The Second Coming
Of the
Infamous Harbingers
The Elite Harbinger Military
Waterways Division
Top L-R: Wolf Pack, Rough Riders, Ruination, Railroad, Swamp Rats
Middle L-R: Forsaken, Despicables, Devil’s Rejects, Mariners, Rattlers
Middle Bottom L-R: Tribe, US Elite, The Savage Ones, Brothers Grimm
Lower L-R: The Horseman, Stormriders, Order of Templar’s, D-Company, Old Guard
Bottom L-R: Southern Cross, Kentucky Freedom Fighters, Texas Elite, Tennessee Elite, Oklahoma Guard, Mississippi Vipers, Texas 1st
Bottom Middle: 501st Cajun Cavalry, 401st Bombers, 401st Ghost Division, 82nd Thunder Dogs, 51st Iron Wolves
Bottom L -R: 7th Rancor, Outlaw’s Five, Dawnguard, Alexandrian Defense Force, Crazy Koalas, Wellermen, Frog Brothers, Santa Fe Ring
<<These are simply unit names within the special division of the Harbingers, do not be fooled these teams are all Harbingers and they seek to destroy all UCAS Citizens, Elves, Native American Citizens and Aztec Citizens.>>
<<This is the Elite Special Forces Division of the Harbingers, these units are all highly trained terrorists and now under the command of General Ralph Rivers the Supreme Commander of the Rough Riders. These units have all sworn loyalties to General Rivers and that has made the Harbingers a True Standing Militia Unit and hence moved Ralph Rivers to Number One Most Wanted on the International Felons List surpassing Edward Davis for the first time in over four decades. All Members of this Militia are Wanted By The World Court for War Crimes.
Be Very Careful when approaching the Harbingers or they will not hesitate to murder anyone that attempts to apprehend them and do to former Militia Commander Anthony DiCane instituting unlawful regulations within Seattle the Seattle Police Department refuses to arrest or even investigate the crimes committed by anyone within this now Militia Unit. They are the ever growing arm of tyranny for the Son’s of Liberty, they are Colonial’s West Coast Chapter of the Sons and Seattle will soon be under the control of General Rivers and his tyrants…..True Demure Out>>>
<<< …….. Well holy crow. I don’t often stand at a loss for words, but you may have achieved it for at least a moment. The Harbingers work with all of those groups (and for a long time with most), but they have not sworn allegiances and become subservient. We work with them in order to protect the citizens and this country. I never wanted you dead like some of my allies, but now I really want to sit down and figure out how you became so disillusioned to all the good being done. You have vast resources of gathering information, but you need to learn to filter the sludge from the gold. With all the bad out there you focus here. Look into Edgar Malone, or the old Runner Rehabilitation Program, or any number of other things that are hurting this world and oppressing people. I’m not saying we are perfect and I have done my fair share of things that I’m not proud of, but you need to see the bigger picture. As the pendulum swings in one direction it knows it must eventually return to balance. You are all the way out, it is now time for you to come back… Bilbo Out >>>
<<<The words of the infamous Bilbo are not to be trusted, you have spewed nothing but lies and hate throughout the known world. The Harbingers are an elite paramilitary unit that is not government sanctioned and such is nothing more than an illegal militia unit trying to overthrow the government. Stop spewing lies about a false history and open a book once in a while Pupil; the history is there for us all to read and learn; the UCAS makes certain that we are all properly educated unlike those that walk within the Common Wealth of Boston, ignorance runs rampant there thanks to Mr. Boston and Rock.
Your also a Yates and that means you are to be ignored and never trusted, your family is known for lies and deception. Your brother is a waste of flesh and needs to hang, your uncle is an outlaw noble that got his family executed for failing to comply with United Kingdom Law and your father helped conquer the Eastern Hemisphere and genocide the people that spoke out against him. So it is zero surprise that you would follow in your father’s footsteps and just like your uncle you cry foul when our hero Legion kills your mother for your and your father’s sins. Do us a favour and contact Edgar Malone to schedule your execution you worthless genocidal terrorist…True Demure Out>>>
<<< Well, my loss for words is certainly fixed. To be fair, I never thought I would be upset to hear the Harbingers called elite, but you have it wrong. I am sorry that you choose not to use your brains. On the bright side, you answered a question that has been bothering me for some time now. You see, I couldn’t figure out how a bunch of guys that Deacon would vouch for could be such a bunch of misguided individuals. You answered it, you are obviously under the thrall of the “hero” Legion. Nothing more than one of the many. I’ve seen what he does, and if you have been pulled under his control there is no saving you. I have fought long and hard to save those under threat of his grasp, and I know what happens when he gets in. It makes you wish that you were a toxic bug spirit, for at least then you are not fooled into thinking you are in control of your own actions. I was hoping this was another case like the Paladin where you could be reasoned with, but I no longer think that is possible. Demurest, if you are reading this, we should talk somewhere public and safe. You can reach me through Deacon. Maybe some of this can be fixed or salvaged.
To the comments that I have not addressed, let me speak to them. First, I am indeed a Yates. I wear that name with pride alongside the other members of my family (Yates or otherwise). My brother has made some questionable decisions, but who hasn’t? He should have waited to be a runner till he was older, but he is fighting the good fight and learning from those who are far more wise than myself. With regards to my father – you got me. He worked to genocide the elves in Europe and aided the Death’s Hand as if it was one of his children. I could argue and show you that there was good that came out of it (until Alexander went off his rocker), but you wouldn’t believe me if I did (with or without proof). He, along with many others like myself, paid a terrible price for that mistake. One that cannot be replaced or rebuilt anytime soon. I stand by his intentions, otherwise I wouldn’t have joined his cause. I would have told him no as I did Alexander numerous times. My Uncle did not sign the treaty because it would persecute the people of England and I stand by his choice. I miss and think about the family that he raised everyday. Me myself, I may be guilty of more than anyone else on this site depending on your viewpoint and pay grade. Legion did indeed kill my mother feet from me. I suppose this is well timed since it is just about the one year anniversary, so it isn’t like I haven’t been thinking about it. All that I can say is that in all of this she was one of the innocents who knew not what was going on.
It is a good thing Hound is not a “hero” like Legion or else he would leave you alive after removing your family. While I’m sure he regrets it now, he looked at me, smiled, and chose not to end my friends and I in the same stroke that he killed my mother. We were defenseless, had no backup, nobody was on their way, and he knew it. He simply needed to fire his shotgun three more times and the Harbingers wouldn’t exist today; he would have taken out Tony, Bueller, and I in one fell swoop. Your “hero” isn’t very consistent with what he does. I suspect he was much less interested in “killing for his cause” than for simply trying to make me suffer. I would remind you that even according to the laws of the UCAS, family is not responsible for the sins of other members. English laws hold the family responsible, but last I checked there was still a pond in the middle of the two. Though I would contend whether or not we have sinned in the way you think, even if we have that makes many who are being targeted innocent in your laws. I don’t regret giving you the benefit of the doubt, but I now know I have wasted too much time trying to find a way to extend the Olive Branch that so many have given me. Well, at least this genocidal maniac who runs around killing everything that moves indiscriminately (that is why I earned the Seattle Cross and Key to the City back when this was still the UCAS, right?) knows that he tried. Sadly, I’ve wasted my breath. … Bilbo Out >>>
This is the new incarnation of the infamous Harbingers that once ruled the streets being hailed as the hero’s of the shadows, though the original team might have had it’s failures, it was their unity and gumption that kept them in the headlines and being hailed by the people and Shadow Beat alike. This squad has been through some serious reformation over a very short period of time do to the deaths of it’s original membership, though it was those hero’s of the shadows that would set the model for the new generation of Harbingers as well be responsible for recruiting the shadow warriors that would continue to hold the torch for the new generation of runner.
They are considered infamous mostly do their direct involvement with the revolution and being all members of various rebelling agencies, and their original commander Bilbo joining the Deaths Hand military, though this would be his downfall as his conscious would prove to strong and he would defect and attempt to run from the order he willingly served. Bilbo gave his life trying to flee from the Hand, he understood the risks and with his death the last of the original Harbingers has become a fallen warrior with both Waldo and Tin Man laying their lives down at the Battle of Fort Lewis during the Battle for Seattle. Though before these hero’s laid their lives down they had recruited a handful of promising individuals and some legends to continue the tradition of this team that was once considered to daring to be stupid.
The Harbingers as of recently has been shedding their old skin and becoming a rising star within the shadows, they have been on multiple successful operations, fought valiantly in defence of the city from the United Canadian American States (UCAS) and helped defend the people from the dangers of the nefarious street gang known as the Vandals; they have as well held true to the teachings of those that came before them and have been staying true to the message of the Founding Fathers where one generation helps out the next. The New Harbingers as well follow the same suit as their predecessors as they to represent multiple agencies and even have membership within the Seattle Police Department.
The one benefit of being a Harbinger is that regardless of what happens, you are always a Harbinger and they consider each other to be family, so to deal with one Harbinger you are dealing with anyone that was a Harbinger. Their roster might be ever growing and changing but the principles set by the founding three hold true to whatever incarnation might be in active status. This team has grown from more than just a band of like minded criminal operators to being a ideal that hasn’t been seen since the days of the Founders and Next Generation worked the streets side by side.
It is best to not judge this squad on their past failings as the Harbingers once considered the joke of the shadows have become a real team of warriors worthy of the title of being legends within the shadows. The Harbingers continue to surpass and surprise many within the world of the shadows as well they have shed the skin of being the pop sensation icons and blended into the background where these warriors belong. They continue to hold the banner and do their founders proud as they are guided now by the likes of Crab and Plymouth as well as many other of the elder generation that as well are not afraid to admit they once dared to be stupid, within the shadows their are survivors and corpses and only those that learn from their failures succeed these warriors have studied hard, buckled down and have become the pinnacle of what a runner team of this generation and future generations should become. Here’s to you Harbingers I will raise a drink in your name as you continue to be the role models for future generations, just don’t ever pull a Bilbo….just joking, Hail Brothers and Sisters of the Shadows!
Page Written By: Paladin
The Harbingers of Present
(The Emblem of the Railroad) <- When did this get here and what is it for???
<<Its the marker of the Railroad, the order that the Harbingers are; for crying out loud chrome head the teams leader is the nefarious Conductor the head of the Railroad and the one that decrees who lives and who dies…..the Harbingers are the Railroad in disguise and they are murdering countless innocents daily under the Conductor…..The Proper Demure Out>>
<< I can confirm that the Conductor is not the leader of the Railroad Guild….how do I know this cause I am, if you don’t believe me just ask your boss. The Harbingers are an honour bound team and genuine all around good folks, I will not tolerate you bashing the Harbingers or the Railroad. The two are separate groups and both hold to a very strict code of conduct and neither are an order of assassins; also the Conductor is the nicest man I have met in many a year….if you have verifiable evidence of the accusations please I would be interested in seeing or reading it…..Railroad Out>>
<<Hm…. Well that was funny. Just a heads up newbie, you cannot dump shock someone who is not plugged into their device. Also, you owe 20 me cred for the burner you fried and 50 cred for the bluetooth keyboa+rd. Thank you to Deacon for explaining what that symbol is, sounds like a great group of people. Conductor’s name is a reference to his old life, I do not think it has anything to do with the Railroad. I thought the Demure were supposed to lookup legit information, you know, like facts. You sound more like a dreamer than a reporter. Also, 10k on Hound. You know, out of the several deckers you successfully dump shocked from hitting my phone (who unlike me ARE plugged in). This one was not my fault guys. I think he will be the first to hunt you down…. Bilbo out>>
<<Ouch….My blasted head!! Now you did it you fucking dreamer bastard; Nobody I mean nobody dump shocks the Hound and lives to tell the tale…..You wanted the best well ass clown you have found it and it’s time to play Seek and Destroy!! The Hound will hunt each and every one of you Demure bastards and send you all to an early grave…..Hound Out>>
<<Well that was not pleasant and well child you just screwed the pooch on this one….The Demure are becoming a serious pain the bum and this humpty dumpty really doesn’t like getting a migraine cause some dream time child decides they are big time and hack a pocket secretary…..child I was hacking phones when I was well….a child. The Harbingers are a beloved team on the streets and as well the Tribe is as well very beloved, no need to spread false information like the UCAS Nationals and well I don’t propagate violence but you best run for your bloody life if you want to live to see tomorrow since the Hound doesn’t fail at Seek and Destroy……child run and never look back or well you will be deceased and so will everyone you have ever loved; the Hound means business……Edison Out>>
<<Demurest my old friend… best interject soon or the Hound and others will begin the hunt of your order and the rouge agents ignorance will soon spell your doom. They have opened Pandora Box here and I am not speaking of the Harbinger Pandora….Hound is a serious adversary and so are the others that will soon join the fox hunt for the Demure and once they are unleashed there is no putting them back in the box cause what is done is done…..Railroad Out>>
<<Happy Halloween Mother Fucker….I am very unhappy with the Demure as of late, lets just say you fucking bastards caused the death of millions by forwarding un documented information to Alexander and nearly killed two of the Father’s of Armageddon not to mention everyone else within Alexanders cross-hairs. Now it’s time to reap what you sow and this whirlwind is coming for you all; I will be joining the fox hunt with my brothers in arms, Zodiac my friend time to take up arms once again….The Hunt is on!!…Samhain Out>>
<< Well well, talk about another Pickle with a capital “P”. I gave you guys permission to post about the Harbingers, but only vetted information. Nearly every source that you sent me (and then posted before I could approve it) was from UCAS loyalists. Now, they are valuable sources of data, but you MUST corroborate what they say with actual footage, recordings, or testamonies from the other side. It is our job not just to inform on groups, but to make sure that it is valid information. My old colleague Mr. Boston would never post this and neither should you! Our order survives because we maintain anonymity and remain factual. Why would you sign our name? Have you not learned the meaning of anonymous? Evil does not mind being called evil, brute does not cause us issues from being called a brute. Just be sure not to get the two mixed up! I am sad to do this, especially publicly in this format, but those both within and outside of our agency need to see this. As of now, until the end of a thorough investigation and restructuring, the Demure are hereby ordered to cease posting. I do not care for visits to my personal home or for relationships with long term contacts and friends to be threatened. Those are what keep us safe from the things that go bump in the night. Deacon is an old friend, but that does not mean I want to have my agents or myself need his services. Those who post from now (23/12/74) until I give a secondary message may consider themselves to have also resigned from the Demur. Just like I did before, further posts will result in the dissemination of your location. I do not want to lose anyone, I consider you all family doing god’s own work, but I cannot allow those who will not listen to get everyone else killed. The central database is now officially offline for the first time in many generations until further notice. …. Demurest Out>>
<<So the so called boss man thinks he owns the printed word and the digital media….We are the voice of this generation, your way has gotten us nowhere and our way has made us legends. We spread the truth that you are to afraid to speak, we tell it as it is and we are not afraid of the relics of the past. Those out dated dinosaurs need to fear the True Demure and our gospel, we are the future of media and no one will stop us not even you Demurest…..the rusting relic of the old world; we are the voice of the UCAS….True Demure Out>>
Well now, doesn’t this bring back a ton of memories. Days spent reading and obsessing over the content being placed up by the hated Paladin. Then working with all the agencies to take down this madman decker. Then, after finding out his true intentions, convincing those who placed his bounty to remove it only for him to have joined O’Brien the same morning. Then him finally escaping and making the site public and becoming an ally and friend (I do hope to share a glass with you one day Paladin). If that sounds like a circle you should sit down for some stories….. Ah yes, the chaotic days of the original team. I do miss them terribly, along with my friends who stood by my side. To those who have fallen in battle I raise my glass in your honor and look forward to meeting you in the next world. That said, before I get too sentimental and end up writing a novel here I should get down to work. It seems as though in recent days my old team hasn’t been getting much love from those who publish to this place and since I am now funemployed I may as well at least update the biggest group of family and friends that I have. From those who I had a hand in recruiting to the newest iteration of the team I look forward to working with and getting to know you or to rekindling old friendships. Once you are a part of this team you are family and nothing can take that away. I will leave all of my changes, alterations, and additions in this color that way you know the information you read is true and the work of a credible source (that is, if you consider me credible). For those wondering what decker is helping me, I would remind you that before I became a jogger in the dark I was quite the sought after computer technician and programmer (if you didn’t know, just ask Cedar Krupp). These are my words unadulterated or filtered by any decker (possibly to the dismay of many). For those wondering about my choice of color it has nothing to do with my former employer that tried to have me turned to dust. It is a loving reference to my Uncle and the writing implement I keep in my pocket. Well then, time to begin. Here’s to you my friends! — Maximillian Yates aka Bilbo, Pupil, Doodle, and who knows what else at this point!
Anthony “Tony” DiCane (Law Dog, Tic Tac or Biscuit): Here be the King of the Fools…er I mean the leader of the Harbingers the one and only Deputy Commissioner Anthony DiCane. Law Dog was recruited for the Harbingers just after the Battle of Seattle by none other than the concierge of crime himself, and after a period of reconditioning from the likes of Bilbo and Crab… Law Dog er I mean Tic Tac according to his family would begin to sway from the straight and narrow, and eventually accept his status as a runner and vigilante. Tic Tac would be handed the reigns of the Harbingers and be given the crown of leadership. Under the insightful guidance of this legend in the making the Harbingers would fully shed their old skin and transform into the masters of the shadows they where destined to become. <DiCane has stepped down as team leader and handled the reins over to Ralph Rivers>
An old and close friend is always a good warm up. Man, this gentleman and I have been through quite a bit over the last few months since we first met. Some might even say it feels like decades, others that our bond goes back since time immemorial. Memories of when he first joined the team are how many like their Chinese food – sweet and sour. I first met this young dog shaman right after one of the most devastating nights of my short life – the first battle of Seattle. Tony was sent to me by a friend in order to help regrow the team and watch my back. Naturally, there was more to that story. You know how dog shaman are stuck in their ways? My friend biscuit here used to embody that. It took some time to get him to come to terms with the shadows, but I believe both he and Seattle are better off for it. My only regret is that just as he was becoming a full-fledged shadow warrior I had to vacate the premises thanks to a significant threat (though we will get to him later). While I know I had little to do with it other than the initial training and mentoring, I can’t express in any language how proud I am of you my friend. You have done good work for the people of this country and I hope you will allow me to continue on your journey as you continue to grow. We have been through our fair share of storms (astral and otherwise) and I look forward to weathering many more.
Dr. Farrus Forscythe the Unyielding One (Bueller): The second in command is one of the most dangerous runners of this generation, the daughter of the infamous Roadrunner is among the Harbingers and the streets have been singing volumes about what this mercenary is capable of, she truly has the Forscythe blood running through her as Bueller can go from a jovial caring doctor to a cold blooded killing machine in a blink of an eye, she has a trail of bodies in her wake and as of recently nothing short of a naval gun can bring her down and even the UCAS is concerned that she might survive that as well. Bueller has taken Crab on as an adoptive father and has really shown that she has the skills needed to walk within the hallowed halls of the infiltrators. This is one Harbinger to stay clear of when it’s clobbering time, otherwise Bueller can be quite jovial and caring she also acts as the teams medicals support along side Plymouth. <Bueller has stepped down as the Executive Officer and handed the reins to Johnathan White>
Every time I see “Unyielding One” all I can think of is pop, “wheeeeeeeee” blam, bounce bounce bounce splurch. Talk about a mortar strike… Naturally, I’m poking in jest for like DiCane, Bueller is another of my closest friends. She appeared in the team somewhat randomly one night and never left (literally). She started out as a confused and scared ghoul and has become a shining example of what you can become with hard work and determination. A little bit of background, Farrus was the first member on our team with a Doctorate. It is somewhat humorous that it was in psychology (something we as a group severely lacked). She became the rock that our team was built on keeping both Tony and I in check, as well as bailing all of us out of handful of situations. She even put up with me during the time where my senses were quite mixed up and I had essential withdrawn from all that I held close. I can honestly say that if it were not for her I likely would not be here today. Much like Law Dog she really blossomed after I left and has become a member of the very prestigious President’s Men (I am concerned that there is a pattern here…..). I have many stories of Farrus, but I think the 2 or 3 I have hinted of here will suffice. I do hope to see her at the next bash. Should be fun!
Colonel James “Papa” Groves (Crab) <Adviser>: The last of the original Harbingers to survive the antics of his younger team mates, the infamous Crab has taken to being an elder adviser to the new generation of Harbingers. Helping them rise past their humble beginnings and becoming a true force to be reckoned with, for Crab has shared is decades of wisdom with the New Harbingers and has watched this team of youngsters become a true rising star, they call him Papa Groves do to elder status, his vast wisdom and being the eldest of the Harbingers. Crab might dress, act and appear to be an feeble old man, don’t let this fool you, he is one of the worlds best assassins, thieves and infiltrators this man is equipped with a state of the art tactical computer and has been working working within the shadows far longer than anyone actually knows. Crab might play the old man, the papa, but this runner is a tried a true veteran of the shadows and deserves the proper respect of any veteran, as he has the scars both physically and mentally to match his portfolio.
To be entirely honest, I’m not sure that I can discuss what I would like to about Crab in a reasonable amount of space, but I will try. It is a little known fact that we met Crab just after the Council Island job last year, and I mean as we were landing back on the shores of safety he appeared before us with a foreboding warning in a mysterious way. It would be later the next day that he would selflessly risk his life to save our ragtag group (back in the Waldo, Tinman and I days) and when we got to safety and saw that he was in danger we would return the favor. After that we all bonded and over time have become family. Crab has, for me personally, been a mentor and confidant that has saved me both physically and mentally time after time. He taught us as a group to plan effectively, be prepared, and to limit our stupidity to a reasonable level (for the most part). After the first Battle for Seattle he was the only other survivor and we looked after each other. I can say plainly that had I not known him I would have removed myself as a problem. He has taught me much of what I know and I will be forever grateful. Even as the team has grown and changed he has remained involved and supportive as well as a model to look up to. Thank you for taking an interest in our little bunch. I know I have enjoyed the ride so far old friend and I hope that you will continue to alongside us!
Governor Barney “Doc” Pilgrim MD (Plymouth) <Adviser>: The good doctor of the Harbingers is another direct adviser and like Crab has been on a few of their operations ever since joining the troubled squad of New Breeders. Plymouth might not be from the same generation as those he shares the status with, and for this founding father to be working alongside the New Breed does show just how the War of the Shadows changed the rules, Plymouth who multitasks with a few other agencies willingly lends his hand to this new squad. The good Doc acts as their mystical adviser, medical support and liaison between the many agencies that the Harbingers work with on a daily basis. Plymouth stands alongside his brothers and sisters of the Harbingers and will not hesitate to unleash his horde in defense of his younger teammates; the war within the shadows is over and it seems to be a bloody distant reminder for Plymouth of what should never have been.
Ah, the good (voodoo) doctor is next on this list. Make no mistake his medicinal skills are exceptional, he is just known for his children as well. I remember the first time I met Plymouth and can honestly say I will likely never be allowed to forget it. A chance meeting I can inadvertently thank my little brother for unintentionally arranging. Plymouth and I started off on a bit of a shaky foundation (my fault for certain), but somewhat quickly patched up the issue as water under the bridge. He decided that it might be interesting to work with a bunch of new breeders, and I suspect that he also wanted to set the example for others that those in different generations could work together. The Crab is certainly also of the founders, but with two veterans it would go from being a coincidence/accident to a precedent, and one which has served our world well. Some of the missions I have gone on with Plymouth are the most memorable of my career thus far. I will never forget when we were with Plymouth on an operation and discovered the existence of a new species of night-time horror, as well as what Tony and I would end up calling Kenyans. You never forget the first time you see a Tornado of Souls; or the time you see it and all the sudden you gain 2 plus feet of height, though I digress. Plymouth, along with Crab, can and should be credited with helping us to keep the flame of the Harbingers lit during rough times. While Crab taught me about being a shadow warrior, Plymouth focused on teaching me about what it means to lead a group. It was a set of lessons I needed for the original team was born of circumstance and all thought as one (most of the time). What is now called the second iteration needed someone a bit different and he helped me become that person. Once I left he stayed behind to continue working directly with my immediate successor, as well the person who was passed the torch almost immediately after, but that is a story for another day. Thank you Plymouth for all that you have done and continue to do. May we have another run together one day soon!
Ralph “Teach” Rivers (Conductor) & (Chieftain) <Team Leader>: The angry mage recruited by the original founding Harbinger Bilbo just after the Battle of Seattle and the deaths of his friends. The Conductor was forced into this line of work due to loosing everything he worked his entire life to gather in the blink of an eye during the war. The Conductor almost lost his own life and freedom due to the events of the war. He was left nearly dead, broke and zeroed; he was given no choice but to enter the world of the runner at an advanced age and start a new chapter within the opus of his life.
Before I start I have to say I was reading the mini-bio above and I never really saw you as an angry mage. I’m not sure if it is untrue or if I simply missed it for whatever reason. Since we began there, I suppose the beginning is a good way to start. When I was alerted to you by my friend and team-mate’s Uncle Snoopy I had no idea who you were or your background. Sadly I also didn’t get to know you closely until recently. Your initial medical sabbatical took place towards the end of my tenure and when you decided you were interested in joining us the torch had already passed to Tony. I do remember Noid telling me some pretty fun stories regarding combat with you and the clever wit that you brought to the battlefield. Either way I must say you are the best actor I have ever met, because if someone told me then that you were a Viking I would have laughed at them. I wish I could say I helped you develop like many of the other individuals I recruited, but the truth is you are the complete package without anything from me. Where I lacked leadership skills you have them in spades. You had the ability to secure a base that has withstood attack after attack and is nearly unassailable. The teams that you have worked with and the Harbingers in that location and the members you have been able to attract are exceptional. You did with the Harbingers what I had hoped to help it become one day and more. It is seen as a beacon to the people of help and safety and a scourge to the enemies of the cause. My hat is off to you and I hope that you know if you ever need my help whether it be planning an attack, securing supplies, getting in touch with a contact, or putting my life on the line for the cause I am only a phone call away and will do whatever I can to help.
Douglas “Burbs” Greenspan (Thirteen) <Fire Support>: Here is another example that war ruins many lives, and not just those of the soldiers fighting, Thirteen is a direct casualty of war and like his good friend the Conductor lost everything in a blink of an eye, when the bombs of the UCAS would pummel his suburban home and town. Thirteen would be left homeless, burying his family and penniless living on the streets when he was found and recruited by Bilbo for the Harbingers. Thirteen like his friend the Conductor was badly injured and suffering from starvation when he would be given a second chance at life, for Thirteen he wouldn’t pass at the opportunity to stick it to the people responsible for murdering his family.
The second of my three last recruits before I relinquished leadership of the Harbingers. When I found Douglas he was not in great shape (yet another theme – it seems these are common in the life of the runner), but I would say he was in the best of the three former teachers. Also recommended by Snoopy I approached him. He did not initially trust me (not that I blame him in the least), but thanks to Ralph vouching that I was speaking legitimately he was willing to join us for at least a meal or two. You see, all three of the last active recruits of mine worked within the noble profession of teaching and raising our next generations of citizens. He too took a medical sabbatical from the ravages of war and sadly, I have still yet to have the honor of getting to know him. What I can tell you is what I have heard from my close friends mentioned above and that is nothing other than praise. He has proven himself numerous times as a competent commander and good shot in combat. From what I heard, he runs some of the base security in addition to training others to become better. He has learned advanced unit tactics and pulled off several operations that were quite impressive. Congrats on becoming a force to be reckoned with and a leader of elites. Catch you around the base!
Lloyd “Skittles” Weathers (Counsellor): Skittles might have had the worst run of all the rescued educators from the plundered Lynnwood district after the Battle of Seattle, this man is another direct casualty and product of the war itself. The Counsellor suffered both at the hands of the UCAS bombs and as well the savagery of the Vandals afterwords when he was used as a sex slave and torture subject for many weeks prior. When Bilbo found the Counsellor he was just a shell of a man broken and beaten hanging on to life by a thread; If it wasn’t for his good friend Thirteen the Counsellor might have just accepted death and faded away into the night. Between the trusting words of a friend and the recruitment of Bilbo the Counsellor would join the Harbingers, though Skittles might be mentally scared and physically not what he used to; this old man is willing to lay everything on the line to get payback for the crimes committed against him.
Counsellor, my final recruit before stepping away from the team to work with what I thought was a good cause (talk about pulling a me, look how joining that group turned out). Lloyd here was dealt a terrible and raw hand. When I found him he was basically at death’s door with one foot in. I remember this as the first time I caused someone harm when trying to help them as without knowing what had happened I offered him a weapon and caused him great distress. Thankfully my friends were more aware of what had become of the situation than I and took over. Its important to any new runner or leader to know when you need help and to let those around you provide it if they can. Nobody can do it all, you have to trust your people (a solid piece of advice from a Reject and friend of mine). After getting him back to base and stabilized the Counsellor also took a sabbatical for getting some cyber, bio, and training. I have not seen him since, but I know that he has been busy and is with good people. I look forward to sharing a glass or a meal with you one day Lloyd. I was sincere when I offered you the position as not compulsory and regardless of whether you eventually choose to join the team I would like to catch up and see that you are well. Be safe and raise some hell!
Agent Johnathan “Hard Target” White (Revelator) <Executive Officer>: The man that has come to be known as Hard Target is recently a new addition to this squad and even though we know Hard Target White is old as dirt, the Crab is older so dwell on that for a while. Agent White brings his countless years of government experience and professionalism to this squad of younger runners, Hard Target might be old but he like many of the newest Harbingers has entered this world at an advanced age. The streets refer to White as Hard Target, due to his ability to shrug off death and evade the many government assassins that have been sent after him for years, Agent White has left a trail of government spooks behind him a mile long and continues to remain among the living.
Looks like we are into members after my time now and boy what a member to start on. Not long ago when I found out this individual was on what was my team I initially got my needler warmed up and sword oiled. I suppose that statement needs a bit of context… As he was known, Agent White was once a terrible person who worked for our enemy. One of his best known hits was an assassination on a close friend of mine from my childhood. Now, there is no reason to re-hash this. The Revelator has redeemed and proven himself repeatedly not just as a Harbinger, but as an agent against the UCAS. Somewhat recently, I even owe him my life for protecting me when it would have taken no effort to allow me to be removed. I do not have any particularly fun stories about this man that don’t involve him dying, but I can tell you that he has shown to be nearly impossible to keep down (at least for too long) and for that I’m truly glad. He has proven to be reliable, intelligent, and quick acting in emergencies. He brings his professionalism from his CIA days to the team and in the early days he steered Law Dog and Bueller in a positive direction when working on missions. While we may have had our issues, for keeping my friends safe I thank you. Hopefully we can mend fences and work together in the future.
Dr. Elmer Levenstein (Noid): The newest member of the Harbingers is the Noid and this man recently joined the squad for unknown reasons, but some say there was Brothers Grimm involvement in his recruitment. The Noid is a master engineer, magi and mad scientist; this brings a whole new level of fear factor for the enemies of the Harbingers as the Noid brings a level of the unknown that hasn’t been seen within the Harbingers since the original squad and especially Waldo. <The Noid has been killed in action>
Oh dear cousin, how you are missed. The Noid was a member recommended by my cousin Shyster. Let me tell you, what a blast he was! Elmer was a mad scientist in the truest sense. He would pickup projects that sounded crazy and would somehow make them work. I remember he used to tell a story about one of his better selling inventions was a bush that had poisoned thorns for wealthy home defense. Funny enough, another of our members once found out how unlike a buttercup this bush is… Noid’s favorite brand of study was botany (if you couldn’t tell) and there is a plethora of things that I remember him showing me. His other favorite hobby was fire, specifically casting it. It was one of my great pleasures to help him out with giving him spells and talking about casting with him. I can only say I wish I was around with him more often. In fact I remember a story involving white phosphorus where his fireball might have backfired, but overall he proved he was truly part of the Rodgers side of the family. When he wasn’t busy causing trouble with the books in the library he was razing hell somewhere else. I hope that you are doing well wherever you ended up after death, I’m sure I will see you there one day!
Ethan “Jersey” Oliver (Base 12): Base 12 is one of the newest and last Harbingers that was brought in by Anthony DiCane prior to Conductor taking over. Like many of the runners on this team he hails from a noble bloodline, but also like most he doesn’t rely on it. While he may get training and some cred from his family he has been out to prove himself on his own. The Harbingers on the team immediately took to this kid like glue pulling him into the fold completely. He has been trained by many of the elder members of the team. According to rumor (which I am reasonably sure he started) when he was going on one of his first missions he was looking for a throw away name to use in order to be incognito, and so when he reached out to his contacts one of the more senior members of the team gave him an idea for a name. What was originally looked for as a bad name to never be used again ended up being a moniker he fell in love with and he has kept it to this day. Young Base 12 has been working his rear end off recently in the Bounty Hunters Guild to prove himself and has been doing a fantastic job. Good luck and keep going kid!
Hey Ethan, never knew you were from Jersey. We will have to grab a traditional breakfast sometime. I am not sure who wrote your bio above, but looks like they either have some good data or you need to work on your secret keeping skills little buddy. Alright, I guess I can talk a little about how you got to us. What can I say; my cousin Shyster takes a shining to kids and sends them to us. Not sure how he made you intersect Tony and the gang, but I am glad he did. I can also confirm the story above without getting into too much trouble (I hope). On his first major infiltration operation for the Harbingers he was going to go into a potentially hostile location to try and draw out an enemy covertly. Standard stuff all in all. In order to do that he and the team felt it would be best to use his runner name to hide his connections. There were a few issues though. Problem one – he didn’t have one. Initially they figured he would just use something random for this instance, and then earn his name naturally like the rest of us (watch out who you wear a golden ring in front of!). Problem two – none of them could think something up that sounded anything other than COMPLETELY horrible. So, they contacted a few of their friends to give them some ideas. When that did not pan out he sent a text to a team member who was known for naming quite a few individuals. This member had the habit of giving names that simply would not disappear, thus the reason I imagine he was not contacted initially. That’s right folks, he made the mistake of calling me. After a minute or two of thinking I sent over the idea for calling him Base 12 and he fell in love with it. Kids these days like edgy things and nothing is more edgy than hidden meaning I guess. Honestly a first for me naming someone, usually I get cursed and threatened for a while afterward (here’s looking at you Law Dog!). Base 12 has continued to grow like a weed ever since and I could not be happier for him. Keep it up and when you get old enough I’ll buy you a drink. Whoops, looks like I rambled a bit. My friends in the Tribe must be rubbing off on me. Time to keep going.
Real Name Unknown (Driftwood):First things first, no you darn movie buffs this is not me with another face change. We are not event he same type of meta! We really need to work on the racism in this world. Though I would be flattered to be mistaken for such a talented adept, it is very much not the case. Driftwood came to us right when Ralph had just taken over and moved the base. He has been all over the planet working and has a vast amount of experience and skill. I have had the pleasure to talk to him a few times as we “take a stroll on the Gypsy Road” as he puts it. For me it is just a walk along the river, but to each their own. He is quite the interesting gentleman and fellow. As an aside, I have to say that after working in Germany and England (aka not Seattle) I truly enjoy being able to talk to other runners in my height range like Driftwood and Plymouth. I swear half my money probably goes to chiropractors just from looking up all the time. I do not know if he shares the sentiment, those are my words and nobody else’s. On the battlefield and in the barracks he has proven himself an incredible asset. Driftwood is a wonderful addition to the team (like many on this list) that has joined after Ralph took over. Welcome aboard my new friend. See you in the rec room!
Real Name Unknown (Asteroid): Before I start here, I just want to say that I enjoy references in names that are obscure to the public. I have not had the pleasure of a game of asteroids in quite some time. I may have to go write myself a copy just to have some fun. Now, back onto the task at hand. Asteroid is a decker from the beginning of the matrix. His skill and expertise within the system are legendary and rank him up with the top tier of deckers like Tesla, Edison, and the Banker (we are coming for you Banker). He is a friend of the Conductor’s who came to aid in exchange for help in other ways when the base was first changed to its current location. He has already proven to be quite adept at working around the system and has helped us remove stellar problems and gain access to information that would have otherwise been hidden from our purview. From what I understand, the data he has gathered has kept the team safe and more than one-step ahead of where we would have been. Keep up the great work Asteroid and thank you for siding with Conductor on this train ride!
Real Name Unknown (Outlaw): Oh my, talk about something FINALLY happening. Do you have any idea how hard it is to attract a rigger to a team if your public image is not extremely serious?! We tried repeatedly to recruit riggers, but could never keep one on the team for too long. Well, I am glad you decided to join up with Ralph Outlaw and welcome! It is nice to think that someone may keep a vehicle for more than a few hours (my average is uninspiring). Outlaw has done a great job of outfitting the base with well-built electronics and worked in tandem with some of the other engineers and tinkerers within our allied teams. From defense systems to intercoms, the whole base has been wired up nicely. Not to mention having a hijacker on the team is great for finding lost supplies that are just laying around. He may be a bit rough around the edges, but once you get to know him he is a good guy. Welcome aboard!
Howard Douglas (Hacksaw): Straight up not going to lie, Tony & Farrus this is your legacy; I had nothing to do with this. Apparently, what began as a team of misfits (not to be confused with a friend of mine) has also become a team of redemption. You see, my two friends and former leaders (a fun story only a select few know) decided to take in Agent White. We all know now that in hindsight it was a good move. He had truly changed and has helped us many times since. Well, it seems as if some of our enemies were about as happy with their actions as we were. Several have started to overcome the mind control they were under. Others have turned a new leaf after feeling true regret. Both types need a place to go. People that would have their back as long as they behaved/proved themselves. Tony and Farrus decided that place was us and Ralph has kept the tradition. Obviously I did not impart enough of my paranoia to these three; the world should rejoice that this is the case. Hacksaw was formerly the number two of Free Bird. He defected and on the suggestion of a runner whose reputation is undeniable, he picked our little team to join. Naturally, he was originally on the menu for some of our four legged friends. However, he has since proven his change. He has helped us avert several world-ending disasters that without him we would all be dead. Literally, the planet would be gone – not an exaggeration. He is a world class adept with extreme experience and while I have lost a friend or two to Lucile myself, it has become important to know that people can change. It is far from guaranteed, but it does happen occasionally. To those enemies who want to try and trick us just remember we generally have a shoot, swing, or bite first policy. These are extenuating circumstances, not the SPD hiring program. Though feel free to drop by, I can always use target practice.
Real Name Unknown (Bio-hazard): Well, when the boss moves so does the trusty right hand. Bio-Hazard has been Hacksaw’s enforcer, confidant, and friend for many years. When Hacksaw swapped sides he came with him. It is a package deal, kind of like C12 and a detonator. If you buy one you want the other too. His career has been long serving under Hacksaw and has many accomplishments (albeit they were originally our detriments) that show his skill and expertise in the field. He is another good agent for the team that the Conductor has vetted. I have not had much experience around Bio-Hazard personally just yet, but since I am back at base (at least for the moment) that will hopefully change. Looking forward to eventually updating this, so catch you soon!
Dr. Irwin Gloucester (Cardiac): Cardiac… The word itself makes me remember quite a bit of unpleasantness, though certainly nothing to do with the good doctor himself. Cardiac is a master surgeon. I believe this marks the third medically trained member on the team after Plymouth and Bueller. Cardiac hails from England as a top-notch surgeon. He specializes in, you guessed it, hearts. Unlike most of us, his specialty is not in removing them but in saving them. He is an excellent Steel Legion addition to the team and opens us up to connections with that lovely organization (I hope they do not hold the English invasions against me for too long). His expertise in battlefield and MASH unit medical work and trained staff have already shown to be an excellent addition to the Harbingers. The streets and runners know we always need doctors that do not just cast. In exchange, we make sure to keep him from being too bored all day long. After all, what runner goes on an operation and comes back unscathed repeatedly? Heck, Asylum’s habit of jumping on weapons alone will keep this man working literally 24/7! Just kidding, Asylum tends to do his own stitching.
Bradley Wellton (Oak): Remember when I mentioned we have some reformers on the team? Lets talk about one. This is Oak, one of them. His first encounter with the Harbingers was very change inducing; he retired me from active duty. Oak started as a Bounty Hunter for the Guild and wouldn’t you know there was a Dwarf on the original squad with a bounty of 1.5 billion credits. Needless to say I had a fair number of hunters constantly on my tail, but this one was the first legitimate problem. I was not afraid of dying or his bullets, but I left because I knew he would begin taking out my junior members in order to lure or draw me out. I do not care what you do to me or what you send at me, but I will not give you a reason or ability to hurt those I care about. So, I left in order to draw him towards me. To be fair, none of them were worth even remotely close to enough to attract the type of attention I was. Heck, I was worth more in the UCAS then ALL the rebel leaders combined plus Alexander! I agree that it was ridiculous (I am nowhere near that level of threat), but what can I say; O’Brien and Ripley were very unpleasant people. Anyway, after some time (and after shooting one of my friends despite my sacrifice) he finally broke from the nonsense lies and trickery that had been placed upon him. So where did he show up to confess? You guessed it, to his old buddy and training partner Agent White. A few months later and now we have him here. Despite our history Oak and I have mended fences and I am glad to call him a team-mate. He is a crack shot sniper and has tracking abilities almost on par with Asylum. He watches our backs and we watch his. For anyone getting any stupid ideas, remember if you mess with one Harbinger you mess with all of us.
Thomas Sherman (Mortician): The Mortician has become a public member. That took longer than I thought it would. Thinking of this man brings me back quite a bit. The Mortician was with us on a mission or two back when we first started. I remember hitting an Ares convoy with him. Well, it might be more accurate that the convoy hit me. Boy those rounds were unpleasant, not to mention the first of many, MANY foci that I would lose. Man, I have lost, broken, melted, irradiated, or just worn out more weapon and power foci than most mages ever see in their life (outside of the elite runners). Just a few days ago I had a force 20 di-coat katana get shredded by a weird type of cyber spur. Expensive day, but normal unfortunately. Oy vey, I started rambling again; time to get back on track Max. Speaking of getting off track, thinking of him also reminds me of the most significant battle we shared, Fort Lewis. When that day came and the battle was needed he stood by our sides, as did many of the Stormriders (as we now know them). He was originally thought to be dead, but he somehow managed to survive. The Mortician is the original street samurai and is a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. I’m glad to be able to call this longtime friend a team-mate.
Violet Meisner (Ultra Violet): Hey cuz! Sorry I did not recognize you when you first joined up, you look different than when I was a kid. Way better now! Ultra Violet classifies as one of the founding fathers of Seattle (I think) and is also a member of the Wolf Pack in addition to being a Harbinger. She drives a sweet decked out car and is anything but a slouch in combat. She can kick your teeth in faster than I can blink, and I have a lot of experience blinking. After she left Seattle decades ago she ended up near Denver for a while. Turns out one of our other members below ran into her at her bar (named in honor of the man in white) and after whatever op they were on she ended up coming back with them. She saw how Ralph was running the show, liked it, and decided to stick around. It really is nice to catch up with those you love. Now she just kicks rears and takes names all while helping the cause and protecting the citizens. Looking forward to catching up and making some mission memories. Take care of yourself out there!
Real Name Unknown (Pandora): Up all night and sleep all day? Why would you sleep during the day or night? Sounds like a waste of time that you could spend training or building something, but I digress. Pandora is another of the Conductor’s new recruits on the team that is pretty awesome. She is a very capable adept and swings her Katana like an extension of her body. If you get too close you end up looking like you went through a meat grinder. I think she is an old friend of my cousin’s, but I am not sure. Outside of missions she has a good sense of humor and is fun to pal around with, especially if there are a few other members around to tell war stories. Not totally sure what she was up to before she got here, but then again I have not had the time to get to know all the newer members just yet. Looking forward to it though!
Real Name Unknown (Jack Knife): Now this man is a sight for sore eyes. I have to tell you that my meeting with Jack Knife might be the most memorable of any Harbinger to date. Initially, and unsurprisingly, I was out and about hunting down Free Bird agents (you know, the actual enemy). It was a normal day at first. Locate a group, remove them, rinse and repeat. Then I started intersecting paths with Jack Knife, who at the time I had not heard of. My friends and I would be driving to a location and see him running down the street. Yes, running. I would go to remove a handful of people and he would arrive shortly after to annihilate them. To be honest, I initially thought he might be after me! Luckily, we were just hunting the same prey, or else I am sure I would be nothing more than a warmup snack. Jack Knife is quite unique, a one of a kind fighter. None can truly rip their enemies to pieces with the skill and fervor he does. To say the least you never forget seeing him in combat. Turns out he is actually an old and close friend to the Conductor. The two are as thick as thieves and Jack Knife never leaves his side (kind of like Roadrunner and Goblin on Farrus’ side of things, reminds me of Waldo and I). Since he has joined we have become good friends, I even learned the handshake! Sometimes I am lucky enough to share a couple of steaks with him (nothing is better than a high quality meal afterall) when I am on base. He brings the party and it is always a blast when he is around, so I am glad that I will be nearby more often. Here’s to you buddy!
Reinhold Dixon (Violence): Ah, another new recruit from Ralph. I had the pleasure of running into him along with his friend below earlier. Nice couple of dudes. Violence, well, from what I heard (from him) he earned his moniker in spades. As well as in diamonds, hearts, and clubs for that matter. He likes to make his feelings of annoyance known. That said he is a top notch cleaner and expert in the field. As a member of the Rough Riders he is also very combat trained and ready to work within any special forces team at a moment’s notice. While I do not know all of his expertise, given the company he keeps you can be sure that he is an expert in martial and unarmed combat and probably a top notch adept (after all, many of us in the shadows are). His capabilities of working in a unit make him a great addition to the team. Wonder if you are related to a friend of mine…. Hope to work with you sometime!
Cougar Appleton (Expunge): Expunge is a Rough Rider from out in Boston area. From his handle you can also tell he is a cleaner, and a good one at that. He removes problems for the Patriots before they upset anyone important. Had the chance to say a quick hello a bit earlier today with his partner in crime as I mentioned above. Much more relaxed and calm. He is also very mission minded and focused, but not in a Revelator way, in a good way (just kidding John). From what little I have heard about him he is quite professional in his dealings and is well liked by those he works for. Looking forward to joining you on an op!
Maximilian Yates (Bilbo),(Doodle),(Pupil): This little dwarf? Nothing to see here. Barely even classifies as a street mage. Swordsman skills look like a kid swinging wet pasta. No threat or skills worth note, keep going down….
<<< No no no, you don’t get away with that one. My head just got fucking blasted and while it isn’t your fault, it was still your device! What can I say about this pain in my rear. Phone call much?? This little dwarf is paranoid, so he carries a bunch of phones. Every once in a while those of us listening get a warning: “30 seconds and this device will no longer exist”. Then he breaks the fuckin thing! Who does that? Like we aren’t on the next one in like 2 seconds to begin with! Well, this little chummer started a year ago and let me tell you was it a rough beginning. Those outside of Seattle may not know, but screwing up on the streets literally got named after him. From buying millions of credits worth of gear with 5k sticks to venturing out alone for some god awful reason he got shot to shit more times then I can count, and I’m a decker. He made virtually every enemy of the streets in what was like overnight. I used to read the news just get a laugh at how he was going to bite the bullet, but the little bastard just keeps getting up! Then, the apocalypse began. He teamed up with my boss’ grand kid and all the sudden I have to actually pay attention to what the fuck is going on. God damnit I have gotten more headaches from him then any living being should be allowed to give. Thank your lucky Call – info given. *Wait 3 minutes* Call – info given. *Wait 3 minutes* Call – info given. *Wait 3 minutes* Call – info given. *Wait 3 minutes* Call – info given. *Wait 3 minutes* Call – info given… Get the fucking point! He always comes up with a reason or a way out. Must be why he got named that, cause the character always “clevered” himself a way out of whatever trap he fell into. Damn Yates line, always getting out of something. Now his little brother is at it too. How in the hell he got to be a general in the Hand I have no idea – oh wait, maybe I do! Alright, I feel a little better now. Back to hunting. – Hound Out>>
<<< What can I say about Bilbo,….Friend, Ally and decent all around Chummer. This kid has been through the ringer a few times and from what I have heard he has really earned that moniker of being paranoid but paranoia is a lifesaver and job requirement for anyone that works within the shadows of the law. I can say I observed Bilbo in action recently and lets just say from what I saw he is a total professional and someone I’m proud to call teammate and brother. I mean yes Bilbo has stepped in many piles of dingo shit in his short time on the street, though this chummer always comes out smelling like roses somehow and from what I saw….I fully understand. This kid truly gives a damn about people and is willing to lay his life down for those in need; he has truly adapted to the ways of the streets and if you are in need he will lend a helping hand. Well Bilbo….Lets raise a glass to the Gods and to the Free. Lets raise a glass to those in need and lets raise a glass to those we can help find their way in this world. For the hidden trails less traveled are where we roam and for peace to prevail we must be vigilant and we must dare to tread where others fear to go.…..Libertas Omnium…..Deacon Out>>>
Drake Weinstock (Asylum): Another cousin, they are fun to hang with. Asylum might be the craziest. Now do not get me wrong, I have been stabbed, shot, impaled, blown up, punched, kicked, and thrown more times than I can count (and computer scientists have to count all the way up to 1!). Heck, I recently found out that oxygen tanks are not as thick as the below average dwarven skull the hard way (ouch, stupid Commodore). But this man? This man revels in the pain. He jumps on the swords and picks of the enemies to make them squeal as he removes their biology from its natural location. He runs through the battlefield without care of the opponent’s location because they cannot hurt him as hard as he hurts himself. How is he alive you ask? He is just that darn good. You cannot keep Asylum down. When he is not having fun on the battlefield he is hunting for the Bounty Hunter’s guild as a fetch quest master, just do not expect the body to be breathing when he brings it back. In all seriousness Asylum is a master tracker, hunter, stalker and is one of the best the Guild has – if you underestimate him you will be a dead man. Well, if you are in a position to underestimate him that means you are an enemy and you are dead anyway, so never mind that last comment. Just clean your neck so his blade does not get too dirty.
Deacon Kirby (Railroad): Ah, the first member of the Railroad on the team (I would worry about secrecy, but you outed yourselves…). While he may be new to the team, I recently had the pleasure and privilege of watching Railroad mentor and work with a couple of newbies. His demeanor, diction, and ability to navigate tricky problems in conversations is truly impressive. He is a down to earth man with a good sense of humor. I was afforded the opportunity to talk shop a bit and it turns out we have quite a bit in common. We both believe in the people and the freedom they should share in. His views are quite different from most in some ways for he truly believes in freedom for all (as is the moniker of the group he is in charge of) and he exemplifies that in everything he does. He and his friends are an excellent addition to the team and an example of the best of us. They fight for everyone regardless of race, creed, orientation, or political views (something I myself have some difficulty with). Another point of morality is always a good thing to have and I look forward to more discussions with you in the future Deacon.
Eric Griffon (Outlander): Outlander is with us now? Sweet! We had a lot of fun in the hand picking and removing targets. I appreciate the times I went out and you covered my six. For those who do not know him (how that is possible I do not know), Outlander is a top tier sniper sitting in the upper realm along with experts like Tracer, God, and Scout. He is an exceptional marksman and a professional when working. When the Hand pulled their attack he was one of the many, much like myself, slated for death. Luckily he saw enough of it coming to get out of the way and join up to defend the world as we know it. Outlander’s bullets are a sight to behold. He is capable of some of the most difficult shots in the business, including getting around an Assassin suit. He actually came on recommendation from an old friend and tutor of mine as an apology for a prank played on our executive officer (for the record, the prank was hysterical). Whatever the reason he is an excellent addition to the team. I look forward to working with you more!
Baldwin English (Helsing): Helsing – name reminds me of an old show where there was a vampire hunter named Helsing. I wonder if there is any correlation – probably not. Though I am sure I could verify one way or another that is not truly important. What is important is that he is a new Harbinger, and an excellent one at that. He works together closely with Railroad as a part of an organization that goes by the same name. He too fights for freedom in this world without any blinders regarding who the persecuted individual is or who they are suffering under. In addition to being a freedom fighter in the truest sense he seems to have a keen head on his shoulders and is a master infiltrator. Just hearing from one of my teammates’ experience with him gave a glimpse into the top layer of his skill. It actually made me nostalgic of my old missions with Crab (though you can keep the cold suits, ugh). Helsing, I look forward to working with you sometime in the future. I have been working on my infiltration skills, so maybe you can put me to the test – that is if I had ever done an operation before or had ever infiltrated before…
Rusty Rutherford (Asbury): Oh god, another cop on the team. Meh, just kidding Asbury. You are a good cop, but that does not necessarily make you a thief by trade like certain other officers. Had a fun time meeting at the local watering hole not too long ago. Glad to see you decided to lend us a hand. Working with the Harbingers is certain to help maintain peace and safety in Seattle. That and I hear you have a pretty legendary lie detector, I would certainly love to sit down and talk shop (I lost my training partner in that sadly…). For those that would shake their heads in disgust, Asbury truly is one of the good guys. From what I remember before my retirement Asbury is an extremely hard worker and truly advocated for the victims. We all do the same in our own way, his is just legal. This double duty Mariner/Harbinger brings decades of experience to the table. Just do not put him in a room with a hockey fan or you will be there until 2076. Though I do recently have an increased interest in devils……
Wilhuff Sheev Palpatine (Caesar Mitch Morpheus PopPop): Well, if you had asked me what I thought about this man and his being on my team a few days ago I might have attempted to pull a Billy and make you famous… That said, my fellow teammates have proven and shown that people can change in the likes of Oak, Hacksaw, Biohazard, and the Revelator. Mitchell was recently discovered to have been a victim of his own mind control. I will admit I didn’t believe it at first, but the people who vouched for him are those I trust. I gave him his first “test run” on a mission recently and to my surprise he was able to convince me. I was in a situation where I would have been ended and all it would have taken was for him to have stayed in the chopper where he was stationed. Instead he came out to the front lines to save my bacon in the nick of time. When it comes to physical combat I can say after fighting back to back with him for a bit he is no slouch and his blade is quite lethal. He proved his metal with me, and while I am certainly nothing special on the battlefield it should mean something. Putting our lives in danger to save our allies and teammates is what we do, and with this I welcome Mitch to the Harbingers. It will be a long journey along the twisted and windy road to redemption. You may never make it, as I know I may not either, but that you will try means more than you likely understand yet. May you slowly begin to put some positive karma back into the universe – it could use it.
Jeffery Ashmore (Buttercup): Hm… I could have sworn Jeff legitimately quit, but glad to see he has reconsidered. Buttercup, as a famous original named him, is an interesting case for the team. Tony and Farrus recruited him during the rebuilding time – during one of the periods where John was dead. He is a consummate mercenary, but somewhat of a restless runner. When John returned to us he was given the mission of protecting a family member while they were in Black Gate. Now, for those who know where I am talking about you know security is not a major issue at that location. Where most runners would see an easy gig for good pay Jeff saw nothing but boredom. He did not care for the sedentary life and when given the opportunity to jump ship he did, literally. He joined up through the Dandyman as a Sea Wolf. Second rank in the magic division! Now he is apparently back and working with us again like his boss used to (may your soul rest Dandy). Last I saw him he was on a mission to remove a class 3 hive with some of the best in the business, so he has certainly moved up in the world. He even commands a division of the Sea Wolves. Welcome back Buttercup, watch out for the bushes!
Adolf Ackerman (Dictator): Woah, I was not expecting this one. The Dictator joined?! An interesting addition in this man within the team. I had the privilege of working and training under the Dictator during my time within the Death’s Hand (you know, before they tried to remove me). The Dictator trained me both physically and mentally heavily for around a decade. This man is an ace in combat and physical movement. To call him a master in martial arts of all forms is an understatement. In addition he is one of the brightest military minds on the planet (as are most former/current members of The Hand, myself excluded). His tactics on the battlefield are brutal, but extremely effective. In addition to having been a member of High Command the Dictator is now also one of the leaders of the Storm Riders alongside the War Machine. With these two at the helm the tactics of that unit are sure to be fast and furious while showing true military genius. I do not know what brought now General Ackerman to the Harbingers, but between his experience, personal capability, and resources he is a major boost to the team. Welcome aboard former boss!
Carol Webster (Shelby): Another member of the railroad. I have to say I really do like these guys. They risk their lives for the safety and sanctity of others, even if some may feel they don’t deserve it. I had the opportunity to go on a mission with him and a few of the railroad members recently to recover an endangered soul. They go out into extremely dangerous situations knowing that they will get hurt without a second thought. Most people have to think twice before they take a mission that they might get shot on. These guys do these jobs for no pay and know they are absolutely coming back with holes in them. They do the jobs that nobody else can or will do, and in these he is one of their speciality agents. I only hope that I didn’t hold them back or slow them down, for the group he has helped cultivate is truly a sight to behold. Both professional and efficient they work like a well oiled machine (at least when there isn’t a dwarf mucking it up). All I can say is that I hope that if you need an extra hand you will consider bringing me along again!
<<Thank you for the kind words Brother, you were a dear to work with and follow instructions well….don’t fool yourself Brother, you are truly one of a kind and it was an honour to have you watching my back out there. The Railroad dares to travel where others fear to tread and you my Brother are one of the true hidden gems among the young. It would be a privilege to work alongside you again young man, you are a true professional and someone that understands what it means to be willing to lay your life down for an innocent. May the light of freedom guide you, and may you forever stand as the beacon of hope young man….Libertas Omnium…Shelby Out>>
Howard Crowley (Raven): I have to say this one has actually surprised me. Raven has been an ally to the Harbingers since our first mission from the Patriots (speaking of which I haven’t seen or heard from Gremlin in a while). He wasn’t necessarily with us on the battlefield or teaching us, but he occasionally dropped by with some info. At a minimum would throw us a nod at the Lantern. You know, the stuff that the veterans do to encourage the newbies. In fact, he was how we originally met Scalp Hunter. Scalp may have only been a harbinger for about 12 hours before he was redirected to the Rejects, but we appreciated the thought. Raven himself is also the leader of the Emerald City Defenders . They are less a team and more a militia (his words), but are a fantastic group of extremely talented individuals working together to help the city. He took in my little brother when he was a newbie; a fact that I will always be grateful for. The Raven likes to perch along the streets of Seattle and watch the comings and goings. He cares for the people of Seattle like his own flock (or more correctly an unkindness). I haven’t had the honor to share the battlefield with him, but I look forward to working with and hopefully learning from him. Welcome!
<<<Attention Officer on Deck….For it’s time to Raise Hell Bilbo, I do apologize chummer for my lack of communication as of late. The Stars & Stripes keeps me quite busy and so does Howard with all the requests for protection detail; not to mention the day to day goings on with the Son’s of Liberty. My ears began to ring so I figured I would check out this page, fearing that maybe I was put as an honorary member…..Just Kidding Brother, to my surprise I would see that this little team I named over a year ago would grow to such an elite force within the shadows. Hey Demure the Gremlin was with them from day one and has helped and watched this elite team grow and from the start I called them the Harbingers in 2073 do to them always being the bearers of bad news and getting into the shit. Though at the start I feared for their safety and yes the line up has changed and grown over the months but one thing stands true about the Harbingers is that they will always prevail and under General Ralph Rivers this team has truly found it’s home within the sacred halls of the Emerald City. Now Bilbo when will I get my honorary membership badge….my uniform has room on it for some more medals…..get your bum down to the Stars & Stripes for some brew and well some wasteland hijacking……Ha Ha Ha just joshing you….I do love it when a plan comes together….Gremlin Out>>>
Erza Roper (Tunnel): The Tunnel is here and will bring you to safety. This here, this is a good man. He has dedicated his life to recovering hurt or in trouble individuals and getting them to safety. He works within the railroad as one of their many recovery specialists throughout the UCAS. When he goes out he puts his life on the line for those that cannot protect themselves or don’t know any better, often getting shot up for his trouble and effort. While this is somewhat the common theme of the railroad (read Deacon’s write up, its legit!), Tunnel is unique in that he doesn’t think anything of it. He doesn’t act the stressed or concerned runner. He is calm as a lake, flowing like the sands of the desert. He goes where he feels he is needed and returns all the same. Talking to him makes you realize that most of our problems are small. That others out there are in worse shape. Others who need help and can’t do it for themselves. These people need him and the others who work to aid the defenseless lest they succumb to the terror of this world. I was fortunate enough to go on a recovery as a member of his squad and saw first hand how he operates. He may not be dressed like your average professional or hold the same demeanor, but this man knows what he is doing and is always looking out for his clients first. The scariest part is, none of these people take any payment for what they do. It’s free and for the good of others. To Tunnel, I tip my proverbial cap to you. May that which sustains you keep you safe.
William Dumont (Radar): I never thought I would see the day where an expert of Electronic Warefare would be on the roster and not just a contact. These types of specialists are extremely difficult to come by and are invaluable. They make platinum look like a tin piece from long ago. An expert of Radar’s caliber is virtually impossible to find since he very well may be in a league of his own. He is the man who taught James O’Brien (before he was what he became) and that piece of work was considered one of the best, if not THE best, on the planet. I don’t know what he has seen here or what common ground he and the current leadership have found, but I for one am happy to have him on the roster. Anyone who has the opportunity to work with him should listen carefully, for like working with any experienced operative there is much to learn when he is on the job.
Oakley Doyle (Mister): Well now, and I thought I had been through quite a bit. This man has been through the ringer numerous times, culminating in one of the biggest disasters and tragedies of our time. I would be lying if I said I hadn’t thought of attacking Denver as a member of the rebellion, but the level of violence, destruction, and loss of life is far beyond anything I could have imagined. If you take a look at his bio (as well as our next member’s) you will get a much better idea of just how extensive this strike that was committed was. The fact it was all setup by O’Brien especially makes me sick. I have to give this man a lot of respect. Not only has he managed to rise from the ashes of this tragedy, but he has even put aside his differences to work with some of the people that destroyed his home. Mister is a consummate professional within base and I have had the opportunity to speak to him once or twice. Aside from being one of the best cops I have ever met (and I have met quite a few exceptional officers) he is a wealth of knowledge and wisdom. I look forward to learning more from how he operates within the Seattle Elite. Welcome to the Harbingers Mister. While yours may be exceptionally tragic, you will find we all have a past. There are a lot of good people to talk to, and I hope you know that if you ever need it I’m around. I’ve always got a bottle to share and an ear to lend.
Archie Luna (Locksmith): Along with Mister comes his second in command and right hand. The Locksmith is himself a force to be reckoned with. He cut his teeth in the LAPD many years ago alongside Doyle as a detective and the two rose to be numbers 1 and 2 in the department. He also, after the tragedies that befell the two in LA, followed Oakley to establish the Denver guard. Now, most people are upset about being number 2, but these two are more tied for first. By metrics they may be separated, but they truly work together as a team. They share responsibility and discuss how to handle situations. From what little I have heard and seen they have a very strong mutual respect and duty. So much so that Archie, after taking some time to grieve, quit drinking and came back to help Mister once more. He saw the new project that his friend was taking on and decided to throw his hat back into the ring. While I haven’t spent much time talking to Luna, from what little I have experienced he is an honorable man. He is trying his best to leave the bottle and to put his talents to work in another worthy cause. He is one of the many newer recruits to the Harbingers and we are lucky to have him. These two form, at least in my mind, the moral compass that Law Dog used to maintain before I retired and joined the Hand. In addition, Canal values their opinions and includes them in major decisions, as well as has given them control over the investigative operations of the Seattle Elite. I look forward to working with them as time goes on.
Rev. Christopher Carroll (Sly): Well my oh my, talk about a full circle. We went from a Jew and two atheists to having a priest on the roster. Lucky for us we have a truly good man to fill that slot. Reverend Carroll isn’t like most priests that you find on a runner team. Most of the time you find someone cynical, or someone who believes that he/she is enforcing god’s will. Well, with Sly you get someone who won’t even pick up a gun. I actually find Sly to be a strange name since he is quite direct and honest. He feels for his flock and parish like a parent for his children. I remember hearing a story from Tony that when they went to save him he wouldn’t move because he feared the bullets would hit the children. Then, when they got the kids out he wanted to stay behind to act as a “speedbump” and force the attackers to waste time and bullets shooting him. Well, luckily he listened to whoever was on the op (I think it was Ethan, Tony, and John, but don’t quote me) and got into the vehicle with them. He has remained on base as a moral compass for those who need compassion and understanding. As a true pacifist (which to my surprise do actually still exist, and not much that exists surprises me these days) he will not pick up a weapon even in defense of his own life. He is great to have around to talk to and has become like a family member to us. Welcome to the base!
Kevin O’Donnell (Demurest): Welcome to the Harbingers Demurest. Man, getting you here safely was quite a trip! For those who don’t know, Kevin here is a world renowned reporter and investigator. Prior to the betrayal of his people he was the leader of a group known as the Demur (for those who do not pay attention to detail, please note the spelling here). A group that was bent on reporting on all sides of the conflict as long as it was true. Think of them like rebel reporters, except for they rebelled against EVERYONE. I won’t lie and say that you didn’t cause me some personal issues, but being consistent and sticking to your guns is something I respect very highly. Well, when the newbies of his order went rogue and on a rampage the walls began closing in, and wouldn’t you know he ended up on our doorstep. Now he has not only began using his knowledge to help the Harbingers, but has also joined the Elite and I-Core. Kevin, you are doing great work. Pleasure to have you on board. I look forward to seeing you in action someday soon (though hopefully behind a keyboard 🙂 !
Oakley Roper (Duck): Hey Duck! This wasn’t the original plan when I brought you to the base, but welcome! For those who don’t know, Duck is an all around good man and person. Unfortunately, he has been dragged back into the muck by the website. As the Deathbringer said on his bio, he has been through quite a bit and none of that needs to be here. What I can say is that due to his background Duck has a very solid understanding of the world and is one of the few who truly cares about others and has a conscience. In the short time that I have been around him he has been the voice of both reason and wisdom. His skills are nothing to laugh at either, but then again nobody on this team except the author here is particularly weak. Welcome to our humble abode Duck, its always a blast and never dull!
Dr. Ben Palpatine (Old Ben, Kenobi): Holy cow unc, and I thought I had a lot of aliases. Well, I have to admit that when I found out Willuff was your father it surprised me to say the least. That said, its been a lot of fun to get to know you again after such a long time. It feels like the last time I saw you was so long ago and far away back in the early 2000’s down in the FDC. At least now I understand why you didn’t let me in any of those so called “museums”. I may not have taken you up on the internship, but I will do my best to make it up to you in the coming years. Kenobi here, as he is sometimes called, is a top notch psychiatrist and doctor. Within the Harbingers we have enough mental illness to keep him busy for decades, and just in case that wasn’t enough he has also signed up with both I-Corp and the Medical Division over in the Elites. Needless to say he is one of the influences that gave me my never-ending work ethic. If you are having mental issues, are physically injured, or have some secrets to share Uncle Ben is the man to see. Welcome to the team!
Col. Jeffery Copper (Pong): Strange, usually my family runs away quickly. That said, it looks like some want to hang around. At the top of the page I mentioned that I used to be a sought after technician in the corporate sector. Well, Pong is the reason that came to be. He mentored me back when I was a child. Heck, he built my first computer! He has left the Round Table to come down to Seattle and meet up with his old family and friends. He has been raising the bar for what it means to be a computer expert in Europe for quite some time. Now he has decided to throw his hat into the lion’s den that is Seattle. In addition to working with the Harbingers and giving Asteroid some much needed backup, he has also joined the Elite and I-Corp. Seems as though when Morpheus joined the Harbingers and the Elite he brought some friends with him. Luckily, they are great people and wonderful additions to the team. Welcome aboard Pong, hopefully we can have some fun writing algorithms again like the old days!
Jet Kissinger-Yates (City): I suppose this one is my fault…. Well Jet, welcome to the family in all aspects! For those who do not know, this fantastic and talented woman is quite near and dear to my heart. In every relationship, someone has to be smart and talented, and for us that person is her. City has been a runner on the streets for quite some time and been making a name for herself through her skill and expertise since she began. Her father gave her the opportunity to learn and she took in all the lessons of the greats fully. She has mastered many forms of martial arts and hand-to-hand combat during her time in the shadows and keeps the streets safe through her skills. Like most of us, she removes Black Dragons on sight and fights the good fight for Seattle and her people. While she has more or less been forced onto the team as a punishment for hanging around with me, I couldn’t be happier to have her with us. She is also a Captain in the Elite and dabbles in a few other places here and there. Our time together has been wonderful – some might even say out of this world. I look forward to many years together with Jet both on and off the team. You have made me the luckiest and happiest man on the planet, and I only hope I can return the favor.
Jackson “J.D” Dumont (Sabretooth): Well darn, I can’t believe it took this long for the reporters to notice this one. Man, I remember when Bueller convinced him to join us, heck he has been a full member since before the Conductor went on active duty! What can I say about Sabretooth. Well, first and foremost, please don’t try to kidnap any MORE of our members! Just kidding friend. Sabretooth is an exceptional runner. He may not look it, but he is a member of the President’s Men and wields all of his weaponry with expertise few can match. When he is on an operation he is all business and it is sure to be successful. When he is on downtime he has a great sense of humor and is a good man. He works hard to keep this country safe. In addition, he and my old friend Bueller are rarely seen apart. They are thick as thieves and she gains the recruitment credit on Mr. Dumont here (and I know if I don’t mention that I will be getting an angry text). You have been one of us for a while, but here is your official wiki welcome. See you in the field!
Taylor Greenspan (Peaches): It appears we have a new member. Well, this isn’t the first nor will it be the last time someone joined the Harbingers a bit too early in their career (I believe the first were Waldo, Tinman, and I….). Peaches is an interesting kid and is learning piece by piece day by day. He was a bit rough around the edges when he started, but he has since been shaped and molded into what he is today. He can usually be seen around base in his recruit uniform as he joined the Elite before our band of merry men and has been working hard to excel. He may not have the book smarts of some, but what he may lack in experience he makes up for in character – and we are working on fixing the experience bit. He has already been on a handful of operations with his first and main team The Tribe, and I know that with them he has done some good work. Cowboy and the gang don’t invite just anyone into their family, so you can assume there is something special about him – I can feel it in my bones. He has also been on an operation or two with a few of the Harbingers (and your washed up has been of an author here) and shown some grit and ingenuity. He may be new, but it isn’t so easy to impress the veterans on this team. Now that he has been working in the elite he has even managed to attract the interest of some of the most top notch individuals that order has to offer. As he continues to learn and grow he will become a greater asset and an individual to be reckoned with. Here’s to you kid, keep on truckin – never stop!
Sid Malone (Dump Shock): Uncle Sid is here, well talk about experts in the field of decking. I was lucky enough to work with Dump Shock before I was a part of the runner world during my time in University. He taught me everything I knew before going into the corporate sector (a mistake I still regret) and taught me the value of correct file structure. Anything on a machine can be quickly indexed, searched, and sorted if the system is…. Sorry, I tend to get off track when I think of the old days. As an operator Dump Shock is an absolute and consummate professional who can massage open any system while cutting down his opponents with skill and grace seen in only a few. Matched only by a few in his skill with the blade, Dump Shock defends the Bayou, Seattle, and the to be US through watching the matrix lines and ensuring whatever intelligence is needed is secured. Looking forward to catching up again and going out on another op. The Bayou was a bit of fun, but maybe something a bit more grounded next time. See you around base!
Shelby Malone (Slicer): Shelby’s up here now? Well, that is certainly a surprise. In that case, welcome!! For those who don’t know him, Slicer is a world-renowned decker, expert physical adept, and one of the best to ever play the spy game. Now Harbingers, don’t get worried, he isn’t here to spy on us (I think). Just kidding Slicer, you see for those who don’t know it much like myself and Morpheus his word is gold. Though be warned, he does have a slight temper at times. That said, he is a sight to behold on the battlefield, a brilliant tactician, and there is nobody better to have next to you when the going gets tough. For the fools who believe the extreme “True Demure” don’t be an idiote (that is how you make an extreme idiot, right?), attack any of the 41 strong, especially this one, at any time and all you do is sign your death warrant and make their job of finding you easier. None of them are looking to simply slaughter, but if you start it any of them will end it. They deserve our respect both as operators as well as veterans and none prove that more than the leader of the Cajun Cavalry. It is an honor to fight by your side and I hope to join you on a mission again soon!
Byrd Ransom (Punisher): Welcome Lord Ransom to a wonderful team. For those who don’t know, Punisher here has done a lot of work to help this world and continues to do so. Most recently he has been taking care of problems in Eastern Europe and bringing back some normalcy to some of the regions the Death’s Hand devastated. Now yes, I am aware I was part of the machine that caused that problem, so I can talk to just how devastated that area has been during the recent past. He has removed scores of Hand Red Elite, who I can tell you personally are no joke in combat, as well as some of the rogue agents that are operating against General Frost. Now Punisher does not work for the Hand, nor has he ever, but when a man of ethics and morals sees others in need they cannot stay still. Punisher here deserves our respect not just as a member of the 41 strong, but as a man who fights to defend the underdogs and oppressed. He put his own life on the line in order to defend the land of his birth and is now putting his life on the line to defend the soon to be US. Welcome to the Harbingers Lord Ransom, you will find friends new and old alike here. We all have a story, and may you find peace among the web our tales weave.
Dr. Sylvester Sinister (Agent Orange): Tweety Bird – my my my I haven’t heard that in a long long time. Welcome to the team Uncle Sylvester! No putty tats here, but then again you know my family doesn’t very much like tattoos in general (though I think how I feel about them is quite clear). Never thought there would be a forensic scientist on the team, and certainly not one of your skill and pedigree. The London Dungeon is quite prestigious after all, though I guess I have to stop thinking of the Harbingers as a ragtag little group of likeminded operators. Under Tony and Ralph it has become so much more than that. I heard what happened to you in London along with many of our family and friends, and to that I am sorry. We are working to right the wrong, but that is a different issue and discussion altogether. All that I can say is that you are a sight for sore eyes (even with that old tie and coat on, oh the memories). Welcome to the states and to a wonderful group of people. May you find happiness and fulfillment with us. If you ever need anything I am always somewhere underfoot – just like the old days. Please do me a favor though, don’t put me on the counter – I didn’t do it I promise!
Alva Palpatine (Blacksmith): Well, talk about having a cavalry section. Looks like another of the Horsemen has joined. Though truthfully I’m not sure Elmer would like being a Harbinger. Three out of four is more than we usually end up with when we are trying, let alone when experts are joining us to fight the good fight. Then again once Morpheus joined I guess it was only a matter of time until Grandpa here came to watch his back. Through his research on his dad’s new order he would see the good we are doing and it would only be a matter of time. As an operator the Blacksmith is an expert in nearly every field known to espionage from electronics, infiltration, stealth, and planning. His research and investigation skills are second to none except for possibly his father’s, and even then it’s up to who you ask. Now I know what you are thinking, he is a spook and once he is found he can be dealt with. Well, you are dead wrong – literally dead. Alva here is an expert with pretty much every weapon known to man, and some that remain unknown to any other than him and the Horseman.
Houston Dumont (Rattlesnake): Another deadly member – no literally, one of the deadliest men on the planet. One of the top agents of the Jamestown family as well as a gunslinger recognized by the Outlaw’s Five (see his favorite gun up top for verification – or just take it from good ol’ Max here). Houston is the real deal and don’t think once about it or he will knee cap you, or worse if he doesn’t like ya. Now, that pretty much covers his pedigree regarding background, but it doesn’t cover Mr. Dumont here as a person. First, he is the father to an old friend of the team known as Sheriff. He is also a member of the Texas Elite and thus comes with the recommendations of many reliable operators, some of who sit lower on the page as honorary mentions who are friends of the team (though not members!). Rattlesnake has been defending the country, and especially his state, as far back as history books can go. As part of the immortality project he has been around for quite some time and knows a thing or two about how to raise new recruits and he will be doing just that here while he also works alongside the Seattle Elite on the other side of the base. Here’s to you Rattlesnake, hope we end up on an operation together sometime!
Albert “Moxy” Schwartz (Sixx): Well, looks like the Harbingers are starting to get a bit of a recurring theme. It started back with Oak and continues with Sixx here. Lots of our members like to shoot at and target us before they join, and this one is another of that ilk. Though, as I have recently learned this one had been helping us from behind the shadows for a long time, back as far as the chaotic days of the four founders. I can honestly say that I didn’t know this one was family, and after the time he shot my close friend Mr. Groves I had him marked for death if I ever got the chance (after all if you mess with Crab you can guarantee I will personally see to your death). That said, it turns out he was watching our sixes (no pun intended) the whole time and giving us a chance to get away from Urban Strike One. In fact, Sixx here is actually family by marriage (another trend in our members, but I digress). Well, now I can honestly say that Sixx has proven he wants to change in my eyes (for what little that is worth – after all I am nothing more than a madman and murderer to many). Furthermore, I have had the pleasure of spending some time with him during … um … transit and I can say that through his life experiences he has learned a lot. His wisdom and unwillingness to give up will be an asset to the team. Welcome aboard!
Dover Barton (Pac-Man): Pac-Man… I wasn’t expecting to reunite you with one of your old names Uncle Dover with my post on the 401st. Sorry about that! Remember, all complaints can be filed with the individuals on that page, though I can’t believe it came with a song too… Anyway, what can I say about this man that I haven’t already. I guess first I can say thank you for watching over my family and friends during these trying times, especially the one who owns my heart. I can’t express in words the level of gratitude I have for you and another special person in this regard. What can I disclose to the crazy people who read the profiles I write and actually believe them (as they should since I don’t like to lie)? Well for one, Dover is a fiercely loyal dragon, and one who’s hand I shake proudly and without doubt or fear of any rumor coming true. This man gives it to you straight – good, bad, or indifferent alike. That is, unless its horseman business. Then even I don’t get a straight answer – oh wait, I got the wrong founder on that one. Dover really is legit. I don’t know how else to hammer that point home. Oh, and fair warning, don’t threaten to eat his pets. You won’t like the response. Be warned, all of us have the same response if you mention our little friends in a negative way. They are sensitive little creatures and we will protect them with our lives.
<<< Alright, I have no idea what the fuck is going on past this point. None of these individuals applied for membership and therefore, unless they choose to fill out the paperwork and join the fight, they are not Harbingers. Good people – absolutely. Harbingers? Not a fucking chance until further notice. For god sakes, they even included the Gargoyle, and he worked to try and wipe us out due to the bullshit rumor started by the young-ins in the street and that damn video game. For fucks sake, as if there wasn’t enough going. That’s all the time I can spend here. Don’t believe this shit!… Agent White out >>>
<<< Well then, looks like we have quite the hefty add on down there. Don’t get me wrong, we would love to have these people, but I can guarantee at least a few (*cough* Gargoyle *cough*) are not members of the team. I will post a short bio about each since they are all family or friends, but will include either “Fact” or “Fiction” based on their response. Enjoy the read! … Bilbo out >>>
Elmer Canterbury (Curmudgeon): Fact – well, at least when asked he was alright with it. What can I say about Elmer… A lot! First and foremost if you wonder why John is such a phallic pain in the rear at times it seems that training from Elmer is what gets the credit. You either end up scarred for life like Pong, or a prick like Revelator. Honestly not sure which is better, but it doesn’t really matter. That said, I enjoy the back and forth with this Canterbury, and it’s a heck of a lot easier getting a word in edgewise if you disagree (though the retribution or the quick shot to the jaw are less pleasant – let Elmer have the last word its safer). As a horseman he is undeniably one of the best spies and assassins on the planet and the only mission he can’t complete is the one he decides not to take. If it has a motor (or even a pulley system) he can operate it. No, he isn’t a rigger – but you won’t be able to tell the difference. The Horsemen are just that good at piloting. Once he is on the warpath nothing can stop him and even if you stick a blade or a bullet in him he will either pull it out or glue it in and keep going. Nothing stops the Curmudgeon – other than a water cooler and an active audience… Just kidding Unc, catch you on mission!
T.J. Kissinger (Legend): Fact – Good ol’ Legend saw this coming a mile away when his sister and I became friendly. TJ here is an interesting man. He has the experience of an old dog, but the charisma and energy of a next generation runner. There is not much that can keep this man down and I have seen him do incredible feats of skill and strength. If you add on his adept capabilities on top of it all he is the total package – a legend and not just in his own mind. This member of the Tennessee Elite has been running the shadows in Seattle for decades. He has the respect of many and contacts everywhere. That said, don’t bother trying to hire him if you are doing anything nefarious for he has a sense of justice and virtue that can’t be corrupted. That doesn’t mean he won’t kill people, just that he won’t remove them for the wrong reasons. If your nose is clean and you are an ethical individual then you have nothing to fear from the Legend, nor from most of the aHarbingers. As family I couldn’t ask for a better brother-in-law and now I can call him a brother for two reasons. Welcome to the team friend and good luck – on our operations even you might need it…
Tullius Kissinger (PaPa): Fiction – And by that I mean not a chance in hell. I love my father-in-law very much, but there is way too much history here for this to ever become a possibility. The Gargoyle, or PaPa as the streets have begun calling him (I wonder where I heard that first…) needs no introduction. He is a member of the Wolf Pack and one of the most deadly adepts in the world. The exploits of this man are vast and his experience and expertise would fill up more room than the matrix itself can hold. If there is a mission type then has done and mastered it, and has begun inventing new types of operations to keep himself from being bored. There isn’t a facility that exists that can keep him out and as a member of the Railroad he does his share of charity work as well. Like his family he fights for the little guy (when he isn’t busy hunting dwarves – just kidding Tom) and helps those in need. This is exemplified even further by his work in the Seattle PD. You needn’t worry about being able to afford to hire him, just go to the authorities and ask for him – he never turns down a case for his department. The streets are safer thanks to him whether he is on or off the books. While he may not be a Harbinger, he is a good man and one I’m happy to (now) call a friend and family.
Ilesh Gunner (Apache): Fact – In truth, Apache actually came to Seattle in order to apply to become a Harbinger a bit ago. He made the site now due to the massive upload, but he deserved to be here a bit earlier. Apache, as his name suggests, is an Apache Renegade and member of the Apache tribe. His capabilities in the field, especially when in the Native lands, are incredibly. He moves like the wind through any terrain and his sting is an instant death sentence for whoever his target is. He is family to a handful of Harbingers, and has found a home with some of our like-minded operators. After all, there is a place for many different types of operators on our team, and at this rate we are going to end up being less a runner team and more a militia. I just hope they don’t start raising the requirements to be a team member, otherwise I may get kicked off… Anyway, here is your “site official” welcome. I look forward to working with you in the future. Stay safe out there!
Wesley Taffer (Taffy): Fact – Recently confirmed with him, though I can guarantee this one is more of a “sure” than an application. Scimitar here is a well known politician in Florida and has been the governor down there for “quite some time” as he puts it. Unlike many of the South he does run elections, and unlike a certain someone he doesn’t eat the competition (at least not literally). As a member of the 41 strong he is extremely dangerous on the battlefield, just as he is in the boardroom. He has put his life on the line repeatedly to save others in many ways. Not only does he serve the country through the US Elite, but he also works behind the scenes with the Railroad to get those in danger out of it. He has a new plan that he has been talking about for a while to help the South, and I guess we will all see it whenever he unveils it. There isn’t much that I can add here to the knowledge of this man seeing as this is the third time I have written about him. All I can say is if you mention Disney around him expect something to go flying in your direction. Though to be fair, you can expect the same from many of us as of late – this author included…
Wesley Burns (Burn Notice): Fiction – Assuredly only the first fiction, not the last. I don’t know this man at all, though what I do know regarding his reputation implies that not knowing him is probably a good thing. He works for the Post Office and is one of their removal experts. He moves quick and fast, and from what I have heard regarding the dagger he and his ilk use there is no coming back from a strike of his blade. I do hope that he will not take offense to his being listed here, the last thing I need from anyone is another Gargoyle style incident. If you are ever around one of my usual haunts feel free to say hello and the first drink is on me!
Well, this is a little embarrassing. It would appear in my retirement my head has taken one too many hits and I got this one wrong. Well, not really – it just appears we have grown on good ol’ Burnsy here (or Oompa as a certain someone calls him). What I originally wrote was true, it’s simply out of date now. Burnsy and I have gone on a couple of “long walks on the beach” and it turns out we get along pretty well. We started sparring about and shooting the breeze. More importantly, we have a lot in common like fighting for the people and putting others first. Standing up for what is right no matter what, and being willing to do just about anything to save someone we care about. We put it all on the line a few times now, and I don’t see that stopping anytime soon. Its been a pleasure working with you so far and welcome to the team! If you are reading this Radar, feel free to let the boss know this one has my recommendation if you see him before I do. I will file the paperwork next time I’m on base.
Kentucky Schwartz (Danger): Fact – Yes I know, I was surprised too. Seems he saw how much fun his brother was having and decided to sign up. I guess it helps that he didn’t want to be the odd Horseman out seeing as nearly their entire roster has joined us as well. As far as personal stories go I haven’t actually met danger yet, but I got the word that he was in from Sixx. What I can tell you of Kentucky is that he is a well-known business man. He is a problem solver and fixer/dealer, which are always great to have on speed dial, especially since as Harbingers we specialize in causing problems (someone did warn him about that I hope). As a Horseman you know that he is an absolute and consummate professional with experience in virtually every area of running both the shadows and the limelight. He has worked within government to aid in securing the water supply and in infrastructure keeping our nation’s cities functional and operational. Without his work and due diligence there are many areas of the UCAS that would no longer be able to support life or travel. Welcome to the Harbingers Danger, I look forward to sharing a drink with you one of these days. Though with a name like Danger I feel like we meet on a daily basis…
Caldwell McDougall (Numbers): Fact – Looks like my Uncle Sylvester’s old friend decided to join him for his step across the pond. This man is a member of many prestigious orders including both the London Dungeon and the Post Office. Let me repeat that for those who didn’t understand what I just said; he is within two of the most influential intelligence agencies on the planet. It wouldn’t be exaggerating to say that having such status within both is extremely rare and a major statement from both regarding his capabilities. In addition to his already robust resume Numbers is a member of the now 20 strong (you will be missed by us all cousin Harrison). He has put his life on the line for citizens and nations for many years and now has decided to throw his hat into the ring with our efforts. We fight for the people to be free and safe, so needless to say our goals align with his fully. Having another paratrooper on the team is always good, in fact I wonder if he offers lessons… Regardless, welcome to the team Numbers, may all our math add up while you are around! Though if it doesn’t, and that does happen, I suggest you run like the rest of us…
Grifter Antilles (Smuggler): Fact – My lord the first couple of missions we had were smuggling, good memories (albeit painful). Grifter wasn’t around for those, of course if he was they may have been a bit less dangerous. I’ve about this man at least once before and while I could reiterate about his flying, I think his favorite move is of more interest here. Grifter likes choking, like, all the time. In fact, if he isn’t on a nonlethal operation its his go to before any of his other weaponry. As he puts it, nothing like removing the air from a target as they look at you. Now, its not my personal cup of tea, but its certainly effective. As a member of Rogue One he is a very capable pilot and operative. He can sneak around through the pipes with the best of them, and then fly his way out before even taking a shower! I honestly think there is still some debris from that op in my pores, but I digress. While his weapon of choice may be a bit brutal, you can always be sure to have those fingers “on hand” when needed, and it makes him extremely versatile. Its been fun getting to know you recently and I look forward to continuing to work with you. Cheers! Looks like an op just came. Now, where did I put that c4…
Brian “Kindler” Gunner (Jackal): Fact – Brian Kindler. Talk about a high end problem solver and expert in virtually every field. He is the brother of my old mentor Dictator (or Mayor as he goes by now) and if he is anything like his brother than you can be sure that he is extremely capable. You can be sure that he is an exceptional shot as he is a member of the Outlaw’s Five. It seems this gentleman recently had a change of opinion of the Harbingers and signed up. I don’t have any funny stories about Jackal, but what I do know aside from the above is that he is a consummate professional. He is also an officer for the US Elite. It is important that within the elite, especially given recent events, that we set the example for not just individuals, but for how a branch of the military and a country should act. When it comes to this man, the example and precedent he sets with his attention to detail and overall demeanor is more than we could ask for. Every cadet and officer that meets him (regardless of rank) will know that he is the epitome of how we should act. A level head and a keen sense of justice allow him to forge his path. Welcome to the Harbingers Brian. You will find people from all walks of life in this organization and there is always someone around to lend a hand. See you around!
Bail Canterbury (Spacer): Fact – Looks like Rogue One has officially decided to work alongside us. Talk about an exceptional asset. Bail is a well-known pilot and capable operative. He is very skilled with virtually every weapon in the world, and even a few of his own creation. There are some pretty nasty words on his bio and I disagree with all of them. For anyone who dislikes him, regardless of your politics (you are allowed to be wrong after all), spend 10 minutes talking to him. He is one of the nicest and most down to Earth people you have ever met. Not down in the grass like Tunnel, but down to Earth and business oriented. He is professional and courteous at all times. When you speak to him you get an understanding of the bigger picture and how we can help each other. What most people don’t realize is that intelligence operatives are out there to keep the peace first and foremost. Turns out good politicians are too. I didn’t believe that last bit until after I met Senator Canterbury and a few of his compatriots in 501st recently. They really are good people. That, and some parents like to work on the same team as their kids. Speaking of which, where is Elmer? Meh, probably fighting with Nick over the couch…
Jamie Surrey (Oklahoma Kidd): Fiction – Alright seriously, who in the nine hells thought this was legit? Do they come by the house occasionally? Yes. But not to deal with Harbinger business – just to torment their youngest family member who happens to live in my living room for now (he seriously needs to grow out of his teenage phase and get a place…). I have had the pleasure to talk to Jamie a few times, and the fact that I was only shot once means I’m pretty sure we are on good terms. After all he doesn’t kill people he likes, he just maims them. In addition to being quite busy running the Outlaw’s Five he also has some new responsibilities to attend to and will be much too busy to hang around base very often. What else is there to say about Jamie. It is pretty well known that he is one of the most impressive gunfighter adepts in the world rivaled only by his father and a few others. Oh, if you hear the phrase “bullet tag” run for your life. I have been hit by and survived some crazy stuff, but I’m 99% sure that an accidental shot from their guns would take me out, let alone a targeted strike. On the bright side you needn’t worry about being surprised by them. The only way to not know they are coming is to be deaf – which you will likely be right after they fire anyway. Take care out there Jamie. I hope to see you at another barbecue sometime, but not as a team mate – just as a friend.
Creed Surrey (Recurve): Fiction – Again, not a chance on this one. Most of the data about his brother above him still rings accurate here. Creed too is a top notch gunslinger and man of shoot first and ask questions second (or is it never since they die from the bullet). As a member of the Outlaw’s Five he has been terrorizing the west with his brand of justice for many years. Though for those who look deeper you will notice that often the “chaos” they cause is for good reason or to help another location. This was most recently evident when Creed and a few of his brothers dropped by Las Vegas to help them defend against a major incoming attack. What most don’t realize is that true chaos without a point or goal doesn’t survive in the shadows for very long. We runners police ourselves pretty heavily and when someone does something that is true chaos and interferes with our goals we first try to help them see the error of their ways, and if that isn’t possible we deal with the problem ourselves. Most, if not all, runners continue operating on the streets for a reason, and we don’t like it when our goals get messed with. Even the Joker who is known as true chaos has a purpose (just don’t ask me what it is, I don’t know) and the Surreys, well, they are purpose personified. Though again, don’t ask me what it is. Anyway, sorry for rambling a bit. Stay safe out there Creed, catch you sometime in the future!
Chelcie Surrey (Recoil): Fiction – New verse same as the first on this one. Again, very impressive operator with an excellent track record, but not a Harbinger. I think the line in his bio regarding his circle pretty much says it all. “Run and Die Tired, End Yourself it Hurts Less” is fairly accurate. With Chelcie it isn’t whether or not he will shoot, and that’s all I will say on that end. As far as unique stories go I don’t know Recoil very well. I’ve met him a few times and he was very pleasant, but most runners are when they aren’t on the battlefield. Turns out when we aren’t fighting for the right to breathe we are much more pleasant, imagine that?! Here I am on a tangent again, I suppose that is not surprise at this point. As I said for your brothers Recoil I wish you safety and hope to see you at dinner sometime again in the future. Take care!
Brady Krieghoff (Tang): Fact – Nope, didn’t see this one coming either. Though I can say that I have had the pleasure of working with Tang remotely as of late and to nobody’s surprise he is the epitome of professional. As a Fixer/Dealer he has access to virtually anything that exists on the market. When it comes to contacts he has far more than anyone I have ever met, and I have only seen the small sliver that he has mentioned in passing. He has trained the best of the best when it comes to businessmen both on and off the streets. Things that you might be curious about? Hm… Well as far as preferred weapon goes I’m not sure so don’t bother asking. I suspect it may be a gun of some sort seeing as he was a member of the 82nd airborne division and all of them are exceptional shots. Truthfully I’m not sure that Tang does operations of his own anymore, but I’m sure that if anything ever motivated him to go out into the field he would be a terror to behold. Well, before I end up on a tang-ent again let me say welcome to our home. If you are bored there is always something going on – usually exploding – and plenty to get involved in. See you around the commissary!
Montgomery Hilliard (Pale Rider): Fact – Turns out not all of what’s in Texas should stay in Texas. In fact quite a bit of it is just good people. Silencer here is an old friend of the family, though the only time I met him professionally we lost a rather expensive base. I guess the past is just that though, the past. We can’t change it so we simply accept it, learn from it, and move forward. Silencer here is a world class assassin and infiltration expert. He has worked with some of the best and been around for decades. He has worked for virtually every government agency that exists. He is a legend among intelligence operators and can sniff out a secret 2 miles away. He is already a part of I-Corp, so joining the Harbingers means he is allowed on both sides of the base. You will find some old friends and some new ones here Monty, so have a blast. See you on the battlefield!
Reverdy Jamestown (Hardware): Fact – Well, I think I have seen it all. This team has gone from a ragtag bunch to hosting the second in command of the Jamestown family. In truth, I don’t quite understand why Reverdy decided to join us – must be our charm and wit – but we are certainly happy to have him. I suspect it may be his 82nd and Horsemen connections, but there are many things that bind us in the world of the shadows. The fact of the matter is that we both fight for the same thing – the people – and that is all that matters. To say the Handler here is capable is an understatement. I had the privilege of fighting alongside him down in Kentucky for most of that battle and his speed, skill, and judgement are all beyond exceptional. Even in his current physical state he is more than ready to lay his life down for civilians and his country alike. For those who don’t know what I mean, Reverdy refers to himself as the hardware store at times. Regardless of how he was put back together he doesn’t allow his numerous injuries to stop him from helping those who need it. Heck, from what I heard when he arrived at the Battle of Kentucky he was still nursing wounds from earlier that day. He is a true patriot and believer in the old US, and I am honored to be able to call him a friend and teammate. Welcome to the Harbingers!
Charles Butler (Captain): Fact – My, talk about another old friend showing up on here. Well, after recent events he saw this coming and mentioned that if it happened before he filled out an application that he was all in (literally about 5 minutes ago – he is here laughing now at the timing of it all). What can I say about the infamous Captain? Well, seeing as he was one of the early individuals helping us out, quite a bit! While no specific stories come to mind (at least not that I will tell here), I can say that he helped us in our training and sending good paying missions our way (which of course never went sideways thanks to our luck…) to help keep us afloat. I want to say that he was probably the second mentor for our team, that is back before we even had a name. After all, originally we weren’t a team as much as just three guys running for our lives at every turn. If it wasn’t the police chasing us it was other runners, corrupt resistance leaders (who I hope stay dead), or dragons. Hm, guess now that I think about it not much has changed… You sure about this Captain? I guess he can handle it, and as a Horseman and “the invincible one” even the level of punishment that comes at the Harbingers is going to have to think twice before messing with him. I’d say welcome to the team, but it feels like you have been a part of it for a long time. Enjoy the website welcome, and see you on the next op!
Dr. Abbot Malone (Warrant): Fiction – Not a member of the team, and to be totally upfront I’ve only met him once or twice due to his kinship with Slicer and Dump Shock. All I really know is that he is a total professional – that and he occasionally leaves his stuff laying around in far off locations… Warrant here is a problem solver and as such is a very capable individual. As a Horseman we can assume he is a top level spy, and as a member of the Cajun Cavalry you know that he is more than capable in combat. I’m sorry I can’t say more, but I don’t have any stories of note or experience with this operative. Given that he is a problem solver, with my known luck it is probably best if it stays that way…
<< Warrant was lost on the battlefield, giving everything he had to protect those who were helpless and preserve what little freedom was left there. Abbot, we never got a chance to really sit down and have a beer. You weren’t a Harbinger, but you were family to many of us. You will be missed. May you rest in peace and may that which flows guide you…. Bilbo Out >>
Dwight Schwartz (Giggles): Fiction – Governor Schwartz is not a Harbinger. His father and uncle are, but that doesn’t include him. Giggles here is however quite the interesting individual – as would be expected of someone with that handle. He leads his state with a very militaristic mindset. Not a tyrannical one, but a tactical mindset. His main focus is the safety of his people, and the way that they overcame the initial southern invasion shows that his methods worked. I have only spoken to him once, but from that conversation he appeared extremely professional. He keeps himself well trained as all Presidents Men do and is a force to be reckoned with in person. He proved it recently with the attempted invasion of his governor’s mansion. He may have had a little help, but make no mistake that was not a rescue op, it was just an after lunch exercise. While he may not be a Harbinger, I do hope to meet Giggles in person sometime in the future and work alongside him. This may not be a welcome to the Harbingers, but I can welcome you to the curse of the Gargoyle! Don’t worry, unless you run around trying to assassinate me it should go away… eventually…
Sherman Willard (Hunter): Another cop? What is this, the Wolf Pack?! Just kidding (you retired Pop relax, and you are NOT a Harbinger!!). Welcome to the team Hunter. Be careful of the building, there are a lot of… stairs… Just kidding :). On a more serious note I recently had the opportunity to work with Hunter – which means the curse is back. One Op and whack – here he is. What can I say about Hunter? Well, for starters we have a lot of the same hobbies. We both also have a distinct interest in paranormal creatures and their removal. More importantly we have a real problem with kids being exploited and the people being abused by the corporations. I guess when you work in law enforcement for a few lifetimes you start to get upset when the average people get raped, pillaged, sold, exploited, and all other manner of abuse. We are both working to fix these problems in the world piece by piece. As such, I can think of no better reason to welcome you into our team. Everyone here has a story to tell, so feel free to share yours.
Reggie Irving (Defrag): Well hell, talk about a blast from the past. I haven’t seen Reggie here since dad and I used to visit her and Uncle Max at Coney Island. Talk about days from a long time ago and what seems like far, far away. How the world has changed since the days of building a sandcastle on the beach and fighting over the lemon and orange snow cones. I can hear the call of the seagulls and the clank of the stilts with the local clown act on the boardwalk. I miss those days – not just because of the people, but because of the world we are in. I think back to those days and look at Coney Island now and it breaks my heart. The mighty New York City has gone from a financial and tourist epicenter to a prison. In hind sight that’s what brought us together again after so long. Our paths crossed on an operation to help a young man being targeted by a problem far over his head. Afterwards we met up, got some coffee at the local diner, and we’ve stayed in contact and close ever since. It works out even better for my wife – there is another awesome gal around to talk to instead of me and my buddies (haha). I couldn’t be happier for you and Arthur my old friend. Welcome to the Harbingers, my home away from home. You will find there are a like of like minded individuals and familiar faces. Its good to have a member of the family back. Now where is… Oh, I can hear him coming.
Maxwell Irving (Caps): *whoosh* Ok, I threw the distraction so I have a moment to write. I better hurry, it’s a small bag and won’t keep him busy very long… I’m not sure how I feel about having an original member of the Pack on the Harbingers (especially knowing who will likely follow), but for an old friend, we were willing to make an exception. Shadow here shares more with me than just a first name, but a long history as well. For those who don’t know (and don’t know how to read) Max here is Defrag’s dad. For the slower people out there (did someone call a Demure?) that means when I visited Reggie as a kid I was visiting him too (and a few others that I dearly miss). The food and the places were fun, but more importantly, it was like a home away from home with old friends. At the time I didn’t quite understand what “An old war buddy” really meant (or how old it could mean). I don’t know why, but it would appear memories are fickle at best. Though the things I do remember (especially recently) are quite painful. There aren’t many that can understand what it is like to have the future’s weight hanging upon your shoulders. In that way we are unique and quite the pair, and for that and much more I’m glad to have him with us. Welcome to the team, old friend. Tell sis the extra juice boxes are in the fridge – see you both soon.
Arthur Swanson (Eddie): Ah yes, my friend the dumpty. Always good to have another top-class decker on the team, just don’t throw him into the poop – he is just a decker after all. That said when he doesn’t have his nose buried in a book or a computer he is a wonderful man to talk to. He holds many of the values from the old world and has bled his fair share as an FIP to help keep this world safe. It doesn’t matter whether it is in England, the United States, or anywhere else he keeps his finger on the pulse to protect the little guy. Since he recently married an old friend of mine (and our angelic wives were willing to wait for us together while we went to war) I have gotten to spend some time with him in the aftermath. We agree on many issues and see eye to eye in regard to the problems of this world. He works to help enact change and forward momentum in Parliament while I work here in the states. Neither of us are alone in our respective regions, but having a difference in perspective from places far far away can truly help to bring a more worldly viewpoint to the forefront. If there is something that (I think) we have both realized is that despite the origins and locations being quite different, all governments work in a similar way and deal (or should deal) with the same problems to help their people. It is our goal to help both nations (and any others that will listen) to work together hand in hand. Thus, it is hand in hand I welcome you to the Harbingers Edison. May the switches of your keyboard never fail!
Wendell Flanigan (Pez): Alright, Pez you need to calm down, I don’t stock ALL the candy. Come by around Holloween and I’m sure we will have some. Hey, don’t snap at me like that! Go to the stuffer shack I’m sure they have it for sale. Huh, oh this thing was on eh? What the heck, let’s talk about good old Judge Flanigan while we are at it. I gotta tell you, just before the Alexandrian conflict (“conflict” my rear – that was a war!) it was like the invasion of the South in my personal life. It started with the best person I know (love you City!) and seems to have settled down a bit now – must be the new immigration policies… Kidding! In truth, for the longest time, the only southern runner I knew and fought with in battle was Powder Keg (you don’t count Uncle Arthur). In hindsight what a mistake that was… But somewhere in the middle, just after the battle for Kentucky, I was introduced to this gentleman. Now, I have to admit my past is a bit… awkward when it comes to judges and police officers. I’m past it now, but there were some days when things were a bit tenuous at best. However, if I had met Snapper here a bit sooner things might have been different. First things first though, let there be no mistake: Wendell here is nothing other than a class act and absolute professional in the courtroom. He serves on the Railroad alongside many of us working to help those who have been taken advantage of or are in trouble. Not long before the war, there was a young lady in peril that my friends and I had been looking to assist for some time. They were captured by a terrible organization and treated as though they were less than human. When the poop hit the fan (which NEVER happens on a mission with a Harbinger of course) Snapper immediately entered the fray to help her without a second thought. Those of us in this team don’t generally think twice about sticking our noses out to help someone and Wendell embodies this in spades. Regardless of what hat or helmet you may be wearing, it is my pleasure to serve with and welcome you. May our stories live on and the lessons we teach with our actions take hold. Speaking of which, I have some paperwork to do. Where did I put that vending machine request application – I don’t need a repeat of a few moments ago lol…
Alvin Webster (Stormfront): Well now, I wasn’t expecting good ol’ Stormfront to join us here. Careful all, its time to really have some fun on an operation. Chronic here is another operator that is the total package. He is a general, infiltrator, government operative, and assassin all wrapped up into one bundle of joy. Recently the streets have started calling him Darth Stomper, but outside of the pun the name is useless. I’ve been on a few ops with the good general here and while there are many things he is an expert in (shooting, planning, martial arts, swordsmanship, etc…), he has never shown a particular aptitude or penchant for stomping. Though to be upfront I like his first name – Chronic – the best. It must be something our less known aliases share… While an operation is one thing, I also had the pleasure of sharing an underground bunker with General Webster for a few years during the Alexandrian WAR at one of the forward bases. Even in war, his first concern is always the civilians. We were being pelted by chemical warfare, desert wars troops, and all manner of unfair and against the Geneva Convention tactics. Yet, no matter what, he (nor Shadow or I mind you) ever considered stooping to our enemy’s level. Take it from a bunch of FIP: we know how to run a war unfairly seeing as that’s all that has ever been done to us. That said, we never will. Being on the receiving end of poison, fighting, capture, and even torture throughout the wars of the UCAS and the old US has taught many of us the same lesson. Life is valuable and worth protecting. With this core value in mind, I welcome you to the Harbingers Chronic. We set the example, we were the first to be declared heroes of the city, and we set the standard for keeping the region safe. Welcome aboard captain.
Addison Mayweather (Grassy): Looks like Grassy is dropping in – who says friends from two centuries ago don’t stick around. He is our seventh new Harbinger on this upload (started with Hunter) – good old lucky #7 here I guess. What can I say about the Corkscrew that isn’t already up on the website. Well, for one, he is one hell of a reporter. Now I’m not just saying that because he won some prizes for his work – though he has. I’m saying it because what he reports has the most important identifier out there: it’s the truth. Now, for all the idiots who are plugged in and forgot to clean their data jacks (seriously, showering alone doesn’t do it – dust WILL ruin your connections!!!), let me say that again. The reason I like his reporting is because he doesn’t lie. I may not always like what is coming out of the speakers, but I know it’s legit. In my line of work the truth is important, no matter what some of my colleagues seem to think. As a reporter Grassy here has long since turned in his combat gear and guns, but back in the day he was one hell of a shot and rode a horse like nobody else’s business. I’ll never forget the cannon ball you took while saving my life back in 1898. If it weren’t for you I wouldn’t be here now. Thank you for then, and for all the work you have done over the last couple centuries. While your position may have changed, you still fight the good fight and work for the people. We have a great media suite on base (though I suspect its about to get an upgrade) and I’m sure you will find yourself pleased. Welcome to the Harbingers, your home away from home my old friend.
Orson White (Mars): Where to start with my old friend Mars here. Boy is there a lot to mention. First things first, always happy to welcome another of my brothers from the Railroad. Mars was one of the founders with the Silencer and Hariett Tubman, so despite his period of mind control (another trend in the Harbingers) he has been working for the right side of things for a long time. We all have a past, but it’s time to put it behind us and move forward. I spent a lot of time with Mars during the war – we were deployed to the same forward base for a number of years. Good ol’ Captain White here (as he was back then) was constantly dodging assassination attempts with a (mostly) successful string of evasions. He put his mind to good use on the tactics of his men and began making a difference almost immediately. He weeded out the traitors in his men, found and ejected the incompetent officers, and built a strong squad in his 15th Island division. And I tell you, I tell you WHAT this man has a heart as golden inside as the, well as the sheen of the peach cider they make down in Georgia. As an operator, he is a selfless and caring individual who will do anything to help his teammates. We have been through a few operations now and I have watched him stare evil in the eyes with the rest of us and never falter. I am proud to call him a teammate and friend. To one of my fellow original Rough Riders (not the order of the Patriots) welcome home and welcome to the team. Some you will know, but all will be kin in no time.
Alvin Drummond (Glacier): Man, I knew that global warming was getting significantly worse, but when they said the glaciers would melt I had no idea this is what they meant… Just kidding Alvin, and welcome to the team. For those who don’t know this man (and seriously if that’s the case what rock have you been living under?!) Glacier is the ultimate package when it comes to a consummate mercenary. If you have heard of Patches, well assume this man is more capable seeing as this is his teacher. If you don’t know who Patches is, well there just isn’t any hope for you. So to those who ask “What made Glacier decide to join a team?”, all I can say is… I honestly have no clue. We ended up on an operation together working for a mutual friend of ours and we hit it off. Turns out we have a lot in common, especially some of our more specialized extracurricular activities. Add in the fact that we share a love for mathematics (my education may be remedial level, but I still love it) and for removing a certain type of device in extreme conditions. Seriously, there is no place this man won’t go to achieve a directive and while he isn’t a member of the Railroad, he might make a good candidate one day. He has the heart, caring, and empathy in spades, and anyone who has a snide remark to that can come see me in person to discuss it. Now I know you don’t have much experience with being on a team Glacier, but I have no doubt you will figure out how it works. Just remember, you are no longer alone. If something happens then call for backup, we all have your six – always. Every Harbinger knows if you mess with one of us, you mess with us all and we are everywhere.
Bailey Georgetown (Inspector Gadget): Huh, it looks like another name stuck. I still got it, eh “Inspector”? Uh oh, better dodge… Ok, in the clear. While I’m at it let’s get good old Gadget here all set up with his Harbinger welcome, too bad he isn’t here to lend a hand. Anyway, to those who do not know Bailey he is the original Pillsbury dough boy – well the soldier version at least (not sure who came up with the biscuits but they are good on the trail). Rocketman here has been running and flying all over this world since the concept of war was invented. He was involved in the battles of the old days and has maintained his skills in leadership and command throughout the ages. I’ve had the opportunity to join the Wastelander here on a few operations, and have found he is a consummate operator. There is nowhere he won’t go and nothing he won’t do to win. Like many of us, Helicopters are just another hill to climb (or cable in most cases) for Bailey here so don’t bother trying to use air support. In fact, if he is on the hunt your best bet is to hope you aren’t his target because otherwise, you are toast. Welcome home old friend and welcome back to the family. There are a bunch of us here and missions galore, so at least you won’t be bored (you know, in all of that spare time you give yourself…). Welcome to the team and to being a rookie again!
Dr. David Klopeck (Butcher – D): Talk about a hard profile to write, here is an old old friend. While I had forgotten our past for a long time, I have started to remember some of the days when we roamed the open road and hunted together. Regardless of the opposition we pushed past and traveled all through this world – straight through the throat and beyond. Whether it be the old wild west or our time before the Rough Riders when the world was simpler it is slowly beginning to trickle back. I wish I had remembered when we were both in the Hand, we might have been able to save each other then instead of the implosion that killed so many. Though I digress, after all the world believes it knows everything there is to know about the Butcher. Though I can personally verify that D here never ate anyone. Turns out I wasn’t the only person to tell Alexander to shove it… I was just the one that got away before I was crucified. Many of the terrifying rumors and legends regarding “The Butcher” are nonsense. Don’t get me wrong he is more than dangerous There is a lot to know and learn about my old friend here, and I’m not just talking about his recent Nobel prize with another of our team’s members. We were always humanitarians, it just looks like the world is starting to realize it. D – welcome to the Harbingers. You haven’t changed a bit over the years, and that means you will fit right in.
Dr. Sherman Finesilver (Striker): Well old friend, they updated your profile with our team name, so I guess the “jig” is up. In truth you joined not long before the Alexandrian War. Another demolitions and heavy weapons specialist is always welcome. I’m sure you will be right at home with Mars and I (and another secret member) when it comes to the boom booms. As well there is always plenty of work for a doctor in the Harbingers – just ask Bueller. Some people don’t know, but we in the Harbingers specialize in two things. We not only dare to be stupid, but we also are experts at sustaining unique injuries. We may not (hopefully) be meat puzzles, but when you pull a friends bone out of your shoulder and they need it back it becomes a puzzle as to which person gets their parts back. Why is it a puzzle you ask? Well, you clearly haven’t been on the streets of Seattle long enough if that isn’t obvious :). To an old friend and new member – welcome to the team! I think I hear them calling for you in the medical bay now….
Gunner Kirby (X-13): Hey Siri, good to see you. Pop is by the grill, I bet if you ask he will give you some of the burnt ends. *Woof*. Since they dropped by, seems like the right time to introduce you here brother. X-13 – welcome to the Harbingers. I think you may know a few of our members (anyone seen Deacon?). Another furry friend is always welcome and Siri will find many friends in our ranks as well. Though there is something that we should address that is in his bio. We DO NOT eat babies. Ours or anyone else’s!!! We are immortal due to these blasted shots and have paid for it with our blood sweat and tears. We have lost a lot of our family for a variety of reasons; war, assassination, famine, disease, and drought to name a few. The dangers change while the world remains the same. We miss them every moment of every day. I have a few recent losses of my own. None were for “the price of immortality” or some sort of unholy ritual. We are not reborn or recharged by the loss of anyone, especially our most vulnerable. Such thinking is atrocious and should be thrown out as the nonsense that it is. Surviving your children and siblings is torment. There isn’t a moment that I don’t think about whether I could have sacrificed myself to save my loved ones – shame on anyone who pretends anything to the contrary. Bunch of mashuguna. Anyway, sorry for the tangent Kirby – welcome to the team old friend. There is much work to do as you can see – I shouldn’t have to even address the above issue. We must continue to help the people and let them see the true path so that the wheel can continue to turn.
Ted Baker (Pyre):
Johnathan Winters (Highwayman):
Montgomery Palpatine Junior (Rio):
Nelson Rodger (Graphite):
William Gunn (Digger): Well, I have to say I thought that would take longer. Though, once my friend and mentor joined, it wasn’t going to be long before this one dug himself up through the shadow to find his way in. In truth I’ve known Digger here for a very, very long time. Funny how memories come and go. I would have loved to remember that when a certain father-in-law (who it turns out I have also known for a very, very long time) was hunting me, but no reason to bring up water that relocated under a bridge long ago. Digger was one of the originals that I immediately clicked with. I remember a specific mission I went on with him and his significant other – talk about traumatizing… As an operator Digger has few equals in experience and knowledge. While he may be an expert at his namesake, he needs no introduction regarding his experience and capability in all forms of street combat. I’m glad to have you in the team Digger, you will find many people you know are with us now. Just don’t get lost on your way stomping through the three ring circus to hand out at the base 🙂
Rev. Levi Darkwater (Friar Tuck):
Dr. Kyle Finesilver (Foamy):
Robert Churchill (Sandman): Talk about another old friend. The man who truly opened my eyes and showed me the world as I now see it. It feels like a generation ago when I first got involved with the HRM. Wait a minute… I think it has been almost a generation since I got involved with them – even with lionization it’s still twenty years, right? I guess being FIP like the two of us that happens more than we realize. I wasn’t in the HRM long – must have been my glowing personality that got me kicked out. Even though I was not a member, Sandman here still kept in touch and lent a hand. What kept him around? Definitely the sense of humor (or the laugh from whatever we blew up next). We’ve remained friends over the years and when a new operation was starting recently he decided he was tired of being the only non-Harbinger in the group. Then, as my uncle would say, Voila! “Just waiting for the invitation” my rear, more like fear of missing out on all the fun we have! Welcome home buddy, and just in time to be on the same team as both your nephews. You already know where we keep the boos and the snacks, so make yourself at home. See you on the next operation – payback is going to be sweet. So sweet as if it were in a dream, so I do hope you will lend me your ear….
Logan Palpatine (Aloha):
The Founding
General Maximilian “Doodle” Yates (Bilbo, Pupil) <Former Leader>: Poor old Max, the original Harbinger leader and founding member would outlive his friends and original Harbingers, but the legend that he helped create would outlast Bilbo and the Harbingers will live on in infamy…Bilbo would enter the shadows by force and gather a band of like minded runners all pushed to the brink and left no other option then to become runners, fame is not what they desired and fame was not what they sought; though it was what they found and they found it in abundance. Bilbo would help guide the creation of the original squad and as well focus on the recruitment of the new breed before his untimely death at the hands of the Deaths Hand. Bilbo would make sure that the Harbingers would continue on with the legacy of the squad and continue the message and teachings of the Founding Fathers that he seemed to form a bond with.
<<Update 30/11/74>>
Bilbo is currently alive as it seems that the Deaths Hand faked his demise in order to remove his legacy of this team and allow him to focus on his vial duties of being a Regional General under the command of General Hershel Horowitz aka Checkmate. The Deaths Hand even went as far as to restore Bilbo’s original face as a further snub to the UCAS and Seattle Police Department. He is once again within his the roster of his old team but has not regained command; it appears the Deaths Hand General approves of the direction and command structure of Rough Rider General Ralph Rivers aka Chieftain. We will have to wait and see what the future holds for the Harbingers now that they are harbouring a wanted war criminal and enemy of free men and women.
Man, what a janky page. Didn’t they already list this idiot up above? Nobody is important enough to list twice. Obviously these idiots must not realize this little guy is unimportant. Talk about harping on something too much. Give it up already.
Walden “Yo Yo” Malkovich (Waldo, Negotiator) <Founding Member>: Well the only time one could ever trust the words of the Negotiator was when he was asleep, though even then it was left to question…Waldo would sit as the teams communications officer, though some would report that Waldo was the actual leader and Bilbo was just the pawn. Waldo was inspired by the likes of many of the Founding Fathers and fancied himself an expert on everything runner related, as a Harbinger he would do quite a few great deeds, though he would as well cause many more problems; he truly knew the pen was mightier than the sword though the yo yo was far more deadly than both…If Waldo wasn’t causing world wars, he was playing a deadly game of chess that would eventually catch up with him. He would fall in battle during the ill conceived but tactically sound Battle of Fort Lewis, his wisdom far beyond his years and his desire to protect the innocent led this Harbinger to his fate…and as he would fall in battle on that day; Waldo would remain immortal and forever remembered as the Hero of the day.
Where to start on this one… Well, I guess we can start by ripping off the bandaid. My old friend, how you are missed in this day and age. Oh the trouble we got into, talk about interesting times. So much to think and yet so little that can actually be said in this place of falsehoods and lies. For those that knew you, this is for them. If you can fill in the blanks, then enjoy. If you can’t then move on – you are treading in the wrong place. There were so many things that we each did and got the others blamed for. I will never forget our first operation where you removed our target with your yoyo, or the time you were nearly killed by the same weapon. I had a reminder recently of the time Tinman shot you by accident, boy some places have beefed up security. You were so very proud of yourself when you gained the Negotiator title, that is, until you realized how much trouble you had landed yourself into. I remember when you left the HRM and joined the Hand. Well, that was when I suppose everything started to change (especially for our host at the time). A true eulogy this isn’t, but I hope wherever you are (you aren’t where you thought old friend, I’ve looked for you there). Rest in peace, your job is done.
Donovan “Straight Edge” Trask (Chameleon, Tin Man) <Founding Member>: Well ever team needs it’s square and straight edged lunatic and for the original Harbingers that task would fall on the man known as Tin Man… He would be the teams muscle and fire support as Trask was a true to form Street Samurai, this former Confederate Soldier would be run out of the South after an ill fated mission would leave him the only survivor and well the only fall guy, Seattle would become his home and the Harbingers his family. Though their inexperience would nearly bring down the entire squad after their first operation, the Tin Man would keep the squad focused and directed though even this former soldiers oversight would land him behind bars, and only through the quick thinking of the Negotiator would Tin Man see the light of day again. Out of the original squad, his coldly logical and straight forward nature would not lend to a high popularity with the younger generation, but it was his dedication and loyalty that would shine through and even when faced with an impossible task he would stand tall and proud as he led the charge into Fort Lewis to rescue a man that once helped him, Tin Man would enter the fort a runner and street samurai, though he would never leave as he would have his last stand; Tin Man would live on forever as a shining example of heroism and what a soldier should strive to be.
The last man from the very first three man squad. Talk about one hell of a rooftop and a gutsy move, but this isn’t about our other friend, this is for you. Like above, if you don’t know the references then go elsewhere. This is for my friends in memory of a true warrior. I see your picture and think of when you got caught by the cops. God, how new we were and how bad that disguise was. I promise I’m better now. The explosion of your body still haunts me to this day. Fort Lewis took you both and left me behind to continue the story. I’m sorry that I didn’t join you there, but I hope that I continue to do good in this world in both your names. We stood for freedom and to rebel against an unjust system, and I think that if you saw us today you would be joining up with the Elite – you did have those military roots after all. Memories of operations unknown, like our first with War Machine. Heh, you were even there for my encounter with the magnetic elemental – something only a few can fathom. I guess this has less direction than the one above, but that’s the problem with memories. They are fleeting – just as the cameos we play in the greater story. I hope that you enjoyed your time in the light when you had it, and that someday I will see you again with a smile and a story to tell. May you find glory wherever you are now in the afterlife.
of Honorary
General Tullius Kissinger (PaPa): Nope, nope, nada, no way, and…. no! Love you Pop, but over my dead body.
Tudor Yates (DadDad) <Not Official>: Seems like the little bastard didn’t lock this section out. Well they may not be official members of this death squad but lets start with an easy include, the man known as simply “The Devil In White” well the liar and racially motivated killer of the Harbingers and Brothers Grimm and don’t forget the father of the little bastard. Well this worthless waste of flesh is a serious threat to all living beings, though this man wont win any father of the year awards. He is a deadbeat dad and abandoned his family and wife, he simply left her to be alone with his two children while he went off to play solider boy and spy. He cares more about power and killing the supposed enemy than being an actual father and guess what his son’s turned out just like this bastard, the Professor seems to only show up within the Harbingers when he needs something and to further manipulate them into his twisted web of deception. The Conductor is nothing more than a pawn of the “Devil in White” and the Professor’s protegee….his son is actually the one pulling the strings here with his fathers approval. Seems like little Max is so attention starved that any little bit of fatherly love can drive him to madness and sit at the right hand of this Devil.
Lt. Toblicain Dreemur Alhambra (Dandy Man, The Conjurer) <Not Official>: Nothing to see here a Sea Wolf and a horrible human being, you can dress up a pirate but it’s still a pirate and thats that.
Chief Benjamin “Sleepy”Mathews (Mr. Franklin, Benji) <Not Official>: All Hail the King of Corruption himself, meet the Father In Law of the former Team Leader Anthony DiCane and you wonder why Benji hangs around. This old dog is simply looking to be fed table scraps from anyone that will give this untrustworthy hack the time of day. Mr. Franklin sunk his claws into Law Dog and hasn’t let go, he lends his years of being a corrupt cop to the Harbingers and his manipulations to the media……whats worse is this bastard works for the Post Office as a Deletion Specialist whatever that means, though it must not be good seeing he is their top agent in that field. Simply put Mr. Franklin is an evil man working for the evil that is the Harbingers don’t be fooled these are no heroes they are snakes in the grass and Benji is their pack leader.
General Martin “Boomer”Hakett (War Machine) <Not Official>: The man of the “Big Booms”, the man that killed his best friend and called it the price of doing business. The War Machine a studied Nuclear Scientist and Nuclear Engineer……yup thats a good thing for this terrorist group to have access to the really BIG BOOMS!! War Machine they all look up to like a father and even allow to operate the grill at their holiday gatherings, let that sink in for a moment they gather and celebrate after killing and committing genocide. If this doesn’t bother you, than you are to far gone to be reasoned with, the Harbingers are evil and this man even being allowed within ten feet of them proves it.
General Forrest “Old Man” Churchill (Safari) <Not Official>: The man that runs the Human Resistance Movement in Europe is another close friend of the Harbingers and close enough that he has offered them work, supplies them with equipment, trains their people, and is even the Father of one of their members known as Buttercup or Rodian. This man was present at Max’s wedding and is welcome within the hallowed halls of the Waterways military compound, Safari the master of genocide is pure evil and further proof that this team of assassins is up to no good, they welcome a racist elf hater and coward within their flock and now I have heard that Nick Fury was raised by Forrest Churchill and thinks of him like a son……well that explains allot about both Nick and his friendship with Tony and Max.
Safari was lost protecting what he cared about most – his family. Old friend, you will be missed. I’m sorry I couldn’t help you in your time of need. May you enjoy the long rest you have more than earned. RIP.
Norris Davenport (Catfish) <Not Official>: The master infiltrator and assassin known as Catfish is within the Harbingers, well I would be surprised if it wasn’t broadcast that this Confederate would be sent to watch over Waldo and after his death the parenting of the team would continue as Catfish carefully guides and watches over Max Yates. Catfish is a true killer with no honour that all these bastard Harbingers look up to as a God among men, this man is an honourableness killer and thief….remember that people the Catfish is regarded as the man that can break into anything and nothing is secure enough to to keep him out and yet these Harbingers idolise him and his Texan Values.
Stewart “Trusty” Greenly (Patches) <Not Official>: Well not so Trusty Patches, the ultimate street killer and rat bastard. This man claims to be a warrior for the people…..Ya Drecking Right!! This man is a coward that failed as a hand assassin and now hides within the Harbingers as a washed up mercenary, like the rest of his 67th Stormriders. This is another man that proves that the Harbingers are without honour and look up to a madman in a cheap suit.
Arthur “Cranky” Crane (Stamps): <Not Official>: Well when Crane was actually playing cop he was well corrupt as hell but at least he went after this rag tag bunch of criminals, than he allowed Tin Man to live and escape the Vault, not long after that he returned to the Streets with his bitch of a wife and Wolf Pack . This washed up has been in a cheap suit uses the Harbingers as a place to hide and cry about his day in the 51st. They flock to this man for advice even though he is Wolf Pack and already shot and nearly killed Max, they say Max lived simply cause Stamps wasn’t aiming……I say BS he is nothing more than a washed up, rusted relic of days gone by. Anthony DiCane and Max both call him Uncle Arthur and they look up to him like one would their uncle and whats worse is he is that Racist Uncle everyone has over for the holidays…..this is one Texan that should have stayed in Texas.
Colonel Norman “Bar Keep” Patton (Gremlin): <Not Official>: We can officially blame the Gremlin for the Harbinger problem, he recruited them, he named them and he employed them. This cigar smoking ass hat is the reason we have to deal with the Harbingers today and he is blasted proud of the fact. He lives to “Raise Hell” and for Gremlin and the Patriots his plan really came together, create a team of impressionable youths, give them a false cause and uniform and some cred and yup you have a bunch of Hell raiser’s that the world and country will have to deal with. For Gremlin not being an official Harbinger is a sign that this was nothing more than a military experiment and he would risk his personal reputation by attching himself to them until they proved themselves or died trying.
Charles “High Class” Butler (Captain): <Not Official>: The man of high society, the man of the streets, the man of a politics and the man of the boardroom…..well Captain can do it all and he always seems to escape with his reputation intact. Well the one thing this Stormrider didn’t see coming was his inclusion here and hopefully this sellout will take a hit in the world of the professional by being connected to this team of roughens. Captain did do one thing and bring a level of professionalism to the Harbingers dress and attitude and hopefully they will be to worried about dirtying their suits to go out and police the streets, leave the Secret Policing to Captain here as we all know he is the personal hand of the Conductor.
<< Janky website – this is a member not an honorable mention. Pay attention you Demure knuckleheads… – Bilbo Out >>
Howell “The Zone” Perkins (Sleepwalker): <Not Official>: S
leepwalker well were to start, damn he got old fast, guess he missed an injection of his immortality medication. Well this man is the master of disguise and infiltration, seeing a trend within the Harbingers….he is famous for dressing for the Zone and it is said that they even call it “Pulling a Sleepwalker”, this man is a hunter of those through the shadows and stalks as they dream, he is so cowardly that he wont attack a target who is alert. This man took the original Harbingers under his wing and trained the like they were tiny little assassins and behind that shit eating grin he watched as his baby birds began sleepwalking throughout Seattle. This is another rat bastard that was at Max’s wedding and has been reported to be close friends with his father, close enough that Howell would’ve been invited to family parties, barbecues and holidays and even a rumour that Howell had the Yates family over to spend the summer holidays at his estate in Martha’s Vineyard……..this man can’t be trusted and he is pure evil on multiple levels, without any honour and zero humanity everyone is nothing more than a paycheck and this old Stormrider has proven that the Fathers of Armageddon are up to no good and neither are the Harbingers who continue to welcome Sleepwalker into the Waterways.
Elias “Doomsday” Fort (Polaris): <Not Official>: Well this man proves everything we have already said to be true, another Stormrider, another Deaths Hand specialist, and another close friend and mentor of the original squad……Polaris here is yet another Nuclear Scientist and Engineer that works for the British Government and hides as an Eastern European…..yet he is a Stormrider. This man has deployed dirty bombs throughout the free world and is rewarded greatly for his efforts, he is regarded as the father of the apocalypse and serves within the Fathers of Armageddon. He is a nuclear murderer that remains free of irons and is the king of the explosives, can I say anything more negative about this maniac and his threat to the free world and free people. If he is within the Harbingers even just as an honorary one than we are all doomed and it will be a cold dark nuclear winter that awaits us on Doomsday as the Warhead will make sure we all pay for our sins……well the sins he has condemned us with as we Rest in Peace, this man is evil incarnate and yet the Harbingers love Polaris and allow him to roam free and terrorise the known world…..hell he even has hidden black bricks of death at the Waterways Compound for them to deploy at their leisure.