News Archives: 9/1/73 - 12/9/73 | 12/10/73 - 12/27/73 | 12/28/73 - 1/07/74 | 1/08/74 - 1/25/74 | 1/25/74 - 2/6/74 | 02/06/74 - 02/01/75 | 05/01/75 - 25/01/75 | 26/01/75 - 07/03/75 | 08/03/75 - 17/06/76 19/06/2076: "Good evening this is Addison Mayweather coming to you live from the front lines of the Alexandrian Conflict. The current offensive began just before midnight on the 17th of June 2076 and has been ongoing since. It is currently 2100 hours and the fighting has been going on now for close to forty-eight hours with no signs of letting up, the Axis forces have been putting up stiff … Read More
Richard Prescott (Rubix)
Membership: Tennessee Elite Race: Human Height: 5’8 Weight: 160 Apparent Age: 60+ Archetype: Cybered Physical Adept: Circle Unknown (Assume the Worst) Preferred Weapon: CSA Cavalry Sabre Runner Song: Bio: Well who do we have here….Mr. Prescott the other Ghoul of the Shire and man that should be easy as hell to remove seeing he broke […]
Lt. Flynn Sykes (Mustang)
Membership: Seattle PD (Major Case) Race: Human Height: 5’11 Weight: 190 Apparent Age: 55 Archetype: Cybered Mercenary Adept: Circle Unknown (Just Run) Preferred Weapon: DAOD Combat Assault Pistol (Modified) Runner Song: Bio: Welcome to Seattle Lt Sykes, the former partner of Sherman Willard has now joined his partner in crime here in Seattle. The Mustang […]
Thomas “T.J” Kissinger Junior (Tennessee) & (Legend)
Membership: Crystal Dragons Given Name: Seymour Kissinger Junior Race: Human Height: 5’5 Weight: 130 Apparent Age: 30 Archetype: Physical Adept: Circle Unknown (Assume the worst and keep guessing) Preferred Weapon: Ninjato Runner Song: Bio: The only son of the the dreaded Sky Devil commander the Economist is here and he like his father has chosen […]
Brook “Whiskey” Mansfield (Kentucky)
Membership: Unknown Race: Human Height: 5’6 Weight: 150 Apparent Age: 60+ Archetype: Cybered Physical Adept: Circle Unknown Preferred Weapon: Jamestown Classic Pistol (Highly Modified) Runner Song: Bio: His name is Kentucky and that’s what they call this man from the Blue Grass State; but for this adept there is more to the story than just […]
Senator Elwood Martinez (Administrator)
Membership: Unknown Race: Human Height: 5’8 Weight: 160 Apparent Age: 60 Archetype: Cybered Mercenary Preferred Weapon: DAOD Assault Pistol Runner Song: Bio:
Sasha Ness (Indy)
Race: Human Height: 5’7 Weight: 150 Apparent Age: 30 Archetype: Rigger Preferred Weapon: Rotary Assault Cannon Runner Song: Bio:
Christopher “CC” Collins (Alamo)
Membership: Freelance Race: Human Height: 5’5 Weight: 165 Apparent Age: 60 Archetype: Street Samurai Preferred Weapon: DAOD Nemesis Runner Song: Bio: Well there seems to be allot of talk about monsters lurking within the shadows today and this couldn’t be farther from the truth, there is one monster in particular that I feel needs to […]
Chester Hollingsworth (Chief)
Membership: Sons of the True Confederacy Race: Human Height: 5’8 Weight: 155 Apparent Age: 55 Archetype: Mercenary Preferred Weapon: DAOD Nemesis Runner Song: Bio: Chief got his start back in the early part of this century long before the Ghost Dance, and the Treaty of Denver this mercenary has a serious chip on his shoulder […]
Arlen “Big Daddy” DiCane (Gunfighter)
Membership: Sons of the True Confederacy Race: Human Height: 5’10 Weight: 175 Apparent Age: 60 Archetype: Mercenary Gunslinger Adept: Circle Unknown Preferred Weapon: DAOD Ronin Pistol Runner Song: Bio: Well this one is a bit of a surprise since for all intense and purposes Big Daddy DiCane was dead and buried back in the summer […]
Walter Young (Wisdom)
Membership: Sons of the True Confederacy/Texas Elite Race: Human Height: 5’7 Weight: 160 Apparent Age: 55 Archetype: Mercenary Preferred Weapon: Spass-22 Runner Song: Bio: The man referred to as Wisdom is one of those old timers that has been fighting for the freedom of Texas from the control of it’s Aztlan captures since day one. […]
Tennessee Davis (Archive)
Membership: Sons of the True Confederacy Race: Human Height: 5’6 Weight: 135 Apparent Age: 65 Archetype: Physical Adept: Circle Unknown Preferred Weapon: Flail Runner Song: Bio: The man known as Archive is not only a card caring member of the Confederates, this man is also the head of the fabled Library. This is also very […]
Chester Holt (Buzz)
Membership: Sons of the True Confederacy/Texas Elite Race: Human Height: 5’9 Weight: 160 Apparent Age: 45 Archetype: Mercenary Adept: Circle: Unknown Preferred Weapon: Spass-22 Runner Song: Bio: This is one mercenary that is a serious problem child, he is the younger brother of Texas Elite member Buddy and the family psychosis did not skip this […]
Doc Davis (Moonshine)
Membership: Sons of the True Confederacy Race: Human Height: 5’11 Weight: 170 Apparent Age: 60 Archetype: Mercenary Preferred Weapon: Spass-22 Runner Song: Bio: Well what is there to say about the mercenary known as Moonshine, well this man is nothing more then a smuggler and killer that has a very low value on human life. […]
Herman Plato (Maestro)
Membership: Sons of the True Confederacy/US Elite Race: Human Height: 5’10 Weight: 185 Apparent Age: 60+ Archetype: Physical Adept: Circle: Unknown (Assume High and Keep Guessing) Preferred Weapon: DAOD Baseball Bat Runner Song: Bio: This man is a master of hitting the home run, they call him the Maestro do to him being […]
Sydney Crane (Adamantine)
Membership: Sons of the True Confederacy/Texas Elite Race: Human Height: 5’9 Weight: 145 Apparent Age: 50 Archetype: Street Samurai Preferred Weapon: DAOD Pistol Runner Song: Bio: This runner is one tough bitch, she grew up in the back streets of Dallas and was born into a rough world of gangs, guns and violence. Sydney […]
LT. Grover Ness (Mechanic, Napalm)
Membership: SOTC /Texas Elite/Santa Fe Ring/US Elite Race: Human Height: 5’7 Weight: 145 Apparent Age: 60+ Archetype: Physical Adept Pilot: Circle Unknown (Bend over and kiss your ass goodbye) Preferred Weapon: Jamestown Classic Runner Song: Bio: The Mechanic is one hell of a rigger, this man is a terror of the open roads and […]
Winchester Hatfield (Thumper)
Membership: Sons of the True Confederacy Race: Human Height: 5’10 Weight: 165 Apparent Age: 45 Archetype: Street Samurai/Rigger Preferred Weapon: DAOD Plasma Assault Shotgun Runner Song: Bio: Thumper might appear younger then most of his generation and thats this runners greatest asset, his body was not ravaged with age and he maintained some of his […]
Colonel Jeb Richard Trask (Badger)
Membership: Sons of the True Confederacy, Crystal Dragons Race: Human Height: 5’8 Weight: 150 Apparent Age: 60 Archetype: Physical Adept: Circle: Unknown Preferred Weapon: English Long Sword Runner Song: Bio: Badger well here is another old timer that would be considered an original if he had ever stepped foot inside Seattle during those violent […]
Benson Trask (Twister)
Membership: Sons of the True Confederacy Race: Human Height: 5’7 Weight: 140 Apparent Age: 60 Archetype: Physical Adept: Circle Unknown Preferred Weapon: Katana Runner Song: Bio: Twister is a force to be reckoned with this runner is from those early days when the streets where bloody and violent. He is not classified as an […]
Jonathan Albert (Copperhead)
Membership: Sons of the True Confederacy Race: Human Height: 6’0 Weight: 170 Apparent Age: 60 Archetype: Mercenary Preferred Weapon: Aries Squirt 2 Runner Song: Bio: The Copperhead, were to start on this bastard well first off he is the regional commander for the Mississippi division of the SOTC and this man is as […]
General Tullius “Thomas” Kissinger (Gargoyle, Uncle Tom, PaPa)
Membership: Railroad, Wolf Pack, Railroad Race: Human Height: 5’3 Weight: 135 Apparent Age: 55 Archetype: Physical Adept: Circle: Unknown (No need to run your just a dead man walking) Preferred Weapon: Ninjato Runner Song: Bio: The Gargoyle is a master of the shadows and is a fully trained shadow warrior, he might be a white […]
Bernard “Nostradamus” Grassley (Overseer)
Membership: Sons of the True Confederacy Race: Human Height: 5’10 Weight: 165 Apparent Age: 60 Archetype: Physical Adept: Circle: Unknown Preferred Weapon: Katana Runner Song: Bio: The Overseer is probably one of the scariest members of the SOTC he is to Davis as the Prophet is to Colonial. This man unlike the Prophet is not […]
Marvin Jackson (Bonkers)
Membership: Southern Cross Division Race: Human Height: 5’7 Weight: 160 Apparent Age: 60 Archetype: Street Samurai Preferred Weapon: Vindicator Mini-Gun Runner Song: Bio: Bonkers is actually certifiable, and this should worry you but his kind of crazy is the good kind if there really is a good kind. He basically looks at the world […]
POTCAS. Wesley “Taffy” Taffer (Scimitar)
Membership: SOTC/Patriots/Post Office/Harbingers/Rough Riders Race: Human Height: 5’5 Weight: 140 Apparent Age: 65+ Archetype: Mercenary Adept: Circle: 20 Much, Much Higher (Your already dead and don’t know it) Preferred Weapon: Scimitar Runner Song: Bio: Well when it comes to Scimitar we have to take a look back into this countries darker times, this man was […]
Orville Dayton (Colt)
Membership: Sons of the True Confederacy/Texas Elite Race: Human Height: 5’10 Weight: 165 Apparent Age: 65 Archetype: Mercenary Preferred Weapon: Modified Colt Manhunter Runner Song: Bio: Colt well this man is a true terror of the Texas plains, he hails from Dallas and was born before the Treaty of Denver and the second Civil War. […]
Emmett Bird (Long Horn)
Membership: Sons of the True Confederacy/Texas Elite Race: Human Height: 5’10 Weight: 165 Apparent Age: 50 Archetype: Mercenary Preferred Weapon: Cavalry Sword Runner Song: Bio: Long Horn is another one of those damned Sons, he is originally from Texas and is part of the Elite so his skills in combat must be grand if he […]
Morley Shepherd (Gator)
Membership: Sons of the True Confederacy Race: Human Height: 6’0 Weight: 170 Apparent Age: 45 Archetype: Social Adept: Circle: 20 Preferred Weapon: Aries Predator 2 Runner Song: Bio: This man is a real snake in the grass, he is from the CAS and hails from Oklahoma. He was the senator from that state prior to […]
COL. Crawford Sturgis (Harley)
Membership: Texas Elite/ US Elite Race: Human Height: 5’8 Weight: 170 Apparent Age: 65+ Archetype: Adept (Type Unknown) Circle: Your Guess is as Good as Mine. Preferred Weapon: AUG-CSL Weapon System (???) Runner Song: Bio: Harley is a Texas born hunter, this man may look like a nice old man and that perfect suburban father. […]
Lowell Townsend (Headmaster)
Membership: Sons of the True Confederacy Race: Human Height: 5’10 Weight: 160 Apparent Age: 60 Archetype: Mercenary Preferred Weapon: AK-98 Runner Song: Bio <<<<<FILE ERADICATED>>>> This ends now!
Neil Fairfax (Daytona)
Membership: Sons of the True Confederacy Race: Human Height: 6’2 Weight: 210 Apparent Age: 45 Archetype: Rigger Preferred Weapon: Vigilant Rotary Assault Cannon Runner Song: Bio: Well if you thought the Sons didn’t have a rigger at there disposal you would be not only wrong, you would be dead wrong. They have one of the […]
Norris Brooks (Pops)
Membership: Sons of the True Confederacy Race: Human Height: 6’0 Weight: 185 Apparent Age: 70 Archetype: Fixer/Dealer Preferred Weapon: Colt Manhunter 2050 Runner Song: Bio: Pops is the go to man for the Sons when they need anything, He runs a small general store in the backwoods of Georgia. This man might be old, but […]
Norris Davenport (Catfish)
Membership: Sons of the True Confederacy Race: Human Height: 5’6 Weight: 140 Apparent Age: 50 Archetype: Mercenary Preferred Weapon: Colt Manhunter Runner Song: Bio: Catfish, well this man is a nasty as they come. He is a predator of the CAS and does make raids into the NAN and UCAS on occasion, he is less […]
Franklin Walker (Bogeyman)
Membership: Sons of the True Confederacy Race: Human Height: 5’8 Weight: 150 Apparent Age: 50 Archetype: Mercenary Preferred Weapon: DAOD Pistol Runner Song: Bio: Well where to start on the Bogeyman, and yes he really is the bogeyman of the CAS. This man has been with the Sons from the time he could walk, and […]
Philip King (Cotton)
Membership: Sons of the True Confederacy Race: Human Height: 6’0 Weight: 180 Apparent Age: 45 Archetype: Street Samurai Preferred Weapon: Ingram Super Mach Runner Song: Bio: Cotton is the commander of the South Carolina division of the Sons, he commands with an iron fist and his men both fear and love him for it. This […]
Vice President General Jefferson Jones CSA Cavalry (Regal)
Membership: Sons of the True Confederacy Race:Human Height: 5’6 Weight: 150 Apparent Age: 60 Archetype: Mercenary Adept: Circle Unknown (Run for for you life!!!) Preferred Weapon: Cavalry Sabre Runner Song: Bio: Regal is a real rat bastard, this man was once a Senator of the US prior to the Civil War and being from North […]
President Edward”Grand Dragon Davis CSA (Powder Keg) or (Dragon)
Membership: Sons of the True Confederacy Race: Ancient Great Western Dragon Height: 5’10 Weight: 170 Apparent Age: 65 Archetype: Mercenary Adept: Circle Unknown (Run the Hell Away, and keep Running) Preferred Weapon: Cavalry Sabre Runner Song: Bio: Lets talk about Powder Keg for a while, you would think with a name like that he was […]
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