US Elite
The Southern
Southern Cross
Special Forces
L-R: Texas Elite, Oklahoma Guard, Tennessee Elite, Mississippi Vipers, Kentucky Freedom Fighters
According to recent reports from within the Confederate States of America there is a serious rift forming within the Sons of the True Confederacy. Reports coming in from Richmond state that President Edward Davis tried to assassinate his long time friend and political alley Jefferson Jones late this afternoon on January 3rd 2075. This event marks the ultimate act of betrayal within Dixieland and sent a direct message to all those that served within the Confederacy that a Dragon is truly not to be trusted.
Prior to the attempted assassination of Jefferson Jones the Vice President of the Confederate American States from 2020 til 2075 and the Regiment General of the Confederate Cavalry Division. Jefferson Jones is the beloved Leader of the south and has even acted as the Confederate President during the time of his friends exile from Dixieland during the years of 2062 till 2073. Jones served the South in the Senate as the US senator from Virginia and was welcomed into the United Canadian American States Senate (UCAS) during the reconstruction process, Senator Jones and Prichard helped destabilise the UCAS political system and allow for the South to rise to both a political and military power in the years after the Civil War (2020-2025).
Jones’s attempted assassination comes after President Davis would learn that many of his trusted generals and governors would defect from the Confederate South and rejoin the Union under the command of General Ralph Rives and General Archibald Kingsbury. They seceded from the Confederacy and would accept President Oliver McKeen and the restoration of the United States of America. This secession would come just hours after the New Years Battle’s and the UCAS’s official deceleration of war on January 3rd 2075.
With many of the southern states feeling the sting of the invasions and conflicts, the regional generals would seek out allies from unforeseen sources. Such as the natives from the Pueblo Nation and the UCAS military under the command of UCAS President River Welsh and Joint Chiefs Chairman General Ralph Rivers and Joint Chief General T.J Harris. With the aid from the UCAS Department of Defence the Confederate States would be able to secure victory and only suffer minimal casualties instead of catastrophic casualties.
The Texas 1st and Virginia 3rd would suffer the greatest losses and yet be the first that President Davis would punish for accepting foreign aid. Col. Randy Towns, CPT Mark Winters, BG Seth Chaplin, and MAJ Thomas Brown where swiftly hanged for treasonous actions for fighting alongside the Native and UCAS forces only hours after the enemy forces retreated from Richmond and Dallas. Vice President Elect August Prichard would speak out against the executions stating that they where unwarranted and uncalled for. The officers hanged where good men and dedicated confederate officers that have served the south proudly and honourably for decades and deserved a hero’s welcome not a broken neck.
The swift executions would lead to a mass defection as the regional generals and governors would fear for their people as well for their own lives at the hands of the Confederate Government. General Emmett Bird of Tennessee, General Wesley Taffer of Florida, General Orson White of Georgia and General Abbot Hayes of Alabama would be the first of the southern commanders to abandon their tyrannical president and rejoin the United States, quickly behind them would be General Lowell Townsend of Virginia, General Phillip King of South Carolina General Johnathan Albert of Mississippi, General Gary Robertson of Texas, General Brook Mansfield of Kentucky and, General Morley Shepherd of Oklahoma; Vice President Jefferson Jones would vacate his elected position after President Davis would try to have him assassinated.
This swift departure would rock the south and the Confederate Government as nearly half of their territory would secede and rejoin the United States, this move would be in the wake of multiple public hangings of many of the states ranking officers and the assassination of other elected officials within the state capitals. These Generals would seek sanctuary within the UCAS and pledge their’s and their states allegiance to General Ralph Rivers and President Oliver McKeen. Governor Taffer has decreed that once the UCAS is disbanded and the USA returns under the presidency of Oliver McKeen he will officially retire from office (Taffer Florida 2008 – 2075) allowing the state to run general election for a new Governor though he will remain in command of the Florida Military Division and remain a figure for the citizens of Florida to look up to.
The other shocking move would come from General Orson White as he would resign from the Georgia division of the Klu Klux Klan and have the State’s attorney and Georgia Law Enforcement begin it’s round up and arresting of the clan members that once served under White. He would strike a deal for immunity in exchange for information leading to the arrest of clan members, this move would be replicated throughout the south and within many of the now exiled states of the Confederacy.
The Sons of the True Confederacy would feel the loss of additional long time loyal members that would fear for their lives under President Davis and would join the US Elite and Sons of Liberty terrors like Franklin Walker aka the Bogeyman, Ted Baker aka Pyre, Herman Plato aka Maestro, Winchester Hatfield aka Thumper, Jeb Trask aka Badger, Benson Trask aka Twister, and Neil Fairfax aka Daytona would all jump ship after Klan members would attempt to assassinate them before they would have a chance to leave the confederacy. General Marvin Jackson aka Bonkers of the Oklahoma Guard would survive his run in with Klan assassins and flee to the Union with many like minded soldiers from the Guard.
Confederate smugglers Chandler Holt aka Buddy, Doc Davis aka Moonshine and Chester Holt aka Buzz would be assaulted by Klan members and slip away into the night. Many other loyal confederate agents where attacked throughout January 2nd and 3rd leaving the confederacy under the command of the Klan and President Davis. Many simply fell in line and stayed put out of fear of their Dragon President.
The people of the south would have their world shattered when Wilhuff Palpatine’s STAGE 5 would go viral and expose the true plans of President Davis and his Final Solution and Final Order. It would expose his plans to rule the south through fear and tyranny, his plans for ethic cleansing, slavery, religious persecution, segregation and the rise of the White Christian Male as the true authority for the South. His plans to fully restore the south to its rightful place in history where they failed in the nineteenth century.
Even his brother Dover Davis aka Polaroid who helped lay the groundwork for his brother’s take over and the rise of the Confederacy would fail to agree with Edwards plans and join their kid brother Reverdy aka Snoopy in the north. Those that stuck around are in for a age of tyranny and slavery under the tyrannical thumb of the raciest leader Edward Davis. STAGE 5 would as well expose Edwards plans of early indoctrination and the planting of sleeper camps throughout the UCAS with the aid of school teacher Crawford Sturgis aka Harley. Sturgis would eventually figure out what his occupation and orders where meant for and he would decide to leave the south as he signed on to restore the history and heritage of the Confederate South not the enslavement of her people and no to spread the Southern Cross across the boarder into the Union.
Crawford would defect to the US Elite in an attempt to redeem himself and work within I Corps alongside one time enemy Wilhuff Palpatine aka Jarred Mitchell. President Davis would expand his outrage and assault many within the CAS and as well within the UCAS, his one time friends and allies Archibald Kingsbury and Woodrow McDaniels would become the next targets as the Confederate States of America would declare war on the Son’s of Liberty, Federal District, UCAS, Brotherhood of Mercenaries and Caribbean League on January 3rd 2075.
The Southern Generals below have all pledged their intelligence and sworn an oath on the Constitution to defend liberty and fight tyranny wherever it stands. They have the blessings of their states and majority of the people that call the south home, not to be ignored is the fact that the south is full of sleeper cells, rebels and Klan members that will remain loyal to President Davis and see Jefferson Jones and the Generals as traitors. They will have no problem taking up arms against the UCAS and fighting till their deaths.
As of January 3rd 2075 the south’s torn asunder and STAGE 5 is continuing to spread like a plague as many citizens are leaving out of fear ad others are being arrested for even opening the files stored within STAGE 5. The Confederate government has decreed that Wilhuff Palpatine is a terrorist and enemy of the state and anyone who harbors him is as well decreed an enemy of the confederacy and shall be arrested and hanged swiftly. Fear is their ultimate goal and one that backfired by causing many loyal southern hero’s to flee to the UCAS and the US Elite under the command of General Ralph Rivers who is number two on the Confederates hanging list with Archibald Kingsbury number three.
UPDATE 17/06/2076:
As of June 17th 2076 the Son’s of the True Confederacy has been disbanded and is no longer legally recognized within the Confederate American States, the bill signed into law on June 17th 2076 would officially decree the SOTC to be a terrorist cell and extreme far right hate group with long standing connections to the Klu Klutz Klan and other extremist groups. The SOTC that remained after Edward Davis’s death would become far more devoted to restoring the Confederacy to it’s former glory and would spark a division within the south. This would lead to further conflicts with the UCAS and the Native American Nations, it would also come to the attention of the CAS government that the former SOTC would be aiding the known criminal Woodrow McDaniels and funding the war effort against the Alexandria.
President Townsend would use the bully pulpit to force the 1st Confederate Congress to pass legislation disbanding and defunding the SOTC and declaring all remaining loyalist members to be enemies of the state. He offered any SOTC member a chance for redemption by allowing them to join the officially recognized and legal Southern Cross Division of the US Elite in an attempt to show solidarity to the people he once commanded and served alongside within the SOTC.
This order doesn’t defund the state run agencies such as the Texas Elite, Kentucky Freedom Fighters, Oklahoma Guard, Tennessee Elite, Mississippi Vipers, Richmond Mud Hogs, Florida Gators, Louisiana 501st, Georgia War Hawks, and the South Carolina 97th Freedom Brigade. Though all agencies within North Carolina, Arkansas, Alabama have been officially defunded and disbanded to make way for the newly funded National Guard units for those states. The other agencies such as the Texas Elite have had their funding increased and have officially recognized as that states National Guard unit, though they all will have to modify their training regimen and enlistment protocols to fit with the newly recognized national military doctrine.
The approved orders will all become part of the Southern Cross Division of the US Elite and will be under the direct command of the newly cemented Joint Chiefs Office within the Richmond Department of Defense with satellite offices in both the Federal District of Columbia and the Waterways Military Compound. The legally elected President will not only be the Commander and Chief of the Southern Cross Division, the president will also be tasked with appointing the Joint Chiefs and selecting the Chairmen of the Joint Chiefs to mirror what the UCAS has within the Pentagon. These men will advise the current President of the Confederate American States and command the various military forces during times of both war and peace.
POTUCAS Oliver McKeen-Jamestown would remark about how fast the CAS is turning over a new leaf and how he is looking forward to working further with POTCAS in the future, in hopes to work towards a reunification of the nation and restore Old World Blues. Though according to POTUCAS Oliver McKeen-Jamestown this is something that will take time and both countries will need to restore the trust within each other first before any reunification can happen but he is hopeful that these new doctrines are a sign of the CAS moving in the positive direction.
POTCAS Townsend has as well decreed that Jerry Haywood and Everest Powell are enemies of the state and wanted for treason, war crimes against the UCAS & CAS, and furthering the incitement of violence and hatred towards Non Caucasians, Non Christians, Magically Actives, and the non humans within the Confederate American States and abroad. POTCAS Townsend to further himself and his administration from the previous southern dictator Edward Davis has decreed that the KKK is a hate group and a domestic terror cell thus outlawing the order that has been around since the first reconstruction period.
This decree will make it illegal for any citizens of the CAS to be part of the Klan and for the Klan to openly recruit, march, and gather within the CAS; this doctrine has not been without it’s issues as the people fear that it’s an affront to freedom of speech, freedom of expression, and the right to gather. Though the main objection comes from those that clam that the Klan is a major part of the Souths history and their entire communities that have been built on the foundation of the KKK.
To this POTCAS Townsend decreed that now is the time for the CAS to move away from it’s raciest and bigoted past, and that there is no place for extremism and hatred in the 21st century. We have been stunted by Edward Davis and blasted back to the 19th century in our mentality, governing and policies and this has led the Confederate American States to fall behind in many aspects including education, technology, magical studies, and our own humanity. He further states that this will take time to undo the damage caused by Edward Davis and this is not an overnight change, he hopes that as the citizens adapt to the new policies and laws that the stain of our past can be left where it belongs in the past.
Now one would think that the Grand Dragon of the KKK within Georgia would have something to say about the targeting of the Klan and declaring it a terror and hate group, well Orson White would not only stand on the stage next to POTCAS Townsend and VPOTCAS Taffer he would openly hand over his leadership robes to them as a show of solidarity. He than took to the microphone and would address the people stating that he has officially left the Klan and would be working alongside the Southern Cross and the CAS Justice Department to help tear down the remains of the Klan within the CAS. He stated that now is the time we move forward and not backwards, I can no longer stand with the Klan and I can no longer support such a hateful organization.
He would continue to speak as he slammed his fist on the podium with a thunderous boom he stated “My anger would be used and twisted against me by Edward Davis, he would use my outrage towards the Union and General Lee’s surrendering to manipulate me. He would plant hatred into my mind and heart, he would keep pulling on my love for the south and my love for my beloved Georgia. He used me to form and gather this group of like minded confederates to keep the Civil War going……little did I know how deep I would end up diving, how many times I would end up in prison for my hate.”
He would continue ” Between Davis and my own hatred towards the Union, I would become deeply invested into the Klan and I would end up doing things I am not proud of today. I would watch as the poison I spewed on behalf of my friend would corrupt the youth and give birth to something that should never have been born. I am sorry for anyone that has been harmed by the Klan and I understand my words are meaningless, but I have paid the price for my actions, and I have since fought for the freedom for all. I am not proud of what I have done, though as the years went by, and the FIP serum kept me alive…..Davis would further twist my mind with his draconic magics and powers, my will was warped and he would simply destroy the southern man that I was and turn me into the hatemonger that I am today. With the death of Davis in 2075, I would be free from his mind warping powers……Now before his death I was slowly changing my views and understanding thanks to the many conversations I would have with the Pale Rider.”
“He would open my eyes to the understanding that we are all created equal within the wheel and how can I hate the magical when I am an adept, how can I hate the non white when I once played with the natives as a child, how can I hate the non Christians when I was raised Jewish……The Pale Rider would remind me of the times we rode together on the plains and protected the Native People from our own government, and he would remind me that it was he and his unit that would spare my life when I put on the grey and served within the Confederate Cavalry. It would take time but he was opening my eyes to Edwards evil and if someone like the Pale Rider can forgive me and welcome me back into circle and help me discover my lost magic……than how the hell can I continue to wear my robe and hood, how the hell can I continue to serve the Grand Wizard and spread his vile hatred to the people of Georgia.”
“I would find myself at a crossroads and as the Pale Rider stated, this is your choice to make Mars…I can’t force you, I won’t force you, and I won’t judge you if you turn around and return to the Klan. Though I know and you know that in your heart lives the kid that hunted and lived with the Apache the one that rode alongside me and my brothers and the one that took a bullet to save an escaped slave. It would take time of self discovery and when I told Davis that I was done with the Klan, when I told him that I would no longer support his hatred and his final solution. That’s when Davis tried to have me killed and even stated that he should have had me gassed in the Auschwitz concertation camp…….this was news to me as I somehow forgot about my service during the World Wars. Davis then simply tried to kill me right than and there and one thing is clear, I am Mars and I am the God of War and Davis didn’t expect this Southern Street Sam to have magic and it would be the gifts rediscovered thanks to the Pale Rider that would allow me to bloody Davis’s nose, nock out a tooth and flee for my life before he ate me.”
“As I ran towards the Waterways Compound I would officially end my time with the Klan, and openly decree that I am not the man I used to be. I am still a work in progress, I have allot of mental damage and programing to undo but if someone like me can have my eyes opened and have my poisoned heart cleansed…..than their is hope for the rest of us, now I know that this is a tall order and will take time. I know that many will never walk away and the poison of the Klan will continue but no this, as long as I am alive, as long as their is breath in me I will tear down the Klan…..I am proud to not only be a Georgian, I am not only proud to be a Confederate, I am proud to be an American…”(He continues to pound the podium as he speaks)
“He would then drop a bombshell on the crowd as he stated that he would be turning down the Joint Chiefs offer as he would be joining the Alexandrian Defense Force and going to fight for freedom once again. He stated that he needs to do this for himself, he needs to do this for his friends, and he needs to do this for his family….Orson would finish with one final slam of his fist into the podium that would cause it to collapse with a rousing and thunderous Oorah!!” (a tribute to his USMC status and a call to all his fellow Marines to join him)
The crowd would be left speechless at the words that Major General Orson White just spoke, what would be even more shocking was when he removed the stars from his collar and handed them directly to POTCAS Lowell Townsend stating that he didn’t deserve them as he didn’t earn them…..they were a left over from Edward Davis for the work he did in the Klan. Mars would walk off the stage a civilian leaving a stunned and speechless Townsend and Taffer, the crowd applauded and song the National Anthem of the United States of America as Orson White left the stage and the building.
Now when it comes to the Southern Cross Division it has been handed to LT. General Herbert Cooper to command and reconstruct after the sudden departure of Orson White a blow that will send the CAS reeling for some time as he was a significant force within the Confederate military and a man that won’t easily be replaced. Though with White’s departure from the Southern Cross this does allow for Cooper to begin purging the Klan members from it’s ranks without having to confront White directly. It seems that Orson White’s change was something that would be known by those in Richmond if they wanted him to be on the Joint Chiefs…..and for a War Monger like White to turn it down to go and join the ADF is a serious and welcomed change in the God of War’s mentality and personality.
So in conclusion I will simply state that the CAS is in for a serious change over the next few months, we are dealing with sudden, direct and welcomed change…..not without it’s opposition from those that are still stalwart loyal to the Old South that Davis was building. We are no longer at war with the UCAS and we are within our new reconstruction, the boarders are friendly once again, slavery is once again outlawed, and the raciest hate groups outlawed by national law. We are fighting alongside the UCAS, the Southwest Trinity and the Natives within Alexandria and the Sioux Nation……yup never would have scene this under Edward Davis and we have begun to shed our former skin, now this will take time but hopefully under the leadership of Townsend and Taffer the people can feel the blessing that is liberty and democracy.
US Elite
Southern Command
<<< This listing is out of date and will be updated: The Southern Cross Division still exists but it is not the same as it was under the structure of the New Confederate South, the commanders are just that commanders of the states military orders that are legally recognized and not also the Governors of said state. As elections continue to happen this page will be updated to showcase the new Governor for each state that will be the Commander and Chief of the states National Guard Units.
This does mean that states like Texas, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Kentucky, Mississippi, Georgia, South Carolina, Virginia, Florida, and Louisiana will have both there specialized (but open) units and their own National Guard Units….this is going to be interesting to see just how these states handle the new doctrine and adapt their training to be a whole lot less lethal, honestly I don’t see much change happening inside any of the units save maybe for the Richmond Mud Hogs (Also notice how the Virginian Confederate Elite Cavalry was conveniently left off this listing)
General Jefferson Jones (Regal):<Commanding Officer> The true face of the South is former Vice President Jones and Commanding Officer of the Confederate Cavalry, this man has ruled the south for decades and stood by his President for ages. Jones has been integral in establishing the Confederate South as a major power and a key force in establishing the control for President Davis and for all his hard work he was rewarded with a, assassination attempt and a bullet from his dearest friend. Once Jones abandoned ship and ran to General Ralph Rivers it was all over but the shouting and the other southern commanders would abandon the sinking ship that is the Confederate States of America.
<<<Jefferson Jones has been killed during his treasonous actions by the US Elite for lending aid to Edward Davis and taking up arms against ranking members of the US Elite>>>
Lieutenant General Herbert Copper (Maverick): <Executive Officer> The Maverick of the south has followed his commanding officer out of Dixieland and straight into the Union. The second in command of the feared southern cavalry division has pledged his oath to the Stars and Stripes once again. Maverick is one of the few southern commanders that holds true to the ways of Old World Blues and has always been a voice for those that were powerless to speak. The Union welcomes Maverick and salutes his sacrifices and his dedication to the reconstruction of the United States of America, for he is truly a maverick and a man of distinction and honour.
<<<Major General Herbert Cooper was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant General following the execution of Jefferson Jones for treason, he was given command of the Southern Cross Division>>>
MAJ GEN Morley Shepherd (Gator): <Oklahoma> The Gator is a man that is to be feared and respected, this man governed and commanded a boarder state of the Confederate South and fought the UCAS straight up till November of 2073 and still even this staunch Confederate was able to be shown the error of his ways and the true evils of President Davis. The Gator would lose countless citizens and soldiers during the invasion (30/12/74 – 02/01/75) and while the smoke was clearing he would find his top brass within the gallows and a warrant being served for himself to meet his maker on the hangman’s pole. The Gator would flee to the north and join General Ralph Rivers, both a lifesaving tactic and a way to secure freedom and liberty for his people.
MAJ GEN Orson Wight (Mars): <Georgia> The God of War himself has walked away from the Confederate South and has joined the reunification process. Even this raciest warmonger couldn’t stomach the proposals within President Davis’s Final Solution and Final Order. Mars was one of the first Confederate Commanders to jump ship and join up with General Ralph Rivers and align himself with Executive Director Wilhuff Palpatine. With the God of War leaving the south after the incursion of the New Years Slaughter (30/12/74 – 02/01/01) he would become the voice of reason and the decided force for others in the South to follow as well the direct target of President Davis’s anger and rage.
MAJ GEN Gary Robertson (Senior, Dixie): <Texas> Senior one of President Davis’s most trusted adviser’s and friends would as well follow Townsend straight into the Union and for the Commander of the Texas 1st, Texas Elite and the Governor of Texas to abandon the Confederacy is a blow that the South may never recover from. The Lone Star State Commander has reestablished state lines and opened up diplomatic relations with the natives they once warred with since 2018 and for his troubles Dixie was gifted an assassination attempt and had to witness many of his Texas 1st officers hang for treason a crime they never committed. Dixie has ended his long standing Christian Evangelical program that only funded the hatemonger President Davis’s KKK and war machine of the Sons of the True Confederacy. He has vowed to make things right once again and as well restore Texas to it’s one time place of glory and American Pride, the Yellow Rose of the South is now once again with the union and with it’s boarders on the west restored they can focus on reunification and reconstruction.
<<<Jefferson Jones has been killed during his treasonous actions by the US Elite for lending aid to Edward Davis and taking up arms against ranking members of the US Elite>>>
MAJ GEN Brook Mansfield (Kentucky): <Kentucky> The ultimate manipulator himself has been played by the Dragon of the south, and Brook was not thrilled to learn he was played. Kentucky was a state full of southern pride, though content to be part of the UCAS that was till they were given a chance to decree themselves free and part of the Confederacy. Well the Commander of the Kentucky 5th and founding father of the Freedom Fighters would feel the sting of betrayal from President Davis during the incursion (30/12/74 – 02/01/75) and watch as Kentucky’s bravest feel in record number and his requests for aid fell on deaf ears. When Brook would find himself within in hangman’s noose only seconds from having his neck broken for a crime he never committed, his rescue would lead to his defection from the south and once again restore Kentucky to it’s rightful place in the Union.
MAJ GEN Johnathan Albert (Copperhead): <Mississippi> The snake himself would feel the sting of betrayal, the truest of the southern gentleman and as well the most lethal of leaders the Copperhead and his Pit Vipers would be nearly wiped out during the incursion (30/12/73 – 02/01/75) and for his sacrifice and sense of duty Albert would receive a one way trip to the gallows. His Vipers would rescue him as the rope stretched his skin and he struggled to breath, the Copperhead would slither to the north and join forces with General Ralph Rivers. The once dedicated and loyal southern commander is more than happy to restore his state within the union and help them recover from the tragedy of the New Years Massacre (30/12/74 – 02/01/75)
MAJ GEN Wesley Taffer (Scimitar): <Florida> Taffer the man they jokingly call taffy cause he is being pulled in multiple directions by the President, The Corporations, The Caribbean League and his people. Taffy has been a long time supporter of Florida and her people and he has always put his state first and foremost going as far as to open diplomatic relations with the Caribbean League and eventually restoring his state boarders to include Miami Dade county back into the Confederate South and restore Florida to it’s pre-tragedy of 2018 glory a promise he made and has kept. Taffy would learn about the Final Solution and Final Order and openly announce his displeasure and with the citizens of Florida’s blessing he would willingly seek out General Ralph Rivers and remove Florida from the Confederacy forever.
<<Wesley Taffer has retired from the Southern Cross Division after being elected Vice President of the Confederate American States>>>
MAJ GEN Emmett Bird (Long Horn) <Tennessee> The great Texan and commander of the Tennessee Elite Long Horn would see the writing on the wall log before the storm of war would force his hand. Long Horn would secretly align with General Ralph Rivers and sign the Tennessee Elite within the newly formed US military branch as a special forces division. Emmett would nearly be killed by Edwards men when the President learned of Long Horns secession and what would be perceived as betrayal. Bird couldn’t stand to allow the Final Solution to occur in his state and watch his people suffer without trying to rescue his fellow Tennesseans and give them a real chance at prosperity and liberty. Emmett Bird has always put his people first and it seems he like many in the south is willing to hang if it means his people are free of the tyranny of President Davis.
MAJ GEN Lowell Townsend (Headmaster): <Virginia> The General of the Virginia 3rd and long standing member of the Texas Elite has guided the Mother State of the South back to the Union. With the Headmaster’s heritage being long standing within the South and he calling Virginia home for many a decade, it would be a surprise to all that this Yankee hating general would ever be willing to rejoin the Union. Though with recent events and the discovery of the Final Solution and Final Order, it would be the final straw for the Headmaster and with his succession comes the people of Virginia and opens a flood gate for the remainder of the Confederate Generals and Governors that find their loyalties and devotion tested.
<<<Lowell Townsend has retired from the Southern Cross Division after being elected President of the Confederate American States>>>
MAJ GEN Phillip King (Cotton): <South Carolina> Time to look at the King of the South and that is the hatemonger known as Cotton and if this monster is willing to abandon ship than you now all is lost for President Davis. Governor King has ruled his state with an iron fist since day one and has always followed the orders of his friend and President in securing whats best for the Confederacy. Cotton deployed advanced technology, prisoners and the most vile in the south to keep law and order, though in the end it was only part of the puzzle and President Davis would attempt to outplay the King and get burned in the process. Cotton would follow his friends and allies straight into the hands of General Rivers and leave President Davis without a nation to rule.
MAJ GEN Jerry Haywood (Purge) <Alabama> Well the second in command of Alabama has now guided his state out of the Confederacy and straight into the Union. Purge the terror of the Civil War (2020-2025) and killer of all UCAS blue has now hung up his confederate grey and pledged allegiance to the Stars and Stripes. The once friend and alley of President Davis has turned his back on the Confederate President and guided his people to a government of safety and security, as well regardless of the risks to his own life, he stands firm in the belief of reunification and Old World Blues.
MAJ GEN Everest Powell (Sentry): <North Carolina> The Sentry the hero of the south during the Civil War (2020-2025) and the man that stood vigilant during the days of the Treaty of Denver and made his voice of opposition heard throughout Dixieland has shed his Confederate Grey and guided his people to freedom and liberty within the United States. The Sentry vows that he will not allow for the horrors of the Old South to return and he will do whatever is needed to help restore the balance within the Union.
MAJ GEN Arnold Malone (Schoolmaster): <Louisiana> The Schoolmaster the man, the myth and the legend of the Bayou State has jumped ship and followed the other Southern Generals straight back into the Union. Malone is a man that is full of Southern Pride and has despised Yankee Land since his birth, though even this Cajun can see the writing on the walls and when his officers are hanged for a crime they never committed, even a Cajun can be convinced the time has come for the south the return to the Union.
Lord General Excalibur Milton (Aztec) <Old Mexico> All Rise for the King of Mexico and ally of the South. Well that was till President Davis tried to have him hanged for seemingly being a enemy of the Confederacy, now Lord Milton might have never been an enemy of Texas and the South and their greatest ally. Now since Edward had him hanging from his own gallows and even seconds from death Aztec would still protest and while struggling to breath he would free himself, slay the Klansman and align himself within the Southern Cross, this is one loose end that President Davis will forever regret trying to have executed as Old Mexico is now fully aligned with General Ralph Rivers and has given Texas back it’s southern land and secured it’s northern regions from the Aztlan Government and Holocaust’s forces.