News Archives: 9/1/73 - 12/9/73 | 12/10/73 - 12/27/73 | 12/28/73 - 1/07/74 | 1/08/74 - 1/25/74 | 1/25/74 - 2/6/74 | 02/06/74 - 02/01/75 | 05/01/75 - 25/01/75 | 26/01/75 - 07/03/75 | 08/03/75 - 17/06/76 19/06/2076: "Good evening this is Addison Mayweather coming to you live from the front lines of the Alexandrian Conflict. The current offensive began just before midnight on the 17th of June 2076 and has been ongoing since. It is currently 2100 hours and the fighting has been going on now for close to forty-eight hours with no signs of letting up, the Axis forces have been putting up stiff … Read More
Hugh O’Malley (Khan)
Membership: Freedom Patriots Race: Shape Shifter (Tiger) Height: 5’10 Weight: 165 Apparent Age: 50 Archetype: Physical Adept: Circle: Unknown Preferred Weapon: Katana Runner Song: Bio: Well here is another original that I thought had vanished forever into the shadows to never be seen again, I was wrong and Khan is back in Seattle and it […]
Elmer Cadbury (Admiral)
Membership: Freedom Patriots Race: Human Height: 5’5 Weight: 135 Apparent Age: 65 Archetype: Rigger Preferred Weapon: Dual Barrelled Rapid Fire 50 mm Navy Cannon Runner Song: Bio: My research into this new fringe group has found there are some very powerful people who are part of this organization, don’t let his age fool you Admiral […]
Owen Knight (Owl)
Membership: Dirty Dozen Race: Shape Shifter (Owl) Height: 5’7 Weight: 145 Apparent Age: 65 Archetype: Physical Adept: Circle: Unknown Preferred Weapon: Cleaver Runner Song: Bio: Owl well this shifter is a real problem for our privacy and keeping secrets secret. He is a reporter and uses his flight and natural abilities to get the scoop […]
Jack Bing (Hound)
Membership: Texas Elite/Colonial Marine/Shadow Guild/Kingsman Race: Human Height: 5’6 Weight: 160 Apparent Age: 70+ Archetype: Decker (Yes), Reporter (Yup), Cybered Gunner Adept of Ungodly Circle (YUP), Full Fledged Assassin of the Royal Division (Yup): Run away and never look back!! Preferred Weapon: The Needler is the nicest weapon he uses. Hell Forge Stormrider Assault Mini […]
Sargent Russell Bookman (Brooklynn)
Membership: Seattle Police Department (Major Case Squad) Race: Human Height: 5’6 Weight: 165 Apparent Age: 60 Archetype: Detective/Physical Adept: Circle Unknown Preferred Weapon: DAOD Assault Pistol Runner Song: Bio: Brooklynn is gotta be one the worst offenders of the mayors pardon program cause he has always been a Seattle cop while being a shadowrunner at […]
George Rutherford (Spade)
Membership: Sons of Liberty, Dirty Dozen, Rough Riders, US Elite Race: Human Height: 5’8 Weight: 145 Apparent Age: 58 Archetype: Mercenary Preferred Weapon: Spass-22 combat assault shotgun Runner Song: Bio: Spade is another one of those dreaded originals, this man is vicious and just down right in humane. No one was safe from his wrath […]
Dr. Sherman “Gunsmith” Finesilver MD.ME.PSYCHE. (Striker, Cannonade)
Membership: 67th Stormriders/Railroad/Son’s of Odin/Bounty Hunters/Dirty Dozen/Son’s of Liberty/Jamestown’s/Horsemen/Rough Riders/President’s Men/London Dungeon/Kingsmen/Harbingers/US Elite Medical/US Elite I-Corps/US Elite CI Forensics M.E.’s Office (Chief) Race: Human (FIP) Height: 5’4 Weight: 140 Apparent Age: 75 Actual Age: Unknown Archetype: Gunner Adept Circle: Unknown (Good Fucking God!!) Preferred Weapon: Stormrider Ultra Mach 17.6 MM Sub […]
Membership: Euro Runner Race: Human Height: 5’10 Weight: 150 Apparent Age: 35 Archetype: Physical Adept: Circle 20 Preferred Weapon: Katana Runner Song: Bio: Well this man is nothing more than a thief and a killer, he is not a gentleman thief like Jeeves no he is a straight up mad man, he does whatever he […]
Edward Adams (Ranger)
Membership: Dirty Dozen/US Elite Race: Human Height: 5’10 Weight: 185 Apparent Age: 65+ Archetype: Assassin Preferred Weapon: Ronin Combat Sniper Rifle Mach 5 Runner Song: Bio: Ranger well don’t be fooled this man is not a nice person, he is a killer for higher, He will basically take any contract as long as the target […]
Jane O’Bannon (Loreley)
Membership: Euro Runner Race: Human Height: 5’7 Weight: 140 Apparent Age: 35 Archetype: Hermetic Magi: Circle: 20 Preferred Weapon: Long Sword Runner Song: Bio: Well what about the Loreley can be reported, This witch is a real beast, she is a magical assassin and uses her feminine wares to her advantage to lure unsuspecting men […]