News Archives: 9/1/73 - 12/9/73 | 12/10/73 - 12/27/73 | 12/28/73 - 1/07/74 | 1/08/74 - 1/25/74 | 1/25/74 - 2/6/74 | 02/06/74 - 02/01/75 | 05/01/75 - 25/01/75 | 26/01/75 - 07/03/75 | 08/03/75 - 17/06/76 19/06/2076: "Good evening this is Addison Mayweather coming to you live from the front lines of the Alexandrian Conflict. The current offensive began just before midnight on the 17th of June 2076 and has been ongoing since. It is currently 2100 hours and the fighting has been going on now for close to forty-eight hours with no signs of letting up, the Axis forces have been putting up stiff … Read More
Reinhold “Silent” Yates (Three)

Membership: Brothers Grimm Race: Human Height: ??? Weight: ??? Apparent Age: By the photographs we can assume mid 60’s Archetype: ??? <Though being a Brothers Grimm we can assume he is magical> Preferred Weapon: ??? Runner Song: Bio: This is another total enigma and has been whitewashed by the same people that cleaned Bleach’s record […]
Prince Sly Grimm (Eclipse)

Membership: Brother Grimm Race: Human Height: 5’7 Weight: 155 Apparent Age: 55 Archetype: Mercenary Adept: Circle Unknown Preferred Weapon: Ancient Long Sword Runner Song: Bio: Well let me first begin by telling you that Sly Grimm is the direct son of Slimer and the father of Ecto One as well he is married to Melody […]
Saul Meisner (Tailor)

Membership: Brothers Grimm Race: Human Height: 5’4 Weight: 120 Apparent Age: 70 Archetype: Physical Adept (We Hope): Circle Best not to ask Preferred Weapon: Ancient Long Blade & Scorpion Dagger Runner Song: Bio: <<<<Nice Try Ass Fuck…..Add another body to my Death Count……Death Bringer>>> Nobody reports on my friends or myself without getting greased let […]
Colonel Jackson “Death Warrant” Puck (Stitches)

Membership: Professional Assassin Race: Human Height: 5’6 Weight: 150 Apparent Age: 60 Archetype: Assassin <Assumed Physical Adept Circle Unknown> Preferred Weapon: Master of Many Runner Song: Bio: Don’t be fooled by this mans positive demeanour and grandfatherly appearance Stitches is the real deal and has spent his entire life killing for hire and guess who […]
Edgar Yates (Kingslayer)

Membership: Brothers Grimm/Presidents Men/Kingsman Race: Human Height: 5’7 Weight: 160 Apparent Age: 60 Archetype: Physical Adept: Circle Unknown Preferred Weapon: Ancient Long Sword Runner Song: Bio: What can I say about the Kingslayer that won’t get me killed as I do choose life over honest reporting (The Kingsman are not known for leaving us alive, […]
Herschel Meisner (Rabbi)

Membership: Brothers Grimm, Kingsmen, President’s Men, Rogue One, Ghost Division, Mossad, London Dungeon, Post Office Race: Human (FIP) Height: 5’7 Weight: 170 Apparent Age: 75 Actual Age: Unknown Archetype: Swordsman Adept (Cyber Criminal) Circle: Unknown (Good Fucking God, Just RUN THE FUCK AWAY!!!!) Preferred Weapon: Ancient Katana & Dual Plasma Sabers Runner Song: Bio: The […]
Gordon Meisner (Frostbite)

Membership: Brothers Grimm/Presidents Men/Rogue One Race: Human Height: 5’7 Weight: 150 Apparent Age: 60+ Archetype: Physical Adept: Circle Unknown Preferred Weapon: Dual-Bladed Plasma Sword (Highly Modified) Runner Song: Bio: It’s time we speak about yet another member of the infamous team known as the Brothers Grimm, this is the tale of the man known as […]
Herbert Meisner (Taskmaster)

Membership: Brothers Grimm Race: Human Height: 5’8 Weight: 155 Apparent Age: 50 Archetype: Physical Adept: Circle Unknown Preferred Weapon: Katana Runner Song: Bio: So it is with a weary heart that I must be the poor soul to revel yet another member of the infamous Brothers Grimm and this member is so twisted and so […]
Arthur Grimm (Slimer)

Membership: Freelance Race: Human Height: 5’7 Weight: 155 Apparent Age: 65 Archetype: Physical Adept: Circle Unknown (assume the worst) Preferred Weapon: Katana Runner Song: Bio: Well when it comes to people that are truly scary in this world their are quite a few contenders for the crown, but when it comes to the man known […]
Albert Grimm (Asmodeus)

Membership: Freelance Race: Human Height: 5’8 Weight: 165 Apparent Age: 65 Archetype: Physical Adept: Circle Unknown (assume the worst) Preferred Weapon: Cougar Fine Blade Runner Song: Bio: Well let me first start this article off by saying that I am writing this as an informational testimonial only and I am not encouraging anyone to engage, […]
Evan Meisner (Everest) or (December)

Membership: Freedom Patriots Race: Human Height: 6’4 Weight: 230 Apparent Age: 55 Archetype: Physical Adept: Circle Unknown (Never Registered) Preferred Weapon: Katana Runner Song: Bio: Well through deep research I have uncovered a real cold hearted bastard that seems to share a relation with the fabled runner known as Grandfather Winter. This man is as […]
Irving Yates (Dentist)

Membership: Freelance Race: Human Height: 5’5 Weight: 130 Apparent Age: 60 Archetype: Physical Adept: Circle: Unknown Preferred Weapon: Cougar Fine Blade Runner Song: Bio: The Dentist, well this man is a full fledged assassin and cold blooded killer. He has lurked on the streets of Seattle since at least the 2030’s if not sooner, […]
Sherman Rodgers (Shyster)

Membership: Brothers Grimm Race: Human Height: 5’5 Weight: 140 Apparent Age: 80+ Archetype: Hermetic Magi: Circle Unknown (Good Fucking God!!!! Avoid, Avoid, Avoid At All Fucking Costs!!) Preferred Weapon: Ancient Katana made of some very ancient and powerful steel…….this sword is fucking dangerous! Runner Song: BIO: Well where to start on this runner, first off […]
Marvin Yates (Accountant)

Membership: Freelance Race: Human Height: 5’5 Weight: 140 Apparent Age: 65 Archetype: Assassin Preferred Weapon: DAOD Needler Runner Song: Bio: Well this is a runner I remember my father and grandfather talking about when I was a child, and not in a good way. My father being a detective and my grandfather being an […]
Dr. Melvin Meisner MD (Vortex) or (Grandfather Winter)

Membership: Freedom Patriots Race: Human Height: 5’7 Weight: 140 Apparent Age: 55 Archetype: Med Tech (Mercenary) Preferred Weapon: DAOD Needler Runner Song: Bio: Through deeper research I have uncovered yet another Patriot who has been working behind the scenes for decades, this runner turned doctor used to run the shadows of Seattle back in […]
Tudor “Dad Dad” Yates (Professor, Man In White)

Membership: Brothers Grimm/Kingsmen/Post Office/Presidents Men/401st Ghost Division/Horsemen Race: Human Height: 5’6 Weight: 145 Apparent Age: 65+ Archetype: Physical Adept: Circle Unknown (Forget what you think and simply run the hell away) Preferred Weapon: Custom White Plasma Sword (Highly Modified) Runner Song: Bio: The Professor is one man that was working the shadows long before I […]