The Riders
of the
The Cajun Cavalry is a unique group of spies, assassins, and warriors this group can do it all and then some and they have been working together for quite sometime. We were lead to believe that the Cajun Mafia was the real problem within the world and yet the bayous hide the real threat and is the water snakes of the Cavalry. This group has a interesting past as they are all trained and veteran Sentinels having fought alongside the Ghost Division in their greatest of all battles and thus forming a bond that will last generations.
Now this order of five seems to be modeled heavily after the Horseman seeing that we now know that the Four Horseman have a fifth member within Dover Barton; though we are supposed to simply focus on the main four. This seems to be the trickery here as well, we are supposed to believe that the Cajun Cavalry is just four and we are to forget about the fifth that slinks within the shadows and remains forgotten till his sword s driven into the backs of their enemy.
Well thankfully do to our informants and contacts before they went silent we learned about the fifth and we learned about the Cavalry and how they operate. Seems that the leader of this group is Shelby Malone aka Slicer with Sid Malone being the second in command and the others being rank and file and Edwin being the secret blade in the dark. One would think that Shelby would have been the hidden knife in the back seeing he is a trained CIA/NSA assassin and agent unlike the others that are more front line and more political.
I assume that if your known as Black Death that kinda puts you in the front of the back of this inbred family seeing the Cajun Cavalry are all family and we know how they do things in the south. Also being the direct hand and pupil of Wilhuff Palpatine does garner benefits I guess, they as well have a twisted view of what being loyal to the Bayou State means seeing that they all served within a British military unit and garnered contacts and allies from across the pond. I thought the Cajuns hated the English and sucked on the tit of the French, well it seems these Cajuns are fakes and must be northerners masquerading as southerners seeing they have never once helped the south.
The Cajun Cavalry also refereed to s the 501st UFF whatever that means, and we can’t find any currently active or previous military or government order that uses the letters UFF…and we looked. Must be something that they learned from Wilhuff and his but buddies within the Horseman. The 501st UFF have been a major part in the success of the Horseman’s STAGE 5 and seem to have really angered our contacts seeing they were foaming at the mouth about the Horseman and the Cavalry….makes me wonder why they are so focused on the Harbingers as of late.
This order just like the Horseman have infiltrated the legal government to tear down the structure from within and as they say “watch it burn” well the Cavalry has helped throw the torches on the fire. Seems that even within the Confederate South their are patriots and I wonder why they are so angry about President Davis having Confederate Cells in the north seems like simple karma here…I guess we now know who the real power player is here and it’s Wilhuff and not Colonial.
All roads seem to lead back to Wilhuff and the great manipulation he was playing, was he really mind controlled as he claims, and if so how was he able to put together this squad and maintain the Horseman all while working directly for the UCAS and our hero Legion. This doesn’t make any sense and again where does Bilbo and Tic Tac fit in and why have they too been suckling on Wilhuffs dick. Even General Ralph Rivers seems to be part of the long con seeing he accepted Wilhuff, Ben, Jeffrey and Sid onto his team of Harbingers and allowed the Horseman and Cavalry into the Elite and whats worse I-Corp
Seems that General Rivers and Chancellor Palpatine are working together to destroy the free world and establish themselves as the New World Order…it’s the only thing that makes any sense. Seeing that he is now reunited with his brothers NJ and Elliot with the Palpatines working together as well this screams we were fooled into believing that the Brothers Grimm where the real legacy of terror but yet they all serve either Wilhuff or Ralph….now we have the Malone family in the fray and everything starts to make sense. Palpatines, Rivers and Malones are looking to rule the known world and they need their stormtroopers of the Brothers Grim and DiCane’s to do their dirty work while they all sit high and mighty on the throne….well your secret is out and we in the Demure will expose the truth……………………………….BLACK DEATH PROGRAM INITIATION……YOUR SCREWED BRIAN….AT YOUR AGE DEATH IS NOT ANSWER……..YOUR AUTO EJECT IS SEALED AND MILITARY POLICE WILL BE KNOCKING ON YOUR DOOR IN 5,4,3,2,1 NOW………..YOU WILL BE ARRESTED AND TRIED FOR TERRORISM AND TREASON…….BLACK DEATH IS COMING FOR YOU ALL……………ENJOY PRISON HOPE THEY DON’T HANG YOU FOR BEING STUPID……..
The Cajun Cavalry
Arnold Malone (Schoolmaster):
Edwin Malone (Crawdad):
Shelby Malone (Slicer):
Rudolph Malone (Gentleman):
Sid Malone (Dump Shock):
Abbot Malone (Warrant):
The Apprentices of the Cavalry
Herschel Meisner (Rabbi):
Gordon Meisner (Frostbite):