News Archives: 9/1/73 - 12/9/73 | 12/10/73 - 12/27/73 | 12/28/73 - 1/07/74 | 1/08/74 - 1/25/74 | 1/25/74 - 2/6/74 | 02/06/74 - 02/01/75 | 05/01/75 - 25/01/75 | 26/01/75 - 07/03/75 | 08/03/75 - 17/06/76 19/06/2076: "Good evening this is Addison Mayweather coming to you live from the front lines of the Alexandrian Conflict. The current offensive began just before midnight on the 17th of June 2076 and has been ongoing since. It is currently 2100 hours and the fighting has been going on now for close to forty-eight hours with no signs of letting up, the Axis forces have been putting up stiff … Read More
Aldwyn “Marion” Jamestown (Regulator, Sphinx, Stakes)

Membership: ADF, Santa Fe Ring, Bounty Hunters, Son’s of Odin, Son’s of Liberty, Jamestown’s, Post Office, London Dungeon, Kingsmen, Railroad, Presidents Men Race: Human (F.I.P) Height: 5’5 Weight: 150 Apparent Age: 70+ Actual Age: Unknown Archetype: Cybered Gunslinger Adept (Cyber Criminal) Circle: Unknown….assume the worst and keep guessing! Preferred Weapon: Custom Colt .45 […]
Reggie Irving (Defrag)

Membership: Brotherhood/Bounty Hunters/Post Office/Presidents Men/Kings Men/Crystal Dragons/Santa Fe Race: Human Height: 5’5 Weight: 130 Apparent Age: 30+ Archetype: Cybered Gunslinger Adept (Cyber Criminal) Circle: Unknown (Bend Over and Kiss Your Ass Goodbye!!) Preferred Weapon: Custom Hellfire Assault Machine Pistol 6.66 cal. (Highly Modified) Runner Song: BIO: Well for the […]
Sturgis Mayweather (Cage)

Membership: Despicables/Brotherhood/Bounty Hunters/Crystal Dragons Race: Human Height: 5’6 Weight: 160 Apparent Age: 17+ Archetype: Cybered Physical Adept (Cyber Criminal) Circle: Circle Unknown (For Damn Good Reason….Avoid this Bastard at all costs!) Preferred Weapon: Nunchakus’ & Sai Runner Song: BIO:
Nolan Thorpe (Burner)

Membership: Despicables/Brotherhood/Bounty Hunters Race: Human Height: 5’8 Weight: 160 Apparent Age: 18+ Archetype: Rigger/Cybered Gunslinger Adept (Cyber Criminal) Circle: Unknown (Consider Yourself Already Dead!!) Preferred Weapon: Ranger Sequoia Runner Song: BIO:
Billy Brunswick (Short Circuit)

Membership: Despicables/Brotherhood/Bounty Hunters Race: Human Height: 5’8 Weight: 170 Apparent Age: 16+ Archetype: Decker (Cyber Criminal) Circle: N/A Preferred Weapon: DAOD Combat Assault Pistol Runner Song: BIO:
Jasper Mosley (Crematorium)

Membership: Despicables/Bounty Hunters/Brotherhood Race: Human Height: 5’6 Weight: 150 Apparent Age: 18+ Archetype: Cybered Gunner Adept (Cyber Criminal) Circle: Unknown (Only God Knows!!) Preferred Weapon: Sawed Off Scattergun (Highly Modified) Runner Song: BIO:
Ronnie Meisner (Triple X)

Membership: Despicables/Brotherhood/Bounty Hunters Race: Human Height: 5’7 Weight: 180 Apparent Age: 18+ Archetype: Cybered Mercenary Adept (Cyber Criminal) Circle: Unknown (Assume the Worst and Keep Guessing!!) Preferred Weapon: Monofilament Plasma Bola & Trench Knife Runner Song:
Alvin Webster (Chronic, Stomper, Stormfront)

Membership: Hellfire Squad/Kingsman/London Dungeon/Post Office/Bounty Hunters Race: Human Height: 5’10 Weight: 180 Apparent Age: 70+ Archetype: Cybered Gunner Adept: Circle Unknown and considered extremely high……..(Bend Over and Kiss Your Ass Goodbye!!) Preferred Weapon: Handheld Rotary Harpoon Thrower Runner Song: BIO: First let me start this off by saying this is NOT RAMPAGE!! The Deaths Hand […]
Alfred Barnabe (Myth)

Membership: Kingsmen Race: Human Height: 5’6 Weight: 200 Apparent Age: 70+ Archetype: Cybered Swordsman/Social Adept: Circle Unknown (Registration Refused Violently) <In Violation> Preferred Weapon: Sword Cane Runner Song: Bio: Now here is a very interesting man within British and American politics, his name is simple Sir Alfred Barnabe…..the man, the MYTH, the legend; the man […]
Senator Jamie Georgetown (Barnacle)

Membership: Sons of Liberty Race: Human Height: 5’7 Weight: 180 Apparent Age: 70+ Archetype: Cybered Swordsmen Adept: Circle Unknown Preferred Weapon: Dual Ancient Short Blades Runner Song: Bio:
Avery “GOAT” Webster (Mariner)

Membership: Race: Human Height: 5’6 Weight: 170 Apparent Age: 70+ Archetype: Cybered Physical Adept: Circle Unknown (Run and Keep Running, Don’t Engage!) Preferred Weapon: Dual English Short Blades Runner Song: Bio: Well it seems the Webster family is starting to emerge from the shadows and make the headlines all of a sudden, we learned about […]
General Bailey Georgetown (Pillsbury, Wastelander, Inspector Gadget, Rocketman)

Membership: Brotherhood of Mercenaries Race: Human Height: 5’6 Weight: 170 Apparent Age: 80+ Archetype: Gunner Adept: Circle Unknown (Be warned he might be old, but he is beyond lethal) Preferred Weapon: Stormrider Hellfire Assault Rifle Mach 6 (Highly Modified) Runner Song: Bio: Attention Officer on Deck!! Okay now lets talk about the man they call […]
Dr. Hudson “Wise Owl” Hope PhD (Tetris)

Membership: Phoenix Five, Son’s of Odin, Outlaw’s Five, Son’s of Liberty, Crystal Dragon, President’s Men, Post Office, Kingsmen, London Dungeon, Santa Fe Ring, Jamestown Clan Race: Human Height: 5’4 Weight: 140 Apparent Age: 70+ Archetype: Cybered Gunslinger Adept: Circle: Unknown (Bend Over and Kiss Your Ass Goodbye!!) Preferred Weapon: Hellfire 6.66 Stormrider/Jamestown Classic Six Shooter […]
Dr. Francis Finesilver (Prime)

Membership: Storm Rider Race: Human Height: 5’6 Weight: 150 Apparent Age: 70+ Archetype: Cybered Gunslinger Adept: Circle Unknown (Eat a bullet and save him the time!!!) Preferred Weapon: Storm Rider/Jamestown Hell Forged Death Dealer Classic Revolver Mach 7 (Highly Modified) Runner Song: Bio: Dr. Finesilver here is another tragic story of the FIP and how […]
Kingsley “Hard Ball” Quinn (DC)

Membership: Unknown Race: Human Height: 5’6 Weight: 175 Apparent Age: 70+ Archetype: Physical Adept: Circle Unknown (Run for your life) Preferred Weapon: Cavalry Sabre Runner Song: Bio: His name is DC or thats simply what they refer to the man who basically owns the District of Columbia, this man is old Washington DC and Old […]
Edwin “Terror” Park (Frontier)

Membership: Unknown Race: Human Height: 5’9 Weight: 170 Apparent Age: 70+ Archetype: Gunnery Adept: Circle Unknown (Simply run and never look back!!) Preferred Weapon: Modified Vulcan AR-95 US-AS Combat Rotary Shotgun System (000 gauge) Runner Song: Bio: They call him Frontier but this man is better known simply as Terror and the pain he causes […]
CPT. Patrick “Rockie” O’Reilly (Cisco Kidd)

Membership: Sons Of Odin Race: Human Height: 6’0 Weight: 200 Apparent Age: 50 Archetype: Physical Adept: Circle (Don’t Bother Asking…..Death is Quicker!) — << IN VIOLATION>> Preferred Weapon: Ancient Celtic Long Blade & Ancient Celtic Short Blade Runner Song: Bio: They call him the Cisco Kidd, or simply Rockie and don’t be fooled this monster […]
Grifter “IRS” Antilles (Smuggler)

Membership: Horsemen Race: Human Height: 5’6 Weight: 200 Apparent Age:60+ Archetype: Cybered Pilot Adept: Circle (Good Fucking God!!!!!) Preferred Weapon: Cavalry Sabre Runner Song: Bio: Now seriously who the hell is this one….Grifter well thats a very unique first name, must be an alias or he would have been tortured growing up by the other […]
Bail “Bothan” Canterbury (Spacer)

Membership: Ghost Squad (Rogue One) Race: Human Height: 5’7 Weight: 180 Apparent Age: 60+ Archetype: Physical Adept: Circle (Don’t even dare to attempt to confront…..the grim reaper is less lethal) Preferred Weapon: Cavalry Sabre Runner Song: Bio: Well who do we have here….Bail Canterbury the prodigal son of Elmer Canterbury, the lone survivor of Canterbury […]
Chelcie Court (Lobbyist)

Membership: Unknown Race: Human Height: 5’9 Weight: 190 Apparent Age: 70 Archetype: Physical Adept: Circle Unknown (Assume the Worst and Keep Guessing) Preferred Weapon: Jamestown Classic Stormrider Special (modified) Runner Song: Bio: It is time to talk about another Jamestown lackey and they call him the Lobbyist, this man is another of their political manipulators […]
Dwight Schwartz (Giggles)

Membership: 67th Stormriders/Jamestowns Race: Human Height: 5’6 Weight: 180 Apparent Age: 70 Archetype: Cybered Gunslinger Adept: Circle (Suicide is Easier!!) Preferred Weapon: Stormrider Lucifer’s Thunder Classic 6.66 magnum (modified) Runner Song: Bio: Okay yet another dynasty discovered the Schwartz family has one of their youngsters within the shadows and this one is not that young….just […]
Wesley “Sonic” Burns (Burn Notice, Burnsy)

Membership: Post Office/Kingsmen/Presidents Men/ADF/Santa Fe Ring/Harbingers/Sons of Odin/London Dungeon/Horsemen Race: Human Height: 5’7 Weight: 180 Apparent Age: 60 Archetype: Cybered Swordsman Adept: Circle Unknown (Good Fucking God!!) Preferred Weapon: Tri-Fold Scorpion Long Blade Runner Song: Bio: Now here is a real asshole and problem player of the Post Office, the man is simply called Burn […]
Arthur Grimes (Speedy)

Membership: Sons of Liberty Race: Human Height: 5’6 Weight: 160 Apparent Age: 65+ Archetype: Machine Gunner Adept: Circle Unknown (Assume the worst and keep guessing!!) Preferred Weapon: Jamestown Classic 20 mm assault riffle (modified) Runner Song: Bio: Here is the mighty Speedy and he is here to corrupt the youth with his lies and deception, […]
Noah Leon (Abstract)

Membership: ??? Race: Human Height: 5’7 Weight: 180 Apparent Age: 70 Archetype: Cybered Gunslinger Adept: Circle Unknown (Good Fucking God!!) Preferred Weapon: Jamestown Lucifer’s Thunder 6.66 Magnum Classic mach 7 (modified) Runner Song: Bio: Mr. Leon as he prefers to be called is a one man roller coaster and entire package wrapped up in one […]
Ilesh Gunner (Apache)

Membership: Gunners Race: Human Height: 5’11 Weight: 200 Apparent Age: 60+ Archetype: Gunslinger Adept: Circle (Run, Just FUCKING RUN!!!!!!!) Preferred Weapon: Ronin Lucifer’s Magnum Opus 6.66 calibre mach 7 (modified) Runner Song: Bio: Well where to start with the nightmare known as Apache, well first off this Native is the son of the dreaded Mayor […]
Capt. Brian “Problem Solver” Kindler-Gunner (Cortex,Jackal)

Membership: Freelance Race: Human Height: 5’6 Weight: 170 Apparent Age: 70+ Archetype: Cybered Gunslinger Adept: Circle Unknown (Good Fucking God!!) Preferred Weapon: Scorpion Twisted Dagger Runner Song: Bio: All Hail Captain Gunner the man behind the Outlaws Five and the reason Mayor was able to cease control of the beef trade in the old american […]
Reginald “Reggie” Jamestown (Consumer)
Membership: Unknown Race: Human Height: 5’7 Weight: 170 Apparent Age: 65+ Archetype: Cybered Mercenary Adept: Circle Unknown (Assume the worst and keep guessing) Preferred Weapon: Ronin Assault Rifle Mach 7 (Modified) Runner Song: Bio: Well readers it’s another of the mighty Jamestown killers for hire, the man they call consumer is simply a one man […]
Caldwell “Statistics” McDougall (Numbers)

Membership: Presidents Men, Kingsmen, Sons of Liberty, London Dungeon, Post Office, Sons of Odin, US Elite, Crystal Dragons, Red Dawn Race: Human (FIP) Height: 5’6 Weight: 160 Apparent Age: 70+ Actual Age: Unknown Archetype: Cybered Swordsmen Adept Circle: Unknown (Your Already Dead and Don’t Know It!!) Preferred Weapon: Tri-Fold Scorpion Dagger & Tri-Fold […]
Haywood Boston (Halo)

Membership: Presidents Men Race: Human Height: 5’5 Weight: 150 Apparent Age: 60+ Archetype: Swordsman Adept: Circle Unknown (Simply Run and Keep Running….Never Look Back!!) Preferred Weapon: Presidents Men Custom Sabre (Modified) Runner Song: Bio: His name is Haywood or simply Mr. Boston and I don’t mean the radio jockey that hails from the city of […]
Gerry “Papa Smurf” Dobbs (Turtle)

Membership: Kingsman Race: Human Height: 3’10 Weight: 90 Apparent Age: 70+ Archetype: Cybered Swordsman Adept: Circle (For the Love of God!!) Preferred Weapon: Short Blade Runner Song: Bio: His name is the Turtle and he is yes a midget, not a dwarf or someone with dwarfism but a gods honest midget and one that in […]
Lord Byrd Ransom (Punisher)

Membership: Brotherhood Race: Human Height: 5’10 Weight: 170 Apparent Age: 70+ Archetype: Cybered Swordsman Adept: Circle (Your Already Dead and Don’t Know It!) Preferred Weapon: English Long Blade Runner Song: Bio: Well it’s time to start talking about the man they call Punisher and what he has been up to recently, well for starters this […]
PFC Taylor “Stormrider” Greenspan – Gunner (Peaches,Quiz “QM” Master)

Membership: Tribe/Harbingers/Brotherhood Race: Human Height: 7’0 Weight: 350+ Apparent Age: 30 Archetype: Cybered Mercenary Preferred Weapon: Hockey Stick Runner Song: Bio: The Stormrider, the man from the north, the beast on the ice…..Taylor Greenspan is relatively new to the urban sprawl but he has made quite a name for himself within the Emerald city. Taylor […]
First Lt. Ethan Oliver (Base 12)

Membership: Guild/Despicables Race: Human Height: 5’8 Weight: 170 Apparent Age: 16 Archetype: Physical Adept: Circle Unknown Preferred Weapon: DAOD Combat Assault Pistol Runner Song: Bio:
Holiday “Dust” Enfield (Terminator)

Membership: Brotherhood of Mercenaries Race: Human Height: 5’11 Weight: 180 Apparent Age: 60 Archetype: Cybered Physical Adept: Circle Good F**KING GOD!!!! Preferred Weapon: Ancient Katana Runner Song: Bio: The older sister of the feared and legendary Mason has entered the streets of Seattle and her name is simply the Terminator and this member of the […]
Brook “Whiskey” Mansfield (Kentucky)

Membership: Unknown Race: Human Height: 5’6 Weight: 150 Apparent Age: 60+ Archetype: Cybered Physical Adept: Circle Unknown Preferred Weapon: Jamestown Classic Pistol (Highly Modified) Runner Song: Bio: His name is Kentucky and that’s what they call this man from the Blue Grass State; but for this adept there is more to the story than just […]
Dr. Seth “The Attending” Oxford (Scalpel)

Membership: ??? Race: Human Height: 5’6 Weight: 160 Apparent Age: 55 Archetype: Physical Adept: Circle Unknown Preferred Weapon: Scalpel Runner Song: Bio:
Lt. Colonel “Wedge” John Smith USAF retired (Waffles)

Membership: Sky Devils Race: Human Height: 5’7 Weight: 180 Apparent Age: 55 Archetype: Physical Adept Pilot: Circle Unknown Preferred Weapon: Custom DAOD Classic 2055 <modified> Runner Song: Bio:
Princess Melody “Fists” Grimm (Anthrax)

Membership: Unknown Race: Human Height: 5’6 Weight: 150 Apparent Age: 40 Archetype: Cybered Path of the Warrior Adept: Circle Unknown (Wanted Felon for stealing the rites of the Path of the Warrior) Preferred Weapon: Ancient English Long Sword Runner Song: Bio: This women scares the living shit out of me, she is the wife of […]

Membership: Unknown Race: Human Height: 5’6 Weight: 135 Apparent Age: Unknown Archetype: Unknown Preferred Weapon: Unknown Runner Song: Bio: Sadly the only thing we know about the Spectre is that he is the personally guard of the Jamestown family member Four and he has done some personal message sending for the Godfather other than that […]
Yogi Jamestown Yates (Necromancer)

Membership: Bounty Hunters Race: Human Height: 5’7 Weight: 170 Apparent Age: 40 Archetype: Cybered Gunslinger Physical Magician: Circle Unknown Preferred Weapon: Jamestown Classic Pistol (Modified) Runner Song: Bio: Remember when I said that we should be fearful of the being that would be lurking in the shadows behind the Handler when Harvest brought the Death […]
Lord General Reverdy “Zombie” Jamestown the Earl of Sandwich (Handler, Hardware)

Membership: Jamestown’s/Harbingers/Son’s of Odin/Son’s of Liberty/Kingsman/Mariners/President’s Men/Railroad/Horsemen/Post Office/London Dungeon/Rough Riders/Surrey Gang/Frog Brothers/Crystal Dragons/Bounty Hunters Race: Human (FIP) Height: 5’8 Weight: 145 Apparent Age: 70 Actual Age: Unknown Archetype: Gunslinger Adept Circle: Unknown (Bend Over and Kiss Your Ass Goodbye!!) Preferred Weapon: Jamestown Classic Pistol (Modified) Runner Song: Bio: Well if Harvest […]
Union “Diablo Blanco” Jamestown (Harvest)
Membership: Jamestowns Race: Human Height: 5’11 Weight: 180 Apparent Age: 60 Archetype: Cybered Physical Adept: Grade Unknown Preferred Weapon: Plasma Sword Runner Song: Bio: The man known as Harvest is simply a handler for the Jamestowns and Krieghoffs and he is the direct hand of the Beast, this man needs to be avoided at all […]
Rev. Graham Puck (Eeyore)

Membership: Brotherhood of Mercenaries Race: Human Height: 5’4 Weight: 130 Apparent Age: 55 Archetype: Physical Adept: Circle Unknown Preferred Weapon: Ancient English Longsword Runner Song: Bio: Well lets talk about Graham Puck the father of Melody Puck and Father in Law to Sly Grimm and how this once noble pastor of the Church of England […]
Prince Sly Grimm (Eclipse)

Membership: Brother Grimm Race: Human Height: 5’7 Weight: 155 Apparent Age: 55 Archetype: Mercenary Adept: Circle Unknown Preferred Weapon: Ancient Long Sword Runner Song: Bio: Well let me first begin by telling you that Sly Grimm is the direct son of Slimer and the father of Ecto One as well he is married to Melody […]
Colonel Jackson “Death Warrant” Puck (Stitches)

Membership: Professional Assassin Race: Human Height: 5’6 Weight: 150 Apparent Age: 60 Archetype: Assassin <Assumed Physical Adept Circle Unknown> Preferred Weapon: Master of Many Runner Song: Bio: Don’t be fooled by this mans positive demeanour and grandfatherly appearance Stitches is the real deal and has spent his entire life killing for hire and guess who […]
Colonel Conrad “BTK” Howdy (Death Bringer)

Membership: Sentinels Race: Human Height: 5’10 Weight: 190 Apparent Age: 55 Archetype: Mercenary Adept: Circle (Good Question) Preferred Weapon: DAOD Combat Sword Runner Song: Bio: <<<I am the Mother Fucking Death Bringer and I will not allow any fucking information to be spewed about me on this fucking page and anyone that tries will just […]
Chief Douglas Howell (Grandpa/Trailblazer)

Membership: The Tribe Race: Human Height: 5’9 Weight: 180 Apparent Age: 70+ Archetype: Cybered Mercenary Adept (Cyber Criminal) Circle: Unknown (Considered Very High seeing we all thought he was a damned street samurai!) Preferred Weapon: Ronin Assault Rifle Mach 7 (Highly Modified)/Ranger Sequoia/Ronin Sniper Rifle Mach 7 (Highly Modified) Runner Song: Bio: Grandpa […]
Col. Kennedy B McCain (Alcatraz)

Membership: Freedom Patriots Race: Human Height: 5’4 Weight: 135 Apparent Age: 60+ Archetype: Street Samurai Preferred Weapon: Assault Nemesis Runner Song: Bio:
Elmo “HK” Green (Paradox)

Membership: Unknown Race: Human Height: 5’9 Weight: 185 Apparent Age: 60 Archetype: Cybered Physical Adept: Circle Unknown Preferred Weapon: Long Sword Runner Song: Bio: Paradox is a man not to be reckoned with, he is the twin brother of the fallen Clover and this man makes his brother seem like a Boy Scout in comparison. […]
Lt. Colonel Gerald “Publican” Weinstock (Tax Collector, Tax Man)

Membership: Brotherhood of Mercenaries, Bounty Hunters, Kingsmen, Presidents Men, Crystal Dragons, ADF, London Dungeon, Santa Fe Ring, Post Office, Authority Race: Human (FIP) Height: 5’6 Weight: 165 Apparent Age: 70+ Actual Age: Unknown Archetype: Cybered Mercenary Adept (Cyber Criminal) Circle: Unknown (Eat a bullet it’s quicker and less painful) Preferred Weapon: Ancient European Long […]
Captain Drake Wienstock (Asylum)

Membership: Brotherhood of Mercenaries, Bounty Hunters Race: Human Height: 5’11 Weight: 200 Apparent Age: 40 Archetype: Physical Adept: Circle Unknown Preferred Weapon: Long Sword Runner Song: Bio: The madman known as Asylum is one of the last members of this deadly family and their legacy of rebellion, treason, criminal enterprising and murder for hire. These men […]
Colonel George Jamestown Wienstock (Debt Collector)

Membership: Brotherhood of Mercenaries Race: Human Height: 5’5 Weight: 155 Apparent Age: 70 Archetype: Bounty Hunter Adept; Circle Unknown Preferred Weapon: Ancient Khopesh Runner Song: Bio: This is one man that can be considered one of the most dangerous men to walk the world today; the Debt Collector has worked for Ichabod Oliver for generations […]
Dr. Harvey Cannon MD (Drownyard)

Membership: Sons of Odin, Kingsmen, Bounty Hunters, London Dungeon, Post Office, 67th, Presidents Men, Race: Human Height: 5’7 Weight: 165 Apparent Age: 70+ Archetype: Bounty Hunter Preferred Weapon: Ronin Hand Canon Mach 6 Runner Song: Bio: Well first off I begin this article by saying please don’t confuse Drownyard with the Deaths Hand fence Scrooge […]
Captain Geoffrey Oliver (Binary)

Membership: Brotherhood of Mercenaries Race: Human Height: 5’5 Weight: 145 Apparent Age: 60 Archetype: Bounty Hunter Adept: Circle Unknown Preferred Weapon: Ronin Hand Cannon Mach 6 (Modified) Runner Song: Bio: The man, the myth, the legend known as Binary is the younger brother of feared General Ichabod Oliver and the apple din’t fall to far […]
General Ichabod Oliver (Watchman)

Membership: Son’s of Odin/Guild Race: Human Height: 5’10 Weight: 185 Apparent Age: 60 Archetype: Bounty Hunter (True Nature Unknown) Preferred Weapon: Ronin Hand Cannon Mach 6 (Modified) Runner Song: Bio: The Watchman is the man in command of the International Guild of Bounty Hunters and the man that is one of the most ruthless of […]
Colonel Geppetto Petrillo (Hellion)

Membership: Brotherhood of Mercenaries Race: Human Height: 5’5 Weight: 145 Apparent Age: 60 Archetype: Bounty Hunter Adept: Circle Unknown Preferred Weapon: Ronin Hand Cannon Mach 5 Runner Song: Bio: This brings us to the reports of another Bounty Hunter being within the city limits of the Greater Seattle Metropolis and it comes as no surprise […]
Herschel Meisner (Rabbi)

Membership: Brothers Grimm, Kingsmen, President’s Men, Rogue One, Ghost Division, Mossad, London Dungeon, Post Office Race: Human (FIP) Height: 5’7 Weight: 170 Apparent Age: 75 Actual Age: Unknown Archetype: Swordsman Adept (Cyber Criminal) Circle: Unknown (Good Fucking God, Just RUN THE FUCK AWAY!!!!) Preferred Weapon: Ancient Katana & Dual Plasma Sabers Runner Song: Bio: The […]
Captain Wilbur Chapel (Sinkhole)

Membership: Wolverines Race: Human Height: 6’1 Weight: 200 Apparent Age: 65 Archetype: Demolitions Expert (Physical Adept: Circle Unknown) Preferred Weapon: Katana Runner Song: Bio: What can be said about the legend known as Sinkhole other than just avoid him at all costs, this man is pure evil and has not one ounce of redeemable qualities […]
Savanna Cabal (Dervish)

Membership: Brotherhood Of Mercenaries Race: Human Height: 6’1 Weight: 190 Apparent Age: 40 Archetype: Mercenary Adept: Circle Unknown Preferred Weapon: Katana Runner Song: Bio:
Colonel Bakari Bomani (Horus)

Membership: Sentinels Race: Human Height: 5’11 Weight: 185 Apparent Age: 45 Archetype: Mercenary Adept: Circle Unknown Preferred Weapon: Scimitar Runner Song: Bio: This man is a mystery as their is not much information circulating about Horus other than that he is the right hand of Set and works with the Ghost Division, he is as […]
General Reverdy Appleton (Anubis)

Membership: Sentinels Race: Human Height: 6’0 Weight: 210 Apparent Age: 65 Archetype: Mercenary Adept: Circle Unknown Preferred Weapon: Scimitar Runner Song: Bio:
General Wesley MacArthur (Duelist)

Membership: Sentinels Race: Human Height: 5’11 Weight: 185 Apparent Age: 60 Archetype: Mercenary Adept: Circle Unknown Preferred Weapon: Scimitar Runner Song: Bio:
General Erwin Forscythe (Crimson Ghost)

Membership: Sentinels, Son’s of Odin, Son’s of Liberty Race: Human Height: 6’0 Weight: 200 Apparent Age: 60 Archetype: Mercenary Adept: Circle Unknown Preferred Weapon: Ronin Mach 5 Hand Cannon (Modified) Runner Song: Bio: It’s time to speak about the current leader of the Sentinels the man known as the Crimson Ghost, this man is one […]
Colonel Russel Winters (Crosshair)

Membership: Sentinels Race: Human Height: 5’9 Weight: 175 Apparent Age: 60 Archetype: Sniper Preferred Weapon: Ronin Mach 5 Sniper Rifle (Modified) Runner Song: Bio: I wont go into to much detail about the man known as Crosshair seeing that you can read about his start within the article of his commander and friend the Crimson […]
Colonel Tracy Appleton (Set)

Membership: Brotherhood of Mercenaries Race: Human Height: 6’0 Weight: 190 Apparent Age: 65 Archetype: Cybered Mercenary Physical Adept: Circle Unknown Preferred Weapon: Sabre Runner Song: Bio: Well before I start this article about the master of chaos, death and war known simply as Set named after the Egyptian God of the same aspects; I will […]
Ira Fellows (Socrates)

Membership: D-Day Tribe Race: Human Height: 5’7 Weight: 155 Apparent Age: 65 Archetype: Reporter Preferred Weapon: ??? Runner Song: Bio: Well when it comes the news hound known as Socrates one can never question his dedication to the truth, his integrity is never in question and he will always broadcast the facts regardless of who […]
Captain Kirk Underwood (Raiden)

Membership: D-Day Tribe Race: Human Height: 5’10 Weight: 185 Apparent Age: 55 Archetype: Physical Magician: Circle Unknown Preferred Weapon: Katana Runner Song: Bio: Well it’s time to talk about another member of this tribe of mercenaries that has crawled out of the ruins of Detroit, Raiden has been spreading lies and deceit about what actually […]
Captain Lewis Brooks MD (Medic)

Membership: D-Day Tribe Race: Human Height: 5’6 Weight: 175 Apparent Age: 65 Archetype: Physical Adept: Circle Unknown Preferred Weapon: Katana Runner Song: Bio: His name is Medic and he has been serving as the chief medical officer and inventor extraordinaire for many a year within the D-Company, he is a close and personal friend of […]
Colonel Roy Gunderson (Colonel)

Membership: D-Day Tribe Race: Human Height: 5’10 Weight: 185 Apparent Age: 60 Archetype: Physical Adept: Circle Unknown Preferred Weapon: DAOD Combat Assault Shotgun Runner Song: Bio: Some say this man is the master of war, others say he is the father of conflict and in any case they are correct, the man known as Colonel […]
Jackson “JD” Dumont (Sabretooth)

Membership: Brotherhood of Mercenaries Race: Human Height: 5’11 Weight: 185 Apparent Age: 45 Archetype: Mercenary Adept: Circle Unknown Preferred Weapon: DAOD Assault Crossbow (Modified) Runner Song: Bio: His name is Sabretooth and he has been lurking within the shadows for far longer than he appears he should be, for this mercenary has as well been […]
Leonard “Leo” Hakett (Hobgoblin)

Membership: Brotherhood of Mercenaries Race: Human Height: 5’5 Weight: 140 Apparent Age: 75 Archetype: Mercenary Adept: Circle Unknown Preferred Weapon: Sabre Runner Song: Bio: Mr. Hakett known simply as the Hobgoblin is the younger brother of the infamous War Machine and these brothers do share more than just a last name in common, the Hakett […]
Toblicain Dreemur Alhambra (Dandy Man)

Membership: Sea Wolves Race: Human Height: 5’7 Weight: 170 Apparent Age: 35 Archetype: Hermetic Magi Preferred Weapon: ?? Runner Song: Bio: Now let us take a look at this surprisingly old yet quite friendly merc know as The Dandy Man. What i’ve been able to dig up is a mix of recent info and from […]
President River Welsh (Enigma)

Membership: Presidents Men, Post Office, Sons of Odin, London Dungeon, Sons of Liberty, Kingsmen Race: Human Height: 5’7 Weight: 160 Apparent Age: 70+ Archetype: Cybered Swordsmen Adept: Circle Unknown and considered extremely high……..(Bend Over and Kiss Your Ass Goodbye!!) Preferred Weapon: Custom Triple Edged Scorpion Dagger (Highly Modified) Runner Song: BIO: Well when it comes […]
General Warner Buckley (Mr. Cadillac)

Membership: Freedom Patriots Race: Human Height: 6’0 Weight: 200 Apparent Age: 60 Archetype: Mercenary Adept: Circle Unknown Preferred Weapon: Long Sword Runner Song: Bio: It is time I spoke about the man known as Cadillac, this runner was first mentioned within the article written for Trespass. Some poor reporter got lucky enough to be able […]
Dr. Isaac Maples MD (Trespass)

Membership: Presidents Men Race: Human Height: 5’10 Weight: 185 Apparent Age: 70+ Archetype: Physical Adept: Circle Unknown (Expect the Worst) Preferred Weapon: Presidents Men Sabre Runner Song: Bio: Well when it comes to the legend that is Trespass, there is only one word to describe this terror in a suit and that’s “RUN”. This man […]
Wayne Reynolds (Juggernaut)

Membership: Brotherhood of Mercenaries Race: Human Height: 6’0 Weight: 200 Apparent Age: 60 Archetype: Mercenary Preferred Weapon: Spass-22 (Doubled Barrel) Runner Song: Bio: Well this is one solider of fortune I would never dream of crossing, or being on the receiving end of his weapon. The mercenary simply known as the Juggernaut and this is […]
Henry Krieghoff (Gummy)

Membership: Krieghoff Clan /Despicables/Bounty Hunters/Brotherhood Race: Human Height: 4’6 Weight: 100 Apparent Age: 14 Archetype: Fixer Preferred Weapon: DAOD Pistol Runner Song: Bio: Well when I speak about the kid known as Gummy, there is nothing good about this teenager, he has been groomed to enter the criminal world from the time he could walk and […]
Walter Krieghoff (Salamander)

Membership: Krieghoff Clan /Despicables/Bounty Hunters/Brotherhood Race: Human Height: 5’3 Weight: 110 Apparent Age: 13 Archetype: Mercenary Preferred Weapon: Spass -22 Runner Song: Bio: Little Salamander is one of the infamous Toad’s closes’t friends this kid was one of the first to side with Toad to take up arms against the UCAS. As we have now learned […]
Zachary Belcher (Wake)

Membership: Freelance Race: Human Height: 5’4 Weight: 90 Apparent Age: 70 Archetype: Physical Adept: Circle Unknown Preferred Weapon: Machete Runner Song: Bio: The man, the myth, the legend known simply as Wake is who I will next unveil and bring his story to the masses. The mercenary known as Wake is not a man that […]
Gavin Macanders (Pretender)

Membership: Freelance Race: Human Height: 5’8 Weight: 145 Apparent Age: 60 Archetype: Physical Adept: Circle: Unknown Preferred Weapon: Katana Runner Song: Bio: The Pretender is yet another one of those blasted HRM (Human Resistance Movement) terrorists, that has found a way to legitimize his genocide by allying with the Brotherhood of Mercenaries. I do hope […]
Clay Forrester (Ragnarok)

Membership: Freelance Race: Human Height: 5’6 Weight: 155 Apparent Age: 70 Archetype: Mercenary Adept: Circle Unknown (Assume the worst) Preferred Weapon: DAOD Battle Axe Runner Song: Bio: Well first off when it comes to Ragnarok never judge a book by it’s cover, this warrior may appear to be nothing more then simple old man. Well […]
George Baxter (Venom)

Membership: Freelance Race: Human Height: 5’8 Weight: 165 Apparent Age: 60 Archetype: Mercenary Adept: Circle: Unknown (Never Registered) Preferred Weapon: DAOD Crossbow (Modified) Runner Song: Bio: This is one stone cold bastard that claims to be a mercenary, well the jury is out on this monster. Venom is a killer of man and child this […]
Alex Christman (Gigabyte)

Membership: Sons of Odin Race: Human Height: 5’11 Weight: 200 Apparent Age: 65 Archetype: Decker Preferred Weapon: Ingram Smartgun Runner Song: Bio: Gigabyte is one of the old school deckers that is still operating within the shadows and offering his skills at cracking any matrix node for the right price, their is nothing Gigabyte won’t […]
Elliot Wilson (Sellsword)

Membership: Freelance Race: Human Height: 5’9 Weight: 165 Apparent Age: 60 Archetype: Mercenary Adept: Circle Unknown Preferred Weapon: Katana Runner Song: Bio: This man is a total mercenary and nothing is sacred to the Sellsword, this man will do basically anything that is brought before him with only a few exceptions. This means that the […]
Dr. Alvin Cannon (Alchemist)

Membership: Freelance Race: Human Height: 5’4 Weight: 130 Apparent Age: 65 Archetype: Mercenary Adept: Circle Unknown Preferred Weapon: Sabre Runner Song: Bio: Well this man is probably one of the most terrifying of all toxicologists the world has ever seen, the Alchemist has been working with these toxic chemicals and natural agents for over […]
Eli Christmas (Gavel)

Membership: Freelance Race: Human Height: 5’2 Weight: 100 Apparent Age: 75 Archetype: Mercenary Adept: Circle: Unknown Preferred Weapon: Skull Crusher Hammer Runner Song: Bio: The man the call Gavel is one scary old man, one would never think that a retired judge could actually be a serious combatant but in this case well they […]
Erza Ferrara (Reboot)

Membership: Devils Rejects/Brotherhood of Mercenaries (Sons of Odin Division) Race: Human Height: 5’5 Weight: 140 Apparent Age: 70+ Archetype: Cybered Mercenary Adept: Circle Unknown (Seriously Don’t Engage……Suicide is less painful than engaging Reboot!) Preferred Weapon: DOAD Assault Crossbow (Highly Modified) Runner Song Bio: The man known as Reboot has just re-emerged back on the streets […]
Detective Gregory West (Mastodon)

Membership: Seattle Police Department Race: Human Height: 5’10 Weight: 180 Apparent Age: 60 Archetype: Mercenary Preferred Weapon: Spass 22 Runner Song: Bio: It looks like Seattle Police Department has reached out for another old school detective to fill their ranks, the Mastodon comes directly from the mean streets of the Los Angeles Police Department. He […]
Keith Reveille (Taps)

Membership: Freelance Race: Human Height: 5’8 Weight: 165 Apparent Age: 60 Archetype: Mercenary Adept: Circle Unknown Preferred Weapon: DAOD Repeating Crossbow (Modified) Runner Song: Bio: What can be said about the man known as Taps, well when it comes to Taps it truly is lights out for anyone who dares to come in contact with […]
Ward O’Malley (Moray)

Membership: Freelance Race: Human Height: 5’8 Weight: 155 Apparent Age: 60 Archetype: Mercenary Adept: Circle Unknown Preferred Weapon: Katana Runner Song: Bio: I will know regale you with the tale of Moray, this man is the pirate of pirates. He is the second in command of the entire Sea Wolves and has been Ratchets second […]
Elliot Rivers (Bootstrap)

Membership: Freelance Race: Human Height: 5’10 Weight: 170 Apparent Age: 60 Archetype: Mercenary Preferred Weapon: Colt 911 Runner Song: Bio: Bootstrap is the newest member to join the ranks of the dreaded Crimson Bloods, this man once served nobly and honourable among the UCAS Navy and had a long and prestigious career that brought him […]
General Ernie Baxter, USA Retired (Tailspin)

Membership: Freelance Race: Human Height: 5’8 Weight: 155 Apparent Age: 70 Archetype: Mercenary Rigger Preferred Weapon: AK 98 Runner Song: Bio: This poor old man walked away from a valiant career in the US Air Force after a life long dedicated career, this man dedicated his entire life to serve this great nation and when […]
General Humphrey Bowers, USA Retired (Fallout)

Membership: Brotherhood of Mercenaries Race: Human Height: 5’10 Weight: 170 Apparent Age: 65 Archetype: Mercenary Adept: Circle: Unknown Preferred Weapon: DAOD Assault Nemesis Runner Song: Bio: Well when is referred to as simply Fallout this should frighten anyone with any sense in their body, and when it comes to this old mercenary that sense would […]
Colonel Thomas Donaldson (Granite)

Membership: Son’s of Odin Race: Human Height: 6’0 Weight: 200 Apparent Age: 60 Archetype: Mercenary Preferred Weapon: Assault DAOD Runner Song: Bio: Time has come to talk about the soldier of fortune known simply as Granite, nothing fazes this man and he can’t be swayed once he is taken a contract. Granite is an honourable […]
Alvin Drummond (Glacier)

Membership: Santa Fe Ring/Caribbean Death Squad/Sons of Odin/Bounty Hunters/Harbingers Race: Human Height: 6’0 Weight: 180 Apparent Age: 70+ Archetype: Cybered Mercenary Adept (Cyber Criminal) Circle: Unknown (Be Afraid, Be Very Fucking Afraid!!) Preferred Weapon: Highly Modified Caribbean Crossbow Runner Song: BIO: Well it’s about time this maniac is brought […]
Salvador Ferrara (Crash)

Membership: The Devil’s Rejects Race: Human Height: 5’3 Weight: 100 Apparent Age: 70+ Archetype: Cybered Mercenary Adept (Cyber Criminal) Circle: Unknown (Seriously commit suicide before engaging Crash…..It will save you the pain of cardiac failure!!) Preferred Weapon: Modified Hand Crossbow Runner Song: BIO: Well its time to talk about the […]
Col. Andrew “Degeneration” Yates (Toad)

Membership: Despicables/Sentinels/Crimson Bloods/Dream Warrior/Bounty Hunters Race: Human Height: 4’8 Weight: 90 Apparent Age: ??? (God Only Knows….Be Warned Toad is not a Teenager!! This is a Bloody Yates and they are all Ancient Beings!!) Archetype: Cybered Mercenary Adept: Circle Unknown (Simply Run and Never Look Back Preferred Weapon: Barbed Wire and Nails DAOD Combat Baseball […]
Dr. Waldorf Cannon (Apothecary)

Membership: The Devil’s Rejects Race: Human Height: 5’6 Weight: 150 Apparent Age: 65 Archetype: Mercenary Preferred Weapon: Aries Squirt 2 Runner Song: Bio: If you thought one lunatic that enjoys playing with toxic chemicals was bad enough, well these is yet another and his name is the Apothecary. If this wasn’t bad enough this is […]
Bernard Cummings (Forsaken)

Membership: Freelance Race: Human Height: 5’9 Weight: 165 Apparent Age: 65 Archetype: Physical Adept: Circle: Unknown (Never Registered) Preferred Weapon: Long Sword Runner Song: Bio: The Forsaken well this man is more then meets the eye, he has been almost all but forgotten like his handle states. Lucky for us all the Forsaken has been […]
Dwight Enfield (Mason)

Membership: Freelance Race: Human Height: 5’9 Weight: 165 Apparent Age: 55 Archetype: Mercenary Adept: Circle: Unknown (Never Registered) Preferred Weapon: DAOD Combat Crossbow (Modified) Runner Song: Bio: Well here is another one of the good ones that has been hunted to the brink of extinction. The runner known as Mason is a true hero of […]