The Belfast Ghosts
Be very thankful this terrorist agency has been kept very busy as of late and they don’t have time to regroup and hunt down anyone they deem a threat. The Belfast Ghosts are a reconnaissance order within the HRM….we think and hope, seeing many of it’s members all hail from Ireland and have a serious bone to pick with the elves of the Tir. The groups current leader is Robert Churchill and don’t be fooled or tricked into thinking anything different, the records I have state it’s Robert Churchill as the big boss man.
Now the remainder of the known roster of this order is very dangerous and every member is at the top of their game, don’t be tricked into thinking the old men are weak and an easy target……they are very lethal, highly experienced agents of death; their age is simply a badge of respect seeing they lived this long in a young man’s world. While Roberts brother Forrest took the helm of the Human Resistance Movement after they felt the sting of betrayal from the former leader and face of the order John Ripley. Robert on the other hand focused on his Belfast Ghosts and would play second fiddle to his brother, just exactly how the Sandman likes it; a voice from the shadows and never truly scene or expected.
This order of elf hunters would emerge around the same time as the HRM in response to the forced movement of the human population that refused to accept their place as slaves to the superior elven species. The refugees where deposited within Northern Ireland seeing the English still owned it and refused to hand Northern Ireland over to the elves and hence the Inishmore Invasion of 2018. The Ghosts of Belfast would rise in response to the people of Belfast and the surrounding parishes, cities, towns and villages would become nothing more than serfs to their superior elven lords that could do whatever they wished to the inferior race. Even being forced out of their homes and thrust into a new section of the country, these upstarts would still be enslaved and well……..Sandman is no one’s slave.
Robert Churchill very angry and furious with being thrust out of his family home in Dublin during those early days in 2015, still very angry over the Inishmore Invasion and the long lasting damage it had on his brother, and when he overheard the elven nobles in the region speaking of selling the humans to the war division for weapons testing……well lets say his Irish temper flared and blood was spilled on that day; ironically giving his adopted nephew Nick a chance to slip off and try to send a few elves to hell at the Battle of the Irish Sea……hence why The Original Bad Ass Brigade has as well adopted Nick as one of theirs and dubbed him Half Pint.
With Prince Grimm and others off fighting and recovering from the ordeal that was the Inishmore Invasion (2018) the people of Belfast where without proper leadership, so Robert gathered few of his friends from the HRM and as well within the Kingsmen to restore law and order within Belfast and truly free the people from the elven plague as they put it. So in those early days Robert and his hitmen would slip through the darkened streets of Belfast and reign death upon their elven slavers. Once they had the elves worried and burring their own at a rather fast rate,they would than simply free slaves, prisoners and act as the true law of the land…….with a No Elves Welcome Sign hanging on the door.
Once Sandman took the helm of the order in 2018 the Belfast Ghosts would become highly successful and begin to make ground, Robert as well contacted friends within the Irish Red Dragons, IRA, Clover Battalion, Welsh Wolves and the Highlanders over in Scotland to lend aid to the Ghosts of Belfast as well securing the aid from his former First Mate Avery Cortland of the Crimson Bloods. Under the direction and aid from Robert the HRM would begin it’s most successful campaign ever. They would begin recruiting and spreading the message of Human Freedom from sea to shining sea. Ignored most part by the worlds government they slithered around executing elves all over the world and would even secure a stronghold within the UCAS.
Though as the HRM grew out of control ad with it’s leadership divided it was only certain to fall and fall hard, especially with a narcissistic leader at the helm like John Ripley who was obsessed with power and a women he could never have nor tame. Now the Ghosts of Belfast didn’t care for fame, didn’t answer to John Ripley and basically would become a stronghold for the HRM members that needed a place to hide when the shit did hit the flame. The Ghosts have a simply rule and thats to be a ghost, strike hard and fast than vanish into the night before the enemy knows what hit them…..than repeat from a different location.
Sounds honourable doesn’t it…..nope not one bit but these men are outnumbered and are masters of guerrilla warfare. Hence why they would eventually become a highly sought after recon unit known as Ghost Recon (more on that later), these men might seem to be a rag tag grouping and especially with the likes of Infernum and Ticker one doesn’t think silent…..but the “Big Boom” might be very loud to arming and placing of the bomb would be unseen and unnoticed till the timer clicked down. So seriously this unit is silent but deadly and they are nothing more than whispers in the night.
So when it comes to the Ghosts they only target the elves and those that sympathise or harbour elves… as long as you hate elves like they do and don’t try to protect them your in the clear. Through Sandman’s leadership he managed to bring the elven population within Belfast down to extinction levels and seriously reduce the levels of elves within Northern Ireland down to near extinction levels. The HRM would be able to free multiple cities but never matched the results of the Belfast Ghosts and this irked John Ripley, that a subordinates group would be able to produce better results than his direct order.
Between his continued lusting for a women he couldn’t have, his targeting of the Hill family to kill the husband of the women he lusted for and trying to recruit their daughter……well lets simply say the HRM was about to take a serious blow and it nearly didn’t recover from it. It’s current leadership at each others throats over Ripley’s failures and distrust growing around Tobias as well, the powder keg was going to blow….and when it was learned that John Ripley had sold them out to their mortal enemy, well the mutiny would commence.
Do to Ripley’s continued failures and his longing to be better and more successful than the Belfast Ghosts, he over stretched his men, started treating grunts like garbage and throw away toy soldiers and handing mission data and locations over to Lady Nightingale the sworn enemy of the HRM and all Human Freedom Fighters. This with the aid from the Americans Crazy Glue and Micky would start an uprising within the Elven Lands of the Tir and boost morale of the people that had been within a war torn country for decades, the HRM would crumble thanks to the interference of the Americans and with the HRM….and soon stronghold after stronghold would crumble as it’s leaders had to choose loyalty to Ripley or the cause.
Meanwhile the Belfast Ghosts where heading the call and keeping a hold on their lands, though even Belfast and Northern Ireland would see a massive twist in the myth as the elves would storm Northern Ireland in a vain attempt retake the land from the Belfast Ghosts and her allies…..needless to say that didn’t end well for the Tir Army and mercenaries. Some actually say the Belfast Ghosts are the one and only Human Freedom Fighter group out there and the HRM is now a bad memory having fallen during the 2065 fatal blow and Ripley’s betrayal being dealt with in 2073.
I know better and the HRM is still very much alive and active, they are stronger now than ever before their leadership chain is solid and it’s members are well treated, trained and equipped. The Belfast Ghosts simply aid the HRM now as they have successfully secured their territory and only have to do simple policing and few removals, the Ghosts act simply as scouts and recon for the HRM and lend what aid they can when the mission calls for it. I know what your saying….the HRM has members inside the Belfast Ghosts, and you are correct and those that work within the HRM well they pull double duty.
The HRM and Belfast Ghosts are not the same order, they are two very distinct agencies with very different rules and the big one is silence is king, secrets kill good agents and always carry a knife. Where the HRM is and always has been about sending a very loud and brutal message; striking fear into the hearts of a region and showing a true show of power. Though as of recently these two groups have been blending with their tactics ever since Forrest Churchill took the reigns in 2074, with the killing of both John and Tobias the HRM would fall back into the hands of Vladimir Sablin, The Senator, and Forrest Churchill with Robert and Sly to act as advisers to the groups leadership chain.
The HRM does still recruit just not openly and the Belfast Ghosts don’t recruit, you are welcomed into their order and thats one invitation you simply don’t disregard. I have only listed the currently known members of the Belfast Ghosts on this page from the documents I have from the Kingsmen Historical Documents…………………………………………………………………….Sleep Tight
Robert Churchill (Sandman): The leader of the order and one of it’s founding fathers, the Sandman here is a long time resident of Dublin and would find his families home set ablaze as he and his brother took up arms in defiance to the elven proclamation for all humans to be counted, tattooed with a serial number and based on usable skills they would either be shipped off to an elven work camp, or simply executed on the spot. The Churchill’s were already on the not welcomed list seeing they spoke out and started multiple citizen uprisings. Sandman would be forced to relocate within Belfast with his brother and adopted nephew……between the HRM and the Belfast Ghosts the rest in history as Sandman would become the premier elven assassin of all time and once at the helm of the Ghosts he would guide them to a most certain victory, many elves simply whisper the sandman’s name and have banned the speaking of any legend that relates to the sandman.
Henry O’Doyle (Reaper): Well it’s the Reaper the scourge of the elven menace and another founding member of this unit, the Reapers tactics are simple strike hard and strike fast and leave them wondering and terrified. This he does with spades as he has removed entire elven villages in a single night, the Reaper simply drags his enemy straight to hell with him and does not shed a tear for his victims. Many pray before dinner i hopes to shield of the wrath of the Reaper though this is simply wives tale and when their time is up his blade will find its home. The Reaper helps keep Belfast and northern Ireland free of the elven plague and lends a hand to the HRM and the Northern Irish Army during their continued southern campaign of genocide.
Sly Grimm (Eclipse): Prince Grimm the former leader of the Belfast Ghosts from 2015 -2018 and founding father of the order, from his home in Belfast he could see the threat arise as the elves of Dublin would try to sack Belfast in 2015 well that would not go as planned seeing Grimm was waiting with his Northern Irish Army and prepared for the southern invasion. Though Grimm would only be somewhat successful seeing his territory wold eventually be over run from within and force the army to regroup, when Sly was called to service with the 401st he handed the Ghosts over to Robert and well the rest is history. Once Sly returned he simply stepped into the second in command role and allowed Robert to continue as the leader seeing his drive, passion and dedication could not be quelled. It might say Sly founded the Belfast Ghosts but he was simply one of the originals and got the credit since the order is based within Belfast Ireland.
Arthur Grimm (Slimer):
Albert Grimm (Asmodeus):
Jacob Sweeney (Rover): Born within Dublin a long, long time ago is the mighty Rover and wherever this man roams…..well people end up dead. The Rover is part of an order known as the Library but he as well lends aid to the HRM whenever he can and serves the Belfast Ghosts as an enforcer of the rules and law. This FIP bastard has been hunting elves and their ilk for ages and doesn’t seem to care about embarking on another holocaust…..he seems to cry very loudly about what the Nazi’s did during the second world war, yet doesn’t mind doing the same to the elven race. Sweeney here is a nightmare to deal with seeing legend state that he is within the mists and travels wherever justice is needed….though it will be his special brand of justice and seeing this man is old and I mean damn old, to the point that I am not buying into the story of him being FIP any longer. One must understand that for Rover we are all simply speed bumps and he is here to flatten out the roadways.
David Krueger (Trixter): Krueger here is another non Irish born native that is within the Belfast Ghosts as he was born in the Caribbean and serves the Kingsmen; I guess his friendship with Robert and his hatred of the elves that drove him into the HRM and to form an island version of the Ghosts called Purple Haze. Trixter is a real problem child and one that helps coordinate the attacks and help reduce the elven population over all. He uses disturbing tactics and scams to get the posh elves to come to Jamaica for an all expense paid vacation within a posh resort and in reality those elves are met by Purple Haze members that simply execute the elves and hand their bodies over to the Caribbean Death Squad for reanimation. According to the only good use for an elf is as a recyclable solider, they enjoy sticking there noses up, killing and enslaving the humans well it’s only fitting that they serve us in death.
Patrick O’Regan (Locust):
Byrd Ransom (Punisher): Lord Ransom is the only oddity among this group seeing he is of English decent and not a murderous bastard like the rest of this order. I want to believe that Lord Ransom is simply aiding them to quell his own burning hatred of the elves after his near death experience to chlorine gas dumped on him for three days straight by the Inishmore Elves. I have very little to go on when it comes to the Punisher being within this order besides that, he might be a simply investor and money man helping his friends from Northern Ireland and fellow 401st member Sly Grimm…..though racists come in all forms.
Melody Grimm (Anthrax):
Dublin Conner (Fiddler): Well now why know this maniacs name, next is to figure out Neo’s given name; one by one the HRM Ghosts are being unmasked and soon we will know all their given and surnames. Hopefully this will aid the World Court in bringing these lunatics to justice, well this is the mighty Fiddler, the man the myth and the legend that leaves a trail of tears wherever he roams. The Fiddler here is one of the top agents of the HRM and serves the Belfast Ghosts with pleasure and dedication as he wants to see the world free of the elven plague and for every man, women and child to once again be free of enslavement and able to live like a true Irishmen. Dublin Conner is always the first to start shooting and is known for vile tactics and he is hailed a hero for his actions within Belfast, Dublin and throughout the UK and Europe…..this is one man that has zero remorse and is full of hate.
Vernon O’Regan (Ticker):
Herbert Parish (Whistler):
Herb Woolworth (Infernum):
Elmo Green (Paradox):