The Freedom Patriots also known as the Sons of Liberty are a fringe organization that needs to clarified to reduce some of the confusion this paramilitary group has caused over the last few weeks. I will refer to them here as the Patriots to not confuse them with the Sons of the True Confederacy. The Patriots are lead by a mercenary know as Colonial out of his Boston headquarters, he has multiple commanders and advisers underneath him, as well as countless soldiers and mercenaries that swear loyalty to the Patriots and there cause. He as well has to additional units under his command one direct and one indirectly, the group directly under his command is known as the Rough Riders and indirectly is the group known as the Rattlers.
The Patriots formed in the shadow of the Second Civil War and the events that caused the Treaty if Denver. This group blames the Natives for the destruction of there beloved America with there terrorist attack of the Great Ghost Dance that left over three hundred thousand non natives laying dead from a spiritual attack on the scale of a nationwide nuclear strike. This attack scared world leaders into submission and forced the heads of Canada, United States and Mexico to converge onto Denver to meet with native council leaders to sign the infamous Treaty of Denver and forever tear the country apart. From that day the Content of North America was never the same, the southern states attempted to succeed once more and where meet with great resistance by the now shattered America, the United States and Canada were forced to form one union under the banner of the UCAS (United Canadian American States) to both recover somewhat after having there land ravaged and ripped from them by the Native American Nations under the Treaty of Denver. The Second Civil War lasted only three years but left tens of thousands of Americans dead, before the UCAS surrendered to the Confederates witch formed the CAS (Confederate American States). Mexico as well assaulted at this point staking claim to parts of the American South West as the new Empire of Aztlan, California completely succeeded to form the CFS (California Free State) and the Elves staked a claim to the state of Oregon in the Pacific North West forming the Tir Tangier. America as we once knew it was gone and the feelings of the people were forever mixed, but no one who was alive during the days of the Ghost Dance will ever forget the misery, pain and suffering it caused.
Once the treaty was signed the natives went to work fast clearing out non natives from there newly claimed land and the tactics that they used during these early days did nothing but add fuel to a already burning bonfire. The NAN military came in and ripped people from there homes, raped, slaughtered and burned basically anything that was once owned by the white devil. The stole homes and possessions and forced the non natives to watch as they killed there families and friends. Most escaped these early days but they where never the same after and stories of this happening all over emerged, Las Vegas was the only former American City that became Native inside the Ute Nation rebelled and fought of the native control maintaining it’s sovereignty and Seattle was given to the UCAS as parley of peace. Tough it was overseen by Council Island, so yes it was a UCAS territory it was always under Native threat and rule at a moments notice. Though over time the only NAN nation to eventually accept the white devil was the Sioux but they still are very distrustful. These events have given birth to the Patriots and have allowed this group to recruit heavy and play on the peoples hatred and disdain for the NAN.
Colonial gathered his people and began funnelling funds into supporting this groups coffers to purchase supplies and weapons for what Colonial called a rightful reclaim and to avenge the fallen. The Patriots have been preparing for war for decades and growing in numbers with each passing year, The Treaty of Denver has done nothing but breed discontent, and the American people remember a time prior, they long for a return to what was and not what is. Colonial understands this and see’s the time has come to strike at the heart of the NAN and with the help of his Southern Brothers he has a force strong enough now to make his presence known and with the sudden increased violence aimed at Native lands, homes, bases, boarders and it’s people the Patriots are now returning the message to the NAN that there sins will not be forgiven and America will stand and fight once more.
Now I know this is a hot bed issue for most people since history tells us that when the Europeans arrived over here they stole the Natives land, killed and enslaved it people and caused many tribes to cease to exist. Though the American Government did apologize, and offer restitution to the Natives as well as giving them some land back in the form of reservations. I know this in no way excuses the actions of our ancestors but if we learned anything through history two wrongs don’t make a right and what the natives did on that day of infamy with the Ghost Dance and then their actions afterwords might have made the angry youth and hateful elders feel better. Though all it did was set in motion a course of events that would shatter the landscape and restore a hatred for there people that hasn’t been seen since the eighteenth and nineteenth century and give birth to a paramilitary group with the might to say enough is enough. The Patriots might not be going about this the right way, but they are at least passionate enough to not sit ideally by, they are out for Revenge and they do not fear shedding or spilling blood for their cause and for this I respect them for there guile even if I don’t agree with there actions.
Colonial: He is the Commander and Chief of the Patriots, no-one is sure of who old this man is though his skills both in the boardroom and battlefield are legendary. Colonial comes from old world money and his national pride runs so deep some say he bleeds red, white and blue. Colonel is the man behind every action that is made by the Patriots and keeps the fires of hate burning bright through the night, he is one of the few commanders that will join his men in the fight and die for his cause. This cause is the destruction of the Treaty of Denver and the restoration of his beloved America, he knows the south is forever lost and he does respect the Confederates since they had the gumption to fight over putting ink to the treasonous Treaty and bowing to the Red Man’s vain threats of a second strike. Colonial is looking for new recruits to join him and his Sons of Liberty in there fight to restore the nation.
Gremlin: Norman oversees the day to day actions of the Patriots and commands their Pacific North West division. He is in charge of supplies, hiring mercenaries, executing the orders handed down from Colonial. Gremlin is a former UCAS Marine Corps officer and has seen his share of combat against the natives, he holds extreme hatred of there kind for the actions taken during the Ghost Dance. He was ordered to stand down and watch his country men get slaughtered, Gremlin refused to sit ideally by and he marched his platoon into native lands to seek revenge and rescue civilians from the slaughter at the hands of the native forces. For this action he was thrown out of the Marine Corps and landed himself a permanent job with the Patriots and Colonials right hand man. Gremlin runs and operates the mercenary bar known as the Stars and Stripes this has been recently discovered to be a front for the Seattle Chapter of the Sons of Liberty.
Salem: Bernard is another one of the leaders of this fringe unit, he spends most of his time in Boston at the Patriots headquarters. This man is there public relations officer and deals directly with the press, public and the judicial system, leave it to Bernard to spin anything the Patriots do in a good way and make it seem like they were given the raw deal. He is as well there spokesman who rallies the people to there cause and garners favour from the public when the Patriots spill blood. This man is a master of the spoken word and a true spin master, Bernard uses his grandfatherly image to sooth an outraged public, and gain the trust of those that can be manipulated into seeing the world through his tunnel vision spectacles.
Admiral: Elmer is the Chief of the Naval operations for the Patriots, he is a retired UCAS Navy commander who has turned his attention to the degradation of the country he once swore to serve and protect. He is now a rigger who controls one of the largest private fleets next to the Crimson Bloods Pirate Clan. Elmer uses his naval might to maintain order and apply pressure to Aztlan, CFS and the Tir Tangerine as well as the NAN on the Pacific North West. Elmer also controls the Patriots Heavy Weapon Division, and commands the likes of Fusion and Artillery, Elmer’s weapons are able to strike coast to coast at a moments notice, and he is capable of raining down hell fire into the heart of the NAN from his coastal ships. Elmer considers this to be poetic justice, seeing they chose to declare war with the Great Ghost Dance, now he has his own version of the Ghost dance waiting for them and the NAN are crying foul.
Cyclops: Alvin is there matrix support and part of the public relations division for the Patriots, he monitors the matrix for keywords and for disgruntled ramblings of UCAS and CAS citizens to recruit them to the cause or shut down any site sprouting negative remarks about the Patriots or Pro Native sites. Alvin is there propaganda machine and does this through his work in the matrix and on the trideo as a popular New England news personality. There isn’t much Alvin can’t spin and he is responsible for the large numbers of civilians taking up arms against the NAN that they were once fine with, until the Patriots are declared a domestic terrorist cell Alvin will continue creating havoc for the poor citizens of the NAN and the supporters within the UCAS.
Blackjack: General Lift is the Patriots direct connection within the UCAS Army and also is the military relations officer within the Mayors Office inside Seattle. He spreads there message to the troops and uses legal channels to fight against the Treaty of Denver, General Lift commands are large force on men within Seattle that are all loyal to the cause and at a moments notice can move an impressive force of soldiers that look at Colonial as there Commander and Chief and not the President of the UCAS. Blackjack has sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America and not the Treaty of Denver, and new Constitution of the UCAS. He just sits like a sleeper agent awaiting the call from Colonial that war has been declared and once that happens he will take command of Fort Lewis through mutiny and force.
Coma: Winston is the Patriots underworld connection, this man controls the black market and organized crime syndicate in New England and is based out of Boston. Coma is the man who is the mover and shaker of the this group, he organizes the strikes, moves shipments around and gathers the supplies this group needs for war. Coma also keeps the Boston Police Department out of the comings and goings of the day to day operations of the Patriots, he uses his connections to move large amounts of credits around unnoticed and funnels troop movements through the underground. Winston is a serious threat to the sanctity of our beloved nation if the Patriots declare war on the NAN.
Prophet: Benson is Colonels direct advisor and is stationed somewhere in the New England area, he advises Colonel on mission data, appropriate times to strike, and locations of valid NAN threats. He is a man who is a master of divination magic and is rumoured to even be able to see into the near future these visions have been beneficial to Colonial and the cause. Prophet has no love for the NAN and its people as he predicted the infamous Ghost Dance and watched as it came to be and he lost many of his family and friends to the natives savagery. He now uses his gifts to aid Colonial and the Patriots to victory, When war will be declared is all up to when Benson decrees it’s time to strike and since this man has been correct with each and every vision and prediction prior, when he says go time God Bless us All.
Category 5: This monster is the real deal, he is a storm and bringer of ultimate death. Category 5 is one of Colonials top assassins and go to men for making sure a message is heard loud and clear. This man is a narcissistic killer and cares about his legend, some say its his only weakness. Though since he is still operating and hasn’t been brought down I can say it’s not a weakness in anyway for this monster, it also doesn’t help that he is as well a sociopath. Category 5 is a master of the kill and he uses his mastery of explosives, biological agents, toxins and conventional weapons to remove his target. He also holds a degree in civil engineering and has vast knowledge of a cities infrastructure and what exactly needs to be done to bring any city grinding to a halt in a matter of hours. Leave it to this man to bring a form of chaos that could only truly originate from a storm front, but this man is a force of nature and thats why they call him the Category 5.
Morning Star: If you thought Category 5 was bad, wait till you meet Skip. This man is a killer for hire and has decided that he is quite content working for the Patriots as there loose end clean up man. The Morning Star is content with the cause as he was affected by it, but all it did was refocus this monster. He is now Colonials out stretching hand, this man is sent to deliver messages and as well clean up and loose ends left behind. He is there to make sure any possible negative press the Patriots will receive is properly silenced, and this man does his job quick. The Morning Star is not named after the weapon, but has taken the meaning of the Devil and with how this man operates he is like a devil in the night, don’t be fooled by his Grandfatherly appearance this man has no soul and no remorse. He has been killing since he was teenager and it doesn’t look like he will ever stop.
Ajax: Linus is the Patriots clean up specialist, this man is there go to man for removing political and militaristic threats. when Linus strikes he removes the target and any trace of their existence from the known world. Linus is the man who they send into the NAN or NAN controlled regions of UCAS cities to remove a target as a message, and the message is heard loud and clear as the NAN embassy in Boston and as well the Leaders of Council Island are well aware of his actions and the NAN ambassador in Boston has made a public outcry to the Patriots to cease and deceit there unlawful strikes with Ajax or suffer retaliation. Well it seems war is near since from what I have found out about the Colonial, the Patriots and Ajax they don’t respond well to threats especially from a government they hate. (That Ambassador has recently been erased from records looks like the Patriots answered the NAN)
Tracer: This is a scary situation here, Andrew is not only a master sniper and the chief of the Patriots marksmen division, he is a card caring member of the Deaths Hand. This means that the Patriots must be in bed with the dreaded Deaths Hand in some manner since Alexander would never allow one of his top men to pull double duty for no reason. Tracer is a master sniper and currently deployed in England for the Deaths Hand, though I believe this bastard will return to the UCAS if Colonial declares war on the NAN . I believe that this is when we will see just how deep the Deaths Hand connection goes once the bullets start flying in the streets. Tracer sights will be set on any NAN military and political leader to weaken there resistance to bring down the tyranny that is the Treaty of Denver. (Irony really, this man see’s the NAN as tyrants but swears loyalty to the Deaths Hand.)
FREEDOM PATRIOTS (Soldiers of Fortune)
Baron: The Baron is one of the Patriots soldiers that hunts for the natives inside Boston and as well within there homeland, he is sent in to send a very violent message that there tyranny will not be tolerated. Baron has zero conscience and is not a man sent in to clear military targets, this man is sent to poke the NAN by killing its citizens in cold blood. He does his duty with no concern feeling that for every NAN citizen or sympathizer he kills it’s one more soul of those lost during the days of the Ghost dance that has been avenged. Baron plans to make the NAN pay a very steep reparations for there tyranny and that price is only to be paid in blood.
Redrum: Redrum is another cold blooded killer of the Patriots, he is a slippery one and has avoided prosecution twice for murder do to his allies, he strikes any target connected to the NAN or the UCAS that supports the natives. He uses brute force and automatic fire to send a message that the Tree of Liberty will be refreshed and he will not sit ideally by and watch as the NAN get away with there tyranny and hiding behind past events of history to cover up what he calls a blatant terrorist attack. Redrum sheds no tears for the native people and to him all natives are to blame for the death of the hundreds of thousands of non natives that got slaughtered during the Ghost Dace, he as well will not be forced into submission under the threat of another magical strike. (He is also the representative to the SOTC)
Digger: Digger well where to start with this bastard, he has been part of the Patriots for may years and has a sever hatred for the NAN and it’s people. This man is a real terror to behold as he is killer for hire and when he is unleashed on a target they disappear never to be found again. The Digger is one of the Patriots key players in any war that might be declared since his reputation alone strikes fear into the hearts of man and any nation facing the Digger in a war has to think very carefully about where the position their valuable leaders and as well how many civilians are they willing to loose at the hands of the Digger. This man strikes through fear and uses his own version of terror to weaken am agency, the Digger will strike at commanders and politicians families, children and spouses to further his cause. Digger has already proved that he holds no national loyalty to the UCAS and if Colonial dispatches him against the NAN well may the Great Spirit be with them since the Digger will surely put them six feet under.
Morbias: This man is a member of the super secretive Post Office and this as well shows how deep this rabbit hole goes. The Post Office till recently has been a bit of an enigma and only know is some intelligence coming in, Well when in comes to Morbias he is a mercenary through and through, though this mercenary specialises in black operations and is one of the Patriots go to man for deep infiltration of NAN lands and removing military targets. It looks like the Post Office has no issue with the eradication of the NAN and are no better then the HRM and Deaths Hand when it comes to being nothing but raciest bastards. Morbias is nothing more the a super solider capable of taking on missions that would normally need a full team he can complete single handedly, it also seems this killer has connections within the UCAS Army as well and holds the coveted rank of General. What base he is stationed at is a mystery, but whatever base it is you can assume that the soldiers have been corrupted by the toxic words that spew forth from the Patriots mouths on a daily basis. When war is declared Morbias will most definitely be a major threat to the NAN.
Artillery: This man works within the Heavy weapons division of the Patriots and specializes in rapid fire mortars. Artillery is a man with no soul left and does not care where his shells land whether it’s civilian or military, only that native targets lay dead and broken in the wake of his bombardment. Artillery works under the command of the Admiral and has been recently seen with in the city limits of Seattle, this is a bit bothersome since they normally keep this animal near the NAN boarder by the Sioux Nation to unleash hell fire upon them at a moments notice. This man is a master of quick surgical strikes and then moving out to a new location within minutes so catching him is highly unlikely and since he fires from deep within the UCAS boarders and hits hundreds of miles into the NAN the boarder patrol can’t even go after him without creating a international incident. Artillery is able to hide and move unnoticed make his strikes and disappear behind a wall of red tape.
Pugilist: This Patriot is one who truly rules the mean streets of Boston striking at the NAN supporters and NAN embassy lands on a nightly basis, he has brought down some of the best the natives have within there military ranks with nothing but his hands and vanishing into the night before reinforcements arrive. Leave it the Pugilist to keep the fires of hate burning bright through New England, he has been training the Patriots soldiers in hand to hand combat so they are capable of dealing with the Sioux’s best Wildcats and the Apache warriors. This man will probably not be sent directly into the fray once war is declared but he will hold down the fort and defend the homeland from the tyrants of the NAN.
Omen: Omen is one of the Patriots hunter killers, this man has no care over who dies just as long as blood is spilled and his message is given. Omen has hunted natives for years and sends there souls to meet there maker on a nightly basis, his location is unknown at this time but that doesn’t mean he is not out there killing and striking fear into the hearts of citizens. He believes that in order to win a war you must first break the will of the people before you break the military, and historically this is correct and seems to be working since the people fear Omen and wish not to have him stalking there streets killing any and all he comes across. Never knowing if today will be your last day on earth. This is a tactic the Deaths Hand employs with ease and it seems the Patriots are following suit and using the likes of Omen and others to reinforce there bloody message.
Spade: This monster being part of the Patriots is down right wrong, Spade is a killer and thats all he is. This man has worked for some of the worst criminal agencies through the years. He also uses terror and sterilization tactics, Spade doesn’t always kill his targets sometimes he kills there children and then shoots the parents in the genital regions rendering them barren. Well know I see why he employees this tactic being that a majority of his targets are NAN citizens and military he is not just killing off the current threat he is destroying future generations of natives. Spade is on evil bastard and his form a revenge is one that even makes hardened killers cringe, but no one ever dares to say or do anything about it. Spade is not a man you ever want on your bad side, his soul is long gone and revenge burns deep within his heart, his blood flows as cold as ice and murder is all this man knows. Spade has been seen here in Seattle as of recently and with it now being known he is a Patriot he can not be up to any good, the NAN have already warned the UCAS that if they see Spade on there soil they will consider it to be an act of war and will retaliate accordingly.
Navigator: Here is a member of the new runner team the Devils Rejects that is within the hallowed halls of the Patriots. This is also a bit unnerving since this group seems to have members to are from all walks of life and the presence of the Navigator within there ranks proves that. This man is a rigger and he is the total package, he can operate anything with an engine, modify most anything, and his skills outside his rig are terrifying. The Navigator from what I found out is the head of the Patriots Motor Pool and has a damn near unlimited budget thanks to Colonial, He as well brings his vast experience and knowledge of running the shadows to this group, and with that comes years of infiltration and counter intelligence as well as vehicle combat not from a military standpoint but from a shadowrunners perspective. This knowledge is invaluable to Colonial and Admiral since they have never walked in the shoes of a runner, so having one revealing tactics, secrets, allows these men to be better prepared for a possible runner assault.
Snoopy: He is another news personality that works with the Patriots and is a card caring member, Snoopy unlike Cyclops works for a international news outfit and is there head Anchor. This reporter can spread the message from coast to coast and even broadcast hidden and pirated messages to any and everyone at a moments notice. This man is essential to the Patriots since he can determine what news gets broadcast an what gets buried and this keeps them smelling fresh in the public eye. Snoopy also being a reporter is capable of stalling or even hijacking the news that would make it’s way onto the matrix, he also is known for making the NAN look like a tyrant run nation then what it actually is. Snoopy is no good for the people of the UCAS and he is no friend of the NAN so best to boycott any station he is broadcasting from and hopefully the Patriots will do something that even Snoopy cant bury.
Mortician: Here is another member of the Deaths Hand inside the Patriots and this man is as scary as his name says. He is the original street samurai and trained funeral professional who uses his many funeral parlours and crematoriums as manner of torture and body disposal. Leave it to a runner to turn a scared ceremony of a funeral into something of terror, he is perfect for the Patriots since he can dispose of any body they need removed at a moments notice. His staff is all in the now and his people all know better then say boo against the Mortician. Problem is this man is very good at keeping his businesses off the radar and no one knows what funeral home is owned by the Mortician versus the owns legally owned and operated. The NAN knows he has facilities within there boarders and this has them very nervous, also they are worried about the Deaths Hand involvement since Alexander is not known for being a man of peace and has already proclaimed that if the Hand chokes the life out of the NAN he will hand the noose over to Colonial and let the Patriots decide who lives and who dies and since Colonial has already proclaimed that all native shamans are to be executed and the natives sent back to there reservations. <<<Mortician was killed during the Battle of Fort Lewis 12/10/2073>>>
Yankee: Well we know know what happened to Yankee after he left the shadows back in the 2050’s he entered the ranks of the Patriots, well this should have been obvious with an runner name like Yankee. Yankee has taken his street justice straight to the heart of the NAN tyrants as he calls them, he proclaims that there assault on the non native people was worse then anything done prior in history and this attack was unprovoked and unwarranted and war should have been declared right then and there. Though the Leaders of North America where spineless jellyfish and in no way should have given into the threats of terrorists. Yankee has decided that war against the NAN has been along time coming and if the government won’t grow a pair he will take matters into his own hands and bring the war to them. Yankee has been fighting the NAN’s people since the 2050’s and has sent many a native to an early grave in the name of justice. He awaits now for Colonial to give the command that war is declared and he will then give the NAN a real show of what he is capable of.
Fusion: This is another heavy weapon specialist that is a member of the Patriots, he hails from the CFS and has always despised the destruction of the beloved union. He has seen the horrors of the NAN and the Treaty first hand being a citizen of the CFS. He has had to fight the native forces from invading on a semi consistent basis and as well deal with the Asian and Aztlan threat. Fusion lost his home, country and family to the natives and there actions during those early days. He is only loyal to the Sons of Liberty and has set Los Angeles on fire as well as brought many buildings down when he shock California with a massive earthquake. How he did it geologists are still researching, but they believe it was some sort of very large explosive device placed on an active fault line and then detonated via heavy artillery. Fusion took credit to tell the CFS leaders that there days are numbered and either fight the invading threats or suffer a fate worse then death. Well Fusions message fell on deaf ears and he was chased out of the CFS only to finally emerge in Seattle. His actions can still be felt throughout the CFS and what he is doing here in Seattle is a mystery I really don’t want revelled.
Striker: Dr. Finesilver being a member of this group is not a shock at all, he has been a thorn in the NAN’s side for decades and has terrorized it’s people for just being a citizen of the NAN. Striker worked for a mercenary band when he lived in the FDC (Federal District of Columbia) and this band of mercenaries only took jobs against the newly formed NAN. He see’s there actions as a declaration of war and since the government would not officially go to war against the NAN they used mercenary groups to do there dirty work. So Striker was a government sanctioned native hunter, he would enter the now foreign soil to rescue non natives that where being slaughtered and strike at the heart of the newly forming military. Though after a few years of this diplomacy set in and the NAN leaders struck a deal with the UCAS and these mercenary bands went from being legal operations to illegal shadowruns . Though this didn’t stop Striker, he continued his work declaring justice hadn’t been officially served, he was eventually run out of the NAN and entered Seattle were he worked as a runner till the early 2050’s and he returned back to the FDC. He has since returned to Seattle as the newly pardoned Chief Medical Examiner, though his work against the NAN still rest unfinished and Striker just lays in wait till war is declared either by the UCAS or Colonial.
Ducky: This is another one that is not much of a surprise really. Ducky has been a cop a vast majority of his adult life and that life has been a very long one, he has been genetically gifted with immunity to age so his actually age is unknown but what we do know about this little bastard is that he eventually left Lone Star and became a freelance mercenary known as Ducky. While he was a mercenary this man did some operations that would make most peoples skin crawl. Though 90% of his work was done within the boarders if the NAN and what he actually did is sealed in his jacket. Though rumours and stories of old timers and survivors state that he would assault military, law enforcement and medical camps within the boarders of the Salish Shidhe Council, Pueblo Nation and the Sioux Nation. He would steal, murder, and even torch the buildings, The actions Ducky took during those days was considered legal by the UCAS but eventually like Striker it was declared an act of terror and war. This did not discourage Ducky and he kept up with his campaign against what he considered to be the real tyrants and though eventually he was forced out of the NAN much like Striker, once back in the UCAS Ducky continued to do work to progress the cause of the Patriots. He was given a Presidential Pardon after he saved the Vice Presidents life from a NAN assassin’s bullet and since the Pardon he went back to work as now a member of Seattle Police Department. Well he might be considered a hero here in the UCAS but within the NAN Ducky is still feared and loathed.
Ringmaster: This is bit of a surprise here but he is from a generation that remembers the Ghost Dance and the nights of terror after. Stanley is a Seattle native who sat and watched as the fate of his home and city hung in the balance during those trying times. He had to stomach hearing that Seattle was being gifted to the UCAS but was going to be under the watchful eye of Council Island. The Ringmaster took his skills of magic to the streets to fight the NAN forces that marched in direct opposition to the Treaty of Denver and he cared little for Natives after watching many of his friends fall dead to the wrath of the Ghost Dance, though the tragic death of his wife and children to the native magic was the triggering point in Stanley’s eyes. From that point he took to the streets as a runner and vowed revenge for the death of his beloved Ann, and avenge her he has. Besides being the renowned Hive Cracker and master of the dreaded Hell Blast Spell, he is also known as the bringer of death by the native people. There is a reason the NAN sector of Seattle is still rebuilding as the Ringmaster unleashed the fury of his Hell Blast upon them on a number of occasions. He has shrugged off there magical attacks like it was nothing but a bothersome gnat, whenever the NAN figure out how to shield themselves from his Hell Fire, his spell has adapted and modified like a bad flue. This magi has a score to settle and for him this is personal and not political, he could careless about the Treaty of Denver, the NAN lands, the Destruction of America no for the Ringmaster it’s personal and he will not stop till ever native has felt the wrath of his hell fire. He is man on a mission to avenge the death of his wife and children. Well let this be a lesson learned never anger a Husband and Father who can control the fires of Hell cause vengeance will be his.
Hangman: The Hangman the terror of Seattle is a member of the Patriots and this is another shining example that this group is nothing but a band of killers bent on a war that is unjust and in poor taste. The people have gotten over those days past and these bastards should as well. The Hangman on the other hand wants to make sure the NAN people feel the full affect of his wrath and seeing that they actually have tree’s in there territory his work will be that much easier. The Hangman slipped away into the shadows back in the 2050’s and it appears he re-emerged within the boundaries of the Sioux Nation and started using his favourite weapon the grapple gun to string up the enemy. Hangman has made a name for himself within the NAN and has struck fear into the hearts of it’s people. He is another one of the bastards that is awaiting the call to war and when that bell is rung the Hangman will go fully into action.
Jack Malone: The feared Executive Assistant District Attorney Jack Malone is one of these bloody Patriots, this is a bit bothersome since he is the lead prosecutor for the city of Seattle and has a perfect prosecution record. This man has serious political influence in the city and he has some very powerful friends and allies. Jack being a Patriot means that the people of the NAN and UCAS will never see proper justice served and he will be out for blood when it comes to tearing down the Treaty of Denver in the courtrooms. Though this Attorney is also combat trained and can be a serious force to be reckoned with if it comes down to full fledge war, I do hope for the sake of the people of Seattle that now that this information has been reviled Jack is relieved of his post and placed in cuffs or at minimum disbarred for his involvement with this fringe group.
Wilbur Marshall: Forge is one of the most feared and deadly mercenaries the Patriots have within there ranks, I almost want to believe he is as well a Rough Rider. Though for now he is just listed as a Patriot and this man has dedicated his life to the fighting of the NAN and seeking revenge for everything that was taken from him. Forge is a master of all weapons and true master if the wilds, this man has lost everything and given everything he has to restore his once beloved America and thankfully this Patriot was wise enough to keep a war journal and document everything he felt was worthwhile. He released a copy of his documents and journal to the media and this evidence will be damning to the NAN, from what I have heard is they dispatched assassins to silence Forge. Well good luck NAN, Forge has been fighting for longer then you have been a nation and he will mulch your assassins. This is the Patriot, that has changed my views on the war and has even made me see clearly, God Bless you Forge for you are a real American.
Albert Swartz: This Patriot is a former Urban Strike Member, he defected from the UCAS military after multiple disagreements with his Commanding Officer. The final straw for Sixx was the orders to strike a group of runners he knew would cause the death of many of his team mates. This runner served the UCAS proudly since 2063 and held the prestigious rank of Lieutenant General, and was not only the field commander of Urban Strike Team One, he as well over saw the command of a number of special forces units and had direct command over a battalion of troops in Detroit. His defection is a major blow to the UCAS and has left them scrambling to fill the void left behind. Sixx himself is a very honourable man and follows orders as long as feels there just and are in the best intentions of the men and the cause. He once ran the shadows of Seattle back in the 2030’s and moved to Detroit in 2050 till he was discovered by General O’Brian in 2060 and recruited for the UCAS Military. Thanks to Shifters handy work there is nothing to find on Sixx. This man is a mercenary through and through with state of the art cyber and bio, he as well is a master of the pistol though he is extremely deadly with his custom built Aries Laser Pistols that have been retooled by DAOD. Sixx will be a major player in the Patriots in the coming days, since he agrees with the cause, he is loyal to the core and they understand what caused him to defect in the first place.
Dr. Melvin Meisner: Melvin also known as Vortex or Grandfather Winter is a true beast and soldier of the Patriots, this man joined there ranks after suffering serious hardships during the Ghost Dance and Nights of Blood. He has since become one of the fiercest warriors the Patriots have ever seen, he might seem to be a simple suburban man but that couldn’t be more wrong. Vortex has seen the worst and he has become worse, this man is simply referred to as Grandfather Winter by the Natives for when Vortex is near he like the cold embrace of winters grasp. He just removes life wherever he goes and he cares little for native life, so for Vortex the more pain and suffering he can cause the better. This man was once a doctor and he has forgone his oath and uses his knowledge now to cause harm. This man is so feared that the authorities won’t even recognize his existence and this allows Grandfather Winter to move freely with nothing to stop him from murdering those that he deems the enemy.
Diesel: William is a rigger and a very angry man, this man though has not compromised his integrity and his honour. Diesel is a serious combatant and master rigger, he can operate many different vehicles at the same time and he is a master when in it comes to vehicle combat. This man though is one you might never actually face directly as he understands and has learned the painful lessons of being in a rig on the battlefield. This man uses remote decks and satellites to control his vehicles and drones. And if you make Diesel actually have to enter the battle from his command vehicle good luck, I do hope you are ready to meet your maker. This man has a code of honour and he is very loyal to the cause, so be careful not to insult this man he does have a temper and I would hate for him to get your blood on his shirt or tie.
Khan: This Patriot is a social chameleon, he is as well a shape shifter. Khan is an Irish Tiger and this makes his temper very volatile. This man is willing to do whatever it takes to serve the cause and bring an end to the NAN, and the only thing he hates more then the NAN are the Elves and he has been fighting both for decades. This man is the first to strike at the NAN in Seattle and he won’t stop till either there gone or he is. Khan is a master of the fight and a true urban predator, and this man’s bark might be scary but his bite is down rite deadly so do your self a huge favour and stay the hell out of this beasts path.
Warrior: Rodger is another Patriot that is actually a man with integrity and honour and won’t put himself into a conflict of interests. This old runner is a mercenary through and through and is only part of this order do to believing strongly in the cause. He is a true solider and master of weapons of war, I have heard the Warrior in combat is a site to behold, and I can believe it after reading his field reports. This is one Patriot you can trust won’t be doing any questionable tactics and he will fight you with honour, though he will forget his code in a heartbeat if you try to use it against him and then the gloves come off and you will get to see the true terror that is the Warrior.
Dakota: Jerry is a soldier by circumstance and prior to the Ghost Dance he was merely a common man. Well long gone are those early and humble beginnings for Dakota. He is know a force to be reckoned with, this man has funnelled his anger into being one of the most terrifying combatants the Patriots have on there roster. This man who was once buried in a shallow grave and left for dead, is now more then alive and hunts those that tried to kill him. He uses his axe to remove the heads of his enemy and he moves like the wind and vanishes like a ghost, the natives are terrified of this man and for damn good reason. You cant’t kill what does’t bleed and Dakota has never bleed again since the night he crawled out of his own grave.
Orion: Albert was once a friend of the native people and teacher of there history and spoke of peace between the cultures, that was till they killed his family and tried to kill him. On that day there friend Albert died and Orion the great hunter was born, he has ever since been a campaign of revenge and for this master archer the more native blood he spills the better. He now longer cares for peace, and war is all he see’s and war is all this once peaceful man desires. For Orion using the bow against the natives is a twisted form of karmic justice and cruel irony since they taught him how to use it, and he is now a terror with it. He is one of Colonials favourite soldiers since he can speak, read and write the native tongues and he is an expert in there customs, cultures and traditions. He gives Colonial the ammunition he needs to strike at the heart of the beast, and if any tribe is go extinct Orion is there to be able to preserve it for the history books and museums.
Warpath: (For Bio See Below in the Devil Dogs Section)
Gunny: (For Bio See Below in the Rattlers Section)
The Rough Riders are a special unit of the Freedom Patriots, this group is considered to be the best of the best that answer to only Colonial. This group took it’s name from the Cavalry unit during the Spanish American War and basically lives up to it, since the Rough Riders then contained some serious troublemakers and killers and this unit contains the same. The Rough Riders are the Patriots strike force that will do whatever is called upon them to further the cause, there cause is the destruction of the NAN and to bring an end to the Treaty of Denver. This group’s responsibility is to strike military and political targets of any enemy to the Patriots and this includes, the NAN, Aztlan, CFS, Quebec Nation, and the Tir Tangier. They are to be dispatched as a bloody message and strike fear into the hearts of those who oppose the will of Colonial, the Rough Riders individually are intimidating but as a group they are down right terrifying. Be this a warning to anyone who dares step on the toes of Colonial, you might one day be staring down the Dreaded Rough Riders and for that sin there is only one solution and thats death.
Postmaster: This runner I once believed to be dead and I couldn’t have been more wrong, he is quite alive and actually a member of this sub unit. The Postmaster is basically the commander of the Riders and like much of this unit is sitting on stand by awaiting orders to strike, that doesn’t mean the Postmaster has been staying silent while he waits. No quite to the contrary he has been quite active attacking Aztlan and NAN facilities, he has been sending a brutal message to both these nations that there sins will paid in full and he is here to collect. The Postmaster is not a joke like a previously thought, he is a hunter killer with decades of combat experience under his belt, his chrome is top notch and his gear is spot on. The Postmaster is know awaiting for another war to fight in and this war is one for revenge and payback, and this samurai is ready, lets hope his enemies are equally ready for him.
Brooklynn: This old cop is as well a member of the Rough Riders and has been awaiting the call to action, though Brooklynn is still a acting police detective and has been keeping the pressure on the cities criminals though you basically have nothing to fear from Brooklynn unless you are a Native, Latino, or Elven with connections to one of the target lands the Patriots are planning to strike. Brooklynn profiles hard and he will go after you with all his might if you fit the stereotype, if not you might just avoid his radar. Brooklynn is a surprising member of this fringe unit, though like others of his generation he remembers those days all to well like they were yesterday and they hatred and anger burns deep within these old timers. So for now best to stay off of Brooklynn’s radar and keep your nose clean, though he does profile so even being innocent with him might still get you harassed or worse. He is a crack shot and wouldn’t think twice of killing you and then calling it self defence or suicide by cop, Seattle PD now has a licence to kill anyone while the city is under martial law, keep that in mind, if you fit his criteria of the enemy of the state.
Gallows: Here is another frightening example of this unit, Gallows is now as well a cop and like all others awaiting the call to action. Though Gallows being a Rough Rider is a problem for the people decreed the enemy of the state, if he is given free rain to do as he wishes there will be a sudden decrease of people in the enemy territories and an increase in unmarked graves. Gallows has proven on a number of occasions that he doesn’t care about the boundary between civilian and military and he knows first hand that both Aztlan and NAN use civilian villages and towns to hide military units and supplies. This is Gallows speciality, he is a master of moving around unnoticed and gathering a large amount of intelligence prior to his surgical strike on a target. If Gallows is given the call to action, he is as well being handed the right to bring his specialized brand of terror to large groups and what is even scarier is he is working alongside the Digger, think about that for a moment and let it sink in Gallows and Digger working side by side.
Omega: Well Omega is part of the Rough Riders, well he is known to be in the Sons of Liberty so thats not a far stretch here. Omega brings a form of street justice that is both criminal and vile, to this group. He targets the poor and desperate knowing they can never afford his fee and then he steals there home, sells there children or wife to pay his fee. Though he targets people connected to the enemy states, and never targets a UCAS citizen unless they are a supporter of the enemy. Omega has been creating havoc from coast to coast and giving the people of the NAN and Aztlan a taste of there own medicine. I don’t agree with Omegas actions but I do find the irony there to be a bit poetic, This hunter is just buying his time till he hears the Call.
Eraser: Not like Ajax in the Patriots wasn’t bad enough the Riders have the master of this craft in there ranks. They have the damned Eraser, this man can make anyone he wants vanish from the worlds eye and he does it with such ease and speed that just hearing the Eraser is coming for you in enough to get people to commit suicide before he arrives, public suicide at least means he can’t erase you. Also this is the second Post Office member to show up here in the Patriots the connection between these group has me puzzled but whatever the Eraser is up to as a Rough Rider is unknown, but him just being a member of the this group should bring concern to the leaders of an enemy state.
Captain: Here is another cause for concern within the Riders, Captain is one of the Deaths Hands assassins and a damned good one. Why he is part of the Rough Riders worries me allot, this man alone is a serious threat but combined with any of these other Riders and he will be an unstoppable force. Also does this mean that Alexander has his hands deep in Colonials pocket as well, and the call to war they are waiting for is coming from Alexander and not Colonial. Captain is a former UCAS CIA special agent and he is a master of the kill, I believe his presence on this roster is more then meets the eye. Captain yes has issues with the enemy states but he works for the Deaths Hand and well something is rotten in Denmark here people.
Piranha: Well yet here is another problem child who holds loyalty to the Patriots, and this one is a former Denver Guard. Surprise, Surprise people a former Denver runner turning against the people who he once was sworn to protect. His inside knowledge of Denver is crucial to the Patriots and there impending war on the NAN, and who better to revel state secrets then a runner turned cop. Piranha is a real bastard and the fact that he is a Rough Rider just proves this group is up to no good. This runner turned cop, is as mean as they come and his actions speak louder then words as he has basically guaranteed the walls of Denver come crumbling down when the Patriots strike at the heart of the NAN. He should be brought up on charges of treason and not still allowed to work as a cop with this new information being brought to light.
Samael: This another cause for concern, Samael is a real monster and his reign of terror can be felt throughout the ages, this killer is as well part of the Deaths Hand and that didn’t revoke his pardon when it was revealed. This is a problem people the Deaths Hand is all over this group and it’s going to make it’s presence felt in some manner. Samael being a in this group doesn’t shock me in the least, he is another one of those old times who harbours resentment for the actions of Ghost Dance, but he shouldn’t really talk since many of Seattle’s residents are still suffering from the murders of there loved ones by his hand. Samael crossed a line many years ago and know he plans to cross that line again by bringing his form of terror and death to innocent natives. well once a killer always a killer.
Raven: Here is the bringer of death inside the Riders, well I figured a shape shifter would side with the Native people over the haters. I guess I was wrong and sad to say for the enemies of the Patriots they will soon suffer there fate at the hand of the Raven. This killer has no score to settle, no injustice to right, no this killer is doing this for the sheer enjoyment of killing and hunting a new breed of man. The bringer of nightmares will soon be ending the peaceful nights and turning the dream catchers red with blood.
Reaper: This another surprise, the Reaper is a Irish native working within the Rough Riders, also he is a member of the Post Office. Once my contacts revelled this to me, my concern for the enemies to the state. This killer specializes in the eradication of entire villages and cleansing the ground of there existence. The Reaper is a master of killing large groups without the use of heavy weapons or explosives, he uses stealth, speed and close quarters weapons and within the cover of the night an entire town is nothing but a memory, everything left as it was when they lived. but all the people forever gone. Their bodies never discovered, just the haunting remains leaving an unsettling reminder that one should never truly trust the darkness and any night could be your last.
Misfit: The Misfit is the Decker for the Rough Riders and Patriots it seems, what is unsettling is he is also a member of the Seattle Police Department and in command of there matrix division. This can be a real problem for the enemies of the state, since the Misfit can easily bury any negative images or news about the groups, he can also prevent SPD or other law enforcement agencies from every figuring out what’s going on till it’s to late. The Misfit along with Snoopy and Cyclops can keep the public in the dark about the truth of the this Paramilitary unit and flood the matrix with propaganda to keep the public opinion low about there enemies. This decker is serious threat, and I am not even sure how long this page will last with the Misfit lurking around, Just cause the Misfit is a decker doesn’t mean this bastard is not a serious combat threat and can bring down many soldiers before they get a chance to blink, he is another one of those old timers that can remember those bloody early days and thats probably why he is part of this agency. So when it comes down to gathering information about the Patriots and there cause, be very careful since this group has a very serious public relations division, between the Misfit, Snoopy, Cyclops, and Salem.
Hero: I seems that his near death experience shock this runner up more then one imagined, he is the second of the Devils Rejects to be inside the Patriots and he being one of the youngest of the both groups he brings that element of freshness to this unit. he as well brings a modern way of thinking and true runner experience to this special unit of killers. This does prove that the Patriots don’t kill natives indiscriminately as the Devils Rejects have former Sioux Wildcat Wolf and former Sioux Boarder Agent Scalp Hunter within there ranks. Grant you both Natives have sworn off there connections to the NAN and by doing so have been exiled, this does prove that these bastards might not be all talk. Though I am inclined to believe that the Patriots still up to no good and this so called revenge is just a ploy to a bigger agenda, though Hero is involved so only time will tell.
Cyrus the Virus: This is a real issue here people, the Virus is a member of the dreaded Cowboys from Hell and notorious killer. If this man can be accepted by this group then it really does prove one thing, they are up to something nefarious. This man was executed in Quebec and survived, he is still wanted by the rest of North America for countless murders and terrorism, but I guess for the Patriots his can do attitude and lack of compassion for any life in general and his strong loyal personality is enough. He brings his advanced knowledge of chemical and biological warfare to this group and in doing so he can create dirty bombs that can hold an entire city hostage, or kill tens of thousands or more. What kept Cyrus from creating vast weapons of mass destruction was a limited resources, know with access to a lab and near unlimited budget God help us all. <<<Cyrus was killed during the Battle of Fort Lewis 12/10/2073>>>
Fable: Well I guess this man has gone against his own warnings and come back out of the shadows, Fable once thought to be long gone and nothing but a legend has returned and he is part of the Rough Riders. This is a bit bothersome since what does he know and what are we not being told. Fable never does anything without a reason and his reasons are usually world changing, for him to alley himself with the likes of Cyrus, Reaper, Captain and Samael there has to more to this story then we are being let to believe. Fable is a master of the arcane arts and some say he is long burned out but that is not the case from what some of my contacts in the wastelands have seen. Fable is up to something big again and this time it involves the NAN and the Treaty of Denver, I do hope whatever this man knows is soon revealed to the people before it’s to late.
Nova: Well every group needs there sneaky thief and thats what they get with Nova, but they also get a murderous bastard as well. Nova cares little for leaving guards, home owners or just about anyone inside the location of his break in breathing, He is not only a thief but an assassin and he crosses that line very often. Nova being part of the this group is not a good thing in the least, the hatred for the enemies that burns threw his veins is a façade as Nova has no soul left in that body and has had his emotions surgically removed a very long time ago, for him this is probably all about the credits and the challenge. I do have to apologize to the Native people for what Nova is about to do to you, many of your citizens will fall victim to Nova once he is given the call to action.
Puppet Master: Well here is another problem, the HRM has there hands in the Patriots as well, that means both international terrorist groups have representation inside the Patriots. As for Puppets involvement I am not really surprised do to him being in Las Vegas and in the heart of the NAN’s Ute Nation, Puppet has had to deal with native strikes and blockades for years since he took the city back from them during the Great Vegas Riot of 2060 and has held it as a UCAS city ever since. Puppet is not in the Patriots for any personal reason or gain, this is both Political and Business for him, he can use the Patriots to funnel more aid to the HRM and vice versa and help speed the extinction of the Elven race. He knows the NAN have a whole tribe of elves in there lands and only a few of the HRMs people have been able to find small camps but the main tribal city is hidden deep within the NAN and Puppet and John Ripley need the Patriots to find the elves hidden city.
Ringmaster: Well it’s time to talk about the dreaded Ringmaster again, this man is now confirmed to be a Rough Rider and this doesn’t surprise me at all. Stanley is a master of the hermetic arts and as well the physical abilities of the adept, he may appear to be a simple pushover but this is where you are dead wrong. The Ringmaster has been working within the shadows for decades and has been responsible for some of his generations most vicious jobs, this man is an insect specialist, and a master of the Hell Blast spell. He has also developed his own version of this spell that is even more terrifying then the original. He has the ability to shrug off magical attacks like there child’s play, he can outrun a speeding train, and stop a the attacks of a rampaging troll with a mere thought. This man is no joke when it comes to his mystical and physical abilities that are only outclassed by his friend Stamps. The Ringmaster being part of this group is basically do to his personal agenda to rid the world of the natives for there unlawful assault against the people of America but more on part is he is still very angry about the murder of his wife and children. The Ringmaster watched helpless as his wife was ravaged with the native magic and swore on that day to enact revenge. He cares nothing for the politics of the Patriots, just the death of his sworn enemy. He has vowed to call forth the fires from Hell and bath the natives in it, he as well is no slouch in the martial combat and the sword he wields is a very powerful relic that is of unknown origin. For the Ringmaster has sworn revenge and vengeance will be his, for this is one man you do not want to ever want to tangle with. So when it comes to the Ringmaster tread carefully for one false step can land you in very hot water.
The Rattlers are a mercenary unit headed by Freedom Patriot Gunny, this unit is a separate group being that Colonial does not directly guide or command the Rattlers. This band answer to Gunny and Gunny only, the Rattlers have there own objectives and there own goals. They can be asked by Colonial for assistance but they never work for free, the Patriots need open there coffers to gain the favour of this team. The Rattlers have only one stake in this whole situation and that is revenge, these men have all been scorned hard by the NAN and the Ghost Dance and have a serious score to settle, this unit is highly trained and highly motivated. They have nothing to loose and everything to gain, these men have no home, no country to call there own, and no family other then each other. They lost everything when the Natives struck back in the early part of this century. They have been exiled into the wastes and have to hunt, steal and kill daily to survive.
The Rattlers have all cross trained each other and for them everyday could be there last so they live each day to the fullest and fight with every ounce of there being. To them war has already been declared and they care little for diplomacy and civility, each target they strike is for a reason even though it might seem to be random. They seem to hit locations that seem to be civilian but from a deeper investigation they are actually striking military targets and boarder camps. They as well strike raiding camps and Native hunters, the only civilians they target hard are the Shamans and there medicine lodges. The Rattlers will as well strike any children that show magical properties do to them eventually being trained as a Shaman though they normally don’t kill the poor kid, they just make them wish they were dead as they destroy the child’s connection to the astral plane and rendering them to be burned out. This does sometimes kill the target since they use bullets, grenades and blades, the Rattlers will strike civilian targets when there is a political target near by. Though there goal is revenge so when civilian casualties occur they don’t loose any sleep over it.
The Rattlers as well use there strikes at times to coincide with a strike that Colonial and the Patriots are making, when this occurs the Rattlers claim salvage rights and go full boar against the target and leave nothing alive that is Native let it be civilian or military they cleanse the area of any native and make sure rivers run red with native blood. Gunny at times will let his people blow off steam by entering a civilian camp and letting them vent there anger. When this happens the earth drinks much blood on that day, the NAN have issued a decree to the UCAS to do something about this band of brothers, and even though they have tried to Rattlers have still avoided capture when they enter UCAS soil. The Rattlers have only ever struck one UCAS convoy in there history and that was a supply train of food, medicine, basic supplies, and this was concealing the real prize of weapons, armour and cyber. This peace convoy was being guarded by the legendary Urban Strike Team One, the Rattlers smelled something fishy and struck this convoy before it made the boarder into the Salish Shidhe Council. The Rattlers caught this trained special forces team off guard and according to reports and witnesses the battle lasted only moments but ended with the members of the strike team laying beaten, broken and bleeding on the ground. There powerhouse Lumberjack nearly killed by Rattler Monster and the rest of the team was severely wounded. Urban Strike team One lost one member that day. There Shaman a young native women named Ayasha was taken down in combat by Nightmare of the Rattlers and while the young girl laid there bleeding, Gunny walked up to her and put two rounds from his side arm into her head and then ordered his brothers to commandeer the trucks. Bandit and Bulldog stripped the trucks of there trackers and the Rattlers rode of into the sunset leaving the Strike team with there only defeat and the death of the young women who was put in there charge by Council Island.
So be very careful when travelling the wastes and wilds, besides raiders and rouge natives, you might just wonder into the Rattlers den and this is one snake pit you will not escape from. The Wilds are home to these mercenaries and they will defend it with every ounce of there being for this is Rattler country and you are an unwanted guest,
Gunny: He is the leader and father figure for the Rattlers, these men are his kids and his brothers in arms. Gunny holds extreme disdain for the native people and had to sit ideally by and watch as the country he once served proudly was ripped apart by the tyrannical native shamans and there Ghost Dance, he lost more then his country on that day. While he was ordered to stand down and await orders from command his family back home where being dragged out of the house he built for them and dragged into the street by Native soldiers and executed. In a flash Gunny went from having a home, a wife, children and country to having nothing, when he decided to take matters into his own hands he was given a discharge from the Marine Corps and left with only a burning hatred and revenge on his mind. He joined the Patriots in hope to strike down the Natives but the group was still to new and not moving fast enough for Gunny and he walked away and entered the wastes seeking out like minded and kindred spirits willing to go to war against the NAN for there treachery. Gunny eventually found ten kindred spirits and the Rattlers were born, there early beginnings where rough but they prevailed and eventually gained the attention of Colonial once more and the rest is history.
Boxcar: This Rattler is as bad as they come, he is a hunter of the night and stalker of the dreaming. This man hunts only Natives and sends them to there afterlife in a violent and bloody manner. He enjoys hearing the cries and seeing the tears of his victims before he takes their life, Boxcar has had a very rough life being a non native and being raised in the Dakota’s he witnessed all the horrors and watched as everyone he ever knew died in the fires of the Ghost Dance. Boxcar took to the rails before he became victim of the natives wrath, some say that this was the breaking point in this killers life, forced to abandon his home and live off the land and streets. Boxcar has declared war on the people he once ran from and know being a part of the Rattlers this hunter has a new family of like minded killers. Boxcar is a feared adept with no humanity or soul to call his own, he does whatever is needed to support his brothers and destroy the bastards who stole his former life. Boxcar can not be reasoned with so save your breath, he is a master of the hunt and a master slayer of the Native people and fears nothing, so when this sandman is coming for you say your prayers, close your eyes and accept your death for it will be less painful if you accept it then fight the Boxcar.
Bedrock: Rattler Bedrock has been fighting the Natives since the Ghost Dance and nights of rage after, he was forced out of his home in Las Vegas and had to watch as many non natives where being slaughtered in the streets and the UCAS military just sat ideally by and watched powerless to act. Bedrock took to the streets as a avenger and began killing any and all natives it didn’t matter to this adept whether they were civilian or military just that the streets ran red with there blood. Bedrock swore revenge on that night and has been forces the NAN to pay a blood tribute ever since. Bedrock had already been run out of Vegas before Puppet Master staged his rebellion. Bedrock joined the Rattlers when approached by Gunny and he has been a brother ever since, the Rattlers are Bedrocks new family and heaven help anyone who even threatens this Rattler or his kin.
Jaguar: Be on the lookout for the Jaguar and never turn your back on this Rattler ever, for it will be the last thing you ever do. Jaguar is a master of the wilds and wastes, he is as skilled as any Native hunter and some say even more so, the Jaguar is from the mean streets of Reno and has been trained by the UCAS military. Jaguars hatred of the Native people steams from him having his life shattered once the nights of rage began, he lost everything in a single night including his military carrier since he was no longer considered a UCAS citizen being from a now NAN controlled region. Jaguar had no where to go and nowhere to turn so revenge became his sole motivation and this hunter made damn sure those he blamed for his shattered self paid there price in full. Jaguar is a Rattler that will never stop, this hunter is got one motivation and that is to bath in native blood and see that those tyrants loose more then just there nation. he wants to watch as they burn. <<<Jaguar was killed during the Battle for Seattle’s Independence 12/10/2073>>>
Monster: Well it’s time to talk about Monster and this Rattler truly lives up to his name. Monster is Gunny’s personal guard and stands by his commander and patriarchs side and will do anything to defend Gunny and if you ever threaten Gunny you just commented suicide. Monster is a true battle power house, this man is full of rage, hate and anger and basically these are the only emotions he knows any more and of course revenge. He has sworn to collect the blood price placed on all natives after they slaughtered his friends and family during the Ghost Dance and nights of rage that followed. This maniac has been making sure the Natives keep up there blood payments and has been ripping them apart limb from limb for years. The more Monster kills the stronger he becomes, the more blood that he spills or is covered in the happier he is and as the stronger he becomes see a pattern forming here. This killer is so extreme that even Gunny keeps a close hold on him, cause once unleashed the Monster will kill everything in his path thats not an alley and really only the Rattlers are safe from a rampaging Monster.
Bandit: Leave it Bandit to make travelling the wastes dangerous and he targets any and all NAN convoys that travel through the region and he as well sets up the destruction of the ones he cannot be at. For Bandit this is payback and the more NAN lives he takes and the more suffering he causes them, the more the hole in his heart and soul closes. Though this wound is very large and I don’t think it will ever fully heal, Bandit lost his wife and children as well as his home and citizenship to the basted NAN and Treaty of Denver, and for this he vowed revenge and revenge he has served on silver platter. The Bandit is a master of the open roads and nothing move through those regions without him knowing about it, he sets up the raids on these convoys and as well kidnaps the important dignitaries holding them hostage till payment is made. Though the Bandit never returns the hostage alive, and never in one piece. Bandit will steal what he and the Rattlers need and then burn the rest making medical, food and basic needs supplies scarce to the Natives in certain regions. Bandits idea of curing the Native shaman population includes a wire coat hanger you can see where this is going can’t you. Every Rattler wants to see the end to all Native Shamans and Bandit has made it his goal to make sure even the Shamans wife meets a violent end. With the Rattlers anger fuels them and these men have nothing to loose, they see themselves as the only defence we have from NAN tyranny.
Snake Eyes: This man is the Rattlers sharp shooter and a damn good sniper he is, Snake can lay in weight in any terrain to lay an ambush for the Native transports and boarder patrols. He Once served the UCAS proudly but once the Treaty of Denver was signed he had enough and vowed his revenge against the terrorists of the NAN and joined the Patriots, he had the same issue Gunny had with them and that being they were all talk and zero action so he joined with Gunny and the Rattlers to take the war direct to the Natives and spill tyrant blood. Snake Eyes is a man on a mission and that mission is payback, anger, frustration, and hatred power this man each day. Snake Eyes does whatever the Rattlers need him to do and no one is safe once they are down range from him, he will put down civilian and military equally seeing each civilian as a possible soldier later in life. They killed his civilians, in his mind he is returning the favour and doesn’t loose any sleep over their death. <<<Snake Eyes was killed during the Battle for Seattle’s Independence 12/10/2073>>>
Reaver: The Reaver is a very violent man, he was thrown out of the Navy Seals for being to extreme and taking his hatred out on a civilian outpost of the Natives just outside Seattle and this is how he wound up within the ranks of the Rattlers, Reaver is another one who looks up to Gunny as a Father figure and will do anything to defend the only man who believes in him and gives him the structure and guidance he so needed. The Reaver lost everything when the Ghost Dance accord, he was just a child when his parents, siblings, aunts, uncles and grandmother where slaughtered. He was taken in by his Grandfather and protected from the Native soldiers, Reaver was raised by him till Native war band found them and murdered his Grandfather in front of him. Reaver slipped away vowing a blood oath to get vengeance. That’s just what he does now, he stalks the badlands with his Brothers killing the tyrants and sending them a bloody message that the white devils still live and you just woke the sleeping dragon and this dragons name is the Reaver.
Bulldog: This Rattler was on a personal quest for revenge long before he meet Gunny and the Rattlers. Bulldog is a Rigger who has declared a personal war against the entire NAN and its people for the brutal murder of his children and murder and rape of his wife at the hands of a Native war party. They then shot Bulldog and left him for dead, the problem was Bulldog didn’t die and he crawled through the mud and blood of his kin. Bulldog has been seeking payback ever since and this rigger cares nothing for Native life and has been using extreme measures to remind them to always make sure there enemy is dead and never fuck with and American. Bulldog joined the Rattlers and has been an essential to the unit ever since, he is a master of heavy weapons, can modify and operate anything with an engine and knows the wastes better then any one else. Bulldog can be blamed for why no one has ever found the Rattlers Den, and even if it was ever found this is one snake pit you don’t want to step in ever.
Nightmare: Well this is the Rattlers sole magical support member besides the physical adepts, no Nightmare is a very powerful Hermetic magi and has taken his skills of the arcane direct to the Native Shaman traditions. He was one of the first Rattlers after Gunny and Boxcar, Nightmare suffered a fate like Gunny and Bandit and has been fighting for justice and payback ever since. You kill a man’s family and he will come at you with everything he has left and when that man is a hermetic thats not good. Nightmare has taken his revenge to the extreme of being to the native people a creature of nightmares stalking them in there dreams and homes as they sleep. Killing them while they lay safely in there beds. Nightmare as of recently has slowed his attacks down, though I think it’s cause Gunny needs him to stay closer to the team and not out there alone. Nightmare is the man who tracks down Shamans and there beloved spirit totems, he sends his army of elementals at the totem and then gives the Shaman one last Astral dance, no Shaman has ever survived the dance with Nightmare. The Nightmare will leave nothing but a smoking crater at where the Shaman once stood, this man has figured out how to ground physical spells to non magical items from the Astral plane. This means a Urban Renewal or Fire Ball cast from the Astral plane is significantly increased in its force power when it pierces to the physical realm. meaning that Urban Renewal can be intertwined with a Fireball and act like a mini nuclear bomb when it hits the physical and Nightmare never has to worry about any drain or blast back. The NAN officials are actually worried about this Rattler for good reason, since when the Rattlers attacked the convoy Urban Strike Team One was guarding, he not only dropped Bolt, and there Shaman it was also light out for Stone and Longshot as well in a matter of seconds. Nightmare is truly a force to be reckoned with and the NAN have a legitimate reason to loose sleep over him.
Timber: Well Timber this man is the bane to the Native forces for decades, Timber is a true master of the hunt, he is a master of the wilds and moves like a ghost through the night. From the latest Journal of Psychology (NAN) edition 102-06/2073 (Sioux Boarder Patrol Officers would rather commit suicide to save themselves the horrific fate that awaits them from Timber, once victims of Timber are discovered skinned and gutted hanging from a tree like a freshly killed deer. Boarder agents start abandoning there post of killing themselves with there service riffles….) Timber is a master of the psychological kill, once he targets a camp he doesn’t stop till ever last native is hanging dead from the trees, and no one has ever caught him. He slides in like a ghost and makes his targets vanish one by one till they are all dead. This is the leading reason to these soldiers abandoning there post and if they cant leave they just take there own life once the sun begins to set. Timber only strikes once nightfall creeps in, and can even bypass the unnatural lights of flood lights. Timber is the forward observer for the Rattlers and lets just say he does on hell of a job of being a ghost, the NAN fear this man and for good reason, his hatred is what fuels him and he holds no emotional connection to his targets, to Timber they are nothing more they are rabid animals that need to be put out of there misery. They slaughtered his family and stole his home and county and for that he steals there life and brings the balance of karma back to these tyrants one native at a time.
The Devil Dogs are one of the oldest mercenary units to be part of the Freedom Patriots, this unit started off as a full military brigade and through the years of countless fighting and battles there numbers have been cut down to a meet few. This unit has taken the most causalities during the years, they have lost men to battle, retirement and age and for some reason these twelve men have survived through the ages and have seen the worst the world can throw at them. The Devil Dogs may be old but this elite mercenary unit is full of now legends and these remaining men have weathered storm and battle for more then a lifetime and should never be underestimated unless you want to become a statistic and enter an early grave. Under the leadership of Warpath they have seen more victories then defeats, and this unit has been a thorn in the NAN’s side since the days of the Ghost Dance and they have never relented. The Devil Dogs are considered enemies of the state for both the NAN and the UCAS, and have been able to elude capture for as long as they have been around, these mercenaries will fight till there last dying breath for the cause and they consider themselves to be family so trying to create discord amongst them will only end in an early grave so don’t even try. This unit is honourable and will only engage a military target or rogue native unit, they will however root out native threats hiding in civilian cities and towns. These mercenaries have managed to hang on to a shred of their humanity and soul through all the killing, but that doesn’t mean these men are kind of heart and rational. The Devil Dogs have been fighting for so long that all they know is battle and war, so catching these men off guard is nigh impossible and the Devil Dogs are almost never off duty. If you see them in a bar or tavern, that doesn’t mean they are approachable, that only means that they might not kill you on the spot. Though if your of native blood, your playing Russian Roulette with them, so be careful they might be honourable but they are still fighting for a cause they believe strongly in and war is all they now.
Warpath: This is one brave solider and commander, he stood in direct defiance of the President of the United States and eventual President of the UCAS. This one time Army General became a thorn in the NAN side and didn’t go away quietly into the night, he commanded the largest resistance force to ever take up arms during the Nights of Blood and entered the history books as the Resistance for Montana and the Battle for Butte. He commanded forces during the Civil War and is still the commander of the Devil Dogs one of the most feared mercenary units now reduced to nothing more then a team. This commander will never relent and he will never surrender, the NAN boarder patrols live in fear of the day the Devil Dogs come rolling in guns blazing. Warpath uses this fear to destroy the enemy morale and gain victory when defeat is certain, this is one Patriot that no one ever wants to see enter the battlefield.
Abyss: <<<Abyss was killed fighting for Seattle’s Independence 12/10/2073>>>
<<<<This is nothing more then an informational page on these units, they do not have an international bounty placed on them yet as the United Nations does not deem the Freedom Patriots (Sons of Liberty) are an actually physical threat to the stability of the world. The members might have regional bounties placed on them or even for members that are also in the HRM or Deaths Hand already have an International Bounty placed on them. >>>>
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