This is grouping of all the known riggers within the shadows, this page will discuss all riggers known regardless of there affiliation. Just cause you see a rigger on this page that doesn’t mean they are willing to or able to work as a freelancer. This page is not to used for the hiring of any known shadowrunner for to do so is a violation of law and punishable with up to 10 years in prison and 25,000 credits in fines, use the information found within for your own information gathering, again in no way try to reach out to any of the people found on this page. They are criminals and terrorists, these runners are wanted for various crimes from mass destruction to hijacking, so please use care with the information found within.
<<A Rigger is someone who specializes in vehicle operations, repair, modification, heavy weapons and or Drone operation and modification.>>
Thumper: Thumper is a master rigger and as well a street samurai, he specializes in ground vehicles and modification. Thumper is as well a drone master, this rigger can fabricate anything he needs to alter any weapon and drone. He also has his own classified records on vehicle grade armour, he has figured away to strengthen the already hardened armour while at the same time reducing the weight so the vehicles overall speed is not affected. Thumper holds those secrets close to his chest and will murder anyone with extreme prejudice who tries to steal those blueprints. Thumper is one of the first riggers to run the shadows so his skill and mastery are well documented, he is a true and tried runner he is in no way a professional. <<Thumper is a member of the Sons of the True Confederacy>>
Commandant: The Commandant is the Naval Commander for the Confederate States of America, he is a registered pirate and is a master rigger. He specializes in seafaring vessels and as well aircraft operations and modification, the Commandant is in command of a large fleet and he is not available for hire. This man is wanted by the British government for piracy, treason, and murder so he will do whatever it takes to keep himself out of there grasp. He has decades of naval experience as well was formally trained by the British monarchy at the Royal Naval College, this man is a fierce combatant and blood thirsty pirate commander so best bet to steer clear of this professional, who lives by the code of the pirate. <<Commandant is a member of the Sons of the True Confederacy>>
Diesel: Diesel is a master rigger that specializes in ground vehicle operations and modification, he is as well a master gunner. Diesel is a total professional and follows a code of conduct, this man serves the Patriots and is as well part of the Old Guard so his plate is quite full but I have heard that he will do freelance work for a professional team. Diesel is a man with honour and won’t use his weapons to strike innocent or non military targets, and if ordered to he will violate the contract and pull out of the battle under breach of contract. Diesel is as well a master of heavy weapon modification and can reduce the size category of any weapon by one grade, but in no way compromise the fire power or he can increase a weapons payload a category this means he can turn a rotary auto cannon into a naval weapon or he can take a naval gun and make it capable of being mounted on a fast moving ground vehicle. Diesel is extremely expensive to hire, but his jacket is spotless and his skills are invaluable to any mercenary camp. <<Diesel is a member of the Freedom Patriots and Old Guard>> <<Diesel was killed fighting for the Independence of Seattle 12/10/2073>>
Dodge: Dodge is a master rigger who specializes in ground vehicle operations and modification as well as a master drone rigger and gunner. Dodge is the king of the highways and byways, he is the terror of the transports as he is a hijacker. Dodge is not above leaving bodies behind and he has plenty of innocent blood on his hands. This rigger has joined the Seattle Police Department out of necessity, but it is rumoured he is still operating as a freelance rigger for hire. Dodge is a professional and will follow through with the orders of the job and his jacket is spotless, though if Dodge smells a set up he will turn his guns and drones on the employer as he makes his break. If your looking for a rigger that will not bat an eye about ending life, look no further then Dodge, if your looking for a rigger who is a master hijacker again look no further his experience as a hijacker makes him very adept at preventing and spotting one as well so he is a valuable hire for anyone looking to ship sensitive cargo. <<Dodge is a member of the Seattle Police Department>>
Admiral: This rigger is a former UCAS Fleet Admiral turned rigger for hire, he specializes in all forms of naval combat and his skills in sea warfare are off the charts. The Admiral is in command of a massive fleet of vessels and with his expertise in electronics and naval weapons his ships are some of the fiercest that sail the seven seas. He works exclusively for the Freedom Patriots and the Dirty Dozen so this rigger is not for hire so don’t even bother asking, he being former Navy is a complete professional and in noway street level. The Admiral and his fleet are feared and for good reason, he is a master gunner and tactician and only a piece of his fleet have kept the Boston harbour free of any enemy vessels. The Admiral was involved in the sacking of Council Island and he is in possession of a vast amount of anti-magic gelatin that he has coated his shells with, and he as well has modified his guns to be able to strike many more kilometres then a standard shell and I mean hundreds more. So be careful when dealing with this man, the UCAS have classified him as a Pirate Admiral and with such he is an enemy of the state. <<Admiral is a member of the Freedom Patriots and Dirty Dozen>>
Navigator: He is a street level rigger, the Navigator is not a master of any one specific operation but is cross trained in all aspects of vehicle operation from ground to air, he is though a master gunner and can fabricate anything he needs to modify any heavy weapon and make it far more accurate and deadly. Though he is considered street level the Navigator is a semi professional mostly in his attire and attitude, he doesn’t have a code of conduct nor does he have a jacket. He allows his reputation on the street to speak volumes for him and that record is amazing, he has been involved in countless of successful operations and there isn’t a fixer that won’t vouch for him. The Navigator is available for freelance work, though he is very expensive, from what I heard his going rate for independent work is a minimum of 75,000 credits and up otherwise he can be found working inside the Freedom Patriots and the Devils Rejects. The Navigator might not have a code of conduct, but this man is on a crusade and if your employ contradicts in anyway with his crusade he will reject the job, and if you trick him well may God have mercy on your soul cause the Navigator will get blood on his hands once again and his target will be you. <<Navigator is a member of the Freedom Patriots and The Devils Rejects>>
Smoky: Smoky is a master rigger of all vehicle operations and modifications, he is as well a master of drones and gunner. What makes Smoky even more dangerous is he is as well a master fabricator and electrical engineer, this rigger has created more custom pieces and rigging components then any other rigger to date. He as well has a damn near unlimited budget and multiple working factories to fabricate at, that being said Smoky is not a freelance rigger he works exclusively for the Deaths Hand and is there General in charge of their rigger pool. His skills on the battlefield are feared by any opposing force, since Smoky has developed a technique that allows him to be able to override an opposing riggers rig. He is also able to operate many of his vehicles from a very safe distance away, Smoky is a master and has been working as a rigger since he was a small child and has served the Deaths Hand Loyally for decades. He also specializes in hijacking and can operate any vehicle that is equipped with rigger controls regardless of the crew requirements this makes him even more dangerous and a valuable member of the Deaths Hand. <<Smoky is a member of the Deaths Hand>>
Bulldog: Bulldog is a master rigger and gunner, he specializes in ground operations and very large and very deadly weapons. Don’t be fooled into thinking he is a kindly grandfather, he is out for blood and revenge and won’t be happy till the last of the natives have met there untimely end. Bulldog is not for hire, he is a member of the domestic terrorist mercenary team known as the Rattlers and he is the scourge of the wastelands. Bulldog can operate any thing with an engine but his ability to drive is masterful, he is as well a master fabricator and master at scrounging. So he can turn the inane into a weapon of war, and as well make some very scary and impressive pieces of machinery out of basically scrap metal. This man has been fighting since those early days during the Nights of Blood so there is no reasoning with Bulldog in any way, again he is not for hire and don’t even try if you want to risk your own life, the Rattlers are not known for there tolerance, patience and civility. Beware of the Bulldog, since it has been confirmed by native scouts that his prime rig is equipped with a rapid fire kinetic rail cannon, as well as a multiple DAOD rotary cannons, Bulldog is no joke and he has zero scruples about him and will take down any convoy stupid enough to enter Rattler County. <<Bulldog is a member of the Rattlers and the Freedom Patriots>>
Ace: Ace is one of the founding fathers, he is a master rigger and pilot. There is not a vehicle that can take to the sky that this man can’t operate with complete mastery and skill. He is as well a master fabricator and gunner, Ace doesn’t work much with drones but that doesn’t mean he is not skilled in the use and as well knowledgeable in how to defend against said drones. Ace has been involved in thousands of operations and has never lost a vehicle or a team, he has gallons of blood on his hands and has no care about all the lives he has taken while on the job. This runner is as cold as they come and he is as well a total street level rigger, he will do anything and wont ask questions. Ace is a member of the Wolf Pack but he is willing to take freelance work if the moneys right, any team would benefit from his decades worth of experience. Ace is another old timer that can remember those brutal early days, he has thrown his glove into the arena and come out of semi-retirement to fight on the side of his beloved Seattle. The skies once again will feel the wrath of the legend known as Ace and blood will rain down to the earth from his victims, Ace is a master dog fighter and has killed more enemy pilots then any man alive or dead. <<Ace is a member of the Wolf Pack>>
Skipper: The Skipper is another one of the Founding Fathers, this man like Ace has never lost a battle and has sent more then his fair share of opponents down to Davy Jones Locker. The Skipper is a master rigger and gunner, he specializes in personal water craft and is the scourge of any one who dares to go against him. The Skipper went from acting as a street level rigger to being a full fledged pirate and started hijacking vessels at sea and robbing them of the valuable cargo and as well there lives. Greed got the better of the Skipper and he has had his citizenship revoked and has been exiled from the UCAS and CAS for his acts of piracy. Even the Navy feared going after him directly do to his vast fleet of ships and his sheer reputation with the guns, The Skipper has joined the Crimson Bloods Pirate Clan out of desperation since he knew it was only a matter of time before the Navy sent a few battleships and he was dead in the water. He is now serving as a Captain on one the Bloods battleships and has been more then happy to engage the UCAS fleet that was sent to aid the faltering British Navy. This is one rigger that is not for hire, and you wouldn’t want to employ him anyway, just being in connection with the Skipper comes with a quick trip to the gallows no trial, and no waiting. <<Skipper is a member of the Crimson Bloods Pirate Clan>>
Zap: This is a relatively new rigger to the streets, Zap has been working since 2068 and prior to that he was part of a now defunct motorcycle club. Zap is a mechanic by trade and his love of bikes got him involved with the Iron Warriors. He rose through their ranks and was involved in multiple criminal acts from murder to trafficking in body parts and used cyber, his club got involved in a bloody street war with another rival biker club the infamous Regulators who frowned on there exploiting of the citizens in the Bastion District. Needless to say this spelled the end for the Iron Warriors and only Zap survived the war. Out of a job and out of a club, and to make matters worse his SIN was zeroed shortly later he was forced to use his skills and take to the streets as a rigger, he used the last of his credits and purchased a vehicle control rig and modified his car and bike. Zap has been on a few successful operations, but he is still very low on the totem pole of riggers. He is not aliened and is completely freelance, Zap is available for employment and as well is looking for a team in need of a rigger. <<Zap is a Freelancer and a member of no team or organization>> <<Zap was killed during the Battle of Fort Lewis>>
Nemo: Nemo is a legend among the streets, he is the rigger of the former Wind Runners and has been working since 2055. He is another street level rigger that is a catch all hire, he can operate anything with an engine and is a true terror on the guns. He is a cross trained rigger like Thumper and is as well classified as a street samurai. So Nemo is as deadly in and out of the rig and he has been involved in countless operations through the years. This man is a terror to behold and some say he is nigh unstoppable, he is a street level rigger so he will do anything, and will never ask questions as long as the credits are good. Nemo is available for hire on the freelance market, but this man never works alone and is always backed up by another legendary runner of Helix so he can be very expensive. Remember he is as well a street samurai, so this man is loaded to bear with high grade cyber and bioware as well as state of the art weapons and armour. Nemo is the total package and a terror to behold on the battlefield both in and out of the rig. <<Nemo is a member of Helix>> <<Nemo was Killed fighting for the Independence of Seattle>>
Claw: Well with this rigger you get the total package, Claw is a master of anything with an engine, a master fabricator, a master gunner and all around man of chaos. Claw is a duel trained rigger as well, he is both a street samurai and rigger and this maniac has no conscience and a sick sense of humour. Claw has been operating since 2050 and has been in and out of so many teams through the years it’s hard to keep track of, he bounces from team to team do to his attitude problem and his love for total destruction and his lack of fear of using tomahawk missiles to settle arguments. Claw is one of the few people with the sheer capability to hold Seattle hostage do to his possession of a broken arrow and his total lack of self preservation and his love for chaos. This man is completely street level, he is totally unprofessional, uncouth, and fits all stereotypes of what you think a runner should be. He caused multiple millions of credits worth of damage to multiple corporations for countless reasons from they wouldn’t allow him to return an item or they killed his sister. Renraku is still feeling the affects of the later, they murdered his sister Cat and well Claw sent a truck containing tons of C-12 explosives through there front door and caused Renraku to suffer a tragedy greater then the shut down in 2065. He caused billions in damages, lawsuits and wrongful death suits Claw murdered thousands in revenge for the murder of one, thats why this man is feared. He is also feared cause he cares little about the cost, he will fire a multi million credit missile just to settle a score. Nobody knows where this man got his funds or his equipment but he has also levelled the Fuchikoma corporations home facility in Japan for only one reason and thats because they are Asian. He Hates everything about Asian people, and the reason is well you guessed it Renraku he has condemned and entire race for the actions of one company, He is also out to eradicate the Yakuza and Traid well according to Claw they are infestation that needs to be exterminated and I am the exterminator. He is still operating cause nobody is willing to anger Claw by engaging him and everyone is scared to death of any possible contingency plan this madman might have set up. Claw is for higher and he cares little about credits, so he works cheap if you are willing to take the risk in employing this madman just sit back and watch the fireworks happen. <<Claw is a member of Helix for now>>
Daytona: Daytona is the real deal of professional level riggers, this man specializes in ground vehicles but thats not where he leaves off, he is also very skilled in land air vehicles and rotor craft as well. Daytona is a master fabricator and gunner his skills with heavy weapons make this man a complete nightmare. Daytona is another who is a hijacking specialist and has ruled the outlaw lands of the Confederate south, he serves as the commander of the Sons of the True Confederacy’s motor pool general and is command of countless vehicles and riggers that work within the CSA. Daytona is also a member of the Texas Elite so this rigger is as well trained and skilled in ground combat as an elite soldier. When it comes to this professional he is is willing to freelance when he has some free time, but he is very picky on the job and it must no go against any of his current agendas. Daytona is a master of the open road and he is a true terror to any enemy or supply convoy that happens to cross his path. This rigger is fighting a war and he is not above killing and sending his enemies to an early grave if need be so unless you want to be a statistic stay clear of Daytona. <<Daytona is a member of the Sons of the True Confederacy and Texas Elite>>
Mechanic: This man is a master rigger and his skills in the cockpit are unsurpassed by anyone currently living or dead. He is a true legendary pilot and dog fighter, the Mechanic has taken down countless of opponents in the air and has a flawless record when it comes to the combat in the sky. He only took to the ground to be able to better aid his brothers in the Texas Elite, but the Mechanic is meant to be in the sky and this man is a true maverick, things this man does are being taught in flight academies throughout the worlds militarises. He is so feared and recognised that enemy pilots choose to break away then engage. Even a legend like Ace took to being the Mechanics wingman, and all riggers respect, fear and admire this man for his skills, sacrifices and for his many achievements. The Mechanic has offered so many advancements to the world of rigging both civilian and military making the life off all riggers world wide just a little bit safer and easier, he has proven time and time again why he is the best and why no one can ever hold a candle to this legend. The Mechanic doesn’t do freelance work, and if he did I doubt anyone could afford his services. <<Mechanic is a member of the Sons of the True Confederacy and Texas Elite>>
Dizzy: This rigger is a true master of the aircraft, some say he was born to pilot a helicopter he has been able to do feet’s inside the cockpit that only even come close to the likes of the Mechanic and Ace. He has been flying the same craft for decades and has turned this classified military copter into something that has only been seen on the silver screen. His bird is more like a vectored thrust then a helicopter as it shows supersonic capabilities, the damned thing has some special kind of coating that repels bullets and can even withstand most explosions. The targeting equipment is spot on and nothing is safe from it’s sensors and it’s weapon systems. Dizzy can out maneuver basically any opponent and even out pace a launched missile or rocket, his skill is legendary but they say with age comes great experience and for Dizzy thats more than the truth this man has been in action for over fifty years and doesn’t look like he is slowing down one bit. Dizzy doesn’t take freelance work as he exclusively works for the Devil Dogs and is fighting the good fight. <<Dizzy is a member of the Devil Dogs>>
Tombstone: This rigger is the real deal and seems to have some sort of weird wireless technology that allows him to be able to operate multiple vehicles at once. He is a master gunner and his skills have never been fully tested, Tombstone is as deadly in his rig as he is out of it and as a infiltrator this is one rigger you will never see coming till it’s way to late. Tombstone has taken on the best the UCAS can throw at him and prevailed, so when it comes to riggers that you want to avoid Tombstone is it. <<Tombstone is a member of the Unforgiven>>
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