News Archives: 9/1/73 - 12/9/73 | 12/10/73 - 12/27/73 | 12/28/73 - 1/07/74 | 1/08/74 - 1/25/74 | 1/25/74 - 2/6/74 | 02/06/74 - 02/01/75 | 05/01/75 - 25/01/75 | 26/01/75 - 07/03/75 | 08/03/75 - 17/06/76 19/06/2076: "Good evening this is Addison Mayweather coming to you live from the front lines of the Alexandrian Conflict. The current offensive began just before midnight on the 17th of June 2076 and has been ongoing since. It is currently 2100 hours and the fighting has been going on now for close to forty-eight hours with no signs of letting up, the Axis forces have been putting up stiff … Read More
Ronnie Jacobs (Rust)
Membership: Freelance Race: Human Height: 6’0 Weight: 200 Apparent Age: 65 Archetype: Street Samurai Preferred Weapon: DAOD Assault Nemesis Runner Song: Bio: Well its time to speak about a man that the mere mention of his name sends ripples of fear through anyone who has seen him in action, this is the infamous street killer […]
Corbin White (Bard)
Membership: Freelance Race: Human Height: 5’8 Weight: 165 Apparent Age: 60 Archetype: Physical Adept: Circle Unknown Preferred Weapon: DAOD Assault Pistol Runner Song: Bio: The Bard is a man that doesn’t regal you with story, song or poetry the way you would assume, now this man tells a tale in the brutality he brings to […]
Lester Crane (Apex)
Membership: Freelance Race: Human Height: 6’0 Weight: 210 Apparent Age: 60 Archetype: Cybered Physical Adept: Circle Unknown Preferred Weapon: DAOD Combat Sword Runner Song: Bio: Once in a lifetime there is always one man that is so dangerous, so deadly that words do not express the sheer terror that just being in the presence of […]
Chester Hollingsworth (Chief)
Membership: Sons of the True Confederacy Race: Human Height: 5’8 Weight: 155 Apparent Age: 55 Archetype: Mercenary Preferred Weapon: DAOD Nemesis Runner Song: Bio: Chief got his start back in the early part of this century long before the Ghost Dance, and the Treaty of Denver this mercenary has a serious chip on his shoulder […]