Crimson Bloods would eventually loose a bunch of countries ports to the might of the Deaths Hand. Again this seems to be a ploy, cause any base or port Alexander reclaims has been stripped clean of anything of value and is nothing but a shell of itself and would cost Alexander a small fortune to re-outfit the base and he would have to restore life to a port that had been ravaged by pirates for many years.
This unto itself is bad, but this has been going on all across Europe and Africa and with the seas crawling with Crimson Bloods Alexander has just had to accept the fact that they are a super power and they are not going away. The only region of Europe that the Governor has been unable to steal from Alexander is the Northern European countries minus Iceland and Greenland. Those Viking countries have been placed under the command of a man just as ruthless and blood thirsty of the Governor. These countries where given to Norway national Frost who has been on a personal conquest in restoring the regions Viking heritage, culture and religion. Frost and his Viking fleet where the first to deliver the Crimson Bloods a loss in a sea battle After many bloody days of fighting, the Bloods where forced to retreat back to there ports in Iceland and Greenland. Though through a prolonged campaign of continued assaults on both land and sea, the Bloods where forced to vacate and give full control of those lands to the Deaths Hand. Though don’t think the Governor or Frost have ever forgotten that battle and with Frost looming over top of Scotland the Governor is more than aware of his threat.
Now onto the region inside North American waters that is now fully under the control of the Crimson Bloods, this region is the Caribbean League. The once British colonies that one their full independence through the might of a bloody civil war against the British and Americans. The League was a lynch pin location for the Governor and he needed to not only have full access of this region, he needed to be in full control over it. The battle for the League started in December of 2045 and would last for almost twenty years before the Crimson Bloods would bring down the current regime. Once the last rebel fell in battle and the Crimson Bloods would gain full control over the land, the Governor knew he needed to place someone in command of the nation that would rule it with an iron fist and would be able to restore the League after the two decades of fighting. This was when he officially placed the Lord of War in full command of the League, prior to this the Lord of War commanded a large force of British soldiers that defected over to the Governor and would follow the Lord of War to the ends of the earth. This was the final nail in the Leagues coffin as they couldn’t sustain themselves against the might of Bloods on land, air and sea and slowly one by one the islands fell and eventually the southern tip of Florida caved in and wove the white flag. This did lead to a advancement of Confederate forces in an attempt to reclaim the land they lost to the League initially, though it didn’t end well for the Confederates and after being forced out of the Southern Florida they signed a piece treaty with the League that was now under the command of the Crimson Bloods and this would eventually lead to an open trade relations with the League that would bring the League fully into the war against the False Flag.
Under the control of the Bloods the Caribbean League would not only be restored it would become a force to be reckoned with on the world scale. This colony of islands would serve as the home to the Bloods and they would have a permanent location to offload stolen loot, take shore leave and live without fear of the authorities since they where the authorities. Eventually through the years the Lord of War would restore full order to the once lawless land and bring back the old British Colony justice system, that means hangings, pillories, stocks, whippings and well you name it. If you step into any of the islands today, it’s like taking a step back in time. Yes their might be modern convinces, but otherwise it’s like it was when the English ruled back in the 1600 and 1700’s. The only glaring difference is that it is ruled by pirates and they welcome all clans that have allies into their ports no questions asked, this is one region that is not a welcoming port for Frost and the Deaths Hand. The Governor knew he couldn’t treat the League like the other areas he once controlled, he needs the League to be triumphant and he needs the League to become a world power; and under the command of the Governor and the Monarch it is well on it’s way.
Though as much as the Governor is two steps ahead of his advisories he didn’t see Aztlan’s attempt at claiming control over the League. While the Bloods forces where busy dealing with the rebels of the original League government. Aztlan saw it as an opportunity to invade the Islands and bring their feared blood magic to the fight. Well even though the League and Aztlan are still fighting on and off again today, back during the early 2060’s the battles where fierce and the control of territory would shift back and forth. Though Aztlan didn’t expect the Governor giving New Orleans back to the Confederacy as a offering for assistance against the shared enemy. Once the Confederates joined the fight Aztlan was in for a serious fight, as the Governor was able to reinforce his ground forces and press an offensive unlike any ever seen before. Though the final straw for Aztlan was when the Lord of War breached the capital city with his combined military of English and the League Death Squad. He was on a mission to hammer a point home to the war hungry Aztlan savages, and once he breached the capital city in 2064 he slaughtered any resistance that was sent at him as he proved very quickly that Voodoo is far more powerful then Blood Magic and with his Death Squad commander Lt. Barney Pilgrim at his side the dead of the enemy rose to join the forces of the League and in a single night he not only brought the Aztlan City to it’s knees he would begin what is now called the Great Slaughter of Aztlan City. The forces under the command of the Lord of War would round up 100,000 of the cities citizens and force march them miles into the desert where they would be placed into a great pit that had been magically dug through the strange powers of Lt. Pilgrim and the army of undead at his command. The citizens frightened and exhausted where forced into the pit, those that didn’t die from the fall into the hole, would suffer a fate that has become known as an atrocity. Once the last civilian was forced into the hole, the Lord of War had his men surround the great pit and begin to open fire into the bodies of the fearful and begging citizens. As they would fall to the volley of bullets, Lt. Pilgrim and others would raise the dead into a horde of the undead, as the citizens where being torn apart limb from limb, being crushed under the weight of the dead and then being raised only to consume the flesh of the living. The Lord of War had one last thing left for the Aztlan citizens, he pumped the hole full of napalm from awaiting tankers and ignited the pit. The flames licked the heavens as the screams of the survivors could be heard for miles around echoing off the desert landscape. The military leaders of Aztlan could see the fires burning bright from their palace, and on that night Aztlan surrendered to the League. They withdrew their forces from the Islands and as well as part of the surrender, they lost access to the Panama Canal giving the League full access to the western UCAS and as well opening up a massive trade route and access point for the Crimson Bloods.
The events of that night would go down in history and rewrite the rules of war, though even though voodoo has been officially outlawed by the worlds court in 2065. This hasn’t stopped the League from using it and enforcing their will onto any nation dumb enough to engage them, This is how the empire of the Crimson Bloods came to be, through many decades of political misdealing, war, deception, and piracy. These cut throats are not done yet as they are still sailing the seven seas and claiming control one by one of the small pacific islands, and even stealing control of the Japanese Navy after the invasion of the Human Resistance Movement. Their vessels continue to pound and punish the Tir Na Nog as the Bloods are allies with the Human Resistance Movement, and they have recently stacked claim over the abandoned Seattle Naval Yard after the Battle of Seattle. This being the first time the Governor and Frost fought together instead of against each other. What these blood suckers have in store for Seattle is unknown but if one looks at history a pattern reveals itself and thats not a good thing. These pirates are a well oiled military machine that has become a rolling juggernaut with the mastermind himself behind the helm, as more and more clans get absorbed into the Crimson Bloods and others align to survive what’s to become of the sea’s as they become more and more controlled by the Pirates and nations are not allowed to have free access to the waterways.
The Crimson Bloods have become a true world power and under their leadership and guidance the Caribbean League has rose to it place as a power player in the worlds political arena. With the dreaded Tempest, having joined the Crimson Bloods, and the Sea Wolves becoming another chapter of the this dreaded pirate clan, the stage is set for something big to occur and what is in store for the UCAS is unknown with our waterways being under the watchful eye of the Crimson Bloods, where do they truly sit in this war and what is the Governors next move in the grandest chess game of them all. This we will have to sit back and watch as it unfolds, for it is truly the year if the pirate and the Crimson Bloods have proven once again they are ever evolving and one can not predict the actions of the lawless.
Meet The Pirates
This is a compiled listing of the Crimson Bloods of infamy, their are millions of people serving under the banner of the Crimson Bloods today. As more and more of these cut-throats become known, they will be added to this compiling of the worst of the worst. This clan is they worst of the worst, they have no conscious, they follow their own pirate code and never, for the love of god never ask for parley.
Governor: This is the king of the Pirates, the man known as the Governor has been in command of the mighty Crimson Bloods for their entire existence and has brought this clan from it’s humble beginnings to the mighty fleet it is currently. The Governor is a true mastermind and is always plotting and scheming for the betterment of his fellow pirates an himself. He has proven to be always two steps ahead of anyone who he is engaged with and he has been playing a live action game of chess with the Deaths Hand over control of England and he was able to put the notorious Alexander into check mate in a few simple moves. So when it comes to the Governor never under estimate this man, for he is a killer and genius mastermind. The Governor commands the largest naval force in the world and has fleets in every major port throughout the world so it will be a far cry to go anywhere without running into one of his men. The only way to guarantee safe passage through the worlds oceans is to pay the protection fee the Bloods offer or you will most certainly become part of the blood dimmed tides and fall victim to either the Governor or his ally the Sea Wolves.
Poseidon: Here is the Crimson Bloods second in command, this man is a force to be reckoned with and on the seas there is almost no one alive that has ever survived an encounter with Poseidon. He oversees the Crimson Bloods Pacific fleet and it is his responsibility to make sure that any enemies of the pirates are dealt with swiftly and in accordance with the laws directed by the Governor personally. Poseidon is not a man you ever want to deal with and he is also a plotter and a legendary mastermind, this man has brought the Crimson Bloods great success in his pacific campaign and has sacked most of the Chinese coast line. He is also single handedly holding Hawaii hostage and keeping the UCAS Navy their cut off from the rest of the nation and not allowing them to reinforce the naval forces in the Pacific Northwest.
Bootstrap: This is the newest member of the Crimson Bloods, as he has recently defected from the UCAS Navy to join the Crimson Bloods willingly. Bootstrap tired of the actions his government where taking against the citizens and when he spoke out against them he was chastised for his actions. Bootstrap is a brilliant tactician and warned the UCAS of the impending failure of their naval campaign in Seattle once the pirates entered the waters. He has been ignored for far to long and he could no longer sit by and watch as the people of the UCAS were being systematically abused by there leadership. Bootstrap has been welcomed with open arms into the Crimson Bloods and sits as a military advisor on the Bloods high command. With Bootstrap being inside the Bloods now, the UCAS best be rethinking their naval strategies if they even dare to engage the Crimson Bloods.
Tiamat: This is the direct hand of the Governor and Tiamat is sent out to make sure a very loud and clear message is heard. She serves on the Siren and travels wherever the Governor is, she is dispatched to personally deal with any enemies of the Bloods and make sure they are dealt with in do haste. Tiamat also partakes in boarding parties and helps make sure the opposing crew is dealt with in accordance to the Governors will and law, meaning no survivors. To under estimate this pirate is nothing short of a deadly mistake an Tiamat will gladly add another notch to her sword and send you to meet you maker. She is nothing more then a killer with no heart and no soul, make no mistake about it, Tiamat will bring you nothing but pain and death.
Megaladon: This man is works on the flag ship of the Crimson Bloods and is their General in command of the boarding crew. This man is a true beast and menace to all who he might engage, Megaladon makes sure the Governor’s will is fully heard when he boards any ship. He holds no remorse and no compassion, this man only has one objective and thats either to bring your vessel down to Davy Jones locker or absorb it into the Crimson Bloods Naval fleet. Either way he has no need for the sailors that once called the vessel home and he is tasked to make sure all on board perish any way he deems fit. The Megaladon is just like his namesake a cold blooded killing machine, so best to never get in his way or you might just end up as shark food.
Kraken: The Kraken is the First Mate of the Siren and in direct command of the entire vessel when the Governor is not around. He oversees the entire operation of one of the most feared ships to ever sail the seven seas, so never think for a minute the Kraken is a man with any compassion or morals. This man has only one order when it comes to pillaging another vessel and thats render it a ghost ship, and keelhaul the junior officers and make shore the captain is swinging from the mast of the Siren. The Kraken is truly feared in combat and this is one First Mate that enjoy’s joining the boarding and raiding parties, as he loves to walk through the rivers of blood and gets a thrill out of hearing the screams of the enemy as they meet an untimely end. The Kraken has been personally trained by the Governor and Poseidon so don’t think for a minute this man is not also a tactical and military genus and he is well on his way to becoming a mastermind like his commanders and maybe one day the Kraken will be given his own fleet.
Falconer: This man is another one of the Governors hands that is sent out anywhere in the world to deal with any serious threat to the Crimson Bloods. The Falconer when dispatched follows Crimson Blood law and that means anyone who gets in his way is going to meet a quick death and this man cares little if it’s civilian or military to him they are one and the same. The Falconer has a perfect record for dealing with threats and he will walk through hell itself to get his target if needed. With the Falconer having been dispatched to locate and deal with the Legion personally. It won’t be long before this man brings down his foe but at what cost to all the innocent lives that will be lost as he travels seeking his quarry. Lest this be a warning if you see the Falconer coming just get out of his way or you will become another notch on his belt.
Apparition: This is another of the Governors personal hit squad, the Apparition is dispatched to deal with any and all threats to the Crimson Bloods and especially deal with the Elves of the Tir Na Nog and make sure they feel the wrath of the Crimson Bloods. The Apparition unlike the Falconer won’t kill everything in his wake and is much more surgical in his approach so when the Governor needs to send a terrifying message to his enemy he unleashes this man. The Apparition is a swift operator and can evade any and all security countermeasures blocking him from his target, so best to just commit suicide if the Apparition has been dispatched for you. The Apparition has as well been dispatched to locate the Legion and bring this man to an early grave, I only hope for everyone’s sake he gets to him first so the Falconer can be called off.
Monarch: The Lord of War is a good name for this man, he is now the King of the Caribbean and has brought forth the law of the Crimson Bloods and good old Colonial British law to the once wild islands of the Caribbean. The Monarch is a man with no sense of humour and has war coursing through his veins. This man will only be happy when blood is flowing through the streets, though this doesn’t mean the streets of the Caribbean. He is more content with spilling the blood of his enemy the people of Aztlan, so best for any citizen of Aztlan to just avoid the Islands of the Caribbean or they will suffer a very painful death on the chopping block. The Monarch has restored law and order to these once lawless islands and has brought the Caribbean League into the worlds stage as a serious contender in the political arena. Just remember when you step foot into the League you are stepping into the world of the Crimson Bloods and Sea Wolves and the Monarch has brought back a structure and form of justice not scene in many centuries. So if you are looking for a blast back to how life was like in the colonial times, then you will love the Caribbean League, otherwise stay clear of these islands.
Plymouth: This man commands the entire Caribbean League’s Death squad and this means he is in command of thousands of soldiers that are all elite warriors that have been giving the legal authority to use any means necessary. These soldiers are the Caribbean Leagues special forces division and they basically play with voodoo and yes you will encounter plenty of zombie when dealing with this squad and Plymouth is a master of the dark arts himself. This man will not think twice about raising your fellow soldiers from the dead to have them fight along side the Caribbean League as nothing more then nigh unkillable shock troops. So understand this when Plymouth is on scene you are not only fighting the League you are also fighting a horde of zombies and with a fully reusable military force this is one bastard you never want to encounter.
Duchess: This is the wife of the King of Pirates and daughter of the Lord of War, so basically she is immune from most enemy attacks currently, though the Duchess has had a very hard life do to this she has hardened herself and become quite jaded by all the events that have come crushing down upon her from a very early age. The Duchess runs a chain of pirate and runner friendly taverns throughout the UCAS, Caribbean League and CAS, Duchess might be a women but just like Tiamat do not underestimate her, she is not as brutal as the other Crimson Bloods and will even lend a helping hand or friendly advice to those who are brave enough to ask. Though remember she is the wife of the Governor and that means she is off limits an anyone who dares to harm the Duchess will be wishing for death as they are hunted to the ends of the earth and then given to Plymouth as a servant of the League.
Skipper: Skipper is a rat bastard that has been exiled from the UCAS and basically any other civilised country, do to his actions of piracy and murder. This man hails from the founding fathers of runners and was once one of the greats like Ace and the Mechanic, though his greed and lack of humanity landed him in a heap load of trouble. The Skipper willingly joined the Crimson Bloods as a way to stay protected and he has proven himself ten fold as a brutal captain and more then willing to massacre an entire crew for little more then a few credits and some cargo. The Skipper has been given his own flag ship and commands part of the Atlantic Fleet, his presence was felt during the war in England when he engaged the incoming relief ships from the UCAS Navy coming to lend a helping hand to their ally. The Skipper sent many of the UCAS naval ships to Davy Jones locker when he quickly dropped the Union Jack and hoisted the Jolly Rodger. In the confusion he brought down a vast majority of the ships, though the fatal blow was when he was able to commander the USS Truman adding that carrier to the Bloods already massive fleet. The Skipper is a very brutal man and with his vast knowledge and years of experience he has proven to be more than capable as a pirate admiral.
Gibbs: Gibbs is the First Mate of the dreaded Tempest and only until recently this ship was truly independent and swore no allegiance to any pirate clan. The Tempest lived by it’s own laws and it’s own rules and even though the ship appears outdated and under gunned they always seem to be able to ring down many vessels much larger then themselves and the ship never seems to run out of ammunition. Gibbs is in charge of maintaining order on the deck of the lawless vessel an is more than a handful when they decide to board another ship. The Tempest doesn’t concern itself with boarding and stealing another’s ship, they only care about sending it to the ocean floor and then claiming salvage rights over the cargo. So understand if you see this ghost ship coming for you under the shadow of the winter moon, say a prayer and just plunge yourself into the cold dark waters, for the mercy of the sea is kinder then the blade and guns of Gibbs and the Tempest.
Maelstrom: This is the bloodthirsty captain of the dreaded Tempest, this vessel is one of the most feared ships to ever sail the seven seas and for damned good reason. It is commanded by one of the most brutal pirates to ever sail the oceans and this man will not think twice about cutting your throat for nothing more then a few credits. The Tempest has only one real objective in naval combat and that is sending the ships the engage down to the cold dark ocean floor and then sending divers down to claim the cargo and military hardware. To think the Tempest can’t sink a much larger vessel well this is a fatal mistake made by many inept naval officers. The Tempest only recently joined the Crimson Bloods do to the negotiations of Waldo, thus securing the most feared ship in the sea to become aligned with the Crimson Bloods. Maelstrom himself is a bastard and has standing orders for his men to sink any vessel they come in contact with that doesn’t fly the proper colours. He will never accept surrender and he will never rescue anyone that has gone overboard unless they are his own men. Anyone else is nothing more then target practice for his men and will suffer a very cold death as they become a permanent resident in Davy Jones locker.
Leviathan: This man is a one man killing machine, the Leviathan serves as the equalizer for the Crimson Bloods and anyone who has ever seen him work can understand. This man when unleashed can end sea battles long before a cannon is ever fired and bring entire unsuspecting fleets to their watery graves. The Leviathan is on a quest to bring death to all who stand against him and by the tales that have been told by the few survivors of his work, well I can understand an believe their terror. The Leviathan has never been engaged personally so no one alive can report on his physical prowess in battle. But this man can tear a ship asunder and bring it and the entire crew down to depths of hell, this is something I never want to see nor test personally.
Riptide: The master of water and storms Riptide is a fierce combatant without a single ounce of compassion in his body. This man serves on the Siren and acts as their boarding crew and he is also their salvage expert, this man is the reason the Siren seems to always have the element of surprise and the weather and seas and always in their favour. Riptide is a true terror to behold in combat and his control over the elementals he summons is almost paranormal in nature. I have seen footage of Riptide and this man can control the water and blood in our bodies turning our own shells against us. Riptide is yet another that will never think twice about killing and will never shed a tear over anyone he kills from man, woman and child are the same to this man. Best to avoid Riptide unless you like gambling with your life, he is pure evil and there’s no skull and crossbones about it.