As with any shadowrun supplies<<<<<< Happy Halloween Mother Fuckers!!!!!!>>>>>>> File lost
World Theme Song: (OOG)
Hiring a Runner for any reason is illegal, the employer can suffer criminal charges of Conspiracy and Facilitation of said crimes committed by the Runner employed during said shadowrun. Hiring a Runner is also considered premeditated and with such, the employer can be charged with a Capital Crime and put to death. Remember this chummers when thinking of hiring a runner, do your research and make sure you employ the proper one for the job, or it could be your neck in the hangman’s noose. (This Site Does Not Condone The Actions and Hiring of Said Wanted Felons, This is an Informational Site Only)
Do to the threats made against my life and the life of my family, I will not disclose any personal information here, this my readers is the price of information in this day and age. Some runners and agencies like there anonymity and will go to any length to keep it that way (If you have any information that would be valid for this site, or any corrections, please contact your local Shadow Beat Office) <<<FOUND YOU>>>>
Runner, Group or Team Songs: This something of a mystery chummers, no one understands where it comes from or how its broadcast. The music just plays whenever a the runner or a member of said group or team is near by. The louder it is the closer they are, it doesn’t point out there location but it can be a very good warning to us law abiding citizens when trouble is near. Runners are not the only one with this music issue, some Police Officers, Politicians and Judges as well, so this must be something to with our karmic influence upon the universe. Learning these songs is very important and can and may save your life one day, knowing what runner is connected to what song means you as a citizen will know if a murderous runner like Winter Rat or hate group like the Sons of the True Confederacy or a bastard team like the Rattlers is lurking near. There are times, the runners song will not play, but his group or teams will. This seems to occur more often when there are multiple members of the same organization around. This is both a good and bad thing, yes it gives you the heads up that you are in a heavy HRM or Deaths Hand location but you wont know if you are in the company of basic solders or one of the HRM or Deaths Hands finest warriors. This is the universe giving us the common man a heads up, what you do with the information is up to you.
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