The Dream Warriors
The order of the Dream Warriors or Dream Masters has been around since the Dawn of Man and even Adam and Eve would have suffered under the miasma of the Dream Warriors……sorry to break it to Christians out there Creationism is BS and Adam and Eve are not the first of humanity; though the Garden of Eden did exist until Tracy Appleton introduced a little thing called Chaos to what Mary Sue called perfection. Appleton is a close personal ally of the Dream Warriors as he was granted access to the Miasma thanks to his help in saving the order from extinction. Mary Sue stated that this order once rivaled the Roman Legion in size and was as powerful as any Spartan in battle, they have been at war with the “Dream Police” and Mary Sue from the earliest days of mankind and have personally rendered her inert numerous times…..she states that she is of divine stature and not just a Dream Mage; again this simply could be her flexing to impress little old me, I can tell you it didn’t work as I still see her as “Two bag, cold fish whore.” that seems to be attached at the hip to McGowan and Devil.
She states that through the ages she would war with the Dream Warriors, and slowly through the ides of time she would strike down their numbers; one by one they would fall as Dream Weavers are born not made. Her Dream Police are imbued with gifts from Mary Sue and trained from a young age to fight against the Masters of Neverland, according to Mary Sue she decided that these Dream Demons needed to be stopped to allow humanity to evolve and grow. They needed to be cultivated and not allowed to fester under the powers of Neverland, this makes little sense seeing the Dream Warriors need a sleeping subject and not a dead one to grow in power and station.
According to Mary Sue: The Dream Warriors simply needed mankind to be terrified of them so they can manipulate masses into submission and thus fully enslave the people within the miasma of the dreaming. Now she states that she was able to reduce there numbers with the aid of Freddy a fallen Dream Warrior that once held the station of Nightmare that is now held by Kenton Stanley, the dream warriors have since restored a few of there numbers but we are talking 17 people here and not ten’s of thousands like she stated. Though from what I can decipher from her ramblings is that they are far more powerful now than ever before and hence they don’t need a large force as they are basically the 300 now and continue to increase in strength where her Dream Police are basically stagnant…..this is truly a sign of the times and as it’s stated “Either evolve or Die” and the Dream Warriors have certainly evolved to meet the challenge.
Now one dead give away that your dealing with a empowered Dream Warrior is within their eyes as once they harness their gifts the Miasma clouds the eyes with a dark purplish black swirl that allows them to see beyond and access of their gifts and even entrap the meek and send them into a partial slumber or a sleepwalking like state; okay I must ask Mary Sue about Howell Perkins as he is known as the Sleepwalker, and from what she has reported his antics seem to fit within their protocol. Besides the eyes there isn’t much else to go on when it comes to them activating their gifts and talents, she states that only the most powerful of abilities need the miasma to activate and simple tasks can be used freely making combating these bloodline warriors nigh imposable for anyone unknowing of their talents and even than it’s still not an easy undertaking.
I just got off the phone with Mary Sue and she stated yes Howell Perkins is most definitely a Dream Warrior and holds the elder station of Deep Sleep or a more technical term would be Parasomnia for you science freaks out there; I have added him to this list though unsure of power status, seeing Mary Sue wasn’t all that clear on that end. All I know is that he not above Sleep Paralysis but way above the Weavers and Masters……well that is relative seeing Masters and Weavers are just untitled and unfocused Dream Warriors, So I stuck him below “Nightmare” seeing the severity of sleep disorders these men cause seem to match their title and Deep Sleep is the state before all the fun begins for these dream demons; Mary Sue did state that Howell can enter the exhausted yet awake, the intoxicated, the sick and injured as their minds take them on a journey they never bought a ticket for.
So the total is 18 now, wish I had thought about Perkins before starting this project since I now have contradictory information in the accounting within this article, I simply don’t feel like doing a rewrite so I will leave it be and hope this paragraph is enough of an explanation to the trolls out there. Now before you go out an by a sleep regulator or begin a caffeine regimen to prevent sleep, humans need sleep unless your Maximillian Yates, Hershel Horowitz, Wilhuff Palpatine, Montgomery Palpatine, Charles Palpatine and Franklin Quinn and even these men still need to rest just not as often as a normal individual. Also do you recognize those surnames, yup all family lines connected to the Dream Warriors and even Sleep Death himself can regulate how often if ever he closes his eyes to slumber down. Now unless your one of these men, I will assume you are like me and sleep is a requirement not an afforded luxury there is hope for you after all in the form of a prescription medication called Hypnocil.
This is a medication that has been in use since the First World War and is used to suppress ones dreaming and shut down the ability for a Dream Warrior to enter ones mind and use your dreams as their own private amusement park. Hypnocil is available through prescription and can be quite costly seeing it has a very low production rate and is the medication of choice for many of the Federal Immortality Project survivors. Doctors tend to avoid prescribing Hypnocil do to it’s lasting affects on the body and mind as we do need to dream, it’s highly addictive and unless you’re a veteran with a direct combat deployment injury; you will be paying out of pocket seeing no insurance company will cover Hypnocil. This medication can be lifesaver though as it cuts of the Dream Warriors from entering your personal Neverland, if you can afford it seek out Hypnocil and yes there is a black market for this drug as junkies have found it’s affects to be a thrilling ride and when combined with Adderall it can keep you awake and aware for days……though I heard this cocktail does have a serious crash at the end, just don’t forget to take your Hypnocil prior to the crash or well you are nothing but a ragdoll for the now angry Dream Warriors.
I am not promoting abusing this medication as it is very addictive and side affects include “Death” but do to Big Pharma discontinuing production and only the US Military producing Hypnocil it is very hard to acquire and can cost you close to 5,000 credits per bottle and one bottle lasts only two weeks so that’s 10,000 credits per month or free for a combat veteran. One the black market Hypnocil can cost hundreds per pill and is considered a Class 1 Controlled Substance and is highly regulated and is I repeat “By Prescription Only” so if you have the funds, willing to take the risk and willing to risk serious prison time it’s out there for anyone and basically it’s the only weapon to combat the Dream Warriors, the high price is do to there being no Generic version and only one company UCAS Bio-Corps a military pharma company that holds the contract for sole provider of this specialized medication.
Now that I have given you my PSA about Hypnocil please be careful as this medication is very dangerous and can kill you, though being murdered by the Dream Warriors is an incentive take this medication. Now some reports from the Dream Police state that setting an alarm clock to force a wakeup can spare ones life from a Dream Demon as they control you once inside your neverland, the alarm overrides their power and if you grab them at the exact moment of waking up they will be pulled into the real world with you……now if this is real, that is a serious problem for the victims as these Dream Warriors are just as deadly in the dreaming as they are in real life and simply put do you really want to yank the Sandman out of your dream and have to deal with him in your bedroom at night with the lights off……I can answer that question for you “Hell’s Fucking No!” even the Dream Police stated this tactic of dragging them into the real world is not something that ever ended well for them. The Dream Warrior simply butchered the victim in his resting place and even when they were prepared for them, weapon at the ready, guards in the room nope the miasma alone was enough to render all inert and than the shear power and speed of the Dream Demon is enough to overtake the prepared let alone the ill prepared. Basically alarms can save your skin, but don’t try to yank one of them with you…..this will only end with you being early to your own funeral.
Basically from what I have been told is that once they release the miasma you are already dead, its simply take the Hypnocil or suffer under their mastery of the dreaming. Alarm Clocks or sleep watchers can attempt to wake you once the nightmares begin and hopefully you are woken up before you look like you went ten rounds with a pissed off wolverine. If you have the unfortunate luck to be visited by Sleep Paralysis, Sleep Terror, Sleep Death or the Sandman well simply hope that they are just passing through and not interested in snuffing you out. Remember if you die in your dreams you die in reality, and these are the men that have scared countless to death or slashed their way through the history books. This is also very true with Parasomnia as waking someone once sleep walking can cause catastrophic results up to and including cardiac events and even extreme valance from the startled victim……just hope the Dream Demon doesn’t simply use this as a opportunity to slash the innocent while the victim remains within the dreaming under the spell of the miasma and the Dream Warrior uses the victim as nothing more than a host body and well manifests there preferred weapon of choice to well steal yet another soul and create a patsy to take the fall for there cold blooded murder (**See Article Below for information regarding there orders specialized weapon, the clawed glove**)
So in conclusion the Dream Warriors are not our friends and they are not looking after us as we sleep, nope they are the hunters of the innocent and an order that needs to be researched and regulated, this evil form of magic needs to be regulated and outlawed by the government before their order increases yet again. Remember this is passed down through the generations and according to Mary Sue there are a handful of already awakened Dream Weavers that simply need to be trained. She states that even the untrained can be quite powerful seeing there is no real defense for gifts, only lucky part being they don’t have the clawed glove, access to the miasma and basically Dream Warrior basic training but they can still be a problem for even the most stalwart dreamer and the Dream Police don’t take cases of new Dream Weavers lightly as you never underestimate one of these demons of Neverland or you will simply wake up dead.
The newly awakened Dream Weavers and those born of the miasma just still asleep are as follows:
Again take a hard look at those surnames and understand this is a family legacy and understand that there can be others that are unknown by Mary Sue as they have yet to awaken or have not been detected by the Dream Police. According to Mary Sue she is trying to get the government to authorize her Dream Police as a legitimate law enforcement agency and to have them regulate neverland, to investigate dream based magical assaults and identify any murders caused by the Dream Warriors to bring them to justice once and for all and bring an end to this order of demons for good. Though for the time being she has acquired a private security license for the Dream Police and they are asking anyone to report any dream based phenomenon to these headquarters and speak with a Dream Investigator. Currently they are only charging what the subject can afford and even doing “pro bono” work for the dissolute that have been touched by the miasma. I will list below the information she provided for the Dream Police and basically this seems to be all the information I have been provided for this section of the article, so I will close out by saying be careful if you decide to go the route of Hypnocil and please reach out to Mary Sue and the Dream Police to bring these murders to justice as currently their is no regulation on their craft and no way to verify if they actually murdered anyone within the dreaming.
The Dream Police (Security License #154-6789-290-4567Z-01)
Hotline # 1-888-555-9994
PS: Now I have learned a thing or two about the songs of the universe, and they actually matter and most of the time the lyrics mean something……I have heard the song of the Dream Police while interviewing Mary Sue and the lyrics don’t paint the “Dream Police” in a good light, so tread carefully here as I simply don’t trust Mary Sue fully and I have heard of this Freddy character before and he is no laughing matter. If she is willing to work with him and war against the Dream Warriors than there is more to this story and until we figure it out please be cautious, Hypnocil might be dangerous but it seems to be safer than trusting another order of dream crawlers…..and again this seems personal and I am on the fence with believing Mary Sue, though I would love to interview one of the Dream Warriors but I know that’s simply never going to happen as they are rebels and they love their secrecy for damned good reasons.
Simply put you have been warned and you have been given enough information to make an informed decision on how to handle the Dream Warriors and the Dream Police, in my personal opinion I would rather trust the ones who choose silence over a raging cunt like Mary Sue. She calls them Dream Demons and she harbors a lot of resentment towards them especially Arthur Swanson how she claims bested her numerous times, Mary Sue seems to believe she is infallible and on the right side of this conflict; though anyone who works with Freddy can’t be all that “Good” in my opinion and according to my local pastor Mary Sue is actually something known as a “Nightmare Demon” and not wholesome in any aspect of the word.
This has me torn but I will take her at face value and continue on with this article, though I will have to look deeper into this Nightmare Demon claim by my local pastor. So basically please be careful and let me know of any Dream attacks below in the comments so I can do some independent research and I will now look into getting Hypnocil for myself as I now have to look out for the Dream Warriors and maybe the Dream Police along with Black Death……fuck they got me coming and going, well hopefully the medication works.
Dream Demons
<<According to Mary Sue the Dream Demons are as followed and have an internal ranking structure based on station, power, status and sheer dominance over the miasma of the Dreaming. The Hierarchy starts at the top with the “Sandman” and the “Dark Man” than works it’s way to through the many plagues and terrors of the blissful sleep. These Dream Demons as she calls them abuse their station, gifts and talents to terrorize, enslave and manipulate the meek into doing their bidding, or simply murdering them within the dreaming thus destroying the mind and than the body.
<**Their chosen weapon of the Dream Warriors> According to Mary Sue all Dream Warriors are given this hand forged clawed glove, forged within the Miasma of the Forge of Lost Dreams, it’s steel is prepared within the Cauldron of Lost Souls and imbued with the screams of the dreaming. This weapon can harm the living from within the dreaming and has been a product of nightmares for ages, its strikes can transfer from the dreaming to the physical. She reports that many of her Dream Police have been slain by this nasty glove and once struck the chances of survival diminish greatly as the blades are as sharp as diamonds.**>
Now as it relates to the hierarchy of this plagued order, she regrets that she forgot to mention the Dream Demon Arthur Grimm earlier in her reporting. She states that the one known as Slimer or by his title within the Dreaming as Eternal Slumber is extremely dangerous as the third most powerful of all Dream Demons. When asked about the title Eternal Slumber and what it meant, she went on to explain, Eternal Slumber is exactly as it sounds…..forever sleep, neither dead nor alive; forever asleep lost within the darkness of ones mind. Targets of the Eternal Slumber are sent into a coma like state through extreme terror, their bodies and minds are shattered as their soul is shredded to the point of death but never pushed to beyond the pale. The Eternal Slumber can freely travel through all those within a coma, either caused through his own glove, medically induced or through accident, trauma, medication or illness even surgery is enough for someone of Eternal Slumbers power to travel through and abuse.
Dream Demons of his power can even traverses though the resting mind of an exhausted or daydreaming subject even if only for a split second; this is something that can be accomplished by the Sleep Paralysis, Night Terror, Eternal Slumber, Sleep Death, and the Sandman. The Dreamcatcher, and Nightmare are limited to fully slumbering targets but don’t be fooled that they can’t slip into the minds of those suffering under Eternal Slumber or partial slumber; where the Dream Masters and Weavers are not able to traverse into the minds of those within Eternal Slumber but basically everyone else is fair game. As the Masters and Weavers grow in power they can begin to mimic the gifts of the elders and can become just as lethal as their seniors, there can be many Masters and Weavers but only ever one Titled Station and only true death can abandon a titled station. Hence why the Masters and Weavers can begin to mimic the powers of there elders, according to Mary Sue if one of the elders retires….well temporally, a junior will fill in the gap for a time to allow the senior to further master the dreaming and bathe in the miasma of neverland; yes they don’t actually retire, they simply return to hell to become empowered and grow in strength.
She reports that this order is quite old and each and every member has been within the Dream Warriors since the dawn of man save a few and those are mostly the Dream Weavers. Again the emphasizes that even a Weaver like Kingsley Quinn can be quite powerful and talented, they could very well be Dream Masters themselves but haven’t bothered to go through the process of ranking up within the order. Currently Andrew Yates, Raven Holmes and Rodger Manson are the youngest in the order and that is not saying much. Andrew is the newest of their ranks and he has already proven to be quite powerful in the craft, Raven and Rodger have been in for some time with the others being legends of the order and truly ancient beings. Rodger has been gifted a power to lure people into a pre slumber through his hooded lantern and lure them through the miasma until the come face to face with the fiend himself, for a Weaver it’s simply about understanding that dream power is simply untapped potential and once you understand and are able to harness the miasma anything is possible.
Arthur Swanson being a Dream Master is another example of how these underlings and untitled can still pack a serious wallop, this man has harnessed the power of Neverland and has been serving the order as long as the top three and personally turned down the station of Night Terror as he would become one of the first Weavers and first Masters. He has filed in for basically ever titled station through the years and is the only Dream Master to be held in such high regard that he can directly harness the miasma and than anything is possible, now don’t count of Hawthorne, Wesley and Wendell as these men can and will rend your souls and drag you straight to hell; they as well have filed in for the elders and gladly watch over the Weavers and police the dreaming for those that wish them harm.
The Dream Warriors are not simply lethal in the dreaming or Neverland, nope they can harness the dream power to affect the real world; they can summon items, weapons, increased abilities and basically as Swanson states “Don’t Dream It, Be It” allowing him to excel at basically anything he desires and allowing him to forever have an advantage within the waking world. You ever wonder how a little man like the Sandman can seem to be as powerful as a comic book supervillain…well it’s the Dream Powers and his mastery over the gifts granted to the Sandman, same goes for the rest of them, you have many FIP soldiers within this order and they are basically lame horses empowered through cyber and bio; though for those within the Dream Warriors can use the dreaming and the miasma to return to their prime. So if you ever face one of these Seventeen men consider them to be within their prime and suspect the unexpected from any of them as the elders can directly summon the miasma of the dreaming and than it’s good night Gracie.
She states that anyone with a brain should be worried about the Dream Warriors as they all serve within the Rebellion and have granted many within gifts from the miasma as well keep the war raging within the minds of the meek seeing that “War is Hell” and the product of nightmares for everyone; she as well reports that as the worlds population struggles to fall asleep at night, this simply empowers them further making them an asset to the Rebellions elders and seeing that Robert, Wilhuff, Arthur S, Wesley, Wendell, Arthur G, Kingsley, Hawthorne, and Carol all are considered the fathers of the rebellion…..yup we are screwed if this is true.
Robert Churchill (Rifter): <Sandman> And so begins the demise of the dream warriors. We begin with the Rifter, or Sandman as he is more commonly known. Given his name for the “rifts” into your mind that he opens and weaves. Should you fear this has been? Yes! Abso-fucking-lutely!!! He is very much alive and exceedingly dangerous. We have reports from Mary Sue, the only brave warrior willing to contend with these monsters, that he is an absolute nightmare and has been killing her soldiers for generations! None can stand up to his dream powers and it is going to take a concerted effort from her entire force in order to remove him – and that’s just one of these nightmares! This man is the apex of the dream warrior with his subordinates following his commands. Even his “friends” are afraid to cross or upset him. This man has been hiding in the shadows of the HRM just as the Hand hid in its shadow in order to hide. Does he care about elves – no! That is just a cover for his true goal of taking over the minds of everyone in the world. Why else would the master of mind control be promoted to his second?! Don’t be fooled, this man has played the field and played it well. All we can do now is try to escape his web of lies and deceit and hope we maintain our sanity in the end. This is the terror of the dream warriors.
Wilhuff Palpatine (Old Man): <Sleep Death> The master of mind control working for the master of dreams – talk about a match made in hell to destroy all that is holy. They call him “Sleep Death” here, but we in the now refer to him as simply “The Manipulator”. Now, I could go on for hours about how he has manipulated nearly every government this world has ever seen, hell according to our contacts and enemy he is much older than anyone even knows. He has twisted every civilization since the word existed and has used his powers within the dreams to king make and fell more rulers than anyone will ever truly know. Even now his most recent projects Oliver and Max have just come to fruition, but again I digress. I do think its funny that they think the glove is so deadly – for this man specializes in the lightsabers of his order. I wouldn’t be surprised if he had one that could pierce the dreams – or is making one. I’m sure his student Echo could help if she isn’t already just mind-controlled to all hell. With this one it is hard to figure out where dreams end and reality begins. In my opinion, a Horseman is always the most dangerous. Oh wait, Sandman is a Horseman. I wonder who is really in charge…..
Arthur Grimm (Slimer): <Eternal Slumber> Eternal slumber huh, sounds like the sounds made at a Temple during service. Oh wait, thats right – religion just feeds people dreams like heaven and hell. No wonder religion is so important to some of these fuckers. Slimer, the defacto leader of the Brothers Grimm. His brother Asmodeous controls them during the day and this asshole controls them at night. Got ‘em coming and going I’d say. Take your Hypnosil! This man is the third most powerful of the dream warriors which makes him a terror to say the least. His specialty is putitng you into a permanent coma that cannot awoken from. While not that special, the part that makes him unique is that you don’t have to be asleep first! You can be driving, talking to your wife and yelling at your kids to shut up and play on their phone one moment and then in a coma the next. That’s what makes all of these “named” (for lack of a better term) dream warriors a pain in the ass – you don’t actually need to be asleep! Thankfully if you register with the Dream Police they can monitor you and try to help defend your very soul. See their listing for information on how to sign up to be defended. It costs nothing and only takes a few minutes on the phone. I don’t know what they do, but I don’t know much about this type of magic since the Horsemen have been keeping it a secret (notice it isn’t in stage 5!!!). Stay awake – take your Hynosil – or call the Dream Police. If you sleep normally again you are not long for this world.
Orson White (War God) <Night Terror>
Shilling Horowitz (Politician): <Night Terror> Here sits another of the “named” individuals of this order. The mighty Night Terro – though apparently, he prefers to be called the Politician. Not sure that’s actually an upgrade… I will stick with the old name, for it is the one we all know. Especially his brother – you know. The one he has been tormenting for EONS. Does anyone ever wonder why Checkmate hunts dream warriors? That’s because they keep him up at night – literally! That’s why he never sleeps. Sleep just brings him pain and anguish. The brother of the alarm clock is known for much more than family torture, why he is so crazy in fact he actually LIKES Australia! You know, the place where everything is trying to kill you – even the air! The magical storms have supposedly blessed this Aussie, but me? I think it’s what drove him over the edge. What took him from a good person and twisted him into the evil, vile, unpredictable piece of shit he is today. Nobody from his real team the Second Hand Devils, though I think he is the right hand of Fishbowl and not the second one. He uses this association to spread more fear and bad dreams about his glove coming through a screen to kill you and rack up those dreamers in his pocket to boost his own power. He has no morals and through that compass out years ago. Stay away from all these assholes, but especially the one who’s own family can’t even trust him.
Shilling Horowitz Has been Terminated
Alvin Webster (Chronic): <Sleep Paralyses> Chronic – yes for the drug. This guy, like most FIP is high on pain killers and other toxins in order to move. So what is interesting about Sleep Paraylysis? Oh, who knows – maybe the fact that he is a Colonial Marine in addition to being a Dream Warrior and a Horseman! Can you say secret agent man (see node here ->! Double O – got it. Kingsman – grandmaster. Post office – President’s Men, check. This is the total package. Another Texas Elite and Rough Rider. Oh, and he is a part of the Santa Fe Ring. Enough badges? I hope not – cause those are the only ones I know. Given his family is in it, he is probably a Railroad assassin too along with being a former hand agent (cause everyone TOTALLY has a doppelganger these days). Oh – and how can I forget. He is a DRAGON SLAYER! Seriously – what is this guy not ?! For fucks sake his resume is a goddamn novel. 1 page is all you get motherfucker!!! Should be obvious – he is beyond lethal. He is a hunter (Dawn Guard to be specific), now known member of the Coven and the X-Men (oh god where is their real plane?!). I don’t know what to say except hope he gets stuck in an FIP nightmare and chokes on his own tongue. I’m not sure there is anyone here that can stop him. Don’t bother running, this bounty hunter will just make you die tired. Yeah, he’s one of those too. Whoopdie fuckin doo, add it to the list.
Ilesh Gunner (Apache): <Dreamcatcher> Ah yes – the traitor known as Apache. The mighty Ilesh Gunner; former Apache Renegade and supposed freedom fighter, though in reality just a spy and espionage artist for his own people. He has been fighting against the Natives for generations and couldn’t make it more clear as a member of the Texas Elite and a Jamestown member to boot. That’s right people, he has a Jamestown classic just like all of them do – so watch out for those curving bullets!!! Apparently, the native magics include the “Dreaming” as they call it. Only a little racist that the native is called Dreamcatcher – but that doesn’t matter to this group of degenerates. They only care about controlling everyone. This is Apache’s specialty – catching the dreams. He takes them from your very head and stores them in his catchers. Then he uses your deepest, darkest secrets within them to sabotage your life or blackmail into giving him and the others everything you own before they slaughter you like a pig. Do not be fooled by his calm demeanor and soothing voice. This man is one of the many devils in sheep’s clothing – except this one can hunt, skin, and prepare the clothing himself. Never stop looking over your shoulder – he can always be there!
Kenton Stanley (Nightmare): <Nightmare> Here sits a true nightmare, Nightmare himself. One of the bastards in this order who is “titled”. Though if you ask me he is secretly on our side since his station is the one that is known for betraying – isn’t that right Freddy wannabe? This little piece of work is simply trying to live up to his namesake, yet he will never be as good as the man who was “disgraced”. Luckily the man himself is very much alive, though we haven’t heard from him in a few days. He is one of the few dream warriors that can be trusted. He was demonized by these bastards in order to brainwash the public into trusting the evils that want to control the world in this order. He is the true hero that we can rely on to help us. All hail Krueger! As far as this shitty rattler goes, just throw a honey badger at him – they aren’t afraid of snakes. They just call them lunch. This guy hides behind the true monsters Rifter and Darth Miasma (talk about a conceited name) in order to use his magical gifts to wreak havoc. One piece of advice for dealing with Nightmare, either get to a safe place where Freddy can protect you, or avoid sleeping until he is dead. There is no other safe haven for you.
Howell Perkins (Sleepwalker): <Parasomnia> What’s better than having nightmares in this order? Why Death’s Hand enforcers of course! Who would think he is a Dream Warrior – nobody lives to see the next day anyway! Seriously, these dream bastards dream big, like world domination big! But don’t worry, like his old employers he is probably the beloved mayor or council member of some small town/free nation. Just wait, I’m sure it’s coming (or if not his “doppelganger” is). I’m not entirely sure that this entry is even accurate since our informant has suddenly gone missing (seriously, where the fuck did she go ?!). But if it is, just add it to the list of shit that makes this son of a bitch horrifyingly scary. As if it weren’t bad enough he is even here, he is a “named” member on top of it. I don’t quite know what parasomnia is (and I don’t feel like gaggling it – so sue me), but whatever it is it can’t be good. Whether he kills while you are asleep or in your sleep doesn’t really matter. Just remember, dead is dead. But to live through this one, just stay off the radar or stay awake. I’m investing in caffeine pills and coffee companies personally.
Hawthorne Holmes (Mind Freak): <Dream Master> Where you find one HRM assassin running the show there are always bound to be more. This one has made his entire name on being a “dream warrior”. Well, warning to all, he is nothing more than a powerful mage with some very high-quality adept friends. I’m not saying the Dream Warriors aren’t real, they are very real. I’m just saying you shouldn’t mistake illusion magic for dreams. This kid has been riding Ripley’s coat-tails since he joined the HRM and has been using the dream warriors as a cover for his lackluster capabilities for a long time. One wonders how you could be around for as long as the mind freak and have no experience or luck, but I suppose if you are a dreamer like him you can simply “make it up”. All you need do is have your powerful friends cover your six, and make a big show. Where did you think the new breed learned it from?! The next generation of course! And how do you make someone seem especially dangerous? Why, use your connections to the grandmasters to make him a member of the Purple Moon. Just doctor the paperwork so he achieves master status and you are good to go; nobody will ever question his capabilities. How they pulled the wool over Avalon’s eyes I don’t know (or more likely how they are blackmailing him), but it seems to have worked. There you have it, the true story of the freak, well the mind freak anyway.
Arthur Swanson (Proctor): <Dream Master> Ah, now if you are looking for a dreamer this is one of the kings of believing in things that are fake news – like the X-Men LOL. Talk about trying to use the dreams of children to hide another unique and specialized killing squad. Just call them something from the past and watch the sales soar as you get rich off the stock prices soaring. Good old Eddie makes up all nonsense he needs as if it is “dreamed up” and then tries to put it into practice. You ever see his robots? Talk about someone dreaming of Star Wars and trying to make it real. I still don’t know who did lightsabers first, but it’s obvious these dreamers have been using the power of movies and our imaginations to haunt us for centuries. Now don’t get me wrong, our contact was very afraid of this man, but I suspect it was more because his technical skills could engineer something to stop her (and maybe he has since she stopped transmitting recently). This grandmaster of the kingsmen is nothing to sneeze at, but that doesn’t make you a dream master. Stop trying to suck off your superior’s nipples and get your own act!
Wesley Burns (Burnsy): <Dream Master> Here we are, just who you would expect to be in the dream warriors. Another Horseman, have you noticed quite a few of them are in here? Well, this one is no joke. You see, the leader of an order (whether it be The Dream Warriors with Sandman, the Horsemen with Willhuff, or any other order) isn’t considered strong due to their own strength, but by the henchmen they can send. This member is one of the many that makes his bosses strong. This man (now being called multi-tool for some reason) is terrifying and makes any order he serves that much stronger by his reputation alone. Now, the kid writing the nonsense news was excited cause this guy took on some dragons. Well, big deal! You wanna know what’s impressive, making a GOD disappear – and from the silence of Mary Sue and her associates, it seems like she has been dealt with. We have eyes on most of the Dream Warriors, but this one almost always escapes our grasp. You can be sure that if the god of dreams has either gone to ground or been killed that this asshole had something to do with it. This man is confirmed to be able to cast spells of numerous elements and have weapons that seem like they are from a movie/television show. Avoid at all costs – his abilities in your dreams pale in comparison to his abilities in real life. I’m not sure where he is worse, but if he hasn’t taken out that glove while encountering all the things he deals with, you can assume he is more dangerous without it. Maybe in the dreams is the right place… Still recommend total avoidance. Not pissing this one off.
Wendell Flanigan (Snapper): <Dream Master> What a surprise, one of the so-called Lost Souls is a dream master. I suspect this will be a trend as there are already several demons on this roster. It probably makes sense seeing as the only way to believe you are hunting undead and other things that go bump in the night is to be in a never ending dream. That said make no mistake for the Snapper is no dream, he is all nightmares. This Mandalorian warrior (I didn’t come up with it – but someone apparently has evidence) not only runs around with a jetpack hurling spiked chains, but if you happen to get away then even in your sleep you aren’t safe. There he will just turn your own mind against you. Like all the masters it doesn’t matter if you grab them and then wake up – for they are just as dangerous in the real world as the dream one. Now, turtles may be known for their defensive capabilities, but make no mistake. This is one reptile that can bite, so just stay away and pray he is too busy with other problems.
Andrew Yates (Toad): <Dream Weaver> Ah yes, the family member who has somehow stayed out of the shit show known as the Death’s Hand AND the NWO. Talk about a sneaky, slimy, weaselly little child. Or maybe it’s because he doesn’t want to be told what to do – for once even I agree that parental guidance may be a bad thing in this particular case. Though don’t be dismayed, little Andrew here has followed in his older brother’s footsteps and formed his own team – a despicable little bunch. They rampage as child soldiers and hide behind the fact that most people just see them as kids and teens. Man, cyber and immortality drugs can do some seriously fucked up shit – just look at this team! Then again, what can you expect from the brother of the founding Harbinger (one of 2 still alive), the son of the Professor (only wanted second to a handful of people), and the grandson of the ultimate mind control specialist Willhuff Palpatine. Supposedly the whack from his bat helped re-awaken Willhuff, but that is insane. After all, you would have to have trained specially to strike someone in the head with a barbed wire covered bat and not just flat out kill them. This one is hiding a secret and when we find out what it is we will bring it to you and take him down. Enjoy your training during your slumber, for your final rest is coming to you boy.
Carol Webster (Air Wolf): <Dream Weaver> Great, just what this order needs – another Horseman and insane pilot. Who needs to dream when your boss is a Sith Lord – although I guess if they make dreams reality that explains how they do half the things they do. There was a report not long ago that somehow this man had brought a war airship into a dream realm to fight off McGowen and our savior Titiana – guess this explains how. Though seriously, how does a vehicle go from the real world to the dreaming – I didn’t think vehicles slept! I guess it helps to have a dream master with you after all! For those who don’t know, when flying, this man and the master Proctor are nearly inseparable. When they work together apparently they can go anywhere – literally! So what can you say about this Dream Weaver, well, quite a bit actually! Not only is he a Horsemen, but likely an apprentice too! Afterall, his father is a Sith Lord (all hail Darth Stomper) and if Mitch and Ben have taught us anything you can be sure Shelby is either a Darth or is on his way! We haven’t seen the sabre, but then again Horsemen are masters of under cover so don’t fall for this one’s long con. Now with the Alexandria conflict raging you can see this man’s raw skill at work. Though make no mistake, he still follows the hierarchy of this group in the air – he is always right behind Darth Miasma in the skies. The only upside to this is at least we know where these bastards are. Normally we have to guess, and guessing leads to death…
Rodger Manson (Boxcar) <Dream Weaver> Ok – seriously, what the hell is going on here. I could understand Nightmare (after all, he is a caster and known for dream magic), but you can’t seriously expect us to believe the brutal and insane Boxcar is one of these people too! I mean seriously, all he does is carry around that weird focus of his with the unique lights installed and tell ghost stories. That is unless he is brutalizing you and your people on the battlefield. They are Rattlers after all! All they do is hunt Native Americans for Colonial. They don’t have a moral compass or anything else that they serve, just the war god and the almighty credit. If this guy is a weaver, then what’s next? Is Monster a dream warrior too? Maybe he is named after the monster under your bed when you sleep. Nah, this whole thing makes no sense. This guy is obviously a mistake. He can’t figure out how his own head functions, let alone how the inner workings of anyone else’s mind. Make no mistake you should still keep your distance. Just because he isn’t a weaver doesn’t mean he isn’t dangerous – this is the fucking Boxcar we are talking about after all! I can understand how the mixup happened, he is always near Nightmare so there must have been some overflow. Run from him? Yes! Be afraid to sleep near him? Yes! But not because he is a dream warrior, but because he will kill you in your sleep dumbass.
Raven Holmes (Wicked): <Dream Weaver> The Wicked one huh? Sounds like she is quite the soul bandit – just like her father. He kills them while they are awake and she gets them while they sleep. Though don’t fret – I suspect he will be on this list someday too. After all, these powers are passed down genetically and if both Wicked and her brother Mind Freak are dream warriors, then dear old dad probably is too (that can be said for a few members on this page – just look at the Professor, Toad, and Walden. What we can say about Wicked for sure is that she is just on of Gunny’s nightmares. On the bright side, it is now coming to light that the Rattlers are just a special division of the Dream Warriors. I would add Gunny to the list of known allies now, but as a true journalist, I will look for additional proof first. If you are native I suggest Hypnocil since your dreamcatchers will do nothing – Apache himself guarantees it. Luckily if you aren’t Indian or Elven you are probably safe from these people since that is all they hunt, well at least for now anyway. Good luck maintaining your breathing cause there is no rest from the Rattlers now.
Real Name Unknown (Spectre): <Dream Weaver> Ah yes, the Spectre. The spook of the Jamestown’s that nobody can ever seem to find until his blade is in your chest. Just another example of an order infiltrating the Kingsmen for the Jamestown family and President’s Men. Though this one isn’t as well known as good ol’ Reverdy. Don’t worry your little head though, all the big crime families have infiltrated or run the agencies anyway. Look at the members of the Dungeon, PO Box, and all the elite special units. They are littered everywhere. It now appears that the common factor between all these units is the Dream Warriors. As if their people just thought up everything and kept a few toes in to make sure that it went the direction they wanted. Spectre here is just another of the dream gods/overlords keeping the lapdogs of the general public doing his bidding through his involvement in “government agencies”. Cause you know, the secret orders of assassins are there for everyone’s safety…
Kingsley Quinn (DC): <Dream Weaver> The great reporter – of course he is a dream warrior. This at least makes perfect sense. Think about it! What do most people do right before bed? Watch the news of course! They used to say that the great UCAS past-time was baseball, and yet most people hit the 10:00 pm news last before crashing for the night. How simple and yet we missed it. Just fill our minds with nightmare fuel using your powers just before we go to bed and take on all the power you could want. It will only be a matter of time before we see Anchor, Snoopy, Mr. Boston, Mr. Vegas, and Cyclops on this list. It’s the perfect position for a dream warrior to occupy! Why would you hide anywhere else when you gain access to your prey at their most vulnerable state – tired and exhausted from their wage-slave life! Where is Titiana when we need her?! These bastards are running rampant and without her to help combat them we are all fated to lose our free will!!! Worry not though, I will keep posting bios here until I turn into a mind-controlled zombie.
Franklin Quinn (Piranha): <Dream Weaver> Who should be right next to the great reporter? Why the man who send him the stories of course! What city gives more news than Seattle (formerly under this bastard’s gubernatorial control)? The country of the UCAS of course! It works perfectly!!! The AG fast tracks the cases to the gallows (permanent sleep) and then hands the story to Quinn and the others so that when people are interested they tune in. There must be some way to split the power between the two. They say devils used to exchange gold, so maybe there are sleep coins or something? I don’t know, but whatever these two are up to can’t be any good. After all, look at the show they just put on with Prichard. Everyone in the country was watching and boy did he help make sure there was a show. That scowl he disguised himself with to deflect blame at the start was nothing more than his perverted form of a smile. He watched gleefully as Prichard was embarrassed (heightening the viewership and show ratings for this evening) in order to gather power through all those who went to bed later that evening. You may think I’m crazy, but one day when he emerges wearing a crown as the king of slumber you will know I’m right.
Jeffery “Ashmore” Churchill (Rodian): <Dream Weaver>
Tracy Appleton (Set): <Unofficial Dream Master: Direct Ally & Known Enemy of the Dream Police> Set huh, well no surprise here. Magic that can control the masses – of course he is involved! What, so he is honorary huh. I guess that doesn’t matter when you are an Egyptian god! Don’t give me that look. He scammed an entire nation of people into believing he controlled death and on top of that was the leader of the closes thing to Nazis from ancient times! And yes – I do think he is that old. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was the one who actually gave Adam and Eve the apple! Since all you have to do is dream it to be it then you can assume he is many things. At the top of my list of things not to see or know, yeah his dreams are there. Though I’m not sure which of the honorary dream masters I would rather deal with less. This guy or the next one…
Real Name Unknown (Voorhees): <Unofficial Dream Master: Direct Support of the Sandman and Ally of all Dream Warriors> Oh god – ok seriously stop joking. Vorhees is a dream master? For anyone who didn’t believe us before, here is your proof. Vorhees doesn’t help you “sleep soundly”, he just helps sleep forever! He is LITERALLY the creation of nightmares from an ancient horror film – or should I be referring to that as a documentary?! Well !@#$%^&* me. I’m not even sure where I would rather encounter this one. He’s bad in real life (see the HRM page) and probably worse in the dreaming! I know, maybe if we dream of Crystal Lake we can drown him again. I will work on creating an unbeatable me in my dreams. Ah, who am I kidding? This is Vorhees – stay off his radar or you are just dead regardless of whether you are sleeping or awake.
<<<Update from our Lord and Master Krueger>>>
I have just received word from our protector Krueger that Mary Sue has been captured and imprisoned by the Hunters and the Coven with the aid of Darth Miasma and Stomper….He is still ranting about how Eddie and Shelby were able to bring there air warship into the dreaming to aid in the destruction of the Time Lord and his children. He also stated that the hunters have been growing in numbers as of recently, the dream warriors have been increasing and so have the wasteland outlaws; this according to Krueger is a serious problem for the sanctity of the free world. He states that these former pirates, whalers, highwaymen, and vampire hunters are actually an elite death squad that has been tasked with enslaving the minds of the mortals for their own nefarious purposes.
He continues to state that Mary Sue refused to even discuss the last of something called the Wild Hunt as she was utterly terrified of the man the call the Avatar Slayer, the man who defeated a god in mortal kombat and has punished many a dragon and stealing their very souls. Funny how this one works on a team with Deicide and he is the actual member that has killed a god and according to Krueger this is not a solitary event, he has slain multiple throughout his years. Mary Sue would simply shutter at the thought of this man ever returning to the game and was keeping him idol by simply forgetting his past do to the nightmares of his days within the Federal Immortality Project.
Now for some reason he has not only returned to the game but he is far more powerful then before he left, he has survived countless attempts on his life and yet he still lives. Krueger states that it would be the Avatar Slayer that would be the product of many nightmares for those that fought against the Dream Warriors and something called the Chimera Division. Krueger never normally acts frantic and yet when the return of Irving here, he has become very nervous and has retreated back to his sanctuary to command the Dream Police far away from this man.
He let us know that the Wild Hunt was an order of specialized hunters and dream masters that would breach the veil between the dreaming and the awake with ease, they could see the Chimera for what they were and would hunt them like the English hunted foxes. The Avatar Slayer was the leader of that specialized order and would command a large division of these hunters that stalked the dreaming like a native stalking the plains, the would never fail to miss their target and they would always make sure the death was brutal and terror inducing.
Krueger states that his fear is real and personal seeing that it would be the Avatar Slayer that would be the one who would find him within his old sanctuary and rip him from the dreaming after brutalizing his innocent soul. Once within the land of the awake Irving here would basically narrowly kill him, Krueger states that if it wasn’t for Mary Sue interfering and sending her personal guards at the Avatar Slayer he would have finished the job.
Now according to Krueger that was when his Wild Hunt members where displaced and killed, as many of them had fallen victim to her many traps…..though she would loose many innocent souls in the process, but she was able to defeat the order. Mary Sue and Krueger figured that without his hunt this Huntmaster would be easy pickings for her countless swarm, well both Krueger and Mary Sue were dead wrong as the Avatar Slayer would prove to be more then a handful for even the best of Mary Sue’s people. He tore spines out of the bodies, removed vital organs, wielded cold iron like it was an extension of his body and prove that he is the king of the hunt…….with only the Pale Rider being a near equal, that is left up to debate though as Krueger is also very terrified of that vampire hunter.
The Avatar Slayer would vanquish the hordes of Chimera that swarmed him leaving a bloody pile of dismembered bodies in his wake, he would then narrowly kill Mary Sue as he punched into her chest and grabbed hold of her heart with his evil hand. It would be her magical defense and Krueger’s aid that would allow the two to slip away and avoid total destruction. He goes onto state that if it wasn’t for the involvement of Mr. White and his relentless pursuit of the Avatar Slayer, Pale Rider, Grassy Noel, and the Invincible One that team of specialized hunters would have surly brought an end to Krueger and the Chimera….not to mention the Kindred Empire, the Chantries of the Fifth World, the Courts of the Dreaming, the Spiral and the Empire of the Oblivion…whatever the hell those are is beyond me, though Krueger states they are vital and important.
Mr. Smith engaged in a relentless pursuit of the fugitives until he was able to weaken them and eventually capture them…..that would be his first mistake and is a point of contention between Krueger and Mr. Smith, seeing he captured those immortal hunters in order to experiment on them. Krueger had paid for them to be killed and dealt with permanently, well it seems Mr. Smith’s ego got the better of him and he choose to experiment on them in hopes to control their minds and powers for his own personal gain and it would be this hubris that would allow for Inferno to locate the mysterious Room 9 and rescue his friends from a fate worse than death.
Problem Mr. Smith had given these monsters a gift and had made them far worse then ever before as he imbued them with new mystical technology and had granted them equipment from something called the Hitmark Program…..these men where the first and they escaped thanks to Inferno, but Mr. Smith states that the program worked and further subjects would not escape. This didn’t make Krueger and the other happy though as the Avatar Slayer was already a serious problem and now so would the other hunters, they had been given a gift that would eventually come back to bite Smith and Mary Sue right in the ass.
The Wild Hunt might have been dealt with, though a new Wild Hunt was being groomed and trained, Irving had found others with the gift and had begun training them in the ways of the Wild Hunt. They would partner up with the Dream Warriors, Hunters, and other so called protectors of humanity to continue their lethal work. Now why is this needed information as the new Wild Hunt is still around and had been simply laying dormant it’s numbers far smaller then the original Hunt but this time it’s far more lethal as they have been groomed and trained by the last of the original Hunt the bloody Huntmaster.
Though for Mary Sue and Krueger do to a weird side affect of Smith’s work and Mary Sue’s magic the Huntmaster had gone dormant and this would allow for them to recoup their people and as well formulate an attack on the Huntmaster before he regained his gifts…….well as much as Mary Sue and Smith tried it was to no avail as he would simply vanish into the shadows or defeat her soldiers once again, even without his powers and gifts he was still more then a handful for those that wished his demise.
The simply chose to ignore him and hope that his lives choices would kill him, seeing he was working for the government, raising a family and living in a not so nice part of the city. The many wars raging through his mind would keep him pacified and his disdain for the government would be his crutch and for Krueger, Mary Sue and Smith the decreed the Avatar Slayer hands off out of fear that a steady flow of attacks would invoke a memory and only one is needed for this Slayer to be restored and then it’s game over.
Well it seems that over time the Slayer was restored and his powers are back and beyond where he once stood. This man can become the shadows, he can move like the wind and acts like the reaper of souls, he recently was engaged with forces in NYC and in a single move he swooped through the shadows appeared to have traveled through his target and once he reappeared in front of the victim he was holding the poor souls rib cage……mind you his hand was clenched on the heart as the rest of the viscera and lungs poured out. People this is the leader of the Wild Hunt, this is a man that has trained the new Hunt and this is the man that works directly for the Hierarchy of the Dream Warriors and has been bestowed the title of the Shattering…..again not sure what that means and where he sits on the totem pole, but seeing has been trained by those in command and has many unique gifts one can say high.
So basically Krueger is now worried that this Slayer is now fully back in the game and with Mary Sue, and the Time Lord having gone missing and presumed imprisoned seeing they have a way to cheat death……and to think that was before the Slayer was back in the game. He states that if he goes missing it will be the Slayer to blame and for all those that have heard his message to hunt down the Huntmaster and bring him to his demise, the world will be safer for it.
According to Krueger be cautious when engaging any of these Dream Warriors as they are extremely dangerous, beyond lethal both asleep and awake and have been alive for eons if not longer perfecting there craft. These men are not to considered weaklings or posers and that includes Mind Freak… of my associates is claiming that Mind Freak is nothing more than a gnat, but according to Kreuger he is a full fledged Dream Master and has bested some of Mary Sues finest and well survived Krueger and Checkmates wrath.
Krueger has given us in the Demure the exclusive right to expose the New Wild Hunt and let the world know about more of the Darth Miasmas secret police that will be used for the inevitable New World Order take over. I will list them under the last of the original Wild Hunt, the man called the Shattering is the last of the true Chimera hunters and like the last of the Vampire hunters it seems the Chimera are far more lethal as their is only one of them versus the three Vampire hunters…..also the Slayer was something called the Mage Bane, and the Wolf Render……..not sure what that means either but I do understand the title of Dragon Slayer and the order of the Dawnguard that he serves as well; so basically this Slayer also tangles with the Vampires so they must be weaker then the Chimera or he is just that damned good that he multi tasks.
Krueger is concerned that seeing he is back in the game now that he will bring her empire crashing down and destroy or capture Krueger thus ending eons of work in defending humanity from these demonic beings. Please reach out to the Dream Police for they are hiring and can as well help protect you from the Dream Warriors, demand Hypnocil from your doctor, and pray you aren’t seen as nothing more then a fix in this new hunt as you will never survive the Slayer……he truly brings a new meaning to Fear of the Dark.
In conclusion the Slayer, Pale Rider, Invincible One, Grassy Noel and Inferno (Burnsy) have been grooming a new generation to continue the mantle of slaying and hunting…..they have been seen hanging around and training Peaches, Doodle, Aloha, Tails, and Biscuit so be worried that they are trying to restore their ranks with some of the newest blood on the streets and in the game. Dawnguard seems to be part of this as well seeing there ate many of Dawnguards finest within the Dream Warriors or direct allies of these groups. Also there is something called the Koala Division and Nuka Strike Team One…..and only one team of Koala Kola Warriors.
They are called the Koala’s seeing they are silent, patient and yet very lethal and will tear your face off and rip you limb from limb if you get to close or disturb them…….again still gathering information on this Koala Division and the Nuka Warriors, still not sure why they call themselves the Nuka Strike Team One or the Koala Kola warriors……must be their passion for soda and their collecting of bottle caps as the Slayer wears one on his lapel and so does Oh God………..Brooklynn, Anchor, and Duke!! Ya we are screwed if that lineup is part of this shit show as well, we in the Demure support our Lordship and will continue to report the truth and aid our fearless leader to avenge his beloved bride.
Maxwell Irving (Avatar Slayer) <The Wild Hunt – Huntmaster>:
Montgomery Palpatine (Pale Rider) <Slayer>:
Charles Palpatine (Invincible One) <Slayer>:
Addison Mayweather (Grassy Noel) <Slayer>:
Orson White (War God) <Slayer>:
Hale Henderson (Sequoia) <Slayer>:
Gibson Rockford (Chance) <Slayer>:
Huntsmen of the Wild Hunt
Grady Williams (Hydro):
Russell Bookman (Brooklynn):
Donald Gray (Duke):
Real Name Unknown (Q-Bert):
Alfred O’Bannon (Anchor):
Augustus Blarney (Guinness):
Adrian Longtooth (Blackfoot):
Emerson Appleton (Peacemaker):
***All Information has been provided by Mary Sue and hereby is deemed credible but unconfirmed as it contains many firsthand encounters, her personal studies and those of the Dream Police and her long standing feud with the “Dream Warriors”; so think critically here and consider this to me nothing more than an opinion peace and not one of fact.
Dream Warrior Sleep Paralysis (L) speaking with Horsemen and newly awakened Dream Weaver (R)
Alvin Webster (L), Franklin Quinn (R)
***Let the training begin as the long standing master of the dreaming begins the tutoring of his close and personal friend, Franklin Quinn is the newest Dream Weaver and what’s worse is he is the current Governor of Washington State. Seems the Dream Masters run rampant through the Horsemen as eight of their current rank are active Horsemen with the elders Robert Churchill, and Alvin Webster holding top tier status and Horsemen leader and founder Wilhuff Palpatine being the second most powerful among the elders known as the Dark Man.
Dream Masters Sleep Death or the Dark Man (L) & Sleep Paralysis (R)
***Horsemen founder and leader “Old Man (L)” caught strategizing with fellow Horsemen and Colonial Marine Commander “Chronic (R)”, whatever these two spooks are speaking about needs to worry every citizen of the free world as these men are masters of mind control and are two of the most powerful dream masters seeing they hold direct title.
Sleep Paralysis (L) and The Dark Man (R)
***More verification of the coalition between the Colonial Marines and the Horsemen as the Old Man and Chronic have been spotted conversing within the FBI Building in the FDC, what the hell are they up too and what the hell does the FBI Director need with a Colonial Marine. People this is a full blown crisis, these men are both masters of mind control and it turns out they are as well both masters of this “Classified” form of magic called the “Dreaming”. What are the Horsemen hiding and what is the UCAS Government hiding, seeing the Horsemen control every aspect of our Intelligence, State and Justice Departments…….is the President actually the President or is the Old Man the one pulling the puppet strings, seeing the Horsemen even control the media divisions. People this is a serious problem the N.W.O. is already here and they are the bloody Horsemen