Message From General Archibald Kingsbury
Deputy Mayor of the Sovereign City of Seattle
High Commander of the Freedom Patriots
My dear citizens of Seattle let me introduce myself, I am General Archibald Kingsbury also known by many as Colonial. I am the founder and commander of the Sons of Liberty (Freedom Patriots), I have been given the privilege of serving as your new Deputy Mayor after the tragic death of Ronald Gibson. I felt that it was important to address the people of this great city in light of all the news and developments occurring since the Battle of Seattle on December Tenth, Two Thousand Seventy Three. I know many of you are confused and troubled by the events that transpired on that day and before, I know many of you great citizens have been displaced and lost family and friends in the fighting and are now grieving and for this I am sorry. Though greatness can not occur without tragedy and through these next few weeks, the Emerald City will shine brighter than ever before as a guiding light for many enslaved cities to rise up and tear down the False Flag and declare their Independence from the tyrants that wish to enslave each and everyone of you.
We as a city rose up against the tyranny of the False Flag, we struck a blow that will be felt from coast to coast and this blow has broken the shackles that once bound Lady Liberty, this strike has rendered those that support the False Flag blind, it has broken the will of the enemy and as long we as a city stand united in rebellion we shall remain free of the tyranny that wishes to enslave you. This battle was one that had to occur sooner then later, this battle needed to happen when it did or We The People would have been trapped in an ever enclosing noose that would have eventually choked the life out of this great city and forced submission to the will of the False Flag. Many brave souls were lost on December Tenth of Two Thousand Seventy Three and for their sacrifice has given us hope of a brighter future. Your loved ones have not perished in vain and for this they will forever be remembered as heroes and patriots.
It was once said that every once in while the tree of liberty needs to refreshed with the blood of patriots and tyrants and the tree of liberty was well overdo for refreshing. This battle has been brewing through the ages long before the rise of the False Flag, long before the Civil War, before the Nights of Blood and the Great Ghost Dance. This has been a long time coming and the leaders of the new government have done everything in their power to silence those that opposed their absolute control and kept the people blind to truth by dividing the nation through politics and race. As the years progressed this division grew larger till the people were too blind to see the truth anymore and were more than willing to fall in line and accept what they were told as truth. This my people was the breaking point in our great nation when America died and the False Flag began its rise, they just needed one tragic event that would spark a nationwide panic, an event so grand it could not be ignored anymore. This event my people was the great Ghost Dance, our leaders knew about it well in advance and they were more than prepared to reap the rewards of the ensuing chaos and fully cement the False Flag in place.
During this time, this time of tragedy, this time of panic and hopelessness our government did not reach out to assist the people. No they sat back and allowed the nation to be raped and her people butchered by an enemy that we all knew, an enemy that we shared this land with. They used this as a way to silence those that had knowledge of the event, those that could spread the truth and those that rose up to the call of duty to help the people. On this day August Seventeenth, Two Thousand Seventeen our leaders gathered in the capital building to begin the workings of what would be called the the New Articles of the Constitution. They used the ensuing chaos to burn and destroy the documents that our founding fathers bled and sacrificed to create and ensure we were a true republic of the people. In a single moment the America we once knew was destroyed and the New America were drafted. During these trying times even our military was being held at bay and forbidden to leave there bases and lend a helping hand to the people, they were also ordered to kill any citizen trying to seek sanctuary. Sadly, many of our great Generals just fell in line and gave the orders further cementing their place under the False Flag as loyal servants. Any soldier who rebelled and tried to do their sworn duty to the protect the people were arrested and executed as traitors. This, my people, were the events that led to the creation of the False Flag and the destruction and raping of Old Glory and the eventual disintegration of the American Spirit.
Many took up arms against the threat that was slaughtering the people of this great nation. Many gave their lives during these days we call the Nights of Blood, yet our leaders cowed under the pressure of the meek and new that surrendering to the Natives would further cement the False Flag and allow for a creation of a new government, a new legislation and allow the politicians to get rich off the backs of those that lay dead. They new this would allow for a complete corporate take over and no longer would the interests of the people be forthright, it would be forever in the best interests of the big corporations of foreign nations to take control completing the rise of the False Flag and the creation of the New World Order take over. This my citizens is what they wanted, this is what they needed to secure control over a frightened and confused people. They needed to reduce the population and render many of the nations brave men, older men and women obsolete so they could place the noose around the nations neck and gain complete control over each and everyone of us.
During those nights and the many more to come over two million Americans perished, though half a million of those fell when this nation was torn asunder by another Civil War. Now I might not agree fully with the Confederates and their secession from the Union but I can respect their tenacity and their spirit to not be willing to lay down and submit to the will of the False Flag. These Confederates showed the newly formed United Canadian American States that the South Will Rise Again and Never Mess With Texas. They rose up in rebellion like we in the Union should have, they laid their lives down and made the great sacrifice for liberty and for freedom. Some will argue that the Confederate American States have less freedom then the United Canadian American States do, but these people couldn’t be more wrong, the Confederates are still living under the principals set before them by the founding fathers, they are not corrupted by big corporations and their politicians fear the hangman’s noose if they show any sign of corruption and tyranny. Though the people of the False Flag have traded there liberty, freedom and democracy for further control and protection from the same people that sat ideally by and let this all happen. My citizens who do you think has more freedom and liberty those under the False Flag or those who stood up as one and fought against it and won their liberty back.
The Treaty of Denver is an illegal document that was drafted under duress and has been added to through the ages, this document is nothing more then a fear tactic and meant to replace our Constitution and our Deceleration of Independence. This illegal document was never ratified by the legally elected government, this document was ratified by members of multiple nations under the supposed threat of another Great Ghost Dance. This document people is another sign of the lies told and rise of this New World Order. This Document simply stated that all nations of North America would be under One ruling council and under one uniformed set of laws and liberty would forever be lost. This Document is what the Confederates rose up against, this Document is what we in the Patriots are fighting so hard to remove. This document is what allowed the military to place the noose around Seattle and begin to constrict and seize control. This document is what allowed the Native American Nations to invade and attempt to reclaim the Emerald City as their own and begin the rounding up and executing of her citizens under the Articles written there in.
Through the years my citizens the fires of rebellion have been burning and many gave there lives in defense of Old Glory and her people, many sacrificed everything to fight for a cause bigger then themselves, others where vilified and persecuted for a crime they never committed. I am speaking about the unit know forever known as the Minutemen these Marines were abandoned in Korea prior to the full rise of the False Flag and they were condemned and were meant to fall on their swords as the villains for the Great Ghost Dance, the Assassination of President Mitchell and the death of countless Americans from a supposed nuclear strike. Well what the members of the False Flag didn’t plan on was the heroic return of these men and with them knowing the truth absolute the False Flag did the only thing they could do and that was to attempt to silence these men and brand them terrorists and traitors. This couldn’t be further from the truth and having personally spoken with many of those men, I can tell you citizens you were lied to and those of the Minutemen that lost their lives to the gallows pole were innocent and with their death came silence. This is the government that we rose up against one that is willing to condemn and execute it’s citizens and it’s veterans to keep a further choke hold. Do you as citizens of this great city want to live with liberty, freedom and democracy or under the false banner and salute a flag blindly.
This war is long from over citizens and the battle might have been won but the final victory will only come once the False Flag is brought down and the Native American Nations surrenders and the Treaty of Denver is fully abolished, currently your elected leaders are burning the midnight oil to ratify a Bill of Rights, Constitution and Declaration of Independence for the great city of Seattle and her people so we as a city can once again live in freedom and once again be free of totalitarian dictatorship. We will never surrender to the pressures of the False Flag and we will never relent till every last citizen in this great nation can once again be considered free. Help me my citizens in bringing down the False Flag, Help me in in tearing down those that oppose your liberty, this is something that We The People of Seattle need to stand united against and let your voices be heard from sea to shining sea, all it takes is a simple push to start an avalanche and for the snow has already started to move.
I only ask that you remain patient my citizens, this is not something that can be won overnight and with a single battle. I ask all those that are able to raise your fists into the air and let them hear your boots on the pavement. Let them know that we are forever united and Seattle will not quietly into the cold dark night. The False Flag can only subdue the media so far and our resilience will be the shining example for many other cities and citizens to rise up and tear down the False Flag. We have proven citizens that once united we can accomplish anything, don’t let all those who gave their lives for the cause so just be in vain. Those innocent civilians that lost their homes and families do to war, I do feel for you and you will be taken care off just please be patient as the reconstruction process has just begun and your losses are important to us.
So in closing citizens of this great city, I ask that you join us in this fight against the False Flag and all those who wish to rape you of your liberties. I ask you to dig deep inside and restore the American spirit that burns deep inside each and everyone of us. This country was founded on rebellion and for inside each and everyone of us lies the spirit of a colonial solider, even if you can’t pick up a weapon and fight please keep an eye out for those that would wish to brig us harm and see us fail. This is a time of war citizens and we are fighting for our way of life, our liberty and our survival. If we fail then everything will be in vain and the False Flag will be fully cemented forever and they will choke the life out this city, they will round up every citizen they deem a threat and publicly execute them as traitors. Lets make sure this never happens my citizens and join me in the resistance of Seattle and let your voices be heard, let the tyrants see us stand united from now and forever as one; Don’t Tread On Me!
General Archibald Kingsbury (Colonial)
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