On February 16th, 2019 the combined forces of the Texas National Guard, United States Army, Sons of the Confederacy and the Sons of Texas would take up arms and march united against the invaders from the Natives and Mexican forces. We in Texas refused to accept and acknowledge the Treaty of Denver thrust upon us on November 10th 2018 and stealing our beloved Texas and her land. Texans have fought and died against Mexico before and even in defeat we will never forget the Alamo, this has bee our battle cry for generations as everyone knows “One Does Not Mess With Texas!” we take freedom very seriously and this is our story. So sit back, crack a bear, throw another steak on the grill cause this is the tale of the 31 Brave that where too stubborn to die.
Well a everyone knows this great land was ravaged and raped on August 14th, 2018 and the Native Tribal Forces would unite with the elitists inside the United States government to butcher and terrify the American people into submission. This act of terror would ravage the landscape and slaughter over 2 million citizens, yes the Ghost Dance was that bad people….by the end of the Nights of Blood (August 14th – September 1st, 2018) more than 15 million Americans lay dead and over 5 million gravely injured, with countless more forever changed by the trauma and horror of war. Not a single state in the union would be spared from the raping and ravaging, though those closest to the epicentre would be hit the hardest….you east coast elitists would be spared the greatest losses convenient if I say so myself.
To make matters worse our nation was about to be called into action to aid our allies in the United Kingdom against the Inishmore and our boys stood tall against all odds in October 2018 and Texas would give many of our sons and daughters to aid or UK brothers. Here in America we would be torn asunder by the rise of the United Canadian American States that would operate behind the scenes in 2018 and officially become the New Government on March 13th, 2019. Though the Treaty of Denver was came into being on September 3rd 2018 only two days after the Native forces stopped killing and raping the American people…convenient.
Well history can tell you how well that shit show of a Treaty worked and just how well the American people agreed with having their liberties and freedoms stripped away. The follow up document to the Patriot Act of 2001 well the people accepted it than, it must work now….really it must, politicians and their one track mind. The people here in America were not thrilled with the unification of the North American continent and the separation of the country, they really hated being forced out of their homes and off their land….ya that was a wonderful idea, the Native Fucks didn’t see revolution coming; really they must have forgotten how pissed they were when we took there land, and this time there is more of us and we have fucking guns!
Now the Ghost Dance didn’t kill everyone that got hit by the magics and spirits of the dead, no some of us where gifted with unique powers and abilities…I guess we all had a little Indian inside us and it confused the dead. Though I am not going to bore you with historical records and documents of how fucked up everything was back than, you want to read that shit go to a fucking library or simply sift through Wilhuff Palpatines STAGE 5 documents….thanks Wilhuff for that, seriously thank you.
I am going to tell you about the Battle for Texas on February 16th, 2019 and let you know just how fucked up things got for all parties involved and why we are still very pissed off! Tensions where high throughout the states and people where being round up and placed in relocation centres by the government….yes this meant many would never leave these centres as they had been beheaded or hanged, the new government was executing its own citizens in mass; so the number of dead is actually much, much fucking higher. (For verification of my claim I will upload video evidence and pictures from the death chambers that where here in Austin Texas <HTT/Ueyr4b9&&^%*>) So you can see how pissed we in Texas and throughout the nation were, and why a violent revolution was our only option.
By the end of the year 2018 the nation was still burning and war was being fought throughout the cities, fields and streets and nobody was safe. Kingsbury’s forces where marching west, the Brotherhood was marching east and the 67th Stormriders where cleaning up the mess left behind in the wake. The 401st was sent to there death in England and so was the 51st and 82nd, confederate forces where arming and fighting against the UCAS and heading north the country was about to explode and this would last for the next 57 years and in some places the ravages of war are still felt.
In Texas this was all going to come to a head in 2019 and we would gather in mass to march to our deaths and fight against the enemies of freedom. We would never bow down and we would never roll over and die…this is fucking Texas people! Once you have awoken the sleeping giant and poked the bear, well you cant put it back to sleep without killing it and we are that Giant and Bear….and they missed 31 of us….FUCK YOU ALL!!
The southern forces, the northern forces and the Sons of Texas as well the Texas 1st would all assemble and march unified towards our western and southern boarders to give those brown and redskins a piece of our minds through hot lead and white death. Pissed off and out of options war was all we had left….hell even the Governor of Texas, Mayor of Dallas, Austin and Houston and don’t forget State Senators armed and ticked off, marching alongside the common man; we are all Texans First and Foremost.
When we arrived at the battle sites that would become the final resting place for many of our men and a whole shitload of theirs, the fighting would start right away. I was on the western front and thats where all the 31 Brave are from, even fewer survived from the southern front and they would call it the Brown Shit Stain as they butchered thousands and yet in the end they were forced to retreat and let me tell you Alamo is not thrilled about that fact. I will upload a listing of the 9 men that crawled away from the Mexican boarder and why we kept pounding those brown ass fucks till today; I know I being racist, well who gives a fuck; I was gassed, shot and seriously fucked up by those bastards so I have the right to be a little racist.
Now by now you have heard the stories of the 401st, 82nd and 51st as well you have heard the side tales from those that survived those days in the UK well I would like to tell you it was an over exaggeration or simple hysteria but in reality that shit happened and it would happen to us as well. This time on American soil and the Native and Mexican forces would be to blame, they would drop agent orange and chlorine bombs on us and they would have numbers that nobody could have ever prepared for.
For us this was personal and we were going to fight or die and their was no surrender, so the fact that they missed 31 of us is a surprise and yet for those that survived it is the one thing we regret….not falling in battle killing more of those fucks! I can tell you it was cold but it was winter in the desert so yes it was cold, it was snowing and all sorts of fucked up weather. High winds, heavy snow and bitter cold temperatures Texans are not used to that shit even those in northern Texas, so the weather would play a huge role in our defeat but it was more the chemical warfare that would even the odds and cut us down. It would stop up in our tracks, the bombs started dropping right away and the heated gas would mix with the snow and turn into a liquid further poisoning the ground and us.
Bullets started flying and we would take to the rocks for cover as hell had truly been unleashed in Texas, men where falling all around and blood mixed with snow to blanket the ground and the already wounded and recovering Chelcie Surrey was as happy as a pig in shit as he waded through the blood and gore slicing throats, and shooting the enemy….now I was surprised that the Surrey’s where helping seeing they are Indian lovers but I guess you steal Texas and you get a pissed off Surrey (something I never want to see again)
Brian Kindler was shooting with one hand and the other slicing off scalps even when he got shot he was still grinning, and Jamie our governor was killing with pride, Creed would simply charge the enemy and terrify them with his blood soaked war cry. We had some really crazy SOB’s on our side and well this is why you don’t mess with Texas and our really crazy bastards where still healing from the Inishmore Invasion or they would have been out here as well. Hell Governor Ackerman wounded and healing was leading the charge from his state in New Mexico with the NM 3rd Battalion, so this was not just a one sided revolt even New Mexico was pissed off and he was actually the Arizona governor at the time and he absorbed the angry New Mexicans and it was joint front.
Though Arizona was as well dealing with it’s own issues and I can understand why the NM 3rd would retreat on the 17th of February so Ackerman could rejoin his states defence and really give it to those fucks there. I myself would be shot bad a few times and break many bones and shatter a few others, this was not a well organised and planned counter attack just a large number of pissed off Americans with guns and it would have worked if it wasn’t for the chemical warfare. War is organised chaos and we were the masters of chaos on that day, we had planes in the sky and large guns pounding away, it was one hell of time to be alive.
Bullets ripped across the plains, the rocks and cliffs became environmental weapons as the bombs shattered the stone and sent it flying in all directions, no one was safe from the big guns and the bombs did not discriminate killing friend and foe alike as true hell had been discovered. The battle was like something straight out of history men charging each other guns, swords, axes, knives and rifles….oh my, on the other end besides bullets tearing across the land the Natives where slinging arrows in mass from their bows and seriously I will take bullets over arrows. They would release the arrows and suddenly for an instant the sky would blacken as thousands of pointy sticks would be screaming their war cry and heading our way. Many men would perish from an arrow in 2019!!! Getting poked by arrow was worse than a damn bullet, it made our medics life hell, and doesn’t help that our doctors looked like porcupines and needed to push the damn arrow through you; if that didn’t kill you the pain from the burning stick they shoved into seal the wound might.
Why a stick you might ask, well when you are out of medical supplies, people are dropping like flies and well you have a bloody arrow sticking in you….fire was old school and quick and I seriously think Klopeck got his jollies when he drove that burning stick into our bodies….Just busting your chops Butcher, your a good man and you were seriously fucked up and still tending to our wounds. The fighting was intense and we had no where to hide, no trenches, no real cover just rocks and cliffs that would become a grave for many, after three days of fighting we would be forced to retreat as reinforcements would arrive. Now I know Texans don’t retreat and yes under normal conditions we wouldn’t but this was a dire situation and at the time we didn’t need this to become a modern day Alamo.
Do I regret retreating yes and no, I wish I could have killed more of those son’s of a bitches and sent them straight to hell. On the other hand I am glad to still be here cause I have been able to aid the Texas Elite and live to see the return of my beloved state and watch those native bastards eat crow as they hand us back the land they took. I would fight through the battle even though I had an arrow driven into my thigh, collar bone and elbow…..ya that sucked big time. My ankle punctured and shattered and my knee exploded from an enemy bullet, chlorine soaked and bleeding I refused to die and give those redskins the satisfaction of my death.
Am I a little bitter yes, am angry yes, and am I glad that we littered the plains with their assess…Hell Yeah!! After the fight we would become hero’s in Texas and outlaws in the rest of the country as we had done something others were to afraid to do we stood up for our rights, our land and our beloved Texas. Being gassed well that was a new one and something that we should have expected seeing the Inishmore dumped that shit onto the American boys in 2018 and they got away scott free, so why wouldn’t the Tribal forces pull the same shit on us…hence why we had gas masks, fool an American once shame on you fool us twice NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!!!
Now the fight itself was three days of hell, day and night of steady fighting; shitty weather and numbers that one would see in a grand battle of the Great War not in fucking Texas. I can personally thank the Arizona and New Mexico Guard for their aid or we all would have died very early on, their tactics, guns and numbers would be something the Natives where not prepared for. General/Governor Ackerman is a genius and a true military force to be reckoned with. If it wasn’t for Ackerman and bringing some order to our chaos everything would have been for nought, that battle simply proved that the 41 Strong are truly the Original Bad Assess and even while he was still licking his wounds from the Irish Sea, arm in sling and leg braced he still took up arms and waged into battle with the rest of his men.
I know they got the brunt of the gas and arrows early, but that allowed us to regroup and refocus as anarchy had overtaken the Texas forces. Once we lost communications it was every man for themselves, Ackerman would deploy old school communication methods and be able to take command of both sides of the battlefield and simply start cutting them down in the crossfire. It wouldn’t be till they were forced to pull back to go and aid their own boarders and well eventually they were starting to be overtaken from incoming forces from within New Mexico. I thank Ackerman for saving our bacon’s and risking life and limb to help our beloved Texas, I am sorry that he would loose Arizona and yet we kept our state; though he is forever a Texan in the 31’s eyes and all real Texans remember the War God from Arizona that swooped into save Texas from the redskins.
Texas, New Mexico, Nevada and Arizona all took up arms and went to war against the Treaty of Denver and the Native American Nations. The Battle for Texas would be forever known as the Great South West Uprising of 2019 and only Las Vegas would stand strong and untouched as they held their city and survived the numbers and chemical warfare. Texas would honestly come out the best in the end seeing we only lost a portion of our state, Arizona and New Mexico would be lost and many of the rebels that would survive would be rounded up and executed. General Ackerman would be hanged by the native counsel, though he would survive the rope do to some very well timed shots and a well planed rescue. Also helped they simply short dropped him and tried to stretch his neck instead of breaking it; what Governor/General Ackerman went through for his men and people is simply short of tragic and from what I heard he walked up to the gallows head held high and ready to accept his fate and die a true hero and rebel.
Now we know he didn’t die that day, and all of us in Texas raised our beers to our War God and rallied behind the Arizona Outlaw and would give them hell. Though I saw the videos and pictures from his hanging and damn he was lucky, the rescue got there after he was already swinging, a few seconds later and he would have been put into a pine box and we would be morning the hero of Texas. Legend states that even the Grim Reaper is afraid to claim the soul of the War God and well on that day, I can attest seeing him swinging from a rope that I can believe that even death itself understands the meaning of “Don’t Fuck With Mayor!”
His rescue would come from within the Native lands, many of their own forces would turn against them and turn that public execution site into a blood bath as Apache warriors, Sioux Wild Ones and Navajo Ghost Warriors would swarm the site alongside the Jamestowns and friends massacring everyone man, women and child would perish and a well placed arrow from an Apache named Ilesh Gunner aka Apache would weaken the rope enough for it to break and allow for Ackerman to fall free of suffocation and death. Ilesh Gunner would lead the Apache 54th Brigade aka the Scalp Hunters against their own people to rescue General Ackerman and eventually into the city of Phoenix later that year….thats another story for another time as to how Arizona would reclaim it’s capital and reinstate Ackerman as Mayor.
For Texas our fight would be over but it was only a hurdle and we would continue to fight for redemption, and even through many defeats we would stay strong and remember the Alamo; though our new Battle Cry would be “For Mayor!” if he could do the impossible and stave of death more than once, reclaim his city and get the Natives to revolt well we could try…..All Texans would grow to learn and respect the Mayor from Phoenix.
I know this is not very informative of the events of our fight, though in my defence I don’t remember much of those days beside pain, broken bones, blood, chemical warfare, death and that BURNING STICK…….Keep that shit away from me Klopeck and DiCane!! I wish I could regale you with more details and more events but for some reason I simply can’t recall all the events and as hard as I try only very specific events and people stick out. It pains me as I am haunted by it at night and I can remember it in full detail in my nightmares but when I try to put it paper I draw a blank…I guess I am still suffering PTSD from it and maybe one day this will be behind me and I will be able to get some justice for all of us in the South West that suffered under the Green Death Cloud. Well till than Y’All Come Back Now You Hear.
Captain Chandler Holt Texas First.
Too Stubborn to Die
31 Brave
Brian Gunner (Jackal):
Jamie Gunner (Oklahoma Kidd):
Chelcie Gunner (Recoil):
Creed Gunner (Recurve):
Eric DiCane (Unsung):
Arlen DiCane (Gunfighter):
Lewis DiCane (Desperado): RIP The Desperado would fall in battle during the New Years Massacre 31/12/2074.
Chester Hollingsworth (Chief):
Sherman Willard (Hunter):
Ted Baker (Pyre):
Flynn Sykes (Mustang): RIP Mustang would be killed in action during the Alexandrian Conflict 15/02/2076.
Chandler Holt (Buddy):
Doc Davis (Moonshine):
Gary Robertson (Dixie): Dixie would be executed for treason against the North American Alliance and the State of Texas.
Orville Dayton (Colt):
Norris Davenport (Catfish):
Doc Anderson (Mad Dog):
Montgomery Hilliard (Silencer):
James Hilliard (Junkyard):
Shecky Thompson (Cowboy):
Houston Dumont (Rattlesnake):
Cotton Dumont (Sheriff):
Cotton Davis (Topsy):
Walter Young (Wisdom):
Grover Ness (Mechanic):
Norris Brooks (Pops):
Charles Butler (Captain):
David Klopeck (Butcher):
Gerald Weinstock (Tax Collector):
Jackson Dumont (Sabretooth):
Saul Meisner (Tailor):