This is a team of the Originals that have united as a band of the most lethal hunters the streets have ever seen, the Wolf Pack is a team of predators from multiple different agencies that all share the same goal. That goal is the destruction of those that failed to listen to warnings of the Fable, these men have taken to the streets to bring old school running back and show the new runners how it is done. These men are working once again as runners and trying to hide from the limelight but that is nigh impossible nowadays with shadow beat reporters everywhere. This team of originals should be a direct violation to there own warnings and go against everything they have been preaching, but sadly it’s not since they have been out of the scene for so long that they are not drawing high price jobs and they are actually creating a need for more runners since Johnson’s are seeing a rise in successful teams.
The Wolf Pack is a team that in my opinion should not be since it’s roster is absolutely terrifying and some of the best of the best, this team is the true definition of Apex Predators and they are now hunting within the shadows of Seattle and there targets are the Next Generation of runners, the dissidents of the NAN and Aztlan and the new Bug threat. They are taking some of the shadier jobs and making a name for themselves on the streets, these runners are working again not for fame or even for the money they are doing it prove that old school will always trump new school. The Wolf Pack has only recently revealed it’s ugly head and they have already done some serious damage to various NAN facilities and have assaulted the Pyramid again. From what I have heard the Wolf Pack has something big up there sleeve in the coming weeks and I am actually scared to find out what it is. This team is full of legends and these men are the best of the best so if you see the Wolf Pack coming get the hell out of the way. I will report more on this team as it becomes known.
Oh my, talk about heavy hitters. This team, for those who somehow don’t know, is the original runner team. The Wolf Pack, even just saying their names can send shivers down many people’s spine. This group of individuals is full of nothing but legends of the streets. We are talking the best of the best. Everything from the highest tiers of mage and rigger to sam and assassin. Most of the rules that we need to play by today were made in response to their actions. While I am NOT a part of this team (not even remotely close to good enough to even be considered) they are a group who I have more than a few friends and family in. Thus, before some of the more erroneous writers decide to drop some nonsense on this page and besmirch their names I am going to write them some bios – unless they tell me not to. I know you are watching this page Misfit, if I need to stop just tell me. I love you guys, but I do not want to cause any trouble. … Bilbo Out >>
<<Hey, Chummer…..go right ahead, we in the Pack trust you and I am quite busy at the moment hunting some Demure fucks that tried to hack the Mayor’s Office……Dumb Asses, also trying to make sure the Cobbler’s profile stays honest that brother has been through hell and back, need to keep the ass hat’s honest. You cross the line chummer and well Digger will be paying you a visit…..just busting your chops Bilbo, you’ve been given the green light from the Gargoyle so go ahead…….Demure Ass Clowns I am watching and waiting for you to cross the Pack……The Fiend is Real..Misfit Out>>
<< Since I have the go ahead I will start now. As on the Harbingers page all of my comments will be in purple. If it’s not in purple – or if it doesn’t sound like me – be suspicious. Another roller coaster, here we go! …. Bilbo Out>>
The Pack
Arthur Crane (Stamps): Stamps – the man, the myth, the legend. This master hivebuster and street killer has done every job in the book. Fire and Ice? He was there. Pyramid run? Done twice (or more now). This man stares at a building and it falls apart afraid of what he will do to it. In addition to being the total package on the streets Stamps is also more than capable in the interrogation room. It is pretty widely known that he is a captain on the SPD and let me tell you he is quite effective. I remember once, what now feels like several lifetimes ago, a close friend of mine was talking to him and got “the stare”. Needless to say, he was glad that our contact had given him an extra pair of underclothing. If Stamps looks you in the eye, you will not be lying to him afterward. This apex predator (no pun intended) is a king of the streets and always gets his mark. If you are on his list pray that it is for the SPD, otherwise make sure your affairs are in order.
Stanley Rodgers (Ringmaster): The next member of this team is one I am quite close to – The Ringmaster. Let me tell you, it’s a good name given that our family can be quite the show. I do believe it refers more to the circles of hell he controls with his blasts of fire, but I’m not sure. Stanley is the mage to look up to when it comes to being a true runner. I remember when I first started if I wasn’t dodging his blasts (you really do need to calm down on the whole cop thing) I was trying to learn spells and abilities to measure up to him. I’m not there yet (nor will I be there for a long time), but I’m starting to nip at his heels. While there are others who are experts and legends in their own right, Ringmaster comes to mind first. The mage who burns the land leaving it scorched and barren. Another expert hivebuster Ringmaster lends his decades of experience in working on the streets and infiltrating companies and governments to help remove one of the biggest scourges out there. Recently the bugs have been reawakened in Chicago, which means that his services are going to be needed once more. All the hivebusters, as well as teams capable of helping, are going to be very busy cleaning up the mess of the academics. There has already been a class 3 hive spotted in Seattle (being taken care of), and it is likely that there will be more to come. Thanks to the NAN the bugs plague us all. We are lucky the fires of hell are on our side.
Maxwell Irving (Shadow): Fear of the dark is an understatement with this man. Shadow is one of the most legendary assassins out there on the streets. He is literally the reason every squad car has an ultrasound detector on it. Shadow is a pretty happy man if you meet him most of the time. If you are at the Lantern be polite and buy him a drink. You might just have the opportunity to listen to stories of old operations. Make no mistake he is to be respected, but is generally kind to the newbies. That said, no matter what you do, do NOT become his boss in a job he doesn’t want. I remember more than once that a certain deputy commissioner got punched in an effort to get himself fired. Needless to say the response was promotion, but that is beside the point. The Shadow is one with his namesake and can be anywhere at any time. Day or night matters not to this master of stealth. Every breathing target is nothing more than a mark awaiting death. For those who might be scared you needn’t worry as long as you are not a part of the problem. Shadow, like all of the pack, fights for the people and civilians when they can. Unless you are harming the innocent or oppressing the people you have nothing to fear. I know nobody believes me, but it is part of the reason why they became police officers.
Harvard Little (Listener): The Listener, one of the few political runners who can hold his own on both the battlefield and in the boardroom. Though I imagine it was obvious that he was able to do far better than hold his own as a member of The Pack. Senator Little is a rarity in the world of the runner (regardless of generation and experience) in that he is not only working for the people in terms of his missions, but as well in terms of legislation. When Seattle became independent, a time I remember quite well, Senator Little was working his hardest to push the congressional component of the separation into high gear. Politicians are often nearly impossible to get moving, but he and his compatriot Senator Mitchell were able to get us the laws and regulations we needed to exist. I know that this sounds strange coming from a criminal, but despite what most people think we do understand the need for order – just outside of whatever it is we need to do. In terms of politicians who care for the citizens Listener is one of the best. If you get the chance, and you are not on mission, sit down and talk to him. You will learn quite a bit not only about the streets, but about the goings of Seattle. The spread of information is how we prevent tragedy and the re-occurrence of history.
Carson Donaldson (Deicide): The dragonslayer, the killer of gods, the slayer of mortals, Deicide resides upon this team as well. All the rumors you have heard? They are likely true. Deicide is a master of combat and an extremely powerful adept. I personally owe Deicide my freedom. When I first started running the shadows my team and I made a minor mistake; we forgot to hide our faces on an operation. We were new and thought we avoided the cameras, but we were wrong. We were on every darn one! Deicide aided us by talking to the city to get the police to give us some breathing room. Without his help I would have likely ended up in jail and we wouldn’t be having this conversation. The same goes for my other teammates. Without him the Harbingers likely wouldn’t exist now. My my, I’ve gotten off track again, my apologies. In any event, the point is that Deicide is not only a monster on the battlefield, but a kind person. Not only to newbies (at the time I was on neutral or worse terms with the entire pack), but to civilians as well. The old statement that he does not take money from jobs? Its true! He takes any proceeds and donates them or gives it back to the poor. He truly shows what it is to be a noble in this day and age. He sets the example to follow and is one of the people that has influenced me directly. I cannot thank you enough Deicide not only for what you did for my friends and I, but for what you have done for Seattle. Next drink is on me!
Nelson Delandre (Ace): If you are looking for a legendary rigger, especially a pilot, you need look no further than Ace. He is the total package when it comes to anything that moves, lifts, drives, swims, hovers, or even just flails. If it can displace itself in space he can operate – with or without his VCR. This man has been fighting the good fight for decades with his fellow wolves. When the pack needs to get somewhere safely and raise hell once they are there Ace is the man for the job. When it comes to the heavy weapons mounted on vehicles there is nobody better and few even remotely as innovative. Whether it’s working alongside the Mechanic or flying solo he rules the skies with fire and death from above. Get in his way and all that awaits is a death befitting someone who has betrayed their fellow American. While he once walked away from the shadows he has fully returned with his team to maintain the peace and safety of the citizens. He has even joined his brothers and sisters on the SPD to be able to fight for the good of all. If you see Ace, and you aren’t an enemy of freedom, buy him a cup of coffee. He works hard for you to live safely, he deserves it.
David Rockford (Postmaster): The Postmaster is another of the interesting members of this team. At the sight of his name you would think he works for Mr. Black, but I can assure you on very good sources he does not. He gets his name from the truck that he built. In fact I remember once long ago (what now feels like decades) after my friend Waldo and I were in a spot of trouble (ma nishtana) and he picked us up to give us a lift to the wilds of the tribes. This is actually where the fated meeting with Blaine took place that would spark the battle of Fort Lewis, but that is another story for another day. It was amazing to see that in what looks like an out of date post office truck scared all of the gangers in the Redmond Barrens to death. They wouldn’t even think of firing on it! It was truly a sight to behold, especially when popping the head of an average Holloweener wasn’t a guarantee with my spells. Aside from his vast experience on The Pack, Postmaster is also a high ranking member of the elite unit The Rough Riders. He fights to protect the nation and restore it to what it used to be. He is a good man with the best in mind for all that reside within the country. Thank you for all that you have done and continue to do!
Albert Armstrong (Orion): This master archer is easily one of the best on the planet. He can hit nearly any target within line of sight as far as the enhanced cyber optic can see. On top of being a member of the pack he is also a dedicated patriot and often seen watching Colonial’s back alongside Forge and Dakota. I remember clearly when I first met Orion was at an unsanctioned gathering on my team’s then current base. Like many, it was lost, though not through any fault of Orion or the individuals there. Our old “pal” Legion decided to set us up. He really does have an issue with me, I think it must have been Waldo who left out one too many dirty towels. His skill helped all those who had gathered (and there were quite a few) to escape alongside the fighting of some of the city’s other best warriors. If you get the chance you should ask Orion about the history of the country. He is one of the few who knows the truth and with his gentle demeanor (off mission) he tells it quite well. As with all the Pack these hunters fight in, well, a pack. Whenever he is around you can be sure that there is another. So, if you see him be extra polite or else your movements might be mistaken for aggression and your life forfeit.
Elliot Ness (Gunslinger): Well, if there was ever a member of this team that I thought was going to shoot me (intentionally that is) this would be him. Remember above I mentioned an operation that Deicide helped keep us out of the Vault for? That one is what caused Detective Ness to begin hunting us. My was that unpleasant. Every time we took a breath he was only a few seconds behind us, and even to this day I get the impression that he was going easy. We lost SO many locations just to rumors on the streets of us being in an area. I shudder to think what would have happened if he hunted us as a runner instead of an SPD cop. Anyway, back on track. The Gunslinger is one the best shots on this planet and only a few can claim to keep up with him. When he is on the streets in gear he is a terror to behold. His speed and skill are world class and nothing can keep him down. I’m glad to now be able to call him an ally, and between the two of us we have enough burners on hand to keep an army going; I will get into that one in the next profile. In addition to being an SPD officer he is a member of the Bounty Hunter’s Guild, the SOTC, and the Texas Elite. He is the total package and if there is something he needs and doesn’t have he has the contacts to get it.
Bernard Beachworth (Ducky): The legendary hunter himself, terror to deckers everywhere. For those who don’t know (and what rock you have been living under I have no idea) Detective Beachworth is the founder known as Ducky. This man and I had quite the rough start. If you have been reading the page you have been following the story of one of my first operations and how these individuals played a part in the fall out (almost as if the winds pushed us together). I jest in the opening regarding deckers, but Ducky is absolutely no joke. He has been Ness’ partner for decades and the two are an incredible combination. Naturally, when Ness was on our tail Ducky was right alongside him. The two are incredible (or terrifying depending on your viewpoint) team to watch. They can anticipate each other’s moves before they happen as if they were family. If you think North and South can’t work together, well these two prove you dead wrong. Ducky does have his drawbacks, though they are also his strengths. You see, he is a very old school police officer. Everything is in paper. EVERYTHING. I had the fun experience of working alongside both of them for a time (though having me in law enforcement was a questionable choice for Seattle). Just know that in staying old school Beachworth has neglected the newer technology. Luckily for him Ness is always around to take care of his phone issues. How he cracked my former rating 64 cred chip BY HIMSELF is beyond anyone’s understanding, but it happened nonetheless. I lost a lot of cred that day, but we have moved past the cat chasing the mouse stage. He may still rib me for it, but I’m glad to know he reaches out a hand to shake and not a cuff to click. Stay safe out there Ducky, if you ever need it (and I can’t imagine a situation where you would) I have your back.
Thomas Kissinger (Gargoyle): Speaking of rocky beginnings, the Gargoyle might be the person who disliked us the most on this team in the beginning. Now, everyone knows that Mr. Kissinger is a world class adept with unique abilities that he has mastered which have taken the world by storm. If there is something you thought only a comic book hero can do, Gargoyle can do it better. Buildings crash and ships sink from his punches and kicks. He can slash a tank in half from distance. He can be anywhere at any time he wants and has the resources and contacts to complete any mission that you can think of. As a member of the Pack he is terrifying, and that fact nearly brought my ragtag group of friends to a halt. You see, in its “infinite” and infamous wisdom, the streets decided of their own accord that the Gargoyle should join the Harbingers. Not from our input, and certainly not from his mind you. Needless to say the professional and highly regarded adept did not think membership in our team was what he deserved, and was very unhappy that his reputation had been linked to ours in any way. For a long time my policy with the Gargoyle was to stay out of sight to stay as far out of mind as I could. Recently, he has extended the olive branch and allowed me to mend fences for which I am grateful (I truly had nothing to do with the rumor and debunked it at every opportunity). In addition to being a terrifying member of the Pack, Gargoyle is also one of President Davis’ top operators in the Sons of the True Confederacy. He brings his knowledge and skill to their organization to keep the southern half of the continent safe and in order. A force that keeps chaos in check.
William Gunn (Digger): Here is one of the Pack I became close to first, blood relations not included. The Digger was kind enough to take me under his wing early on in my career. I’m not sure why, but I’m both grateful and thankful for it. To this day he is the only member of the Pack I have had the honor of going on a mission with. Though it was short, I will never forget the day I learned to properly use a shovel. As a runner and operator Digger is an absolute legend. During the now over (thank goodness) shadow wars nobody was willing to take action against the Digger. I remember hearing the story of how he and Raven took out Midnight and Rogue (well, sort of). Now, don’t get me wrong, I respect the Next Generation runners very much, but even they recognized that revenge against the Digger would be a poor idea. This actually marked one of the more polarizing events of that tragic past. Luckily that has ended, for we all must fight as one. I personally believe that Digger was one of the runners that helped end the war that should have never been. Without his compassion and understanding (outside of missions) influencing the outcome it is possible that we would still be killing each other. He is a man to respect and someone I am proud to call a friend.
Horatio Schiff (Misfit): The fiend himself Misfit is next. I have to say, I remember when this man was one of the many police stalkers our little crew had attracted. In fact, it reminds me of a story from back when I first joined the operators of the dark. Waldo and I were out and about for some reason (I don’t remember why or what we were doing – we always seemed to find the most trouble when we were actually obeying the laws) and we were chased down by, you guessed it, Detectives Beechworth and Ness. It was then that I finally realized that my power focus was giving me away (poor little circle 1 me couldn’t mask my slightly higher equipment – those were the days) and so Waldo and I split up. I gave him my ring and we put distance between us to stop it from giving off a signal. Then, in what would be the first of many MANY phones, we crushed our pocket secretaries in order to stop being traced. You see, there was actually a time I didn’t know what a sat-pack was. You would think my family of world famous runners would have taught me, but you would be wrong. So, we each hailed Jonny cabs to be on our way. I, in my newfound paranoia, decided to take the pavement instead. Waldo got into his cab and was greeted with a custom screen. This was our first introduction to the Misfit. Lets just say Waldo ended up jumping out of the cab… The Misfit himself (police work aside) is a legend among deckers. He is one of the very heavily sought after deckers that can actually go on an operation in person and fire back (much like the Hound). He has toppled entire companies with only the thought of a keyboard stroke. There isn’t a system that has been built he can’t get into. He is even one of the deckers trusted fully by the Patriots, and that organization is picky to say the least with who is allowed in and out. He is a good man who works hard to save the people of this city both on and off duty. If you are out to hurt Seattle or her people beware, but otherwise the Misfit will not bother you. He doesn’t run a lottery on who he zeros every hour or so…
Vivian Shallows (Medusa): Medusa, Queen of the Streets. In a world often considered dominated by men she stands tall, proud, and feared. If she has decided to watch over an individual, she keeps them as if they were her own child. I thank the heavens that she took someone I met recently under her wing long ago and kept her safe, but that is an unrelated story. Medusa brings her morals (yes, street samurai – contrary to popular belief – can and often do have morals and ethics) to her work in the police force for the city. Any reputable runner (at least that I know) in the shadows despises sex criminals, child abusers, and any form of torturing those incapable of defending. I’m not saying we don’t go in and remove targets, but I am saying that under normal circumstances most of us will refuse to kill a child, let alone violate a target for no reason. Within the Vice Department there is no more staunch an ally to someone who has been unjustly hurt. She uses her skills as both a detective and a runner to keep our most fragile as safe as possible. If you are reading this and are being abused, call SPD. They will get you to safety, and if you are lucky she is the one who will be on scene.
Vivian Shallows was killed in the line of duty protecting the good people of Seattle, she will be forever missed by everyone that got to know her. Rest In Peace Medusa may you finally find the rest you so deserve.
I’m so sorry there was nothing we could do when you needed us the most. My wife may not have a biological mother anymore, but to her when she spoke to me you were always mom. From the bottom of my heart I hope you can rest in peace until we meet again one day in whatever is next. To you Medusa!
Fredrick Gallows (Hollow):
Quinton James (Hook):
Lester Crane (Apex): Apex, the man at the top of the food chain. If you thought Stamps was rough to deal with and nearly unstoppable, meet his older brother. For those who don’t know, older usually means stronger and it is scarily the case here. Now, I respect Stamps from the bottom of my heart. Not only is he fearsome on the battlefield, but he is basically family (you may have overheard me call him Uncle Arthur if you have been around the Lantern). That said, Apex is a cut above. He taught Stamps much of what he knows and at a young age to boot. He has been at this game of hunting for much much longer than most. He has gotten so good at stealth that he seems nearly intangible when he doesn’t want to be seen and has been said to move like the wind itself. This doesn’t mean he is unpleasant though. When I recently unlocked some new abilities he was kind enough to help guide me along with a few others so that I didn’t get overtaken by it, for which I will be forever grateful. While Apex is kind in person, do NOT get in his way on a mission or you will cease to exist. He is a crack shot, a fearsome hand to hand combatant, and few can keep up with him when he wields a weapon. He makes cotton balls seem frightening. However, like most on the pack and from Texas, as long as you aren’t Mexican, Native American, Elven, or a UCAS supporter he probably won’t bother you – though that is a long list of dislikes…..
Henry Tudor (Piper): Uncle Tudor, I didn’t know you were on here! Just kidding, I knew. Man, it’s weird to say that name; probably my dad’s fault… So here we are, the mad poet! In truth I haven’t gotten to spend much time with this man as a runner. I do, however, remember him from much earlier in my life (though recent events beg the question just how long ago that was). Uncle Tudor is not just a poet, but THE mad poet. He runs Piper radio to inform those happening upon his broadcast the truth. Now, I know you may not believe him because he is a member of The Pack, but his broadcasts are legitimate. He may not keep the pedigree of Mr. Boston, but that is only due to the fact that he gets out into the field and gets his hands dirty. Why? To help save those who would otherwise be prosecuted or killed for reasons that are unjust. Let us be serious for a moment about this. I believe there have been enough people on this site explaining the atrocities of the UCAS for everyone to know that it is a legit claim. You may not have felt them personally or agree with our ideology, but there are still terrible things going on. I was a Hand general for crying out loud! I saw atrocities every day. My colleagues and superiors committed them and I’m sure I played my part unwittingly in some (though I did do my best to keep my ethics – look at the logs). However, I can say that we never used child soldiers that were mind controlled or scheduled to blow up by not fighting. We may have forced the masses through fear, but we didn’t control their minds or poison the food (except maybe Demon). We may have been scumbags, but we helped the disabled. There were some (at least for a time) redeeming qualities about The Hand. The UCAS has none. Not one. Until the new management started to take over it did nothing but butcher and coerce its people into dying for no reason. Piper shows this to spread knowledge to the masses. Please, listen to his broadcasts. Don’t be a sheeple.
Violet Meisner (Ultra Violet): Well cuz, you are the first I have to write a second bio about. Considering Colonial asked me to continue my writing after this page (bad news for some, great for others… mostly bad on second thought I guess), I’m gonna write this one up since you are more than cool enough for two. However, most people I will probably just link back to wherever I posted the first one. I don’t have that many stories for some of our busier runners – they are too busy to hang out with a low ranking newbie like me. Ultraviolet though? She is cool enough to pull double duty with the best of the best and still find time to grab a drink and swing in a spar. I already talked about her vehicle, but I didn’t talk about what might be one of the funniest events in recent history. You see, Ultraviolet likes to help train the newbies sometimes and Ethan, well, he likes to ask questions. I remember the time he got knocked out at the Easter party, but that’s a different story. In this one, Base 12 was looking to learn some new adept abilities. Ultraviolet offered to teach him, so he took her up on it. He asked her to teach him slow fall, so she took him up to the roof for lessons. Well, Base 12 was thinking with his age and not as a runner, so the look on his face when she shoved him off the roof was priceless. I nearly peed my pants. It looked like one of those scenes out of that old animation show with the Acme products (another fun memory, but I digress). Well Violet, that was funny. Maybe one of these days you can teach/torment me with a skill. Stay safe out there!
Salazar “Zayde” Hollister (Cobbler):
The Wolf Pack is full of professional runners from all walks of life, and these killers have bound together to fight a growing threat to the way of life of the runner some of these people are risking there freedom with violating the terms of the Pardon Program. This team is nothing to shack a stick at, they are all lethal to the core and alone can be more then a handful but as a pack they become a force for the ages. I am uncertain of any currently known runner team that can stand up to the Wolf Pack if this turns into another runner war, the Wolf Pack will surly be the last team standing in that case. When one says you should fear the howl of the Wolf Pack in this case that statement is all but a reality, you need to be somewhere else when the Wolf Pack is on the prowl. This runner team is currently classified as a mercenary unit keeping them within the boundaries of the law, though everyone knows they are nothing but a violent band of shadowrunners wearing the mask of mercenaries. Soon enough there pardons will be stripped and they will be like everyone else, and hunted like the dogs they are.
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