The Steel Legion
If one would think that the Brotherhood of Mercenaries where the only show in town when it comes to profiting off war, sabotage and the greed of others; well you would be highly mistaken. The Steel Legion is the second largest band of mercenaries within the known world and this unit is broken up into multiple different branches and tactical units. The one major difference between the Brotherhood and the Legion is that the Legion is based out of the United Kingdom and works within the multiple battlefields of Europe, Asia, and Africa with their soldiers aiding the Deaths Hand and as well anyone that can afford their extremely high fee’s. This mercenary unit also offers personal guard services, bodyguard detail and private security details for the rich; this agency has and is willing to send soldiers of fortune into battlefields against their number one client the Deaths Hand; but don’t expect to pay anything short of multiple millions of credits for this service, as well don’t expect anything other than basic soldiers of fortune as they will be unwilling to risk their known and reputable soldiers for these contracts.
The Steel Legion unlike the the Brotherhood swears it’s loyalties to the Crown of England and it is normal to find former Royal military officers, and soldiers within their ranks; as the Steel Legion recruits heavily from within the Royal Navy, Royal Air Force and the Royal Army. Though they also do expand their recruitment to include European runners, terrorists of the Human Resistance Movement, Deaths Hand Agents and soldiers as well criminals that are facing life in prison or the headsmen’s block; trading their prison sentence to fight within the most lethal and brutal battlefields the Steel Legion is contracted to represent. These mercenaries first go through a series of training’s, tests and physical and mental examinations to better determine what division they will be best suited for; the criminals are normally placed within the lowest of divisions and not awarded any actual rank beyond Private First Class.
This division of mercenary’s operates very closely to an actual military unit with legitimate uniforms, ranks and payroll; the Steel Legion may pay more then a regular government sanctioned military would pay, but the risks are often quite higher as well the speed of advancement is quite slower. They only promote based on providing results and the amount of campaigns (Successful) the individual has completed, as well they do follow the standard military practice of only offering the commissioned rank of an officer to those with a bachelors degree or higher. The Steel Legion’s rules of conduct might be higher than most of the other mercenary divisions within the known world, this is do to the fact the Steel Legion is recognised as a legitimate private military order and has been fully sanctioned by the Worlds Court, even though they are known to work for the Deaths Hand and other not so legal employers; the Steel Legion is given some credence do it’s sworn oath to the Crown of England.
The Steel Legion might be recognised by the World Court as a sanctioned agency and it’s soldiers are free from prosecution while they are working alongside these known criminal agencies; so long as they do not commit any action that can be constituted as a War Crime these mercenaries are given a slight variation of diplomatic immunity. If any member of the Steel Legion is found to have committed a felony while in the service of the Legion they are quickly dealt with and they are publicly beheaded or hanged in the square of London Town. The command structure of the Steel Legion is quite strict on it’s policies and makes it quite clear that if it’s violated their will be consequences with the most severe being capital punishment, while others include flogging, imprisonment, public humiliation and hefty fines and revoking any form of leave. The require there soldiers to be in proper uniform whenever they are on duty and to act in accordance of the code of the gentleman; this agency’s rules might be harsh but they follow these old world strictures to make sure they maintain a level of professionalism with their operators. The Steel Legion as well compensates it’s members with a very competitive salary, combat pay, medical benefits as well as retirement and funeral benefits; these are just a few of the benefits this agency offers to any qualified applicant.
Now don’t get me wrong on paper the Steel Legion might appear to be a honest and noble agency to work for, though when in reality they are as corrupt as the Brotherhood of Mercenaries and other terrorist cells of the United Canadian American States and the Deaths Hand that holds the longest and largest running contract with the Steel Legion. This agency was surprisingly silent during the Invasion of England and only emerged during the battles climax to secure London’s security; and then they went back to work serving both the invaders and the King. These men hide behind their court sanctioning to aid the infamous Deaths Hand and remain free from prosecution; they claim that they police their own but yet they haven’t prosecuted or executed one of their own in over a decade yet they have many agents that are currently being indited for crimes against humanity. This is just the beginning of the hypocrisy of the Steel Legion, they claim that they are noble and honourable but yet their commanders hide behind the red tape of bureaucracy as well as their once unstained reputation.
These mercenaries have fully thrown their glove into the ongoing war and fight against the supposed European Legion hunting down the agents of this supposed fictional enemy. They aid the Human Resistance Movement with their genocidal campaign against the elves of the Tir Na Nog and help protect the pirate vessels of the Sea Wolves and Crimson Bloods in their evasion of the law. They hide behind their diplomatic immunity to harbour known felons and terrorists as well as defend corrupt politicians and nobles that have turned their back on the legal authority and back the known terrorists and rebels. The Steel Legion and The Brotherhood of Mercenaries both have joined the war and are offering their highly trained soldiers to the rebelling Patriots and infamous Deaths Hand. Their recruitment centres are always accepting applications and their recruiters can be found throughout Europe, recruiting within the military for the retiring soldiers, high schools and colleges for the young vibrant impressionable students that can be warped into callous rebels and murderers. The Steel Legion has remained free from this site for far to long and do to their direct involvement in the war and their aiding of the Deaths Hand, Irish Republican Army and the Human Resistance Movement. Their traitorous actions need to be brought to the attention of the people and it seems that even the new King of England his Majesty King Avery Cortland ignores this agencies actions and continues to support and protect the Steel Legion from any form of criminal prosecution; well what do you expect from the King of Pirates himself.
Page Written By: Dr. Winston Willows
The Legionnaires
Lords of Destruction
(The Round Table)
The Lords of Destruction as they are so aptly named are the commanders of the Steel Legion, these men can be considered Generals if they actually held a legitimate military rank. The commandants have all been duly sworn into the Royal Army by the current King and all hold legitimate British nobility titles ranging from Earl all the way to the King himself, so these men do deserve the respect of having their titles placed before their name and called His Lordship or His Majesty; though it doesn’t sit well with me that these men clawed their way over other nobles during the War of the Nobles in the 2020’s to further advance their status and divide the once great country of England into holds divided by these men as they hold the remainder of England hostage and turn back the clock over a century or more socially and politically as these men keep a tight choke hold on Parliament and wont allow anything to happen without their specific say so. The Steel Legion has had it’s hands deep within the political climate of England since it’s inception just after the Great Tragedy and the Rise of the Tir Na Nog, with a chapter of the Steel Legion branching off and becoming the Freedom Patriots of the United States. General Archibald Kingsbury himself is a British noble holding the title of Duke of Oxford yet he supposedly has forgone his noble birthright as he has become an American and is focused on the restoration of his new home within New England.
Though according to the records within Parliament the founder and commander of the American Freedom Patriots hasn’t abandoned his title and his noble claim to his home territory within England. He has just placed a proxy to sit in his place within the House of Lords as he focuses on the great rebellion within the United Canadian American States. In this reporters opinion the Freedom Patriots are nothing but a secondary chapter of the Steel Legion that is under the command of a rogue monarch that is trying to expand his territory through deception and force. The Brotherhood and the Freedom Patriots hold many similarities to the Steel Legion and the Legion itself swears it’s loyalties to the Crown of England before anything else.
Each of the Nobles of the Steel Legion are tasked with a specific duty and that normally means they are focused on running the day to day activities of this mighty band of mercenaries. Even though Lord Yorkshire is the official commander the Steel Legion he is a Duke and still has to answer to the King and any other noble that is of higher status, this can create a very slippery slope and a political nightmare when the nobles begin to attempt to supersede each other and it’s really a surprise that the Steel Legion has not only survived as long as it has but triumphed and excelled beyond the scope of any expectation proving that even the monarchs can work together when needed and have accepted a hierarchy of command within the Legion only where a Duke can command a King.
They are each considered a Commandant of a specific region or task with the exception of the Legions commander Lord Yorkshire and the executive officers Lord Oxford and Lord Wellington that act as the voice of Lord Yorkshire when he needs to pass orders and commands to the other commandants of the Steel Legion. These men are responsible for most of the destruction throughout the known world as they oversee a vast majority of Europe, Asia and Africa and aid the Deaths Hand in their continued conquest of these regions. With even a few of there commandants being known generals of the infamous hand, the only region that doesn’t have a commandant in command of that territory is North America, Central and South America as well as Australia; though one can argue that the Freedom Patriots General Archibald Kingsbury is the commandant of North America and the newest ally of the Deaths Hand General Graham Drexel being the commandant of South America though officially the Steel Legion hasn’t acknowledged General Drexel as a member of the Lords of Destruction and amongst the Steel Legion; this I feel will happen in do time seeing that the Deaths Hand has just hired Legionnaire known as Checkmate to command their German forces and head their war on the German People. Both General Horowitz and Colonel Yule once served the Steel Legion and by the Oaths they swore once a Legionnaire always a Legionnaire, this can mean that the Steel Legion and the Deaths Hand are far tighter then we ever figured and the Invasion of Hand on English soil was nothing but a ruse to allow the Pirate King to steal the Throne and claim his noble right to the crown and ring of England.
The Nobles of Destruction seem to always be one step ahead of the Words Court and have been keeping the peoples eyes clouded and their minds focused on other details and aspects of day to day life, allowing them to secretly maneuver the Steel Legion around as if they are playing a live action chess game while the people remain blind to their actions, they have desensitised the people to violence and blood shed by restoring the antiquated art of public hangings and beheading’s as well as causing the bloody war of the Nobles that spilled gallons of blood and caused England’s rivers to run red for decades. The Hierarchy of the Steel Legion claims to be fighting against something referred to as the European Legion and against a man they call Legion but it seems to me that they are the ones that call them self the Legion and this man they are hunting is just a surviving noble from the War of the Nobles that refuses to join the Steel Legion and accept their control over him and his people.
These Nobles claim that they are held to a higher authority and that they are maintaining a level of honour and pride that has been lost in recent generations, though all they are doing is causing further suffering with their unlawful war and aligning themselves with the nefarious Deaths Hand does not bod well for their claim of being honourable and noble in practice. The Nobles of Destruction control the regional courts and decide who is guilty and who is innocent on a whim and they have not honoured the World Courts request to turn over known war criminals to them, instead they have given these criminals further diplomatic immunity and have pulled England, Whales and Scotland from the Worlds Court and has declared that any agents of the Court to step on the soil of Great Britain will be seen as an act of war and dealt with accordingly.
This also stands true for the Islands of the Caribbean and the City of Boston within the United Canadian American States, the World Court has no authority within these regions and even though Boston resides within a recognised nation its Independent status allows for General Archibald Kingsbury to enforce the law of the Steel Legion and his Freedom Patriots of the recognised law of the land. The Steel Legion and the Nobles that rule them have all been fighting against a fictional enemy that they created to further subjugate the people of any region they hold any sort of power, they have been charging millions of credits and bankrupting small countries to offer their protection though as soon as the Deaths Hand arrives the solders of the Legion will normally turn on the people and fight alongside the Hand not against them, All I can hope is that someone can actually put an end to this racket and bring the Steel Legion crumbling down before they fully absorb the entirety of the world into their web of deception and their is no chance for freedom to ever prevail again as we will all be slaves serving our masters of the Steel Legion.
Lord Hemingway Yorkshire (Custodian)<Commanding Officer>:
Lord Saul Oxford (Atari) <Executive Officer>: The second in command of the Steel Legion is as well second in command of the Freedom Patriots serving under General Archibald Kingsbury within the hallowed halls of Boston. Lord Oxford plays double duty as he commands a war on two continents and has been supplementing the forces of the Freedom Patriots with the commandos of the Steel Legion for years. This man is quite dangerous to the entire civilised world, weeing that he like the Lord of War is in the business of war and only when bullets are flying is he making money; so it is within his best interests to keep the fires of revolution burning. Atari is also a close and personal friend of Kingsbury and has been assisting his friend in the destruction of the UCAS since the earliest days of this revolution. Lord Oxford is quite dangerous as well seeing that he has influence throughout both the UCAS and England causing many to pause when it comes to working in direct conflict with him and it’s just easier to work in concert with Lord Oxford than against him, this man see’s the world as a large chess board though when he places you into checkmate many lives are lost and he carries a secret hidden piece called the assassin draw you own conclusions here.
Lord Edmund T Wellington (Lord of War) <Executive Officer>: The third in command of the Steel Legion is one of the most ruthless and sadistic men to ever walk Lord Wellington is jut that man. This man stood supreme during the War of the Nobles and some say he actually laid all the pieces in order to allow the war to commence. England was once directly under the command of this man and while he was in rule he destroyed our very foundation of government and reinstated the need for a King to rule supreme; this was his ultimate intentions until he was outsmarted by the current King. The Lord of War rules over the entire Caribbean and has kept the Steel Legion quite well off as he continues to focus on the destruction of Aztlan. If it floats this is the man that is in command of it and he controls the entire naval division of the Steel Legion and as well supplements his fleet of vessels with the infamous Sea Wolves that are more than happy to fight alongside the Steel Legion and reap the rewards of this illegal revolution that the Steel Legion is fully invested into.
Lord Herbert Larsen (Simba) <Commandant of Special Operations>: This is the catch all division of illegal and nearly legal matters, Lord Larsen is in command of a vast majority of the Special Operation Divisions that exist within the Steel Legion. This man holds a vast amount of power and is not afraid to get his own hands dirty at times unlike some of his peers Lord Larsen commands his division from across the pond and within his new manor home within America. Now as a Englishman myself I don’t agree with what actually happened to Lord Larsen at the hands of General O’Brian but during the days of the Noble Wars Lord Larsen is not free of guilt and karma has a strange way of catching up with even the nobles. This man lives and operates out of the United Canadian American States and only returns to the UK when the Round Table converges, this does not upset the Steel Legion and actually benefits them greatly to have one of their Round Table within close proximity to both the Freedom Patriots and Brotherhood of Mercenaries. Lord Larsen needs to be avoided at all costs and remember this man is a Lion Shifter, he claims to be the king of the urban jungle and with what I know about him I would tend to agree.
Lord Ralph Lindel (Ambassador) <Commandant of Foreign Affairs>: Lord Lindel is the commander in charge of the entirety of the Steel Legions foreign relations department and is the direct link between them and the Deaths Hand. He might not actually have a specific region under his thumb but for a man with the ear of both Lord Yorkshire and Alexander of the Deaths Hand, he doesn’t need it. Wars are won and lost on his say sow and for Lord Lindel being an overseer is far more dangerous than being directly in command of a regions affairs. This man is well known for stirring up the pot and causing many conflicts to break out only to financially capitalise on the aftermath, he as well keeps the need of the Steel Legion for protection in the minds of anyone preparing a revolution against the Deaths Hand or tyrannical warlord. Lord Lindel likes to keep the Deaths Hand generals on their toes, and seeing that he is deep within the inner circle of elders of the Hand an uprising is considered a test of leadership and worth to the Hand as well keeps the coffers of the Legion full, for that Lord Lindel is well liked and well rewarded.
Lord Donald Greenspan (Jackal) <Commandant of African Relations>: The Butcher of Africa serves as the Relations officer to the entire continent and boy does this man do a wonderful job of screwing the potential employers, seeing that many of the African cities, towns and tribes reach out to the Steel Legion for assistance in combating the Deaths Hand that are pulverizing their nation and history; it’s only ironic that Lord Greenspan is as well the Deaths Hand General in full command of the African conquest and once he learns of a Legion contract he quickly deploys his enforcer and Death Squad to that region to make short work of the uprising before his legionnaires can arrive to assist the locals (Actually stand by and reap the rewards that are divided between the Steel Legion and the Hand). Lord Greenspan keeps the coffers of the Steel Legion quite full and as well keeps the people of Africa fully subjugated and under his thumb. (RIP Lord Greenspan was killed in action)
King Avery Cortland (Governor) <Commandant of British Relations>: The King of England would be perfect for keeping an eye on the comings and goings within Great Britain and he does a wonderful job at stirring the pot and keeping the need for the Steel Legion supreme as he has his Crimson Bloods plunder any merchant ship that dares to get to close to England’s shores without paying the protection tax. He also keeps adding fuel to the fire within the prideful hearts of the Scottish reminding them of there Deaths Hand slavers and thus taking the Scottish rebels money handing them a squad of poorly trained prisoners and laughing as the rebellion fails and Scotland becomes ever so closer to being his for the taking. His Majesty as well helps supplement the Human Resistance Movement and the Irish Republic Army in their war against the elves of the Tir Na Nog in order to continue the purging of there species, though the IRA are warned that if he even suspects their presence in England he will turn the entire weight of both the Steel Legion as well as his Crimson Bloods onto them. As a Englishman it pains me to call him the King, but he legitimately holds claim to the throne as he is the Duke of Cambridge and has royal blood, he might be a scumbag pirate and murderous bastard but he is our King and should be respected as such and with that “Long Live the King!”
Lord Warren Montgomery (Ronin) <Commandant of European Relations>: With most of Europe owned by the Deaths Hand a need for mercenaries is high and so is the fee to higher said Soldiers of Fortune to fight against the tyrants in the hand. Though when your only option is the Steel Legion or Brotherhood of Mercenaries the odds of victory go way down, and with Lord Montgomery of the Human Resistance Movement at the helm of this division the odds go even further down. When you higher the Steel Legion to assist in your rebellion you can bet your bottom dollar that they will screw you somehow, this being said you are paying top dollar for base line criminals and untrained meatheads that the Steel Legion could care less about. Like many of the other Commandants you as well can bet that the Deaths Hand generals will be fully advised of any planned uprising and it wont be above the Ronin to personally put an end to any potential employer of the Steel Legion if their is an Elf involved in the equation as he is one of the most feared assassins of the Human Resistance Movement. If you are planning on employing mercenaries to assist in your revolt against the Deaths Hand best to track down a unit that hasn’t been absorbed by the Legion or destroyed by the Hand first,
Lord Robert Bath (Shotgun) <Commandant of Asian Relations>: The man known as Shotgun is a real beast of a man that pairs up perfectly with the Deaths Hand General of India, Shotgun oversee’s all of Asia and is personally helping both the Deaths Hand and the Human Resistance Movement with their planned assault into China. Shotgun doesn’t accept failure of any kind and he demands results from any member of the Steel Legion sent to Asia to serve within his branch of the Steel Legion. Shotguns men either rise through the ranks quickly and are rewarded with fortune and praise or they are left to rot in the streets to be food for the carrion. Shotgun will not show the people of China and any other Asian country any mercy as he will use whatever means possible to be victorious as he holds a grudge against them for some unknown reason.
Earl Richard W Longstreet the Third (Cricket) <Commandant of Corporate Relations>: Lord Longstreet is the one man that has single handily destroyed the need for independent shadow warriors throughout Europe and has even reached across the pond with his extreme influence. Lord Longstreet used the War of the Shadows as a stepping stone to directly influence corporate clients to employ the professional mercenary over the street criminal, claiming utmost professionalism over uncouth street rabble; this was all he needed to clench the new market and the need for operators that would stay on contract and not attempt to screw the client. Well this was not enough for Longstreet and the Steel Legion and once they had their hands in the corporate market they didn’t let go and allow for any sort of outsourcing. Once Longstreet had caused the independent market to dry up, he would gobble up those that required work and meld them into the Steel Legion family and the rest is history. Currently Longstreet uses his grand influence to wage an internal corporate war and personally decide who triumphs and who fails, this man plays the corporate world like a living game of cricket and he doesn’t care who he harms in the process to him it’s all about the money and nothing else, business rise and fall with a single phone call seeing as many of his men have intimate knowledge of the many corporate headquarters throughout Europe and even within North America. Corporate executives are left with only one option and thats to play Longstreet’s twisted game or be declared the loser and well that can be a one way trip to the morgue.
Lord Carl Weston Eaton (Saxon) <Commandant of Public Relations>: This devil is the reason that the Steel Legion remains to appear free of any guilt, Saxon is one of the best spin doctors in the business and with nearly a century of public relations experience under his belt Saxon has no problems manipulating, blackmailing and extorting anyone he needs to in order to have any negative press buried very deep or just fully eradicated. Also don’t think because Saxon is nearing ninety years old that he is not a serious threat in battle either, he is a physical adept and when this man makes a threat it’s actually a promise. Saxon uses both his physical prowess and his vast list of contacts that stretches multiple continents to enforce his will over anyone he desires. Saxon is the Steel Legions single answer to bad press and he fully enjoys his job, even though he is quite elderly it doesn’t seem age or illness will be taking Saxon any time soon; so the free world will just hav to work harder at deciphering the truth from the twisted web of lies spun by Saxon on a daily basis.
Lord Lewis Grey (Acme) <Commandant of Acquisitions>: Well when you ask where do they get all those nice toys? Well the answer is from Lord Grey the true lord of war and master of destruction as he is one of the primer arms dealers in the world. Lord Grey outfits both the Steel Legion and the Deaths Hand with some of the most unique and deadly weapons the world has ever seen and nothing is to odd for Lord Grey to acquire and this dealer has scene it all during his travels so nothing will surprise him either. This Commandant is one that you never want to anger nor end up the wrong side of him for Lord Grey is not known for his forgiving nature nor his willingness to show mercy. Lord Grey also known throughout the criminal world as Acme is a man that can fully decide the outcome of a war or engagement with a single phone call as he can stale, halt or even hijack many of the worlds arms shipments heading to either his clients or government military’s. Lord Grey has been in the business of war since he was teenager and this dealer is far older then he appears so whatever you do never underestimate this man for war is his only business and he will continue to make sure that diplomacy fails so he remains in business.
Lord Bernard Alford (Sparking Plug) <Commandant of the Armoured Division>: Sparking Plug is the man in command of the Steel Legions entire mobile armoured division and this man is as dangerous and deadly as the Deaths Hand’s War Machine as they are both quite ruthless and follow the same tactics on the battlefield. Sparking Plug is a rigger that is cross trained and he is not afraid to get his hands dirty by wading into battle, this man wields a devastating plasma sword and really enjoys his job. This Noble is the one that should be feared above everyone else, cause he has the full authority to declare any city a nest of rebellion and then he can legally level the town in a single move of his armoured division. He has thousands of riggers that have gladly sold their souls to work under him throughout the many battlefields of the Legion controlled territories and he also pulled his armour units out of the battle willingly when War Machines Panzer was just days from breaching London.
Lord Arthur Townsend Whitehall (Pendragon) <Commandant of Inter Agency Relations>: Pendragon as he is called is the direct Commandant and liaison between the Steel Legion and the other rebelling agencies such as the Freedom Patriots and Deaths Hand as well as the Sons of the True Confederacy and Human Resistance Movement. Pendragon has strong ties to Patriots seeing that his brother known as the Krampus serves with the Harbour Masters and Pendragon grew up with General Kingsbury going to the same boarding school and military academy here in England. Pendragon is the direct communication between the Legion and the other agencies offering services and aid to his brothers in arms in exchange for additional services for the Steel Legion. It is also said that this traitor to the crown has direct ties to the Brotherhood of Mercenaries Sons of Odin Division and can with a single phone call have the monsters of the Brotherhood deployed wherever he desires. This man is just as dangerous as Atari and plays a very tight game of living chess where he almost always has you in perpetual check, with checkmate being a simple move away.
Lord Charles Edward Simmons (Marduk) <Commandant of Justice>: Lord Simmons is in full command of the Division of Justiciars, the Iron Guard and the Iron Dragons; as this oversees the entire judicial system within the Steel Legion. Marduk himself is a man that is very strict with the enforcement of the laws and regulations of the Steel Legion and he could care less for any of the laws of the nation they are currently invading or working within, for this man it’s all about the Legion and their enforcement of the law. Lord Simmons is fully embedded within the legal system of England and he personally controls the constables of London, Manchester, Bath, Yorkshire and many other of England’s cities. Marduk makes damned sure that the Steel Legions interests and laws are enforced throughout the United Kingdom and he offers many of his legionnaires are fully embedded within the police departments of any city he has direct influence. This member of the Round Table has placed a sworn Justiciar to oversee each city within England and he has the ear of King himself seeing that Lord Simmons is the second highest ranking noble within the current British Monarchy having fully capitalised off both the War of the Nobles and the Invasion of England. Don’t underestimate this member of the Round Table for he is a master of the blade and can throw mystical spells of unknown origin with ease, also this man is the Grand Justiciar and his word is law; that means he has the final say over who faces the executioner and who remains within the London Dungeon, as the Steel Legion only has two sentences Life and Death so with a raising or lowering of his thumb can determine the fate of anyone who has gained the attention of the Steel Legions Division of Justiciars.
Lord Oxford Francis Conway (Sherlock) <Commandant of Investigations>: Lord Conway oversees the entirety of the Steel Legions investigative division and is the sole man behind much of the Legions misinformation and as well their ability to extort, blackmail and threaten those within power to bow down to the will of the Steel Legion. He works directly alongside Lord Simmons of Justice and between the two of them their isn’t a city within England, Scotland or Whales that they don’t have some sort of influence within the police department and have personally infiltrated planting many of their own loyal subjects to serve the Legion unknowingly. Lord Conway’s influence runs deep within the Steel Legion as he was one of the original members of the Round Table and began the creation of the strictures alongside his good friend and fellow noble Lord Butler. Sherlock has defected from the Royal Guard and the Greater London Police Department to serve within the Legion though do to recent events, the constables of London are now under the direct command of Lord Conway and has been directing their investigations in the best interests of the Steel Legion. This man is also in command of a great number of infiltrators, assassins and thieves that all swear their allegiance to the Steel Legion and have been given a comfortable home within the Division of Investigation, that being said this man doesn’t get mad he gets even and makes people vanish never to be seen again. Lord Conway was the adoptive father of General Archibald Kingsbury after his parents fell victim to war time violence, so consider this man to be old enough to know what mummy farts smell like. Yet another verifiable fact of Kingsbury’s English heritage and direct connection to the Steel Legion.
Earl Charles G Howard the Fourth (Avalon) <Commandant of Mystical Relations>: Lord Howard is the direct commander of all things magical within the Steel Legion, this man oversees the instruction of the magical pupils within the Legion of Warlocks and as well the Mystical Division of the special interest division; he is the man that approves the many unique research projects and oversees the development of new and unique mystical equipment for the Steel Legion to deploy onto their enemies and assist their Legionnaires in their operations. Lord Howard is himself a very powerful mage and has taught many within the Steel Legion including the current Supreme Commander. Unlike most mercenary units where spell casters are rare, the Steel Legion has quite a few cabals of Druids and Hermetic casters under his command known s the Legion of the Pale Moon or just simply the Order of the Pale Moon, he uses these specialised casters as a special forces division that can unleash great power onto anyone or anything that has angered or upset the Steel Legion. Lord Howard is a very strict man and he requires absolute dedication and perfection from those under him and this means that many in the Steel Legions magical division are quite powerful and very dedicated to the order, as to appease their grand master might warrant them an invention into the Order of the Pale Moon where ancient secrets are granted and powers beyond our imagination are taught.
Archbishop Johnathan Eric Academia (Benediction) <Commandant of Religious Affairs>: Reverend Academia is the overseeing eyes of the entirety of the religious and spiritual development of the Steel Legion. He commands the highest of titles awarded to a member of the Church of England and this man sits upon the Round Table as a welcomed member of the Lords of Destruction. The Steel Legion itself is a very Christian Organisation holding true to traditions set in place centuries prior during the Conquest of Europe and the Crusades. Reverend Academia himself is one of the few original surviving nobles from the War of the Nobles and has been serving the Church for his entire existence. This man keeps a close eye on the members of the Steel Legion to make certain that the original tenants are being followed and that there is no heretical and blasphemous activity existing within the Steel Legion. The only division that is allowed to sway from his iron-fisted control is the Order of the Pale Moon and even then he only tolerates the non christian activities but doesn’t condone it. All members of the Steel Legion are expected to convert to the Church of England and become active members within their congregation or suffer the cane of Archbishop Academia.
The Legionnaires
The Division of Justiciars is actually it’s own subset unit within the Steel Legion that comprises solely of the Legions Justiciars, though the Steel Legion as well employs Justiciars into each of their additional divisions to make certain that their laws are properly enforced. I will not list the Justiciars that serve within the other divisions here as I don’t wish to double up and waste time on duplicating myself seeing I am not sure how much time I actually have left on this earth after exposing the truth about the Steel Legion.
The Division of Justiciars are individuals that have been given the sworn duty to enforce the medieval laws of the Steel Legion and make sure that any city or nation that holds agents of the Legion are following the credence and oath they took to house the Steel Legion in their nation. These men as well act as independent tax collectors and collect the imposed fines placed on the guilty regardless of their status within the country. The Justiciars do not care if these individuals are people of status, military or even the common citizen; if they are guilty they must be judged and either sent to a prison, executed or if the Justiciar feels lenient they can impose a fine, though this fine will be quite high and if it cant be paid well its a one way trip to the block if the Justiciar so decrees.
The Steel Legion recruits from within the legal system, law enforcement and the military for its Justiciars and avoids recruiting any young upstart as they prefer the older more seasoned veteran; that has already proven that they are hard on crime, not afraid to toss the book at a suspect or have even taken part in street or vigilante justice. They want to make sure that any potential recruit for their justice system is not going to have any morale objection to enforcing their laws and rules, as well as keeping order within chaos. Any Justiciar that is deemed to lenient or having a moral dilemma is sent to speak with the Misery from the Iron Guard and await any judgement sent down from Marduk himself. The Steel Legion puts allot of faith and bestows a great deal of power onto these Justiciars so they do like to protect and guarantee their Justiciars are not going to be seen as inept; they as well spend a hefty amount of money training, outfitting and protecting these Justiciars, so they like to make certain they get a return on their investment.
Any recruit that excepts the recruitment of the Steel Legion to become a Justiciar is sent of to the Tower of London to begin their extensive and gruelling training period where they are taught the laws, rituals and practices of the Steel Legion as well they are trained in advanced combat arts and how to properly wear the specialised armour they are given; these men are fully empowered within the aristocracy of England so they are as well given extensive training in being an English gentleman. The Steel Legion as well grants these Justiciars a honorary title of nobility and after six years of dedicated service to the order the title becomes fully empowered and they are given a parcel of land to legitimise their new title and place amongst the House of Lords and the Kings Court; all Justiciars that aren’t nobility prior to being in the Steel Legion are granted the title of Baron and have the right to use the title of Lord before their name. Though they will only actually be Lord of their own property and not actually given any real claim to power as an Viscount, Earl, Duke or Prince thus making their title more status symbol and granting basic rights therefore.
The Order of Justiciars are seen throughout any region that has any Steel Legion presence and thus for these individuals are granted special privileges that allow them to perform their duties and they must always make themselves available when needed. Justiciars are expected to act as judge, jury and executioner when needed and they are expected to observe and carry out executions when needed. Any Justiciar that fails to sentence the guilty to death or carry out a ordered execution will be removed from power as they are investigated to see if they are still qualified to hold the status given to them.
Any Justiciar that is removed from power is either stripped of their title and placed within the Soldiers of Fortune Divisions Iron Guard or they are sent to the London Dungeon to become a semi permanent resident until they meet their fate at the end of a rope. This is how important this division is to the Steel Legion, they are very strict with their Justiciars and they are willing to make an example of a Justiciar that fails to perform their sworn duties. This division maintains a very strict set of rules for the dress and behaviour of their Justiciars and punishes harshly for any that go out in public looking dishevelled or out of uniform. The only Justiciars that are granted any leeway are those that serve within the other divisions of the Steel Legion, those Justiciars are given the freedom to not wear the proper uniform; though they still must wear the emblem of their order.
The order of Justiciars can be found within the Freedom Patriots as well yet they don’t enforce all the same rules upon their Justiciars as the Steel Legion does. Keep in mind that the Order of Justiciars are the enforcers of the law and they hold the guilty’s life in their hands, so even though the laws of the Steel Legion are quite medieval it is best to download a copy of their laws and strictures for a specific region if you find yourself visiting or travelling through a Legion controlled territory. I don’t support the Steel Legions strictures but I am also not one to watch innocent citizens punished for ignorance; the Steel Legion doesn’t have any surprises and they make all the laws available to any citizen in a specific region either physical or digital copy. This order is very organised and they make certain that their are no surprises with the Steel Legion regarding their laws and their enforcement, if they are within a region you live be very cautious and don’t resist and just keep a low profile around these mercenaries seeing that punishment is swift and can land you on the headsman’s block.
<<I will only list the Justiciars of notable worth in this section, as their are quite a few within this order and to list each and everyone will be tiresome and time consuming.>>
Bishop Peter E Longfellow (Robin) <Religious Adviser>: Within the Order of Justiciars their needs to be a true spiritual adviser and that man is Bishop Longfellow, he has been duly sworn as a noble and given the full authority to oversee the actions of the Justiciars to make fully certain they are following the tenants of the Order and performing their duties properly. He has no actual official authority within the Order of Justiciars, but he does report directly to the Archbishop and can surly make any Justiciars life hell if he feels they are having a moral dilemma with regards to their oath of office. Bishop Longfellow is very conservative and traditional and he takes his appointment within the Order of Justiciars very seriously, his other sworn duty is to deliver last rites to the condemned before they meet the executioner, Longfellow is yet another man that is closely observing the actions of the Steel Legion and its Order of Justiciars, he makes no effort to hide his disdain for the guilty and the sinners; Longfellow also makes certain that worship attendance is upheld and those that fail to make an effort can find themselves within the stockades for a period of reflection and repentance.
Earl Malcolm D Windsor (Scales) <Chief Justiciar Supreme Travelling>: Lord Windsor is the highest of all the Justiciars and his word is final, if he determines that a lifer should be executed then it is to happen. He understands that some clients do like to observe a legal execution and he has multiple prisons and dungeons full of poor souls that can be traded for a hefty donation to the Order in exchange for a front row seat at the execution method of their choice and lets just say the Steel Legion could teach the Deaths Hand a thing or too when it comes to executing the guilty. Though he also has the power to spare ones life from a sentence of death if they are being held prior to their date of execution, and Lord Windsor is more than willing to listen to a condemns pleas of innocence and if their family can afford the donation requirements he could be convinced to lift the death sentence and transfer it to a life in the dungeon. Their is No Way to ever have a guilty verdict overturned and even to ask for such a thing could land someone in very hot water as the Lord Windsor will see it as a direct insult to the rituals and practices of the Steel Legion and Order of Justiciars and that in itself is punishable offence that can land them onto the chopping block. This Justiciar is rarely ever dispatched to a specific region and normally remains within the Steel Legions headquarters or his manor home in England, if Lord Windsor is needed at a specific region than something seriously has gone wrong and all hell will be unleashed.
Earl Leonard Nelson Bryanston (Inquisitor) <Superior Chief Justiciar Travelling>: The second in command if the Order of Justiciars is Lord Bryanston and he is dispatched as needed to establish Steel Legion control over an areas legal system. Lord Bryanston is one of the most severe and strict members of this order and he keeps a close eye on each and every one of his Justiciars to make certain that Steel Legions rituals and tenants are being dutifully upheld and no subordinate under his command is scene as too lenient to the guilty. Lord Bryanston expects a certain level of executions over imprisonments and if the number shifts to far in the direction of life over death he steps in to take action and investigate why a certain justiciar has chosen to allow the guilty to remain breathing over the proper ceremony of an execution. Though when it comes to his own dealings as being a justiciar you can be certain the odds of actually seeing a life sentence from this man are quite low, he cares nothing for tears and the pleas of loved ones and he does like to make certain that any of his executed are done so in public and made a spectacle off. Throughout his years as a Justiciar Lord Bryanston has spared only to guilty souls and those he sentenced to a lifetime of prison within an undisclosed dungeon somewhere in England to be tortured daily by the Iron Guard. Those he condemns face a quick date for execution and no justiciar will ever hear an appeal, this man spends the next few days deciding your fate and the condemned never know how they are to die until they are marched out into the light of the afternoon sun and passed their coffin and predug grave; for Lord Bryanston is a fan of all forms of execution but he prefers the suspension burning.
Earl Edward Hunter (Camelot) <Senior Justiciar Travelling>: Lord Hunter is one of the senior justiciars that is quite strict but more likely to spare the life over rush them to the chopping block, though don’t be fooled this man still has hundreds of souls that he has condemned in some very brutal and illegal manners. Lord Hunter might have an ounce of compassion in his body, but serving a life sentence in one of their dungeons is far worse than actually facing the executioner seeing that a life sentence is actually a life sentence and you will be bound with chains for the remainder of your days, and thats if you survive the countless years of torture at the hands of the Iron Guard. Lord Hunter is willing to actually hear your plea and let you present your defence, though it might be best to keep some cash on hand so you can pay the executioner to make sure his blade is sharp or the hangman gives you a long drop. Cause in all his years as a justiciar he has never once found someone innocent, just different levels of guilt requiring special forms of execution from boiling in oil, drawing and quartering to the bronze bull as he finds hangings and beheadings to be quite dull and an execution should be as exciting for him as it is for the condemned.
Earl Winthrop W Winslow (Excalibur) <Senior Justiciar Travelling>: One of the harshest Justiciars to ever wear the badge of his office is Lord Winslow, this man has zero patience for trials and proceedings and he fully accepts the guilty as being guilty. This man will quickly pass judgement and sentence his subjects to death by his favourite form of execution and that is none other than beheading, he will condemn the guilty where they stand and not even bother with bringing them to the dungeon or block first. Lord Winslow will have his guards restrain and force the guilty onto their knees and place their head onto a makeshift block and well one swipe with his blade and justice is served; he then has the body shipped off to their home for burial, Lord Winslow is as well a travelling justiciar and sent wherever his special brand of enforcement is needed, this man regularly over rules a juniors sentence and condemns them to death over life in the dungeon.
Earl Martin W Harrison (Riddler) <Senior Justiciar Travelling>: Well this man is one of the top justiciars of the Steel Legion and he goes wherever they need to ensure the law is being upheld. Lord Harrison is an actual noble and was welcomed into the Steel Legion division of Justiciars after he retired from the Division Of Corrections once the need for a hangman was no longer needed. Thanks to the influence of the Steel Legion and the War of the Nobles capital punishment has been implemented once again within England, but for Lord Harrison he could no longer legally practice his beloved craft for the crown, so he went to the one place where he could and as well would be highly respected and paid for his decades worth of experience in judicial murder. As a senior justiciar he has the legal authority to override any sentence imposed by a junior of his order and Lord Harrison is quite fond of making sure the guilty are properly punished and strung up, at least with this Justiciar you will keep your head and his four plus decades as a hangman means that death will be swift and painless. The streets refer to this Justiciar as the Hang’em High Martin and for damned good reason as he has stretched countless necks for the Steel Legion with very little actual damning evidence as he fully subscribes to philosophy of Guilty until proven Innocent.
Earl August R Carroll (Parliament) <Senior Justiciar Travelling>: Lord Carroll is dispatched wherever he is needed and like Lord Hunter he is quite fair and is not going to immediately condemn a guilty, though unlike Lord Hunter he will actually listen to the guilty’s defence before passing judgement. Though you can already see where this is going, if guilty is decreed their is an 90% chance that he will order your execution, and he will have your death warrant and death certificate signed in your presence with the condemned being the witnessing signature, so you quite literally sign your own death certificate. Lord Carroll is quite fond of the parliamentary rituals and ceremonies that come with a sanctioned execution, though he is as well a very busy man and doesn’t like to dawdle when it comes to beheadings so he makes quite certain that you are marched out to the chopping block, striped of your dignity and pride as he has your attire removed and has you knell before him and his guards placing your neck on the headsman’s block and await the blade. Lord Carroll is quite fond of tradition and all the pomp and circumstance that would be followed in the ye old days, he actually forces the condemns family to observe the execution and does offer them a chance to pay the headsman to make sure the blade is sharp and the head is cleanly severed in a single blow. Lord Carroll than stands back and reads the sentence and lets the condemned say a few words on their behalf before he has the executioner do his bidding. Lord Carroll is not known for preforming his own executions as he doesn’t want to get blood on his suit, though he does personally execute using a judicial garrote system again he has the family partake as witnesses having them sign the documents needed to claim the body and act as an additional witness to the sentence being properly carried out; Lord Carroll loses no sleep and might be willing to hear the pleas of the guilty but you don’t climb the ranks of this order by being soft on the guilty. He is one of the few that has actually passed an innocent verdict, though the accuser will quickly find themselves in hot water and being brought before Lord Carroll on a official capacity and so begin a new trial of sorts.
Earl Edwin V Pratt the Third (Blighty)<Senior Justiciar Joint Commission>: Lord Pratt is as British as they come but this man works primarily across the pond within North America as a direct judicial adviser to the Freedom Patriots and oversees their own order of Justiciars. Lord Pratt has served the Steel Legion since the earliest of it’s inception and helped design many of the laws and punishments that they still enforce today, this old noble has a hankering towards the classic days of English rule and he has certainly made his intentions clear within the medieval aspects of the Steel Legions legal system and its downright unfair treatment of prisoners and parliamentary trial system where the suspect must prove their innocence to the presiding judge, through the use of a provided lawyer and never actually allowed to speak on their own behalf. Lord Pratt’s grandson is currently the acting Mayor of Seattle and thus giving this Justiciar direct control and influence over the judicial proceedings of Seattle, be very weary of this old Englishman seeing that he has quite an extended family, very competent in combat and far more dangerous once he opens his mouth. This man acts as a direct adviser to the Freedom Patriots and is one of Archibald Kingsbury’s closest friends from his boarding school days, we know that Kingsbury is as old as dirt that means that Lord Pratt is as well quite old and I actually believe that Mayor Brass might be a great or great great grandson but the records have been altered by the Steel Legion so finding the truth will never happen.
Baron Gary H Swimming (Dolphin) <Executive Justiciar>: Lord Swimming is an actual Baron unlike many of those that serve under him and thus he has been given the special privilege of actual promotion within the order seeing that Lord Swimming is a noble by his birthright and not handed to him for joining the Order of Justiciars. Though that doesn’t mean that he is any nicer than the Earls above him, he has a heart of coal and takes his job very seriously and is quite proud of crest he wears upon his uniform. Like Lord Carroll Lord Swimming is willing to listen to the pleas of the guilty and not just pass judgement on the word of the accuser. Though unlike Lord Carroll he is more likely to condemn the guilty to death and not sentence them to a life in the dungeon. Lord Swimming’s form of execution is down right cruel and should be outlawed throughout the civilised world, though the Steel Legion approves of it and rewards him for his cost saving methods of bringing death. Lord Swimming personal form of execution normally involves a slow tortuous drowning of the victim as they are placed inside a clear bullet proof tank that stands over ten feet in height. They are then fully restrained and heavy steel leg irons are placed on as they are lowered into the tank by a noose that slowly strangles them and causes the condemned to fall unconscious though when the tension on the rope is released they awaken and then the Steel Legion just start pumping in water slowly filling the tank. While the witnesses beg for their relative Lord Swimming insures them death will be quick and they could make a donation to the Order to speed the execution along. If the money is paid the condemned is lifted out of the tank and left to hang with the iron shackles pulling them down speeding up the process. If the donation is not made then he raises the frightened guilty out of the tank and removes the noose replacing it with thick leather straps tightly secured he then has noose tightly secured around the wrists and then lowers the guilty back into the water. After a very long process of drowning attempts he has the condemned lifted partially out of the water and left to suffocate to death as the thick leather straps dry and constrict the airway. Lord Swimming used to just toss the condemned into the tank and await the dead mans float to the surface, though after an hour he was forced to electrify the water and cook the condemned alive. The use of cyber gills and a internal cyber air tank have officially changed the method of Lord Swimming’s execution now if his scans revel an internal air tank he just snaps the guilty’s neck and moves on. At anytime during his execution method the family can make the donation to speed up the death and claim the body.
Baron Eaton H Livingston (Limey) <Executive Justiciar>: Limey is one of the few Justiciars that actually takes his role seriously and not just an excuse to execute someone for little reason other than they bothered his tea time. This Justiciar has an entire staff of investigators that work for him and handle his cases and gather evidence against or for the accused. He is very sympathetic when he has to decree a guilty verdict to the accused and normally hands out very quick forms of execution, though he does always set a quick date for their sentence and always passes sentence after his verdict to happen within twenty four hours of his decision. Limey actually runs his office like a traditional English court setting with all the pomp and circumstance to go with it, so if you are brought before Limey make sure your loved ones are in the court because it might be the last time you will ever see them; though he might have a shred of dignity that doesn’t stop Limey from lecturing the guilty before he condemns them to death.
Baron Howell Townsend <Justiciar>: Baron Townsend was once a law abiding citizen who served the people of London as a constable for over twenty years he was a noble officer of the law. Though after the death of his wife and pilling medical bills, Townsend was left with little choice than to compromise his principles and he would become an officer on the take and eventually an offer would be made for him to join the Steel Legions Order of Justiciars. The rest is history and now we are left to deal with Baron Townsend and his reign of terror upon the guilty. Baron Townsend is willing to do whatever it takes to stay in the good graces of his new family and he has fully accepted the laws and dictates of the Steel Legion and has handed out more than his fair share of death sentences, being considered a Junior Justiciar he is not allowed to carry out the executions himself and must pass that job onto one of his guards or a superior officer within the Order. He as well knows his records are being heavily scrutinized by those above him and doesn’t wish to end being sent to speak with the Iron Guard for his failings, Baron Townsend is quite new to the order but already has made a name for himself; keep that in mind when dealing with this justiciar.
Baron Robert Carson <Justiciar>: Lord Carson is a fierce Justiciar and doesn’t have a compassionate bone in his body, this man has a nearly 98% death sentence rate and he never delays in signing a death warrant and certificate; this Justiciars favored form of execution is sending the condemned to the nearby medical school to be the living dissection model and force them to walk into the classroom under armed escort, strip down to their birthday suit and lay upon the table and await the teachers scalpel. Lord Carson once worked within the medical and legal professions before joining the order and he knows who expensive student cadavers can be, he considers this to be helping everyone across the board; though some say the universities give him a kick back for each condemned he sends them.
Baron Rodger Holmes <Justiciar>: Lord Holmes is one that is completely absorbed by his sworn duty and the duties he must perform. He is one that has never sent a guilty to life in the dungeons and only condemns to death, as he feels that it is cheaper in the long run to just hang them and forget them, and thats just what Lord Holmes does. I you are being brought before Lord Holmes consider yourself already convicted and the entire proxy trial is just a formality. He has a permanent gallows set up in his courtroom, and already has the wicker coffin prepared once the guilty is brought before him; once that gavel slams down the convicted is brought straight to gallows and hung in their court attire.
Baron Irwin Willow <Justiciar>:Lord Willow is a real bastard of a Justiciar, this man is not directly located in any specific region and goes wherever he is needed to enforce justice. He will hear cases on the street, in courtrooms, or even the accused’s home and when he arrives the guilty best have all their ducks in a row or a quick verdict will be given and the sentence is normally capital punishment. This man prefers to behead the guilty directly after the verdict is read, Lord Willow will have his guards restrain the guilty and force them into a knelling position with their neck resting on a makeshift chopping block, where he quickly performs his sacred duty and then leaves the remains to be cleaned up by the relatives or friends of the guilty. Lord Willow is such a bastard that he even beheaded a condemned in their own home using the bathtub as the chopping block and than fined the relatives afterwards when they failed to quickly remove the deceased and send it off for burial.
Baron Joshua Walker <Justiciar>: Lord Walker is another of the somewhat good justiciars if their really is one that can be determined as decent, this man will actually listen to the guilty and even at times allow the guilty to speak on their behalf. This man does have some empathy left in him and it pains him to sentence the guilty to die, so he makes certain that death is quick and painless, he will normally offer a poorer family funds from his personal coffers to aid in the burial costs or give them a burial plot in his personally owned cemetery in one of his not so preferred plots or his mass communal urn. He understands the guilty need to be laid to rest away from the average citizen but he wold rather make the entire process as painless as possible for the surviving kin, this justiciar doesn’t require the family to be on scene for the execution and normally just decrees the body to be the ward of the city, giving the family a window of opportunity to claim the remains before he has it cremated and shipped of to potters field.
Baron Kevin A Columbus <Justiciar>: Lord Columbus is a strict and fierce man, he is all about the pomp and circumstance and just loves the traditions of old. This man is one that a death sentence doesn’t come easily unless the dictates require it, he will sentence to the Dungeon and even have the guilty locked within the stocks or pillory for a period of time over condemning them straight to death. Though if you go before him a second time its a one way trip to a vat of boiling oil or water, where death is quite painful and prolonged as the liquid is slowly brought to temperature and your body cooks from the inside out. Lord Columbus is given a bit of leeway on his conviction rate seeing that he normally oversees lower profile infractions that the Steel Legion feels that his brand of justice can be a deterrent to further infractions. If you fail to pay fines, tithe to the church, late on taxes or commit a petty crime you could be brought before Lord Columbus; he normally is very light on the death sentence but he has been known to order hands severed, ears and eyes removed and even castration as a form of punishment over life in the dungeon or facing the executioners blade. When he does condemn it is normally the Bronze Bull or Boiling in Oil or Water with the occasional beheading or hanging, so just because he spared the guilty before you doesn’t mean that he will spare you as he is very judging and even your court dress could send you into the bull if it isn’t properly in place and accordance to tradition.
Baron Walter Scott <Justiciar>: Lord Scott is another of the travelling justiciars that doesn’t have a particular region or city to call home; he goes wherever he is needed and dispenses justice frontier style. Once he is handed both the defense files and the prosecutions files this man reads through the records and decrees if a verdict can be rendered; if a guilty verdict is decreed he will have the guilty tied to a telephone pole, tree or any item capable of properly restraining the guilty he then draws his pistol and places the barrel directly to the condemned’s head right between the eyes, says a little prayer and pulls the trigger. He then has his guards clean up the cadaver and he moves onto the next case. Their is only death with this justiciar and the locals and even the legion have come to call him Dead Eye Walt seeing that this man never allows for a life to be spared; he condemns to death all forms of crime from misdemeanors to capital crimes, Lord Scott has no remorse and is a very busy man just hope that he is not sent to precede over your case. Though this man does have some sort of mystical gift that allows him to determine if someone is lying and he always interrogates the accuser beforehand, if he decrees their has been deception he will allow the accused to go free and the accuser receives the forty-five caliber bullet.
Baron Winston Appleton <Justiciar>: Good Guy Appleton they call him, this Justiciar actually runs his courtroom like a courtroom and doesn’t favour the prosecution as he has has cases that have gone on for days versus the normal of hours for most in this division. He has a full compliment of staff that independently investigate the case and provide Lord Appleton with needed information about the case and all parties involved, when he renders his verdict it is after quite considerable thought within his private chambers and with a stiff upper lip he reads his verdict and then he reads his imposed sentence to the guilty. He offers the guilty a chance to speak on their behalf after sentence has been read and he does give them a last bit of his elderly wisdom and lecturing before offering the guilty a chance to pick their preferred form of execution from a list of Lord Appleton’s preferred methods. His condemned are then sent to the dungeon for thirty days to await their execution and get their affairs in order, He never sentences above the crime as he makes certain the punishment fits the crime, though spending life in prison can be considered harsh for petty crime but Lord Appleton rarely proceeds over small offences.
The Legionnaires
Officers of Special Interest
The Officers of Special Interest are warriors of the Steel Legion that serve a specific purpose within it’s ranks, these mercenaries are not the only members of this royal division though they are the ones of notable mention. Each specific order of the this order contains multiple mercenaries that serve underneath their specific commander and are far to numerous to mention on this page alone. Even uncovering the specifics on the commanders was a tedious process unto itself; the Steel Legion hails itself on it’s secrecy and having their order revealed in this forum will cause quite a stir in the coming days as they begin the damage control to silence the trading of information. As more information becomes available about the Officers of Special Interest it will be made public and brought to the attention of the people, what we do know is each officer of this order is a duly sworn Knight of the Crown and holds the title of Sir; this I have a hard time actually calling a cleaner like the Ripper Sir so I will leave their titles out of this page. Though do understand that they are knights of the crown, just like the Harbour Knights of the Freedom Patriots, so these men are not just your basic commoner and they will be rewarded all the benefits of their awarded status. The Steel Legion Officers of Special Interest don’t honestly deserve the accolades placed on them, as they are all heartless criminals bestowed with a specific task that either shreds the boundary of the law or attempts to deceive the public in a web of deception and lies a they paint their targets as the villains and create a true wag the dog situation. The Officers of Special Interest have been known to work within the Americas alongside the Freedom Patriots from time to time and further degrade themselves into an unlawful war forced upon the people as they play their part within the worldwide rebellion that is occurring as we speak.
Colonel Jack Bentley (Ripper) <Cleaner>: It is not a surprise the Ripper is a member of this agency and to be a cleaner big surprise here. This man terrorised Downtown London for years before travelling across the pond and joining forces with the Wind Runners now known as Helix. I have a real hard time considering this man a Knight of the Crown seeing that he is an assassin and has zero conscience and no honour what so ever, the Ripper is nothing but a murderer for hire and seeing that he is welcomed within the Steel Legion one can suspect what their real intentions are…
Colonel Milton Wooden (Constable) <Justiciar>: Milton being a Justiciar of the Steel Legion doesn’t really surprise me here and I guess we now know what the Governor spoke to him about before the Constable fled England; seeing that his membership into the Steel Legion appears to be recent. The only benefit of the this man being a Justiciar is he seems to be more likely to avoid passing a death sentence and send the subject to the dungeon where their fate will left to the hands of the jailers. Though this man is not above killing the guilty if need be so don’t think for a minute that he wont do his duly sworn duty and sentence the guilty to a beheading or hanging; though unlike the Magistrate the guilty will actually be brought to the proper place for their execution and not executed on the spot. This current occupation for the Constable will truly be a test for his soul and his morality, though after what Wooden’s been through I doubt he will question any aspect of his duly appointed station of Justiciar of the Steel Legion.
Colonel Jeffery Oliver Copper (Pong) <Computer Security Division>: Pong commands the entirety of the computer division and is well on his way to becoming a Lord himself as he continues to make every reporters life a living hell when they try to contradict Saxon and their hasn’t been a decker alive to be able to crack the Steel Legions database since it became secured by Pong back in the 2020’s. The only reason we have any information about the Steel Legion is do to getting our hands on physical copies of their records, from an anonymous source, though once Pong figures out about this page I feel that multiple people will be at risk and seeing that this decker is not afraid of burning another decker he will go on the warpath and while he works along side the Banker and Samhain of the Deaths Hand Pong will truly be able to secure the European matrix as well frag many deckers in the process as he unleashes multiple problematic and deadly viruses into the network.
Colonel Bertram C Butler (Bobbie) <Division of Investigation>: Well it seems that the Steel Legion even has a Military Police branch within their ranks, well thats as close to being police as they come legitimately. The Division of Investigation does police the Steel Legion and work directly with the Department of Justiciars and the Iron Guard, they as well investigate the common citizens of any region the Steel Legion calls home and as well they are the ones any applicant must cross paths with when going through the first stages of joining the Steel Legion. The other aspect of this division is to illegally gather evidence to help further the cases brought before the court to help further condemn the guilty, these officers of the law fully understand the principles of assumed guilty than found innocent and they are not above exploiting this to their twisted advantage. This division is full of infiltrators, assassins and crooked police officers that have forgone their original oath for the paycheck and to serve the Legion, the Division of Investigation also known as the Legion of Spooks is not one that you would ever wish to come across; these men are as crooked as they come, they follow a very specific set of guidelines and are not above blackmail, extortion and downright unlawful abduction to get their way. This division has been granted nearly unlimited access and privileges by the Round Table and they have a license to kill with witch they are not afraid to use when its deemed appropriate; YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.
Major Richard Belfry (X-Ray) <Intelligence Officer>:Besides not being able to remember much about this man when he actually does work, what is known is X-Ray is a master infiltrator, spy and assassin as well he is known for being a master of blackmail and extortion. X-Ray recently came to light as an agent for the cloak and dagger agency known as the Library and it seems that they are willing to allow their agent to moonlight within the Steel Legion. His skills serve the Legion well as he is in command of their intelligence division and is the greatest of all spooks himself, he keeps the employers of the Steel Legion well convinced to remain loyal contract holders and to willfully abide all the rules set forth by the Legion. X-Ray is another cold blooded assassin with a tactical computer that has been given a license to kill with willful disregard for the law as he sits above the law as an agent of this division.
Major Herb Woolworth (Infernum) <Biological Division>: This doesn’t mean scientific study here people, this man is a cold blooded terrorist of the Human Resistance Movement that is so cowardly that he needs to deploy toxins, biological agents and explosives to deal with his targets. Infernum has been living within the shadows for decades making life impossible for those he targets with reckless abandon and his hatred for the elves is what keeps him focusing on our elven neighbors and friends. Infernum is nothing but a coward and a raciest and it pains me that the crown even considers him to be a sworn Knight, this man is wanted for war crimes throughout the known world and yet the Legion protects him and keeps him gainfully employed.
Captain Arnold Howell (Vanquisher) <Magical Division>: The commander of the magical division is a man that should never be crossed for any reason, the Vanquisher has no compassion and no soul left in his body; he has been trained by Lord Yorkshire and is as well versed in many ancient spells and lost powers of the adept. This magi commands his fellow mages with a iron fist and demands nothing but excellence from each and every one of them, and failure is seriously punished for the Vanquisher can’t stomach failure and doesn’t not except excuses or apologizes. This man’s command style and training process is the sole reason that the Steel Legions magical division is as successful and as terrifying to behold as they are.
Captain Less Macanders (Vigilant) <Division of Recruitment>: The Vigilant is the face of the Steel Legion this is the man that corrupts the minds of the youth to join the Steel Legion, he once worked as a corporate headhunter and he now puts those skills to use as a recruiter for the Steel Legion and this man has flawless track record with securing the recruitment of the impressionable youth that he targets with his silver tongue offering them the world and making promises that he never intends to keep. Though for Vigilant it’s all in a days work and every new recruit is another body on the front lines and another bonus in his bank account. Though just because he is a recruiter doesn’t mean that he s not combat trained and prepared for battle at a moments notice, they call him Vigilant for a reason and this man can thwart any assassination attempt or ambush with ease and thus making himself more appealing to the troubled youth.
Captain Henry Howard Tudor the Sixth (Piper) <Division of Media Relations>: The Piper is as dangerous as they come within the Steel Legions Division of Special Operations, this man is a multi trained news hound that serves as a war correspondent directly reporting from the battlefields of the Legion. Though this is not where the Piper leaves off, this man is quite skilled at manipulating the minds of the week willed and luring the innocent souls over to his personal quest. They people of the war torn towns and cities call this man the Pied Piper and try their best to avoid his words and his music; though this normally fails as the Piper lures many into the Legions fold as he travels from battlefield to battlefield. The Piper is as well a highly skilled combatant and infiltrator, so consider his reporting to be a cover for his more illegitimate operations of espionage and murder; be wary to listen to the husband of the Loreley and relative of the Anchor.
The Legionnaires
The Soldiers of Fortune are the Steel Legions actually military force and these men are the ones that are spilling and shedding blood in the name of the Legion itself, to think that this order is actually a private mercenary unit offering their services to the highest bidder is true, well keep dreaming for they are all working for the best interests of the Legion and this company might take independent contracts; well don’t believe for a minute that they will ever actually lift a finger that goes against one of the Nobles of Destruction. They are sworn to the order and play soldier of fortune by proxy, these men are well compensated for what they do they are given the the status of the aristocracy and placed well above the average citizen any member of the Steel Legion is to be granted the same privilege one would show a dignitary or diplomat and if they are treated as the ruffians they actually are the proprietors business runs the risk of being shut down and the citizen can be in some very serious legal trouble for not showing a Legionnaire proper respect.
The members of this division normally are wearing their uniform or have some sort of identifying mark on their attire to alert the public of their risen status and anyone caught impersonating a member of the Steel Legion will find themselves quickly with their head on the chopping block and being placed in a wicker casket. The Steel Legion doesn’t tolerate people pretending to be a member of this elite and royal unit, they will not give a fraud a trial and it will be a one way trip to the chopping block where their head is severed, the body disposed of into a wicker casket and the remains dumped into the river to float out to sea or left to rot at a crossroads. The Steel Legion has it’s own police and enforcers of the law and those men are granted the title of Justiciar, the Justiciars are quite numerous and can be found throughout the Steel Legion from the highest of Nobles to members of the this division of soldiers of fortune, and according to my friends across the pond even the Harbour Masters of the Freedom Patriots have members that hold the title of Justiciar further quantifying the alliance or merging of the Steel Legion and the Freedom Patriots. These Justiciars have been given the full and legal authority to sentence anyone to death, corporal punishment, humiliation and even imprisonment without the need of a trial. These Justiciars can legally confiscate property and enforce any tax or fee imposed by the King, if a subject can’t pay then they just confiscate property or throw the citizen into the newly opened London Dungeon.
The Steel Legion’s Soldiers of Fortune range in capability from legendary mercenaries, runners and terrorists to your basic soldier though even the most basic of Legionnaire is far more formidable than regular soldier as they go through a ruthless training regime that can and has left new recruits lifeless as their bodies simply fail during the gruelling training period. These men are judged by their results and their campaigns and can not really be considered human anymore as their humanity gets traded for results and to keep an edge on the battlefield. Seeing that the Steel Legions Soldiers of Fortune Division is quite vast I will not list every member of the unit here as I just don’t have the time. Though I will list the command structure and any Legionnaire of notable status within this page, though please don’t think just because a member of the Steel Legion is not on this page that they will be an easy mark or someone that should be trifled with; cause that will only end with either a beheading in the square or just a quick death at the Steel Legions hand. These men are breed for combat and they thrive when in battle, they are all trigger happy and could actually careless if you live or die seeing that they will most likely avoid the hangman’s noose and get away with murder.
The Steel Legion paints itself as the good guys and noble hero’s of England, when in reality their are just murderous monsters hell bent on global conquest taking control of the regions the Deaths Hand hasn’t and creating a terrifying alliance with the nefarious Deaths Hand. They have been spreading their propaganda throughout Europe and have been recruiting heavily within the youth of England. Using the Deaths Hand invasion as a trump card to inflame the youths patriotism claiming they will be fighting against the Enemy of England when in reality they will be fighting alongside them as the Steel Legion marches once again across Europe removing any chance for a free Europe as they complement the already well equipped and manned Deaths Hand with duly sworn and loyal Legionaries that will gladly live and die for the King.
My dear readers you have been officially warned about the threat that is the Steel Legion, they are not the noble warriors they claim and they have been fighting to cripple any resistance that could be prepared against them or their allies. The Steel Legion might pay better then the Royal Military but remember King Cortland can’t have the Royal Army invade a nation legally and will have to have you fight honourable to defend England and the United Kingdom, though he can continue to play the game of kings with the Steel Legion and thus place you in a serious moral dilemma and watch as your soul is further lost and you become one with the monster. If even after all this you decide that you still desire to join the Steel Legion than I have failed and my work is in vain, though may God have mercy on your soul since the Steel Legion will own your body.
Colonel Charles Carson (Rook) <Commander>: Rook is a real bastard and that is being nice, he once served within the Royal Army and the Queens Guard before the days of the Great Tragedy and War of the Nobles. Since then he has served the Steel Legion proudly and has been involved in thousands of campaigns for the Legion, murdering anyone that crossed his path and holding very true to the laws and traditions of the order. Rook has since been placed in command of the entire division of Soldiers of Fortune and been granted the honorary rank of General even though he is still officially a Colonel, Rook has taken to command like a fish to water and is basically the Legions equivalent to General Patton of the United States Army and has continued to lead his men to success and provided countless results for the Lords of Destruction. Rook is very brash, demanding and harsh when he needs to and his men respect him for his can do attitude and he doesn’t tolerate insubordination or excuses of any kind. Working for Rook will either create a legendary legionnaire or will completely break the will and then the body of a trooper rendering them useless to Rook and forcing him to transfer them out of the Soldiers of Fortune division to save them a fate worse than death.
Colonel Irwin B Gloucester MD (Cardiac) <Chief Medical Officer of the Medical Legion>: Dr. Gloucester is the man of the hour when it comes to those in the Legion, this man is a miracle worker when it comes to battlefield injuries, cyber surgery and organ and limb transplants; their is no man anyone in the Legion would rather have coming to their aid. This is as well with any of the Legions medical staff as they are all at the top of their chosen profession and the Legion rewards these medical professionals well for staying up to date in all the latest medical procedures and techniques. Dr. Gloucester is just that man and he keeps his entire division running like a well oiled machine and requires each and everyone of his staff to continue their education and become multi-specialists so no one doctor or nurse can become overwhelmed with a heavy caseload of patients. He as well requires anyone who is to serve in the Medical Legion to become a licensed surgeon as he has no use for medics that can’t perform war time surgery and handle the injures of battle. Now don’t think these doctors and nurses are going to all hide behind their desks and under tables when the push come to the shove, Dr. Gloucester is a physical magician and does have a few nifty cybernetic implants, he might understand and follow his oath to do no harm, but he is also part of a military unit and that means he must be ready to pick up a weapon and defend his staff and his patients from enemy fire; he requires all his doctors to go through basic and advanced infantry training and be willing to kill if needed, those unwilling are handed off to a local hospital for a safer assignment.
Colonel Johnathan Hawkins (Magistrate) <Justiciar>: The Magistrate is the head Justiciar for the Soldiers of Fortune division of the Steel Legion, this man has sentenced hundreds to death for their breaching of the laws and traditions of the order; for the Magistrate is very old school and he holds to the ideals set before him during the early days of the Legion and he will not think twice then to remove the head of the guilty citizen or legionnaire alike. The Magistrate won’t even bring the guilty to the chopping block, he will perform his sacred duty where the crime took place and then charge the guilty’s family for the clean up fee’s or fine the owner of the domicile for the biological garbage left behind. This man is all about the rules of the order and the laws of his King so be very cautious when dealing with the Magistrate he might seem frail and elderly but that is a ruse to make people underestimate him, you don’t become a Justiciar without being a serious contender in battle and for Hawkins it is a status and position he proudly holds and will never allow the guilty to go unpunished (Though he does turn a blind eye to many of the those Legionaries of notable status and spare them loosing their head) The Magistrate is a very old school member of the Legion and can’t be reasoned with ever so don’t even bother trying, this man is always guarded by multiple members of this division and is not an easy or soft target; so don’t even bother trying cause it won’t end the way you planned it.
Colonel Howard Avery King (Herald) <Royal Legion Commander>: When one thinks of a special forces division such as the Soldiers of Fortune one can worry, than to find out that they have a even further specialized division of special forces commandos within this order one can truly begin to panic. The Steel Legion’s Royal Legion are just those troopers and their commander is the infamous Herald who commands this division of killers with an iron fist and rules with all the authority of a true noble that he is. The Herald is a very brutal man and he uses his Royal Legionaries as a tool to invoke fear in anyone that would ever dare to rise up against the Steel Legion; these soldiers are not for hire but for true enforcement of the Legions hold over any territory that they plant their flag within. The Herald makes certain that his men live up to their terrifying reputation and is quite skilled himself at making people vanish into the London fog, the Herald answers to the Round Table directly and more importantly he and his Royal Legionaries are the our stretching arm of the Round Table itself doing their dirty work and keeping the Table and the Legion clean as a whistle.
Colonel Warwick T Conrad (Gorgon) <Commander of the Legion of Warlocks>: Warwick is the commander of a specialized unit of combat mages that work directly within the parameters of the Division of the Soldiers of Fortune and have been fully trained in the arts and rights of physical combat as well mystical; this division is not one where you find mage’s specialized in utilitarian spells no this is where the fireballs and mana storms come from. This unit is run like a well oiled machine and in order to even be considered for the Legion of Warlocks one must first pass a right of initiation and this is no simple task, many quite powerful magi have been denied access to this order and sent to work for the Mystical Division under Sir Howell, only the best of the best are accepted into the Legion of Warlocks. Their commander Sir Conrad is a very fierce man with a cold and ruthless nature that he imposes onto his men, he expects and demands the best from his legionnaires as well all within this order are expected to join the coven and become one as a group any who refuse are thrown out of the order and well it’s only assumed they are sent to Sir Howell. Also let it be known they call the commander the Gorgon and no one has ever looked this man in the eyes, even the round table advert their gaze for some uncertain reason…I will leave the assumptions to you on this one.
Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Langley (Misery) <Commander of the Iron Guard>: This commander has been given the duty of commanding the Iron Guards and this means that they need a man with no morals and no conscience seeing that the Iron Guard are the jailers, torturers and executioners of this supposed noble order. Misery is in command of the entire prison system of the Steel Legion, this man has implemented mobile prison tanks, trucks and steel jailhouses that can be erected quickly to house hundreds of prisoners of war at a moments notice; Misery a well has re-outfitted and opened the London Dungeon where the Steel Legion brings their more nefarious criminals to spend the last moments of their life before facing the executioner (Though not before the Iron Guard has it’s fun.) This is another unit that works within the Order of Justiciars and fully enforces the will of the Round Table without question, seeing that Misery doesn’t tolerate insubordinate behavior in any form, his men would rather face the enemy in battle than face their commanders burning irons. The Iron Guard doesn’t follow any actual legitimate legal authority other than the Steel Legion, so if you find yourself within a prison of the Guard; you are at the mercy of Misery and this man doesn’t show mercy and will only keep you alive so he can have you publicly executed. The Iron Guard to date has never had any breakouts or successful rescue attempts from any of their prison structures stationary or mobile; with anyone captured quickly added to the list of the to be tortured and executed. This is a man that is wanted for multiple war crimes as well as many additional felonies throughout Europe and Asia and no one dare to move against him and thats not a joke, the world court recently lifted the bounty on Misery to keep would be bounty hunters from suffering a fate worse than death; Misery is a serious combatant and well versed in causing suffering so best to just avoid this Legionnaire at all costs.
Major Richard Welsh (Lion Heart) <Justiciar>: Mighty Lion Heart the terror of the English countryside is part of the Steel Legion, well I am not surprised in the least here. Another shocker is that he is an independent Justiciar of the Soldiers of Fortune division another big revel I don’t think so, this man has been the self proclaimed champion for justice for decades and yet he never actually goes after the truly guilty only those that are of elven blood, those connected to the British government and any travelling peace representative from the Nog. Lion Heart is yet another lion shape-changer within the Legion, hunting the innocent souls that refuse to roll over and accept the Steel Legions will, he has no honour and is a total disgrace to England. If you see Lion Heart avoid this killer at all costs unless you want to become his dinner. (RIP Major Welsh was killed in action)
Major Yule Reginald Davidson the Third (Gramps) <Iron Legion Division Commander>: Yule commands the entirety of the division of the Soldiers of Fortune known as the Iron Legion, this division of soldiers are some of the most fierce within the Steel Legion; they are outfitted with the most recent technology and equipped with a modified military grade armor that can only be called power armor. He makes sure his division is highly trained and always ready to to go to extremes if needed to properly fulfil any contract that is put before him. The exact number of soldiers under his command is unknown but one can assume that Gramps commands multiple garrisons of very dangerous soldiers and is technically considered a general do to the amount of soldiers under his command, though for some unknown reason they haven’t properly promoted him above the rank of major; one can only assume its do to his can do attitude, lack of concern with standard operating protocols and his overly aggressive reputation.
Captain Archie Simmons Bell (Rotary) <Commander of the Iron Cavalry>: One would assume that Rotary would be a rigger with his being in command of the Iron Cavalry Division of the Soldiers of Fortune; well one would be completely wrong, Rotary is in command of the Iron Cavalry but this is not a true vehicle only unit of the Steel Legion. This unit is a combination of mobilized battle tanks and mechanized armor units from an unknown corporation, consider the Iron Cavalry to be a variation of the Deaths Hands Panzer Division and just as scary, with a brutal and uncaring man at the helm of this monstrosity of a military unit. Rotary might be only a captain but please don’t underestimate this commander, Rotary would be a general if he didn’t have more red marks within his jacket then some freelance samurai. Rotary rides in on his mechanized iron steed and fights alongside his many of his men who as well ride the same iron horses and these aren’t motorcycles we are talking about; no they are fully constructed mechanized Clydesdale that are more metal than animal any longer. Rotary and his elite are the ones who breach the front lines while the guns of his tanks and walkers bring up the rear preventing any form of retreat. Rotary has standing orders to raise any town or village he is commissioned to assault; this he does with pride and dutiful dedication and with no regard to his own personal reputation for Rotary is Steel Legion for life and anyone who stands before him on the battlefield is considered an opponent.
Captain Rutherford Lynnwood (Scorch) <Commander of the Urban Legion Division>: Well let the burning times commence for the Steel Legions Urban Division is just that, these men are specially trained hunters that act more like inquisitors than soldiers; fully entrusted within the Order of Justiciars the Urban Division hunts down the impure and those decreed vile by either the Legion or whomever they are currently under contract with. These men are granted judicial liberties to act as judge, jury and executioner and they are very good at their job as well they very much enjoy the perks that come with being entwined with the Justiciars. Scorch is the high commander and Grand Inquisitor of the Steel Legion and under his direct orders many innocent souls have wrongfully been put to death in very gruesome manners. According to available records the Urban Division is just a place marker title for the real name of this unit that is called the Legion of Iron Dragons, and they have garnered the attention of the World Court for their continued crimes against humanity as they pass their twisted form a justice onto the innocent wherever the Round Table commands them to go. Also according to records recently acquired from the Steel Legion this unit has officially only been hired out to the Deaths Hand otherwise it’s meant to be an internal police keeping any region the Legion commands fully in check; the Iron Dragons have answer directly to the King of England and then the Round Table so you can bet your bottom dollar they ignore the voodoo and necromancy of the League considering those magics quite legal in their twisted minds. Scorch is a twisted commander and quite powerful so do not underestimate this man for any reason, also remember that Scorch is the Grand Inquisitor of the Iron Dragons and his word is final; this means that he has the power to condemn anyone and pass immediate judgement with zero evidence, you have been warned Scorch is the real deal and he does enjoy a nice burning at the stake so best to stay out of this war criminals path.
Captain Job M Nottingham (Crucifix) <Division of Chaplin’s Commander>: This is the man that commands and oversees the entirety of the Order of Chaplin’s and makes certain that ever squad that goes out into the field has their dutifully sworn spiritual adviser with them. He as well makes certain that each of the chapels and churches within the Steel Legions territory are properly staffed and the worship schedule is quite adequate for the Legionnaires to properly attend. The Steel Legion does understand that some members will be unable to attend service do to contractible obligations, though Captain Nottingham does have access to each members contracts, schedules and locations and he is the one that determines if the absence is excused or not. Nottingham reports directly to the Archbishop and takes his duties quite seriously, within the Steel Legion church attendance is not voluntary and failure to adhere to the policies set forth by their tenants can lead to disciplinary action, suspension of pay and fines. The Division of Chaplin’s has been known to work directly with the Order of Justiciars, the Legion of Spooks, the Iron Guard and the Legion of Iron Dragons where their more militant members partake within the direct conflicts, punishments and executions. As a member of the Church of England this pains me that my church has been corrupted by militant, medieval clerics who have sent us back to the days of fire and brimstone preaching and enforcing attendance on Sunday mornings under the threat of public disgrace and humiliation.
The Legionnaires
of the
Pale Moon
The Order of the Pale Moon is the final division within the Steel Legion and this has to be one of the most freighting of all the divisions of this supposed noble company, the Order of the Pale Moon is full of Druids, Hermetic’s and Shamans as well the most feared of all the Physical Magicians and they are all of extreme circle and quite dedicated to the duties of serving the order and answering to the Grand Master of Ceremonies himself. This order like the Order of Justiciars does recruit from without as well as from within, but for any practitioner of the arcane an invitation into this order is quite an ordeal and a honour that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Their are quite a few within the shadows that would be qualified to join the Order but do to either political affiliation, nationality or mannerisms that worked in direct discord to this coven they have been overlooked and forbidden entry. Though for those that meet the requirements the Order of the Pale Moon is quite an honour to be part of and with their extensive library and ritual supplies on hand there is not much they can’t accomplish if they desire, this Order was designed to combat directly the Elven threat that resides within the Tir Na Nog formally Ireland and they do live up to their reputation as being fierce combatants and staunch defenders of the British Isles.
This Order is never for higher and even asking to employ the Order of the Pale Moon can land you in the stockades or pillory for a period of time to reflect on where you went wrong and to rethink your request. This Order serves the Steel Legion Directly and pulls its membership from all walks of life, just as long as they meet the requirements to enter the covenant. The Grand Master has decreed that as long as their is blood flowing through the hearts of this Order than they will fight to free Ireland from the clutches of their Elven Oppressors and make certain that every elf that holds lineage to the Tir will be removed from the planets surface and have their astral connection shattered. The Elves of the Nog have tried to call for peace with the Order of the Pale Moon but to no avail and their pleas would fall on deaf ears.
Not only does this Order cast powerful ritual magic, they as well summon grand elementals and spirits to aid them in defense and battle; they as well have a great deal of powerful spirits to guard their ritual center and meeting grounds. To strike the Order of the Pale Moon at their base of operations is nothing short of suicide and as many of the Nog have found out the hard way their special ritual ground is extremely well defended and guarded by the Mists of Avalon. To the common observer it is nothing more than a feat of ancient architecture and one of the seven wonders of the world, to those in the sixth world it is stay the hell away and retreat as death will come crawling from the core of Stonehenge.
As I said prior this group pulls from all over and will accept anyone that meets the requirements and this is the only division of the Steel Legion that doesn’t require a member to forgo their original citizenship though they still only allow British, Irish, Welsh, Scottish and the rare American the French and Spanish need not apply as Lord Howard is quite biased against both nationalities and personally funds the Deaths Hand Generals in their conquest of those regions. To be part of the Order of the Pale Moon brings you into the Steel Legion and this is the only way an American can ever join the order and be accepted as a Englishman by proxy; though only true natural born citizens of Great Britain can be awarded the noble status that comes with being a member of this order, though Americans can and have been knighted once they are accepted by the Order of the Pale Moon.
I fear for the fate of the free world with the Steel Legion now openly involving themselves into the affairs of the revolutions within the Americas, and the Deaths Hand Conquest as well with the Order of the Pale Moon focusing upon the elves of the Tir Na Nog and forgetting that it is their true ancestral home and they have a right to live in piece free from the political and racist dealings of the humans that dare to resist their claim to the throne of the Tir Na Nog.
<I will only list those of significant power and influence within this order, though those I leave off this list are not to taken lightly as they are all quite powerful; please use the reputations of those I choose to inform you about as a reference point for those that I choose to ignore.>
Lord Charles G Howard the Fourth (Avalon) <Grand Master>: Lord Howard pulls double duty within the Steel Legion as he sits on the Round Table and as well commands the group of elite magically active known as the Order of the Pale Moon, for Avalon has proved his strength and power to claim the prestigious Grand Master title. This man is as well the master of ceremonies leading this group to victory and heading any ritual casting they are needed to perform. Avalon has to deal with the prying eyes of the Religious division and Order of the Cross that disproves of their hedonistic practices, though Avalon does make it quite clear that the Order of the Pale Moon is far from being intimidated and should be granted the respect it is do seeing that they are the Legions only chance to defeat the elven plague in Ireland and as well Avalon doesn’t bow to anyone’s will ever.
Lady Morgana Le Fay <Master>: Morgana Le Fay the crazy sociopathic hermetic of the Deaths Hand has found a home amongst the worlds most powerful casters and she sits high upon the throne a master of within this circle. She fights alongside the Legion during their conquest of the Nog and has no fear of the Order of the Cross as they sneer about a women being welcomed into the ranks of the Legions command. Archbishop Academia might sneer about her presence but he is not stupid enough to speak openly about his disapproval of Morgana being within command. She leads the more militant members of this order into battle and with her ally black dragon at her side the Order of the Pale Moon is truly a frightful unit and something that should really not exist and yes you heard me right a Dragon as an ally.
Sir Warwick T Conrad (Gorgon) <Master>: Not a surprise that the commander of the Legion of Warlocks is within the Order of the Pale Moon, he has quite proved his worthiness and value to both the Legion and to Avalon to be even granted this honour. Though thats as far as it goes with this man being honourable and worthy of any praise, Gorgon uses this group as a way to further his own mystical abilities and then unleash that hell upon the innocent souls the Legion of Warlocks is tasked with removing. The Oder of the Cross has no issues with this man’s actions seeing that he is a Deacon within the church and regularly attends service as well he enforces this practice within his own division seeing that is best to appease the Archbishop than anger him.
Lord Charles Edwin Simmons (Marduk) <Master>: For another of the Round Table to be within this order is not a shock, they do recruit from within first and then look else where, also seeing that multiple of the Lord of Destruction sit within an order that goes directly against the dictates of the Steel Legions own Order of the Cross and a vast majority of their own religious policies it helps to have multiple of the commanders holding rank inside so they can create exclusion clauses that render the Order of the Pale Moon exempt from it’s own laws. Marduk is the reason the Order of the Cross and the Order of the Pale Moon are forced to coexist and have even grown to accept each other, Avalon might keep everything in check but Marduk directly writes the laws and thus over the years the two philosophically opposed orders have come to terms and now have been known to work as one.
Lord Martin W Harrison (Riddler) <Master>: The master of enigmas and riddles has found a seat amongst the greatest minds of the sixth world, the Riddler as well serves as a Justiciar and having been a former executioner for the nation of England he is truly among like minded individuals. The Riddler uses his presence within the Order of the Pale Moon to further advance his own abilities and gain a deeper insight into the ways of the other traditions that are present inside their circle. Only advice I can give when dealing with the Riddler is never attempt to deceive this man, it won’t work he will hear only the truth and this gift does certainly help him with his duties as a Justiciar.
Sir Hawthorne Hampton Holmes (Mind Freak) <Master>: One of the Human Resistance Movements best magi has been granted the right to sit among the masters of this order, he was once trained by infamous terrorist John Ripley and it is only a wonder what that maniac taught Mind Freak. This magi uses his mystical gifts to fuel his hateful attack onto the elves in a vain attempt to free Ireland, though he claims to be fighting the good fight he is normally seen across the pond murdering, drinking and parting with his fellow HRM member Fiddler, guess he tired of fighting the elves in the Nog and he cowardly murders those in the Americas instead.
Lord Arthur Townsend Whitehall (Pendragon) <Master>: Another of the Round Table and this one is the link between the Americans within the Freedom Patriots and Steel Legion, he uses his status within this order to further corrupt the minds of the Americans and bring them into their English fold as they prepare for their grand red coat assault. Screw You Pendragon, you are No King Arthur!
Lord Edwin V Pratt the Third (Blighty) <Master>: Good old Blighty is a Physical Magician oh the surprise, this order seems to full of those old croons with this unique and lost ability to combine the ways of the physical adept and spell casting creating a truly terrifying opponent. The Order of the Pale Moon seems to be willing to share these secrets with each other and no one else, so be very careful this unit is full of surprises and seems to have access to some very unique and ancient abilities that they will never share outside of their order and will guard with every ounce of their being, These members are all well beyond what can be declared legal in mystical prowess and they are not above flaunting their legendary status and ability. Remember Blighty is very close friends with Patriots commander Archibald Kingsbury and to date we are unsure of that mans ability and if he is part of this fraternal order of magi.
Sir Trevor O’Neil (Riptide) <Master>: The master of more unique and lost spells than anyone in the known world is the Master of the circle known as Riptide, guess what this Pirate of the Kings Bloods is well placed within the Order and one can only assume that his combat prowess is also directly connected to this grouping as well since they seem to share everything. Riptide is a true terror with his mastery of the magic of the sea and his ability to control the very essence of life water, he can boil the seas as easily as he can boil the blood in your body or cause all the blood in a subjects body to rush out of every orifice in a blink of an eye. Riptide is a seriously dangerous combatant and seeing that he is also a ranking member of the Crimson Bloods and serves on the Sirens Call the families flag ship; only one word comes to mind when dealing with Riptide “DON’T!”
Sir Phillip Duncan Conrad (Puppetmaster) <Master>: Another with a very unique application of magic that comes from his training within this order is the American gangster known as the Puppetmaster; this man has learned a unique variation of voodoo and necromancy mixed with some ancient druidic practices to transform a living subject into nothing more than a puppet where he makes them dance by pulling on their silvery strings. The Puppetmaster serves the Human Resistance Movement and is a blatant raciest and bigot as he has waged a war within Las Vegas against the legal authority, forcing the Native American Nations out of the city and has been openly hunting any elf, native and UCAS agent within the boarders of Sin City for decades. One can only assume that he uses these poor souls as his puppets in the grandest of all puppet shows. Best to stay clear of Las Vegas, for the Puppetmaster is not the only monster to hunt their, but this monster owns the entire city and nothing happens without his knowledge and say so. (The Traitor Sir Conrad has been put to the rope)
Lady Jane O’Bannon (Loreley) <Master>: The Loreley is one of the cruellest bitches to serve the Steel Legion within the Order of the Pale Moon, she is also within the Freedom Patriots fighting alongside her cousin Anchor who both serve within the Harbour Masters as cleaners. This is just one of this she devils aspects and the other is that she is a quite skilled magi with a mystical voice that can lure and twist the minds of any man within ear shot of her. The Loreley is a self proclaimed hater of males and likes to pray on them luring them into her twisted web through the offer of sexual intercourse and then once she has them in bed, she strikes slicing their throats or worse slicing off their penises and watching a the bleed to death. Though as a trained assassin she has many ways to bring down her pray, though genital removal is one of her favourite with the wife getting a nasty surprise in the post. The Loreley uses what she learns within the Order to continue to pray upon her unsuspecting victims, and being a proclaimed pagan and heretic, her involvement within the Order and her marriage to the Legions own Sir Henry Howard Tudor the Sixth makes the Archbishop and many within the Order of the Cross sick to their stomach knowing they have to accept the Loreley as an equal and this is something this bitch is not afraid to flaunt.
Lord Arnold S Eaton (Nomad) <Master>: Lord Eaton known as Nomad has until now remained a reclusive enigma of the Deaths Hand, though do to some heavy research and the discovery of his daughter it wasn’t long before the wool was pulled away and the Nomad was discovered. Just proving that you are only as good as your weakest link, this man is a serious power player, cleaner and hunter for the Deaths Hand and know we come to learn he serves the Steel Legion as well. This man is a full blown physical magician with serious capabilities long thought to be forever lost and extinct, the information on the Nomad is still forthcoming so keep checking back for updates on the already provided profile of this legendary cleaner and adept. <Nomad> (The Name Howard Wolfe is another one of his many aliases, so be very careful with this man he is a man of 1,000 names, personalities and faces and can adapt as needed to any situation.)
The Legionnaires
of the
It has recently been brought to my attention that the Steel Legion is quite a religious order with tenants and oaths going all the way back to the inception of the Church of England and the Christian rule of England and Europe, back when the Catholics where persecuted and the Christians spilled the blood of each other do to sacramental differences. Only one Catholic Order will ever be accepted by the Steel Legion as an acceptable ally in there conquest and that is the sacred order of the Templar’s long thought to be extinct during the days of the Crusades. Well it seems the order of Templar’s has been living within the shadows of the cross and hiding within plain sight as a sub division of the fraternal known as the Masons. Their connection and allegiance to the Order of the Cross is unknown but one can assume that with the Masons being hunted to extinction by the legal authority do their involvement in the world wide revolution, it wouldn’t far fetched that some surviving members of both the Masons and the Templar’s have found sanctuary within the Order of the Cross.
This Order is just as ancient as the Order of the Templar’s just hasn’t really been visually active and has been working within the shadows of Crown for centuries as the Kings direct message and enforces of the true Christian will and enforcement, this order is not one that can ever be negotiated with as they are all staunch God fearing Christians who follow the ways of medieval England. They have no tolerance for other religions and can be quite fierce when it comes to enforcing the will of it’s direct commander Archbishop Johnathan Eric Academia, this man holds a very stern grip over the entire spiritual development of the Steel Legion and he uses his militant division to enforce the dictates he sets forth. Within the Steel Legion their is no such thing as freedom of religion as they all are forced to accept the tenants of the Church of England and forgo any other heretical belief or suffer the consequences under the Legion of Iron Dragons, and any continued avoidance of worship could land members within the dungeons of the Iron Guard for a period of repentance.
Archbishop Academia understands that this order does host a mystical division of supreme power that contains members that might not see eye to eye with the Order of the Cross and for this he tolerates there blasphemous beliefs but only in a true Englishman’s fashion and thats with a stiff upper lip, knowing that sometimes you must shelve your intolerance for the betterment of the cause. Though he does refocus this frustration and turns it directly onto the people of England and as well the people that are unfortunate to be residing where the Steel Legion has set up camp. He has fully granted the members of this unit to work directly alongside the Legion of Iron Dragons and the Legion of Spooks to help sniff out any evil and vile magics as well assisting the Deaths Hand in their purging of the devilish Islamic faith from the planets surface.
The other aspect of the Order of the Cross is to act as additional specially trained militant support and all are welcome to join though you must first pass the interview process with the Archbishop and be more than willing to forgo any ties you have to your birth nation and swear your mind, body and soul to becoming a British national and as well become baptised and confirmed within the Church of England and accept the responsibility of following proper attendance requirements. Any magically active member must forgo their beliefs in either the science of magic or the heretical beliefs in totems as power animals; for the order has an entire regiment to teach the new member of the gift of magic from the Holy Trinity as the guiding light of their mystical powers.
The Order has a very strict dress code and uniform requirements unless they are classified as a special operations member working directly within the Legion of Spooks; where it’s members are to remain anonymous and gather proper intelligence on the guilty to aid the Justiciars and the Archbishop on keeping the Legion religiously inline. Otherwise it’s members mostly dress in clerical vestments and the occasional suit and tie, this order will never accept women into their ranks as they hold very old fashioned beliefs of where a women’s proper place should be, and all members of this order are to remain chaste until they are properly married after their ordainment into the Order of the Cross; yes this division does still use arranged marriages and they DO NOT ALLOW FOR DIVORCE, and the wife is to be fully subservient to her husband. All members of this order are married once they take the oath and are fully ordained as ministers of the Church of England this is not a choice and procreation is a requirement and birth control is forbidden.
This order does a wonderful job of superseding all the rights and liberties granted to the modern women and as well the modern thinking citizen of the world and blasts England and most other regions within Europe back to it’s feudal times and has kept the fires of intolerance burning for centuries though only as of recently has their actions come to the forthright as England willingly bows down to the Monarchy and his religious advisory order. The only non Christian faith allowed to exist with England is Judaism and this I believe is as well tolerated by the close minded Archbishop only because of the Deaths Hand involvement and having a few Jewish members among the Round Table. Though from what I have heard is that this order has been trying to cull many of the Jewish faith to convert to Christianity, through offers of rewards and special treatment; again this is speculation as England’s Jewish population hasn’t been dramatically decreasing and their houses of worship have remained open. Though this is as far as the Archbishop’s tolerance extends and he has been sending his Knights out on a mini crusades to shut down any other religions houses of worship within England and he has already told the Pope to pull out of England as their is no place for Catholicism in England any longer.
England has been going through many changes as of late and with the Order of the Cross now fully active within our country you can kiss any religious freedom goodbye and if your are an atheist it’s best to run to the hills now before the Order of Spooks discovers this about you and their is knock on your door from the Order of the Cross and you find yourself within the Dungeon or worse. Many years ago the world condemned Islamic terrorists for doing the same thing as the Order of the Cross, they vilified and crucified them for their actions, now no more than 20 years after the Deaths Hand eradicated the last of the fanatical Islamic terrorists from the globe the Order of the Cross returns the favour and they are applauded and accepted as soldiers of God and true Christian rule. I find this to be disturbing how the people can vilify one group while praise another, this people is the beginning of the end where intolerance rules supreme.
<I will only list those of significant power and influence within this order, though those I leave off this list are not to taken lightly as they are all quite powerful; please use the reputations of those I choose to inform you about as a reference point for those that I choose to ignore.>
Archbishop Johnathan Eric Academia (Benediction) <Knight of the Grand Cross>: Well you would expect nothing less then to find the Archbishop heading the order he oversees as a member of the Round Table, this man is the Grandest of all Knights and expects perfection from everyone under him. Through rewriting of laws and the political movements of many in the Round Table the Archbishops quest to absorb and removes the heresy of the Order of the Pale Moon has failed and he has been ordered to stand down or face the repercussions of his actions. Benediction has humbly accepted the order as it is now law and must be adhered to as gospel, though it doesn’t make him happy and he is not above expressing his displeasure with the ruling from the Round Table. He know uses his Order to help purge the rest of England of those considered to be undesirables and pack the many once nearly empty Churches of England, the Archbishop Order does at times work side by side with the heretics of the Order of the Pale Moon, though this is normally out of necessity and nothing else. The Knights respect the law and hence forth respect the Order of the Pale Moon as fellow Legionnaires though the Loreley is a topic of great discomfort for the Archbishop as she is everything he hates all wrapped up in one very deadly package.
Bishop Job M Nottingham (Crucifix) <Knight Grand Commander>: Bishop Nottingham is the commander of the Division of Chaplin’s and oversees the spreading of the Churches rule across England and everywhere else the Steel Legion treads, but he is as well the second in command of the Order of the Cross. Crucifix is one hell of a Knight and fights proudly alongside his men, though this man does not see anything morally wrong with killing in the name of his God one day than preaching peace and tolerance the next. This man is a walking hypocrite and he expects people to do as he says and not as he does, for Crucifix sees himself as a messenger of the Lord and trust me this man has no issues with driving the nails into the guilty’s wrists and hoisting the cross himself if need be, as a member of the Order of the Cross they are mostly exempt from the laws of the land and even the Steel Legions Justiciars tend to overlook what these religious zealots do in battle.
Bishop Judge P Westinghouse (Cavalry) <Knight Commander>: The third in command of the Order and don’t be fooled by his smaller frame and older appearance for Cavalry is one of the deadliest Knights to serve this order and he just proves that you can never judge a book by it’s cover. This as well applies for most of the Steel Legions Command as they have all been blessed with an immunity to age and are well past their prime, though with age comes wisdom and experience and Cavalry has that in abundance. When he is not fighting alongside his other sworn Knights he is preaching within the halls of the chapels and cathedrals and keeping a close eye on who is not in attendance and who might be trying to catch a quick nap during his sermon. Cavalry normally travels wherever he is needed and has worked alongside the Order of the Pale Moon on a few accounts, it was his word to the Round Table that allowed the laws to be passed as he signed on the dotted line representing the Order of the Cross giving the law his blessing, though the Loreley still disturbs even this relatively open minded Knight, and has caused many sleepless nights for Cavalry.
Bishop Michael O’Bannon (Leprechaun) <Knight Commander>: Well this former Irish Catholic Priest has converted to the Church of England when he was forced out of his home country of Ireland by the elves and he was looking for some payback. he found kindred spirits within the Steel Legion and gladly accepted a position within the Order of the Cross as one of the High Commanders he rounds out the direct leadership of this order, and is another that has no issues with the Order of the Pale Moon and even the Loreley doesn’t bother him and this does create some tension between him and the the Archbishop but true to Irish self he puts even his boss in place at times reminding him that magic can not be regulated as a religious only craft any longer and even the Bible can be misleading at times since it was written after magic had already faded away. It also helps that the Leprechaun is the Great Uncle of the Loreley and how can he hate his great niece, this is one member of the Order that actually see’s clearly and is not blinded by fanaticism. He is world travelled and has seen more than most should ever in their life time, he as well had to perform the funeral services for his great nephew after he was brutally murdered by the supposed UCAS government. Consider the Leprechaun to be the voice of reason within this unit, though remember he is half Irish and half British this means that his temper can be fierce and unforgiving. <<The Song Bellow Belongs to the Leprechaun>>
Bishop Peter E Longfellow (Robin) <Knight of Honour>: The Knight of Honour is one of the ranking members of this order, this man is the one that tries to keep the Knights following the credence and oath of their status and stay pure to their cause of adding the people in their religious development. They call him Robin do to his modern day Robin Hood qualities and how he has become a hero of the people even though he works directly with the feared and loathed Justiciars. This man is a balance keeper and works his tail off to remind the others that they are truly sworn Knights of the Crown and as well they serve the Cross. They are to be held to a higher authority and rise above the common rabble and not to concern themselves with petty inner order squabbles. Robin doesn’t take his post lightly and he has been fighting an uphill battle since he was duly knighted many decades prior.
Assistant Bishop James Oliver Swanson (Stocks) <Knight of Justice>: Well even this order has it’s lawmen and within the Order of the Cross these are the Knights of Justice and they are not controlled by any other division other than the Order of the Pale Moon, consider the Knights of Justice to be Juticiars for a quick comparison. Stocks is one that quite enjoy’s his sworn office and has no issues with holding true to the laws and credence’s of the Order of the Cross and the Steel Legion. Though he tends to follow the laws and punishments of the Order first and this can be quite confusing since some of the laws and punishments don’t cross over and even though the Division of Justice has decreed that only the Laws of the Steel Legion are to apply and the independent laws of the Cross are not to be enforced as they are outdated and unneeded. For Stocks he doesn’t really care and considers himself a bit of a maverick, this has lead to many people being locked in the dungeon, stockades and even faced the executioner for crimes of blasphemy and heresy as well as knowingly skipping church. Yes the Legion is strict on this rule, they don’t enforce it upon the direct citizen without warning like they have been enforcing within London. Stocks is very closed minded and stuck in the past, so be very cautious when dealing with this Knight as he can be unpredictable at times.
Assistant Bishop Theodore Gromely (Parish) <Knight of Justice>: Well their is no introduction needed here, Parish is the real deal and his idea of Justice is very lopsided and for this once founding father has become a murdering genocidal maniac of the Deaths Hand and serves directly under the monster known as General Chadwick. Being part of the Steel Legion is only par for course as the Deaths hand seems to be very intertwined with the Steel Legion and for Parish the Order of the Cross serves him perfectly as he can continue his conquest of the Middle East with reckless abandon and legally murder non believers with no concern. Parish is a English national that has bounced all over the world killing in the name of the saviour giving all Christians a bad wrap as we get compared to this monster, Parish absolutely hates magic and considers all casting to be the devils work; this normally causes issues between him and Morgana but their Deaths Hand loyalties keep them as allies and he can ignore her heathen ways as everyone knows its best to keep Parish busy, cause a ideal Parish is a very dangerous Parish.
Assistant Bishop Kenneth Chadwick (Pastor) <Knight of Justice>: Surprise the Deaths Hand General that has been sacking the Middle East in a modern day Crusade is within the Order of the Cross, okay this one was so expected it hurts; Chadwick is a very dangerous man that brings his zealous and fanatical nature to the Steel Legion. He as well commands millions of soldiers that are just as dedicated to the cause as he is, this man has been killing two birds with one stone for years, he has been enforcing the law of the Steel Legion while he enforces the will of the Deaths Hand over the nearly purged heathens of the Middle East. To call General Chadwick a sworn Knight is actually painful as this man has been committing ethnic genocide for decades and once served under a man called the Dictator. Chadwick is also of British decent and can trace his family line back to King Henry the 8th, so as much as it pains me to say he is a noble and he has been knighted by the Queen of England back before the Great Tragedy and War of the Nobles. Best advice when dealing with General Chadwick is to run to the damned hills, this man doesn’t care who you are; if you don’t support the Hand or Steel Legion he will have you nailed to a cross in minutes guilty or innocent matters not to Chadwick.
Most Honorable Right Reverend Mathew H Kirkland (Exorcist) <Most Senior Knight>: Well Exorcist might not be one of the high commanders of this order, but he is still a high ranking Knight and has been serving the Order of the Cross honorably for decades, he has fought in many campaigns and has kept the people safe from the threats of the decreed enemy of the Order as he directly fights against the evil magics and spirits that attempt to destroy the innocent. He is a former Catholic exorcist that abandoned the Pope during the early part of this century and joined the Church of England, though he never abandoned his ancient craft and has since brought the art of exorcisms into the Order of the Cross. This craft would come in handy during the great bug infestation of England in the 2050’s when he would help cleanse those that where tainted and spare them an painful death at the hands of the trained Hive Busters. The Exorcist is yet another one of this order that understands that not all magic is evil and is more than willing to stand shoulder to shoulder with the Order of the Pale Moon. This Knight does try to uphold the values of being a sworn Knight of the Crown and spends many a hour chatting with the Knight of Honour when he feels himself slipping into the obscurity of dishonor.
Most Honorable Right Reverend Edward D Mallard (Advent) <Most Senior Knight>: Advent is a another that fully accepts magic as a way of the world as he is himself was once a druid and still holds to his values, Advent would have joined the Order of the Pale Moon if he hadn’t heard the calling and entered the clergy and eventually got recruited by the Order of the Cross. He plays by the rules set forth by the Archbishop but he still considers himself a druid and is one of the few of this order to be welcomed to attend the rituals and ceremonies of the Pale Moon. The Archbishop see’s this as a chance to keep tabs on them, though Advent is not the mot reliable source of information since he might actually be within their circle secretly. This man does his best to live up to his oath and vows to help the people and be an honorable Knight, he is quite skilled in battle and has a very large heart when it comes to helping the helpless, though he does know he has sworn duties to uphold and at times his conscience gets the better of him and he needs to go and speak with the Knight of Honour for some one on one counselling to keep his faith strong and his moral compass pointing north.
Most Honorable Right Reverend Douglas H Worcester (Rugby) <Most Senior Knight>: Well where to start with Rugby this man seems to be following the tenants of his office and staying true to his honour and keeping the station of Knighthood clean of any disgrace, though that doesn’t mean this man is not covered in the blood of those that would not willingly accept his message and convert to the faith. So if you consider him to be like the Knights of old during the crusades than yes he is quite honorable, but the butchering of the non believers went out with nearly two centuries ago; though the Order of the Cross keeps that practice alive and well. When he is within the city his soul is clear as no one knows of his most recent butchering’s and they gleefully listen to their most beloved Reverend deliver his weekly sermon telling parables and tales of maintaining moral clarity all the while his hands are stained with the blood of the innocent.
Reverend Howell J Evens (Witch Hunter) <Knight>: This is one of their undercover Knights, he is allowed to dress in the attire of professional civilian and maintain low profile as he works directly alongside the Legion of Iron Dragons helping them with their inquisition and hunting down of those deemed vile and inhumane. This Knight really doesn’t have to look far too find the demons they are hunting since all he has to do is look in the mirror, this man has condemned more than his fair share of innocent souls to the fires of the inquisition. He has been dubbed the Witch Hunter and since he serves in the Order of the Cross the Legion of Iron Dragons look to him as their judge advocate when it comes to officially and legally condemning a guilty to the purifying fires. Even though he is not a Knight of Justice, the Archbishop has granted him the powers of such so he can officially perform the duties of his office and station and Evens is more than happy to oblige, this man has given the command many times to ignite the fires and watch as the guilty’s skin begins to blister and boil; most would be horrified at the thought of burning someone alive, well not for the Witch Hunter he enjoys the sight, sounds and scent of the purifying fires.
Reverend Kirk G Downs <Knight>:Sir Downs is one of the most honourable of this order as he takes his vows and sworn oath very seriously and with this man chivalry is not dead, he treats his wife with respect and extends a helping hand to the poor within London Town where he preaches, he proudly wears his badge of office and regales himself in his clerical garb and knightly vestments. Sir Downs is one of the few of this order I have no real issues calling a Knight of the Crown as he does his best to keep the honour pure and traditions held high while in the face of adversity he holds himself to a much higher authority. Sir Downs only fights when he must defend the innocent or protect a women from harm, he raises his children with the same principles and he is a true beacon of light in these dark times. I do hope he is recognised soon for his sacrifices and is duly promoted to a Knight of Honour before the darkness that looms within the Steel Legion grabs hold of this pure soul and corrupts him forever.
Reverend Sebastian B Lowe (Purgatory) <Knight>: The one in blue they call him as many of this order where purple or black clerical tunics Reverend Lowe walks as a rebel within the ranks separating himself from the flock of the other knights, he wears the royal blue tunic to match his knightly vestments as he holds his sworn office with pride. Lowe is a noble by birth who decided to join the Church instead of walking into the House of Lords, he would eventually join the Order of the Cross when he would be Knighted by the Queen. Now for Sir Lowe this has been a roller coaster ride and he has risen and as well fallen multiple times throughout his many years within the Order. I might not like allot of what this Knight has done in the past but one can only resist the darkness for so long before they become apathetic to it and eventually their soul becomes tainted and corrupted. Sir Lowe has felt this sting many times throughout the years as he has waded through gallons of blood during the War of the Nobles and fighting against the elven invasion of Wales and standing strong against Bloody Mary and here Scottish warriors keeping England safe from many invasions. Though through all this his soul and faith would wain as he would begin to be consumed by the fanaticism with the order, and only through pilgrimages, self sacrifice and discussions with the Knight of Honour was he able to restore himself after each fall. It has been sometime since Sir Lowe has fallen and he tries his best to hold true to his office and his family, the others in the Order have come to call him Purgatory knowing that he is always on the verge of a collapse, this is an example of a man that has seen far to much bloodshed in his lifetime and sadly it will only continue until the day Sir Lowe passes away for he will never retire from the order and with such his sword will drink blood once again hopefully it’s in defence and not during a crusade.
Reverend Lawrence S Adams (Manhattan) <Knight Investigator>: One of the few Americans that would join this order is the man they call Manhattan and for this Knight he was granted the privileged duty of being within the direct order of the Legion of Spooks to act as their spiritual adviser and as well keep tabs on the citizens within London to make certain that no heretics remain within the city proverb to offend both the Steel Legion and His Majesty the supreme authority of the Church. Manhattan gave up his law enforcement career for to join this religious order to secure both financial stability as well secure himself a wife and family. He willing tossed away his American citizenship and swore his loyalty to the both the crown and the legion and they rewarded him with ordainment into the Order of the Cross as well as one of the truly vacant titles that remained. Reverend Adams has fully adapted himself into the English community and fully abandoned his American principles to serve faithfully within the Steel Legion, this man uses near terrorist tactics to convince the heathen faiths to vacate the city; this includes bombs, arson, kidnapping and murder, to call him an honorable Knight is a disgrace to the title and the order but it seems that the age of chivalry is extinct and we are left with a new generation of knights that play by a a whole new set of rules.
Closing Statement
The Steel Legion seems to be fully embedded within the revolution and working quite closely with both the Brotherhood of Mercenaries and the Deaths Hand as they seem to only take contracts that are beneficial to either of these agencies. The rebels have been decreeing their is an Unholy Alliance, Hydra or Trinity of Evil within the False Flag between the UCAS, NAN and the European Legion; well it actually seems they are ones with evil intentions as Freedom Patriots, Brotherhood of Mercenaries and the Steel Legion are all intertwined and doing their best to keep this war raging and profiting of the deaths of the innocent all in the name of freedom. The Steel Legion is the worst of this unification and they have been cloaked in deception for far to long, many innocent lives will be lost in producing this page as the Legion obviously does not want certain aspects of their order brought to lite and for good reason.
The Steel Legion is 100% British and don’t be fooled by the propaganda of them accepting anyone and everyone, they do accept all nationalities within their fold; though only the English, Irish and Scottish survive the training and those that hold birthright to other nations that don’t forgo their homeland and accept English rule and citizenship seem to perish during a training exercise. They work alongside many war criminals and hide war criminals within their fold and protecting them under the seal of England and the Crown. So please come to your own conclusions of the Steel Legion and their allegiances within the agencies of this worldwide revolution, they officially claim to be neutral and only working under contract with the rebels and terrorists but in actuality they only work in concert with these terrorists and helped directly over throw the government of England and place the Pirate King in full command of England and fully secure a lock on Great Britain for the Terrorists.
Page Written By: Dr Winston Willows