News Archives: 9/1/73 - 12/9/73 | 12/10/73 - 12/27/73 | 12/28/73 - 1/07/74 | 1/08/74 - 1/25/74 | 1/25/74 - 2/6/74 | 02/06/74 - 02/01/75 | 05/01/75 - 25/01/75 | 26/01/75 - 07/03/75 | 08/03/75 - 17/06/76 19/06/2076: "Good evening this is Addison Mayweather coming to you live from the front lines of the Alexandrian Conflict. The current offensive began just before midnight on the 17th of June 2076 and has been ongoing since. It is currently 2100 hours and the fighting has been going on now for close to forty-eight hours with no signs of letting up, the Axis forces have been putting up stiff … Read More
Harold Lieberman Esq. (Lighthouse)

Membership: Red Dawn, ADF, Santa Fe Ring, Post Office, President’s Men, Kingsmen, London Dungeon, Ruination, Royal Assassin Corps Race: Human (FIP) Height: 6’0 Weight: 190 Apparent Age: 70+ Actual Age: Unknown Archetype: Cybered Gunfighter Adept (Cyber Criminal) Circle: Unknown (Good Fucking God, Eat a Bullet and save him the time!) Preferred […]
Real Name Unknown (Elmo)

Membership: Red Dawn/Sons of Liberty/Ruination/London Dungeon/Kingsmen/Post Office/ADF/Santa Fe Ring/Presidents Men/Rough Riders Race: Human (Assumed) Height: 5’5 Weight: 150 Apparent Age: 70+ Actual Age: Unknown Archetype: Unknown <Cyber Criminal> Circle: Unknown Preferred Weapon: Unknown Runner Song: BIO:
Real Name Unknown (Gizmo)

Membership: Red Dawn/Sons of Liberty/Post Office/Kingsmen/London Dungeon/Crystal Dragons/Ruination/Presidents Men/Rough Riders/Harbour Masters Race: Human (Assumed) (FIP) Height: 5’6 Weight: 150 Apparent Age: 70+ Actual Age: Unknown Archetype: Cybered Adept <Cyber Criminal> Circle: Unknown Preferred Weapon: Unknown Runner Song: BIO:
Aldwyn “Marion” Jamestown (Regulator, Sphinx, Stakes)

Membership: ADF, Santa Fe Ring, Bounty Hunters, Son’s of Odin, Son’s of Liberty, Jamestown’s, Post Office, London Dungeon, Kingsmen, Railroad, Presidents Men Race: Human (F.I.P) Height: 5’5 Weight: 150 Apparent Age: 70+ Actual Age: Unknown Archetype: Cybered Gunslinger Adept (Cyber Criminal) Circle: Unknown….assume the worst and keep guessing! Preferred Weapon: Custom Colt .45 […]
Rev. Doc. Ernest “Old Testament” Kowalski MD, PhD, DD (Father Ski)

Membership: ADF, Santa Fe Ring, London Dungeon, Post Office, Sons of Liberty, Presidents Men, Rough Riders, Kingsmen Race: Human Height: 5’5 Weight: 180 Apparent Age: 60+ Archetype: Cybered Gunfighter Adept (Cyber Criminal) Circle: Unknown (Considered Extremely Lethal) Preferred Weapon: Colt .45 Peacemaker (Highly Modified) & Ancient English Short Blade Runner Song: […]
Real Name Unknown (Mahoney)

Membership: ADF/Santa Fe Ring Race: Human Height: 5’4 Weight: 140 Apparent Age: 70+ Archetype: Cybered Gunslinger Adept Circle: Unknown (Bend over and kiss your ass goodbye) Preferred Weapon: Santa Fe Classic (Highly Modified)/Ranger Sequoia (Highly Modified) Runner Song: BIO: What’s known about Mahoney well besides the fact we don’t know his real […]
Sub-Chief Charlie Sitting Bear

Membership: ADF Race: Human (F.I.P) Height: 5’10 Weight: 170 Apparent Age: 70+ Archetype: Cybered Physical Bear Shaman (Cyber Criminal) Circle: Unknown (Bend Over and Kiss Your Ass Goodbye!!) Preferred Weapon: Tomahawk & Winchester Repeating Rifle (Highly Modified) Runner Song: BIO:
Augustus “Gus” Blarney (Guinness)

Membership: Unknown Race: Human Height: 5’7 Weight: 180 Apparent Age: 70+ Archetype: Cybered Gunsmith Adept (Cyber Criminal): Circle Unknown (Good Fucking Question……Don’t even bother trying to engage!) Preferred Weapon: Colt .45 Revolver (Modified) Runner Song: Here be another old timer that has returned to the game, another of the Elite within the Colonial Marines, Kingsmen, […]
Reggie Irving (Defrag)

Membership: Brotherhood/Bounty Hunters/Post Office/Presidents Men/Kings Men/Crystal Dragons/Santa Fe Race: Human Height: 5’5 Weight: 130 Apparent Age: 30+ Archetype: Cybered Gunslinger Adept (Cyber Criminal) Circle: Unknown (Bend Over and Kiss Your Ass Goodbye!!) Preferred Weapon: Custom Hellfire Assault Machine Pistol 6.66 cal. (Highly Modified) Runner Song: BIO: Well for the […]
Addison Noel “Jones” Mayweather (Grassy, Corkscrew)

Membership: Free Press Media, Kingsmen, ADF, Presidents Men, Railroad, Horsemen, Santa Fe Ring, Sons of Liberty, Harbingers, London Dungeon Race: Human Height: 5’8 Weight: 180 Apparent Age: 70+ Archetype: Cybered Gunslinger Adept (Reporter) <Cyber Criminal> Circle: Unknown (Simply Kiss Your Ass Good Bye) Preferred Weapon: Colt Peacemaker Runner Song: BIO: Okay […]
Dr. Kyle “Dray” Finesilver MD (Tails, Kindergarten, Foamy)

Membership: Post Office/Harbingers/Horsemen/US Elite/Jamestown/ADF Race: Human Height: 5’10 Weight: 500+ (Bone Lacings) Apparent Age: 40+ Archetype: Cybered Swordsman (Cyber Criminal) Circle: Unknown (Assumed Magical) Preferred Weapon: Long Blade & DAOD Crossbow Runner Song: BIO: Here we have the newest dread doctor to hit the streets of Seattle. It appears that […]
Alvin Webster (Chronic, Stomper, Stormfront)

Membership: Hellfire Squad/Kingsman/London Dungeon/Post Office/Bounty Hunters Race: Human Height: 5’10 Weight: 180 Apparent Age: 70+ Archetype: Cybered Gunner Adept: Circle Unknown and considered extremely high……..(Bend Over and Kiss Your Ass Goodbye!!) Preferred Weapon: Handheld Rotary Harpoon Thrower Runner Song: BIO: First let me start this off by saying this is NOT RAMPAGE!! The Deaths Hand […]
Senator Jack “John” Whitefield (Wembley)

Membership: Kingsmen Race: Human Height: 5’8 Weight: 180 Apparent Age: 70+ Archetype: Cybered Swordsman Adept: Circle Unknown (Seriously this is a Kingsmen…..DON’T ENGAGE!! Preferred Weapon: Dual English Short Blades Runner Song: Bio: Okay seriously this man was just announced as a sitting UCAS Senator for the state of West Virginia representing the Freedom Party and […]
General Bailey Georgetown (Pillsbury, Wastelander, Inspector Gadget, Rocketman)

Membership: Brotherhood of Mercenaries Race: Human Height: 5’6 Weight: 170 Apparent Age: 80+ Archetype: Gunner Adept: Circle Unknown (Be warned he might be old, but he is beyond lethal) Preferred Weapon: Stormrider Hellfire Assault Rifle Mach 6 (Highly Modified) Runner Song: Bio: Attention Officer on Deck!! Okay now lets talk about the man they call […]
Logan Jamestown-Palpatine (Aloha)

Membership: Railroad/Harbingers/Post Office/Jamestown’s/Horsemen/ADF Race: Dwarf Height: 3’10 Weight: ??? Apparent Age: 30+ Archetype: Whale Shaman (Cyber Criminal) Circle: Unknown (Assume the worst and keep guessing) <Unregistered> Preferred Weapon: Unknown (Assumed Jamestown or Stormrider Classic) Runner Song: BIO: << Dwarf – Check. New Face – Check. Harbinger – Check. Seen Near […]
Dr. Hudson “Wise Owl” Hope PhD (Tetris)

Membership: Phoenix Five, Son’s of Odin, Outlaw’s Five, Son’s of Liberty, Crystal Dragon, President’s Men, Post Office, Kingsmen, London Dungeon, Santa Fe Ring, Jamestown Clan Race: Human Height: 5’4 Weight: 140 Apparent Age: 70+ Archetype: Cybered Gunslinger Adept: Circle: Unknown (Bend Over and Kiss Your Ass Goodbye!!) Preferred Weapon: Hellfire 6.66 Stormrider/Jamestown Classic Six Shooter […]
Trenton “CIA” Jamestown (Knuckles)

Membership: Crystal Dragons Race: Human Height: 5’6 Weight: 160 Apparent Age: 60 Archetype: Cybered Gunslinger Adept Circle: Unknown (Simply eat a bullet it’s quicker) Preferred Weapon: Plasma Sabre (Modified) & Jamestown Classic Pistol (Highly Modified) Runner Song: Bio: Well looks like we have another Jamestown asshole and this one s a real dozy, Knuckles here […]
Kingsley “Hard Ball” Quinn (DC)

Membership: Unknown Race: Human Height: 5’6 Weight: 175 Apparent Age: 70+ Archetype: Physical Adept: Circle Unknown (Run for your life) Preferred Weapon: Cavalry Sabre Runner Song: Bio: His name is DC or thats simply what they refer to the man who basically owns the District of Columbia, this man is old Washington DC and Old […]
Edwin “Terror” Park (Frontier)

Membership: Unknown Race: Human Height: 5’9 Weight: 170 Apparent Age: 70+ Archetype: Gunnery Adept: Circle Unknown (Simply run and never look back!!) Preferred Weapon: Modified Vulcan AR-95 US-AS Combat Rotary Shotgun System (000 gauge) Runner Song: Bio: They call him Frontier but this man is better known simply as Terror and the pain he causes […]
Grifter “IRS” Antilles (Smuggler)

Membership: Horsemen Race: Human Height: 5’6 Weight: 200 Apparent Age:60+ Archetype: Cybered Pilot Adept: Circle (Good Fucking God!!!!!) Preferred Weapon: Cavalry Sabre Runner Song: Bio: Now seriously who the hell is this one….Grifter well thats a very unique first name, must be an alias or he would have been tortured growing up by the other […]
Bail “Bothan” Canterbury (Spacer)

Membership: Ghost Squad (Rogue One) Race: Human Height: 5’7 Weight: 180 Apparent Age: 60+ Archetype: Physical Adept: Circle (Don’t even dare to attempt to confront…..the grim reaper is less lethal) Preferred Weapon: Cavalry Sabre Runner Song: Bio: Well who do we have here….Bail Canterbury the prodigal son of Elmer Canterbury, the lone survivor of Canterbury […]
Dwight Schwartz (Giggles)

Membership: 67th Stormriders/Jamestowns Race: Human Height: 5’6 Weight: 180 Apparent Age: 70 Archetype: Cybered Gunslinger Adept: Circle (Suicide is Easier!!) Preferred Weapon: Stormrider Lucifer’s Thunder Classic 6.66 magnum (modified) Runner Song: Bio: Okay yet another dynasty discovered the Schwartz family has one of their youngsters within the shadows and this one is not that young….just […]
Wesley “Sonic” Burns (Burn Notice, Burnsy)

Membership: Post Office/Kingsmen/Presidents Men/ADF/Santa Fe Ring/Harbingers/Sons of Odin/London Dungeon/Horsemen Race: Human Height: 5’7 Weight: 180 Apparent Age: 60 Archetype: Cybered Swordsman Adept: Circle Unknown (Good Fucking God!!) Preferred Weapon: Tri-Fold Scorpion Long Blade Runner Song: Bio: Now here is a real asshole and problem player of the Post Office, the man is simply called Burn […]
Kentucky Schwartz (Danger)

Membership: Post Office Race: Human Height: 5’7 Weight: 180 Apparent Age: 75+ Archetype: Physical Adept: Circle Unknown (Just Run and Keep Running) Preferred Weapon: Tri-Fold Scorpion Dagger Runner Song: Bio: Now here is a real piece of work that is employed by both the Post Office and London Dungeon….his name is Kentucky Schwartz and they […]
Noah Leon (Abstract)

Membership: ??? Race: Human Height: 5’7 Weight: 180 Apparent Age: 70 Archetype: Cybered Gunslinger Adept: Circle Unknown (Good Fucking God!!) Preferred Weapon: Jamestown Lucifer’s Thunder 6.66 Magnum Classic mach 7 (modified) Runner Song: Bio: Mr. Leon as he prefers to be called is a one man roller coaster and entire package wrapped up in one […]
Caldwell “Statistics” McDougall (Numbers)

Membership: Presidents Men, Kingsmen, Sons of Liberty, London Dungeon, Post Office, Sons of Odin, US Elite, Crystal Dragons, Red Dawn Race: Human (FIP) Height: 5’6 Weight: 160 Apparent Age: 70+ Actual Age: Unknown Archetype: Cybered Swordsmen Adept Circle: Unknown (Your Already Dead and Don’t Know It!!) Preferred Weapon: Tri-Fold Scorpion Dagger & Tri-Fold […]
Haywood Boston (Halo)

Membership: Presidents Men Race: Human Height: 5’5 Weight: 150 Apparent Age: 60+ Archetype: Swordsman Adept: Circle Unknown (Simply Run and Keep Running….Never Look Back!!) Preferred Weapon: Presidents Men Custom Sabre (Modified) Runner Song: Bio: His name is Haywood or simply Mr. Boston and I don’t mean the radio jockey that hails from the city of […]
Harold Broderick (Electrician)

Membership: Post Office Race: Human Height: 5’10 Weight: 180 Apparent Age: 60 Archetype: ??? Preferred Weapon: ??? Runner Song: Bio: The problem solver of the Post Office is not alone as he seems to be in perfect company and being put to good use these days as their are plenty of problems to be solved. […]
Cromwell Spencer (Monsoon)

Membership: Unknown Race: Human Height: 5’11 Weight: 180 Apparent Age: 60+ Archetype: Social Cybered Adept: Circle Unknown (Good God!!) Preferred Weapon: 13th Century English Long Sword and Dagger Runner Song: Bio: His name is Monsoon and he is here to stay, this Englishman has travelled a long way to cause a havoc within America; Lord […]
Dr. Ben Yearling Yale Palpatine MD (Old Ben, Kenobi)

Membership: Freelance Known Aliases: Spice King, Dr. Ben, Dr. Y Mitchell, Dr. B.Y. Yale Mitchell, Yale Yearling, Old Ben, Kenobi, Dr. Kenobi, Mind Traveller, Dr, Astro, Dr. Ben Kenobi, Dr. Yale Kenobi Race: Human Height: 5’6 Weight: 150 Apparent Age: 60+ Archetype: Physical Adept: Circle Unregistered Preferred Weapon: Custom Plasma Sabre Runner Song: Bio: Seems […]
Alva Palpatine (Blacksmith)

Membership: Presidents Men Race: Human Height: 5’7 Weight: 180 Apparent Age: 60+ Archetype: Swordsman Cybered Adept: Circle <REGISTRY FILE CORRUPTED—IN VIOLATION>> Preferred Weapon: Custom Plasma Sabre (Modified) Runner Song: Bio: All hail the king of the warriors, All rise for Alva Mitchell….for the darkest days of the UCAS are upon us as STAGE 5 unleashes […]
Elmer Canterbury (Curmudgeon)

Membership: Presidents Men/Horsemen/Post Office/Presidents Men/Harbingers/UCAS Intelligence Department/London Dungeon/Kingsmen Race: Human Height: 5’6 Weight: 180 Apparent Age: 70+ Archetype: Cybered Gunner Adept (Cyber Criminal) Circle: Unknown (Presume the worst than keep guessing) Preferred Weapon: Specialized Plasma Sabre (Royal Purple) Runner Song: BIO: Good old Elmer they say, leave him be they say, stay off […]
Lord General Reverdy “Zombie” Jamestown the Earl of Sandwich (Handler, Hardware)

Membership: Jamestown’s/Harbingers/Son’s of Odin/Son’s of Liberty/Kingsman/Mariners/President’s Men/Railroad/Horsemen/Post Office/London Dungeon/Rough Riders/Surrey Gang/Frog Brothers/Crystal Dragons/Bounty Hunters Race: Human (FIP) Height: 5’8 Weight: 145 Apparent Age: 70 Actual Age: Unknown Archetype: Gunslinger Adept Circle: Unknown (Bend Over and Kiss Your Ass Goodbye!!) Preferred Weapon: Jamestown Classic Pistol (Modified) Runner Song: Bio: Well if Harvest […]
Colonel Conrad “BTK” Howdy (Death Bringer)

Membership: Sentinels Race: Human Height: 5’10 Weight: 190 Apparent Age: 55 Archetype: Mercenary Adept: Circle (Good Question) Preferred Weapon: DAOD Combat Sword Runner Song: Bio: <<<I am the Mother Fucking Death Bringer and I will not allow any fucking information to be spewed about me on this fucking page and anyone that tries will just […]
Dr. Arthur “Donk” Swanson PhD (Edison, Eddie, Heartbreaker)

Membership: Tribe, Crystal Dragons, Horsemen, Forsaken, Kingsmen, Post Office, London Dungeon, Harbinger, Railroad Race: Human (FIP) Height: 5’5 Weight: 150 Apparent Age: 70 Archetype: Decker Swordsman Adept (Cyber Criminal) Circle: Unknown Preferred Weapon: DAOD Assault Pistol Runner Song: Bio: Pleased to meet you my name is Edison and I would like to clarify a few […]
Chief Douglas Howell (Grandpa/Trailblazer)

Membership: The Tribe Race: Human Height: 5’9 Weight: 180 Apparent Age: 70+ Archetype: Cybered Mercenary Adept (Cyber Criminal) Circle: Unknown (Considered Very High seeing we all thought he was a damned street samurai!) Preferred Weapon: Ronin Assault Rifle Mach 7 (Highly Modified)/Ranger Sequoia/Ronin Sniper Rifle Mach 7 (Highly Modified) Runner Song: Bio: Grandpa […]
Lt. Colonel Gerald “Publican” Weinstock (Tax Collector, Tax Man)

Membership: Brotherhood of Mercenaries, Bounty Hunters, Kingsmen, Presidents Men, Crystal Dragons, ADF, London Dungeon, Santa Fe Ring, Post Office, Authority Race: Human (FIP) Height: 5’6 Weight: 165 Apparent Age: 70+ Actual Age: Unknown Archetype: Cybered Mercenary Adept (Cyber Criminal) Circle: Unknown (Eat a bullet it’s quicker and less painful) Preferred Weapon: Ancient European Long […]
Dr. Harvey Cannon MD (Drownyard)

Membership: Sons of Odin, Kingsmen, Bounty Hunters, London Dungeon, Post Office, 67th, Presidents Men, Race: Human Height: 5’7 Weight: 165 Apparent Age: 70+ Archetype: Bounty Hunter Preferred Weapon: Ronin Hand Canon Mach 6 Runner Song: Bio: Well first off I begin this article by saying please don’t confuse Drownyard with the Deaths Hand fence Scrooge […]
Herschel Meisner (Rabbi)

Membership: Brothers Grimm, Kingsmen, President’s Men, Rogue One, Ghost Division, Mossad, London Dungeon, Post Office Race: Human (FIP) Height: 5’7 Weight: 170 Apparent Age: 75 Actual Age: Unknown Archetype: Swordsman Adept (Cyber Criminal) Circle: Unknown (Good Fucking God, Just RUN THE FUCK AWAY!!!!) Preferred Weapon: Ancient Katana & Dual Plasma Sabers Runner Song: Bio: The […]
Trevor O’Malley (Rock)

Membership: Post Office, Presidents Men, Kingsmen, London Dungeon, Railroad, Santa Fe Ring Race: Human Height: 5’7 Weight: 180 Apparent Age: 80+ Archetype: Cybered Physical Adept (Cyber Criminal) Circle: Unknown (Assume the worst and keep guessing….This man retired Agent White in his prime) Preferred Weapon: Ironwood Collapsible Quarterstaff Runner Song: BIO: The […]
Captain Wilhuff Sheev Palpatine (Mitch, Morpheus, Chancellor, Big Brother, I-80)

Membership: UCAS C.I.A/F.B.I/Horsemen/U.S Elite Naval/I-Corps/Post Office/Presidents Men/London Dungeon/Kingsmen Known Aliases: Jarred Kevin Mitchell, J. Kevin Mitchell, Kevin Mitch, The Trader, Hermit, Old Will, Kevin Palpatine, Old Kev, Engineer, Dr. Kevin Yale Yates, Dr. Y. Kevin, Crazy Yates, Evolution, Spice Wizard Race: Human Height: 5’7 Weight: 160 Apparent Age: 70+ Archetype: Mercenary Adept Circle: 75 (last […]
President River Welsh (Enigma)

Membership: Presidents Men, Post Office, Sons of Odin, London Dungeon, Sons of Liberty, Kingsmen Race: Human Height: 5’7 Weight: 160 Apparent Age: 70+ Archetype: Cybered Swordsmen Adept: Circle Unknown and considered extremely high……..(Bend Over and Kiss Your Ass Goodbye!!) Preferred Weapon: Custom Triple Edged Scorpion Dagger (Highly Modified) Runner Song: BIO: Well when it comes […]
Herbert Meisner (Taskmaster)

Membership: Brothers Grimm Race: Human Height: 5’8 Weight: 155 Apparent Age: 50 Archetype: Physical Adept: Circle Unknown Preferred Weapon: Katana Runner Song: Bio: So it is with a weary heart that I must be the poor soul to revel yet another member of the infamous Brothers Grimm and this member is so twisted and so […]
VPNCR Maximilian “Doodle” Yates (Bilbo, Pupil, Atlas, Stumpy)

Membership: Harbingers/Seattle Elite/Horsemen/Kingsmen/Presidents Men/Crystal Dragons/Frog Brothers/ADF Race: Human (Dwarf??) Height: 5’4 Weight: 500+ (Bone Lacings) Apparent Age: 40+ Archetype: Cybered Physical Magician (Cyber Criminal) Circle: Unknown (Run Just Fucking Run!) Preferred Weapon: Plasma Sabre (Highly Modified)/Whip/Repeating Crossbow (Highly Modified) Runner Song: BIO: It appears that even the New Breeders […]
Richard Carson (Raccoon)

Membership: Freelance Race: Human Height: 5’6 Weight: 145 Apparent Age: 70 Archetype: Physical Adept: Circle Unknown Preferred Weapon: Cougar Fine Blade Runner Song: Bio: Well when one begins to speak about the man known as Raccoon only one word come to mind and that is “Thief” and thats what this man is. The Raccoon has […]
Wilson McAndrews (Highway)

Membership: Freelance Race: Human Height: 6’0 Weight: 220 Apparent Age: 70 Archetype: Fixer Preferred Weapon: DAOD Pistol Runner Song: Bio: Highway is a fixer within the boarders of Seattle and this man deals with the rare and hard to find. Highway will probably be really pissed off that he has been outed on the site […]
Mr. Wilson Taylor (Narrator)

Membership: Post Office Race: Human Height: 5’6 Weight: 155 Apparent Age: 60 Archetype: Physical Adept: Circle: Unknown Preferred Weapon: Katana Runner Song: Bio: The mysterious Post Office has been very active as of late and some of there most hidden members, agents and hands have been slowly being exposed as this puzzle gets further close […]
Frank “Allentown” McDougall (Chimney, Smokestack)

Membership: Old Guard/President’s Men/London Dungeon/Kingsmen/Post Office/Sons of Liberty/Santa Fe Ring Race: Human (FIP) Height: 5’2 Weight: 110 Apparent Age: 80+ Actual Age: Unknown Archetype: Cybered Swordsman Adept (Cyber Criminal) Circle: Unknown Preferred Weapon: Twin Xiphos Runner Song: Bio: Well when it comes to the runner known as Chimney not much can […]
Mr. Sherman Potter (Zodiac)

Membership: Post Office Race: Human Height: 5’9 Weight: 165 Apparent Age: 50 Archetype: Mercenary Preferred Weapon: Spass-22 Runner Song: Bio: The Zodiac is a member of the infamous Post Office and one of Mr. Blacks agents that specializes all forms of warfare, but manly he is an Electronic Warfare Specialist and cyber crimes terror. […]
POTCAS. Wesley “Taffy” Taffer (Scimitar)

Membership: SOTC/Patriots/Post Office/Harbingers/Rough Riders Race: Human Height: 5’5 Weight: 140 Apparent Age: 65+ Archetype: Mercenary Adept: Circle: 20 Much, Much Higher (Your already dead and don’t know it) Preferred Weapon: Scimitar Runner Song: Bio: Well when it comes to Scimitar we have to take a look back into this countries darker times, this man was […]
Dr. Morris Eccles (Condor)

Membership: The Post Office Race: Human Height: 5’10 Weight: 160 Apparent Age: 50 Archetype: Assassin Preferred Weapon: DAOD Needler Runner Song: Bio: <<<<<<FILE ERADICATED >>>>>>
Capt. Sherman “Dragon Emperor” Willard (Hunter, Speaker, Scoutmaster)

Membership: Federal Marshals Office/Seattle Elite/Harbingers/Dawnguard/Old Guard/Bounty Hunters/Post Office/Kingsmen Race: Human Height: 5’5 Weight: 140 Apparent Age: 60+ Archetype: Cybered Mercenary Adept (Cyber Criminal) Circle: Good Fucking God!! Preferred Weapon: Custom Hellfire Revolver (Highly Modified)/Colt Peacemaker (Highly Modified) Runner Song: BIO: Well here is another runner turned cop er I mean […]
Orson White (Mars)

Membership: ADF/Harbingers/Kingsmen/Presidents Men/Sons of Odin/Railroad/London Dungeon/Post Office/Horsemen Race: Human Height: 5’7 Weight: 170 Apparent Age: 70+ Archetype: Cybered Gunner Adept: Circle Unknown and considered extremely high……..(Bend Over and Kiss Your Ass Goodbye!!) Preferred Weapon: Modified Combat Assault Shotgun of Unknown Origin Runner Song: BIO: Mars well this man is a heartless raciest like many of […]
William “Billy” Gunn (Digger)

Membership: Wolf Pack, Sons of Liberty, ADF, Harbingers, Presidents Men, London Dungeon, Post Office, Kingsman Race: Human Height: 5’5 Weight: 160 Apparent Age: 70+ Archetype: Cybered Physical Adept (Cyber Criminal) Circle: Unknown and Unregistered <In Violation> Preferred Weapon: Shovel & Winchester Repeating Rifle (Highly Modified) Runner Song: BIO: Digger is one of the Originals, […]
Winston Ramsay (Jeeves)

Membership: Crystal Dragons/Kingsmen/Son’s of Liberty/Presidents Men/Post Office/London Dungeon/Colonist/Harbour Masters/Railroad Race: Human (FIP) Height: 5’8 Weight: 160 Apparent Age: 70+ Actual Age: Unknown Archetype: Mercenary Adept (Gentlemen Thief) Circle: Unknown (Keep Guessing and You Will Still Be Wrong) Preferred Weapon: DAOD Combat Needler Runner Song: BIO: Jeeves is an original runner who […]
General Albert “Moxy” Schwartz (Sixx)

Membership: Freedom Patriots/Post Office Race: Human Height: 5’6 Weight: 160 Apparent Age: 70+ Archetype: Cybered Gunslinger Adept: Circle Unknown (Simply Kill Yourself It’s Quicker) Preferred Weapon: Twin Highly Modified Hellfire Laser Pistols/Stormrider-Jamestown Classic Scatter Gun 000 gauge (modified) Runner Song: Bio: Sixx is the leader of Urban Strike Team One when they go out into […]
Dr. Sherman “Gunsmith” Finesilver MD.ME.PSYCHE. (Striker, Cannonade)

Membership: 67th Stormriders/Railroad/Son’s of Odin/Bounty Hunters/Dirty Dozen/Son’s of Liberty/Jamestown’s/Horsemen/Rough Riders/President’s Men/London Dungeon/Kingsmen/Harbingers/US Elite Medical/US Elite I-Corps/US Elite CI Forensics M.E.’s Office (Chief) Race: Human (FIP) Height: 5’4 Weight: 140 Apparent Age: 75 Actual Age: Unknown Archetype: Gunner Adept Circle: Unknown (Good Fucking God!!) Preferred Weapon: Stormrider Ultra Mach 17.6 MM Sub […]
Captain Arthur “Art” Crane Detective (Stamps)

Membership: Wolf Pack/Hive Buster Race: Human Height: 5’6 Weight: 160 Apparent Age: 60+ Archetype: Cybered Physical Adept: Circle Unknown (How Seriously for the love of God HOW!!) Preferred Weapon: Twin Ronin Hand Cannon Mach 7 (Heavily Modified) Runner Song: Bio: Stamps well this cop is a nightmare for any criminal, he is a bull […]
General Maxwell “Avatar Slayer” Irving (Shadow, Caps, Lone Courier, Blade Runner)

Membership: Wolf Pack/Crystal Dragons/Presidents Men/Santa Fe Ring/London Dungeon/Kingsmen/Wellermen Known Aliases: Shadow, Caps, Huntmaster, Huntsman, Shattering, Lone Courier, Blade Runner, Edge Runner, Moth Man, Max Mothma, Shadow King, Armageddon’s Father Race: Human Height: 5’6 Weight: 140 Apparent Age: 70+ Archetype: Cybered Gunslinger Adept (Cyber Criminal): Circle Unknown (Kiss your ass goodbye) Preferred Weapon: DAOD Mono Whip/Multi […]
General Martin “Boomer” Hakett (War Machine)

Membership: The Deaths Hand 67th Stormriders, President’s Men, Kings Men, US Elite, Son’s of Odin, London Dungeon, Post Office Race: Human (F.I.P) Height: 5’5 Weight: 150 Apparent Age: 80+ Actual Age: Unknown Archetype: Street Samurai (Cyber Criminal Circle: N/A (War Machine is Immune to all forms of Magic) Preferred Weapon: Blood Red […]
Herbert Parish (Whistler)

Membership: The Deaths Hand Brotherhood of Mercenaries Race: Human Height: 5’8 Weight: 185 Apparent Age: 65+ Archetype: Assassin Preferred Weapon: DAOD Needler Runner Song: Bio: Well readers the Whistler I know people have been wanting information on this original runner, I fear reporting anything since he has been spotted with the Seattle proverb as of […]
Tudor “Dad Dad” Yates (Professor, Man In White)

Membership: Brothers Grimm/Kingsmen/Post Office/Presidents Men/401st Ghost Division/Horsemen Race: Human Height: 5’6 Weight: 145 Apparent Age: 65+ Archetype: Physical Adept: Circle Unknown (Forget what you think and simply run the hell away) Preferred Weapon: Custom White Plasma Sword (Highly Modified) Runner Song: Bio: The Professor is one man that was working the shadows long before I […]
Howell Perkins (Sleepwalker)

Membership: The Deaths Hand (Stormrider) Race: Human Height: 6’0 Weight:170 Apparent Age: 65 Archetype: Mercenary Adept: Circle Unknown Preferred Weapon: DAOD Combat Assault Pistol Runner Song: Bio: Sleepwalker well here is another one of Alexander’s go to guys. This man is a heartless killing machine and is also a master of deception and camouflage. The […]
Dr. Elias “Doomsday” Fort (Polaris, Warhead, Nuclear Killer)

Membership: The Deaths Hand Stormrider Race: Human Height: 6’0 Weight: 195 Apparent Age: 75+ Archetype: Demolitions Expert (Physical Adept): Circle Unknown (Death Looms in the shadows and his name is Doomsday) Preferred Weapon: Stormrider/Jamestown Classic .75 cal Pistol (Highly Modified) Runner Song: Bio: This man is as heartless as they come, Polaris is the […]
Dr. David “Outrageous” Klopeck 001 (Butcher, D)

Membership: Stormrider/Sons of Odin/London Dungeon/Kingsmen/President’s Men/Post Office Race: Human Height: 5’0 Weight: 100 Apparent Age: 70+ Archetype: Cybered Mercenary Adept (Cyber Criminal) Circle: Good Fucking God!! Preferred Weapon: Custom Built Hand Crossbow & Hand Forged Combat Dagger (Both Highly Modified) Runner Song: BIO: Okay I came to this page to […]
Charles Palpatine-Belmont (Captain, Invincible One, Cricket)

Membership: The Deaths Hand (Stormrider) Known Aliases: Charles Butler Race: Human Height: 5’10 Weight: 190 Apparent Age: 70+ Archetype: Cybered Gunslinger Adept: Circle Good Fucking God!! Preferred Weapon: DAOD Combat Assault Pistol (Modified) Runner Song: Bio: The Captain, well here is an inner circle member who is a true killer. This man was once trained […]
Mr. Arthur Rummy (Director)

Membership: The Post Office Race: Human Height: 5’4 Weight: 138 Apparent Age: 70+ Archetype: Assassin Preferred Weapon: DAOD Assault Pistol Runner Song: Bio: Well if finding anything out about the Watcher was a real pain in the behind, this man is a true mystery and ghost. The Director is one of those men that there […]
Mr. Patrick Flanagan (Blaze)

Membership: The Post Office Race: Human Height: 6’2 Weight: 160 Apparent Age: 70+ Archetype: Demolitions Expert Preferred Weapon: DAOD Plasma Combat Assault Shotgun Runner Song: Bio: Blaze well what I can find out is that he was an IRA operative before he joined the Post Office, During his tenure with the IRA he was responsible […]
Mr. Mario Barone (Phantom)

Membership: The Post Office Race: Human Height: 5’6 Weight: 160 Apparent Age: 60 Archetype: ?? Preferred Weapon: ?? Runner Song: Bio: This man is just like his handle says, he is a phantom this man is probably one of the best hit-man to date and his list of bodies goes way back to the 2030’s. […]
Mr. Joshua Dean (Watcher)

Membership: The Post Office, Presidents Men, London Dungeon Race: Human Height: 5’5 Weight: 130 Apparent Age: 80+ Archetype: Professional Assassin…Assumed Cybered Swordsman Adept (Cyber Criminal) Circle: Unknown…If magical simply bend over and kiss your ass goodbye. Preferred Weapon: Tri-Edged Scorpion Combat Dagger (Highly Modified) Runner Song: BIO: I will begin […]
Mr. Henry O’Doyle (Reaper)

Membership: The Post Office/London Dungeon/Belfast Ghosts/Kingsmen/Sons of Liberty/Rough Riders/Presidents Men Race: Human (FIP) Height: 5’2 Weight: 125 Apparent Age: 70+ Actual Age: Unknown Archetype: Assassin (Cyber Criminal) Circle: Unknown Preferred Weapon: DAOD Pistol Runner Song: Bio: The Reaper well this man is more a nightmare then anything else. He first emerged on […]
Mr. Eric Peterson (Face)

Membership: The Post Office Race: Human Height: 5’11 Weight: 180 Apparent Age: 55 Archetype: Lawyer Preferred Weapon: ?? Runner Song: Bio: <<<<FILE ERADICATED>>>>
Mr Edward Donaldson (Viper)

Membership: The Post Office Race: Human Height: 6’0 Weight:200 Apparent Age: 55 Archetype: Assassin Preferred Weapon: Aries Squirt 2 Runner Song: Bio: The Viper is another assassin within the Post office, see a pattern developing here. The Viper was once a CIA agent who slithered through some of the most dangerous parts of the known […]
Mr. Arthur Murdock (Eraser)

Membership: The Post Office Race: Human Height: 5’10 Weight: 175 Apparent Age: 65 Archetype: Assassin Preferred Weapon: ??? Runner Song: Bio: The Eraser well I wonder what this man does, well if you have to ask that then why are you reading this. He erases people from existence not just by killing them, he also […]
Mr. Anthony Capezzi (Warden)

Membership: The Post Office Race: Human Height: 5’5 Weight: 140 Apparent Age: 55 Archetype: Gangster Preferred Weapon: Colt Manhunter Runner Song: Bio: The Warden might not be an assassin like some of his ilk, but that doesn’t mean he is not to be considered deadly. He is the patriarch of one of the largest crime […]
Mr. TJ Harris (Morbias)

Membership: The Post Office Race: Human Height: 5’10 Weight: 176 Apparent Age: 55 Archetype: Mercenary Preferred Weapon: DAOD Assault Nemesis Runner Song: Bio: <<<<FILE ERADICATED>>>>
Mr. Perry Mason

Membership: The Post Office Race: Human Height: 5’10 Weight: 175 Apparent Age: 55 Archetype: Detective/Lawyer Preferred Weapon: DAOD Pistol Runner Song: Bio: Well when it comes to investigation no one is better than Perry. He is also one of the best trial lawyers as well. His involvement in the post office is a mystery, though […]
Mr. Kaplan
Mr. Dembe Zuma

Membership: The Post Office Race: Human Height: 6’0 Weight: 180 Apparent Age: 35 Archetype: Bodyguard Preferred Weapon: DAOD Needler Runner Song: Bio: This is Mr Black’s personal bodyguard and aid. Mr. Black is an Original, so anyone skilled enough to protect him I am terrified of<<<<FILE ERADICATED>>>
Mr. Cotton Dumont (Sheriff)

Membership: The Post Office Race: Human Height: 6’3 Weight: 195 Apparent Age: 55 Archetype: ??? Preferred Weapon: ??? Runner Song: Bio: <<<<FILE ERADICATED>>>>
Robert “Neverland” Churchill (Sandman & Rifter)

Membership: HRM/Kingsmen/Belfast Ghosts/Harbor Masters Race: Human Height: 5’5 Weight: 150 Apparent Age: 70+ Archetype: Cybered Swordsman Adept: Circle (Simply pray for a quick death) Preferred Weapon: Tri-fold Scorpion Dagger Runner Song: Bio: Sandman is nothing more than an assassin. He stalks the night and kills his prey while they sleep. He got his handle […]
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