The Kingsmen
The Known Story of England’s Premier Swordsman Order
This is the current known roster of the British Secret Service also known as the Kingsmen, they are a national order of royal guards trained to protect the royal family and as well remove any threat to the Untied Kingdom and her allies. The Kingsmen are supposed to be a secret order that shares a deep rooted history within America, the American Presidents Men or “Architects” spawned from the Kingsmen during the American Revolution (1775 – 1783); during the revolt the Kingsmen that where within the Colonies jumped ship to form the Presidents Men and protect George Washington as well fight against the English Forces within the American Colony.
While other Kingsmen stayed loyal to King George III and remained within England to help maintain security within the British Royal Empire. Though from what we have recently learned is that even during the late 1700’s and early 1800’s many of the supposed loyal Kingsmen were working covertly to undermine the King, the Royal Family and Parliament stating that England had over reached and had become a threat to not just itself but all of her colonies and territories. What this meant would be the further separation of the Royals and the People and putting even more faith within the elected officials of the House of Commons.
This would anger the Royal Family and especially the King as he felt he could no longer trust his state sanctioned assassins, thieves and spies many of which served within the Royal Army, Marines and Navy, while others sat in his court as nobles or had been placed within Parliament. This would cause a civil war to emerge throughout the United Kingdom with the authorities seeking to arrest and execute the Kingsmen for “treason against the crown” and so would begin the age of seclusion and secrecy for these once noble men (1776 – 1845) and it would come to end with the Kingsmen being all but forgotten within the United Kingdom till 1915 when King George V would grant the order clemency and reestablish the Secret Service to act as the Hand of England during the First World War to defend the Crown from the German threat.
Though unlike the days of King George III when the order was basically known and feared by the people and nobody was safe from being arrested, murdered or extorted by one of these royal assassins; the new days of the order (1915 – Present) would go deep underground and basically become a true secret order to follow the same progression of there American counterparts that were unknown till 2074. The Kingsmen would be outed by some antiquated traditions that couldn’t be concealed during the most recent royal wedding (14/02/2075) when His Majesty King Avery Cortland would marry the Princess of Wales Jezebel Church. The ancient tradition states that all active members of the Kingsmen Order must openly wear their ceremonial dress sword during the ceremony and following functions and receptions.
This antiquated tradition was one many of the Kingsmen would never have worried about in the past seeing their order was both respected and feared; not to mention very open and public, now after 1915 they would be one of secrecy and so they should have adapted their traditions to the modern way of their order. Now according to some further research we have learned that not all of the Kingsmen where openly wearing their sword as per tradition, some have been granted an undercover status and kept their blade concealed during the wedding. Basically this order was undone by the very advancements in technology that have allowed them to become the worlds premiere spy agency next to the American Post Office and Presidents Men. Yes my readers these royal assassins where undone by the television and internet, we the viewers where able to witness the Kingsmen openly wearing their blades within feet of the King, Royal Family, Dignitaries, Elected Officials and Members of Parliament with zero action from law enforcement.
With some further research we could find the old charters of the Kingsmen and their written code and heraldry, it wasn’t long from there that we could point out who was active in the order and even the undercover ones where easy to locate. They sat in places they shouldn’t have been as regular guests and even many of the undercover ones simply walked with dress canes… this took some work on my end but I was able to freeze frame on each cane and go frame by frame zooming fully in and their it was; the orders signet on either their ring or on the cane itself. Now the average viewer and reporter wouldn’t have gone through the trouble to pin point each and ever Kingsmen within the Westminster Abbey… they would be focused on the King, the new Queen and her dress, not to mention the first time in over a century the world got to see The Horsemen of the Great War lead by the Pale Rider himself within full American Cavalry regalia on horseback escorting England’s soon to be Queen.
Seriously even I was aw struck and lost in the moment to see the four legends in full uniform and on horseback once again, I mean we got to see the Brothers Four escort our soon to be Queen…..from the reports, this was something that had all of the UK and the world glue to their televisions for hours; I have learned about the Brothers Four and what they did for our nation during both the First and Second World War, I grew up watching the Pale Rider and Invincible One programs and learned to fear Director Wilhuff and Director Dover Palpatine and make sure I always obeyed the law, said my prayers and never questioned our American Allies…..and here they were in their old American Civil War era cavalry regalia riding peacefully down our streets guarding the Princess of Wales.
Now it would actually be the arrival of the Horsemen or “Brothers Four” that would cause me to start researching and gathering photos and video stills for my News Channel within the Matrix “Busted” I was working on what I thought was a tribute to my hero’s when I would notice the emblem within there swords on the cross-guard; I was like “Oh My God” and started to freak out, not only are they the legendary “Brothers Four” they are Bloody Kingsmen!! I nearly fainted to think that they serve that secret order and seeing we know they are old as dirt from being part of the Federal Immorality Project of 1850 and as well being assumed to be older than that seeing their are reports of them being the legendary “Highwaymen” that predate the American Revolution and would have been part of the Kingsmen/Presidents Men division to fight against King George III’s army to free the colonies from the tyrannical rule of the Tyrant King.
Yes to say I was enamoured and loosing my mind is well to say we British like our tea, thats when I decided to create a total documentary about the Kingsmen and figure how many others where within attendance on that day. Lets just say what I found out was surprising to say the least, first off the Presidents Men, Crystal Dragons, Crimson Bloods, London Dungeon and Post Office would all have guards placed within the perimeter and members of the 41 Strong would as well be welcomed guests…….though many of the 41 Strong would turn out to be Kingsmen, another shock to my system that these men sacrificed everything for the UK and how did the world repay them two words……Not Well.
I would spend the next handful of weeks neglecting my actual work, family and well my personal health to pinpoint each and every Kingsmen including the undercover ones for my documentary; I understand two things, I didn’t catch all of them, and I really shouldn’t have exposed them seeing no other reporter noticed what I noticed, but I felt that this needs to be made public. These men deserve our respect and admiration for the dangerous work they do, these men keep the United Kingdom and her allies safe on a daily basis and these men put themselves in grave danger out of a sense of duty for God and Country.
Listed below is the current known roster of the Kingsmen, many of these men as well serve in the Presidents Men and many are also Sentinels of the Irish Sea (401st) and all have sacrificed for our great country and fight against the enemies of freedom and decency. There are some Kingsmen that I would never have suspected to be within a sacred order such as this but they were at the wedding with the ceremonial sword on their hip…..I mean I would never have suspected the “Dynamic Duo” of Herbert Parish and Vernon O’Regan would have been Kingsmen, we have HRM members inside our secret order…….okay thats a bit disturbing but it does bring credence to there cause, seeing the UK would not allow just anyone to join this prestigious order.
So consider this to be my tribute to the legendary Kingsmen and some of them might be old enough to remember the glory days of their order before the Tyrant King…….yes I believe there is more to the story with the FIP, and the mysterious serum. I also believe that these men and women are far older than they portray, Kingsmen are blessed by Avalon and this order has survived ages, its membership has been unknown for decades but take a good hard look at the Brothers Four, Reverdy Jamestown, Reverdy Davis, Archibald Kingsbury, Adolf Gunner and Tullius Kissinger and tell me they don’t remember the American Revolution and beyond.
Now this order holds some extreme traditions as well; they have a very strict dress code, grooming code and manner of speech including banned speech such as profanity (claiming it to be unprofessional and ungentlemanly) though from some official and unofficial recordings it seems their newest squire Maximilian Yates has adapted some sort of code called “Off World Rules” that has been accepted by the elders that allows them to curse in highly stressful situations…..I guess the young buck is modernising this antiquated orders way of thinking…….though when it comes to professional standards one doesn’t think of the Death Bringer, Spectre, Pyre, Sawyer, Ecto One, Trixter, Locust, and Smuggler as the embodiment of professional behaviour and dress. Though members like Old Joe, Crab, Alchemist, Custodian and Deicide have mastered the old world look and professional attitude; while the remainder maintain a modern professional look and attitude…….Now don’t think one can simply apply for a job within the Kingsmen, that is left for a highly specialised selection process.
To become a Kingsmen one must first prove their mettle within another order that is serving the UK or one of her allies, be a natural born citizen of the UK, hold dual citizenship or be willing to become a citizen of England. The easiest way to get accepted is to this fraternal order is to well be a legacy, yes if your father, uncle, brother, grandfather, great grandfather and so on served or is still serving the Kingsmen than you might as well have an invitation waiting for you to accept once you have still proven your worth to the Grand Masters of the order. So yes this is one Secret Service agency that you simply can’t just apply for, you must be offered a place within their ranks……this same tradition applies to those within all forms of military service wanting to be within some of the most extreme and skilled special forces divisions minus a few.
I recommended anyone wanting to join the Kingsmen or Presidents Men the sister order in America first volunteer for military service, than work towards special forces, and if that still hasn’t landed you an invention try working for one of the nations intelligence divisions such as in America I-Corps, CIA, NSA, Homeland, FBI, or the Post Office as a field agent……good luck with the Post Office though. In the UK you can try I-Corps, MI6, MI7, Scotland Yard, Royal Intelligence, Steel Legion or the London Dungeon though see the Post Office when it comes to the London Dungeon.
The listing of members is in no specific order and does not indicate rank within this agency, we know from ancient records the Kingsmen have only a few titles that they follow and accept. The first and foremost is Grand Leader and that is held currently by Walter Segal as he is the leader of this order and even in today’s digital world we have yet to uncover how one becomes the leader and for how long one is the leader of this order. They have the Sword Council that is the next in the hierarchy; their are eight members of this leadership council that guide the other members and advise the Grand Leader; the Sword Council is all Grand Masters of order that have been elected to sit on the council again the term is unknown. They have a handful of other elected and earned stations that I will list below and than the ranks within the order are simple…..Squire, Knight, Master, Grand Master; how these ranks are earned is unknown and a very closely guarded secret as to what the hash marks and roman numerals on their sashes mean.
Grand Leader: Walter Segal
Chairman of the Sword Council: Carson Donaldson
The Sword Council is as follows: Rugby Carson, Warren Segal, Excalibur Milton, Arthur Swanson, Reginald Kingsman, Vernon O’Regan, Wesley Burns, Robert Churchill
Sargent At Arms: Montgomery Hilliard-Palpatine, Arthur Grimm, Jacob Sweeney, Franklin Quinn, Charles Belmont-Palpatine
Disciplinarian: Dayton England
Outside of these few stations that I have been able to uncover, little else is known about the Kingsmen and how they function. Though I would be very cautious of those listed in the known leadership chain as they must be the best of the best when it come to what Kingsmen do best and thats well………kill!
Known former Grand Leaders are Wilhuff Palpatine, Jerry Neely, and Adolf Gunner and these men also all once sat on the sword council as well before becoming the leader of the Kingsmen for a period of time. Basically treat any and all grand masters to have once sat on the Sword Council or acted as the Chairman. So basically as much as I love this order they scare the crap out of me seeing they are the worlds best swordsman and hold themselves to a very high set of standards to maintain their current rank, station……they are always keeping up their training and a Kingsmen is NEVER unarmed! So don’t be stupid and engage any Kingsmen, they are never alone and they have spent a lifetime training with a sword and even their squires are beyond masters with the blade; so quick life lesson here Kingsmen will end yours if they are threatened or engaged.
These men are above the law and have a direct license to kill, they are fully willing to take a life in the line of duty and NO Kingsmen is ever OFF DUTY, so remember this if you think attacking one of these noble men seems like a quick way to become famous……in reality it’s a quick way to end up DEAD! These men are Federal Law Enforcement Officers with a Royal Decree behind them, so keep that in mind, they have earned our respect and again they are Law Enforcement with a very lethal sword concealed upon them…..not to mention they are one of the only Law Enforcement Officers to legally and openly carry firearms within the UK, so yes they can still shoot you dead and seeing they have some legendary members like Russel Winters, Arthur Rummy, Rusty Rutherford, Reverdy Jamestown, Adolf Gunner and Albert Schwartz that gunslinger adepts and snipers……..simple rule to follow Respect the Kingsmen, and Don’t Be Stupid and Do As They Say.
David Francis UK Hard Line News (Busted)
UPDATE 01/03/2075
I must say after reviewing the known membership listing of the Kingsmen I am left wondering about the morality of this order, you have maniacs like the Dynamic Duo alongside Horsemen and at least by their photos sweet old men like Dr. Finesilver and Dr. Harvey Cannon……though we than have total enigma’s like Trixter and American Folk Hero’s the Pale Rider and Invincible One, so I am left wondering about the morality of this order.
I bring this up seeing it’s Grand Leader is a member of the clergy and active within the Church of England, one would think that he would bring forth a foundation of Christianity to this agency. Than I learn that they are state funded and sanctioned assassins, thieves and spies……they sanction and turn a blind eye to torture and cold blooded murder. I than wonder what my government is up to when they can allow such evil to exist, maybe back during the days of King George III and beyond such a order was warranted and needed but to think within a civilised and polite society we still allow state sanctioned killers to exist…..for shame to the Crown.
This order has a deep history within both the UK and her colonies and I am left wondering how many innocent lives have been snuffed out by the Kingsmen in order to silence some sort of stain to the monarchs and government within America…..seeing many of those listed below are within the American political system and work for our American cousins counterpart the Presidents Men……again conflict of interest much, I mean the American CIA Director, FBI Director, NSA Director, Homeland Director, Secret Service Director, Multiple Governors, Multiple Senators and even the President and Vice President serve within the Kingsmen and have at one point held leadership roles or sat on the Sword Council.
The more you look into the membership of this order the more one is left wondering “Who actually runs the show?” I mean seriously we have Human Resistance Members, Former Deaths Hand High Command and Generals, and Crystal Dragons all empowered with Royal Law Enforcement Privileges and handed a “”license to kill”, the media is basically owned by the Kingsmen seeing they have legendary mouthpieces such as Alfred O’Bannon, Reverdy Davis, and Kingsley Quinn controlling the media outlets either from behind the scenes or directly through the mainstream media outlets.
You have known terrorists like Archibald Kingsbury, Johnathan Winters, Arthur and Arnold Grimm among the roster and the worlds most notorious and infamous spy Wilhuff Palpatine and legendary liars Tudor Yates and Dover Barton-Palpatine that can spin and polish up a turd into a diamond. So again I ask who actually do these Kingsmen work for, who do the Presidents Men work for? I t doesn’t seem to be the people or even the governments they supposedly serve seeing recently two Kingsmen assaulted Ireland and murdered countless within the Elven Palace in Dublin……that people screams HRM and the workings of Prince Sly Grimm yet another member of this order.
I understand that many of my fellow countrymen love and cherish this agency and what it means for the UK and our grand history, but please don’t get lost in the glamour of the past, the agency that we have today is not the one of the “Ye Old Days” its one that has been corrupted and manipulated by Wilhuff Palpatine, Tudor Yates, Robert Churchill and Vernon O’Regan. It’s an order that doesn’t obey any laws and one that has slithered through history granting pardons and clemency to it’s members for cold blooded murder.
We are given members like Rusty Rutherford-Palpatine, Milton Wooden and Benjamin Mathews to look up to as true blue police officers, and American Folk Hero’s like Montgomery Hilliard-Palpatine and Charles Belmont-Palpatine to rally behind……meanwhile Charles Belmont-Palpatine is as well a former President of the Republic of Hawaii, and lets not forget that the Hawaii Uprising was started by multiple Kingsmen. Again I ask who do they actually serve if not for the leader of the Horsemen, the leader of the Highwaymen, the king of the intelligence agencies and leader of both the Post Office and London Dungeon……Wilhuff Palpatine.
We are supposed to believe that the members listed below are the entire roster of the Kingsmen, well sadly I don’t believe it. This order has undercover members that we have yet to uncover and maybe we will never figure out……though if their morals are anything like Henry O’Doyle’s or Frank McDougall’s we might simply suffer a sting in the back by their blade from within the shadows. I recommended taking a good hard look at the known members of the Horsemen, Rogue One, Cajun Cavalry, Post Office, Outlaws Five, Phoenix Five, Railroad, Crystal Dragons, Ghost Division and Presidents Men to figure out who might simply be “Under Cover”.
Don’t be fooled by the nice old men that litter this page like Dr. Sherman Finesilver, Dr. Harvey Cannon, and Saul Meisner they might look like your grandfather and such sweet old men, but remember they are trained killers and seasoned soldiers that would gladly slice your throat or drive a dagger into your back. Than take a good look at the clergy within the Kingsmen Father Walter Segal and Father Herschel Horror yup they have you fooled, there is no one in the Kingsmen that has a heart of gold. They are all highly trained government sanctioned killers hiding as Royal Enforcement or Federal Enforcement Officers.
They lay the Federal Immortality Project down as a reason to feel pity for them, to thank them for their service and to respect them for their status as wounded veterans…..yet they still serve within this order and many where still viable enough to join the 401st Ghost Division and stand as one against the Elves of Ireland on the shores of the Irish Sea on that cold day in October 2018. Again they have you fooled, they have turned you into livestock and guiding your minds and hands with their continued lies and deception, these men are the wolves within sheep’s clothing we have been warned about in the bible, through the teachings of Christ and the parables and morals instilled in us by our parents, church leaders, troop leaders, teachers, Saturday morning cartoons and the conservative movements in both the UK and America……these Kingsmen and Presidents Men are nothing more than servants of Satan and sent here to dismantle our good God fearing leaders; they fear a stick in the back from the shadows if someone speaks out of line and doesn’t play along with the chosen narrative created by Wilhuff Palpatine or Kingsley Quinn.
I say that the true Grand Leader of the Kingsmen is Wilhuff Palpatine and his sword council is nothing more than his brothers Montgomery, Charles, Dover Palpatine and there own children Rusty, and Reverdy Palpatine and toss in Adolf Gunner and Tudor Yates to round out the numbers and you have a true table of Satan and one that actually controls and enslaves us all under the banner of national security…….well I only hope that everyone’s eyes open up and they can see the truth behind the veil of secrecy, I mean even his Majesty Avery Cortland bows down to the Palpatine Brothers and gleefully welcomes their offspring within the place at all hours.
So please don’t be fooled, the Kingsmen are nothing more than cold blooded state sanctioned murderers, they serve a higher power and that power is the Prince of Darkness himself. They have sold their souls to Satan and pretend to obey the laws set forth by the crown regarding the actions of the Kingsmen, this people is a lie and if we don’t act quickly we will all become slaves to the master. Wilhuff Palpatine is the true power player and the one that has cast his web and placed his family in the key positions to forever hold the world within checkmate under the threat of his true agency the Technocracy.
Meet the Defenders of the Crown
Alfred “Donk” O’Bannon Sr. (Anchor): Media sensation Alfred O’Bannon is one man that has been serving the Kingsmen for quite sometime and even though he currently resides within America, he keeps his heart here in the UK and as a Grand Master of Highest Regard and Highest Honour and can be sure his dedication to the order and his reporting is always spot on……..Alfred I salute you for your continued dedication to preserving honour and dignity.
Tudor “Silver Tongue” Yates (Professor): The Devil in White they call him, the beast from the Deaths Hand they call him, but Tudor here has defended England for ages and fights to protect Avalon from those that would wish her harm. Even putting himself in grave danger to dismantle the Deaths Hand assault on England and bring an end to the war with his friends and allies within the 67th Stormriders and fellow Kingsmen that would eventually bring an end to the terrorist that was Alexander. Tudor might have seemed to be an enemy of the UK and world, but his heart and soul showed true dedication and as a veteran of multiple wars and the Battle of the Irish Sea this man has truly shown he can be trusted and is a friend of the United Kingdom. He serves proudly both the Presidents Men and Kingsmen as a Grand Master of High Regard and Honour in both orders and is currently a four star general within the United States Elite……we thank you General Tudor Yates for your devotion and dedication to keeping the free world free.
Jack “The Knife” Bentley (Ripper): The Ripper once the scourge of London Town and now a noble Kingsmen, it seems that even this order needs it people that will be willing to go to any extreme to see justice served. Many might hate the Ripper or The Knife as he is also called, but I see him as the dark side of the moon and the man that keeps the guilty looking over their shoulders within the darkness of London’s foggy streets. Jack Bentley serves the Kingsmen as a Master of High Regard and has helped keep London safe for decades, I may only remember him through his work across the pond with the Mariners and Helix, but I never disregard anyone who can rise to the rank of Master within the noble order of the Kingsmen.
Carson “Dragon Slayer” Donaldson (Deicide): The current Chairman of the Sword Council is the mighty Dragon Slayer himself, Carson Donaldson has been within the Kingsmen for as long as I can recall and according to records found, long before I was born as well. He is the orders longest serving Chairman and one that holds true to the code of conduct and dress, he is regarded as the Kingsmen of Kingsmen and what all members should strive to become. Deicide as he is also called is noted as to having slain a Great Wyrm Western Dragon with a single blow from his blade and bringing an end to the beasts reign of terror. Carson serves the Kingsmen as a Grand Master of the Highest Regard and Honours, and once served as the Grand Leader from 2000-2020.
August “Trust Me” Prichard (Buzzard): Well the scourge of the Confederacy is former General August Prichard and former Senator Prichard, but that hasn’t stopped this dedicated Kingsmen and Presidents Men from fighting for the freedom of all her people and exposing the evils that resided within the Confederate Leadership. This Kingsmen is currently on leave from his station within both orders seeing he is currently an elected Vice President of the UCAS and he can’t officially serve either orders till his term has expired. August Prichard is a Master of Regard and Honour within the Kingsmen……honestly I am thrilled to see such a legendary swordsmen as a Vice President, seeing he will be able to aid in his own defense and not be willing to hide behind the secret service, seriously who can guard a Kingsmen better than a Kingsmen.
(August has been killed and has been removed from the ranks of the Kingsman and all honors have been striped for his traitorous actions)
Lord Marvin “Oxfords” Yates (Accountant): Our wonderful Minister of the Treasury Lord Yates serves within the Kingsmen and has for quite sometime. This man has been through the ringer and been exposed to the worst treatments a man can suffer through the American Federal Immortality Project. This Kingsmen laid his life on the line for us during the Battle of the Irish Sea in 2018 and continues to dedicate his time to fighting for freedom and to defend England from the evils of the world. It would be through his brother Tudor that the Kingsmen and Royal Military could properly defend our island against the Deaths Hand and it would be Lord Yates that would uncover many great scandals and restore the honour to many of the nobles after the War of the Nobles. Marvin Yates is a Grand Master of the Highest Regard and Highest Honours.
Christopher Carson (Reptile): Chris Carson the Reptile the man, the myth the legend; works both across the pond and within Avalon fighting to remove terror threats and to keep the piece. His tactics might rub some the wrong way, but one thing is certain the Reptile gets things done and without incident. He serves within the Kingsmen and Crystal Dragons Hawaii Chapter, this man has dedicated his life to serving the people as there defender and his achieved the status of Grand Master within the Kingsmen, keep up the good work Christopher and don’t worry what the tabloids say about you, you are truly the best at what you do and you allow us all to sleep safely at night.
Sir Harold “Torch’em” Reynolds (Holiday): The master of the flame and the blade, Sir Reynolds was once a devoted Knight and is of Royal Blood. His land, home and family where butchered and burned alive during the War of the Nobles, his legacy disgraced and forced to flee across the pond to save his neck from the noose. How did this Kingsmen repay his treatment…..well with fire and steel, he butchered those that disgraced him and stood as a steady reminder that in war their are only winners and the looser’s are sent to a fiery grave to burn in hell. This Kingsmen still serves the order today and he brings a whole new level of pain to those that are deemed guilty by the Sword Council, he serves as a Master of Good Regard and Honour and as well serves within the Harbour Masters as one of the Harbour Knights.
Duke Edmund T Wellington (Monarch): Well here is another that many could live without as he was one of the masterminds during the War of the Nobles, that tried to take advantage of the situation to place himself on the throne….well thats what we were lead to believe when in reality he was working directly alongside our King and helping him remove the problem players and those that actually started the War of the Nobles. The Lord of War as they call him allowed himself to wear the target as the public enemy for his soon to be King, he was gifted with a leadership role within the Caribbean Chapter of the Kingsmen and would once again allow himself to become a pawn of others hatred to hand the Governorship over to the more beloved Colonel Pilgrim. The Lord of War serves as a Grand Master with the Highest Regards and Highest Honours within the Kingsmen… or hate him he is here to stay.
Lord Herbert Larson (Simba): Well with everything that Lord Larson has been through during the War of the Nobles and the sting of betrayal felt by our American cousin General James O’Brian, it is a wonder that Simba here doesn’t simply try to eat everyone……spoiler he’s a lion shapeshifter. This man’s a kind and noble man with more honour and dignity in his pinky finger than most of the blokes from Manchester, and he still finds a place in his heart to serve the within the Kingsmen and protect us from any and all threats. Lord Larson’s home, land and family where butchered by James O’Brian as the Inishmore assaulted Great Britain and than he was ravaged again during the War of the Nobles and did he turn his back on us….Nope, thats not what a Lion Heart Does. He stood his ground and fought for you and I, and he still fights today for freedom. Lord Larson is a highly skilled and qualified Grand Master of High Regard and High Honour and trainer within the Kingsmen; Lord Larson on behalf of all of us I am deeply sorry for what you suffered.
Lt Gen. Herschel “Alarm Clock” Horowitz (Checkmate): The Scourge of the Serengeti is among the Kingsmen, yup this man is a legendary general and butcher of man and beast. This is another Kingsmen that might have more enemies than friends and that’s just fine with good old Alarm Clock, he is another key player in the Deaths Hands failure during the sacking of England. He put a pawn in his place and than sabotaged Alexanders army sending them straight into a trap set up by Marvin and Tudor Yates and with his loyal assistant at his side General Horowitz simply cleaned up the mess. I might not agree with his tactics in battle, but as a Kingsmen he brings a level of dignity to the order and has been working hard within the smoke filed war room aiding the Sword Council for ages. Checkmate is a true Grand Master with both High Regard and High Honour and works as a trainer within the order.
<<Lt Gen Herschel Horowitz was killed in action during the Alexandrian Conflict within the Butte theatre on December 22nd 2076….RIP>>
Col. Reinhold Yule (Genocide): This is the trusted assistant and loyal friend of General Horowitz for countless ages, and has followed his friend straight into the maw of hell countless times. Colonel Yule is another that has some questionable tactics and doesn’t have many friends outside of the Kingsmen. Though he does serve the order with pride and dignity and stands as wall of blade and merciless and unyielding might, he stands as a beacon of hope for everyone that has the privilege to make his acquaintance. Colonel Yule might have a questionable past and not free of blood on his hands, but this man does make certain that any and all threat to the UK and her allies is dealt with swiftly and brutally. He serves as a Master of Good Regard and Honour and is another of the trainers within the order…….I heard a story where he once poured a fresh pot of coffee on a trainees head for oversleeping; not sure it’s true but that had to hurt.
<<Col. Reinhold Yule was killed in action during the Alexandrian Conflict within the Butte theatre on December 22nd 2076….RIP>>
Lord Arthur Townsend (Pendragon): As a member of the Steel Legions Round Table and as well serving the Kingsmen Pendragon here has proven to be a modern day King Arthur, as he selflessly dedicates himself to keeping the UK free and safe from any threat domestic or foreign. He has been a foundation of stability for our nation for ages and he continues to put her people first, Lord Townsend has served the Kingsmen for quite sometime and was one of the first into action when London was under attack during the War of 2018 and we thank him for his dedication and devotion to protect and serve; Lord Townsend serves the Kingsmen as a Grand Master of the Highest Regards and Highest Honours, he as well serves the Steel Legion as a member of the Round Table and acting leader, while as well being a Grand Master of the Highest Circle within the Order of the Pale Moon.
Sir Howard “Mad King” Tudor VI (Piper): Well this is another man that some people love and many loath, for the Pipers tactics are questionable at times. Though he is another that has dedicated his life to the order of the Kingsmen and Steel Legion. This media mogul uses his Piper Television to keep the people informed on the dangers that lurk within the shadowy streets of London and abroad, his pipes are the first to be heard when danger looms and he is the first to action when the people are in trouble, for he truly bleeds red, white and blue (Our Colours First). The Piper is the media relations director for the Steel Legion, fights with the American Wolf Pack, he is a Grand Master within the Pale Moon and is a Grand Master of High Honours within the Kingsmen.
Lord Martin “Hang’em High” Harrison (Riddler): Lord Harrison the world premier hang man, the highest ranked Justicar within the Steel Legion. He now serves both within the UK and America as the Chief District Attorney for the city of Seattle and a barrister within the US Elite. This Kingsmen has been their and done that, he fought to defend England from the Elven threat in 2018 as part of the 401st Ghost Division and has stood as a Sentinel of freedom ever since. Lord Harrison is a Grand Master of the Highest Regard and Honour within the Kingsmen, he as well once sat on the Sword Council and proudly defends England and her allies from any and all threat both within the Kingsmen and within the Courtroom.
Father Walter Segal (Rags): Serves the order proudly as it’s Grand Leader since 2050 and counting, Walter Segal is a active member of the Church of England and veteran of many wars having served in Royal Army and Royal Marines. Father Segal as well fought valiantly alongside the 401st Ghost Division during the Battle of the Irish Sea. We are lucky to have him leading these noble men on a daily basis and his wisdom and experience has guided both the Kingsmen and the Sentinels back into the hearts of all within the United Kingdom. God Speed and Long Live the King Father Segal and thank you for your dedicated service to the citizens of the United Kingdom and abroad. Walter is a Grand Master of the Highest Regard and Honour within the Kingsmen, though that should be obvious to anyone already and didn’t need to be said.
Rugby “Story Time” Carson (Peanut): Well for Rugby Carson the Father of Christopher Carson, what can be said about good old Story Time here. Well allot to be exact, he is truly beloved within the United Kingdom and by everyone of all ages, he is a true humanitarian, reads to the children in the library and hospital, he can talk your ear off for hours about everything under the sun and he is an all around good man. He has served the Kingsmen for his entire life and like his father before him he plans on going nowhere till he takes his final breath. Peanut here served as the Grand Leader from 1990 -2000 to be replaced by Carson Donaldson, he sat on the Sword Council numerous time throughout his time within the order and is once again currently on the Sword Council. Rugby is a Grand Master of the Highest Regard and Honour and as well acts as the orders Chief Historian.
Hannibal Bolad (Attila): One of the younger and newer members of this order is Hannibal Bolad, it is suspected that he sits on the Sword Council within the Caribbean Chapter and acts as a guide to welcome new members into the fold to become sworn squires. Hannibal Bolad hails from Mongolia and would be welcomed into the order through his actions that would aid the Crystal Dragons and with their blessing he would become a sworn member of the order at the young age of 18 and has served honourably ever since. He commands a unit that is assumed to be the Mongolian Chapter of the Kingsmen known simply as the Great Khans and works directly alongside Wesley Burns, Shelby Malone and Tullius Kissinger and has been a guide and trainer for the newest Kingsmen squire Maximilian Yates. Attila here can be found basically most anywhere duty calls and is a true force to be reckoned with, he is beloved within the Kingsmen and by those that follow this order. Hannibal Bolad serves as a Master of High Regard and Honour.
Warren Segal (Riches): The brother of the Grand Leader and current member of the Sword Council Warren here has been serving this order for some time right alongside his elder brother. Warren has stood in direct defiance to the face of evil numerous times and he will gladly do it time and time again, he was the man behind the final arrest of his baby brother CC for sex crimes and made sure his kin fast the maximum punishment and didn’t gain and leniency from the court do to his family relation…..yes that meant he made sure his baby brother was castrated. Riches here acts as the orders treasurer and oversee’s the day to day operations within their undisclosed headquarters……Warren is one man you never want to cross as he is simply all business at all times and is the man of law and order within the Kingsmen, he made sure his kid brother suffered the worst punishment for his crimes and still makes certain CC wears an ankle monitor and keeps to his treatment schedule. Warren is a Grand Master of High Regard and High Honour within the Kingsmen.
Edgar Yates (Kingslayer): Another Yates within the Kingsmen is going to be a trend as this order is very fraternal and once a family member reaches the highest regards and highest honours they can nominate one of their family to join the order as a squire and be guided through the process to becoming a Grand Master themselves. Kingslayer here is an elder of the Yates line and is the brother of Yale Yates the father of Tudor and Marvin as well Brother in Law to Wilhuff Palpatine thus giving Edgar here a most certain entry into the order. This Presidents Men, Post Office Agent and member of the Brother Grimm would be the only Kingsmen to actually commit regicide on a sitting King. Under orders from Grand Leader Charles Donaldson he would be ordered to assassinate King Edward XI for his treasonous actions following the events of Battle of the Irish Sea 2018. The Kingslayer was born on that day and he would rise to the status of Grand Master with Low Regard and High Honour.
Col. Jackson “Death Warrant” Puck (Stitches): Here is another with a touchy reputation and one that really doesn’t care what others think of him, Colonel Jackson Puck is there Master of War and one that has zero issues leaving someone a bloody mess. Puck was brought into the Kingsmen through his relation to the Grimm family and he wouldn’t let anyone down as he would do whatever the Sword Council or Grand Leader ordered and finish the task in due haste and without fail….simply don’t mind the bloody mess left behind but thats why they call him Death Warrant. Jackson Puck serves both the Kingsmen and Presidents Men loyally and is always the first dispatched when either nation faces a great threat to their national security, again just don’t ask to many questions or you might loose your lunch and simply skim his detailed and graphic reports. Jackson Puck is a Grand Master of the Highest Regard and Highest Honour within the Kingsmen.
Elmo “HK” Green (Paradox): Little is known about this agent of the Kingsmen as he keeps his nose clean and out of the public eye, they call him Paradox and he simply does what needs to be done. We know he hails from Dublin Ireland and is a tad upset with the elves of the Nog’ for what they have done to him and his family. not to mention his anger being directed at the UCAS for what they did to his twin brother. Elmo here has served the order for some time and works directly with Prince Grimm in Belfast to cure the world of it’s elven plague, he is currently a Master of Low Regard and Low Honour within the Kingsmen…..though hailed a hero and war god within Belfast and feared by all in the rest of Ireland for good reason.
Real Name Unknown (Driftwood): There is even less known about the wandering guide and trainer of the Kingsmen known simply as Driftwood, he claims to walk the gypsies road….whatever that is. He has served for countless decades and has guided many of the current Kingsmen along their quest to rising through the ranks, he reports that his greatest pupil has been the newest squire Maximilian Yates and he is quite proud of his growth; Driftwood only wishes he could have been his guide and is proud to have had a hand in his growth within the order. Driftwood serves on the Hawaiian Chapter of the Crystal Dragons Circle of Kage and acts as a trainer within both orders, he is a Grand Master of the Highest Regard and Highest Honour…..side note he is not a dwarf, he is a unique meta species known as a halfling.
Col. James “Papa” Groves (Crab): Now this man needs no introduction, this is the legendary Crab, the thief of thieves and the man that stole the Heart of Avalon as well the Star of the Inishmore. He has been tossed out of England for stealing the crown jewels on a dare and was welcomed back in seeing they couldn’t keep him out; his Kingsmen status was never affected by his actions and this man has aided both the Americans and British countless times throughout his long and I mean very long life. Crab drank from the Fountain of Youth within Atlantis and has been around since before the days of the Mad King, King Henry VIII…..he as well committed regicide and aided in the death of the Mad King. He was exiled and helped the colonists fight against the Tyrant King George III during the American Revolution and helped form the Presidents Men alongside…..the records are blurry sorry. James Groves serves as a Guide and Trainer within the Kingsmen and is a Grand Master of the Highest Regard and Highest Honour (side note if he is actually that old, who else in this order drank from the fountain of youth?)
Mr. Edward Adams (Ranger): Retired Royal Marine and one of the nations top snipers is Mr. Edward Adams, he is living proof that all Kingsmen are cross trained and not simply the worlds best swordsman. This man serves the order with honour and dignity and has brought down countless threats to both America and England and backs up his fellow Kingsmen from a birds eye view. Be warned Edward Adams is a master with his rifle and has been awarded the UK and USA’s top awards for shooting and well he is also a Grand Master of High Regard and Highest Honour so you have been warned.
Dr. Statler “Old Timer” Cannon (Chemist): Talk about madness within the ranks, well this is one of the few if not only non magically active members of this order, though that doesn’t mean he is not a danger he has been gifted talents from beyond the pale and granted talents that can’t be explained outside of a genetics textbook so be very careful with Statler Cannon. Through his lunacy he can see clearly and he is a master with everything chemical and biological, he has spent more time in the laboratory than on the battlefield but still his skill with a blade is far beyond many within the same generation; he proves that science commands everything and nothing else matters, so like he says he will simply wait as you begin to bleed, he trust the science and science has never failed him in life. This man is a very dangerous member of this order and is one that has mixed reviews with the fans of the Kingsmen, seeing he tried to blow his own son up once….still he is a Grand Master of the Highest Regard and Highest Honour stick that in your pipe and smoke it haters!
Saul Meisner (Tailor): So when you have an order the has a very professional and fancy dress code…well one is going to need a professional tailor correct. Well spoiler alert this tailor is not that kind of worker and his handle comes from what he does to his opponent in battle; though in all seriousness he is a professional tailor as well and does mend and make much of the finery for the Kingsmen and Presidents Men two orders he serves with honour and dignity. Saul Meisner has been within the Kingsmen for some time and even infiltrated a Nazi death camp to help prisoners escape and thats when he said he learned his signature craft and has been aiding the Secret Service in looking their best ever since. Saul is one man that still has a sense of humour and can still smile after everything he has scene in his long life as a FIP solider and Holocaust survivor; he said allowing himself to be taken to help others and allow his wife and children to escape was the greatest sacrifice a husband and father could ever make. Saul still lives on within the Kingsmen even though his family would fall victim to James O’Brian in 2018 and he sits as a Grand Master of the Highest Regard and the Highest Honours.
Dayton “Demerits” England (Pedagogue): Schools in session is something no Kingsmen ever wants to hear “EVER” Dayton here is the orders Disciplinarian and is tasked with reeducation of the members that fail to obey the orders strict code of conduct. No we have no idea what that entails but no one is safe from being sent to the school of Dayton England from lowly squire to the highest Grand Master and even the Grand Leader is not excused from his classroom and simply the threat of this has even the legends squirming to make sure they obey everything from dress code, grooming standards and speech…..they even created something called “Off World Rules” that Grand Leader Segal signed off on to allow members to curse in highly stressful situations and avoid Dayton’s class room. This man must be good at his job seeing he has held Disciplinarian for close to a century now and yes he is one of the FIP so he will hold it for far longer as well, and he is a Grand Master of the Highest Regard and Highest Honour within the Kingsmen…..feared yes, and as well greatly respected by all.
Martin “Boomer” Hakett (War Machine): Well this is one man that as well needs no introduction, here is the mighty and infamous War Machine! Here is the man that stormed the English Countryside with his 137th Panzer Division and straight into the Steel Legion’s Iron Cavalry….though reports indicate that he never fired a shot and ordered the surrender before the Steel Legion had them surrounded leading to his only reported defeat within the Deaths Hand. General Hakett is not known for showing any mercy and never surrendering so I believe this Kingsmen and Stormrider simply followed orders but planned on failing to save England otherwise we would all have been captured by the Panzer Division. War Machine is another of the non magical members of the Kingsmen and one that uses his gifts to his advantage and one that served as a go between with the Presidents Men and Kingsmen during the reconstruction process. War Machine is one of their Masters of War and holds the privileged rank of Grand Master of Regard and Honour.
Senator George “Old Jerk” Eaton (Pitbull): Senator Eaton here is another of the Kingsmen that as well serves the Presidents Men and is fully active within both agencies; yup Senators, Mayors, Governors and Representative can all be on active duty within either order while serving the people in their districts, states or territories. Pitbull is one man that brings honour to the south as he gladly sits within the UCAS senate and snubs his nose at the disgraced south, he is a mighty warrior and scout that works as a forward observer for the Kingsmen and is one scout that we are glad is on our side. Once Pitbull is engaged he never relents and he has personally stopped countless assaults on the UCAS Capital and aided in the defence of England. This man’s bark is just as bad as his bite and for the old jerk well he simply doesn’t care what people think of him, he is an FIP veteran and has a serious chip on his shoulder and according Pitbull a actual chip as well. He serves as a Master of Regard and Honour within the Kingsmen.
Lord Joseph Millburn (Old Joe): The Commandant and Chairman of the Board for the Steel Legion is one of the Kingsmen, well that brings a smile to my face seeing he looks out for all citizens within the United Kingdom and the world on a daily basis. His wealth doesn’t divide him and his charity knows no bounds, their isn’t a citizen in the United Kingdom that doesn’t have something nice to say about Old Joe. Though when you get down to the nitty gritty he is all business and his word is law, well thats only with the Steel Legion and not in the Kingsmen where Lord Millburn over see’s the new applications sent in by the members for new blood and as well works within the treasury to make certain their books are equal and the debt is paid……though for the Kingsmen being in debt to them is simply paid in blood, they don’t do loans and they are not a bank. He is not talking about a monetary debt people, he is speaking of the debt one must pay to society for criminal and terrorism Old Joe is the Debt Collector of the Kingsmen and don’t ever end up his radar or you will pay with your life. He serves the order as a Grand Master of the Highest Regard and Highest Honour and he has earned our respect through his actions and service to the UK.
Oliver McKeen Jamestown junior (Cyrax): The First Son is one of the Kingsmen and this little man doesn’t need to step aside from active duty either, seeing all he has to do is attempt to protect his highly skilled and legendary father from attempts on his life……..okay now thats funny, they have already tried to kill the Beast and that failed. How do you protect the Beast, who is skilled enough to protect the Godfather? Well anyways Cyrax here is a Crystal Dragon, Presidents Men and Kingsmen so this little dwarf is no joke and even being on the young side he has risen through the ranks quickly and achieved Master Status of High Regard and the Highest Honour within the Kingsmen. He might be a little over the top with his antics but he is one swordsman that will leave you laughing from his jokes as he cuts you down to size.
Lord Excalibur Milton (Aztec): The King of Old Mexico at least not officially or he would have to step aside and be protected by others in this order. Aztec is the real deal and has carved out a small piece of Aztlan for himself to rule as the ultimate Pirate Colony where anything goes and the punishments are fierce for breaking any of his few rules of decency. Excalibur has been within the Kingsmen for sometime and has a zero tolerance policy for stupidity and rude behaviour, this Kingsmen is rumoured to be part of the Caribbean Chapter of the Kingsmen where he sits as the Chairman of their Sword Council though again this is a rumour with no physical evidence to back it up. Lord Milton is one man that we should all fear and respect as he stands toe to toe with the cyber pirates and comes out ahead and they bow down to him out of respect. Excalibur Milton is a Grand Master of the Highest Regard and Highest Honour within the Kingsmen and acts as one of their Historians.
Lord Gerald “Jerry” Neely (Order): Well now here is one man that we all love Uncle Jerry the speaker of the commons, the man with the flying gavel and screaming “ORDER.ORDER!” yes I am loving the fact that this tiny little man is one of the Kingsmen. Uncle Jerry is a true bad ass as he is one of the Original Bad Ass Brigade and when the new hand assaulted England he stood as a roadblock and than even wounded he returned to Parliament to guide legislation. He is the real deal and one man that make me proud to be an Englishmen, and even better his grand daughter Lady Susan Neely married the American Hero Taylor Greenspan; I do hope to see Taylor guided to being a squire one day and their is no one better than Lord Neely to charter his nomination seeing Uncle Jerry is a Grand Master of the Highest Regard and Highest Honours…..please oh please make this happen I would pay big money to see Taylor all gussied up in the Kingsmen finery and sipping wine with the elders.
Lord Richard “Rick” Longshanks (Limbo): Okay the Duke of Wales is here within the Kingsmen okay I actually saw this one coming, he is the adviser of our new Queen and her surrogate father, well till the actual Prince of Wales shows up…..her actual father the legendary Pale Rider himself, oh that will be something to see Montgomery dolled up in royal finery. Anyways this man is known as “None Shall Pass” and for damned good reason as he butchered thousands at the last failed Deaths Hand Invasion as he simply held the coastline by himself for days till eventually aid came to help him. This man is an old world Knight and wears the armour of the Knights Templar, he defends his wife with everything he’s got and he watches over our Queen with true vigilance. This is one Kingsmen I never want to ever cross and I actually pity anyone that dares cross blades with this living legend, Lord Longshanks is old as dirt and rumours indicate he is actually the Last Templar of the Crusades blessed by God himself with longevity for his faithful devotion to the Knights of the Cross…..though until its proven we can look at his record, He is off course a Grand Master of the Highest Regard and Highest Honours, Lord Longshanks word is gold and he has acted as a guide for many current and past members of the Kingsmen.
Lord Hemingway Yorkshire (Custodian): Lord Yorkshire here was thought to be a traitor and than killed by the Presidents Men and HRM for his treasonous behaviour with the elves of Inishmore. Though it turns out that it was his jealous brother that put him on ice and stole his identity and title for his own nefarious purposes, and it would be Lord Marvin Yates the Earl of Yorkshire that would figure out the deception and rescue his friend from a frozen slumber and help restore Lord Yorkshires lost honour. Seeing Hemingway was out of play for a while we don’t have much on his current work within the Kingsmen, though he was restored to the status of Grand Master though he simply holds basic Regards and Honours currently and will have to work hard to rise to his once top tier status.
Wilhuff Palpatine (Old Man): Now this is one very interesting member of the Kingsmen, this is the legendary and infamous Wilhuff Palpatine a former Grand Leader from 1985-1999, and again 2030-2040, he sat on the Sword Council and has been the Chairman of the Council numerous times throughout the ages. He serves within the Post Office, Presidents Men, London Dungeon and is the Founding Father of the Horsemen; basically when it comes to the world of the Intelligence this man has been there and done that. Wilhuff here is one of the Original Bad Ass Brigade and a long standing member of the FIP that has seen countless actions and never asked for a thank you, he simply served with honour. I could go on and on about this legendary Horsemen and Kingsmen but I will keep this short and to the point. We owe everything to this man and without him England would have fallen countless times to the Elves of Inishmore, the Deaths Hand or basically any terrorist threat one can imagine. Wilhuff Palpatine serves the Kingsmen as a Grand Master of the Highest Regard and Highest Honours and is the orders most decorated member…..many of his family now serve within the Kingsmen and they all serve with pride and dignity including all three of his brothers, and his sons, his nephews and his great grandson; Wilhuff Palpatine I salute you and your family and thank you for your years of dedicated service to this order.
Arnold Malone (Schoolmaster): Well it’s the legendary “Not My Fault” Malone and former governor of Louisiana now senator for the City of Seattle, he is a cousin of the Palpatines and has helped groom the newest squire into the man we know today. Arnold Malone is suspected of being part of the Caribbean Chapter of the Kingsmen under the guise of the Cajun Cavalry, though I repeat it’s simply rumours and don’t shoot the messenger. Arnold serves the Kingsmen, Horsemen, Cajun Cavalry, Rogue One and Cajun Mafia and is suspected to be within the Hawaiian Chapter of the Crystal Dragons seeing he helped aid in the uprising; though we have no evidence of his membership within the Dragons. Arnold is a Grand Master of the Highest Regard and Highest Honour and serves alongside many of his family as a defender of the people.
Charles Belmont-Palpatine (Captain): Oh my God….It’s the Invincible One, the legendary Captain, to say I am excited to see Charles Belmont among the Kingsmen is well simply Hell Yes! This man is a true legend and an American Folk Hero on top of it, whatever you might think about Charles Belmont doesn’t matter; this man has earned our respect as he has served for ages and is a highly decorated veteran of multiple wars. Belmont here has stood in the way of tyranny for ages and he has guided freedom at every turn, he serves the Kingsmen, Presidents Men, and Stormriders and once served as a two term President for the Hawaiian Republic. He is the brother to our hero Wilhuff and uncle to the newest squire Maximilian Yates, he is beyond a legend with the blade and is within the Crystal Dragons where he hails as the Grand Sensei for the Hawaii Chapter. Charles Belmont-Palpatine is a long standing member of the Kingsmen and holds the privileged rank of Grand Master of the Highest Regard and Highest Honour, he is highly decorated and deserves our respect for he stands for law and order.
Montgomery Hilliard-Palpatine (Silencer): Wow somebody actually got the Pale Rider into a business suit and introduced him to the newest fashion accessory a neck tie. Okay I am also a bit star struck here seeing I absolutely adore and love the Pale Rider, he is my all time favourite Kingsmen. This man has proven that he is the best in the game and the true king of the hill, nobody can stop him and nobody can best him for he is a true legend and folk hero. This man serve countless orders including the Presidents Men, Crystal Dragons, Texas First, Stormriders and US Elite not to mention the Post Office and London Dungeon; I could go on and on about his exploits, trials and tribulations but I will keep it short here. Monty is the type of role model we all should hold dear and hope to one day become like as he is truly one of the good guys. This man serves the Kingsmen as a Grand Master of the Highest Regard and Highest Honours and is the only other Kingsmen to hold as many medals and awards as his elder brother Wilhuff Palpatine; he acts a trainer within all orders he serves and once served as Grand Leader from 2030 -2050 and sat on the sword council and held the chairman’s seat as well…….Montgomery thank you for your service and god speed.
Jeffery Copper (Pong): Well every order needs their tech division and who better than the former Tech Chairman of the Steel Legion who once sat on the Round Table. Pong here is a proud and dedicated Kingsmen and don’t think he is a simply computer nerd, nope all Kingsmen Field Agents need to keep the same physical standards as everyone else. This man is seriously no joke when it comes to sword play and he has served proudly for quite some time, Pong serves the Horsemen, and Presidents Men as well is a veteran of the 82nd Airborne so don’t ever underestimate this man or he will cut you down to size. Pong is a true defender of the people and continues to act as the go between with the Steel Legion, he as well serves the Post Office and London Dungeon…..remember he is also a Horsemen and they are at the top of the food chain the best of the best, Jeffery Copper is a Grand Master of the Highest Regard and Highest Honours and head the Kingsmen’s Tech Division.
Adolf Gunner (Mayor): A few moths ago I would have crapped my pants and moved to Antarctica to avoid being anywhere near this man. If you looked up evil in the dictionary all it would have shown was Adolf’s picture, though we come to learn that this was a cover and he was undercover within the Deaths Hand to help dismantle it from within and would be one of the men to bring an end to Alexander’s reign of terror. Adolf Gunner is the current mayor of Phoenix Arizona and serves countless orders faithfully and dutifully including: the Presidents Men, Crystal Dragons, Outlaws Five, Stormriders and the US Elite where he sits as their third highest in command under General Rivers and General White. He has fought for freedom and stood up for the little guy countless times and has paid dearly with his own blood and reputation, and he proudly serves within the Kingsmen as a Grand Master of the Highest Regard and Highest Honours.
Lord Arthur Swanson (Edison): Don’t be fooled by the trickster that is Edison, he wants everyone to believe he is simply a decker and a humpty dumpty…..well Donk here is far more than a simple decker and tech guy. He is the God Father of robotics and one hell of a solider having served within the Royal Airborne Marines, 82nd Airborne and the US Navy Seals…..yup that was left out of his bio. He is a FIP veteran of multiple wars and one of England’s most beloved nobles to sit within the House of Lords.He serves within the Presidents Men, Crystal Dragons, Post Office and London Dungeon and lends his robot army to the US Elite and Royal Army. Donk currently sits on the Crystal Dragons Circle of Kage and is the direct adviser to both of the Grand Senseis, he as well is the longest raining member to sit on the Sword Council and has he ear of every Grand Leader as their most trusted adviser, guide and trainer. Edison here is a Grand Master of the Highest Regard and Highest Honour and matches both Wilhuff and Montgomery in medals and awards, rumours state he needed to reinforce his tail coat at the last white tie reception do to the weight of the awards. He is as well a four time winner of England’s Victoria Cross (our version of the American MOH) Donk with great respect and admiration I and the rest of England thank you for your continued service to King and Country.
Lord Reverdy Jamestown (Handler): The shot caller of the Jamestowns and father of the Beast, well thats what we have here good old Lord Reverdy Jamestown from Kent (Sandwich) England and the greatest fan the cheeseburger….a little humour is needed when dealing with this devil with white hair. I don’t agree with his tactics and his well view of crime, this man is a oddity within the Kingsmen seeing he is truly a criminal and an organised one, but I guess even the Kingsmen need a thief to catch a thief and who better than the Handler to keep an eye on the criminal element. Though as much as I might not agree with his tactics, he has served proudly for some time and was one of the last standing during the battle for London in 2018 with the 82nd Airborne, He as well serves the Post Office, London Dungeon and Presidents Men so he can’t be all that bad; Reverdy is a Grand Master of High Regard and Medium Honours
General Tullius Kissinger (Gargoyle): Well again I am a bit star struck here, we have the mighty little Gargoyle and I mean very mighty, yes short but very lethal. He is a Kingsmen that nobody knew of till the Royal Wedding like many others that were outed on that day, but for the Gargoyle this didn’t hurt his reputation just amplified it as we have yet another reason to respect and fear this master of martial and blade prowess. Tullius here is the founding father of the Crystal Dragons and we assume the Grand Leader of the Hong Kong Division of the Kingsmen, he is the top of the food chain when it comes to martial arts with only a few coming close but nobody reaching his level. Tullius serves the Presidents Men and is a world renowned police detective working to bring down the yakuza and other organised crime syndicates that plague America and the UK, he is the top cheese of ninja’s and is a devoted father and grandfather but still finds time to serve the Kingsmen as a Grand Master of the Highest Regard and Highest Honour within their undercover unit……well that might now be changing, seeing he has been outed publicly.
Dover Barton-Palpatine (Polaroid): The twin brother of Wilhuff Palpatine is here and his name is Polaroid or Pac-Man for his love of the game a name coined by his nephew and squire of the order Maximilian Yates. Dover is the father of the beloved Seattle cop Anthony Barton and I await his pop to be his guide one day and lead him into the life of being a true dedicated law enforcement officer within the Kingsmen. Dover is known for being the man who trained Tudor Yates in deception, though from what we heard he is the most direct and honest of all the Horsemen, when Dover tells you something listen cause it might simply save your life. This soft spoken and reserved Kingsmen can talk your ear off and can eat you out of house and home, but he will always stand as a defender for the weak and poor, he served within the Original Bad Ass Brigade and continues to lend his skills to defend freedom at all costs. He worked undercover to dismantle the Confederacy and expose the evils of President Davis all the while keeping an eye on his family and friends…..oh where does he find the time, Pac-Man or Unkie now is a Grand Master of the Highest Regard and Highest Honour and works as a trainer and historian within the Kingsmen, he also serves the Post Office, Presidents Men, Horsemen and London Dungeon; well Unkie you have earned and deserve all of our respect for your service.
Governor Franklin Quinn (Piranha): Trusty old Frank the younger brother of Kingsley and ranking member of Ruination (Denver Guard), he is currently the elected Governor of Washington State and serves multiple orders within the Intelligence Community (Disregarding the Technocracy as that is unfounded). Quinn is a man that has suffered under tyranny before and was forsaken by the military during the first and second world war, he has survived multiple assassination attempts and execution attempts for simply being a Quinn. He holds some anger but he uses the anger as a focus to drive his day to day life, this man is a legendary Gunslinger adept and a master of the “Stabby, Stabby, Stabby” technique where he simply keeps stabbing with his trusty sword or trench knife till well overkill happens and their is simply no saving the target. Piranha here has served this order for some time and is a Grand Master of High Regard and High Honours and is one of the acting Sargent at Arms…..though we have no idea what they actually do and can’t go by the dictionary definition when it comes to anything within the Kingsmen.
Kingsley Quinn (DC): The master of the media and the man all in power fear, well let me introduce to the Quinn elder and the man of the hour… is DC and his views, feelings and words actually matter. This man being a Kingsmen is scary but still explains how his brother Frank entered the order, this man is a legendary reporter and journalist that can King Make or Ruin anyone with a few short articles, interviews or chapters in a book. It seems as a Kingsmen he can ruin someone with a few quick “Stabby, Stabbies” in the back, front or side….that’s what Quinn’s do isn’t it stab the hell out of it till it’s mulch. Don’t be fooled this man has been around for some time and has been serving the Kingsmen for ages and reports are that he was reporting on the King George III and blasting “Red Coats” with his musket, and seeing James Groves is ancient I tend to believe these reports about Kingsley…..also who would name their child Kingsley unless they were from the eighteenth century or before. Kingsley here is a Grand Master of the Highest Regard and Highest of Honours and serves as their media consultant.
Reginald Kingsman (Eight): Okay now here is another interesting fella, he hails from Detroit Michigan, though not originally….Reggie is originally from Manchester England and travelled across the pond where he would become one of the most successful arms dealers and fixers in North America. He served within the ill fated Urban Strike One as a deep cover mole along side his long time friend and Wild Cat brother Albert Schwartz. Eight is a man that leaves nothing to the imagination and basically is the dwarf of dwarf…..simply look at that beard, the only Kingsmen to be allowed to wear a beard and avoid detention and for good reason as he is the man that gets them there neat little toys and information. Reggie is a Grand Master of High Regard and High Honours and is one of their war masters.
Alva Palpatine (Blacksmith): The ghost of the Horsemen and the ghost within the Kingsmen is Wilhuff’s eldest son Alva Palpatine. This man is very lethal and dangerous, as he knows how to blend in and simply vanish allowing for others to forget about the kill or theft he just made. This man is one of the top agents of the Kingsmen and one that many citizens simply call a pushover seeing his actions reports don’t make the media or public eye…..well thats just how good he is. Alva serves multiple orders including the Post Office, London Dungeon and Presidents Men where he works as a problem solver and he lends the same trade to the Kingsmen. Within the Kingsmen he is a Grand Master of High Regard and the Highest Honours and simply make sure all problems are solved quickly and silently.
Elmer Canterbury (Curmudgeon): The real deal is Elmer here, he is a total grouch and real pain in the ass, he is a certified asshole and he is proud of it. A veteran of the 82nd and someone that can chase new squires straight out of the Kingsmen simply by being told this man will be your guide; though he might be an asshole and complain about everything from the food, clothing and weather…..also how long it takes squires to remove a terrorist threat. But as a Kingsmen he is one of the best, as a Horsemen he is the best and anyone lucky enough to work alongside the Curmudgeon is better for it. Also this man does have a heart and give a damn about the people he is sworn to protect and he uses his decades of experience to keep everyone safe and sound, though don’t give this man a microphone or let him speak to the press cause he will be as blunt as can be and complain the entire time. Elmer is a Grand Master of the Highest Regard and Highest Honour within the Kingsmen and he as well serves within the Presidents Men.
Albert Schwartz (Sixx): The King of Detroit is here and his name is Mr. Moxy or simply Sixx a true Gunfighter and master of death, this man has sacrificed everything to keep the people free and even allowed his reputation and life to be put on the line as he joined Urban Strike Team One to become James O’Brian’s second in command. He did this to tear it down from within and gain vital intelligence the Kingsmen, Presidents Men and Horsemen needed to bring James to Justice. Sixx has faced many assassination attempts and failed execution attempts for simply staying within cover, he burned friends and allies all the while being repaid in kind by James in having his home city destroyed by nuclear fire. Sixx is a man that proves that an agents dedication can come at a cost and even though he is done with his UC work, his friends and family working with him again he is still haunted and reminded by what it means to pay the ultimate price for justice. Sixx is a Grand Master of Low Regard and Low Honour within the Kingsmen and he as well serves the Horsemen, Presidents Men and Stormriders and is the founder of the Detroit Wild Cats.
Secretary Jamie Surrey (Oklahoma Kidd): Oh My God!! They let Kickback into the Kingsmen, this man is a legendary gunfighter and leader of the Surrey Gang or better known as the Outlaws Five . He is the spitting image of Alexander Church just a bit older and far less predictable. Jamie is the son of Adolf Gunner and uncle of the American Hero Taylor Greenspan, this man is not to be trifled with as he has a shoot first approach to most debates and lets simply say his side arm wins all arguments. Jamie being a Kingsmen is a surprise but not one that should shock me as all orders need there go to man for removing problems and threats to national security. Jamie Surrey-Gunner is currently the Secretary of State within the McKeen White House and as well commands the Outlaws Five and oversee’s the Phoenix Five, he is as well a Master within the Kingsmen of Regard and Honour.
Governor Wesley Taffer (Scimitar): Taffer is one politician that I can actually get behind as he doesn’t take dark money, hates corporate special interests, and openly tells you whats on his mind and is very direct. Not a common trait within American Politics and also a unique trait within the Horsemen, Post Office, London Dungeon, Rogue One and Presidents Men where he serves as well. It is speculated that he is part of the Caribbean Division of the Kingsmen seeing he is based out of Florida. Taffer is a veteran of the Irish Sea and helped keep the people safe from the Inishmore and continues to serve the people of North America as a general within the Southern Cross division of the US Elite and as a politician he has done it all and “The Man of the Last Word” has yet another political notch to carve as he is currently running to be the Vice President of the Confederacy alongside Presidential Hopeful Maximilian Yates. Taffer is a Grand Master of the Highest Regard and Highest Honour and will gladly take sabbatical if elected to high office.
Senator Bail Canterbury (Spacer): The Majority Leader of the UCAS Senate is within the Kingsmen this doesn’t surprise me seeing his father is as well a ranking member of this unit. Bail is the one man that stands as a road block in the senate for allowing the loyalist party from destroying democracy and he is the one man that stands in the way of terrorism and tyranny with his pure skill and lack of care about what people think off him. He is a honest politician and that it self is a rarity but than look at the rest of his resume and you see Horsemen, Rogue One, Presidents Men, Post Office and London Dungeon and you simply have respect a man that is simply this skilled and still finds time to debate and legislate within the Federal District. This is one senator you will see openly displaying a weapon on his hip and one that wont run from danger, he will simply charge the enemy and remove them before the police can. Bail as well serves within the 501st and that does explain the uniform in his photo, he is Grand Master of High Regard and High Honour within the Kingsmen.
Sid Malone (Dump Shock): When it comes to the Malone family their are three Malones you need to worry about directly and this is one of them the other is Arnold and the final is directly below. Sid here is the Supreme General of the Louisiana 501st and helps command that order with his brother Shelby who is the Supreme Admiral. We have reason to believe that the 501st is the Caribbean Chapter of the Kingsmen but have no physical evidence to verify the claims, otherwise we can report that Sid is a member of the Presidents Men, Post Office, Horsemen, and Cajun Mafia; he as well serves the US Elite within I-Corps and helps command the Kingsmen’s technology division. Sid has been through the ringer through his time in the FIP and he still holds freedom for all and a right for equality close to his heart, he might be a bit dark in his tactics though it is nice to see him ditch the dark tie for that photo….bet you it wont last long and still no smile from Sid. He serves as a Grand Master of the Highest Regard and Highest Honour and holds many awards and medals within the order.
Shelby Malone (Slicer): Well as I mentioned above this man is the most dangerous of all the Malones period! They call him Black Death and that simply matches his heart and soul, Shelby is very direct and to the point, he is short tempered and will kill before asking questions. This is one Kingsmen you need and must remain on the good side of otherwise he will cut you down and move on to the next task. He is very busy and has zero time for time wasters and he will simply make sure that his intentions are heard load and clear and to hell with everything else, when this man says jump you simply respond with “How High Sir.” Shelby is a veteran of the Irish Sea, and has been within the FIP for some time so his temper matches his pain level “Raging” and this man simply scares the crap out of everyone with his dark persona and gravelly deep voice add the imposing robes and uniform and well one can simply crap their pants when he is around. Shelby is the founder of the 501st and serves as the Grand Admiral within the order, he as well serves the Horsemen, Presidents Men, London Dungeon, Post Office, and the Caribbean Death Squad. He is a Grand Master of the Highest Regard and Highest Honour within the Kingsmen and is one man you should never cross if you like breathing.
POTUCAS Oliver McKeen-Jamestown-Palpatine (Beast): Hail to the Chief, its time for the Beast himself the Godfather of the Jamestowns and the Commander in Chief of the UCAS. McKeen here has officially taken a sabbatical from both the Presidents Men and Kingsmen come his inauguration on January 20th 2075 and wont take up the blades again as an active member till his term or terms have expired. Though that doesn’t mean he is simply allowing his skill to rust and this is one president that will probably be protecting his secret service versus the other way around. The Beast is truly a legend as he served within the Original Bad Ass Brigade and fought at the Irish Sea, he serves within the Outlaws Five and works alongside the Post Office and London Dungeon. He has worked within the shadows with both the Mariners and Forsaken and has aided the Stormriders numerous times. So to think this gunslinger adept is washed up cause he is a politician well your mistaken sadly, McKeen took an assassins bullet on day one and was back to work later that afternoon, nothing will and can stop the Beast, he defeated Vandals while in bunny slippers and pyjamas and was key in ending the Winds of Change back in 2058. The Beast might be on sabbatical now but he is not out of the game and for this Grand Master of the Highest Regard and Highest Honours I simply dare anyone to try their luck with Roulette here.
Elias Fort (Doomsday): Holy Crap this man is royal law enforcement…seriously I didn’t see that coming at all; this is bloody Polaris the worlds deadliest boom boom specialist and what happens when nuclear scientists go rogue. Okay maybe he hasn’t gone rogue and he works for the UK, maybe he is a highly trained government assassin that is as well a 00 agent for MI6 and MI7…..well my world has seriously been blown apart as I was raised to hate and loath this man. He works for the UK seriously I can’t get past that part and he is a Kingsmen, ya didn’t see this coming i always thought he was from the Czech Republic and not a British citizen….well Mr. Fort you fooled everyone and all thats left is the debate on who is better you or Ticker. Polaris seems to be a licensed agent of multiple agencies including the Post Office, London Dungeon and Presidents Men and has joined up with the US Elite’s I-Corp Division and CIA to help remove some of the worlds most dangerous terrorists. This once Stormrider was working undercover to bring down the Deaths Hand and bring them to justice, Doomsday here is a cleaner and eraser for the government so that means his tactics are questionable and again left to debate, but as a Kingsmen he is a Grand Master with High Regard and High Honour so he can’t be all that bad…..I Hope or we are all screwed.
Vernon O’Regan (Ticker): Okay seriously Ticker too, both of the worlds top demolition experts are both Kingsmen, this man is part of a crew simply known as the Dynamic Duo as he is always working alongside his close friend and partner Herbert Parish causing many problems to simply vanish in a blink of an eye. The Ticker is a world class demolitions expert and their is a long standing debate as to who actually trained who and who actually is the best of the best Ticker or Polaris? Well that I will leave to you the reader to decide as I won’t get involved in that debate here or ever,as I like breathing; Vernon O’Regan is more than meets the eye when as it seems he is also the total package holding 00 status within British Intelligence and working closely with some of the agency heads as a personal message sender. Ticker’s tactics are pure evil and he doesn’t seem to care being called evil…….when someone said “Mr. O’Regan, you have no soul.” he simply responded with At least we are on the same page. Vernon is a man that surprises me that he is a law enforcement officer with a royal decree but for someone that really enjoys his work…..well again he works with the HRM for crying out loud. Vernon must be doing something right as he sits on the Sword Council and holds the rank of Grand Master with the Highest Regards and Highest Honours.
Herbert Parish (Whistler): The other half of the Dynamic Duo is Herbert here and this is another 00 agent and man of mystery, he has basically done everything under the sun and has gone back for seconds. He is a master of torture and information extraction through tactics that will make most peoples skin crawl, he is a trained and licensed doctor earning his medical degree while he worked under cover in the KGB; rumours are this is where he mastered the art of torture and interrogation. He aids the Crystal Dragons, he works alongside the Presidents Men and he works within both the Post Office and London Dungeon. He is a master of over 50 languages and can blend into any situation with ease as he can mimic most known accents and is a world class ventriloquist. The Whistler simply loves to whistle while he works and many mistake his whistling for enjoyment; according to those close to him its a old habit from his days in the Navy Seals as way to keep himself focused and on task. Whistler’s reputation is within the toilet and he simply doesn’t care, this Stormrider is all business all the time; and he simply doesn’t care what people think of him…..hate him or love him it’s all the same as he knows who his friends are. Herbert is a Grand Master with the Highest Regards and Highest Honours so he must be doing something right……correct, I hope?
Howell Perkins (Sleepwalker): Another Stormrider and former Deaths Hand Assassin that was actually undercover within the Order. It seems that Alexander didn’t know that he had been infiltrated by the Kingsmen and Stormriders, well when your two supposed best friends Tudor and Martin are doing the recruiting and being trusted anything can happen. Sleepwalker is a true nightmare and master of the broad daylight public assassination, he has one rule and thats dress for the zone and be bold cause this leads to confusion and fear. Many have copycatted Sleepwalker but no one has been able to duplicate his success rate, this Kingsmen is one that shows no fear and will remove targets where ever and whenever and no one is safe from his blade, hands or bullets. He will kill while they sleep peacefully in their homes, within their offices, giving an interview or on the street getting a cup of coffee. Your not safe from the Sleepwalker and he knows it, this man is a Master within the Kingsmen with Low Regard ad Low Honour
Brian Kindler-Gunner (Jackal): The ultimate problem solver the world over, Brian Kindler is the first person agency heads reach out to when there is something needing covering up. Kindler works within multiple agencies and is employed by all for his skills are beyond legendary with only two equals in his chosen profession and that is Wesley Burns and Kentucky Schwartz…..outside of those two well there is no one that even comes close to them. Kindler personally works with the Post Office, Outlaws Five, Texas First, and the Presidents Men; though he assists the Phoenix Five and the Santa Fe Ring. As a Kingsmen he lends his skills to the order to clean up an messes left behind by the law breakers and the media, he is one of their spin doctors and a damned good one. Kindler is a Grand Master of the Highest Regard and Highest Honours within the Kingsmen and will act as a trainer, guide and mentor to the squires and knights of the order.
Wesley Burns (Burn Notice): Okay if they employ Kindler why wouldn’t they directly employ Wesley Burns the man that removes problems before they become problems. The man that has killed multiple American Presidents and Prime Ministers, this man can single handedly start or end a cue with a single phone call or well placed bullet. Burn Notice is the best at what he does and what he does is destabilising dictatorships and communist regimes; this is the man that landed the final blow to free Hong Kong from China, ended the return of Communist Russia and helped Adolf Hitler eat a bullet during the Second World War…..ya the suicide thing didn’t happen, he was burned by burn notice and made to look like a suicide. Burns here is best friends with the Pale Rider and served alongside the Pale Rider as his second in command during the Civil War and would be the one to capture the Lincoln Assassination Conspirators…..according to records their were quite a few more that never made it to the courtroom and faced a quick burn from Wesley. He serves multiple orders including the Presidents Men, Post Office, London Dungeon and the Crystal Dragons; he sits on the Sword Council currently and was the orders Grand Leader from 1970 – 1990 and has been Chairman of the Council multiple times, he is a Grand Master with the Highest Regard and Highest Honours and is a guide and trainer within the Kingsmen and looks forward to guiding squire Maximilian Yates to being all he can be.
Hershel Meisner (Rabbi): Well we have the first foreign dignitary that doesn’t have to go on sabbatical here, the Prime Minister of Israel and leader of the Mossad. Hershel Meisner has the creepy game all mastered just like his friend and family member Shelby Malone, just Hershel wears a regular suit and still has the dark and forbearing thing going. If you need something handled simply let the Rabbi loose and it will vanish, if you need a Jewish wedding done……don’t call him as he forgets to register in the country or city his ceremony won’t be legal. As a member of the Brothers Grimm we fear him for the Grimm aren’t know for being nice, as a Presidents Men he is feared for his skill is beyond masterful and as one of the Original Bad Asses for the 401st he is respected by all for his sacrifices, and if your his family and it’s Passover well they all fear the Rabbi and eat cheeseburgers in bushes. Hershel Meisner is a Grand Master of High Regard and High Honour and aids in the religious studies and traditions within the Kingsmen it is rumoured that Hershel sits on the Caribbean’s Elder Council if that even exists.
Gordon Meisner (Frostbite): One of the most cold hearted members of the Brother Grimm is Gordon Meisner so cold blooded they call him Frostbite, though that might be a slight seeing that family is divided between a professional rivalry of the 401st Airborne and 82nd Airborne. Gordon was one of the last me standing within the English Countryside during the Inishmore Invasion of 2018, and he hasn’t forgotten what happened during those days and will not forgive the Inishmore for their treachery. Gordon is always pushing the limits and forcing everyone to be on the top of their game with sudden quick strikes to his fellow Kingsmen and Presidents Men to keep them guessing and well trained. Gordon serves the Brothers Grimm, Mossad, Presidents Men, Cajun Cavalry, Post Office and is one of the 21 Walking Dead. He suffered through the FIP program and has scene the worst of the worst, this could explain his cold nature and yet he is still a beloved uncle and cousin to many. Gordon is a Grand Master of the Highest Regards and Highest Honours within the Kingsmen and is rumoured to sit within the Caribbean’s Council of Elders or simply the Sword Council of the Kingsmen of the Caribbean.
Gerry Dobbs (Turtle): This little man is nothing to mock, little Dobbs or Papa Smurf as he is also called is one true bad ass and as he is part of the Original Bad Ass Brigade…..well little Turtle has earned the right to say “I am a total bad ass!”. This little man is a world class general and can see a battle map within his mind, some say Dobbs simply was born for war and has the mind of a War God…..he only has a few equals and guess what they all sit here inside the Kingsmen. Dobbs sacrificed everything to keep the people free, and even though he is a legendary general and has war flowing through his blood he actually loathes war and see’s it as nothing more than a waste of human life and lets the rich get richer of the backs and lives of the poor and the innocent. This man is always the first to volunteer for active duty and will always command from the front showing the men he is one of them, he has scene more action than most and even while recovering from the Irish Sea, he helped defend Texas with the Phoenix Guard, he aided the Stormriders and has thrust himself into many others theatres of engagement proving that he truly is a Sentinel of Freedom. Turtle serves the Stormriders, Presidents Men, Crystal Dragons and the Santa Fe Ring he sits on the Circle of Kage within the Hawaiian Chapter of the Crystal Dragons. He is a Grand Master within the Kingsmen of the Highest Regards and Honours and serves as one of their War Masters, he as well acts as a guide and trainer for the Kingsmen and Crystal Dragons.
Ted Baker (Pyre): Mr Baker was the Confederate demolitions master before he blasted a battalion of his Presidents best men and high tailed it out of the South before the start of the Third Civil War. Ted here is an English citizen having been born in London and simply tossed into a Dumpster, he would be named by the detective that found him instead of being simply called Baby Doe. Pyre would come to America when he was a youngster and found his love for big booms and it would be the second civil war that would make him a star. Baker is one of the youngest to be recruited into the Kingsmen and some say it was done simply because the Grand Leader at the time felt that England owed him something. Pyre would not prove them wrong as he would be a rising star in the order and show them that a kid from Texas can really be something special. Pyre serves the Texas Elite, Santa Fe Ring, and Outlaws Five he as well works alongside many other orders an aids them all with his big booms; Ted Baker is a Knight of the Highest Regard and Highest Honours within the Kingsmen and works alongside Polaris and Ticker to bring down terrorist threats wherever they rear their ugly head.
Father Hershel Horror (Monitor): Father John as he is commonly known or as we know him Father Horror this is yet another member of the clergy to be a licensed assassin and cleaner within the Kingsmen order; well they have a Protestant, a Catholic and Jew…..sounds like the start of a bad joke. Though this is no laughing matter Father Horror is a real threat and with his priestly collar he can easily gain someone’s trust before sliding the dagger deep into their ribs and removing their soul. This is one Catholic I am truly terrified of and glad that I don’t ever have to confess my sins to this monster within the Kingsmen… least Walter and Hershel play the part this man is simply creepy as hell and with a surname of Horror how i in hell did he become a Priest and why didn’t he change it beforehand. Father Horror serves within the Post Office, and Presidents Men and is good friends with Tullius Kissinger and is the Kissinger family priest, this man with one hand will pass communion and baptise to wash away sins while the other is slicing someone’s throat; sorry I don’t agree with his tactics and his abusing the trust placed in him as a priest in that manner. He is a Grand Master of Low Regard and Low Honour and acts as a guide and trainer within the order.
Tracy Appleton (Set): The madman of the Original Bad Ass Brigade is a Kingsmen….okay now I have scene everything, Set is loud, rude, stoned half the time and out right crazy but he is a military genius with zero equals and has been protecting the Valley of the Kings for decades with his Magi. he hunts things that go bump in the night with his group known as the Coven……looks like the Kingsmen have another specialised order within their ranks; no not the Coven no Walter and the Sword Council would never approve of the Coven, I am speaking of the Frog Brothers that includes all Kingsmen minus one and he simply might be a Kingsmen deep undercover. The Hunters of the Frog Brothers are professional and all family, the Coven is the distraction team that keeps the people guessing; will have to add the Frog Brothers to the bottom of this page. Well for Set he is a true master of chaos and this man has been there, gotten the t-shirt and out grew it; he has trained everyone from Rivers to Salazar and simply doesn’t care what people think of him. He has taken a liking to Taylor Greenspan and has been open about wanting to see him reach his true potential…..could this mean we have another Grand Master ready to nominate the American Hero Taylor Greenspan. Set works with the Presidents Men Sentinels and of course the Kingsmen where he is surprisingly a Grand Master of the Highest Regard and Highest Honours……Heaven Help Us.
Dr. Sylvester Sinister (Agent Orange): Well this is no surprise here, Dr, Sinister is one of the top forensic scientists in the world, though I do wish they would release the photo of him in that orange lab coat and tie. This man makes you believe in hero’s once again and root for the underdog, even though he is a high ranking member of this order I still consider Sylvester to be the underdog and a true hero…..though he really does have more of a super villain name and his initials can cause many to squirm. Dr. Sinister risked life and limb to fight against the Inishmore threat in 2018 and rescued countless without regard for his own safety, as a scientist he is at the top of his field, as a Kingsmen he is one of the most beloved and as a Crystal Dragon he is……wait what? Okay thats a surprise but shouldn’t phase me seeing Sinister has always had a soft spot for the downtrodden and donates most of his salary to help those in need. Okay can we talk about Sinister’s fashion sense or lack there of, wing collars and frock coats went out over a century ago and I seriously doubt they wore tweed jackets like that and god awful red and black ties……okay we need to start a fund to get Sinister new and updated clothing. Sinister serves the US Elite within the I-Corps and Medical Corps Division, the Steel Legion, and London Dungeon as well the Crystal Dragons where he sits on the Circle of Kage. He is also a Grand Master of the Kingsmen with the Highest Regard and Highest Honours…..Dr. Sinister also heads up there forensics division and acts as guide and trainer.
Arthur Rummy (Director): Rummy the man with an even shorter fuse than Shelby Malone and a man that has deadly accuracy with his oxfords and loafers when he gets upset and from what I heard thats quite often. He is the third in command of the Post Office and Presidents Men and guess what the other leaders are all here as well, he serves within the Outlaws Five and is a legendary gunslinger adept and swordsman adept……yup thats a thing he’s so old he dual specialised. Arthur Rummy might be the man that is holding up Taylor Greenspan’s nomination seeing he thinks of him as a buffoon and the Kingsmen do respect Rummy’s opinion on all matters as his lifelong experience and wisdom hasn’t failed them yet. He lead the charge into London during the 2018 Inishmore Invasion and he risked everything to keep us safe, as well saved countless citizens with his quick thinking their are people alive today that would never have survived if it wasn’t for this angry little American. The Director is a Grand Master of the Highest Regard and Highest Honour and he sits on a board of advisers within the Kingsmen; hopefully he changes his opinion one day of Taylor as he did of Maximilian Yates.
Conrad Howdy (Death Bringer): Okay this scares the hell out of me, where Shelby is just evil the Death Bringer simply doesn’t give two craps and he will remove anyone at anytime with zero remorse. He will speak his mind and F bomb the hell out of the place including from what I heard straight to the Grand Leader and received zero punishment. The Death Bringer doesn’t obey the grooming or dress standards of the order and is normally posted on perimeter guard duty during formal functions such as the royal wedding and yes that was the most formal the Death Bringer has ever been. I was scared for my life while writing Shelby’s bio…..I have crapped my pants while writing Death Bringers; yes I admit it I am not proud and with every key stroke it could be my last. This man serves the Presidents Men, Guild of Bounty Hunters and Post Office; He is a Grand Master of Regard and Honour within the Kingsmen……..he is the only one to get away with his attire choices and grooming standards, he is the oddity and not the norm within that order.
Joshua Dean (Watcher): Mr. Dean the watcher of the shadows and well the vast matrix that is cyberspace and big brother, there isn’t an access port or camera that is connected to the matrix that Mr. Dean doesn’t have access to and he has his watchful eye scanning and running facial recognition software and cataloguing the worlds population…..spoiler alert HE IS NOT A DECKER!! I know Mr. Dean is watching me right now as I write this and I hope he approves of my neck wear choice or adult beverage>>>>>>I DO<<<<<<<<Oh that was creepy, I was joking I thought…..that was supposed to be a really bad rumour; Well okay hold it together and finish, Mr. Dean is the second in charge of the Post Office and Presidents Men and is a master of some unknown and unique abilities; he is a Grand Master of the Highest Regard and Highest Honours, Mr. Dean serves as a member of the advisory council and guide within the order.
Jet Kissinger-Yates (City): Okay I am seriously spooked now, the Post Office just hacked my system and is watching me as I work; I guess I have to be careful with what I say or I could end up arrested and locked away forever as a domestic terrorist. Now onto Jet Yates one of the few females to remain within this fraternal order and as well one of the Crystal Dragons; Jet here has been deep undercover within the order for some time and only recently was outed by her attendance at the royal wedding. Now she being there is not an oddity as she is married to Maximilian Yates and easily could be explained away, though he signet ring and hidden short blade was hard to conceal within her dress There really isn’t much else known about Jet Yates other than she is the baby girl of the Wolf Pack and protected by basically everyone within this order and the Crystal Dragons……oh thats right she is the daughter of the Gargoyle and that means she has been trained for this life since she was a child and is one of the top ninjas within the Crystal Dragons and was trained by Driftwood, Dobbs, Edison and Sinister so yes Jet maybe a women but she can hang with the big dogs and hold her own. She is a Master of Low Regard and Low Honour within the Kingsmen.
Francis Parish (Sawyer): Let me introduce you to the son of the Whistler and the apple didn’t fall to far from the tree with this one, his name is Sawyer and he is one of the Human Resistance Movement’s top assassins and for all these years we assumed this cybered monster was simply a Samurai……nope he’s an adept of some quite powerful potential as he adapted to being a Gunner Adept focusing on shotguns, though he didn’t allow that to slow his swordsman training. Sawyer was once one of the HRM’s regional commanders until the fall of the order in the late 2060’s. He now works alongside the newest member of the Original Bad Ass Brigade another HRM assassin known as Half Pint, these two are like the Dynamic Duo and are normally found half drunk and covered in blood…..though since Half Pint has been working with the Horsemen as of late Sawyer has been free to focus on his Kingsmen duties and working directly for Prince Grimm in aiding in the genocide of the elves of Inishmore. Sawyer is just as demented as his father and blames the elves for the death of his mother and kid sister, so his rage and hate is at least focused a bit. He serves the Kingsmen as a Master of Low Regard and Low Honour, he recently has been awarded the task of being a guide and trainer though any further growth in the order wont till he shaves and gets a haircut… least thats my opinion.
Ben Palpatine (Kenobi): Good old Ben is the youngest son of Wilhuff Palpatine and one of the other Horsemen that you can trust with your life, this man is not going to lie to you and he simply wants to hear your story and well…….okay yes he is going to lie to you, he is going to twist your mind and he is going to rat you out to his father in a blink of an eye. This government psychologist uses his status to get the deep dark secrets of the elected officials and hook them on mind alerting drugs and use hypnosis to plant key words to change votes and make them say horrible things on the record to ruin their careers and lives. This is what you get when you trust a Palpatine with anything, yes I love his father and I also fear his father for damned good reason, though with Wilhuff you know what your getting…..with Ben you go to him for mental therapy and your repaid with mind control and divulging states evidence. How this is legal is beyond me but they haven’t fired him, they still make appointments to see him even with this information known and on the record, well it must be nice to be a Palpatine; Ben works within the US Elite within both I-Corps and Medical division, he as well works within the Post Office, London Dungeon, Horseman, is a licensed 00 agent and he as well serves within the Presidents Men. Within the Kingsmen Dr. Palpatine is a Grand Master of High Regard and High Honour and aids with the medical division and well the removal division as well…..oh wait thats every Kingsmen.
Reverdy Davis (Snoopy): We have the third of the mighty journalists and news hounds to work within the Kingsmen and this one is a real issue, he is very partisan and filters his reports to be biased to one side of the story……guess witch one, yup the one he serves and fights for. Snoopy is the estranged brother of President Edward Davis and serves as Archibald Kingsbury’s second within the Common Wealth. Snoopy here is the uncle of the beloved Anthony Barton and has basically ruined his reputation with his biased reporting, though that doesn’t seem to bother Snoopy and he simply moves on to the next big headline that will garner ratings and rial up the masses to fight harder for the cause. He is the master of spin and political double talk…….well he should be seeing he is a DRAGON!! Surprise he is not the only dragon in the Kingsmen either, yup Dover Barton is one as well but that man is not a racial stereotype, unlike Snoopy here always looking out for his best interests or the interests of his family not including his kid brother that he despises with every scale in his body and hidden gold coin. Snoopy serves the Sons of Liberty, Rough Riders, and Harbour Masters and within the Kingsmen he is a Grand Master of the Highest Regard and Highest Honours.
Robert Churchill (Sandman): The Sandman is within the Kingsmen well where you find one HRM assassin you are bound to find others and seeing the English hate the elves of the Inishmore as much as the Humans of Belfast do….well its a marriage bound in genocide. The Sandman is one of the top assassins of the HRM and he deploys some very dirty and reprehensible tactics and his interrogation techniques rival that of Herbert Parish and include power drills. This man is the brother of HRM leader Forrest Churchill and adopted uncle of Half Pint after he was nearly killed by an elven noble during the days prior to the Inishmore Invasion. Sandman has guided and aided in the training of Maximilian Yates before he was a squire and was one of the Grand Masters on the Sword Council to approve his nomination……spoiler alert it was unanimous. Robert Churchill as well serves within the Harbour Masters and Colonists, he lends aid to the Post Office when needed and is within the Crystal Dragons and one can’t forget about his connections and work within the HRM. This man is a guide within the Kingsmen and is a Grand Master of the Highest Regard and Highest Honours, he is a trainer and a role model for many within and without of the order to aspire to.
Mayor Archibald Kingsbury (Colonial): Now this one is a big surprise here, ladies and gentleman meet the famed Colonial the leader and founder of the Sons of Liberty and long standing Mayor of the Common Wealth…..though by this point we should simply call him a de facto president or maybe monarch seeing he has never stepped down and has become exactly what George Washington warned the founders of. Archibald absolutely hates the United Canadian American States and has been waging a revolution for decades to restore her back to the United States of America and once again see the return of “Old World Blues”. This man being a Kingsmen is actually not really a surprise seeing he is a British citizen and noble by birth and immigrated to America some time ago, this man is old….I mean James Grove level Old, he is called Colonial for a reason and he despises the New America for a very good reason, he fought, bleed and suffered for his freedom from King George III and is one of the fathers of the American Revolution. Yes Colonial has drank from the same fountain Mr. Groves did and has no plans of going anywhere soon. Archibald is Grand Master of Regard and Honour within the Kingsmen and their isn’t a rebel agency that he doesn’t have influence within or aids in some fashion……..also you really don’t want to make this man angry, when he gets angry people vanish.
Harvey Cannon (Drownyard): Well it’s Smiling Harvey or better known as Drownyard, he is a Kingsmen…..well that explains a whole hell of allot. This maniac has been removing people all over the world for ages and we thought he was simply hiding behind his Bounty Hunter License when in reality he is simply a 00 agent that has a license to kill. Drownyard here kills in countless ways though his signature is very simple….drowning his victims, yup the worst way to die is this man’s preferred from of removal and guess what the bodies are almost never found and simply become fish food. His tactics make me sick and he is not a good man in any fashion, Drownyard is a Cannon so that alone means he is off his rocker, second he is as old as dirt this people is the uncle of the Cannon Brothers and very proud of his nephews for how they have matured over the years. Drownyard here works for the Stormriders and was part of the siege on Denver in the 2030’s, he served within the 82nd Airborne and was deployed within France during the 2018 Inishmore Invasion to fend off the French from coming in through Normandy, this maniac is a Licensed and ranked member of the Bounty Hunters Guild, and works in both the Post Office and London Dungeon. Within the Kingsmen he is a Grand Master of the Highest Regard and Highest Honours.
Rusty Rutherford-Palpatine (Jersey Devil): Here is another example of how the rules were meant to be broken and only enforced on a case by case basis. Meet the Jersey Devil the brother of the Jamestown Shot Caller and Godfather of all detectives, Rusty here is from Asbury Park New Jersey and has a very profane and foul mouth, not something normally found within the reserved Kingsmen. His dress is as well not as stuffy and formal as the order normally dictates and he was one of the deep cover agents of the Kingsmen that was busted during the royal wedding as he would perform guard duty from the shadows. His signet ring and badge would give him away as being both a Kingsmen and Crystal Dragon. This home grown Jersey Boy is more than meets the eye as he is a veteran of the FIP and not silent about his frustration, he is the Director of the Federal Marshals Fugitive Recovery Task Force… bad guys if you run he will find you, Rusty as well serves the Hawaiian Chapter of the Crystal Dragons where he sits on the Circle of Kage..yup Dark City is a ninja. As the nephew of Wilhuff, Charles, and Montgomery and the son of Dover he was a shoe in for the Kingsmen and with his supernatural senses and top notch dingo poo detector he would be a perfect fit for the order as a royal law enforcement officer. Rusty is a Master within the Kingsmen with the Highest Regard and Highest Honours, he as well works within their handgun training department and is within the elite airborne division of the Kingsmen.
Henry O’Doyle (Reaper): The ghost of Ireland and the scourge of the Inishmore Elves is Henry O’Doyle, the man that can erase an entire village in a single night rendering it a ghost town by dawn. This man has been slithering through the shadows of the law for ages and cleaning up the elven menace as he see’s it since the awaking of the sixth world. He has rendered entire family lines to go extinct and caused countless pain and suffering to those left behind as they ask the question of why was I allowed to survive. The Reaper as he is also known simply cares nothing for the tears that flow from his work and he is rewarded greatly for his professional and heartless work. This man works within the Post Office, London Dungeon, Northern Irish Army, Belfast Ghosts and of course the Kingsmen; though we suspect this 00 agent is as well within the Human Resistance Movement but we have zero evidence to verify that claim. He serves the Kingsmen as a Grand Master of the Highest Regard and Highest Honour and has zero relation to the former elven Grand Marshal of Inishmore that simply shares a surname with this genocidal madman…….though as a Kingsmen he is highly regarded and beloved, so racism is alive and well.
Dr. Sherman Finesilver (Striker): Well it’s the sweet old man called Striker, this man is a true war god, he is a master of everything the slings lead and the main culprit behind all the Stormrider weapons and advancements. Striker is the second in command of the 67th Stormriders and one man that shouldn’t be armed to the teeth as he portrays the caring and loving doctor Though he is the first into action and someone that will turn you into mulch. Striker is one of quick action Kingsmen that is always the first to storm the streets and sling hot lead at the enemy. Dr. Finesilver is a man of action and has been within the FIP for generations, he has concealed his family from the public and is currently protecting his son Kyle from the media. This Kingsmen serves the Stormriders, and works with the Horsemen and Rogue One, this man is the Chief Medical Examiner for the City of Seattle and has everyone fooled about his morality as he hides behind that award winning smile and bow tie. Finesilver is a Grand Master within the Kingsmen of the Highest Honour and Highest Regard and works within the medical division.
Salazar Hollister (Cobbler): The shoemaker is a Kingsmen, well I guess thats normal….they have a tailor. Salazar here has been through the ringer multiple times as he is one of the FIP that is originally from Poland and is a survivor of the Holocaust. He than would be nearly killed during the Great Tragedy of 2018, the Cobbler wants you to see him as a simple man and one that has been wrongfully persecuted for simply being Jewish and a veteran. Seems this member of the American Wolf Pack is far more than your simple shoemaker and someone of exceptional combat prowess as he is one of the swordsman and martial trainers within the Kingsmen. He is a Grand Master of High Regard and High Honour and he lends his skills to the order within the uniform division repairing their oxfords and loafers.
Prince Sly Grimm (Eclipse): The King of Northern Ireland, the man that is the handler for multiple HRM Assassins including two Kingsmen…..Locust and Sawyer. He rules his land with an iron fist, has monopolised the alcohol market within Ireland and sits on the board of directors for the Steel Legion. He snubs England every chance he gets and is hellbent of committing racial genocide, seems that it’s deemed okay if its an elf that’s being put to the block. Eclipse is married to Melody Puck of the Crystal Dragons and is the reason both Melody and her father Jackson are within the Kingsmen, he has guided many of his family into the order including his son and is regarded as a man of dignity and honour. Grimm fought in the 2018 Battle of the Irish Sea and serves within the Presidents Men and Brothers Grimm a special forces division of the Mossad. He founded the Belfast Ghosts to help in he extermination of the elves and anyone that aids the forbidden species. Grimm is not a good man and I can’t tolerate or stomach his tactics, he simply wins people over with his award winning smile and over the top antics; he is a Grand Master of the Highest Regard and Highest Honour within the Kingsmen.
Allen Grimm (Ecto One): Now seriously a kid, a child is within the Kingsmen….well I wouldn’t call Allen here a kid in any shape of the form. He might be young but this young killer has been trained and groomed for this order from birth, as the son of Prince Grimm and Grandson of Arthur Grimm young Ecto here was denied of having a normal childhood and thrust head first into the war and service to King and Country. He works for the American wasteland unit known as the Tribe a supposed unit of good hearted and like minded warriors that chose to stick it to the man, and aid the people over having a normal and secure life. Though the Tribe is run by a former Denver Guard ranking officer, and includes two Kingsmen…I want to hope that the Tribe is what they say it is seeing it contains the American Hero Taylor Greenspan and I do like Old Donk who as well works with the Tribe, but I seriously don’t trust this kid and what his agenda is. Ecto is a Master of Regard and Honour within the Kingsmen and is always pushing his elders to the point of no return…..mins Old Donk who he is terrified of.
Johnathan Winters (Highwayman): Well we have the scourge of the badlands and open road, this man is a certified and licensed Bounty Hunter, commander of a wasteland unit of the Sons of Liberty, Presidents Men and professional hijacker……sounds like we have a winner here people. The Highwayman has been on a quest to destabilise the American super highway system to keep small and rural towns from being bulldozed and forgotten, he claims to be a preserver of history and man that simply wants America to remain free from it’s corporate overlords. He seems to care nothing for the people he hurts with his attacks and raids on the highway system and he seems to be untouchable and now we know why. He is the elder brother of Denver Guard officer Jane Winters and served within the Denver Guard himself achieving the rank of Colonel before moving to the wastelands and creating discord and havoc within his wake. Highwayman is a Grand Master of the Highest Regard and Highest Honour within the Kingsmen and works as a War Master for the order.
Frank McDougall (Chimney): Another evil man, well Mr. McDougall here is called Chimney and he is one assassin that will simply kill through fire and being a reverse Santa Claus…..he hangs people within their own chimney and than smokes them out creating a perfect storm of pain and suffering prior to death. How he is a Kingsmen is beyond me but again not everyone of the known members is of high morality…..simply take a look at Drownyard, Ticker, Whistler and the Chemist. Mr. McDougall works with Seattle Fire Department and is a Presidents Men agent; he as well is a 00 agent of the London Dungeon and has been called the Chimney Sweep here in the UK. I really have nothing nice to say about this man as his tactics are simply evil and on par with Drownyard. I know I have given a pass to the likes of Polaris, Mayor, War Machine and others that have questionable morals and tactics but when it comes to Chimney I just don’t like this man. Chimney is a Grand Master of Low Regard and High Honour within the Kingsmen.
Lord Saul Oxford (Atari): The childhood friend of Archibald Kingsbury….let that sink in for a minute, “childhood friend” this means he is old I mean really old! Atari here probably remembers what is like to fight the red coats and spill blood for the birth of America, he might even be older than that as we have no idea when Kingsbury was born just a target date for when he started causing trouble. Atari here serves within the Forsaken and runs the Harbour Master an elite specialised unit of the Sons of Liberty. He seems to be back on speaking terms with Colonial after that attempted murder issue,…I mean seriously if my best friend tried to hang me and murder my friends and family, well I wouldn’t be suddenly all cool. Well they are old world British and the whole “stiff upper lip” bit I guess..still something sounds off; but I guess if a squire vouches for someone the elders listen…see a problem in the logic. Atari has been restored to his status as Grand Master within the order but has zero Regard and Zero Honour, so guess trying to hang a friend and fellow Kingsmen does have consequences. .
Arthur Grimm (Slimer): The father of Sly Grimm and the reason he is a Kingsmen, Slimer here is a true terror and being a Grimm means he is part of one of the most dangerous family lines to exist…only the Jamestowns, and Palpatines can be even put compared to the lethality and power of the Grimms. Seriously Arthur simply leaned on some powerful people and surprise his son became a prince, the Grimms are not to be trifled with as they are connected to some very powerful people and that doesn’t include well their unit…The Brothers Grimm. Slimer works within the Mossad, the Belfast Ghosts, and London Dungeon, he aids the HRM and has been hunting the elves and UCAS loyalist for ages. He is the only other survivor from the Battle of the English Countryside in 2018 and did help the UK remain free, so maybe I can give him a pass seeing his tactics are focused and targeted as he personally hunts an elven terrorist known as Legion and is trying to bring down Free Bird and the Neon Church; so he can’t be all bad. Arthur is a Grand Master of the Highest Regard and Highest Honour within the Kingsmen.
Albert Grimm (Asmodeus): Now where his brother is a man of action and consequences Albert here is more of the behind the scenes guy, the master of the spoken word, he master of deception and the master of manipulation and controlling the narrative. He uses his influence and wealth to sway the public opinion and create a citizens outcry for some narrative he is pushing and if that fails he dispatches his Children of Asmodeus into the streets and after his political target. Albert works within the London Dungeon, Brothers Grimm, and Ghosts of Belfast as well he serves the Mossad and has his hands deep in the pockets of many and I mean many within the political and runner world. To call Albert a devil is simply to compliment him as he calls himself Asmodeus and to think he has law enforcement powers; Albert is a Grand Master of the Highest Regard ad Highest Honours within the Kingsmen…….I guess it pays to be a raciest within the Kingsmen.
Arthur Murdock (Eraser): Old Man Murdock a Kingsmen is no surprise this spook has been haunting the shadows for ages and is one of the most successful cleaners around…..or should I say erasers. His skill set is almost unmatched and his blood runs cold through his blackened heart, this man wants you to see him as nothing more than a simple old timer, nothing much to see here and thats all. Though in reality this cleaner is one of the men that invented the game and the trade we all now fear, he has trained the worlds best and he is always improving on trade secrets. I know I stated Burn Notice and Danger were the top tier, well thats true but they wouldn’t have a bar to reach if it wasn’t for the Eraser. Mr Murdock serves the Post Office, London Dungeon, Presidents Men and is a licensed 00 agent within British Intelligence, as well a legendary Hive Buster and for that we thank him. The Eraser is a Grand Master of the Highest Regard and Highest Honour within the Kingsmen and keeps raising the bar for Burn Notice, Danger, Jackal, Captain and Silencer to reach.
Senator Maximilian Yates (Bilbo): The newest squire of the Kingsmen is the infamous and legendary Bilbo, Pupil, Doodle, Atlas or simply Royal Pain in the Ass as they refer to him. This little man made it into the order through the legacy privilege do to being family to many of the Grand Masters and good friends with many on the Sword Council and as well as impressing the Chairman of the Council during the Battle for Seattle 2073. Max here is there connection between the streets and the boardroom and has moved into the political world like his grandfather before him. Bilbo serves multiple orders and seems to be the glue that keep the Harbingers together, I do like this New Breed Runner and his antics are well worth the screen time he gets; though since he has been working alongside the Old Man, Silencer, Captain, Jersey Devil and Handler he has grown very dark and become a glutton for the illicit drugs; He serves the US Elite, Crystal Dragons, Harbingers, Post Office, and Sons of Liberty. Within the Kingsmen he is a squire of No Regard and No Honour and is being guided and trained by some of the orders best including Driftwood, Attila, Agent Orange, Edison, and Sandman, not to mention his family members that litter this order.
Jacob Sweeney (Rover): The ghost of the past and the ghost of change is the Rover, a man that always seems to have a targets number and never seems to miss his mark. This man is a true enigma within the Kingsmen as he simply floats to where he is needed and many just forget that this old timer is near by and than “BANG” it’s to late for apologies. The Rover is a master assassin and one that needs zero introduction, he has been cleansing the world of problems for ages and has been systematically reducing the elven population since they returned to the world. The Rover serves the Bounty Hunters, Library, Presidents Men, Post Office, Steel Legion and London Dungeon; he is a licensed 00 agent and member of the Belfast Ghosts so be warned when the Rover is around, he is a Grand Master of the Highest Regard and Highest Honours within the Kingsmen and acts as a guide.
David Krueger (Trixter): The mighty Trixter is within the Kingsmen…..well I didn’t see that coming, this man hails from Jamaica and is one of the dreaded HRM Assassins and the only one with a 100% success rate. His resume includes eradicating all the elves from Jamaica and introducing toxins, genetic manipulations and abortion edicts to keep the birth rate a big “Goose Egg”. I don’t like Trixter and I don’t like what he stands for nor what he has accomplished, this man is playing god with peoples lives and seems to give to shits who he hurts in the process. Trixter runs an order of Jamaican Assassins known as Purple Haze and he is one of the members we can conclude would be part of the Caribbean Kingsmen, be cautious around Krueger as he is very lethal and extremely dangerous. Trixter serves the Caribbean Death Squad, Caribbean Elite Royal Guard, London Dungeon, Purple Haze, Belfast Ghosts, HRM, Post Office and of course the Kingsmen where he is a Grand Master of the Highest Regard and High Honour.
Dr. Alvin Cannon (Alchemist): Maybe the only sane member of the Cannon family and that’s not saying much is the patriarch of the family Dr. Alvin Cannon. This man is always impeccably dressed within his classic British dress and very reserved in his personal nature. He is a very old man and has been lurking within the shadows for some time, he is a master of all things chemical, and mystical hence his handle the Alchemist; rumours indicate that Alvin here has been working for the Kingsmen for ages and has committed regicide within other nations numerous times with his poisoned cups of wine and his mystical elixirs. Wonder how Spain’s King Philip II mysteriously died during the Spanish Armada……well Dr. Cannon here knows and he is not talking, though the reports I have state that this man as well fought as a colonist against England during the Revolution and has been dubbed the father of the medicine. He serves the Kingsmen as a Grand Master of the Highest Regard and Highest Honour and works within the Historical Division as a Historian and trainer.
Linus Birdwhistle (Ajax): The top cleaner and close friend of Archibald Kingsbury is good old Linus Birdwhistle here, this man has been erasing and cleaning up problems since he first landed on Plymouth Rock…..don’t see this man as being a puritan or within the Pilgrim dress but he has been here ever since according to the record book. They say history was written by the victors, but in the case of the Kingsmen it was rewritten by the ancients and what they want us to believe, Linus here has been slithering around and doing his bosses bidding for some time, and removing those deemed to dangerous to the American way for generations without ever being suspected or detected. Ajax here is very lethal and very dangerous as his conscience has been surgically removed through generations of long living and he heads multiple training programs within the Sons of Liberty to give birth to a new generation of heartless killers. Linus serves within the Sons of Liberty, Rough Riders, Harbour Masters, Crystal Dragons, Purple Haze, Caribbean Death Squad and Post Office; don’t forget he is a Kingsmen of High Regard and Basic Honour.
Patrick O’Regan (Locust): Now first off…..this killer is someones son! Second he actually has a name besides Locust! Okay now thats out of my system……wait they let this madman into the Kingsmen what the hell! Okay now I am better, this assassin of the HRM needs zero introduction, this people is the infamous Locust and he is the scourge of all our elven brothers world wide. This killer really is a chip of the old block with his murderous tendencies, seeing he is the child of the Ticker and seemingly born to continue the families bloody legacy. Locust and Vernon would be the only survivors of an Inishmore attack on their farm outside Dublin and Locust would be nearly killed as an elven sword would drive into his chest missing his heart by inches. Locust would be one of the original to be within the HRM alongside Sawyer, Mind Freak, Half Pint, and Scorpion…….their hatred unsatisfied and given a outlet for their bloodlust within the HRM. Locust here though would become a force unto himself as he works within many orders and travels the seven seas with Ratchet in the Sea Wolves, he is as well part of the Belfast Ghosts, Purple Haze, Caribbean Death Squad and the Sea Wolves; within the Kingsmen he is a Master of High Regard and High Honour and acts as a guide and fencing trainer.
Benjamin Mathews (Benji): The father in law of the famous Law Dog is a Kingsmen “YES!!” this means we have another chance for the famous harbinger and cop to enter this noble order and clean things up. As for Mr. Franklin here it’s not such a clean story as he was the handler for Tony’s foster father Michael DiCane and one of the dirtiest cops to ever wear the badge. He might play good cop but Mr. Franklin is noting more than a Problem Solver for the Post Office who specialises in deletion (whatever that is), he is the father of Tony’s wife Dr. Maria DiCane and a close personal friend of both Archibald Kingsbury and Walter Segal, Benji uses his status as a police officer to gain trust and access to targets prior to removing them from their addiction to breathing, he serves multiple orders and is considered to be one of the most trusted and loyal members of these orders; he is within the Post Office, Presidents Men, Rough Riders, US Elite and Seattle Police Department as for the Kingsmen he serves as a adviser to the Grand Leader and is a Grand Master of the Highest Regard and Highest Honour.
Russel Winters (Crosshair): When it comes to snipers their is no one better than Russel Winters as he is the best the world has ever scene, his confirmed kills are within the quadruple digits and that maybe a bit low. He is also a master swordsman and personal guard for Colonel Tracy Appleton, Russel here is more than happy to be either at Set’s side or watching from a distance, either way no threat will ever survive. The Kingsmen need to be masters of all forms of weapons and skills so a legendary sniper in the order is not out base seeing sometimes a target needs to be brought down from a distance, sometimes they have hostages and close quarters fighting is out of the question and who do they call…..well Crosshair of course. This man fought to defend England with the Original Bad Ass Brigade at the Irish Sea in 2018, he serves the Sentinels, Magi, London Dungeon, Bounty Hunters and Sons of Liberty; he still finds time to defend King and Country within the Kingsmen as a Grand Master of the Highest Regard and Highest Honours.
Caldwell McDougall (Numbers): Well I guess all orders need to worry about statistics and the boring side of doing business and well for that they have Numbers here, this man is a cold blooded killer of the most extreme kind. I mean he already silenced multiple reporters while they were writing about him and others got spooked and left the profession. Numbers is both a member of the 401st and 82nd Airborne and though was with the 82nd when they defended London from the Inishmore and would listen on the radio as his brothers in the 401 where being butchered. As a veteran of the Inishmore Invasion I respect him for that, as a cleaner and numbers man I don’t; Caldwell is seriously a numbers man that simply see’s people as a number on a page and doesn’t care about adding a target to his statistic book. Sadly even within the Kingsmen journals I was gifted I am unable to find any up to date information about Numbers besides him being within the Post Office, London Dungeon, Presidents Men and a licensed 00 Agent; he serves the Kingsmen as a Master of High Regard and High Honour.
Haywood Boston (Halo): Good Old Halo is within the Kingsmen and is that a surprise “Nope” seeing many of the Presidents Men as well serve the Kingsmen. Haywood here is a master paratrooper and one that can be coined as the father of the halo jump that he that mastered enough to earn it as his handle, he is one of the 82nd that fought within Bathe England and helped hold that line along with his good friend and commander Arthur Swanson. Finding out that both Swanson and Boston are Kingsmen well does explain a whole hell of a lot seeing they are legendary swordsmen, and long standing and highly decorated veterans of multiple wars…..though both hold UK awards seeing the US has forsaken them both. Halo has really changed the game when it comes to “Death from Above” and without him and Swanson the American and British Airborne divisions would simply not exist. Halo here is part of the FIP like many within this order, he works for the Post Office, Presidents Men, Sons of Liberty and Bounty Hunters; he serves the Kingsmen as a Master of Low Regard and the Highest Honours and works as a jump trainer alongside Edison, Montgomery and Charles Palpatine.
Grifter Antilles (Smuggler): Now I know the Kingsmen have a strict dress code and code of conduct……but I guess they are slipping a bit here with Grifter; Also who names their son Grifter? This is one Kingsmen I am truly terrified of for good reason, he gives “Zero Fucks!” sorry for the profanity, but this killer is known for bare handed strangulation where he simply whispers “Shhhh, Sleep Now.) as he constricts the airway and steals your last gasp of air. This man is a master of all forms of combat yet prefers the up close and personal method of killing, his kills are terrifying to witness and have traumatised witnesses into silence or even suicide out of fear of him returning to silence a loose end. Grifter is a master pilot and ca fly anything and has modified ground vehicles to fly or simply driven them off a ramp and well……..lets say he is crazy as hell behind the wheel or pilots stick. Grifter serves multiple orders including the Post Office, Horsemen, Rogue One, Presidents Men and of course the Kingsmen where he is a Grand Master of the Highest Regard and Highest Honour.
Dr. Abbot Malone (Warrant): This is another Malone to worry about, in the hierarchy of problem Malones he s right up there with Shelby, Sid and Arnold; Abbot here is known simply as Warrant though thats short for Death Warrant and he is not above collecting on that document. This man is one of the problem solvers of the Kingsmen that has been trained by a handful of the worlds best including Eraser, Silencer, Captain and Burn Notice. Dr. Malone works directly for the Horsemen as the hand of Wilhuff and wont think twice about following orders to the letter; he is one of the men that personally trained and looked after Agent White during Wilhuffs “Bad Mitch Days” keeping the young agent from getting himself killed or burned by the elders of this order. Death Warrant is the man that is the police of the police and is normally dispatched to remove rogue agents and traitors of the intelligence world and do to that he is quite skilled and highly feared, he works within the Presidents Men, Post Office, Horsemen, Rogue One Cajun Cavalry, Caribbean Death Squad, London Dungeon and is a 00 agent with a license to kill. Mr. Malone is a Grand Master of the Highest Regard and Highest Honours within the Kingsmen and serves as a guide and trainer.
Lord Byrd Ransom (Punisher): The father of dreaded Deaths Hand general and enforcer Rift is this man Lord Byrd Ransom, I adore this sweet old man and hate his son with every bone in my body. Well when the Deaths Hand fractured after the death of Alexander Lord Ransom saw his chance to remove his only son from the world for the evil he had committed. Punisher here is a legendary swordsmen and has fought alongside the likes of Order, None Shall Pass, and Edison and not to mention being close friends with Walter Segal and Quincy Graham. The Punisher might have nearly died while taking on the Deaths Hand Red Guard and his son Rift…..alone mind you and he still succeeded and survived. He is also part of the Original Bad Ass Brigade and a veteran of the Irish Sea of 2018, he is as well serves the Steel Legion, London Dungeon and aids the Belfast Ghosts…..that part I don’t like, though his hatred is explained and understood. Lord Byrd is part of the US Elite and serves the Kingsmen as a Grand Master of the Highest Regard and Honour and is one of the elders looking after the newest squire Bilbo.
Lord Quincy Graham (Tinker): All hail the mighty little man known as Tinker, here is the man behind all the toys of the London Dungeon and Kingsmen. This man is the acting leader of MI7 and the London Dungeon seeing the actual boss has his hands quite full nowadays….yes that is Wilhuff I am speaking about. Lord Graham is not to be under estimated as he has been in action for some time and from my reports he has been aiding the Highwaymen for ages over in the states…..well when it was simply a colony and territory. Lord Graham according to these journals is quite old and quite active within the Kingsmen besides being part of there science division, he has aided Rough Rider Michael Sharpe with his special creations and many others through the years; learning his trade from Wilhuff Palpatine. Tinker is very dangerous and don’t under estimate this little man for he is quite old and highly skilled, he is beloved by all and scene as a role model for many; Tinker here serves the Rough Riders, Harbour Knights, London Dungeon, MI6 and MI7 and is a 00 agent of high regard and skill; he is as well a Grand Master of the Highest Regard and Highest Honour within the Kingsmen and works within the science and technology division.
Princess Melody Grimm (Anthrax): The Princess of Northern Ireland or should I say the Queen of Ireland if the HRM and Kingsmen have their way. Melody Puck (Maiden Name) would be welcomed into the order through the nomination of her father and husband, though it would be her close friend Robert Churchill that would fight tooth and nail for Anthrax to be within the order. She is all rage and all fury and despises the elven population of Ireland and fully supports and aids her husbands genocidal campaign, Melody works alongside the Belfast Ghosts alongside her long time friend Robert and has stolen state and ancient secrets from the Tir Royals and their Path orders including the mysterious secrets of the leyline stones a secret she handed over to the Crystal Dragons. Melody is the third in command of the Crystal Dragons Japan (Hong Kong) division and has been fully trained by Tullius, Swanson, Churchill, Monty, and Charles not to mention many within the Crystal Dragons as well. She serves the Crystal Dragons, Belfast Ghosts, and the Kingsmen at the rank of Grand Master with High Regard and High Honour.
Real Name Unknown (Spectre): This man is a true enigma and even within the old journals of the Kingsmen it never mentions his name, the only reports indicate a ghost assassin known as Spectre is within their fold and has been silently removing threats for some time now. The Spectre works directly for the Sword Council and is deployed whenever they need something or someone silenced for good and the remains never to be discovered. The Spectre works for the Jamestowns as a private guard and assassin, Presidents Men, Sons of Odin, and of course he is also a Kingsmen of unknown rank and unknown regard and honour……seriously his records here are blank, I can only assume he is a Grand Master of the Highest Regard and Honour.
Elroy Davis-Jamestown (Four): The man called Four for a simple reason his love for the game of golf, though his handicap is quite high. This man is another Jamestown lackey to be within the Kingsmen and serves countless other orders and trust me he is never up to any good. This mans swordplay is just as terrifying as his gun play, as he is a gunslinger adept of extreme skill like many within the Jamestown’s. He is the go between within the orders he serves and their leaderships chain as he is always professional and highly respected for his devoted work to progress….ya I had a hard time swallowing that bit as well. Elroy here serves on multiple boards within the corporate world and has been stealing trade secrets ever since for his shot caller and godfather, Elroy doesn’t make a move without the direct authorization of one his direct commanders and they are Reverdy and Oliver Jamestown period, he will do what the Grand Leader asks but not before double checking with his shot caller Reverdy Jamestown. He serves the Presidents Men, Bounty Hunters Guild, Sons of Odin, Texas Elite, Sons of Liberty as well the Jamestown Family Syndicate; he is a Master Kingsmen of Low Regard and High Honour.
<<Elroy Davis-Jamestown has been executed for treasonous actions against the Crown and the North American Alliance>>
Yogi Jamestown-Yates (Necromancer): Another day and another Yates, this seems to be a trend within the Kingsmen and this one is also a Jamestown……oh hell they are inter breeding. This master of the dead serves the Kingsmen and many other orders as well and is personally watched over and directed by the shot caller himself. Yogi is suspected to serve the Caribbean division as he was personally trained in his dark arts by Governor Barney Pilgrim and is a ranking member of the Caribbean Death Squad as well as the Jamaican Purple Haze unit. This is one Kingsmen that wields powers that have been unseen for ages and are outlawed throughout the free world yet is allowed to practice his craft as a diplomat for the Caribbean. Yogi is very dangerous and watched very closely by his family and the Horsemen so be warned, when he is around he is never alone and not like he needs the back up but he always has it. He serves the Guild of Bounty Hunters, Caribbean Death Squad, Purple Haze,Jamestowns, Sons of Liberty, Sons of Odin and the Presidents Men; he is also a ranked Master of High Regard and High Honour within the Kingsmen.
Martin Spooner (Chairman):This man was thought to be dead days prior to the Battle for Seattle and it turns out Spooner was simply faking it in order to slip further into the shadows and ignite the fires of rebellion. Spooner here is a man of diplomacy and action, he was the key player in the reintroduction of the Kingsmen and Presidents Men as he serves both orders and his “Death” was the one thing both groups mourned and were able to unit behind fully. The Chairman here used that knowledge to force Wilhuff and Walter into full speaking terms and fully bring the orders together and once that happened…..”Poof” he returns from the dead with that award winning smile; seriously I believe this Kingsmen simply was under orders from the seniority members to pull this stunt as a way to make public what was already going on behind the scenes. Can’t tell me that the Presidents Men and Kingsmen haven’t been aligned secretly for ages and with their orders on the verge of being busted they needed someone to publicly marry the orders again……low and behold Martin Spooner the beloved Chairman and perfect gentleman to the rescue. He serves both the Presidents Men and Kingsmen and is Grand Master of the Highest Regard and Highest Honour and has served as the Chairman of the Sword Council for many years.
Governor Dwight Schwartz (Giggles): The laughing politician that seems to love war over peace as he has made a career in conflict and simply giggles in the face of danger. He is beloved within Michigan and runs that state with an iron fist, this madman is a total warmonger and will do anything to further his profits from the never ending war, and keep the war machine fuelled up for an eternity. Giggles here being a Kingsmen is no surprise seeing his father serves the order and has been for some time, and seeing his baby boy simply follows his daddy straight into the maw of hell without question……well like father like son. Giggles has had his hands in many of the known conflicts world wide and has been forging ahead with his “Never Forgive, Never Forget!” Program to keep the fires burning over Detroit’s Destruction. Giggles serves the War Cats, Presidents Men, Post Office, Rough Riders, Horsemen, and is a Grand Master of High Regard and High Honour within the Kingsmen.
Noel Forscythe-Truman (Roadrunner): Okay seriously the Roadrunner is a Kingsmen, yes readers the truly scary and brutal member of the Sons of Liberty and father of the Spartan is a Kingsmen……okay this is starting to make a little sense now; wait what he is a Truman! Okay a little research he is not only a Truman but Give’em Hell Harry Truman…..a bloody former president of the USA. Okay now records don’t show if he took a sabbatical when he was president but I have to assume he did, this man is a legend and beloved for his political work both in America and the UK; he was one man that could keep our prime minister focused and directed. So basically the Roadrunner has been forsaken by his own country and would end up on the wrong side of the firing squad, he would survive and after the Battle at Searchlight (2045) the Unforgiven would rise and so would the nightmare for the UCAS and James O’Brian would begin. Noel serves the Sons of Liberty, Sons of Odin, Presidents Men and the Kingsmen as a Grand Master of the Highest Regard and Highest Honour with a footnote….”Make NO sudden moves around Noel”
Rusty Warner-Truman (Goblin): The trusty Goblin of the Roadrunner is not only a member of the Kingsmen he is a Truman as well, according to the records provided he is the father of Noel and Erwin and that must have been hard to emotionally and mentally knowing that your son was nearly killed by a once friend. The trauma he suffered during the Battle of Searchlight (2045) was all to real for this US Service member and one that suffered through the FIP program while his son was President and powerless to help his own father and uncle let alone his friends from further torment. Rusty here is damned old, I mean seriously this Truman rode with the Pale Rider, and Burn Notice, aided the Indians during the French and Indian War (1753-1763), fought within the American Revolution and served directly under General George Washington; he as well drank from that forbidden fountain and that simply means his children are as well very old and very dangerous. Goblin serves the Sons of Liberty, Sons of Odin, Presidents Men and is Grand Master Kingsmen of the Highest Regard and Highest Honour with the same footnote as his son.
Thurston Anderson-Truman (Weatherman): The man that thought he killed the betrayer of the Unforgiven back during the Battle of Searchlight (2045)….well he forgot to snap James neck with his signature garrote and the rest is now history. Thurston is the younger brother of the Goblin and has dedicated his life to the service of this great nation and beyond, he is always at his families side and this is one man that you really need to simply “Stay Still” around or you could end up with a snapped neck as he no longer forgets to finish the job. Thurston served within the FIP and is also far older than originally thought seeing his brother was already here in the late 1600’s and that means Thurston was as well already here…..this fountain of youth credence is giving further credit to the Highwaymen actually existing at the time on record. This member of the Unforgiven serves all the same orders as his brother and nephew and has been keeping a close eye on his grand niece the Spartan……the Weatherman is a master infiltrator and specifies in using a garrote and bringing a slow and terrifying death before snapping the neck of his target. He serves the Kingsmen as a Grand Master of the Highest Regard and Lowest of Honours…….remember it’s not the Unforgiven you can see that you worry about, its the ones you can’t.
Milton Wooden (Constable): The king of the British Police Milton Wooden is a Kingsmen…….ya I can see it, though I can’t see this man serving alongside Jack The Knife as they are morally opposed seeing Wooden believes strongly in “Law and Order” and can’t stomach criminal activity. Well it seems Milton must put his objections on hold within the Kingsmen seeing they are an order that is above the law and they must do things that are morally objectionable to man that has dedicated his life to the badge and serving as a peace officer. Milton here is the embodiment of what it means to “Protect and Serve” and has helped the citizens of London for many years including running Jack the Knife out of London and bringing many career criminals to their end……he actually arrests and detains the criminal and makes sure they stand trail to pay for their crimes against society. Milton serves the Steel Legion and is a Knight within the Kingsmen of Regard and Honour; he still works for the London Police Department as he is the cop of cops, he is the British version of the Jersey Devil, just better dressed, less vulgar, and far less violent.
Dr. Wilbur Gravel (Samael): Okay I seriously didn’t see this one coming at all! Samael is a Kingsmen, the Angel of Death is a Bloody Kingsmen! This man has zero honour and zero regard for life, he is a scourge and plague that has killed thousands with his medical licences, he plays doctor and choices who lives and who dies; ending life with a simple syringe or well placed scalpel prick within surgery. Why he is not rotting in jail or swinging from a rope is a mystery, and one I can only assume is because he is a Kingsmen; even being one of the Original Bad Ass Brigade doesn’t give this maniac a free pass to murder freely. Samael is so beloved that they ignored his work within the Deaths Hand, his decades of cold blooded murder and his shadowy dealings in back alley clinics. This man is not a mystery and not one that I can ever approve of as he has disregarded his oath the first time he murdered a patient. How was he rewarded well he is the Chief of Medicine at Seattle Mercy, Assistant Chief Medical Examiner for the City of Seattle, and commands the US Elites 76th Medical Division and was awarded the rank of Colonel. He as well serves the Presidents Men, London Dungeon as a 00 agent, Sentinels, Rough Riders, and Post Office as the chief of one of their emergency medical response unit, he is also a bloody Crystal Dragon; within the Kingsmen he is a Grand Master of the Highest Regard and Highest Honours and the master of stick surgery whatever that is.
Akira Hirotaka (Edge): Edge welcomed into the Kingsmen through his friendship with both Arthur Swanson and Robert Churchill, he would be gifted English citizenship through the quick work of Robert Churchill and would be welcomed into the Kingsmen after being nominated by both Swanson and Churchill. This criminal hails from Tokyo and worked within the Seattle underground making a name for himself as the bringer of death to the Yakuza. Edge himself is a former Yakuza hitman for the “Golden Dragon” clan before he and the Gargoyle would snuff them out for good, along with countless other clans leaving only the dreaded Black Dragons to remain and they continue to war against them today. Edge is simply a criminal in a nice suit seeing he works alongside the Mariners, has no regard for the law and abuses his fame to take advantage of the wage slaves to grant him access to corporate buildings and offices. Edge has been within the Kingsmen for sometime and is as well a ranking member of the Crystal Dragons Ninja Clan; within the Kingsmen he is a Grand Master of Regard and Honour and as a Mariner well I do like this bastard and the work he has done alongside Quickdraw and Nightshade.
Jack Whitefield (Wembley): Well one of the first naval idiots of this page and dear friend and mate of Robert Churchill, welcome John Whitefield and forgive brutal slaughter… we were under attack, they were mutinying and we were forced to do our duty and slaughter each and everyone; for the honour of the Neverland, for the honour of our beloved Captain…..oh we have witnesses the captain and crew of the Blue Claw; you can trust the whalers they are simple fishermen. Wembley has been serving inside the Kingsmen for sometime now and doesn’t seem to be going anywhere anytime soon, his blade has ended countless lives for the Council and he simply gets promotion after promotion, as well whore after whore given to him for breeding purposes; this man proves the Kingsmen are the actual villains and have been covering up their own criminal activity for ages….Jack Whitefield is a Grand Master of High Regard and the Highest Honours… question how?
Avery Webster (Mariner): Okay we have a direct pirate and whaler within the Kingsmen and it seems that this trend is not a new one, Avery here is not the only Kingsmen to sail the seven seas and is the Second Mate within the top secret naval division of the Kingsmen….swordsmen and the open sea, yup that screams pirates. How to cover up their criminal actions, disguise the ship as a whaling vessel and dress up the crew in official uniforms of whalers; well nice job picking the one profession that had a higher death rate than actual piracy, one that needed crazy men willing to take on those beasts, and one that gave the captain the ability to be Judge, Jury and Executioner…..and when he is sleeping it falls on his mates to pass judgement. Avery is a long standing member of the Kingsmen and was crucial in the testimony to clear the names of the three men of the Neverland…he simply took his gold, signed his name and was out to sea before the ink dried and the English new they had been duped. Avery Webster is a Kingsmen of the Highest Regard and Highest Honours.
Carol Webster (Shelby): The best friend of Captain Hilliard and First Mate of the Blue Claw is the man known as Shelby not to be confused with Slicer who’s given name is Shelby. Carol serves multiple orders and many lives where lost trying to get the truth exposed about Carol Webster and those he works for. He is a Grand Master within the Crystal Dragons and sits on the Circle of Kage for the Japan/Hong Kong Division, he is a Shadow Agent of the Presidents Men of the highest rank, serves the Sons of Odin as a Grand Admiral and is the go to guy for problem solving within the Railroad. He as well lends his skills and trade to the Harbingers, and works deep within the Horsemen…..the list of agencies he doesn’t serve is shorter, but he is a 00 agent within the London Dungeon and is a retired member of the 82nd Airborne; now add his station on the Blue Claw as First Mate and you have a man that authority would simply respect as a man of law and order seeing he took the Whalemen’s Creed hence he can be trusted……(to help butcher the men on the Neverland for his friends). Carol Webster is a Grand Master of the Highest Regard and Highest Honours and serves within and commands the Shadow Division of the Kingsmen…..whatever that is.
Alfred Barnabe (Myth): The father of Fable is a Kingsmen, well didn’t see that coming also what the fuck he is a Webster as well……Fuck!! What do you get when you have a bunch of pirates within the Kingsmen, well you also employ the legendary hunter of pirates, the scourge of the black sails and than you simply make sure he will face the Blue Claw numerous time to break him of his ethics, creed and oath to the Crown and law and order. This man spent nearly half a century in chains for treason before nearly having his head chopped off only to be rescued in the eleventh hour pushing the twelfth hour and only than does he change his mindset, well getting a really close and deep shave would change my mind. Myth has forgone his past and simply serves the order within the Shadow Division and as well serves the Sons of Odin, and Presidents Men and owes his life to Montgomery Hilliard and Carol Webster who struck down the Kings executioner seconds before striking down the tyrant king….it seems that rescuing Barnabe was a second thought and their actual mission was regicide……leave it to the Kingsmen to cover up one crime with another, though they managed to save Alfred’s life; I bet the small talk was awkward as Barnabe was before the same men who nearly killed him in 1814 and thus thrust him back into chains and to have his head placed on the block once more. Alfred Barnabe is a Grand Master of Highest Regard and the Highest Honours and works within the shadow division again whatever that is.
Maxwell Irving (Shadow): Here is the legendary spy and assassin himself, the one and only Shadow…the man, the myth and the legend! All rise for this Grand Master of the Highest Regard and Highest Honour and one of the founding members of the Royal Assassin Division. Shadow has served this order for ages and has defended monarch after monarch as much as he has also sunk his poisoned blade in between just as many royals as he is one of the few in this order to be a sanctioned and licensed to perform Regicide. Irving would spend many years within the Presidents Men Shadow Corps training and aiding in the development of the sister orders true elite assassins, this man is the spy of spies and has been personally trained by the best in business, he is a hunter of all forms of beast and man, a certified dragon slayer and member of the secluded and secret Dawnguard, he serves the Presidents Men as an elite assassin and Grand Master, he is a Grandmaster within the Crystal Dragons and is a licensed 00 agent within the London Dungeon. Irving should be a highly decorated combat veteran of multiple wars and serves as a General in something called the Coalition, he has been around for some time and yet is normally overlooked and that’s just how Shadow likes it.
Addison Mayweather (Grassy): The one man killing machine and world famous reporter is one of the Kingsmen and one in high regard as he is another Royal Assassin and one of the orders Grand Masters in High Regard and Honour……his news casting has made him a bit less popular within this shadow order though the sheer destruction and devastation he brings with him makes him a valuable asset to have. Grassy kills in multiple ways and normally leaves his victims spineless or simply without a heart, he is also another that is certified and sanctioned to commit Regicide when needed and according to the record books this Kingsmen has taken down a few Emperors and Kings throughout his storied career. He serves the Post Office and is a licensed 00 agent of the London Dungeon, Grand Master of the Crystal Dragons and serves within the Presidents Men Shadow Corps as a Grand Master, he works alongside the Horsemen and has aided the rebellion in countless manners…..for the Grassy Noel is someone you should fear, loath and as well keep your distance from.
Reggie Irving (Defrag): The daughter of Maxwell Irving is within this order as well……big surprise as legacies inside the Kingsmen are common, look at Jet Kissinger, Maximillian Yates and Allen Grimm for example all legacy children of Grandmasters. So one shouldn’t be surprised that Reggie has been welcomed within the order, though one should be worried that Defrag here is as well a Grand Master of the Highest Regard and Highest Honour…..yup she clawed through the ranks and matched her father and has been seen an equal by many within the order. She did this on her own without the inference of her father and it seems this father/daughter team up must have had some family issues cause only as of recently have they even acknowledged each other as family and not professional equals and allies……wow family dinner after Temple must be very awkward in that household. “So dear how was work?……well Dad besides the normal, I had to rip a few hearts out and tore one mans spine out and showed it to him…….So more of the normal I see.”. It states that Reggie is within the Royal Assassin Division of the Kingsmen, she serves the Crystal Dragons, Presidents Men, London Dungeon and Post Office and is one of the direct hands of Executive Director Wilhuff Palpatine……this is one retired Marine that you don’t ever want to fuck with as she will tear your heart out and stomp all over it, not to mention she is a close friend and partner of Edison, Grassy, and now her Father.
Alvin Webster (Chronic): This man is truly terrifying and one of the most dangerous of the Kingsmen to date and I know that list is long but he is one of the top 10 in my opinion. This man wields all weapons of man or beast with ease, has a serious bad attitude, doesn’t joke around and has defeated anyone that comes within his targeting systems reach. He is a certified Dragon Slayer of Dawnguard, a commander of the Colonial Marines and commander of the UCAS Special Forces Divisions (All of Them!!), he serves the London Dungeon as a 00 agent and is a highly trained member of the Presidents Men; he wields all weapons like he was born with them and has unique gifts that make him a monster in combat, Alvin is fearless and will engage anyone regardless of the situation and spits in the face of death. He is a Crystal Dragon and Wellermen not to mention close and personal friends of both Montgomery and Wilhuff Palpatine so be warned this monster will end you before you can blink and if that’s not enough of a warning even Dayton English won’t discipline this Kingsmen out of fear and respect. He serves the Royal Assassin Division of the Kingsmen and is another that is a licensed and sanctioned member to perform Regicide…….I will have to do a break down of the Royal Assassin Corps for the readers to understand why they are so fucking feared.
Real Name Unknown (Q-Bert): Not much is known about this Grand Master and Royal Assassin besides that he is to be avoided at all costs, Q-Bert is one man that has been privately trained and tutored by Maxwell Irving and has served as his second for some time. Q-Bert and Shadow worked together in the CIA and NSA, they aided each other in hunts that would make the other Kingsmen queasy and hasn’t slowed down since. Q-Bert’s real name is unknown and he has been under estimated for ages, that ends now as this man is a true terror and someone that needs to given a wide birth and hope you are not on his hit list as that umbrella is even more deadly than the sword it conceals. Q-Bert serves within the Royal Assassin Corps, London Dungeon as a 00 agent and Presidents Men’s Shadow Corps, he serves inside the Crystal Dragons and is a licensed Bounty Hunter; Q-Bert is a Grand Master of the Highest Regards and Honour and is one man that has managed to avoid total detection as we still have no idea who he truly is.
Augustus Blarney (Guinness): This man is not an enigma but an urban legend, one who hunts on behalf of those he serves. Guinness is a long standing member of the Royal Assassins and has been dispatched on a quest to bring an end to the order of the Demure and from what I can dig up…..he is doing a stealer job on that front. This is another man that rose through the ranks with Maxwell Irving and helped found and develop the Royal Assassin Division, he is the total package and yet there is not much out there on the matrix about his work besides his FIP records and his hunting of those that besmirch the reputation of the Kingsmen and other orders. He has been the silencer for ages and simply portrays himself as the “Every Grandfather” and with his small frame, old man’s fedora and his old timey and classic style he has pulled it off in spades for the man also known as Old Man Blarney is a true apex predator. He serves the Kingsmen as a Grand Master of the Highest Regard and Highest Honour, Grand Master of the Crystal Dragons, Wellermen, London Dungeon as a 00 agent and the Presidents Men and lets not ignore the fact that he serves in the Post Office and is one of the Huntsmen alongside Irving and Q-Bert.
Douglas Howell (Grandpa):
Aldwyn Jamestown (Sphinx):
William Gunn (Digger):
Dibbleton Woodward (Archivist):
Orson White (War God):
Wendell Flanigan (Snapper):
Trevor O’Malley (Rock):
Father Ernest Kowalski (Old Testament):
Sherman Willard (Scoutmaster):
Bernard Beachworth (Techno Gremlin):
Alvin Drummond (Glacier):
Hudson Hope (Tetris):
David Klopeck (D):
Real Name Unknown (Gizmo):
Real Name Unknown (Elmo):
Stanley H Roper (Big Bad Wolf):
Further Legends & Chapters of the Legendary Kingsmen
Now we know that the Kingsmen and the Presidents Men are sister orders forged through history, each with it’s own bloody legacy carved within stone. We fully understand that during the days of the American Revolution against King George III also referred to as the Tyrant King, many of the Kingsmen would take up arms against the crown both within the colonies and as well in the Motherland that is England as these men serve Avalon first and foremost.
Legends indicate that their gifts, traditions and dictates can be traced back to the days of King Arthur and the days when England was simply known as Avalon and magic ruled the landscape. Now these are simply rumours laid forth by historians and soothsayers with very little provable facts to back it up. What we do know is that these men hold Stonehenge with great honours and have been scene gathering around the ancient site during the high holidays, so to simply dismiss the ancient legends as just that legends would do these men a great injustice seeing we can’t prove either way if their order dates back to England’s greatest of all Monarchs and this is what remains of those noble knights of the round.
Yes there are far more of Kingsmen than Knights of the Round, but one can see the parallel to those days within this agency; the Sword Council, the service to the King, the secret gatherings at pagan sites, and a dedication to swordsmanship unmatched by any other order within the world. They have survived being hunted, branded outlaws and traitors and yet they continue to thrive and serve Avalon with honour and dignity; these men have even fostered other orders that rose out of need such as the American Presidents Men that many of the Kingsmen proudly serve as defenders of freedom and liberty to this day.
We know that the British Colonies each had their own factions of the Kingsmen and one can be left to believe that the Crystal Dragons of Japan are what remains of the Kingsmen of Hong Kong and seeing England owns Hong Kong once again and would have moved the Hong Kong order out of the colony once it was returned to China in the 1997. It would only be fitting for the Crystal Dragons to emerge within Japan a once enemy of the free world and try to help restore that land in it’s fight against tyranny. All the while being able to keep a close eye on the British Territory, that would eventually be returned to its rightful place again come 2037; when they earned their freedom from communist China and willfully rejoined the British Empire to stave off continued attacks from the Chinese Military.
I have zero verifiable evidence beyond the presence of the Grand Sensei Tullius Kissinger, Melody Grimm, Oliver Jamestown Jr, Arthur Swanson, Montgomery Hilliard-Palpatine, Charles Belmont-Palpatine, Rusty Rutherford-Palpatine, Maximilian Yates, Jet Yates, Wesley Burns, Kingsley Quinn, Gerry Dobbs, Driftwood, Sylvester Sinister and Wilbur Gravel that serve loyally both within the Kingsmen of the United Kingdom and as well within the Crystal Dragons with many being Grand Masters of High Regard in both orders.
I understand that I am reaching but that’s allot of Crystal Dragons within the Kingsmen and also within the Presidents Men so seeing records indicate that the Hong Kong Division of the Kingsmen was never absorbed and dismantled after 1997 and the Crystal Dragons would emerge on the scene around the same time……well I don’t believe in coincidences. So I will simply state that it’s a rumour till we can find the physical evidence but when the top ninja and members of his Circle of Kage serve within the Kingsmen again a coincidence…..I think not.
Crystal Dragons Hierarchy is as follows:
Grand Sensei: Tullius Kissinger
Sensei of High Honour: Sai Jamestown
Sensei of the Council: Melody Grimm
Circle of Kage (Japan): Arthur Swanson, Charles Belmont-Palpatine, Jet Sabot, Akira Tanaka, Sylvester Sinister, Wilbur Gravel, Winston Ramsey and Carol Shelby.
They as well have a Hawaiian Division of the Circle of Shadow that mirrors the same as the Japanese Ninja Order.
Grand Sensei of Hawaii: Charles Belmont-Palpatine
Sensei of High Honour: Montgomery Hilliard-Palpatine
Sensei of the Council: Festivus Jamestown
Circle of Kage (Hawaii): Rusty Rutherford-Palpatine, Trenton Jamestown, Hampton Walsh, Jet Nakamura, Shinobi, Kentucky Schwartz, Driftwood, Gerry Dobbs
Does this seem familiar to anyone……I think so, it mirrors the Kingsmen’s hierarchy and they even have four ranks within their order as well for the members and hold to a code of secrecy as they teach the ancient secrets of the ninja. Ninja just another word for state sanctioned assassin, thief and spy the same as the Kingsmen, yup another direct parallel that can be found between the two orders. With the only big difference is the dress code and mannerisms of the Crystal Dragons versos the stuffy Kingsmen, though this can be overlooked seeing one hails from the old world of England and it’s aristocracy and the other is a clan of ninja’s…….oh how I hope I am correct and I as well hope I didn’t just kill myself exposing the Dragons Hierarchy.
So I conclude that the Presidents Men are the American Kingsmen and the Crystal Dragons are the Hong Kong Division of the Kingsmen. I am still looking for the Caribbean Chapter and what they are called, though seeing The King of Old Mexico Lord Milton is within the Kingsmen as well the former Governor Lord Wellington it seems I might be on to something here. I will need to do further research to uncover the Caribbean Chapter of the Kingsmen as I am convinced they to still exist……I believe I am treading in dangerous waters here but I think it’s been in front of me this entire time; the Cajun Cavalry must be the Caribbean chapter simply displaced when the Caribbean separated itself from the British Empire before being once again absorbed.
Just think about it Lord Milton, Lord Wellington and than you have Shelby Malone, Sid Malone, Arnold Malone, Hershel Meisner, Gordon Meisner all members of the Cajun Cavalry and than you have David Krueger from Jamaica, all of them are Kingsmen and all have their roots in or near the Caribbean. If this is the case than I have stepped into something I would have rather avoided, seeing Shelby Malone is simply known as Black Death and doesn’t take kindly to nosy reporters uncovering hidden truths. So in my opinion the Kingsmen of America, Hong Kong and the Caribbean exist and only the American Colonists Order is officially on the record as stating such as fact……we have only circumstantial evidence to connect the Crystal Dragons and Cajun Cavalry as deep cover chapters of the Kingsmen.
Once I have further evidence I will report on it and post it either here or on the orders proper page, though if I go missing than everything is confirmed seeing none of these orders like having their hidden truths exposed and wont think twice about removing a simple reporter for his breathing condition. So stay tuned for further updates or…..well my obituary.
The Sister Orders of the British Royal Empire and Her Allies
<Royal Assassin Corps of the Kingsmen> (The Elite Special Operations Unit)
Grandfather of Assassins: David Klopeck
Father of Assassins: Maxwell Irving
Guildmaster of Assassins: Franklin Quinn
Council of Daggers: Douglas Howell, Russell Bookman, River Welsh, George Eaton, Jack Bing, Tullius Kissinger, Hudson Hope, Dibbleton Woodward
Hands of the Grandfather: Montgomery Palpatine, Charles Palpatine, Sherman Willard, Aldwyn Jamestown
Erasers: William Gunn, Gunner Kirby, Mahoney, Orson White, Tudor Yates
**Consider all members of this order to be Grandmasters or the Highest Regard and Highest Honour, though again they are as well to be considered a separate order from the Kingsmen directly. The RAC is fully undercover and this order is not publicly known till……well today.**
<Order of the Presidents Men> (American Kingsmen)
The Known Leadership of the Presidents Men
Grand Director: Wilhuff Palpatine
Vice Director: Joshua Dean
Special Director: Arthur Rummy
Chairman of the Council: Dover Barton
Council of Elders: Joshua Bentley, River Welsh, Saul Harvard, Leonard Hakett, Martin Hakett, Barb Albert, Reverdy Jamestown-Palpatine, Alva Palpatine
<Order of the Crystal Dragons> (Hong Kong Kingsmen)
The Known Leadership of the Crystal Dragons of Japan and Hawaii
Japan Division (Hong Kong) the Original and Founding Chapter
Grand Sensei: Tullius Kissinger
Sensei of High Honour: Sai Jamestown
Sensei of the Council: Melody Grimm
Circle of Kage: Arthur Swanson, Akira Hirotaka, Jet Sabot, Akira Tanaka, Sylvester Sinister, Wilbur Gravel, Winston Ramsey and Carol Webster
The Hawaiian Chapter of the Crystal Dragons the Island Chapter
Grand Sensei of Hawaii: Charles Belmont-Palpatine
Sensei of High Honour: Montgomery Hilliard-Palpatine
Sensei of the Council: Kentucky Schwartz
Circle of Kage: Rusty Rutherford-Palpatine, Trenton Jamestown, Hampton Walsh, Jet Nakamura, Shinobi, , Driftwood, Gerry Dobbs
The New California Republic (NCR) Chapter of the Crystal Dragons (Formerly the California Free State (CFS) Chapter
Grand Sensei of the NCR Chapter: Maxwell Irving
Sensei of High Honour: David Klopeck
Sensei of the Council: Orson White
Circle of Kage: Reggie Irving-Swanson, Douglass Howell, William Gunn, Addison Mayweather, Tara Edison, Kingsley Quinn, Richard Prescott, Gerald Weinstock
<Order of the Cajun Cavalry> (Caribbean Kingsmen)
*The Unconfirmed Leadership of the Caribbean Kingsmen*
Grand Director: Shelby Malone*
Vice Director: Sid Malone*
Special Director: Arnold Malone*
Chairman of the Council: Excalibur Milton*
Council of Elders: Edmund Wellington*, David Krueger*, Hershel Meisner*, Gordon Meisner*, Hannibal Bolad*, Patrick O’Regan*, Bail Canterbury*, Yogi Jamestown-Yates* (Again this is all speculation based on a overview and synapses as I have no verifiable evidence to prove or disprove the existence of the Caribbean Chapter of the Kingsmen***)
*The Unconfirmed Leadership of the Mongolian Kingsmen*
Grand Director: Hannibal Bolad*
Vice Director: Akira Hirotaka*
Special Director: Trevor Bolad*
Chairman of the Council: Hector Ross*
Council of Elders: Patrick Wong*, Yule Bower*, (**The rest of the council is still unknown and within the wind**)
(Again this is all speculation based on a overview and synapses as I have no verifiable evidence to prove or disprove the existence of the Mongolian Chapter of the Kingsmen***)
The Kingsmen of the United Kingdom
Known Leadership of the Legendary Kingsmen the Original and Still the Strongest
Grand Leader: Walter Segal
Chairman of the Sword Council: Carson Donaldson
The Sword Council: Rugby Carson, Warren Segal, Excalibur Milton, Arthur Swanson, Reginald Kingsman, Vernon O’Regan, Wesley Burns, Robert Churchill
Sargent At Arms: Montgomery Hilliard-Palpatine, Arthur Grimm, Jacob Sweeney, Franklin Quinn, Charles Belmont-Palpatine
Disciplinarian: Dayton England
**The Kingsmen Airborne Elite Special Forces**
<The Hunters Guild Kingsmen Elite Airborne Division>
*The Unconfirmed Leadership of the Elite Hunters Airborne Division of the Kingsmen*
Grand Director: Montgomery Hilliard-Palpatine*
Vice Director: Charles Belmont-Palpatine*
Special Director: Baldwin English*
Chairman of the Council: Rusty Rutherford-Palpatine*
Council of Elders: Tullius Kissinger*, Maximilian Yates*, Taylor Greenspan*, Alvin Webster*, Wesley Burns*, Orson White*, David Klopeck*, Ernest Kowalski*
(Again this is all speculation based on a overview and synapses as I have no verifiable evidence to prove or disprove the existence of Hunters Guild Elite Airborne Division of the Kingsmen***)
**The Kingsmen of Northern Ireland**
**The Unconfirmed Leadership of the Belfast Ghosts**
Grand Director: Robert Churchill*
Vice Director: Sly Grimm*
Special Director: Arthur Grimm*
Chairman of the Council: Albert Grimm*
Council of Elders: Dublin Conner*, Jacob Sweeney*, Melody Grimm*, Henry O’Doyle*, Byrd Ransom*, Patrick O’Regan*, Vernon O’Regan, Herb Woolworth**
(Again this is all speculation based on a overview and synapses as I have no verifiable evidence to prove or disprove the existence of Belfast Ghost Recon Division of the Kingsmen***)
**UK Kingsmen Naval Division**
The Leadership of the Wellermen
Owner/Captain: Montgomery Hilliard-Palpatine
First Mate: Carol Webster
Second Mate: Avery Webster
Third Mate: Charles Belmont-Palpatine
Forth Mate: Archibald Kingsbury
*Forth Mate (Post 1750): Bailey Georgetown
Ships Doctor: Dr. Barney Pilgrim MD
Ships Doctor: Dr. Sherman Finesilver MD
Chief Treasurer/Quartermaster: James Groves
Chief Navigator: Wesley Burns
Chief Boat Master/Harpooner: Arthur Swanson
1st Harpooner/Boatman: Rusty Rutherford
2nd Harpooner/Boatman: Wendell Flanigan
3rd Harpooner/Boatman: Jamie Georgetown
4th Harpooner/Boatman: Ichabod Ivory
<All other positions are irrelevant here seeing they are all dead and simply to many innocent souls worked this murder ship throughout it’s very long and brutal lifetime. These fourteen men are all that matter and should be our sole focus when it comes to the crew of the Blue Claw/Nor’Easter/Orca/Kraken and Mist Runner….this ship sailed under many names throughout its long run of piracy and whaling, these men are all highly skilled within all posts on a ship and where very capable of pulling any duty on the ship when an officer was down to injury or shore leave; seriously don’t dance with these ancient devils, they willingly hunted whales>
(Records of the ships legendary whalers can be found within the Whaling Museum within Nantucket Massachusetts, as well confirmed within the Historical Whaling Museum within Mystic Seaport Connecticut.)
**The Kingsmen Order of the Shadow**
<The Shadow Assassins>
**The Leadership of the Order of Shadow**
Grand Director: Carol Webster*
Vice Director: Montgomery Hilliard*
Special Director: Charles Belmont*
Chairman of the Council: Arthur Swanson*
Council of Elders: Alfred Barnabe*, Avery Webster*, Rusty Rutherford*, Reverdy Jamestown*, Wesley Burns*, Grifter Antilles*, Abbot Malone*, Gerry Dobbs*
<<<The existence if this order is speculation as it was only spoken about in passing by our contacts, even the Kingsmen records had nothing written or documented on this special order of deep cover shadow assassins that work simply as the hand of the Sword Council and the Grand Leader, it seems that the Sword Council would determine if a target is worthy of unleashing the Shadow Court to remove a target or multiple targets. According to our contacts they are allowed to forgo the Kingsmen dress code, grooming requirements, and gentlemanly speech. They are the direct creation of Wilhuff Palpatine and he has overseen their training and neat toys that they deploy while on mission…..these men are not required to check in and simply don’t exist while on assignment within the Shadow Order; they are all basically world class assassins and soldiers that if it wasn’t for the records being exposed we would know nothing of any of these men so I want to say their creed is total obfuscation within the Kingsmen and since they can dress, act and move like normal well only other Kingsmen would know of their existence.
Now thanks to the Kings Wedding and the arrival of the Highwaymen, than the diligent work of a fellow reporter tracking down every Kingsmen badge and concealed blade within the church, banquet hall, and than the palace itself we would truly be in the blind to this order and her members. The recovered Kingsmen data would show the membership list and some of these elders were outed through that information but the Order of Shadow would be still a tight lipped secret that many Kingsmen would take to their grave while others never learn of such a division…..hence my skepticism here, our contacts are good but this is very juicy information that shouldn’t be known outside the order and how did they learn of it and is this actually real and if so have I simply killed myself uploading this piece of the puzzle…..well I am logging off now and swallowing a bullet, I will go out on my terms not there’s.>>>