The Horror Squad: This group is probably the most frightening of all runner groups since they have zero interest in being shadowrunners. They have one goal and cause; to kill and create terror. These runners have taken on the likenesses of the Horror movie creatures of the last century with frightening accuracy. They have sworn complete loyalty to the HRM and have made for a very scary alliance as the leadership knows exactly how to use these killers. No member of this squad is to be considered human and should be avoided at all costs. You can’t outrun a member of this squad and they will never sign your autograph book. They will kill you and bathe in your blood. I have personally seen Voorhees in action once from a very safe distance. I still have nightmares today about it. All I can do is call SPD and worn them that one of these killers is loose, even SPD will tell you to not be a hero and retreat to a very safe distance.
Known Roster: Voorhees, Myers, Leather Face, Fisherman, Candy Man and Wishmaster
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