Legion Of Doom
Well it seems this informational website has been hijacked by those ignorant little bastards within the Demure and they seem to thrive on misinformation, propaganda, and gaslighting their readers…as well as themselves. They love to spew hate and dangerous lingo towards those on this page that are fighting for each and everyone of you and send praise to those that wish to enslave, harm, or downright murder you. So it seems that it is only fitting that someone strikes back and post a page about those that the Demure seem to enjoy coddling and blowing sunshine up their collective asses, so welcome to the Legion of Doom a name coined by a friend of mine and it does seem fitting for this rogues gallery of pains in the asses to the collective freedom and safety of all reading this and if you don’t understand that well…
Now where to start with the Legion of Doom and why the vast majority of the free world have gathered in kind to rise up against those that dream of world domination and the destruction of everything that we hold dear. Let’s first be abundantly clear traitors are just that traitors and some of these people once fought on the right side of history and for some reason or another chose to side with the enemy and we in the resistance have felt there sting of betrayal in one way or another and hold no love loss for those that turned there backs on their allies, friends, and agencies that they once served. There betrayal was a shock but seriously not a surprise, some more shocking then others as is the case with Woodrow McDaniels but a melomaniac will always be looking out for themselves first and foremost, and in some cases they are simply playing the long con and waiting to the exact right moment to drive the dagger of betrayal into the backs of their once friends.
Why do we fight against these people and why do we risk everything to bring these people to justice or an early grave, well first off they are not seeking freedom, liberty, and democracy for all; they are seeking a totalitarian government, where they rule over us like monarchs and we serve like peasants. They have but one use for the people of this world and that is serve the masters and be good little worker bee’s for them and further their control, rule, and there wealth creating an an even deeper division within this world and through the use of propaganda, populism, and the suffering of the masses they can keep the people divided and ignorant; they need the people to be focused on each other and they need the world to be divided if they have any chance of succeeding in there end game.
What is there end game? Well that is easy, total domination and enslavement of the innocent. To them we all have a price tag on our heads, we are only worth what we are capable of producing for them in the form of hard labor, service, or simply spreading misinformation. The Legion of Doom is a global threat but first and foremost it’s a serious threat to the NAA (North American Alliance) and there focus has been primarily on North America though the rest of the free world isn’t safe either as they seek total domination of the free world. There tyranny will know no bounds and they won’t stop till all bow down to them as the true masters of the universe…or as I like to say “Monsters of the Universe”. The UCAS has already witnessed what happens when evil is allowed to prevail as the Legion of Doom succeeded in usurping a free and fair election through the use of populism, state media networks, and misinformation. Wake up UCAS you have already felt the sting of betrayal and allowed the rise of a Totalitarian Christian Nationalist government when Eric Sounds successfully staged a coup and stole the Presidency for himself and the Legion of Doom.
If it wasn’t for those that refuse to submit and bow down to a dictator the UCAS would still be under the thumb of a Christian Nationalist imposing there twisted religious views upon all of you. They relied on the division they sowed through the UCAS FIRST movement, the Neon Church, and Axis of Evil to have the people do their bidding in blind obedience; they used the peoples fear and disdain for constant war, the fear of the unknown, and the peoples own xenophobia towards their neighbors to cause an insurrection; and once the people placed Eric Sounds in power all was nearly lost in a blink. The people divided are a people enslaved, we must never forget that it’s “We the People” and not who screams the loudest this is how we end up under minority rule and tossing our hard fought democracy out of the window.
The Legion of Doom is unlikely alliance of like minded terrorists that are hellbent on world domination and thrusting each and everyone of you into a totalitarian government were they are in command and rule over their subjects with an iron fist. Now as for their motivations and directives, well that varies but the end game is the same; Woodrow is seeking total domination through governmental control were Englewood is seeking domination through a religious theocracy…the two men couldn’t be further divided in their ideology but their end game is the exact same. This stands true for the rest of the members of the Legion of Doom so don’t be fooled by their lip service and their claims of “Freedom for All” cause freedom and liberty is the last thing they are actually seeking.
Meet the Enemy
Woodrow McDaniels (Mr. Black):
Victor Salazar (Commodore):
Paul Englewood (Reverend):
Edward Davis (Powder Keg):
Errol Huntingdon (Legion):
Seymour Kissinger (Economist):
James O’Brian (Ghost):
Yale Yates (Pharmacist): The Pharmacist once a loyal member of the Brothers Grimm and elder of the Yates family, turns out that Yale here was unable to adapt to the times, his growing family, and his status as elder being usurped by the likes of Wilhuff Palpatine. Yale as a family man was never that, he was a man of science, revenge, and simply trying to keep the status quo within the Brothers Grimm and to this he ultimately failed. Known for injecting his kin with toxins and forcing them to come up with the antidote or suffer the consequences, a man that suffered greatly during the holocaust and truly never learned from his experiences…or history.
This once apprentice of Wilhuff Palpatine became obsessed with genealogy and genetics, he became obsessed with the fringe and problematic scientific theory of eugenics and wanted to breed the perfect offspring to serve within his quest for revenge and eventual domination of the free world through the creation of the perfect race…seems like Yale the once prisoner of the Nazi’s had become obsessed with their ideology and turned that work inward on his own family, though some say he was already working on the eugenics long before the rise of the Third Reich. Yale would decide that the Brothers Grimm were a failed experiment, his family had failed his tests and trials, and grew frustrated with the return of his mentor and family elder Wilhuff Palpatine and joined forces with the Legion of Doom.
Yale is responsible for the murder of multiple members of the Brothers Grimm, the guiding of his great grandson Anakin Yates, and aiding in the creation of the FTW (Fuck The World) Tribe, his work can be felt throughout the free world and he has aligned himself directly with his mentors former agency the Freedom Task Force (FTP) and worked directly alongside Woodrow McDaniels in an attempt to tear down both the President’s Men and the King’s Men. Yale currently sits as the commander in chief of the Freedom Task Force and has begun his own purge and ethic cleansing program…seriously for a Jewish man that was once a prisoner of the Nazi’s during the Second World War, oh how far he has fallen. Yale’s quest for creating the perfect race, the perfect offspring has never ceased and once again he has his eyes on those that call Wilhuff Grandpa.
Mary Sue (Titania):
Devil Yates (Nebuchadnezzar): (Missing)
Solomon Grimm (Hypothermia): (Missing)
Harvard Nantucket (Postman):
Arthur McGowan (Duke):
Conrad Brass (Bullseye):
Eric Sounds (Quisling):
Mary Church (Bloody Mary):
Kris Kringle (Old Nick):
Joshua DiCane (Frogger):
Christopher Mulligen (Banker):
Mortimer Krieghoff III (Howitzer): The Howitzer has been deleted and removed from the genepool, this man served as Greater Seattle Metro’s illegal mayor…or Governance of the Usurpers for over a decade. His death isn’t a tragedy but a time to celebrate…though we still have work to do and countless more debts to be paid in full. This is a win for the rebellion and a win for the NAA, now lets get back to work and start deleting more of these bastards and remove the ultimate threat they pose to personal liberty, freedom, and democracy.
Alden Humphreys Markov Compton (Nosferatu):
Mathew James Smith Sr (Father):
Lord Reaper:
Cardinal Edmonton Villanova:
General Ulysses ” William” Stryker:
Barbra Easton (Dollmaker):
The Henchmen
Seth Mackintosh (Hyena): Yes this fucker is still alive and well!!
Eleonor Krieghoff (Arsonist):
Real Name Unknown (Glitch):
Curtis Wilson (Abuser):
Jose Diego (Microfiche):
Alex Winter (Arcade):
Ronald Gibson (Pennywise):
Charles Compton (Kindred):
Richard “Rudolph Hess” Clark (Zookeeper):
Real Name Unknown (Apprentice):
The Known Groups & Orders of the Legion of Doom
Neon Church:
The Loyalists:
Free Bird:
Freedom Task Force (FTP):
Hunters Club:
The False Hand:
This is one that can be a bit confusing as the Death’s Hand is still around today after the death of it’s supreme leader Alexander Church. After the death of Alexander the Death’s Hand spilt into to two separate factions one commanded by Peter Macbeth of Iceland and the other commanded by Kris Kringle of India with both sides at war with each other. The Death’s Hand or the Real Hand commanded by Macbeth is not the same agency that it used to be, Macbeth was one of the rebels that helped usurp Alexander and free the Hand from his quest of world domination. Where the False Hand commanded by Kris Kringle simply picked up where Alexander left off and in many cases is far worse then Alexander could ever have been. Now the Death’s Hand is not an order that is all that good and they have their issues that Macbeth is working through and I don’t agree with their tactics but I can’t call the Macbeth chapter of the Hand as evil and part of the Legion of doom.
Though the False Hand under Kris Kringle I can fully and truthfully state is pure evil and those that serve the False Hand are seeking world domination, genocide, and total domination of the people through fear of reprisal. Kringle has already proven that he is pure evil and able to perform the needed duties of being the Supreme Commander of the False Hand, he has totally dominated and enslaved the country of India, opened slave camps, breeding camps, and death camps throughout the country; he has destroyed every aspect of their culture, religion, self worth, and is well on the way to a mass extinction event of the people of India. Since the days after the fall of the Death’s Hand when the Stormriders removed their masks and drove their blades into the command at great risk to their own lives, Kringle and others within the command structure slithered into the shadows only to remerge stronger then before.
Kringle has managed to move his empire into Eastern Europe, Africa, and the Middle East; He simply picked up where Alexander and the others left off and subjugated the people with ease once again. He quelled any rebellion in the nations and butchered ten’s of thousands of civilians in the first few months, Kringle’s Indian Empire was simply to fierce, to well equipped, and to vast for any remaining resistance force to stand against and as quick as he rolled into the territory he seized control and proclaimed himself the Supreme Commander of the Death’s Hand (False Hand) with his sights set on eradicating the remnants of Macbeth’s Hand. Over the last eleven years (2074-2085) the two factions have been waring and Europe has been engaged in a bloody world war and a fight for their own survival against Kringle and the Legion of Doom. His greatest enemy and Europe’s greatest ally has been Macbeth and the Death’s Hand (Real Hand) as they fight to undo the damage caused by Alexander and for the survival of the free world.
Now Macbeth might be on the right side of history now, but never forget he once served under Alexander and was known for his brutality; though those days seem to be behind the old Viking and he has seen the evil that he once served and is trying to undo the damage that he and the others once caused. The Death’s Hand once stood for independence, self reliance, and freedom from corporate control; they once stood on the right side of history and were a great ally to all freedom fighters. Macbeth is once again trying to restore the honour of the Hand and return it to what it once stood for, though he has a lot of work to do and a lot to answer for before the world will forget about the days of Alexander…just remember that when dealing with the Hand there are two factions Macbeth V Kringle and I would prefer to stand alongside Macbeth than be enslaved by Kringle.
Frogger’s Youth:
Black Dragons:
Tir Na Nog:
Axis of Evil:
The Eagle:
Black Dogs:
FTW Tribe:
Aries Arms:
Cyro Corp:
Red Rose:
River Kids: