Now there has been a lot of talk about this order known as Dawnguard and how they are supposedly Vampire Hunters from a time long gone and forgotten, and the precursor to the infamous Frog Brothers. The Neon Church and FTW Tribe have spent a lot of money advertising there newest trideo productions regarding the Frog Brothers and Dawnguard, honestly if I hadn’t been contacted by Markov Compton and he confirmed that Dawnguard was very real and still very much a threat. I would have simply disregarded the chatter on the matrix as simply that chatter. Though seeing not only has Mr. Markov Compton confirmed the validity of the claims, so has Seymour, and Rev. Englewood swears up and down that these murders and Satanist’s exist and are killing the innocent.
So basically from what I have been told is simply that vampires exist and they are innocent and have been hunted by these killers since the dawn of time simply because they need to drink blood to survive. Now I know about the VITAS vampires and how they are diseased and have been hunted simply because the UCAS decreed them a threat to national security and a pandemic risk waiting to happen, though I am unsure I want to believe that actual undead blood suckers exist and if they do….that the hunters are the actual bad guys. I have scene the movies, read the books, and played the games regarding actual undead vampires and in all cases the blood suckers are the threat and the villains. So if there are actual trained vampire hunters out there…well I honestly want to side with them, seeing I am a human and to the undead I am nothing but a slave and food; well that’s according to everything I ever learned about these mythical beings.
Now as for Markov Compton, well he is very pale, only comes out at night, has vast wealth, and likes antiquated things and dresses very antiquated like something out of a Bram Stokers novel. He resides in Transylvania and has a serious hatred for David Klopeck who he calls simply D and let me tell you that this sickly looking man looks like death and well during the last video call he was surrounded by dozens of very gothic looking women that were pawing at Markov…now he could be a little or a lot eccentric or he could be a vampire; my money is on vampire. Seymore Kissinger the brother of Tullius is another that would confirm the existence of Dawnguard and something else called the Dark Brotherhood, he would go onto tell me that Dawnguard is simply an extension of the Blades and the Dark Brotherhood…and they are nothing but killers for hire that practice black magic, sold there souls to the dark lords, and swore allegiance to the emperor to enslave the free people of the Northern Lands.
Then you throw in the nut job Reverend Englewood of the Neon Church and the constant rantings and ravings he has about the Satanists within this order of Vampire Hunters, he preaches that vampires are simply mistaken and they are not creations of the devil but the closest thing to pure Christians as they consumed the true blood of Christ and have been blessed with eternal life and the ability to transform the blood of man into the blood of the savior. They are as close to God as one can become and they should be praised and protected and not hunted, only those that worship the devil would try to kill the truest essence of Christ on the earth’s surface. Now basically I don’t subscribe to the beliefs of the Neon Church nor to really any organized religion, take a hard look at the world and tell me that God exists, seriously we have plagues, wars, famine, suffering, enslavement, and corporate greed…not to mention science and technology has basically disproven the entire bible; the religious zealots tried to use the return of magic, meta humanity, and the paranormal as verification of Satan’s grasp on the earth….the Great Tragedy of 2018 didn’t help matters.
Why should I believe these men and why should I believe that their is a God when their are men that walk around as gods among men; seriously have you scene what the Pale Rider, Invincible One, Jersey Devil, Caps, Hunter, Chancellor, Burn Notice, Snapper, Eddie, Mars, and others can do and have done; have you read what some of the FIP legends have survived and you want to tell me that “God” exists…nope these men are gods among men. We have truly immortal beings that have been around for aeon’s and others that have become immortal simply do to science and technology so again excuse me Reverend Englewood when I call BS to your teachings. Now Markov Compton being a vampire and undead…that I can believe, simply seeing everything else going on in the world. It would make sense that actual vampires are real, and if the undead are real then hunters existing isn’t all that far fetched of a conclusion.
Now during the research for this article I was contacted by Mr. Smith and he is a man that is pure science and technology, someone that works for the government and has been tasked at protecting the citizens of the UCAS from the Paranormal and Supernatural threats that exist. He works for some wacky X-Files style order and he is one that I can believe and he states that yes vampires and other creatures of the night exist and yes this order of Dawnguard does in fact exist and they are the precursor to many of the vampire hunting guilds of the modern era and that the return of Dawnguard is both worrisome as it is blessing. He states that the Frog Brothers and Dawnguard are one in the same basically, as the Frog Brothers are the blending of the Hellsing and Belmont vampire hunting clans from days old that spawned from the surviving members of Dawnguard.
He would tell me that basically Dawnguard, Wellermen, and the Frog Brothers are all interloping and connected with the common denominator being Montgomery and Charles Palpatine, though Dawnguard itself is the brainchild of Sherman Willard and Tullius Kissinger the Speaker and Listener of the Dark Brotherhood. I know this is confusing and I am even getting confused as I write this trying to get everything straight. I have been basically information dumped my a bunch of very powerful and dangerous people and trying to keep everything straight is really difficult. So basically from what I can understand is that Dawnguard is very real and the UCAS government is very worried about their existence for some reason….honestly Fucking Hire them already! If vampires are real and they have infiltrated high society, corporations, and governments like they do in the books and movies, one would think a group of skilled, trained, and legendary vampire hunters would be someone I would hire and have handle the problem.
No this Mr. Smith is talking like these hunters need to be dealt with, they need to be removed and scrubbed from the record…not smart in my opinion, but hey I am just a reporter and not a government spook. Though back to Dawnguard and what I have been informed by my contacts, Dawnguard are the best of the best, they are what’s left of the original vampire killing force this world had thus making them the legends in the trade and craft. Dawnguard not only hunted the vampires they would hunt the other evils within the world all to protect mankind from the creatures of the night, they would stand vigilant from Dusk to Dawn as they engaged their chosen prey where they hide from the mornings rays or within the darkest crevices of the underbelly. Many would loose there life in this fight and others would become what they hunted and destroyed by the other hunters or thrust themselves into the mornings rays to suffer final death.
Mr. Smith told me that this order comes from a time before recorded history and it was long before the birth of Christ and so it is very much a long time ago in the era of BC, when is totally unknown and even Mr. Smith can’t figure it out as the existence of Dawnguard spits in the face of known science and history. This means that the last ten original members of Dawnguard are truly ancient beings and are affront to science, technology, history, and they are a danger to everyone in the world and not just the undead. Discovered tablets, tools, weapons, armor, and other items from Dawnguard can’t be carbon dated as the equipment and science simply can’t register the dates….this means that Dawnguard is from a time long before the Dinosaurs, and again this a danger to everything the world has accepted as fact, it’s a danger to religion, and it’s a danger seeing that Dawnguard is basically a known unknown and can unravel everything that has been by simply existing.
Now I understand that many of my readers will disregard this article as nothing more than simply promotional material for the upcoming television shows, and others will dive head first into the conspiracies’ revolving around these ten men. Though let me warn you that Mr. Smith was very serious about the existence of vampires and that these ten Dawnguard agents are very powerful and very dangerous, they have already tried to arrest and detain these men and failed. The government has lost billions in resources trying to take these men down, they have killed federal agents of the Twilight Program, they have escaped capture, they have survived assassination attempts, and even dodged being executed when they were captured. The government considers it a serious black eye that many of them have been working inside the government for ages and simply slipped through the cracks, all ten of these men are registered FIP veterans and all ten are considered to be very dangerous.
Now as for Markov Compton who claims to be the sire of Charles Compton and old enough to remember the days of Dawnguard and well he states he was sired during the end of Dawnguards reign of terror on the undead. Yes he basically dove head first into the claims of being a vampire….that’s what I for asking him directly. He states that when he would be gifted with the embrace and turned into a vampire he was sent into hiding with a small coven of undead and locked within a stone tomb for the survival of the vampire species, seeing Dawnguard was way to skilled and way to determined to render vampires extinct. He states that he would never see his sire again after that day and assumes that he was destroyed by the agents of Dawnguard, though before he would be locked away for generations…though he is unsure as he would simply go into a deep slumber.
Markov would tell me that he was very aware of Dawnguard and how they basically had temples and forts within many of the villages and towns during those days, they openly recruited and they were being led by the Dragon Emperor who was on a conquest to genocide the world of all vampires except one that turned against her own kind and aided Dawnguard in there direct assault on the innocent vampires within the empire. He states that they even stormed a citadel deep within the frozen lands that was a sanctuary for the vampires, it was a place where the undead could escape the perils of the mortal world and live their unlife in peace without ever interacting with mortals and using mysticism to create a food source. He recalls his sire telling him of how on one snowy morning hundreds of Dawnguard agents being led by the Dragon Emperor would crash the gates and tear into the castle where they would butcher vampire, and servant alike. They would leave no stone unturned and not rest till the last bloodsucker was staked or beheaded.
The one known as Friar Tuck would say a few words, wave his hands and the undead where set ablaze and left to burn to ashes. He would go onto to inform me that the only reason his sire survived the murderous onslaught would be do to him being able to escape to one of the spires and diving into the nearly frozen sea water that bordered the castle walls, otherwise he would have met his final death for sure. Under the command of the Dragon Emperor no vampire was safe unless it was that bitch of a traitor, she was allowed to survive but she was basically a slave to Dawnguard and would be the reason her species would nearly become extinct. According to Markov the castle and citadel of Rowan Thornley was fully captured, ransacked, and the ancestral home of his sire was torched and demolished.
Dawnguard would leave with generations of vampire records, heirlooms, weapons, mystical items, tombs, and basically anything that would further verify, aid, and vilify the vampires of the old world. Markov would state that he isn’t sure how Dawnguard ended, he isn’t sure what would take them down, and render the order nearly extinct but he is terrified that they have returned, he states that if Dawnguard was able to nearly render there kind extinct once they will surly be able to finish the job this time. The ten original Dawnguard agents have had ages to train, and hone their special and unique gifts, they have recruited new members and there are a few members of the Dawnguards second age still surviving as well, that will truly become a threat.
He states that the Dawnguard agents that are from the second age that still live are Arthur Swanson, Addison Mayweather, Rusty Rutherford, Robert Churchill, Wesley Burns, Wendell Flanigan, Bailey Georgetown, Carol Webster, Wilhuff Palpatine, William Gunn, Gibson Rockford, Hale Henderson, Douglas Howell, Baldwin English, and Alvin Drummond. He goes on that if Vampire kind is to survive they need to destroy all the agents of Dawnguard both the original and the second age, they need to kill their direct offspring, and they need to hunt down and exterminate the Wellermen, Coven, and the Frog Brothers as they are only true threat to their existence. Mortal vampire hunters will always be a threat, but they are mortals and no match for the true power of the vampire. There kind has survived the Inquisition, Operation Twilight, The Silver Hand, The Second Inquisition, Children of Adam, and many, many others including the Crusaders….but it’s Dawnguard, Wellermen, Coven and the Frog Brothers that pose an actual real threat to their kind.
Now I have no idea why Markov Compton is telling me this and what he hopes to gain from this information being set free into the depths of the matrix, but feels that if the people understand that the vampires have always been within the world and deserve the same right to exist as the mortals do. He hopes that maybe pressure from the mortals will cause Dawnguard to give up the fight of genocide and maybe the humans and vampires can live in peace…ya okay, I doubt this article will be able to convince an order of ancient vampire hunters to simply lay their stakes down. I feel that any vampires that have been able to show compassion or become friends with the agents of Dawnguard have done so already and any others will be hard pressed to convince the hunters to let them live.
In conclusion if Dawnguard is actually real and these ten men listed below are actually agents of the original order of Dawnguard then they will have their work cut out for them, but I feel that mankind will be better off with the vampires rendered extinct and go back to being products of horror movies, stories, and video games. I doubt they even care about the VITAS vampires and if they do…well those infected plague bearers will be an easy kill for someone that hunted creatures of myth and legend. Markov told me about the days of old long after he arose from his tomb with the others and how they helped restore vampire kind to the world and how this was a time of vampire majesty where they ruled over mankind as kings with no fear of the pathetic hunters…save a few clans specifically the whip wielding crazies within the Belmont and Hellsing Clan.
He would also speak of the one simply known as D and how he worked within both clans and had helped train the children of the Belmont clan founder in their legacy quest to kill all the vampires. D would be a major thorn in his side, as none of the undead would be a challenge to that whip wielding lunatic and how he narrowly escaped most certain death from his heart seeking crossbow. He states in that time vampires walked openly and freely among the mortals. They ruled over them and feed, created, and did as they wanted without fear and this would allow D to stalk the nobles and rulers of the land, he would suddenly appear after diving off church steeples, navigate through the cobblestone streets with ease and silence killing vampire citizens with no remorse and causing them burn to death and even if they jumped into water…well they would still burn even under water.
Markov speaks of how his friend Vlad would be tormented by the Belmont’s and Hellsing’s and never be given a second of rest, his castle attacked day or night and even when he retaliated against the people blaming the Vampire Hunting Clans, the people would simply not rise up against the vampire hunters…instead they would help them, offer them food, shelter, and supplies. He recalls one time when he was engaged with D within his castle and he ended up impaling himself on one of his own spires when he went to strike D down while fighting in one of the castle turrets. D would dive off the turret and swan dive 300 feet and as Vlad was stuck on one of the spires watching he witnessed D land into a hay wagon, when one of Vlad’s children went to make certain the human was dead…well Vlad said he watched as his child would have a stake driven straight through his heart and D would jump to his feet and with a quick flick of the wrist and a thunderous crack his child’s head would explode, D would remove the stake toss a vial and the vampire would explode into blazing effigy. Vlad said he managed to remove himself and flee back into his castle before D and the other hunters returned to finish the job.
Okay I guess I hadn’t finished, I thought I had concluded this article already. Okay well basically after rereading what I just wrote I can conclude that….well this D character is insane and lucky as no one can survive a 300 foot fall into a hay wagon, but it would make a good visual for a movie. Also if I am reading my notes and what I wrote that would mean that Vlad is……Dracula and wait a minute, does this mean Castlevania is real. Okay I am officially done, if Dracula is real that means….nope, nope, nope, nope…..Hey Dawnguard, keep up the good work if you actually exists, I’m Fucking Out!
Of The
Sherman Willard (Pop):
Tullius Kissinger (Gargoyle):
Dr. David Klopeck (D):
Alvin Webster (Stormfront):
Charles Palpatine (Captain):
Montgomery Palpatine (Pale Rider):
Maxwell Irving (Huntmaster):
Orson White (War God):
Gunner Kirby (X-13):
Rev. Levi Darkwater (Friar Tuck):
Of The