The Second Hand Devils
I will report only what I know and some of the rumours about this team known as the Second Hand Devils and will leave the rest to unearth itself as time goes on. This team hails from Australia and is one of the most dangerous combinations of talent ever put together, they have been in action for decades that we can tell and even the Australian authority will do nothing about the Second Hand Devils as to them they are considered nothing more than ghosts and legends; even though they know this team is quite real and their body count is quite high. Though to those of sound mind and body choose to avoid the Second Hand Devils seeing they like to operate within the deadly outback and according to many locals their hideout is within the land of the Astral Storms and they emerge like ghosts from the storm only to hunt the greatest of all prey us as they consider all the other creatures in the outback to be no challenge, though it seems that even mankind is nothing more than a speed bump for these killers.
They are protected by the local aborigine tribes that seem to flock to the defence of any one of these lunatics when they are o the hunt, Australian authorities have compared the Devils to the American Wolf Pack in their nature but the big difference here is that the Pack doesn’t live in the Astral Tempest and thrive off murder and chaos and some how remaining basically hidden within the shadows with only just enough information leaked out to keep locals terrified and alert. This fear seems to be something that the Second Hand Devils Thrive off and their exact membership number is unknown but what we do know is that many are arriving here in Seattle over the last few days and one can assume more will arrive as time goes by; it could be that they are bored with hunting in Australia and have decided that America would become their next hunting ground. Though as my colleague has already reported on, they are also on the payroll of the Freedom Patriots and it seems that some of their members are part of the International Bounty Hunters Guild so we can assume that they have been requested to come to America and join the fight against the UCAS as a surprise tactic.
If this is true than we can classify the Second Hand Devils under the Brotherhood tab and consider them to be mercenaries from down under but again we are left pulling at strings here and just making assumptions seeing we only have rumours to go by and no one in the Australian authority will cooperate with giving us any factual information out of sheer terror of this team and the connections they have; well I guess the outback is something to fear, couldn’t be worse than Seattle after dark though; well this team could be far larger than we know as no one has gotten a positive count on it’s members and those that survive an encounter with the Devils are forever changed and sometimes not in a good way though they keep their mouths shut and are more frighted than angry about being assaulted by a bunch of runners that seem to want to play a game.
Survivors report that they have been put through torturous games to learn the meaning of life and how to respect the land and respect the ancient ways of Australia; though this coming from a group of British citizens that took up residence in Australia just after the Tragedy of 2018 is kind of hypocritical and also if they want to play a game why do they just kill most and leave others alive; Australia’s crime rate can be blamed on the Second Hand Devils though Sydney has its own issues between the Steel Legion and the Pirates. The locals fear the Devils for good reason, and the local tribes protect them and hail them as Gods so basically I can keep writing this introduction into the Second Hand Devils but I feel I will be writing in circles since their really is nothing out there for us to find the Australian Authority is not talking out of fear, the people are scared to death and the local tribes worship them as well the land itself seems to have accepted them (whatever that means) so I will end this here with saying the Second Hand Devils are just a bunch of over hyped fear mongers that have made a big mistake by coming to America where they will be slapped in irons and hanged for their crimes against mankind.
Page Written By: The Demurs
Meet The Devils
Sebastian Walters (Fishbowl):
Shilling Horowitz (Night Terror):
Wilson Howell (MDK):
Sherwood Richardson (Tollbooth):
Alvin Malkovich (Outback):
Sherwood England (Comet):
Real Name Unknown (Enforcer):
Irwin McCallister (Miser):
Franklin Worcester (White Out):
Albert Solomon (Whitewash):