The Railroad
of the
Common Wealth
Well this is not good…..I am not very thrilled about seeing that lantern on this website and with the pictures down below. It seems that the Railroad has officially been exposed and what’s worse is it happened to be exposed by those fucks in the Demure!! Let me properly introduce myself I am Deacon the current guide and guild master of the Railroad, let me make one thing quite clear “WE ARE NOT A CLEANER AGENCY!” I know this will be hard for many to swallow and handle since the Demure are quite off kilter and like to spew forth radical ideology’s and well their assumptions and opinions.
We in the Railroad are located primarily somewhere within the Common Wealth but we have chapters and hideouts throughout North America and yes that means within the Confederate South, California Free State and even the Native American Nations and we help anyone and everyone that can locate a Railroad Agent and needs safe passage out of a war torn city or tyrannically controlled state…<I am looking at you President Davis> Yes I just slammed the President of the Confederate States of America and for damned good reason….the Railroad helps people escape….well death and in the South if you are a Metahuman you are more likely a walking corpse just waiting to be lynched.
Now I am not saying that President Davis is an evil man and that he hasn’t done allot of good in the South but his racist tendencies need not be ignored….sorry old friend if that stings a bit. Now yes we are located in the Common Wealth and yes we are welcomed and accepted by Mayor Archibald Kingsbury, this doesn’t mean we in the Railroad answer directly to Kingsbury or the Patriots, we answer to our own Guild Leaders and of course what I say goes. Now yes we have members inside the Patriots and as well other agencies throughout this beloved nation of America. All Railroad agents know that they need to separate themselves from what the Patriots want done versus what the Railroad needs done and if their is a conflict don’t stay silent…..silence and blind obedience kills good men and destroys orders.
Now I must say that I am good friends with President Edward Davis but I don’t agree personally with the ways the Confederate South handle their metahumans and magical beings, but this doesn’t change my professional dealings or my fellow Confederates within the Railroad and yes we have quite a few rebels within our little agency of freedom. Now again my frustration is with the Demure and the way they have been handling the dispatching of information as of recently, the Demurest is a good friend of mine and someone that I have grown to trust as an informant and trafficker of free information; though as of late his children have grown rebellious and have breached many confidences thus angering those that once would ignore their order.
I now I am rambling a bit but within the Railroad we need to remain secretive and secluded, we need to keep the confidences of our allies and contacts as to be able to continue relocating the troubled rebels and civilians that need our help. You see the Railroad is a tight connection of networks and people throughout the nation, we get intelligence of someone needing our aid from many unlikely sources and once that information is vetted and proven factual we act on it as time is always of the essence so each Railroad Agent must be multi-talented and as well very paranoid. We survive on our distrust and of course our long standing tactics, and pass codes; needless to say this hasn’t always worked and the Railroad has had it’s rough going in the past.
Our dictate is simple if you are in trouble, if you are in need and if you are innocent we will help you; the cost of our aid is simple silence and observation if you see someone in need reach out, if you see someone that can as well use our aid please alert us. The war makes strange bedfellows and as well even the most hardened mercenary or federal agent will have a soft spot and that my friends is what we are counting on.
Our order of the Railroad was founded on a simple principle all are created equal and no one should suffer under tyranny, we took on the moniker of the Railroad from the historical Underground Railroad and the work of escaped slave Harriet Tubman. This ideology has been the way this guild has functioned since it’s inception and it has never wavered, I know their are stories about the Railroad being militant or a agency of cleaners, well this is just untrue.
We have zero military aspect to us besides the weapons that we modify and carry for our own self defence and the protection of those we help escape their captures such as wage slaves inside a corporate archology or someone being held against their will by a human trafficking gang or worse the oppression of the United Canadian American States…..this also applies to any agency that might try to oppress their people in the name of good.
Though after the Great Tragedy of 2018 the need of the Railroad increased and with that so did the dangers of smuggling the oppressed across boarders or out of corporate headquarters. This risk would cause the Railroad to loose many valuable agents, allies and contacts as well force us into further seclusion, yes we still care but we can’t help if we are all dead and a new philosophy needed to be forged and as well a new leader picked….well the leadership wold be handed to me after Mara’s slaying and the philosophy well that I will keep close to my chest…….
Though our biggest ally and biggest surprise would come in 2065 when out of the blue my phone would chime from our agents in the Federal District that an unlikely request had come in from than Director Jarred Mitchell of the Freedom Task Force….now yes this was odd and this screamed trap, and yes Mitchell was not just on everybody’s radar and hit list but he was on ours as well. This Director was behind the arrest and execution of many of our agents and was on our to be removed list.
Yes the Railroad does remove total threats to our existence, can’t rescue anyone if we are all dead and gone. Though on this day our number one enemy was requesting our aid and seeing that this information had been vetted and confirmed as factual we took the case abet cautiously and with total suspicion. Myself and my second Helsing where on that case, we came down from the Common Wealth and picked up a third Asbury for additional back up just in case.
Though we meet in the Mall of DC and under the shadow of the Washington Monument he confessed his vial nature to us and that he was not fully in control of his own thoughts, he told us that he had aided Victor Salazar of Free Bird with mind control technology as a favour to his friend General James O’Brian……though this was many decades ago and since he has become a victim of his own devices and a puppet of both Salazar and O’Brian.
Mitchell went on to alert us that O’Brian had even more nefarious plans for the UCAS and her people and for the first time in his life he felt an obligation to more than just God and Country and to her people and he could understand why the rebels were fighting so hard. Now to myself and Helsing this sounded like a pile of dingo shit…..but Asbury is a Jersey detective and one of the best cops in the free world so when his dingo shit detector didn’t go “RED ALERT….DANGER WILL ROBINSON, DANGER!!” we knew this was both legit and sincere and that surprised the shit out of the three of us…..seriously we were there to kill this man not hear him out and definitely not become allied with the man so many wanted dead including the three of us who all felt the sting of Agent White at some point.
Though on that rainy day in 2065 we in the Railroad accepted his contract and helped many UCAS citizens slated for execution by the very order he commanded escape to the South and as well handed the Freedom Patriots and Confederates valuable tactical information about the UCAS and their dealings directly to the orders heads…..this information would end up saving countless lives and as well allow us to somewhat trust Director Mitchell, though in reality we knew he was brain danced and needed to be kept at a distance.
Do to his betrayals and crimes against the Rebellion we needed to keep our involvement with Mitchell on the hush hush as everyone and their grandmother wanted him dead and for damned good reason, I wanted to stab him hundreds of times and carve out his black heart for what he had done…..but in the Railroad it is not our job to judge but to aid and we felt that as long as his information was useful and his involvement in the Railroad was unknown to Salazar and O’Brian it wouldn’t hurt anyone if we kept his secret.
Over the next nine years we worked in secrecy with the Director and yes at times we had to keep our distance when his mind would be warped and he would see the Railroad as a threat not an ally. Though we would keep our promise and continue to find a way to reverse his brain dancing and try to free this man from Salazar without having to kill him…..though we always knew that his death might come at any point and we might have to hand him over if things got out of control.
Now as the years passed Mitchell would show signs of fighting the control and as well really show us when he had succumb to the dancing… that we are saddened that our technology agents couldn’t free him sooner many lives would have been saved. Though what is comical and the irony is real is that the agent that would free him would be the kid brother of Bilbo aka Toad with a swing of his baseball bat and somehow Mitchell didn’t die from the wound, I have been keeping an eye on Toad for sometime and that boy’s bat would crack open the metal skulls of DAOD Ronin Projects and yet the bone skull of Mitchell was hard enough to withstand the same style of bat used by Hacksaw.
Well Toad’s bat would break the device hidden within Mitchell’s skull and thus allow our technology agents to reverse the dance program and free him fully of his control and obedience to Free Bird and the UCAS Loyalists…..I don’t excuse what he did in his past and his crimes are on his head and for his conscience to cope with, but we should all be allowed a chance for redemption especially in this war for freedom and independence. Mitchell has a long history with the Railroad and he is the reason we helped hundreds escape persecution and execution, he aided us in the nine years with assistance from the CIA data banks and as well letting us know where the Task Force was going to be so we could strike in advance, flee an area or foreword the information to the proper channels; this will also include the tactile information that would eventually end up in the hands of Polaroid and Colonial that would lead to the Patriot victory in Seattle and the escape of Secretary Robert Grant aka The Shepherd.
Now that Mitchell is free of the control and he has shown the UCAS and Free Bird that he is not their puppet any longer we have accepted him fully within the Railroad….yes you heard that right, we have verified and forgiven the rat bastard and brought him into our tiny family….yes the Post Office and Presidents Men wanted him to hang for his crimes, and that is understandable….Helsing and I spoke out on his behalf to our contacts within the Post Office and gave many, I mean many character documents and verifiable evidence that Zodiac and Mr. Mason couldn’t refute.
The only catch was that we needed a place to stick him that didn’t include unforgiving folks and well what better place than the team of forgiveness a team that expresses what it means to be a Railroad Guild…..Though I REPEAT: THEY ARE NOT RAILROAD!!! The team of unification, the team of the Harbingers…..hell they took in Hacksaw, Agent White, Bio-hazard and Oak this seemed like a proper place to deposit Jarred Mitchell and as well some Railroad Guild Members to keep tabs on him and make certain this is not a ruse…..Also the Conductor….Again No Relation!! Would bring swift justice if needed and Mitchell would swing from the Waterways Flag Pole.
Yes it is true Helsing and I are establishing a new west coast chapter of the Railroad after the Freedom Task Force removed all but two of our agents their, and yes this weighed heavily on us as we spoke on Mitchell’s behalf…..we knew that he was not behind this assault and had no idea as to what was going on with the West Coast Chapter of the Freedom Task Force, O’Brian had established this order as a precaution in case Mitchell was assassinated. Well once Toad’s bat cracked Mitchell’s skull and his sabre declared his independence he put to death most within the West Coast Chapter and all within the East Coast Chapter and if their is another chapter or more we will have to wait for his documents and files to be gone through by the Post Office.
The CIA is still within Mitchell’s control and he has turned the membership roster over to those that once worked inside it’s hallowed halls and had to vacate out of fear or death. So as of today 21/12/74 the CIA is under rebel control and I can only hope that this will not end horribly but only time will tell. The nation is still recovering from the recent invasion of the Deaths Hand and we in the Railroad will be here to help her heal and rebuild, we will never yield and never falter to allow justice to prevail.
The future is unclear and our destiny is not pre-forged so every day is just that a new beginning for us to be the manifestations of our own destiny, we will forge on and we will rebuild this is our time and this is the time for freedom for all. The Railroad will go on and we will continue to aid anyone that needs our help, I will be focusing on the West Coast with Helsing and Asbury and Academic and Omen will continue to ring the bell of freedom upon the freedom trail of the Common Wealth. May the gods watch over you and may ghosts of freedom guide you to a better life……..Libertas Omnium. .
\ Page Written by: Deacon Kirby aka Railroad
<<<Let the Hero’s of the UCAS Rejoice…..Six of the Railroads top cleaners have been slaughtered in the name of justice. I just received word from our hero that on December 29th, 2074 at parts unknown the terrorists of the Railroad met their fate at the hands of UCAS officials and were put to death. Sadly the others of the Railroad escaped their do execution and this is just the start and Deacon, Baldwin, Rusty, Lane, Wilhuff, Erza Conway, and Edwin will join their bastard friends in hell as they get their necks broken and swing from the rope….Good Riddance the UCAS is a bit safer and I am personally rejoiced that the murderers of the Railroad have been executed and won’t see another New Years or be able to harm another innocent soul, let the grief of the others bring their sudden downfall….True Demure Out>>>
<<<We have discovered more of the dreaded Railroad, they have members that commanded other districts and have since failed and with the destruction of their locations have gone deep undercover and disappeared. Looks like we have the Railroad on the run seeing that many of surviving members have recently vanished. Albert Schwartz, Sherman Finesilver, Grifter Antilles and Wesley Taffer are all dreaded members of this order of assassins. They once commanded the Southern, Northern and Western chapters of the Railroad and now remain as the sole survivors of there chapters, Grifter works as a go between and was missed do to his cowardliness. Albert held the Northern Chapter in Detroit Michigan, Wesley the Southern Chapter in Gainesville Florida and Sherman commanding the Western Chapter in Cascade Falls Washington.
These chapters have since been destroyed leaving there Common Wealth Chapter to stand alone, it will be only a matter of time before the home chapter on the East Coast is overtaken and the last of the Railroad is strung up for treason. Rumours indicate that their is a South Western Chapter in Phoenix Arizona commanded by the Dreaded Mayor, though we have yet to discover any direct evidence of it’s existence though seeing our newest ally from the Neon Church insists that it exists. I will add Adolf Gunner to the list of Railroad members though I am not 100% sure but the Neon Church has had many encounters with this dreaded order that seems to be even against the freedom of religion…..True Demure Out>>>
<<< Enough is enough. This trash from the True Demure makes me sick.Its all nonsense. Now, I don’t know about the new members listed, but knowing them all personally I can tell you that they are not assassins when they work for this order. Knowing Grifter quite well I can tell you that he is many things, but a coward is absolutely not one of them. With regards to the Neon Church – I hope you take a long walk off a short pier into the Seattle waters. While there may be some of you that are legit, your organization is used as a cover by many for slave trading and sexual slavery. We found the proof while your friends in Free Bird and The Committee took shots at my friends and I. Though the proof we found is pretty much unnecessary seeing as your first call was Free Bird in the first place. Before you prepubescent nincompoops deface this order any further I’m taking over the bios and the rest of this page… Bilbo Out >>>
Deacon Kirby (Railroad): The more I get the chance to know Deacon the more I can say about him. This man is beyond selfless. He rushes into danger to save those in need and thinks nothing of a shot to the leg or the loss of his life if he can save even one person. I watched him jump in front of bullets in order to use his body as a shield for those who could not protect themselves. They don’t know who he is or that he did it, and that is the way he likes it. He and his people are unknown champions for the downtrodden and those who need rescue. They champion freedom and justice regardless of the persons beliefs. Don’t be foolish enough to listen to the “True Demure”. These are good people and a good cause. They fight for your ability to be free and to be happy. They accept no payment, nor do they want it. Do they carry weapons? Of course – even the grandmother on the streets of Seattle carries weapons. However, after having gone on several ops with him I can tell you he never draws first and avoids combat whenever possible.
Baldwin English (Helsing): Here we are again Helsing. I must say, writing the Railroad profiles in numerous cases will be like writing the Harbingers, so I will try not to sound too similar. Though that should be the first sign that these people rock. You have to be a special kind of awesome to be Harbinger (or crazy, I can never remember which…). I love how in his profile they say that Boston PD pardons him. Ha! They chase him and that car of his every time it enters the streets! I would hate to be our teammate Tony for that conversation. I could tell you the same things here that I did elsewhere regarding Helsing’s care for others, but that goes without saying for everyone on this page. Personally, what I like best about Baldwin is his sense of humor. He knows how to cut lose when its needed in order to relieve tension. The work these guys do is both stressful and rewarding, and sometimes you need a good road trip to relax and a good story to unwind. If you catch him in the pub ask him for a tale, you won’t regret it!
Rusty Rutherford (Asbury): Another great Harbinger/Railroad operative. Asbury brings his knowledge and experience as an officer and Marshal to the Railroad to investigate victims who may need help. He never mixes his professional work with his work here, but the skills do translate. When he isn’t rescuing the weak or hunting criminals, he enjoys a good sports discussion – though make sure you don’t insult his teams. Jersey people are nuts about their sports and their teams are only second in importance to their significant others. Despite his generally positive demeanor make no mistake, he takes what he does very seriously and if you are in trouble this is the man to seek out. He will get you to safety. Don’t be fooled by the website or intimidated by what has been written. Like all members of this order his weapon is primarily for self defense and if you are in trouble it will only be used to help you. As one of the best detectives in the country it doesn’t matter who is oppressing you, he will figure out how to prove it and through this order will get you to safety.
Abbot Hayes (Academic): Hanged For Treason and Murder Willingly sacrificed his life for a higher cause. May you rest in peace.
Lane Culpepper (Omen): Mr. Culpepper, certainly a lovely gentleman. I have had the pleasure to work under him during my time in the Freedom patriots. He is a consummate professional and always gets whatever job he is given done. Like many of the operators in the Railroad he does serve multiple orders, but you can be sure that when he is working for this group he is doing the work of a true saint. He is rescuing the downtrodden and getting the helpless out of a bad situation. One of the hallmarks of the Railroad is that they work to avoid killing of any kind on their operations. Death is the last resort, and one that they do everything they can to avoid employing. Even those who are guilty of terrible acts are merely tied up and left waiting for the police. This is the reason why the press regarding this order is so ridiculous. They are literally the exact opposite of an order of assassins. There is one thing you can be sure of; regardless of what these operators do outside of their work with the railroad, when they are here they are saving lives. On behalf of the countless innocent victims you have helped, thank you Omen.
Wilhuff Sheev Palpatine (Morpheus): Hello again! For those who read the site you will know that Morpheus and I are more than a tad acquainted. They say third time is the charm, though I’m not entirely sure what else I can say about this gentleman than I already have (other than maybe smile for the cameras, they are everywhere). His inclusion here is no surprise as he goes out of his way to help those that he can. Even when his mind was controlled he used what intelligence he had during his clarity to save lives. I have seen him repeatedly risk life and limb selflessly just in the work that we have done together. He thinks nothing of jumping in front of a bullet for a total stranger, even if it may cost him his life. He was nearly killed recently covering for someone he’d never actually met until we went to back them up in the field. Yes, he may be a legendary spy, but that doesn’t mean he is heartless. On top of that, we all know how to compartmentalize our work. We change our mindset to the task at hand and one job alone doesn’t define us. The world is lucky he is a member of this order. It means that they can likely find you almost anywhere thanks to his connections. Everyone should be able to sleep a little easier knowing that between him and Deacon there is nowhere that you can be hidden and not rescued.
Albert Schwartz (Mr. Moxy): Onward with family having fun together, it would appear that Sixx is also a proud operator for this group. From his humble roots in Detroit he spent his days working to help the local people and get the wage slaves to have a little relaxation in their lives. From stocking food to toys in his shop he helped keep the neighborhood’s spirits up, and when they were in trouble he didn’t hide behind his desk. Now, you needn’t worry about me conveniently “forgetting” that he worked with Urban Strike One – he was just one of many that chased my rear end all over this city. However, the work he did in using his access to save countless lives with the Railroad is more than enough to justify the couple of holes I received from his men, not to mention that if it wasn’t for him we would have all died at Fort Lewis not long ago. Having gotten to spend some time with him I can definitely say he is a top rate shot and ballistic engineer. His creations are interesting and exceptional. More importantly, he has mastered when to use them and when not to. Maintaining a balance is important for all aspects of life, and by using his nonlethal skills here he helps improve the lives of others. I’m proud to call him a Harbinger and couldn’t support his efforts here more.
Dr. Sherman Finesilver (Striker): You want to talk about interesting guns? Heh, heh… Yeah you can find them here. I’ve known Striker for some time now and I am always impressed on how he can be lethal on the battlefield, and yet you would be hard pressed to find a better doctor or more compassionate forensic scientist (likely tied only by his face cake loving comrade in arms). While his bedside manner may leave room for improvement, his want to help those in need does not. He has been known to help patch up people (especially civilians) who cannot afford it. He works to keep health within the areas of his practices and aides the locals. Within this order he provides not only suppression fire if an operation goes south, but immediate and expert medical care to the individuals being rescued. Many of them are people that have been abused either physically, mentally, or even sexually and need treatment. Without his knowledge and care many of those who have been pulled from a bad situation would have died just from prior wounds or deficiencies in vitamins and minerals that would require extensive tests and hard to find cures. The work he does both in and out of this order is vital to his patients and allows him to save lives.
Grifter Antilles (Smuggler): I’m sure many are surprised that the Smuggler, the fan of choking, is a member of the railroad. Having worked with him closely as of late I’m not surprised in the least. While he may like to smuggle the air from a target, his operations are all based on helping the little guy. This can be anything from moving medical supplies or food to a location that is in trouble to rescuing someone in danger. While he does do work for other groups, his efforts within this order are to help. One of the more interesting components I can talk about is his driving. This man is a maniac – and one that I look up to. There are two guarantees when this man is in the driver’s seat. First – you won’t see what he is about to do coming and second, you will be amazed. He is an expert pilot of anything that can move and can dodge enemy rounds with precision seen only within a few of the Horsemen. If you are faint of heart you may lose your lunch, but you won’t lose any body parts or your life thanks to his skills. He has saved us more than once, and for that I thank you!
Wesley Taffer (Taffy): Good ol’ Taffer, governor of Florida and one of the members of the CAS that truly fights for the little guy. He is best known for his politics down below and being pulled in many directions by both the corporations, the crazy rantings of former president Edward Davis, and a million other things that pulled at him in the form of politics. One of the things that he isn’t ever at conflict is whether to help someone in need, and that is what he does within the Railroad. He has been helping them operate in the South for many years in order to aide those in trouble. He has continued to persevere through an oppressive government (both in the CAS and the UCAS) to bring salvation to the people whether it is in the political arena, the theatre of war, or the horror show of what the Railroad deals with. He is a man I am proud to call a friend and brother in arms through the Elite. Keep your pack full and your powder dry!
Adolf Gunner (Mayor): The Mayor himself, well, at least if you are in Phoenix. I have to admit that name was new to me until recently. Turns out the problem of a million aliases is something a few of us share… As I said on the Harbingers page this man is a genius and combat expert. When working for the railroad that experience is used in a nonlethal manner in order to get the target out of harm’s way. For those naysayers who think combat is unnecessary on recovery missions, how do you suggest we get through the security forces if the infiltration is unsuccessful? Answer – knockout punches and rubber rounds. Many of the victims these operators help are being abused by wealthy and powerful individuals. As good as they are, there is always a chance that you can be seen. The thing about the railroad is just because you are seen doesn’t mean you can give up on the target. These men will forfeit their lives before stopping an operation to extract whoever is being hurt. From what I have recently learned there are even targets that were recovered from Europe due to this man’s influence and ability to order the elite troops away from locations where someone needed to be recovered from. He would then just alter the paperwork to make it look like there was an execution instead of a recovery. Just another example of how the undercover agent did his job. Stay safe out there Dictator, see you around!
Tullius Kissinger (PaPa): Step one in getting your son in law into trouble; get outed as part of an organisation that has a high level of operative death and allow your daughter to think he knew about it… I’m only kidding of course, as pop spends all of his life in dangerous situations to help others in need. It doesn’t matter if it is with the Pack on the streets to kill those who plague Seattle or with the Crystal Dragons to remove the other clans who imprison, sell, extort, kill, and enslave the public. Every fibre of his being goes to saving those in need and putting his knowledge to good use. While there aren’t many that can keep up well enough to actually harm this man, he is willing to risk it all every time he enters any battlefield in order to help those in need. Its his compassion and caring that is easiest to see here, and if you look beyond the runner you will see it in everything he does. He uses his connections within his other orders to locate and identify those in danger, much like many of the individuals here. Thank you for working on the behalf of those in need. We need more people like the Railroad in this world.
Dover Barton (Unkie): Unkie… Now I know I have heard that name somewhere, but I just can’t quite put my finger on it. I wonder if my old friend Waldo would have known if he were still around. Anyway, onto Polaroid here. A Horseman and a Harbinger. There seem to be a few them on here – talk about a potent combination. The professionalism and knowledge to move forth safely and the brazen courage (yes – what else would you think we have?) to go into any situation no matter the odds. Sounds like a great fit for this order just like his oldest friend. Naturally this man needs no introduction as a member of the 41 and one of the heroes that has safeguarded our nation for decades. His involvement with the Railroad comes as no surprise since Dover has dedicated his life to protecting others and this is another example of the good work he does. Even if he is on another assignment he always keeps his ears to the streets and when he gets the call he moves into action. While the other orders he is a part of may be known for combat, there is nothing more incredible than to watch this man sneak into and out of a location without being seen. Truthfully, if the security is smart they will simply pretend not to see him, but then again those private forces never did require a high school diploma or GED. Lucky for them when on assignment with the Railroad they will make it home for dinner, for there is no enemy death on Railroad operations. Just remember, you never know whether or not any of these individuals are on a Railroad operation until after the combat is over, so I recommend not engaging.
Carol Webster (Shelby): Got the chopper ready, it’s time for an operation! There is someone who needs some help and Shelby is going to make sure that all the operatives get to and from the location that the target is currently being held. Against all odds he will get the vehicle in and out of the location. It may pickup a few holes, but at least it should also pickup a few people along the way too. Shelby is one of the good people in this order that puts his life on the line to keep the people safe. Given that slavery has now been legalised in the South once more this group of individuals will be quite busy in the coming days. There are all types of “less than human” (their words, not mine) individuals that are being sold, beaten, raped, and killed. All of them are potential targets to rescue, and know that if nothing else, the Railroad will never rest until they are all safe. It may take months or even years, but they will continue to rescue each and every one until either there are no others in danger, or the dangerous situation is rectified. I personally hope that the problem with the South is fixed and our southern brethren come back to their senses. We are all nothing more than people – we all deserve a chance to live peacefully and happily.
Yore Gregory (Pipe): Hanged For Treason and Murder Willingly sacrificed his life for a higher cause. May you rest in peace.
Arnold Holmes (Pioneer): Hanged For Treason and Murder Willingly sacrificed his life for a higher cause. May you rest in peace.
Erza Roper (Tunnel): Let us talk about one of the scariest looking nice guys out there. I had to laugh a little while back. I saw Tunnel interacting with a couple of kids and they were freaked out by the tats and the piercings. Funny how even children judge books by their cover. Naturally once they got to know him a bit they fell in love. Tunnel really is one of the nicest, even keeled individuals I have ever met. Like all the railroad he places his life on the line every time he goes out. What is amazing is even when he is beaten to within an inch of his life his attitude doesn’t change. He goes with the flow, goes through medical (if they can manage to keep him there), and then returns to do more work. As if he strolls down the winds of time as they ebb and flow within his direction. Moving with purpose, but never truly knowing anything but the destination. The journey is his adventure and he takes it happily with both its ups and its downs. Any operator can learn a lot from Tunnel, and I don’t just mean skill or technique. His approach to life brings calm to those around him and his cool head allows him to prevail even when the odds are stacked against him. I am honored to call him a friend and fellow Harbinger.
Father Conway O’Reilly (Liturgy): The man with true faith within this group. If you are looking for a good story get this gentleman a brew and sit down for a bit, for the wisdom he will share from all of his experiences is vast – not to mention the humor gets better and better as you go through the (as I’m told it should be referred to by a friend) two-four. What can I say about good old Father O’Reilly, well for starters this man keeps the trend of all my friends in the clergy being absolute experts in their extra-curricular activities. It must be the prayer – it works for the Pope and a Rabbi I know too. Liturgy is able to use his grandfatherly demeanor and appearance to help calm a victim when they are recovered. That said, when the poop hits the fan he can dive for cover and return non-lethal rounds with the best of them. He may not be a Harbinger, but thanks to the other Railroad members that are I have had the opportunity to get to know him and I’m a better man for it. Thank you for the work you do and for the positive effect you have had on the world as a whole.
Yule Winslow (Zippo): Hanged For Treason and Murder Willingly sacrificed his life for a higher cause. May you rest in peace.
Edwin Haskell (Fenway): Four! Wait, wrong sport… What is it that gets played at Fenway Park, I know it has a ball. Oh well, they are all the same anyway right? Just kidding, and I know better than to talk about baseball like that when Edwin here is around. He does enjoy the sport and has spent a lot of time at that location because of it. Fenway himself is a research specialist and is one of the go to people if you are looking to find someone. He helps build the dossier on and background check each of the people that the Railroad is looking into rescuing. After all, you cannot rush into a delicate situation unless you know what you are dealing with. Well, unless you are a Harbinger; wait a minute Deacon, what’s that look in your eye? Just kidding – and the fact that I’m joking is why these men are so good at what they do and why so many have been saved from harm. If you or a loved one are in danger these are the men to watch out for. If they are coming to you then you are about to be ok. As I have said on many of these before, thank you all for the sacrifices that you undergo to help others.
Montgomery Hilliard (Pale Rider): Well, definitely didn’t expect this one to show up here. I had to call my fellow Harbinger Deacon when it popped up on the net (and don’t get me started on where else he popped up – just because I’m friends with someone doesn’t make them a Harbinger!!!). New name here too, could have sworn he went by the Silencer. Not a downgrade, so I suspect there won’t be any complaints from him. After all they could have also started calling him Marlboro since I think his habit may be privately funding the company… What can I say Hilliard? Well, for one as we have recently realized he is one of the many FIP and is one of the first. Third to be specific if the reporter covering that page is correct. He has spent countless decades working as a leader and trainer to those in the military. He has sacrificed life and limb to bring home other soldiers and civilians from battles that would have otherwise killed them, and his work here is an extension of that. Though you can’t always be sure of what type of operation this Horsemen/Texas Elite operative is on, you can be sure that if you are in trouble and he is coming towards you that all will be well, especially if there are any other railroad agents nearby. He continues his legacy by sheltering the oppressed here. His work in the numerous intelligence agencies over the years has also kept many safe, and I suspect that he may have been helping with intel here – though nothing classified of course. He is a professional first and foremost. Here’s to you Sile… Pale Rider. Stay safe out there!
Charles Belmont (Captain): I’m starting to see a pattern. People join the Harbingers, and then they turn up as members of the Railroad. Deacon, we need to talk about recruiting… Just kidding. I can’t think of a better place for people to work and help out. Not to mention how many of these people were already Railroad and happened to join the Harbingers. We do get outed quite a bit. Despite all the nonsense out there, this group truly is all about saving others and working towards the good of the world. Many people just know Captain as a cleaner, but he has been doing charity work for decades (starting with helping to raise your author and his friends here as operators). He uses his contacts not only to infiltrate, but to get reliable data on those who are in trouble. He then relays that to Deacon here. While he has only just entered the roster officially, he has earned his place around these hallowed halls. He risks his life to protect this world without even thinking about it. When he is injured and there another threat he will throw his body, mind, and soul in the way to try to defend against the threat. He already had my respect and admiration, and this has only increased that. It is my honor to have worked alongside him in the past and hope to again one day in the near future. Now where did I put that water bottle…
Wilbur James (Bunker): Hanged For Treason and Murder Willingly sacrificed his life for a higher cause. May you rest in peace.
Astrid Wales (Contractor): Hanged For Treason and Murder Willingly sacrificed his life for a higher cause. May you rest in peace.
Maximilian Yates (Atlas): Still nothing to see here. I just take out the trash and sweep here…
Wendell Flanigan (Snapper): Another Harbinger agent here, yeah still no surprise. Welcome to joining another order – you’re welcome for the introduction with Deacon. You came at a rough point, but that was before the war. Now things are really fucked! Snapper here is an exceptional lawyer and operative – he is a double threat both on the battlefield and in the boardroom. There is nobody better to defend you, as long as you are innocent he will prevail. When it comes to his capabilities let’s just say he, like most FIP, knows his way around the gun and sword. Afterall, life wasn’t always so cushy as to have multiple rounds in your gun. Those who remember the musket became quite skilled with our bayonets and (if we had them) officer’s swords. That said, nobody needs to worry about either when we are working with the railroad, and especially for this agent who will only be in the courtroom to help defend the oppressed. Welcome to the Railroad chummer – time to help keep some people safe.
Trenton Jamestown (Knuckles):
Reverdy Jamestown (Handler):
Festivus Jamestown (Big Kahuna): Killed in the Line of Duty RIP
Union Kenneth (Pickles): Killed in the Line of Duty RIP
Hudson Hope (Tetris):
Milton Schultz (Scoop): Killed in the Line of Duty RIP
Avery Webster (Mariner):
Baily Georgetown (Inspector Gadget):
Arthur Swanson (Eddie):
Addison Mayweather (Grassy):
Reggie Irving (Defrag):
Alvin Webster (Chronic):
Franklin Quinn (Piranha):
Maxwell Irving (Caps):
Real Name Unknown (White Rabbit):
Patrick O’Reilly (Cisco Kidd):
Nero Caprio (War King):
Robert Churchill (Rifter):
Howard Douglas (Hacksaw):
Wilbur Gravel (Samael):
Russel Bookman (Brooklynn):
Tudor Yates (Professor):
Travis Bellmunt (Little John):
Logan Palpatine (Aloha):
Chester Malkovich (Saint):
Grady Williams (Hydro):
Orson White (War God):
Gunner Kirby (X-13):
Sherman Willard (Hunter):
Patrice Tubman-Willard (Harriet):
Ted Baker (Pyre):
Douglass Howell (Trailblazer):
Daniel McMasters (Zero):
Joshua Dean (Watcher):
Nelson Rodger (Graphite):
William Gunn (Digger):
Bernard Beachworth (Wolfsbane):
David Klopeck (Dovahkiin):
Andrew Yates (Toad):
Jack Bing (Hound):
Dr. Sylvester Sinister (Agent Orange):
Real Name Unknown (Gizmo):
Aldwyn Jamestown (Stakes):
Rev. Ernest Kowalski (Old Testament):