Emerald City Defenders (ECD)
This gathering of runners is less a team of shadow operators, then a team of like minded patriots. The ECD have gathered under the leadership of the infamous Raven to keep a watchful eye over the tides of war. Raven has hand picked his defenders and these shadow warriors have all been tasked with keeping a watchful eye over the comings and going within the shadows of Seattle. Raven is concerned with the sudden increase in federal agents, military presence and the increase of UCAS loyalists growing with each passing day that the city will crumble unto itself and once again fall victim to the tyranny of the False Flag.
He decided that it was time to gather a small unit of soldiers from all walks of life to be the guardians of the city and keep tabs on those that wish us all harm, this unit is less a armed militia then a vigilant watch group. Though don’t forget these are all hardened veterans of the shadows and can and will defend themselves to their fullest capabilities. The ECD has gathered and the streets couldn’t be safer during this most troubling time under the watchful eye of Raven and his flock.
Though be cautious of this unit, they are all armed and very dangerous and have been tasked by Raven to stand opposed to the furtherance of tyranny within the boarders of the Emerald City. This means this unit will do whatever they need to do to guarantee to sanctity of it’s citizens and administration from the choking grasp of the False Flag. They may act as the ever observing eye, but they will have no issues with becoming the sudden gaze of death. This unit are all very dedicated to the cause and they will do whatever it takes to protect the Emerald City from any further invasion, the ECD has decided to pick up the slack the police department doesn’t have the time or resources to handle. Remember their eyes are open and now so should yours, all it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.
“I grow weary of all the intrusion from the False Flag, they will not rest till the last of us has been killed. We the citizens of Seattle need to gather as one and stand united as the last line of defence under the crushing grip of oppression. This my citizens is what the Emerald City Defenders are for, we are here to keep you free of the oppressive grasp of the False Flag, we are here to lay our lives down in defence of lady liberty and your right to live free. This is our America, this is our City and this is our Lives, and for freedom to triumph against tyranny we must risk everything.” (Howard Crowley <Raven> 12/27/73)
The Emerald City Defenders
Raven: Mr. Crowley is a long time native of the Emerald City and has been working within the shadows for many decades. This hunter and killer has become reborn after his return to service do to the increase of UCAS presence within Seattle, Raven calls this city home and personally has felt the destructive nature of the False Flag numerous times. He has watched as his neighbours, friends and kin have been murdered, wrongfully arrested and butchered by the tyrants of the False Flag. He has watched a the city he loves so dear, has fallen to the wayside and the people oppressed and forced to exist within a dystopian society as their liberties and freedoms are stripped away with each passing day. Raven can sit by no longer and he has gathered some of the cities best shadow warriors to observe, report and protect the citizens from the tyrannical control of the UCAS. This gathering is his brain child and as the days go by, Raven keeps adding warriors to his roster and proves that even the criminals are not above patriotism and have a sense of pride for the city they call home.
Owl: Another shifter and world class journalist that has joined the ECD, Owl is a great hunter of the truth and has no fear of his actions. He is not above murder as he considers it nothing more than natural selection and he is a predator, tough for Owl he also values the truth and his freedom to both report the truth and as well live free of oppression. He has been working alongside the rebels for many years and helping with their destruction of the False Flag from the sidelines for many years, though for Owl everything became personal when his home would come under assault and the government would prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are the tyrants they have been accused of. Owl already new of their tyranny but this was all the verification this life long journalist needed. Raven contacted Owl about taking to the skies over Seattle to protect the people and defend the city from the illegal occupation of the UCAS. Owl didn’t need to be asked twice and has since turned many a soldier of the False Flag into nothing more then owl pellets.
Edge: Edge is one very angry runner and his frustration is aimed directly at the tyrants of the UCAS, he has been working within the criminal world for most of his life and yet he still holds Seattle close to his heart. This legend calls Seattle home and will give his life to see the people free of the oppression bestowed upon them by the UCAS. Edge sought out Raven when he heard of the formation of the Defenders and has been ever so vigilant since, he and his fellow Helix member Quickdraw both serve within the ECD and Edge will not rest till every last taint of the UCAS has been removed from Seattle and the people are free once more. He will never allow this great city to fall and he will never again sit by and do nothing as evil men triumph, Edge is a true patriot and has been extremely proactive in his defence of Seattle and her people.
Woodsman: The Woodsman lives within the outskirts of the city itself, but he is still within the Seattle proverb and has been keeping a keen eye on the events as they unfold around him. He violently defends his region from anyone he considers a defiler and will send their bodies back neatly filleted and carved up like one would deer after a hunt. This man has already felt the destructive forces of the UCAS and holds no love loss for the false government. The Woodsman would join the Defenders in order to keep Seattle and its wilderness free of the evils of the False Flag. This man uses his pets to bring down the enemy and his axe is the last thing many in the UCAS military ever see as they traverse his territory. The Woodsman is a bit of a recluse, but he considers those in the Defenders to be his brothers and will fight to his death to defend anyone of them. He is not a man that has any concern about keeping people alive and he see’s those that serve the False Flag as less then human, this includes sympathizers, loyalists and even the Natives of the NAN. The Woodsman lost everything in a blink of an eye and he has been on a quest of revenge ever since, so do yourself a favour Stay The Hell Out Of The Woods!
Gargoyle: The master ninja that is so feared that even other clans won’t move against the Gargoyle, and even the Yakuza is willing to loose money and resources than dare tangle with the Gargoyle. This shadow warrior has called Seattle his home for many years, though his heart may reside elsewhere. The Gargoyle has proven to be a valuable member of the Wolf Pack and now he has taken his patriotism to the next level and joined up with the ECD. The Gargoyle is a master assassin and hunter of man, he has been training his entire life to bring down the False Flag and watch as the UCAS burns in a blazing effigy. So when he was given the offer to join the ECD as the representative from Seattle foremost team the feared Wolf Pack, he wouldn’t bat an eye and gladly accept the challenge of rendering the UCAS extinct within Seattle. This is a challenge that shouldn’t taken lightly as the bodies will begin to pile up in the morgue and the police are to afraid to move against the Gargoyle.
Fallout: This man has been pushed to brink and straight over the cliff by the False Flag so when the offer came to him to join the ECD Fallout jumped at the chance. He is a seasoned mercenary, who has been fighting against the UCAS since it’s inception and has a personal vendetta to settle with the agents of the Flag. Fallout is a dedicated patriot and a man that can’t allow tyranny to exist within the once great land of America. He knows that the landscape has been ruptured and scarred by the actions of both sides since the Great Tragedy, but for Fallout it’s not about the restoration but the reconstruction of a failed system. He fights and patrols the cities streets to keep the citizens safe and protected from the harm that lurks within the shadows. He stands in direct defiance of the False Flag and will never allow a citizen to suffer under the corrupt regime; as long as their is a breath in Fallout’s body he will remain on-guard and will fight to his last dying breath.
Toad: The youngest of the Yates family has really proved that even the youngsters are dedicated to the cause and wish to live free of the tyranny and escape the dystopia that has been handed to him. Toad willingly joined the ECD and has forgone his youth and teenage years, to be a soldier for freedom. This teen is a shinning example of what the youngsters are capable of if pushed to far, the UCAS has plagued his family for decades and even took his mothers life, giving Toad every reason to keep fighting against the traitors of America and Seattle. This city is is home and he was born and raised right here in Lynnwood so for Toad the UCAS occupation is personal and his Yates blood will not allow him to remain silent anymore. This youngster has risen through the ranks quickly and will fight against the enslavement of Seattle till his last dying breath. The Youngest of the Yates proves why the Brothers Grimm are a force to be reckoned with and he is quickly becoming like his adult kinsfolk.
Frodo: Non Seattle native but still quite dedicated to the cause and the fight for freedom, Frodo made quite a stir within his home state of Pennsylvania before fleeing to Seattle to partner up with Harbinger Bilbo. Frodo though would find kindred spirits with Raven, Plymouth, and Toad thus it wouldn’t be long before he would come to call Seattle home and volunteer for the squad Raven was forming. His extreme patriotism and sense of loyalty is what drives Frodo each and every day as he patrols the streets with his fellow Defenders. Frodo has already watched his home town become nothing but a cesspool from the oppression and witnessed the destruction of many of his states great cities as well as the destruction of the Liberty bell and Liberty hall in Philadelphia. He vowed that day to never allow the UCAS to own him and young Frodo has been fighting within the rebellion ever since. He watched his home town and state crumble under the UCAS, you can bet your last dollar he will not allow it to happen here in Seattle.
Captain: Deaths Hand cleaner Captain calls Seattle home when he is not performing the nefarious tasks with the Hand. Though he does hold a very strong and conservative value system, that causes his blood to boil as he watches this mantling of his beloved America. Captain is very patriotic and an extreme nationalist that will not allow the people of Seattle and America to be dismantled and enslaved. This is in direct conflict with his work in the Hand, but for Captain it’s about pride in one’s self, pride in one’s nation and the willingness to die for the cause. Captain has joined the ECD out of frustration and anger towards the UCAS and he lends his experience to the Defenders and prowls the streets looking for the tyrants of the UCAS and when he finds them, the Captain does what he does best and removes the frayed ends. To this Defender all who serve the False Flag are guilty and the punishment is death, so don’t ever expect any mercy from this killer.
Stringer: Dedicated patriot and seasoned reporter Stringer known as the Mad Poet has taken a great interest within the events that plague Seattle nightly and the tyranny of the False Flag. Stringer calls Seattle his home and he has raised his children and grandchildren within the city limits, he has taken up arms against the occupation of Seattle in order to give his kin a future that is not one of dystopia and suffering. He joined the Defenders on the behalf of his friend Raven and all journalists that have been gagged since the rise of the New Order, for Stringer this is personal and he will give everything he has to defend the people of Seattle even if that means he has to lay his life down one day, for Stringer at least he will go to his grave a hero and not coward.
Defender: Well this is one Crane brother that can actually be called a hero, and he tries to follow a non violent path unlike his brothers Stamps and Apex. Though the Defender is a man that if pushed to far will show you why it is not wise to anger a Crane, and with the occupation of Seattle and the False Flags dismantling of the freedom of religion, and as well trying to enslave his flock for their own nefarious plans. The Defender knows the time for non violence has passed and after losing his leg during the Battle of Seattle, he has joined the ECD to aid them in the protection of the people, offer spiritual guidance and give last rites to those UCAS rats that dare to step foot inside Cranes city. He is Texas born and raised but has spent his entire adult life within Seattle, where he has preached peace and forgiveness though for the Defender the gloves have come off when the False Flag assaulted his church on Christmas Eve and murdered many of his congregation trying to frame the rebels. When Defender was approached to join the ECD he signed on the dotted line and joined the ranks of some of cities best to protect her people from unnecessary harm. Defender might not seek the violent outcome, though he is more then prepared to shed blood if it comes to him.
Sandman: The HRM assassin known as Sandman as well calls the Emerald City his home, when he is not off doing God knows what for the HRM. Though for Sandman the one thing he hates more then elves is oppression and the destruction of his beloved America, Sandman has witnessed first hand the rise of the False Flag, survived the purge and nights of blood. This man serves within the Patriots as well as the HRM and when given a chance to defend his home from the UCAS the Sandman like Captain jumped at the chance. Though when it comes to Sandman’s actions with the ECD it’s best not to ask and leave it for the coroners report. As this killer doesn’t see any thing other then False Flag when it comes to a agent of the Flag, supporter or loyalist, to him they are all the same and they deserve the same sentence. Sandman like Captain is often on the prowl looking for False Flag agents to remove. He will never take prisoners and he will lend aid to citizens in need, just as long as their not elven.
Plymouth: Now this is one scary SOB and he has proven on a number of occasions that he despises the UCAS and False Flag. Plymouth gladly joind the ECD when asked by Raven and he hasn’t disappointed in his protection and defence of the cities citizens. Plymouth is another outsider that only resides within Seattle on occasion, tough he has taken a liking to our fair city and I am really not sure thats a good thing since he works for the Caribbean League and seems to have little concern about causing pain and suffering. Though he is fighting on behalf of the city and her people so he can’t be all that bad, wait what am I saying Plymouth is the commander of the Death Squad and can manipulate the very boundaries of life and death. This Defender has been seen killing those associated with the False Flag and then reanimating their corpses and sending the newly risen zombies at their allies, thus perpetuating the cycle. Plymouth is not bound by the same rules of engagement that the UCAS is used to dealing with and he is fully protected by diplomatic immunity, so this voodoo shaman has been given the golden ticket to claim our very souls.
Quickdraw: Hive Buster and leader of Helix, Quickdraw has called Seattle his home for almost two decades and has personally fallen victim to antics of the False Flag as he and his Hive Busters would become enemies of the state and hunted to near extinction. He was also one of the runners involved in the Great Winds of Change operation that would bring to light even further aspects of the False Flag and their allies. Well for Quickdraw after his triumphant resurrection would once again take the fight directly to the belly of the beast and crawl into the depths of hell to fight the enemy of the people. Quickdraw was asked to join the Defenders by his team mate and long time friend Edge, for Quick this was already something he was planning so it was a simple yes and so the mighty Quickdraw, the most deadly of dwarven samurai would take to the prowl and hunt the False Flag like he was a big game hunter and their skulls are his trophy. Quickdraw has left countless False Flag agents deceased and without their heads and spinal column. Don’t expect to be left among the living if Quickdraw encounters you on the street, this Defender subscribes to the same school of thought that Sandman and Captain do; Kill them all and let God sort them out.
Kodiak: Another shifter that has joined the ECD and this one is a real mean bastard that has no care or concern for the lives of the enemy. Kodiak has been drawn into Seattle by the destruction of the environment and the death of many of his kin at the hands of the agents of the False Flag. He considers the UCAS to be the defilers of Mother Earth and will never allow a defiler to survive as they have given that right up the second that tried to murder the planet. Kodiak being friends with Simba was more then willing to lend his friend a hand and fight on behalf of the city and her people from the murderous defilers of the UCAS. Kodiak is fearless and has an ceaseless hunger that can’t be quenched, he has tasted False Flag blood and now he will not stop till he has removed their stain from the soil.
Simba: British national Simba now calls Seattle home after he was exiled from his nation and had his family and pride butchered by the agents of the New Order. Simba has taken to the fight directly against the UCAS not out of his love for America but for revenge he is British after all. Though he does call Seattle home and when the UCAS would begin to occupy the city and start to enslave it’s citizens, Simba took it personal and would once again shed the blood of his enemy. Being a shifter he is friends with others of his ilk, so when Raven confronted Simba about joining the ECD he gladly joined and lurks the urban jungle stalking his prey and this lion has a taste for UCAS flesh. Simba has only his friends in the Defenders left, so this man will fight to the death and he has nothing to loose so you can bet that he will be giving his all in defence of the Emerald City.