Harbour Masters
The most elite of the Patriots strikes forces known as the Harbour Masters have been discovered and I will be reporting on this elite squad of death bringers that claim to be fighting for freedom and liberty, when in reality they are here to destroy everything we hold dear. The Harbour Masters are an elite unit of soldiers that have been organised, trained and equipped by the Nefarious Atari of the Freedom Patriots, this man has used every trick in the book to recruit the individuals you will find within this page. I am risking my own life and the life of many of my researchers to bring this information to you, so please take with the information you learn from within, the rebels don’t like to be outed and they really hate it when the freedom of information act is used against them; these hunters are to be considered extremely dangerous and should not be approached by a common citizen for any reason. The Harbour Masters have been given the full authority by both General Kingsbury and General Oxford to commit murder in the name of freedom, they believe they are fighting for a just cause and this makes these soldiers very fanatical so there is zero chance to ever reason with any member of this unit.
General Oxford better known as Lord Oxford or simply Atari has recruited this units members from within the criminal syndicate, the pirate fleets, the world of the shadow operators and even from within our own military; so consider ever member to be very lethal and a traitor to the nation they have traded their honour and dignity for a handful of credits and the false belief in a unjust cause. The Harbour Masters have been involved in some of the most nefarious and deadly operations against the United Canadian American States to date, it has come to our attention recently that they are the division behind the multiple strikes on the White House, The Denver Capital Building and the many onslaughts upon the Natives within their capitals and embassies. This unit was once hidden from the light and unknown to the masses until the recent discovery at the hands of United Canadian American States deckers as they work on a secret government project. So trying to unravel the web of deception that the Patriot deckers have weaved around this unit will be difficult but please be patient as this will take time.
This page will be updated as the information become available and verified, so again check back often for further updates, the Harbour Masters might be recently discovered but they are in no way a new unit, these men and women hail from all walks of life and have worn allegiance to the Patriots and the cause of destroying the United Canadian American States. Again please do not attempt to approach or apprehend anyone on this page, please leave this to the professionals. Any city that has a heavy Patriots presence consider that cities police department to be infiltrated and controlled by the Patriots and therefore reporting anything about these killers to the police will be in vain.
Just a Concerned Citizen of UCAS
<<<Do to the sudden death of the original author of this page, the continued updates will be done by an undisclosed reporter. There might be a change in the language and tone do to this but seriously did you really think the original author would actually survive long enough to disclose further information about this unit. The undisclosed reporter to take over this page is the man known as the Paladin, I will be monitoring this page to make sure the information is factual and truthful though I can’t guarantee it will be without bias.>>> (Paladin)
<<The reviling of the Harbour Masters is what got the original author murdered, the Paladin is a good and honest man, sorry about trying to remove your existence. It was fun to play seek and destroy with you but I am actually glad I didn’t succeed, since you actually turned out to be a decent fella and one hell of an ally; welcome back to the land of the living Paladin. This reporter can be trusted for he actually does his fact checking, though his opinions are sometimes hard to swallow and guaranteed to piss somebody off. The Harbour Masters should never have been exposed, but thanks to the ego of the former reporter and the skill of the mighty Hound, that braggart and traitor will never again bother us; as well the remaining Harbour Masters will remain concealed from the public and this page will be heavily monitored to make sure no further Masters will be exposed and any reporter or decker that dares to progress this page beyond what the Paladin does will be considered an enemy of the Hound and their life is forfeit>> (Hound)
<<Please Paladin try to keep the information as unbiased as possible, the noble profession of the journalist has been taking a serious hit as of late with all the propaganda and biased reporting. I understand that you are holding a grudge against the UCAS for shooting you and leaving you for dead, but that is the risk we take in our line of work. The UCAS is not without sin, but neither are the people on this page, please remember that when filling out the final information on this page; a man gave his life for this information to reach the people, don’t let his death be in vain even if he was a UCAS Loyalist he was still a reporter.>> (Skippy)
<<Yup murdered, his brains splattered all over his monitor; on a good note I left his family alive this time. Though I must say cleaning blood, pieces of skull and grey matter from a data terminal is a real pain in the ass.>> (Hound)
<<Hey Hound not the smartest idea to confess to murder on the matrix brother, the police are not that dumb and their matrix division is currently reading this page my friend. Though tracking the hound down will be a task unto itself, you my friend are a target that most law enforcement officers prefer to leave alone; as they do desire to return home to their families and not commit suicide by Hound.>> (Misfit)
<<My Fellow Readers of this page, be warned the descriptions of the members of this unit were hijacked and written by a UCAS Loyalist and are extremely biased and filled with Propaganda. I didn’t write those descriptors and sadly do to the codex locking system in place; every time I tear down this page and try to rewrite the descriptors properly it just returns as it was. I was only able to remove Atari from this page seeing that his traitorous ass is no longer a member of the Harbour Masters>> (Paladin)
When it comes to the Harbour Masters they serve one distinct purpose and that is to stand as the final line of defence for the Patriots within the city of Boston and to fight against the tyranny of the United Canadian American States; these noble warriors have dedicated their lives to fighting for a cause so just and bigger then even them. Yes these warriors do partake in other missions that send them out of Boston to fight for the cause, and they have been involved in some of the fiercest but yet unknown conflicts throughout the United Canadian American States.
The Harbour Masters stand united against the tyrannical regime of the United Canadian American States now as they have since their inception so many decades prior, their roster might have changed throughout the years but their dedication has never waned. This unit originally was meant to remain secret and hidden from the common people, they where to be living within the shadows and protecting the citizens of the United States of America and now with their current status being exposed do to pesky UCAS deckers; it now seems that this unit that was once shrouded in mystery and confusion is now plagued with conspiracy, rumours and misinformation all stemming from the over active imagination of the brainwashed citizen of the United Canadian American States.
Now even though the unit has been partially exposed by the United Canadian American States the propaganda machines will begin to spin hateful and fear inducing lies about these noble soldiers and not allowing for the truth to ring clear. I will attempt to offer what information I do have about this unit but I will not delve any deeper into the Harbour Masters then what has already been exposed; as I respect the oath these men took to remain anonymous and as well to the defence of the American people. The Harbour Masters is a unit that was formed by General Saul Oxford who felt that the Patriots needed a specialised task force that stands united to protect the people from the ravages of war, these warriors work within the shadows under the cover of night to defeat evil where it stands; they strike military targets, and rescue citizens from the pillages of the United Canadian American States.
The Harbour Masters having been living in secrecy for so many years will be one of their greatest strengths and yet will also be their greatest flaw, seeing that the information about them has been weaved within a web of deception it is actually hard to decipher fiction from reality. This will lead to many of the misinformation and conspiracies that will most definitely be spun out of control. The Patriots trying to reduce the impact of this unit being exposed and keeping them hidden will add to the fears that will rise from actions of both the Patriots and the United Canadian American States.
Remember this citizens fear not about the Harbour Masters as they are your defenders and not your butchers these soldiers stand in your defence and will only strike military targets; the Harbour Masters have taken an oath to fight against tyranny and to defend liberty against any threat to our way of life. Information might be limited about this unit and I refuse to report any untruths or rumours to cause any further confusion about these noble soldiers; so in closing my fellow readers the Harbour Masters are here to stay and they will be defending each and everyone of us from the ravages of war, these men have been clouded in secrecy and mystery and for now we must be patient as the truth becomes clear this is one of the few times that truth is stranger than fiction.
Harbour Masters
Colonel James Groves (Crab) <Commander>: <British> I’m not sure that this group needs any further description other than “Crab is 2nd in command”. This man is a world known criminal, thief, infiltrator, and assassin who ranks close to the legends known as Zephyr and Anchor. His capabilities in combat are off the charts, and that is before you factor in his tactical computer. In addition, after what was known as the black street gang incident a few months ago it is suspected that he is an adept of extreme power. If Atari wasn’t a good enough reason to stay away from this unit, Crab should be.
Colonel Salvador Ferrara (Crash) <Executive Officer>: <British> Well here is another surprise, not! Crash is “crashing” the party again. This short bastard appears to be in many places, but never as the boss. This man is a mystery that makes little to no sense to anyone who investigates him. Our older records show that he originally gathered and formed the Brotherhood of Mercenaries (click here for reference node), yet he did not want control. Just a supporting role. One can only guess or wonder if he is pulling the strings in this unit as well. Watch out for his hammer folks, it has been known to cause nearly as much damage as his guns. He has also been seen using very unique adept abilities with his brother Reboot (he must be the one to breathe life back into the party since they are always together). This man is both dangerous and smart, for those who are not in charge often become overlooked. Be wary of this small ball of anger.
Colonel Forrest Churchill (Safari) <Special Operations Commander>: <British> This man would be a complete surprise if it weren’t for the fact that he is a known British national. Safari wasn’t seen on the streets for decades, only recently to emerge as the new leader of the HRM (which we didn’t know was directly linked to the Patriots – thanks for the heads up Safari!). This man is known for brutal actions and hunting elves in a mock up of a “safari”. Since he is not known for being quiet during operations, it is strange that he is a special operations commander. This must imply that his abilities in stealth are even higher on the charts than we realised since we have not caught him in the act of his operations for this unit during all this time.
Lieutenant Colonel Roy Apples MD (Cider) <Medical Division Commander>: <American> Well well, there are a few Americans helping the redcoats too. Anyone else smell a “Benedict Arnold” in the ranks? In this day and age Cider has made a name for himself as a member of the Medical Examiner’s unit within Seattle PD. He has managed to hide himself in a similar manner to Crash – not in charge. He leaves that heat to his long term patsy, I mean friend, Stryker. Cider being in charge of the medical division here is no surprise. His skills as a doctor are known to be in the top tier of doctors, and working on dead bodies and meat puzzles every day has likely increased his knowledge of human anatomy even further. Like most doctors, even a pencil is a deadly weapon in his hands since he can strike vital areas with pinpoint precision. It doesn’t help that he has been hanging with the Angel of Death Samael down there as well. I imagine they have all cross trained by now and are significantly more dangerous than thought.
Lieutenant Colonel Hamilton Whitehall (Krampus) <Special Operations Executive Officer>: <British> Well then, finally a truly interesting member. The Seattle PD once accused anyone wearing a purple tie of being a member of the hand, so I wonder, is this is their connection? In any event, regarding confirmed knowledge this man is a “keeper” of the library; a mysterious organisation that apparently supports the rebels for some unknown reason. they have remained shrouded in secrecy for an extended period of time, though apparently inaction was not their path. This man is their connection and may begin to explain their actions. Little is known about the Krampus, though being an executive officer of special operations does tell us a little about his skills. It is likely safe to assume he is an assassin of exceptional skill. In any event, we should need to worry about him until December when he will come out swinging. Not sure what he does the rest of the year, but at least he stays hidden otherwise.
Major Henry O’Doyle (Reaper) <Cleaner>: <Irish> This man needs no introduction. The Reaper is a well know cleaner and recently outed member of the scary black site known as the Post Office. This man has been known for clearing entire towns and villages of their population. While this wouldn’t necessarily be that special given the runners on this page, he has the special talent of being able to completely dispose of the bodies without leaving a trace! That’s right, he cleans entire communities without a trace in a single night! He is a legend in the cleaning business, and I don’t mean with a vacuum (though in this man’s hands even a mop would be lethal, not to mention the toxins in cleaning supplies). If you see this man it is already too late. He sees no difference between his citizens and rebels. He simply removes them all. No witnesses means it never happened, right?
Major Alfred O’Bannon (Anchor) <Cleaner>: <First Generation American> When speaking of legendary runners, this man is one of the few that can be said to be above all others. Anchor was formerly one of the most dishonest news hounds to have ever existed. His actions, along with others who followed his lead, have lead to the disgrace of reporters world wide. This man single-handedly corrupted and destroyed the career once known as reporting. He did so much damage that now the UCAS has to vet information just in order to make sure that the citizens obtain factual data and not propaganda or blatant lies! While this man is to be feared, he is not to be respected. He is the reason why recent amendments have been made to the UCAS constitution. Until we have worked out the problems he caused we will have to continue with our current method of reporting. Screw you Anchor!
Captain Edward Adams (Ranger) <Special Operations>: <British> Another British agent – seeing a pattern yet? Not much about him is known since he was thought to be only a European operator. Turns out he has been on UCAS soil for a long time. This man is a known assassin and mercenary. His code is apparently strict about him only killing those who “deserve” it, though since he attacks innocent soldiers and civilians his definition is apparently quite different than that of the dictionary’s. A killer for higher is just that, so if you have enough cred you may be able to avoid him, though a mercenary is just that and if he is after you then its already too late. You will be another notch in his belt of innocent killed in action.
Captain Jane O’Bannon (Loreley) <Special Operations>: <British> In this world of men, it makes sense that at least a few bitches make it through the ranks. This one is a black widow from the Nog (formerly Ireland) who likes to prey upon men and remove them using her favorite weapons; poison and a long sword. She is too fearful to fight them on an even keel, so she uses her poisons to weaken the men first. She knows otherwise she would be incapable of beating them. That said, she was apparently trained by the Senator in her arts and must therefore be very skilled in hiding and poisoning like her master. Beware, even breathing near this woman is dangerous. With her toxins she can eliminate an entire building by just getting into their air supply. If she is spotted in your city, call out of work until she has left.
Captain Winston Ramsay (Jeeves) <Special Operations>: <British> Winston Ramsay, likely the most deadly cleaner on the planet. For him to be on this list confirms suspicions that I have had for many years. One does not simply run and become a legend in old Seattle without killing. Jeeves is such a dangerous and effective cleaner that not only are his victims never found, but they are forgotten by the world. This is likely some variation of the extraordinary abilities that Reaper has shown. The Harbour Masters are not an order that leave life alone, they snuff it out. You have slipped up by sharing your abilities with this group. Their incompetence in securing your data has let your true nature leak to the streets. You will now be known for the killer you are.
First Lieutenant Elmer Krieghoff (Proxy) <Special Operations>: <German American> Where to begin with this one. It was common knowledge that the Krieghoffs were blood related to some of the most dangerous people in the world. This however shows that this man has skills far better than we originally thought. Proxy is known as one of the movers and shakers of Seattle and helps his family to own the suburb of Lynnwood, and possibly the whole city after the next mayoral election. This man being here implies that his skills in combat are off the charts since that is what this unit excels at. Special Operations probably implies assassination and wet work on top of assaults. To infiltrate and steal information was already his specialty, but now we know he has the skills to backup his reputation.
First Lieutenant Paul DiCane (Lost) <Special Operations>: <Confederate> Now this man on this list should concern my readers. It shows just how much Davis and Kingsbury are in bed together (maybe even literally – there is no proof that their many dinners at the White Palace are not dates, they definitely do not appear to be all business). For those who do not know, the DiCane family is related to the Davis family (see appropriate profiles for proof). While we do not know the exact relation from Paul to Edward, they are family. One can assume that Lost has been “lost” in the harbour masters in order to create a bond between the the two sons in order to be sure that the war will go the way they want. Well, it looks like our unbreakable connection has been “found”. Your move South.
Second Lieutenant Robert Chadwick (Outbreak) <Special Operations>: <British> Warning to all citizens, there has been an Outbreak of unprecedented violence within the Harbour Masters found. This man is the master of viral toxins that kill silently without being detected until it is too late. Bio Tech is rumored to have nearly brought itself to bankruptcy trying to keep up with this man’s creations. That’s right kids, this man is the original Claw. Claw may have brought Renraku to its knees in Seattle, but this man nearly destroyed a mega corp worldwide. If you see this man it is already too late. You are infected with more than just the Patriot’s nonsense and false information, you have also already contracted a disease which ha already killed you; you are dead on your feet.
Second Lieutenant Trevor O’Malley (Rock) <Special Operations>: <American> Ding. Class is now in session, and its time to reveal the true nature of Rock. Don’t be living under a rock and miss lessons like the Pupil, for you need to know this information. The Rock is a lying son of a bitch. He has taken his expertise in history presumably chemicals to create false relics to prove the history that he believes in. He suckers the young into believing his rhetoric and convinces them to join the Patriots. Don’t be fooled students, see your local UCAS recruitment office before you are brainwashed in to the Patriots and fighting for evil.
Sargent Major Orville Dayton (Colt) <Special Operations>: <Confederate> This founding father needs no introduction. Colt is likely a plant by Davis to make sure his ideals are followed as well. Presumably Colt was placed into this group due to his ties to Lost (Renegade and Colt are both Texas Elite originals). Colt has been spreading the hate, violence, and discrimination for decades throughout the UCAS. If you see him run find the nearest set of earplugs you can and run. Legend states that his favorite namesake makes a Ronin Hand Cannon sound like a Needler.
Sargent Major Saul Livingston (Smokey) <Armoured Division Commander>: <American> Well folks, it looks like even the Death’s Hand has got some players in this group. Smokey is a world renowned rigger who helps define what it means to be one of the best in the business. He runs the entire Death’s Hand motor pool in Europe. In addition he can pilot or modify any vehicle known to man. Having this monster working alongside admiral is a nightmare. This is one bear that should have been killed during the season, so get your hunting license. This one needs to be taken out.
Sargent Major Raven McCoy (Nightshade) <Magical Division Commander>: <American> The legendary not so dead Nightshade. Hus to the also not so dead legendary Quick Draw. These two original members of the Pain Brigade turned Wind Runner turned Helix (quick, draw me a flow chart!) has been an integral part of the UCAS magical scene since she came out from under her mentor (a story for another time). She is known as the queen of the mana bolt and proves it well. Her power is unknown, but it is said that she rivals even some of the mages of old and can keep the likes of ancient magicians busy. As always, shoot the mage first!!!!
Master Sargent William Dumont (Radar) <Communications Officer>: <American> Bleep. Bleep. Bleep. Looks like we have found Mr. Dumont. You need not worry, there is no cotton in my mouth Sheriff, I will speak the truth and only the truth. Radar is the teacher of our hero, James O’Brien. This man was once an honorable man who protected the people and his country by staying a few steps ahead of the technology coming at us. This man is capable of firing the SOL and is rumored to have been involved in its creation. It is sad to see this once hero and ally working for the Patriots through this group. I suppose the Ghost Dance must have fried this one’s brains too.
Master Sargent Bernard Cummings (Forsaken) <Reconnaissance>: <American> Forsaken, the name fits considering he has completely left the side of the righteous. Fighting for this group implies that you have given up all that is good and whole in this world. Luckily for us, he has also forsaken his training and skills. Rumor on the streets is that he couldn’t even put down one of the upstart new breed runners. In fact, his whole squad failed. If this whole unit follows suit, this war may be won more easily than we thought.
The Harbour Knights
The Harbour Knights are a even further specialised unit of trained killers within the Harbour Masters, men that swear their loyalty to their commander and their noble that they are sworn to defend and protect with all their might. These warriors are not men that use the shadows to hide and fight with all their heart and pride for a cause so just (or so they believe). This unit of knights have all been dully knighted by either the former Queen of England or the Duke of Windsor himself and as such they are all granted the rights of being a Knight of the Crown, though they fight not on English soil but on American Soil in an attempt to topple the supposed False Flag. These men are made up of a collaboration of British and American nationals, though don’t be fooled these Harbour Knights are not fighting on behalf of the American people; they are fighting alongside the rebels and keep the fires of revolution burning bright throughout the night. This is yet another example of what the Patriots don’t want us to know and they will kill to keep this information from ending up in the public’s hands, sadly as I am writing this my office is being infiltrated by the terrorists and only do to automated uploading will this even reach the public, as I will be dead by the time this page goes live.
The Harbour Knights are a very large division based mostly out of Boston, though you can find these soldiers all over the nation and especially within Seattle; this poor city seems to be the focus of the Patriots for some reason and Colonial will not rest till he has captured Seattle and subjugated her people into his revolution. This division has shown up throughout the nation and has partaken in multiple battles under the notion of being a free agent or representative of there chosen region; when in reality they have been fully embedded within the patriots and pretending to be neutral. The Harbour Knights serve the cause fully and will fight till their own death and never retreat against the chosen enemy, these men are all to be considered extremely dangerous and deadly as they mostly hail from the olden days of the Great Tragedy or before; also don’t be fooled yes these men are sworn Knights of the Crown, but they do not have a shred of honour or chivalry as the Knights once held. The Harbour Knights are commanded directly by a man that would rather torch a town then converse with anyone and their direct commander is Forrest Churchill who is the new commander of the Human Resistance Movement and assassin, so again don’t think for one minute that these Knights will show you any mercy or yield for a lady.
The information about the Harbour Knights is mostly left to speculation, rumours and conspiracy’s and thats manly do to the Patriots deckers and news hounds like Snoopy, Stringer and Cyclops keeping this intelligence buried very deep within the catacombs of Boston. So again I urge you my readers to not trust a word that is said in their defence, why would the Patriots need an agency like the Harbour Masters and even worse the Harbour Knights; well I leave you with that little titbit of information to think about. I have to quickly finish this introduction cause I can hear my death coming closer, please citizens of the United Canadian American States don’t let me death be in vain and take to heart what I have said here. The only fear I have is that their dreaded decker Paladin will grab hold of this page and try to discredit me and promote these men in not only a good light, but make them seem like the hero’s when in reality each and every one of them is a traitor and villain of the United Canadian American States and to her people.
Page Written By: Chuck Davids
<<< Bloody Hell, the UCAS bastard put a lock program on this page. He found a way to circumvent our revisions of their inflammatory descriptions of these noble soldiers and warriors of the Harbour Masters and Knights. Not to worry my fellow Patriots, a student of Kilroy is only stalled I will take this bloody page down and eradicate it from the matrix soon enough. The bio descriptors are currently in the hands of the UCAS and are to not be trusted as they are full of biased and propagated information to warp the minds of the average citizen. Shifter this is not over, mark my words you Elvin bastard I will bring you down, this is only a hurdle for me and then I am coming for you!>>> <Paladin>
<<<Ha Ha Ha Ha….Bring it Paladin, I have dump shocked better and this time I will make for certain your brainware gets fried and you are nuked.>>> <<Shifter>>
<<<Excuse me Shifter, I think you might have bitten off more than you can chew here; the Paladin is my pupil and I will make certain that he remains among the living. You are nothing but a speed bump for me and seeing that I have already been within your private node more than handful of times, well…You do the math Shifter. Don’t make ideal threats without the power to back it up, you have more then half the most dreaded deckers on the matrix looking to frag you for being a loyal traitor, best to keep you head down and your ass clean.>>> <Kilroy>
<<<Kilroy who are you calling a traitor, by definition you are the traitor and need to be dealt with properly; I don’t fear a relic like you, the Misfit trained me and I am more than capable of fending of the outdated relics of the past.>>> <Shifter>
<<<Oh Shifter, throwing my name around and calling me an outdated relic; well you daisy eater we will see who is the outdated relic cause it’s on like Donkey Kong!>>> <Misfit>
<<<Keep talking Shifter, please I have been looking to zero in on your location for a while now and well wait got it….Thanks for your personal information and buying me yet another vacation home in the Cayman Islands.>>> <Banker>
<<<Banker this doesn’t concern you, you have already sold your soul to the devils in the Deaths Hand; this is between the UCAS and the Patriots. Misfit I will relish the day when I frag the legend of old, you are a disgrace to the world of the deckers and this will be an easy victory for the UCAS.>>> <Shifter>
<<<Well Shift, I think you might have just um screwed up….Cause your horoscope reads that you will be falling on uncertain times and the stars are unclear on your future days…..if you catch my drift frag head>>> <Zodiac>
<<<Now this is even more entertaining to read than watching the Joker try to stuff paintball’s up the nose of Diablo while he sleeps…Please carry on chaps.>>> <Tesla>
<<<Shifter please be careful who you insult, you don’t speak for all the deckers of your generation and most of us do actually respect the founders. Hell this war is great for business and keeps me nicely employed. Shifter you used to be one of us, you my friend are the one that has lost his way, not the Misfit or Paladin.>>> <Static>
<<<Static you as well have sold out my friend, and the UCAS is aware of your traitorous actions; justice will be coming for you as well.>>> <Shifter>
<<<Shifter shut up, can’t you see that they are baiting you; the longer you stay active the quicker they can pin point your exact location.>>> <Gambler>
<<<AH CRAP! You win this time, Shifter out!>>> <Shifter>
<<<Too late Shifter, your mouth just wrote a check your ass cant cash.>>> <Eraser>
<<<Now, Now gentlemen he might be working for the UCAS but he is still, wait he is not a reporter and a member of Urban Strike One….carry on Eraser.>>> <Skippy>
<<<Wow that degraded fast, well I do hope Shift manages to evade the Eraser seeing that I do enjoy a nice cat and mouse game from time to time. Though knowing the Erasers reputation and how out of touch my old buddy has become, my money is on the Eraser. Well Shift if you live, you still owe me for that last deck, and if you perish at the Eraser’s hand well I will crack a beer and smoke a bowl in your name…either way I win LOL.>>> <Switch Doctor>
<<<Damn Switch that was cold, but seriously if I had a pot to piss in I would put my money on the Eraser as well. Shift it was good knowing you brother, and Eraser I barely knew that man and I am more than willing to forget him if need be.>>> < Lackey>
<<<I will drink to that! Oh Switch, I am putting 10 thousand on the Eraser for a clean sweep LOL.>>> <Tesla>
<<<Oh Bloody Hell, Colonial is going to be pissed; They just outed Ajax as a Harbour Knight…..Well their goes any sleep I was going to have tonight…Oh sweet coffee I would be so lost without you.>>> <Snoopy>
<<<Where in nine Hells are they getting this freaking information Snoopy? The data banks have been secured and free of any breach.>>> <Cyclops>
<<<The data banks are properly secured my good man, this is not happening from within our network Cyclops.>>> <Snoopy>
<<<Don’t worry the Hound is on it….I will sniff out the leak and properly snuff out any whistle blowers.>>> <Hound>
<<<Thanks Hound old chap, we will as well be snooping around; The UCAS has just awoke the beast and messed with the wrong Patriot.>>> <Snoopy>
<<<Snoopy if you need any assistance in sniffing out the whistle blower and traitor, the Post Office is more than willing and able to assist you my friend.>> <Mr. Black>
<<Fellow Rebels, there seems to be a huge conglomeration of deckers that have just signed on to the False Flag as of late, they must be working on something big; since the matrix is a buzz with activity as of late and not the good kind of activity if you catch my drift.>> <Voltage>
<<Thanks Voltage old chap, will keep the ear to the street and nose to the grindstone in regards to this current situation before it gets any worse.>> <Snoopy>
<<Hey Hound, you might want to secure the Confederates data banks; if this could happen to the Patriots this could happen to you boys down south as well.>> <Samhain>
<<I offer my gallows as well my professional skills to the Patriots once they locate this traitorous scum of a whistle blower.>> <Salty>
<<Wow all this fun going on and here I am playing Blood-Sport 10 and drinking…. wait nope still entertained, I can multi task.>> <Tesla>
<<<Whatever is going on has the entire network system a buzz. The matrix is crawling with government spooks, so be careful my friends.>>> <Hades>
Lieutenant Colonel Sir Harold Reynolds (Holiday) <Commanding Officer>: <British>Burger up! No, chicken won’t be done on the barbeque for a while yet (wrong runner). Burgers are fresh and burned for this Holiday celebration. Well chummers, before I’m fragged I will celebrate by giving you the 4-11 on the harbour knights as well. Its taking them time to kill me, they must have sent Forsaken. If it were Jeeves I would already be dead. Holiday is known in Seattle as a vigilante, yet it is obvious that this is just a cover. He is one of the assassins that is so successful that he commands this elite group. If you see Holiday then he is either kicking back on his heels or there to kill someone. If its the latter, run for he is never alone.
Major Sir Carson Donaldson (Deicide) <Executive Officer>: <British> Well what the heck. Why not throw some royalty in this unit too. I imagine Deicide hates being ordered by those who are considered below him. Sadly, this once noble man of exceptional breeding has denegrated himself not only as a rebel, but as an american and street thug no less. While he is incredibly dangerous, what is even more fearsome is his fellow members of the Wolf Pack. His skills as both an adept and warrior are off the charts and his friends don’t make him any easier to take down. I would suggest running, but it probably wouldn’t help.
Major Sir Griffin Broderick MD (Ferryman) <Special Assignment Agent>: <British> Hello sir, I’d like a book on the being who rides the river styx. Why yes, I am talking about he Ferryman, member of both these knights and the Library. Another of these secretive bastards has shown up in a rebel agency. It is starting to become more of a trope than a surprise really. Can’t you do any better in the art of surprise Archive?! As warrior we know very little about the Ferryman. What we do know is that he likes to collect hearts. Yeah, I thought it was creepy too chummer. What we now know is that he has been working within this unit for years and his skills are likely to be quite high. As an adept he is probably very skilled with his bastard sword (well named and chosen weapon) and it is likely a focus of exceptional power. Though to be honest, I imagined him with oar. Either way, even if he is just holding a pencil, get away and contact your local UCAS facility.
Captain Sir Woody Brunswick (Casper) <Justiciar>: <American> Another ghost of the past, though this one is less than friendly. Casper, like his friend and commander Holiday, has worked hard to make a name for himself as a vigilante in Seattle. This is clearly also a cover, given the members on this page it seems to be a common theme. “Lets kill criminals to get our rocks off, and create a cover. Genius!”. Well fellas, it stops working here. Your reign of terror in the UCAS has been exposed and there is nothing you can do. You are known, and the public knows about you. It will only become COMMON SENSE to turn you in and return safety to the citizens of this wonderful country.
Captain Sir Fredrick Mosley (Autopsy) <Justiciar>: <American> Before I dissect and prepare you, let me rinse and repeat. Another would be vigilante who will be allowed to masquerade as a freedom fighter no more. Autopsy is a Founding Father who helped to shape Seattle into what it is today (whether that is good or bad is unknown). He works on the team known as the Old Guard, and also sidelines as a mortician. Talk about unethical business practices. Get paid to kill em, and then charge to bury them. Whether or not he offers a discount plan, don’t take him up on that family set of plots. This man is a dangerous murderer and should be treated as such. Report him and run.
Captain Sir Jacob Sweeney (Rover) <Special Operations>: <British> Another verse, same as the first. Much like his predecessors on this page, we have another “vigilante” on our hands. What is of more interest is that he is a member of the Library, oh wait, that card has already been played too. Looks like the rebels are running out of ways to hide their members. Until recently Rover was thought of as nothing more than an urban legend that went after the guilty. Well folks, this is no legend. The Rover is real and he is hear to force us to see the error of our ways. Unfortunately, what he calls errors are the laws and policies that keep us safe at night. This man fights to remove all that we hold dear. Don’t let him take away our freedom! Rover, go roam elsewhere.We have no need of British law in the UCAS. We prefer progressive thought and equality, not the gallows or life in prison due to simple theft. You are not wanted here.
Captain Sir Linus Birdwhistle (Ajax) <Cleaner>: <British> Maid service please! On a more serious note, this cleaner is of a different breed than the traditional British housekeeper. This man cleans, or in my opinion dirties, the souls of the innocent from this world. A cleaner and assassin differ in one major point. Both claim the life of the target, but for a cleaner the body and all evidence must be hidden. Often even the survivors of the target have to be removed in order to be sure that nothing can be traced. Ajax is one of the most dangerous men on this list alongside his brethren the Reaper and Jeeves above. If you see this man, you are not long for this world. He may be dirtying your soul, but it is still gone regardless.
First Lieutenant Sir Dayton England (Pedagogue) <Special Operations>: <British> Well shit, or as he would say “bloody hell”. Somebody allowed a reject into the Harbour Knights. Breaking news, the Joker might be here too! In any event, we don’t need him right now. He is probably busy chasing after Commissioner Gordon (who for some reason was protected by a Holloween Decker…). In any event, it would appear the Pedagogue keeps himself between graduating classes and monitoring paintball consumption, yet still manages to keep enough time to eradicate the souls this group deems unworthy. It makes one wonder whether he had anything to do with the direction that Rock took to find his false ideals. Well Pedagogue, keep your learning to yourself. Unlike in Britain, we here in the UCAS value the truth!
First Lieutenant Sir Christopher Carson (Reptile) <Special Operations>: <British> I suppose it makes sense that if there is a reject here, there should also be a rat. Reptile is a rat bastard (not to be confused with his teammate) who is both an adept an acid user. I suppose with a name like reptile he needed to either incorporate some sort of venom, or be a dragon (let us pray for the former and not the latter). One can only imagine what type of “special operations” this man is sent on given his moniker. I pray for the safety of all within the UCAS with this man loose on the streets under the name of “freedom”.
First Lieutenant Sir Sherwood Thorpe (Tackle Box) <Unit Commander>: <American> This man may be the first unique member we have run into in this entire list. Tackle Box may be a vigilante (you know my views on that detail by now), but he is the only Street Samurai on this page other than Colt. It would appear that even this unit who claims to be the “knights” of freedom have admitted that street killers are the way to go. This samurai is known to be the real deal and has caused problems all over the nation. He is one of the few Next Generation runners that have survived the war in the shadows (along with some of Helix and a few others). Well, not much else can be said about this man. I keep my content factual, and he has already admitted to be a being of mass destruction who kills indiscriminately. There isn’t much more I can say.
First Lieutenant Sir Robert Mathers (Hitch) <Unit Commander>: <British> Oh my, another vigilante. What a surprise. Not!!!!!!! Nothing new here, this man has known about his evil deeds and yet still tries to pretend to kill under the name of justice and righteousness. This man is nothing more than a terror in the streets removing those who he deems unworthy of life. I would say more, but I hear my time is coming to an end. I pray that I will be able to finish this work before I expire. I wonder which will get me in the end.
Second Lieutenant Sir Theodore Chapel (Category 5) <Engineering Division Commander>: <British> Well well, I guess we now know where the explosive support is on this team, literally. Category 5, the walking storm of destruction. This monster not only blows up his locations, he injects them with biological toxins and radiation to make sure that there is nobody left alive once his fireworks go boom. This man being on the team seals the deal. They are nothing but terrorists and killers. Unfortunately, my time is over. The last piece will be an auto upload. Goodbye my frie……..
Sargent Major Sir Jackson “JD” Dumont (Sabretooth) <Reconnaissance Officer>: <American> Sabretooth, the tiger of this list. A member of the elusive President’s men. Talk about an interesting turn of events. It looks like the post office is all over the Patriots and in all of their sub-teams. Makes you wonder where the connection comes from. Well, Sabretooth was not one of the original president’s men. He is a newbie that has been recruited recently in order to rebuild. Well, it would appear that this group has rounded off its numbers with quite the member, though for him it may be unlucky seeing as he is number 13. Interesting that this group would model their enemies number and structure in secrecy. Whose side is this man truly on?
<The listing of the agents on this page is incomplete as the records are being heavily guarded by the Patriots and the other agencies involved in this rebellion. We in the UCAS are working diligently to uncover all the sensitive information about this specialised unit of terrorists to bring this life saving information to your attention; these are not noble hero’s that the Patriots are painting as noble and brave warriors. The above mentioned killers are just that, they are terrorists bent on destroying everything we hold dear and forcing their will upon every last one of us, these men have been concealed for far to long and the truth is finally upon us and the Patriots are not happy about it. Many lives have been lost to bring this information to your attention and I feel that even more lives will be lost to finish this research; don’t let their sacrifices be in vain for we must stand united against this terrorist threat.>